Back to the Dawn - Dark Max Security Prison Break RPG

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what's up guys and gals and welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of indie games we're gonna be taking a blind look at a game called back to the dawn this is a game that like if you effectively took zootopia and you turned it into all criminals that were all in prison and they're all thieves and murderers and killers and you turn it into a game about staging a jailbreak to get out that's basically what this game is you are a fox and or a panther basically you get to pick a character at the beginning of the game to play as and they have different storylines and different things they're trying to accomplish inside of jail but you have to pick a character it's an rpg you can level up you can get stronger you can get into fights you know you can steal you can rob you can craft you can do all that kind of stuff and so we're gonna go on the inside today lock lockdown everybody back to the dawn this demo is publicly available to anybody that wants to play it as of right now so you're more than welcome to check it out i'll put a link for you down below in the description on top of that you can also find a link to my discord and my twitch stream just in case you wanted to hang out live with me any given day of the week but let's get on into this dude i know you guys like it when i play prison games and i'm going to get you learned up i'm going to get you rock solid you're going to understand all the rules of the game by the time we're out of here i'm going to give you that inside the prison advice all right so the first thing we got to do is pick our character uh we can play as thomas fox or i guess thomas the fox looks like he's got four constitution three strength five agility five intelligence and it looks like he is drawn into the city's shadowy underbelly while investigating a story he's a journalist okay or there's bob who is a panther he's an undercover detective that poses as a criminal and infiltrates the prison for a top-secret mission yeah it's not altogether uncommon occasionally undercover guys will for like really serious rico cases and stuff for infiltration will take a couple years on their jacket in order to like get used to it and have like the vetted credibility basically uh we'll start out i mean this guy his stats are utterly absurdly amazing so let's start out with thomas the fox because i feel like that's going to put us a little bit behind the baseline and make things a little bit more interesting so far i'm really liking this menu and the way that it's animated like the backgrounds and everything else that they've used it's a good looking game like they've made solid aesthetic decisions right here just on the intro portion of getting into the game now we got to pick what kind of journalists we want to be we can be a broadcast journalist that means that we are better at negotiation we're smarter uh our positive ability is that chatting with people takes half as much stamina and we get a plus one charisma for the purposes of that activity our negative effects are that if we don't shower every single day we lose sanity okay we can be an undercover journalist that adds two extra pocket slots and the max violation of carried items is plus 20. we get an extra agility and we get crafting skills on top of that our negative effect is that when we make a challenge with a success rate of less than 30 we're not allowed to re-roll we can be a war correspondent that makes us stronger so we get plus one to strength and the duration of medicine is extended by one hour and then apparently our hunger and our stamin and everything else are extended our negative effects are that if we have a nightmare we can't easily forget them let's go with the war correspondent that sounds pretty cool i like all three but we'll do the war correspondent if it's the law of the jungle in this city then how are we any different from wild animals i mean we're not we're just like animals wearing pants man that's pretty much it dear viewers i'm here at lama leg river near the black marsh chemical plant in skid road as you can see the river is purple it also has a very pungent odor i'm with one of the residents of the riverbank let's hear his thoughts on the matter oh he's a beaver that's why he's next to the river my thoughts this damn chemical plant opened two years ago and it's already devastated the surrounding area those heartless sons of must have dumped sewage into the river at night now all the fish are dead just smell that stench so many kids are sick they can't stop coughing and have rashes all over their bodies it's messed up okay so it's kind of like if you live in martinez with the refineries gotcha like everybody's got emphysema uh and if you inform the authorities such as the environmental protection agency or city hall of course but they're useless none of them want to take responsibility i heard that the mayor's nephew has shares in the plant the bastards are all in on it together they see us poor people and skid road is less than nothing viewers is the tragic situation here really the result of illegal sewage dumping and is the inaction of the authorities due to the mayor's involvement we'll continue to investigate the story so stay tuned for follow-up reports i'm thomas the fox woodpecker tv reporting live from excellent interview your reputation is well deserved i'm sure you didn't ask me here just to watch a video with you mr campaign manager indeed not we're both busy guys so i'm going to get straight to the point as you know the mayor's four-year term is almost up and the election is just around the corner he's seeking re-election has hired me angelo as his campaign manager the mayor's asked the eraser for help but he must be desperate the eraser that's baseless slander i'm a serious social activist let's get back to the point cards on the table the mayor does indeed have a certain relative who holds shares in the plant but the mayor wasn't aware of that fact and no so-called power for money deal ever took place but your interview may cause some of the more unsophisticated citizens to misunderstand the situation so i hope that you'll reconsider your follow-up report to avoid any further misunderstandings i'm just doing my job what a great journalist i admire your passion for your work but there's more to life than work there's way more so what are you trying to say a little birdie told me you're still renting some fleabag apartment and broke up with your girl not too long ago and no friends to speak of other than that lawyer that you went to school with your aggressive reporting gets you in trouble and he's the one that has to clean up those messes alright so you've done your research this is beginning to sound like threats you flatter me i'm trying to make a point we both find ourselves in situations that are less than ideal and we can help each other knuckles briefcase wait so you hang out with a guy named knuckles yeah you're definitely not on the up and up man what's this you trying to bribe me you've got me wrong i want you to join our campaign staff as head of pr this is your starting fee someone of your talent working as a tv reporter it's a waste i want to give you an opportunity so will you join us or will you carry on with thankless reporting you're a smart fox i'm sure you'll make the right choice i mean either way this feels like he's got me caught in a trap just by being in this room with him and i feel like i walked into it like an idiot if i decline the money something bad's gonna happen and if i take the money i'm obviously being set up so it's a bad situation this is not great well might as well go out with our honor intact put your money away i'm not for sale it's unfortunate since you're so determined to be stubborn i have no other choice is the eraser about to show us two colors he can't buy me so he has to threaten me are you looking for the chance to erase me as well nah you're the hot shot who broke the contamination story if you were to disappear it'd be a major headache after all the public do love to engage in wild speculation i'm glad to hear that if there's nothing else i'll be leaving and i promise you'll see a follow-up report real soon take care you have a nice day you'll regret this foolishness sergeant norman this is my precinct is this are you the owner of this car yeah is there a problem officer we received an anonymous tip that the car has illegal substances uh we're gonna have to check check up front eric move your ass turn the trunk inside out sir there must be some mistake that's for us to determine sit tight i'm gonna need to see a warrant my guys uh i'm gonna need to see a warrant here i'm pretty sure there's nothing there's no probable cause i i don't think that we're violating any clear view doctrine here i'm gonna need to see a warrant i'll wait huh i found it he was hiding something and it looks like grade a stuff i mean i don't know anything about that that's right shaggy defense it wasn't me shut your mouth save it for the station what a great day i think i'll have another drink okay well there you go i'll let you pause and read all that since there's a lot of it but let's get moving we're going to jail i'm locked up they won't let me out they won't let me out i'm locked up won't let me out damn dude how come all the other animals in here are way bigger than a fox there we go i bet i could rough up that possum or that platypus or that koala there we go they're a little bit smaller than me standard attention listen good fish from now on you're inmate 1220 i'm captain bruce and my words of the law you will obey do you understand i understand speak up i can't hear you i understand sir good now get your ass to sell three and make it snappy he called us inmate that's a good start inmate is fine you don't let a guard call you a prisoner here it is fish your new home before you go in one last thing head counts in the lobby at eight o'clock you better not be late get out of my sight yeah that guy talks a lot but now's not the time to waste energy getting mad it's been a week since my conviction and i still haven't met with reid i don't know how the appeal is progressing but i need to contact him asap ask the prisoners they'll know how to contact the outside well let's introduce ourselves to our celly hey i'm thomas your new cell mate oh hey i was just reading a letter from my girlfriend i'm sam nickname's ratchet i was a mechanic on the outside uh never ever ever admit you're a journalist in jail i work in tv they're gonna figure it out anyways cause they're gonna pull your jacket in a couple days but anyways hey no wonder you look familiar i might have seen your show how can i contact the outside i need to talk to my lawyer of course this is a modern prison you can write a letter like me or if you're in a hurry there's a pay phone in the lobby you can try after a head count but there's usually a line a phone that's good news i'll call after head count okay so we have some time to kill it looks like we came in with 50 bucks it looks like we have 120 stamina so most actions will require your stamina and then we've also got focus points and so they allow us to re-roll our challenges if we fail at those challenges all right we've also got the price of justice over here so leave the cell and go to the lobby for head count okay this table looks older than me but i guess beggars can't be choosers in this place maybe i can use it as a workbench all right so we can craft on here can i make anything cool oh i can make a paper crane what was the movie where he folds paper cranes in prison i can't remember now that's gonna bug me it wasn't a movie it was it was prison break that's what it was michael schofield i forgot dude that's what they're referencing right there it's from the tv show prison break the main character likes to make paper cranes and he leaves messages inside of them all the time but anyways it does look like we can do some lightweight crafting inside of here apparently i came on the inside with one piece of paper on me i don't know if i can open my inventory or anything right now but we don't have a pen or a pencil so we can't write a letter there's a plant here this potted plant seems to be made of plastic if i want to grow a plant i guess i'll have to wait for the full version okay well thanks for telling me i like it when demos are up front about that kind of stuff my stomach hurt bro i swear to god if you beef it in the cell dude a cell etiquette 101 dude don't smoke out the cell looks like this rickety iron frame is my bed the bottom bunk's been taken i'm on top yeah that's pretty common and new fish always go on the top rack that's pretty much just the way it goes like it's basically on a seniority system like the longer you've been in or like the more respected you are you get the bottom rack the bottom rack's considered better because the blankets hang better off the bottom rack and like it's it's it's basically one of those weird prison things like general rules for our new fish if you're gonna be like on a top rack if our fox doesn't know is that the bottom of your foot should never come into the contact with the mattress of the bottom guy's rack that's like big time disrespect that'll get you in trouble instead when you're climbing up you slide your toes underneath the mattress and push up and over and when you're coming off the top you slide off without making any contact with the bottom rack also you don't eat on top rack if you eat on top rack you rain crumbs down on the guy underneath you whether he whether it actually happens or not it's considered to be like disrespectful there's a whole bunch of rules you got to follow when you got a top rack versus a bottom rack honestly all right a storage cover looks like i have my own space there seems to be a piece of paper on top the prison schedule okay let's look at that schedule real quick all right morning head count at eight o'clock lunch is at twelve one o'clock is wreck so we've got yard time 17 so 5 30 is dinner time 6 o'clock the bathroom opens up and lockdown is at 10 o'clock okay okay and there's all the stuff we can carry around so we've got some chewing gum we've got a caramel bar and we've got a piece of paper i'll throw the piece of paper in there right now so i'm not carrying it around with me let's go ahead and jump on out of the cell and it looks like time actually doesn't go by if you're just like doing your thing it's like i made it in time ted shut right shut your mouth head counts up one two three forty four forty seven three inmates missing two in the infirmary one in seg that's all listen up today's the first of the month which means some more have joined you i'll warn you now don't try to stand out from the crowd you try to be a smart ass in my domain and i'll show you no mercy now let's get down to business all newcomers listen and listen good to enable you lazy maggots to earn your keep the prison offers work assignments there are vacancies in the laundry room for now so many new inmates who want to earn some money should apply with me remember don't be choosy about your job if you don't want to do it somebody else will yeah ain't that a truth anybody they can get on work program dude i shut the hell up i don't have time to listen to your whining dismissed like a lot of people don't understand why you take work detail when you're in the joint but as i understand it it's real real boring and getting paid like 11 cents an hour to do something all day and have some semblance of normalcy going to work at like nine in the morning and getting done at like three in the afternoon uh it helps a lot of people when they got a strong bid in front of them when they got that real grown man time uh prison work i do need some cash and i've only got a couple coins in my pocket but the top priority right now is to call reid he's probably waiting to hear from me yeah let's go hop in line for the phone come on it's been so long you showed my script to the director or not what what do you mean you can't get a chance you're his assistant do you have any idea how important this script is to me my entire comeback is riding on it seriously can't you just get it all together don't forget who helped you when you're at your rock bottom oh time is going by right now i don't know if it was just going by as a result of me listening to the conversation i could try to persuade him to leave or i can pay him 10 bucks 28 ain't great though let's just pay him hey i'm in a hurry let me use the phone man fine i was finished up anyways all right let's make a call hello inmate 1220 you can make two calls today you'll be charged ten dollars per call a ninety dollar service charge is added for your first call i knew it wouldn't be that simple seems like this place is shadier than i thought i mean i don't have a hundo stack i got 40 bucks right now so we need to make a hundred bucks in order to make this call and get to our lawyer attention what is it what you want to work good inmates should stay busy and i've got some good news right now you can apply to work in the laundry room without good conduct credits this is a special privilege for a new fish like you if you're interested come and fill out the form all right yeah do it your application's approved from now on you're doing the laundry room it's a great job fish you're gonna love it so how do i get there simple you see this fence gate go out from there before lunch and the guard will take you to the workplace on the other side of the corridor but don't try any funny business the work area is watched by snipers on the tower you wouldn't want to get your head blown off now would you okay you have a work permit but i can't find a health certificate you have to go to the infirmary for a physical you got to pass that before you can work all right i guess i got to go to the infirmary all right according to the regulations all new inmates have to go to the infirmary for a physical do you want to go now yeah let's go do it the guard at the end of the corridor is going to escort you behave yourself yeah i'm guessing i'm missing work today uh because of the physical you here for your physical doc's in the consultation room you can go in by yourself come meet me in the corridor when you're done don't stay in there too long all right i won't cause any trouble um i'm assuming she's the one we gotta talk to you calling me hey you're new here aren't you yeah i'm fernando the anteater i've been here for five years as somebody who knows a thing or two let me give you a little piece of advice danger lurks around every corner in this place especially for newcomers it's best to have some medicine just in case i was a surgeon before i was in here helping people is what i do one more thing it also means i get to work in the infirmary i can get all kinds of good stuff like alcohol and painkillers come to me if you need it we can discuss a price i thought he seemed too good to be true all right well apparently we've earned a rapport with fernando the ant eater he's got sharp claws and worked as a surgeon before he came in okay what's up with this dude i need peace okay i'll leave him alone i don't want to talk yeah i'm get i get the feeling you're in a prison infirmary you had kind of a bad time an intercom it seems that even if you come to the infirmary you can't see the doctor um i can lockpick it huh okay we don't know the code to the door how do i get my physical there was stuff inside of there i don't know what line of sight looks like though i guess we test it hopefully they don't make me do the old squat and cough when we get out of here oh cool that helped my health out nice how do i do my consultation i should go to the consultation room to get checked out can i go in yet hello how can i help you i'm here for a physical come on in i got some free time all right so you get a brief physical hi i'm beth from your records i can see this is your first time in the infirmary i'm the doctor here i'm responsible for all the inmates ailments big and small every day i leave at 5 30 sharp i don't like overtime i understand that i wouldn't want to work a prison at night either if you get hurt during the night guard bran is going to administer your trip yeah assaulting medical staff at a prison is like one of the worst things you can possibly do i virtually guarantee you the cos are gonna give you the boot party of your life and you're gonna be drinking out of a straw my mom was a medic at a prison and it doesn't turn out too well for people that try to assault the medic because really the guard's line of reasoning on it is if the medic is out and i get stabbed or i get wounded there's nobody to patch me up and now i die so like attacking the medical staff or anything in prison probably not gonna happen and if it does that prisoner's gonna wish he was never alive i'll tell you that all right so if you get hurt during the night the guard bran will administer the drip he's not a doctor but he has some training so you don't need to worry all right test results first of all congratulations there's nothing major wrong with you but considering unsanitary conditions here you can never be too cautious i'll give you a vaccination to protect against the infectious diseases around here wait i'll just get it from the pharmacy you're just gonna leave me unattended inside of here what should i do now uh yoink everything bro that's what you should do what else we got around here we got some like rubber gloves dude oh i got no more space in my pockets what's up with the computer there might be useful information here our desktop is a mess do it boom baby there seems to be something in this folder see here tim the sloth chronic or chronic skin condition not contain just requires injections every monday and thursday jimmy giraffe hypertension mild complications kevin koala hypersomnia diego alpaca type 1 diabetes bob the panther hyperthyroidism kidney stones and chronic stomach ulcers god is there anything not wrong with him seems the patients come to the infirmary regularly let's see here congratulations on going to one year payo hub giving you thousands of amazing videos at your fingertip your frequently watched category adult has been updated with 126 new videos i never thought she'd be in the same stuff i am all right what's up with this uh we have millions of quality singles and you are bound to find the one okay this is just getting sad bro all right mel thank you for the cookies you sent last week sorry i haven't been to visit but i've been down lately i broke up with toby i was dependent on him after all we've been together on and off since college i even used his birthday as the code for the consultation room door i'm taking things one step at a time and i've changed the code to my birthday now hopefully soon i'll be able to get over him for good i've definitely come around for dinner in a few days please don't worry about me so the consultation room code is her birthday yeah nothing inside of there can i i was gonna say are her medical records in here dude i was gonna try to check on her i was gonna try to check on her birthday all right sit down in the chair yeah sit and wait are you ready for your shot um yeah did you know that prison rules say i'm not allowed to talk to inmates so why are you talking to me because i'm the only one in the examination room have you ever tried not talking to somebody for an entire day i sometimes wonder who the real prisoner is you know my mom literally said the exact same thing when she worked in a jail as a medic for like eight years so why are you a prison doctor i'm just a stupid girl trying to piss off for even stupider father family trouble let's leave it there for a while all right here goes stop shaking or i can't find the vein after receiving a shot you leave the consultation yeah but was it like the one that makes your arm all numb like the tetanus one dude that shot sucks i want some water yeah well i want to not be in prison so i guess none of us are getting what we want here today in may 12 20 requesting gen pop they didn't shake me down on the way out damn dude okay all right it's kind of loosey-goosey around here is that guy taking a dump in the corner you talking to me what's up man just keep it down you're gonna scare him oh there's nobody else here all the little elves can't you see them dancing on the tip of my nose and the lobster knights climbing up my legs oh i get it you're high as a kite and you're hallucinating no i'm a magical chef this is my psychic power and i guess you added herbs and spices to your food huh yeah dude i put some mushrooms in it taste it out of this world the effects clearly haven't worn off yet i'm going to leave them in his own world for right now apparently i made friends with diego the alpaca all right cup of coffee sounds good yeah let's get it oh we can't get coffee though where's the coffee at this must be the only mailbox in town that isn't covered with ads i thought it was a coffee maker man so it's just hot water that's it oh don't drink that that's gonna make you upset to your stomach dude what is this guard surveillance they are watching you oh it tells you all right so now we can work there we go let's go check out our work detail and see how this works washing machines are so loud in here let's see what work i can get done i honestly don't even know what i'm supposed to be doing i assume that i iron stuff right ironing board looks like it's the job here so what do i do there might be some instructions on the wall let me take a look um or i could just talk to somebody else and be like what do i do machine is taller than me but it's tiny compared to everything else here it's been moved here yeah move the machine there we go what's up with the trash can anything good in here dude you didn't find anything all right ironing board instructions workers must be provisioned and use left click to start ironing left click again to stop ironing times for the five types of clothing top 11 minutes pants 10 minutes vest nine minutes underpants eight minutes socks seven minutes the closer the actual ironing time is to the specified time the more pay you get okay in order to proof efficiency and reduce costs each worker must finish ironing three items of clothing in succession before he can receive his salary okay i don't know if i need to memorize this or if like the quicktime event is just going to tell me top was 10 pants were were i mean top was 11 pants were 10 so piece one is pants ironing time is 10 minutes okay oh i gotta like memorize how long it goes why does the stopwatch go away piece two is underpants ironing time is eight minutes why wouldn't the stopwatch just stay up like my man can't count like one macaroni in his head oh dude i got it on seven i was trying to count my head but like the ironing time is nine minutes all right one two three four five six seven eight nine there we go all three done wonder how much i'm gonna get paid probably nothing bro oh you still get paid something that's not too bad that's not too terrible uh it looks like we can go again maybe it might put us a little late for lunch but i mean honestly we could use the cash for the pay phone all right so it's the top 11 seconds one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven ah close okay i was a little fast i mean i was a half second fast but we still did all right uh eight minutes for the underpants one two three four five six seven eight not bad not bad okay we got it we got it seven minutes here one two three four five six seven boom baby i'm the king of the laundry room let's go [Music] all right so we got our money for the pay phone now let's go ahead and head on out and we'll see i mean i should probably work a little bit more i'm sure they kick you out at lunchtime can we get into this back room right here detergent mixing room what's up with this box full of jars softener nothing else written on them they're clearly the cheapest chemical ingredients all right what's up with this what's up with the who's bernard don't get too close to me hey what are you looking at i'm just wandering around i'm not disturbing you am i nah sorry i'm kind of on edge dude why you pissed somebody off i'm a former detective so you could say that i caught a lot of bad guys in my time and more oh dude you're done for you ain't gonna make it how come they didn't put you in adsec dude eat your toast if i was any less cautious i might have been taken out a long time ago sounds terrible but how did a detective end up in prison were you framed too i don't want to talk about it right now maybe i'll tell you if i get a chance later yeah this is not the place for you my man you're gonna have some big problems you better get a rear view mirror installed in your forehead bro all right let's go get our food see if we can get some munchie crunchies on oh our food costs money in here you gotta love it okay oh dude they've got like sushi though dude wrapped up in the nori okay okay i'm just gonna take the toast for right now well i'm missing like 80 stamina maybe i'll shell out yeah dude maybe maybe i'll shell out for like a good meal you know what i mean yeah let's uh let's get some french fries dude is there like an empty table i was gonna say i'm gonna come over here i'm not trying to slap down next to a bunch of people i don't even know and get my muffin took bro feel the sudden urge to get some exercise oh i think my man's got to take a dump i think he's got to take a poopity-doopety's dude okay so we poop our pants when our digestion gets up to 20. gotcha like i think we're solid here but i'm not trying to like actually talk to any of these guys or like make friends with any of them what does this say everyday toast is free pumpkin porridge okay i do like that for the ui elements and whatnot it's actually like a clipboard that comes up that you take a look at and everything like for what it's worth i actually think the game has a lot of little cool ui details and like aesthetic choices that have been made and we get rec time in 30 minutes what's up with this like what's up with this rabbit hey friend you like magic i mean i only know a couple of card tricks allowed me to introduce myself i'm whitey magician i'm planning a prison magic show it's so boring in here if there was an exciting magic show i'm sure everybody would pay to see it kind of magic would you say is exciting the death slice and the rabbit hole of death are my specialties those names sound appealing so you're interested in the show huh yeah sure it's better than sitting to my cell all right we'll start rehearsing tomorrow we're rehearsing yeah for the show didn't you just agree to be my assistant you've got the perfect body for performing the death slice that's not what i meant by interested i mean i'm definitely not helping you out with your magic show dude like if you need help pay me this is jail bro that's the way that this works this place functions on tit for tat and i've seen a whole lot of tat all right but i ain't seen the former all right um what's up with this dude just thought of a stupid joke his name is hakuna and he's a he's a warthog okay and apparently his best friend is also a lemur so we've got a lion king reference in here hakuna matata what a wonderful friend what you talking about all right dude i'm bailing this place sucks afternoon is wreck time let's get some fresh air but the yard's pretty small dude are we in like maximum security dude this is kind of like a gnarly prison they got like the double chain link fences just for like the corridors dude what did we get like we were on a drug charge bro we should be like at minimum maybe medium why are we in like ultra max right now they sent me to pelican bay jesus i think our charge was that serious like i thought we were gonna do it like some little light time in dublin or something but instead they sent us off to like they sent us to susie's house dude all right there's a map on the fence i'll check it out all right so you are here okay cool man i kind of just want to yeah let's go to the weight pit dude i'm trying to get swole out here yeah i'm going to the i'm going to the weight pit dude i'm trying to get jacked hey fish talking to me of course who else am i talking to what do you want i don't have enough for lunch i want to buy some snacks from the machine but i'm broke what's that got to do with me i want to give you a chance to help me out give me half the money in your pocket i'll let you pass through here or else or else what i'll teach you some prison etiquette teach you real hard looks like he's trying to extort money out of me i can't expect peace and safety in prison listen listen this is our first day in the joint we can't get dunked on on day one dude that just sets a tempo that i'm not okay with if we let this guy punk on us and steal our muffin next thing you know everybody's gonna be pumping on us and stealing our muffin this may be one of those situations where we gotta steal up on somebody and we just gotta take that l alright sometimes you gotta take a medium-sized l to avoid to avoid like an entire time inside taking l's all right so this is it we gotta square up on him even though he's bigger than us we know we're gonna lose but we're just making it clear like we can't be messed with you know what i mean like we're making it clear that we're not that guy fighting's no joke should i do it yeah dude forget this guy you just messed with the wrong guy this afternoon's gonna be more interesting than i thought let's see what you got head on baby oh get wrecked hey what the hell it worked he's confused but it seemed like he was holding back if i continue to fight it's not gonna end well for me well you don't want to fight no more fish i've only just finished warming up oh dude i thought i was going to back up okay okay maybe we can solve a problem another way i don't want to hear no from somebody like you hand over your money i'm running out of patience oh dude i should have gone for the 17 we just got punked on day one dude this is not a good look smart choice fish i'll let you go for today man i didn't know that backing off on the 17 was gonna like let him take my money i thought that i was gonna space it out so that i could take another shot at him but like we were getting too close and he's like bigger than me and then he's gonna like manhandle me you know what i mean he was gonna use a superior body mass to take me down so i thought i was fighting small you know what i mean like stick stick move straight straight move the head stick you know like that's what i thought we had going on work the kidney work the kidney man it's my first day in prison and everybody knows that i can be punked on worst day ever time to go get swole let's go to the weight pit apparently i can pick flowers too if that's what i meant to what he's like dip bars bro get off the dip bar i'm trying to get my dips on right now dude quit hogging the weight rack my man want to use the bench press this is bigfoot gang territory we're in charge here anybody from another gang wants to work out pays a fee pay up or take a hike all right man everybody's working a hustle in here what does this say the higher your strength the longer the power bar accurately follow button prompts on screen to complete a bench press and get some power the more you complete before power runs out the more experience gain okay all right all right all right oh no dude w-a-a-a there we go there it is there it is there it is s-a-a-s there we go let's get these lifts a w w d there we go another one hit it baby a w s w got it a w d oh no i went s that was no i did it again god i suck okay i'm all panicky right now dude i'm panicky right now come on give me that xp there we go i'm just gonna take it a little bit slower oh dude i only did five that was terrible one more time let's go let's go let's go spacebar when ready we got this all right w w d a there we go there's one w w a d there we go there's another one we got a s s a there we go that's another one put them up there all right okay all right looking good looking good looking good put it up there put it up there big man put it up there you got 10 in you you got 10 in you i know you got 10 in you all right there we go 10 in you baby let's go that's what's up we're getting swole swole in the yard that's it swole patrol worshiping at the swollen altar uh i get to hang out here till like 5 30. oh damn i mean how much xp did that give me we got combat xp how do i take a look at my combat xp i can't click any of these little icons down here like i want to know how experienced i am at throwing these hands but we're kind of out of time for the day dude like that's a bit of a bummer man well anyways my name is splatter cat i sift through the pile to find what's worthwhile in the world the indie games every single day so that you don't have to somebody suggested this one to me in my discord so i figured i would check it on out and honestly i'm impressed there's a lot of like really good visual details here i like it i like it quite a bit and i'm excited about it i was a little bit worried it was going to be stepping on the escapist toes and kind of just being like a copy but i don't think that it is dude it feels a bit different in all honesty it feels a little bit darker it feels a little bit more structured with the time system and so anyways i'm kind of like digging it right now all right well anyways i will see you all next time thank you for stopping on in it's time for me to go farewell everybody and that's about all i got for you bye
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 132,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Back to the dawn gameplay, back to the dawn walkthrough, back to the dawn playthrough, lets play back to the dawn, back to the dawn review, back to the dawn preview, back to the dawn impressions, back to the dawn guide, back to the dawn tutorial, back to the dawn trailer, back to the dawn pc game, back to the dawn soundtrack, back to the dawn music, back to the dawn ending
Id: n_ajHZ80_zU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 11sec (2411 seconds)
Published: Tue May 24 2022
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