Boneraiser Minions - Necromancer Army Building Roguelike

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what's up guys and gals and welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of indie games we are going to be checking out bone razor minions as i've had it described to me this is a game where it is like vampire survivors but you are a necromancer that is summoning minions that are trying to fight off never-ending waves of adventurers that are trying to kill you i like necromancy if i have to pick a school of magic that's almost universally the one that i go with in every video game ever and so anyways the idea of this is very very appealing to me so if you're interested in horde survival roguelikes with permadeath bents and meta upgrades and all that kind of stuff this game has a freely available demo that you can play right now you can go check it out i'll put a link for you down below on top of that you'll find a link to my discord in my twitch stream but let's spend about 20-25 minutes with the game i wanted to say i haven't played at all so i don't know what i'm walking into right now i find that it's the most fun when i cover demos that way and it allows me to actually have like genuine shock and like excitement about the things that i'm seeing i am playing with a controller here today the game has a weird control scheme and so anyways it's got kind of like an odd control scheme on the keyboard like you use kind of like sdw and then like use the arrow keys you guys know how i feel about right hand movement luckily it looks like it's all re-key bindable but it was faster for me to just plug in a controller so that's what i did and that allowed me to validate that the game is indeed compatible with usb controllers so yay we've done our job at a well okay not at like a good level but like at a bare minimum level and baby i'm all about the bare minimums let's go ahead and play uh we get to pick our character so it looks like we have the deprived wretch we get a gold coin every second survived and then we can re-roll thrice when offered items to choose and then we gain a temporary speed boost when we are wounded sounds like a good plan to me there's my little guy collect enemy bones to raise a legion oh there's guys like everywhere though i'm gonna go down here yeah let's let's grab some bones yeah let's get some boneroonies here um how do i use the bones i don't know exactly how to use said bones i am pushing buttons is that i've got like a little guy with a knife right there i can't really tell let's grab some more bones okay so rise from thy grave we had to have a hundred gotcha that got a little tense there's a lot of small redheaded guys with knives trying to stab me right now i prefer for that not to be the case uh let's a bone raise boomeranger okay yeah let's uh boomerang it up oh yeah look at that he's rezzed up and he's now attacking enemies very nice okay let's grab a few more bones here that's right splatter cat grabbing men's bones live on the internet for your entertainment we've leveled up again uh we can get little knife guys or we can get like i don't know what he is let's get him the boomeranger bone bolster okay so he's now apparently a level two boomeranger uh i probably took a wrong turn right there that almost ended poorly for me let's grab bones from wherever we can oh they're despawning oh no dude all of my bones have vanished i just i want like anything that will allow me to level up the sodden pageantry have armed themselves oh yeah look at that they've got thematic hats now that's never a good thing when a group of people with thematic hats are trying to march in from the edge of screen to murder me this guy looks like a wizard let's go ahead and raise him raises a fresh weirdo warlock minion to be thy undead legion i'm very very pleased with the way the game feels so far it feels very very nice it's got nice feedback i like the pixel art uh it's simple but it's distinct when put up against like the legions of other games out there that exist all right let's i'm i'm trying to weave around these guys but unfortunately it's a good thing that my zoidberg routine of being like and running around the map is somewhat effective i'm gonna like weave in right here grab i've been wounded okay i've been i've been stuck uh hitboxes actually seem to be pretty good from what i see so far give me can i make this guy stronger oh i can nice okay uh become stronger wound the enemy i get the feeling i'm supposed to have meta progression or something right now oh no everything is going horribly my necromantic adventures seem to be falling sharply off a cliff right now what is that right there a gold cup yeah i'll take oh a corrupted relic nice that one has lightning on it magical lightning will periodically strike nearby enemies good oh that's a nice that's actually a way nicer spell effect than i thought it would be i will i don't know what you are you're an auger raises a fresh malevolent auger minion to thy undead legion good uh my legion needs to grow those guys have spears i am afraid i don't know what that thing is right there is that like a rune i can't get to it there's just so many enemies around and they all seem to oh it's like a scroll okay i gotta i gotta get to the scroll we gotta see what the scroll does let's see if we can maybe weave around these dudes oh no it despawned bro he's my scroll dude i'm unscrolled weak ow okay yeah i'm wounded and in pain definitely need to kill a few more enemies like that needs to be what's happening like right now oh my god there's a guy in like gold armor too dude they broke out the gold armor they must really want me dead i would i would just like to not be near all these enemies anymore yeah give me a guard minion dude just give me anything that gives me more minions i need help i'm a necromancer in distress the bashful knights taketh steed what does that do rise thy tormented soul yeah let's get the little archer guy that sounds good oh i get more stuff too uh corrupted relic the ritual kapala increases the worth of collected bone pickups yeah it's probably helpful because i noticed i'm getting diminishing returns on the bones that i'm fetching right now like a golden retriever and so oh god okay all right all right fair enough thou has hast readily terrified no dude thou died i didn't want a diast okay well we made some money what kind of meta upgrades do we have so sell all current bone raise laura and respec it looks like dabber dash so we can actually we can dash while dabbing apparently all pickups shall take longer to fade away that's actually one thing that was annoying me so i'm going to buy that uh these shall gain jaw dropping bone suckage over range i very i very much like the way that they've taken they've mixed like surfer lingo and like ancient arthurian language into its own dialect and i actually kind of like that a lot uh what does this do parchment you can get a shield spell yeah it sounds good what does that do blood blooms uh okay so i regenerate over time boned burrows you sometimes gain a barrow boner when bone raising a minion this i i feel like this video is definitely going to get demonetized i said that out loud and now the little closed caption thing is gonna parse the words that i used and it's gonna make me unemployed i can tell already let's give it another go i need some bones gonna pick up bones you're grabbing all the bones yep gonna get these bones on the plus side it looks like we're getting minions for free now with that upgrade so that'll be pretty cool i don't know what you are apparently he's a bell head okay i don't know what the bell head does uh it sort of looks like he's farting to me but it's kind of hard to say no i actually don't know what the bell head is doing maybe if he gets struck by something i don't know it look actually i think he's making it so i'm radiating a green thing around my feet that like kills stuff good uh give me i'm going for numbers this time around so we've got a batty bomber sounds good let's get the bomber going yup i need to see the bombarinos dropping let me let me see them undead moabs man i saved up for this i deserve it undead moabs brother oh my aoe doesn't like instantly kill them it's a little bit of a downer i do think there could be a little bit more of an audio confirmation when you're picking up bones like a little ticky ticky ticky noise while the bone meter goes up uh just as it iterates sure why not apparently i've got the level two bomber now hopefully level two bomber is the stuff we do seem to have like a lot less enemies on screen so i'm guessing oh i took damage right there unfortunate for me okay well i'm gonna keep trying to level up and i'm just gonna keep circle strafing here until they all die i'm a big fan of the soundtrack the music is great as far as chiptunes go uh let's continue yeah i'll get a warlock sure why not just somebody throwing some piercing bolts out into the fields of men to watch them die in great and glorious fashion against the bastions of my undead warriors straight up the middle there we go that that was good right there dude that oh that guy's got like a little flag down with the necromancer we don't like the necromancer hey ho necromancer has got to go hey hey ho ho what does that do um what does that do the the virginia bow collecting bone pickups regenerates health oh okay i'll take that oh apparently my bomber is now level three oh that wizard is not on my team he was firing bolts that kind of looked like they might be you know like necromancy themed but i think i was wrong what does that do give that to me the batty swarm you have a vampiric bat swarm from the mausoleum doors i mean i regenerate so much health by picking up bones i don't really care if i take damage where them bats at son where them batty boys at sure let's level up our warlock to level two i do feel like our attacks are being less than successful i'm gonna get hit right here i was gonna say there's there's there's a pretty good chance i'm gonna get wrecked right here uh cut left regenerate okay all right yep this is definitely a little bit more mobile of a game than a lot of the other sort of vampire survivors horde survival games that i've played oh dude we're about to die horribly uh yeah level three wizard maybe just keep adding levels to the stuff that's not working that's a strategy that's gonna win [Laughter] all right oh god i don't feel like i'm doing a great job at murder right now i feel like i'm really being kind of a necromantic failure what does this do yeah make my make my bell head stronger and then what is that thing it looks awesome the demon's hole greatly hurts enemies that dare physically touch the uh they just physically touched me and i don't think they heard it in the way that i was promised i was told that when the enemy touched me they would take the damage i'm gonna keep upgrading my aoe because so far it seems to be a really successful strategy for keeping these nerds away from me yeah it's like pushing them back and stuff i'm happy with it i am not disappointed at all with its substance or performance ow okay i've been put into shrieking hideous pain by sharpened metal blades of my foes [Music] i probably shouldn't have walked into that that was probably not what a good player would have done it's okay i have regeneration the crutch of the poor player it's gonna be fine [Music] i'm really surprised i got away with that i did not think that was gonna work let's go with another level of bomber sure apparently the real mcknights have declared war on me they have they have declared intifada upon me all right um i mean to be fair i have murdered a lot of people and taken their bones like furniture um to create new friends and so ultimately i feel like they're kind of right like i feel oh my god everything is pain okay yeah i may have gotten myself into trouble right there that i probably should have extracted myself from a little bit more successfully this game requires a level of controller dexterity that unfortunately i feel like maybe i oh this is it yup i was gonna say it felt like that was the point at which it was all gonna fall apart on me meta upgrades which you got baby uh the cracked hourglass what does this do a small group of superstitious beggars will be unwelcoming rats will eat thy bones extra wizards will arrive to blast you with magical loads okay fair enough uh let's see here pressing a while moving will give you a dash that sounds good uh i will take the jaw dropping bone suckage that sounds great uh what does this do spooky pumpkins with a boomy surprise shall make thee welcome all right i like spooky pumpkins uh thou shalt be able to construct a behemoth of bones okay sure let's get another i feel like free summons are a really really good idea i'm i'm excited about the prospects of free summons let me see if i can rush around out here oh yeah that's a boomy surprise right there they weren't kidding that's definitely an explosive surprise so i guess if like i touch them or anything touches them really they blow up let's go ahead and get a bone raised guard real fast i want little melee guys running around just knifing furiously these guys are in their underwear and they're trying to murder me if you're going to murder me you put on pants all right that's just my opinion about the situation this feels disrespectful yeah let's upgrade my little bone guard guy looks like it made his aoe a lot larger it looks like his little swipe is definitely larger than it was previously i didn't see any bats flying around on the last fight did you guys see bats flying around do i just have bad eyeballs let's take him up he'll be level three there we go we're putting my hope is built on nothing less than stabby guys who wreak of death there we go we gotta convert bible songs into necromantic anthems by which to march against the realms of man okay the peasantry now have weapons the good news is it feels like we're killing stuff so that's nice give me the warlock now oh yeah dude we've got a bunch of little minions okay so the meta game progression is going to be important in this title this is not a game where you can walk in like 20 minutes till dawn and survive your first run with no upgrades this is this is definitely a game where you got to get a few upgrades under your belt before things are going to get better ooh things are going to get easier ooh child things will get brighter i need you guys to more furiously stab please your stabbing quotas have been raised uh i'm just going to focus on fully upgrading one thing at a time and just kind of see how that strategy goes for me last run i feel like i spent that's a relic i want it give it to me uh what is this the ward amulet all hurty painful damage that these suffers is reduced nice i like my herdy damage to be reduced did that guy just like run at me like faster than all of his compatriots rude that one's unknown it looks like he's got like you know those weird little it's like a piece of like rubber on a stick that you use to like spread frosting all over like a cupcake like the baker's tool where it's like a wooden stick with like a rubber like spatula thing on the end and you use it to spread the frosting around i think he might be a frosting oh i'm gonna take him apparently he melds to apparently he combines our barrow guys into a stronger version i guess so like those little free summons that we're getting every time we summon something else oh the golden bone i desire it bring unto me the bone of gold i will say this extra suckiness allows me to avoid putting myself in harsh situations i'll tell you that level 3 warlock i'm gonna need your help here okay i tried to dash through that one but i timed it wrong i still don't know how to trigger my shield i know how to dash but triggering oh we get iframes on that too that's nice uh what does that do let's see here we can get a spell uh let's get the lightning the lightning seems pretty rad and i've always enjoyed electromancy it's like one of my favorite fields outside of necromancy so i'll take it i don't know what that is a tangler okay i'm guessing he probably slows down the enemy with vines or something he said he was a tangler like he throws nets or something would be my guess oh my god so much xp i'll take it i was hoping i could dash through the gravestones uh i don't want to be a negative nancy right now but i feel like the prevailing strategy that i've been leaning on may not be working so well keep upgrading him we've got another thing over here give me give me a bomber and then i don't know what the amulet does a discarded ornament suffused with angry spirits i could definitely oh dude it's giving me little spooky ghosts nice dude i've got spooky ghosts protecting me and making sure that my loins are unleaded with swords nice dude i'll take it i do like this little dash the dash feels very satisfying i like it a lot the dash works exactly how like with regards to feedback i want it to work upgrade my tangler again the tangler seems to be slowing these guys down pretty aggressively i could definitely use some hell i feel like we came out net positive right there oh my god they're wizarding at me dude they're trying to hit me with the avadagadavra bro oh no i'm just gonna kind of run around in circles nice and tight i would like that spell down there though okay i didn't know if i was gonna get away with that i'm gonna upgrade my bomber um don't know what that is the devil ball of doom for a brief moment you become the destroyer of worlds well destroy the world do it quickly i'm kind of in over my head right now i'm i'm operating under a very strict necromantic time limit for survival here i assume that those crystals were picking up give me like metacurrency or something we are surviving a little bit better having a slow utility seems to be a very very strong decision uh i'm just gonna keep dashing the night away here and doing the best that i can yeah let's take the bomber up to level three like i said focusing on one minion at a time and maxing them out for the four oh god yeah this is this is not this is not good probably that double back right there was probably more risky than i should have gone for but you know oh jesus i'm a necromancer he can't help me which deity can help um the wanted poster more enemies arrive that doesn't help that's the opposite of helping um give me i guess an auger i don't know if he's gonna be like a useful friend in the situation we currently occupy i'm i'm taking like an awful lot of damage here [Music] that being said the enemy is taking a lot of casualties as well the real thing is i don't actually know what a lot of my skeletons do because while i'm fleeing for my life it's difficult to really parse and catalog what they're doing like the stabbing guys they stab the wizard guys they wizard the entangley guys they entangle uh the bomber you know not i haven't really seen his animation because i was too busy fleeing and and hoping i didn't get eaten by the horde health regeneration sounds nice i'll take that [Music] thou shalt rise anew with a random friendo that sounds pretty cool sometimes you'll get four choices instead of three did i already take my suckiness up to max level oh i can have an additional spell scroll nice dude all right let's give it another run i spent all my wizard monies oh yeah we started out with a little archer guy sweet i'm just gonna kind of like grab bones here oh and i can upgrade the archer too hopefully he gets some oh he gets an extra arrow nice all archer build huh yeah that's a spread of damage i can get behind i wish he had like a little bit of piercing but i'm not going to look a gift skeleton in the mouth i get a little bitey after dark i don't know it's just a general necromancy rule that those that are uninitiated may not know about it like after dark don't leave anything you don't want bit near near the bone archer uh let's go for sure let's try the bell head out i like his little aoe and it might buy me a little bit of time for right now i just i've got a rest i'm getting way too much cardio for a wizard right now dude wizards don't put a lot of points into constitution like they don't put a lot of points into dexterity like those run jump dodge rolls they get they get real sketchy after a little bit oh there's a little pumpkin head guy it's okay let's focus on one thing at a time one thing at a time bb one thing at a time [Music] just continue continue feeding me resources exactly i want to be a lazy necromancer and just kind of like stand around doing nothing all day i am the necro that doesn't do anything i just lay it home and lie around ooh an ad boned giant archer what does the giant archer do oh he's got the piercing that i so richly requested gotcha um what does that do the loathsome heart increases thy maximum health oh nice dude okay yeah let's get loathsome out here let's do it i i could definitely use more level ups i feel like if i'm not being proactive i'm going to get behind the difficulty curve sure let's try the pumpkin bro then we've got a spell over here what does the bone do for a short time all bone pickups will give double the delight okay so it's the b button casts gotcha i'm trying to get the double benefit right now but i just i couldn't move fast enough i thought that the spell scrolls were gonna be like relics that just like worked for the rest of the game like because the lightning felt like it went off for a while but i guess it's like a spell that you trigger with the b key uh let's go ahead and make the little bone guy stronger i'm sorry the little little pumpkin head guy dude let's get our jack skellington on this is halloween this is halloween halloween halloween follow it follow it in this town we call home everyone hails to the pumpkin song don't sue me disney was that a disney movie should i fear for my life right now uh yeah i'll take another archer why not the archers seem to be doing pretty well by me right now so i guess once the class gets up to the max level you have an opportunity to convert it into a giant basically which is actually pretty cool and i like that let's go ahead and continue upgrading that second archer let's take what is this oh the angry spirits i like the angry spirits they protect me with their bodies i'm gonna try to detonate that unfortunately the timing was poor so i don't think i got the mileage out of that that i would have liked to have gotten but we regenerate pretty rapidly as far as our health is concerned so i don't think it's really gonna matter i didn't expect the regeneration to be that good i thought the regeneration was gonna take like every five seconds or something no the regeneration actually moves the meter it goes very very quickly like i feel like at this point i've got to mess up pretty badly to die or make progression so give me another archer we go we're going full archer build dude full archer build all archer we're going i'm going to call it the lana there's like a lot of bones over here and stuff but like i desperately need you guys to murder the enemy so that i can have it spell scroll i want you the devil's balls of doom an unknown match the flamey rain precipitates a downpour deluge of flamey teardrops okay yeah i think i can live with that i'm gonna save it though until i need it uh yeah bolster him up make my other archer a little bit stronger we've got like a lot of arrows and stuff flying all over the place right now i do i do feel like the range build is actually paying out pretty solid dividends right now this music though it's so good [Music] that's some solid chiptunes right there dude that's some tunes that chip i have so many archers we do seem to be doing somewhat better this time around i spoke too soon i lied save me minions i need like a tank minion that just soaks up aggro that's his entire job is just to soak uh yeah let's let's add some more regeneration to the pile regeneration's a flamey rain i'm gonna need you uh let's get a bone guard i guess flamey rain i bless the flames down in the arena ow i don't know why i'm very musical today i feel like i'm like excessively musical at the moment it's probably because i'm lacking in sleep that's got to be what it is dude it's fourth of july right now and people were lighting off like half sticks of dynamite all night and so i only got sleep in like 15 minute sprints the entire night that's probably what it is uh yeah just bolster him up i guess i feel like we're at the point in the game where unfortunately the level one minions ain't cutting it no more yeah regeneration's looking pretty good yeah that was stingy and painful and i hated it yeah just take him up to level three i guess you know i had like this feeling that if i just went like dude i'm squeaking in pain right now my pain squeaks are filling the air what does that do repulsive face enemies are slowed by your revolting presence did you just give me an upgrade that made me ugly hurtful very very hurtful oh those guys have like flame swords uh oh yeah they're breaking out the legendaries and stuff to get rid of me now i must have really really insulted somebody good sweet lord everything is terrible um yeah you know i just really sort of relying on regeneration right now to make it the bone magnet increases thy suckage nice i have been known to sucketh um i guess i'll take a warlock it sort of feels like too little too late but oh god this is it i'm dead i'm very very dead uh this was bone raiser minions it's quite good the chiptunes are fantastic the pixel art looks great the color palette they chose is awesome the core gameplay loop is fun it's got a wicked sense of humor that like dips into innuendo but never quite goes too far i call that like shrek humor you know like we're like okay raises an eye brown makes you smirk but like the kids won't get the joke anyways my name is splatter cat i sift through the file to fight what's worth while in the world but indie games every single day so you don't have to today up we had bone razor minions thank you for the luxury of your time hopefully i justified it i'll be back tomorrow with something hot and fresh off the indie skillet but up until then it's back to sifting through the pile bye everybody
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 91,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Boneraiser minions gameplay, boneraiser minions walkthrough, boneraiser minions playthrough, lets play boneraiser minions, boneraiser minions review, boneraiser minions preview, boneraiser minions impressions, boneraiser minions guide, boneraiser minions tutorial, Boneraiser minions steam, boneraiser minions trailer, boneraiser minions music, boneraiser minions soundtrack
Id: TbgZLi6NAnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 41sec (1901 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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