Kenshi - The Fantastic Open World Survival Sandbox RPG

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what's up guys and gals and welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of indie games we're gonna be taking a look at kenshi i haven't played this game in four years it's been a very very long time since we've checked in on kenshi but since i've changed formats since then and there's not really a whole lot going on until the end of january it's pretty it's pretty dead right now in the indie genre i figure we're going to do it be doing for the next week or two a lot more checkups on like older stuff or maybe just trying to raise awareness of things that exist up until games start releasing again and so anyways kenshi this is an open world post-apocalyptic sandbox rpg probably the truest sandbox rpg in every sense of the word when you compare it to other games that are quote-unquote sandboxes can she has a game without a narrative kenshi is a game where everything you do everything you will ever do is all kind of just sort of emergent like there's not gonna be any story lines really that you can like follow it's just an open world and in that world you're allowed to do caravans you can build a city you can be a lone swordsman who just wanders the wastelands jumping in on things where you see fit you can be an arbiter of justice a bounty hunter you can be a rancher you can be a farmer you can be whatever you want to be inside of this game whatever brings you joy and so anyways this should be somewhat highly edited there should be a lot of things going on but let's dive on into some kenshi for anybody that might not have seen it before if after watching this you wanted to get the game for yourself i have a link for you down below in the description so that you can check that out on top of that i'll also have links to my discord and my twitch stream i have been streaming this game for the last couple of days by the time this video goes live so there should be a good 8 to 12 hours of content for you on twitch tv just in case you wanted to see a little bit more there's only so much you can squeeze in like kenshi is a very lengthy it's like you know it's a lengthy grindy long game to get into and so it's very very difficult to do any sort of video on without heavy editing and so anyways if you find that you are just like starving for more catchy content i've got probably 8 to 12 hours of it up on twitch by the time this video goes live let's dive on in at the beginning of the game you choose your beginning we're not really going to worry about that entirely too much i'm probably just going to jump straight on into the game so that we can save some time and i can start talking about the various aspects of the game that are available to a new player and give you some of my thoughts about how to start off the game if you wanted to get moving so i'll probably see you in there all right so here we are i've created a character this game does have an extensive character creation with multiple races everybody's got different skill bonuses and whatnot based on what it is or is not that they do i have made buckminster bushido who was a random guy with just a big metal stick that's wandering around in the wasteland i'm wearing a skirt right now in the early game you kind of got to decide what it is you want to do because there are paths for advancement at any time you can hold down the alt key to see any loot or whatever that might be laying around inside this starting area this is the default start so every new player is going to start out inside this town it's called the hub you can press m it's located over here on kind of like the western s area of the island this game does have a very very large map with loads of towns i mean there's ruins there's all kinds of stuff and threats all over the place but the number one thing you need to understand with kenshi is that you are a nobody at the beginning of the game you are nothing but a victim to everyone else who exists inside this universe the way you can weigh yourself up against other people if you wanted to do that is you look down in the bottom left corner and you'll see your attack your defense your strength your dexterity your toughness and your dodging skill you can click on any like being inside the universe and you can see what their stats look like so like these guys up here we can click on them and as you can see this is just like a normal guy that just like hangs out in town these guards right here uh you could take a look at them they've all got like 47 attack you know what i mean and so like we're nobody and it's really really smart with kenshi to internalize that that you are just a scrub who has nothing to offer nothing to give you are an average person with no fighting skill with no training no anything and you're setting out into the world and so it's usually best to conduct yourself somewhat cautiously now as far as activities you can do in the early game you can wasteland wander that's totally a valid thing that you are allowed to do and if you just wander around you will find conflicts you will find fights you will find kind of the edges of battlefields and whatnot that you can pick through in order to find loot that you can either sell or re-appropriate for yourself spoiler alert in the beginning of the game you're not going to be able to make use of most of the loot because you're not trained to fight an armor you're not trained to fight with any particular weapon so i usually just sell off all this stuff the other opportunity you have is mining nodes there's a mining node right there you can sit and you can mine for like three or four days and that should give you enough money which is listed right here on your hud to start like buying backpacks and to start buying sundries and to start buying property and like upgrading that property in order to start getting yourself sort of like a foundational base that you can operate out of another option is you can go to towns and you can just wait for the guards to fight like bandits that are roaming through and jump in on the fights there you can wander around and find ruins which usually have pretty good loot in them as long as you can avoid getting annihilated by either bandits or wildlife but the early game is rough on kenshi characters that's the one thing that you need to be abundantly aware of is that this game is very early game heavy on the challenge that's not to say that the challenge is going to like go away over time with kenshi up until you're like level 100 there's always something out there that is like a massive threat to you but in the early game that sort of experience is magnified because you're going to get obliterated pretty sharply anytime you go up against anything so our character has a number of things you need to be aware of inside the ui already showed you the stats right here this is basically the health of all of our body parts this game does have a positional body part damage system where when you take damage it actually gets allocated to a certain part of your body you can heal yourself with med kits if any of this goes down to zero you will either become unconscious or in the case of stuff like a leg or an arm you will no longer be able to use that body part until it has spent some time healing other things you should be aware of is if you go to the stats menu right here you can see your character sheet it's going to have all of your various skills everything in this game levels up via usage and so that's another thing to keep in mind is that like really this is one of those games that you are expected to fail upwards at the beginning of the game it's actually like shockingly difficult to die in kenji like in the early game if you're trying not to die i would say to stay away from anything that eats you so like wild animals and whatnot can actually kill you because once they down you they'll eat you and so then you can actually die but against like human enemies it's actually pretty rare like most fights in this game are to unconsciousness they are not to the death and so most people will just leave you laying on the side of the road unconscious and loot you which in itself is a means to advancement because like your toughness stat for example only goes up when you've taken a beating and so as you can see like you're gonna have to take some l's in order to get your w in this game i'm gonna get started mining on this little node over here right next to this town of squin it's probably gonna take me about 45 minutes to mine out enough minerals to really have enough money for us to decide what we want to do next but i'm going to do that and i'm going to edit that process out if anything happens in the interim i will cut it on back in so that you can see what the game's got going on and then we'll get right back to it well conflict has come i was mining over here and apparently a couple of escaped convicts decided to like get loud and rowdy over here okay maybe i clicked on one of them in order to smack them because you know i was bored from mining but we are engaged in combat right now as you can see combat is actually animated pretty cool in this game i like the way that combat is animated it always feels very flowy to me especially when you've got so many people running around taking part in it the good news here is that this conflict is actually doing wonders for us every time we attack we're getting melee attack level ups every time they attack us we're learning to defend a little bit better and so honestly i hope this fight goes on forever they're not really capable of harming me because they're unarmed and so anyways this may actually work out long term for some pretty sweet early game upgrades i'm not sure if we get xp if the attack misses like i think we might only get melee attack xp when we actually hit but i'm not totally sure about that on the other side we're also leveling up our toughness which is great that actually makes our character a much sterner target who's more difficult to bring down when it comes to fighting oh i'm overweight right now i should probably do something about that i was gonna say i seem to be having a really really hard time against people who are like shackled and have like nothing else going on maybe i'll drop this stuff out of my inventory and we'll get better at fighting at some point a little bit of damage going out on either side you love to see it i'm still getting a killer case of dead arm but we're not even at half health on any of our body parts right now so i think we'll probably be okay we've just got to like get better at fighting and that's oh we got two with one swing damn brother you out here getting hot and spicy we got some pantalones over here i'll take those what do we have over here we got like a shirt i'll take that too apparently they've got prisoner shackles on i could technically use lock picking to level up right here but like i'm feeling lazy i'm not gonna do it i will pick up all of our copper oh never mind apparently we're back into the fray again i'm doing a really bad job of knocking these people out that's what i'm learning is that like i have not knocked out anyone effectively so far that cleave that we got off was really cool though as you can see after dealing damage this character's arm is now hanging on by a thread and honestly i don't even know if she's capable of attacking i'm pretty sure if you disable someone's left arm in this game they can't attack anymore for whatever reason everything always seems to come back to the left arm in this game there's another one down right there so like don't get your left arm cut off that's like a surefire way to make your character super useless all right and like that the bandit villains have been taken care of i mean somebody already took care of them before me because these guys are bandits and they have the escaped slave tag so that means that these bandits got arrested somewhere and then law enforcement sold them into slavery as a punishment and then they jumped the guy that bought them and escaped but they've still got the leg manacles or the shackles on or whatever and so that was a nice little training opportunity they'll more than likely like heal up especially this guy will more than likely heal up but not bad we got five melee defense levels which is nothing to sneeze at uh we got one blunt skill so that's not too bad and then we got three melee attacks so that's pretty good in addition from mining i got 11 laboring right there and it let me pass time till morning because honestly i had to wait for the shops to open or whatever anyways let's head on into town but first notice something if you're a new player i'm overloaded in my inventory right now and you see that my strength is leveling up as you're moving so like actual increases happen pretty rapidly like right there you can see it going on up and so anyways like logical things in this game like running with too much in your inventory and stuff like that actually do kind of affect your strength and all that other things and i i highly recommend that you occasionally if you're trying to maximize your performance in game uh you should definitely be doing some amount of strength training and whatnot this is the town of squin this is going to be the first town that most new players run into when they first get here i would keep an eye on it it's not uncommon for bandits with bounties on their heads to be knocked unconscious by the guards all around the walls and if you just carry them to not this building yes this building if you carry them to this building right here you can turn them into the law enforcement sheriff and you can just get paid for like doing nothing it's a great way to earn early game money it's just collecting bodies and loot off of people the guards have killed i'm going to unload all this copper it looks like it's selling for about a buck 73 a piece that's not like a ton of money but it's enough to get us up to 2500 money which is pretty good it's not like perfect but it's something we can't really afford to buy like a whole bunch of equipment or anything just yet nor do we have the skills to buy said equipment we may be able to get like how much is a leather jacket down here so a standard grade leather jacket every single item in the game has a grade you can see it in that colored number over there in blue the grade determines how good it is and so like it's entirely possible in this game for a extremely high grade leather jacket to be like dope beyond all compare when you compare it to other things like halbers and like armor and whatnot and so anyways just keep an eye on that something like this high grade leather armor right here would be great just be just be sure you take a look at this entire panel because it'll tell you what body parts are covered by wearing this gear and then on top of that it'll tell you what modifiers it has on various skills you know like heavier armor is going to make it harder for you to do dodging it's going to make it harder for you to stealth uh there may be like a nerf to like your ranged capability if you're trying to run like a crossbow character uh just just keep an eye on that kind of stuff but either way we're looking pretty good right now as far as starting on out these properties are for sale inside of town anytime you see a wrecked building you can buy that building and you can get the materials and you can build it back up and use it as like a base of operations if you want to we are a little bit hungry right now so i'm gonna go over to the bar i think where's the bar at and i think i'm gonna buy some food your character eats automatically from any food that might be inside his or her inventory and so once you have the food you don't need to like manually tell them to eat it or anything else like that however you know ooh there's lumpia in here dude oof that lumpia looks good i'll probably just buy i mean the dried meat is the cheapest we'll get a we'll get a fish we'll want to watch out though if we have food on us those bandits that i was fighting those were hungry bandits hungry bandits aggro you based on whether or not you have food inside of your pockets like their only mmo or their mmo the average hungry bandit's only goal is gonna be to oh he wants to check my bag hold on yep there you go uh the only thing your average hungry bandit's gonna do is knock you out and search your pockets for food they're not gonna like finish you off or kill you or anything else like that i'm gonna get back to making a little bit more money over here oh it looks like my little friends are still laying over here they're healing gradually maybe we'll get some more combat practice and this is actually like a really fortuitous situation it's kind of hard to find combats that a new character can handle and this one just like fell straight into my lap and so honestly i want to farm it for a little bit longer hmm well it looks like there's an attack on the town right now by a bunch of hungry boy bandits i don't know if any of them are gonna aggro me but as you can see the town guards are rapidly jumping into the fray they've got crazy cleaving because of those massive great swords i don't know if anybody's actually like trying to fight me you already dropped that one huh are you already down oh you're already down you're just like bugged oh no you're not never mind fair enough uh let's strip some weapons off these idiots just real fast so that like when they get up they can't continue well i've got a full inventory right now so it looks like unfortunately the bloodbath is not going to be that profitable however what they will do is they will try to arrest all these bandits that guy's trying to crawl away he got his legs cut off oof feels bad don't mess with the town guards that's gonna be something that doesn't work out for you at all it's gonna be a rough prospect that guy's trying to get up right there they arrested that one i don't even think they have enough jail cells in town to actually arrest all these guys when they when they arrest somebody they always try to bring them back to a jail cell but sometimes they don't have the jail cell did i already eat all my food oh i already ate all my food all right well i was wondering why my hunger was going down we may just want to buy a big density of like dried meat or something but this is going to be my final load of copper right here that i'm throwing to the old town if they want any building materials for me they're gonna have to go get it themselves we have about 4 000 bucks that's good let's go buy food and then we'll go buy a backpack which i think is actually probably one of the first things you should always buy a backpack and a med kit those two are going to be really really valuable in the early game so you can heal yourself just in case anything goes wrong the downside to that is um paying for med kits is always kind of a weird choice because like you can find med kits on nearly every sort of civilized person in the game so like i always find that after i buy a med kit i always end up finding like a dozen of them laying around on random enemies i've defeated later on in the game and i have way too many med kits just walk around with too many band-aids in my backpack i also feel like it's bad luck dude i feel like bringing a med kit is like planning to fail i don't know like it feels like bad luck to me it just it feels a little bit like bad luck we'll buy like four of those so that we have food ready to go we just ate the dried meat so you can see our hunger is going to go up the outfitter is over here and this little house in squin i'm trying to treat i'm trying to treat this like a guide for new players so like they can understand the path they need to take on their kenshi journey uh we've leveled up a little bit so far we're at strength three that's pretty good almost strength four we got blunt two melee three melee defense 5 athletics 8 laboring almost 20. we're not going to impress anybody in any crazy laser fast ninja duels but like we're we're moving along we're on the trajectory as far as backpacks go couple different options inside of here i'd probably just get a medium backpack it's only gonna cost us 1500 of our net worth and it will allow us to carry a lot more stuff on us so there you go we've got a little backpack right there now there are specialized backpacks so there's a ninja backpack which is basically a medium backpack but better it doesn't encumber you nearly as much there is a trader's backpack that allows you to stack items inside of it which is actually it's kind of cool like stacking items in this game is actually sort of a weaponized mechanic oh there's dust bandits over here hey guys do you want to be my dust bandit friends don't move i don't think they want to be my friend i think they want to be my enemy yep they're running up on me and i can see it in their eyes all right well this is what i'm talking about this is why when you're a new player you should not go very far from town i'm gonna run over here and i'm just gonna let the guards sort this thing out if these guys wanna fight they can try it i don't think it's gonna work out though uh give me your captains if you wanna live take it from me foo run you guys are getting wrecked enjoy i'm going to jump in on this guy over here and then i'm going to run away i just i don't want to take any return fire i'm okay with like opening the first salvo to get like some free xp and just kind of cheese some victory here there we go there we go did i just get hit by something i believe that i did just get hit by something all right so what they're gonna do is they're gonna try to arrest these guys uh we don't want them to do that we wanna loot these guys gear we're looking for anything that's higher than shoddy grade that's really what we want like these right here give you melee defense bonuses the downside is they only cover your chest still i do think that it's worth taking over the shirt that we've got right there the armored rag i guess i'll take it i guess it's fine we'll take it they've got a helmet over here it's only worth like 93 bucks their swords are worth 124 a piece so we'll definitely try to take all of those that we can possibly stack up and then with their gear you're looking for anything that's medium grade or high grade that's like your ultimate priority anything medium there's a standard grade right there you see what i mean standard grade is worth 300 bucks fantastic a high-grade pair of pants worth 1500 bucks standard grade pair of boots right there 303 bucks i'll put those on my feet even though they make me much much worse there's there's a lot of downsides to those boots was that the leader yeah that was the boss that's why he had the best stuff sometimes the lower grade guys will have better things though too like those boots right there that's another 300 bucks and we got ourselves a financial come up here we're gonna loot this guy real quick honestly chest plate's still worth 300 i'll take it pants are still worth 200 so i'll probably take those too we've got like a whole bunch of loot on us right now and we're looking pretty good i probably won't use the helmets yeah i probably won't use the helmets i don't think but i think we can fit another chest plate in here too with these guys you should always check up above their names right here sometimes it'll say bounty x amount of money you can pick these guys up by right clicking and holding and you can carry them back to the guard shack and get a bunch of money like i mentioned earlier it's a really really good way to get an early game come up this guy's got a crossbow and he's trying to run for it how much is the crossbow worth it's a standard crossbow it's worth a buck 28. okay the actual arrows themselves are worth a decent amount standard grade boots they're gonna make me feel conflicted aren't they there we go so we've kind of got it sorted out i'll pick up everything that i possibly can but not bad not bad at all we could technically take that for a little bit extra money and let's take it i mean this was an easy peasy come up oh no dude i got stabbed apparently at some point during the wild and moving melee feels bad i'm missing chest it's slowly getting worse my chest is rotting off my chesticle gross oh where did this guy go dude we got plenty of time to make some money out here let's do it okay the bloodbath is over and i have managed to loot most of the bandits and we're actually up by like 8 000 monies right now another good new player tip for kenshi is in the top of this building right here the middle floor there's training dummies that allow you to get up to like level 20 training uh you can sneak in there and use them and if you don't get caught they're a fantastic resource for getting your character up to a level where they can actually like fight like they're actually like a threat to like not like dust bandits probably but definitely a threat to hungry bandits we can also get crew if you go to any bar in the game including the one that we started at in the hub you can find characters that you can recruit to your party i don't know what the maximum party size is but it's not all together uncommon to have like 10 12 people following you around in this game and they all have character sheets and they all have equipment and there's lots of fiddly diddly things you can do to entertain yourself i'm thinking now we go on a treasure hunt that's what i think i think we go on a treasure hunt i want to go dive into some ruins and see if i can find anything awesome but first i have to band-aid my face cause it's falling off so buckminster bushido my man's on the come-up he's looking quite a bit more equipped than he was previously i don't know where like i don't know what this helmet's made out of it looks like they just kind of rolled it off the front of like some mad max vehicle but hey i'll take it we're gonna head out in this direction like we were going to do a minute ago before we were so rudely interrupted by dusty bandits uh but now that the dust has been beat off of them violently we'll go ahead and head off in this direction because i happen to know where some ruins are and i think that diving down into them might be somewhat profitable so there they are as we come up over the hill we're headed for that right there there is a watchtower back behind it i'm hoping that actually like so from our weight right now we've got like a moderate weight cap i'm actually really hoping that this will make it such that we train our strength just while we're like moving around i don't know if we're actually getting xp right now though in strength we're i think we're going to need a little bit more weight that's one of my favorite things to do is just strap a new character with like 900 pounds worth of gear and then just make a march lock step with everybody else until they have like 20 or 30 strength so in this gear our strength actually is slowly training and that's important because you want to have really good strength this game has different fighting styles different weapons all that kind of stuff you should definitely play around with them hey we got some chain mail over here i love this ruin i always come to this room like a day or two after i start a play-through because there are some real real goodies over here just watch out because there are bandits that occasionally like circle around this place and this is really the only entrance to this area oh some major frame chuggies right now we want that chain mail for sure and we want to look through all this other stuff too it looks like there's some fabrics right there i'll probably take those so he got the chain mail let's grab the fabrics i essentially want to grab everything from these ruins that i can possibly sell before we go it looks like the chain mail we automatically put it on it is standard grade chainmail it's worth 8 100 cats and it gives you pretty good coverage and resistance to just about everything but blunt so i'll take it now there's some tools laying over here we'll see if we can grab those there we go let's come check this building over here so there's fragment axes uh fragment axes are a two-handed weapon i'm not totally sure that we even have the inventory capacity to pick up one of them we can try there's no guarantee it's going to be valuable though because it looks like they're shoddy grade the plank is also a two-handed weapon it's like a giant two-handed buster sword but i definitely want those iron plates right there those will absolutely have some kind of like trade value this place is a mess they need to like hire a new interior decorator their old one is like failing them we can actually fit that inside of our inventory and each one is worth 300 bucks okay let's pick it all up all right so the final tally on loot is a whole bunch of swords that are all worth like 300 bucks a pop we got a whole bunch of armor that's worth anywhere from 500 to 2 000 we got some armor plating over here that's worth about 500 we got a ration pack which should allow us to feed ourselves for a little bit the downside to this scavenging exploration mission is that we are now hideously overweight and we are incredibly slow what's going on over here somebody's fighting who's fighting oh the guards just beat up a skin spider those are spiders that flay off your skin and wear it in case you're wondering there's all kinds of bad stuff in this game that you don't want to run into you will eventually be strong to contend with all of it but now is not that time so i would just keep your head down and let the tough guys take care of these problems for you because that's what they're here for that's why they're town guards and that's why you're not a town guard where did they drop that skin spider at we need to harvest the skin spider otherwise it will come back to life when it recovers and it will eat us yeah the same rules that apply for human characters in this game apply to animals and so you gotta harvest them otherwise they won't die they'll just lay there on the ground until they recover but if you come in and you harvest their tusks or you harvest their hide it officially like issues a coup de gras and kills them i gotta walk all this stuff back to base i can't guarantee that we're gonna make it but if we do we've got a pretty sizable payday coming so let's see how it goes well we made it back to town and what's even better is why is this person mad at me oh maybe i walked up in his house so anyways what's even better about that is that we leveled up to 10 strength which is actually pretty decent that's not bad like 10 strength is good for like this phase of the game like we're not going to be winning any like you know curling bicep contests but we are pretty strong by comparison to like this guy right here has 58 strength okay we're not as strong as he is i was going to show off my muscles but like how about the shopkeeper there we go the shopkeeper has 18 strength and she's a race that's like naturally way stronger than human so like you know we're pretty strong for like a human guy civilian right now we're you know we work out we work out a little bit did we work out a little bit we we really like to heft the heft of the the bar a little bit you know what i mean we like to keep it tight and there it is we're now sitting on 15 000 cats after that one little expedition out to some ruins there is loot out there there is stuff to acquire if you go and look for it but anyways i'll give you my thoughts on kenshi kenshi is more than likely the most truthful sandbox in the history of games like there's not a lot of other titles outside like the x3 games that really allow you to reshape the world in your image quite like kenshi does it's a game that really doesn't have boundaries it doesn't have rules it doesn't have goals it doesn't have quests it doesn't have a narrative the only thing that there is is what emerges naturally and it will emerge naturally i mean during the course of a playthrough it's entirely possible that you'll be crippled permanently install a prosthetic robot part to fix it getting the money together for that robot part will be a quest of its own you may get beaten down and captured and sold into slavery you'll spend weeks of your life in a cage plotting how you're going to escape you'll get away you'll meet some friends you'll make a town you'll convert an army hunt for bounties work for or against the factions that exist in the post-apocalyptic world like there's so much stuff to do in this low-budget game and it's managed to pull off something unique and really welcome in the indie world which is like a dangerous setting where you aren't the hero you're just some guy that may not sound appealing but i think that that inherent difficulty curve of not being a hero with a bunch of bonuses and whatnot creates a struggle that the magic of kenshi is really made out of it's a lonely game you're gonna spend your time wandering just through the wasteland listening to a quiet shammy sin on the dusty breeze as you walk really really carefully from place to place trying to eke out a meager living amongst the denizens of the destroyed world and while its development is done there is a huge amount of mods available that tailor and overhaul the gameplay in really fantastic ways i guess i should say there are there's no reason to abandon abandon grammar at this point saying that this is a game that you can really pull hundreds of hours out of is really an understatement if the solitary nastiness of the post-apocalyptics in kenshi really really bites you with its addictive nature this is a game that can well and truly destroy your free time before you realize it i personally have put like 300 hours into the steam branch and that doesn't even count all the hours that i played on desura when the game came out oh like five seven years ago and i've been playing as it develops and if you hear one thing about this game from me it's that kenshi really stands on its own with regards to uniqueness for some that's not gonna be enough for them to squeeze the trigger but as a fan of uniqueness i'm really really glad that i had the opportunity to watch this game grow and come into itself over the years so anyways my name is splattercat i sift through the pile to find what's worthwhile in the world of indie games every single day so you don't have to i'll be back tomorrow with something hot and fresh off the indie skillet but for right now i'm all out of time see y'all later everybody
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 414,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenshi gameplay, kenshi walkthrough, kenshi playthrough, lets play kenshi, kenshi review, kenshi preview, kenshi impressions, kenshi 2021, kenshi guide, kenshi tutorial, kenshi sandbox, kenshi goals, kenshi soundtrack, kenshi music, kenshi map, kenshi bounties, kenshi trailer, kenshi steam
Id: lxvrrK_qj5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 22sec (2002 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 11 2022
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