Out There Oceans of Time - Open Galaxy Exploration RPG

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what's up guys and gals and welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of indie games we finally got access to the release of out there oceans of time we've waited a long time for this one i'm pretty excited about it and so if you haven't seen this game before i've covered demos and kind of pre-releases for probably the last couple years on this one but this is an open world exploratory space rpg where you've got a team of people that have been marooned out in the middle of the galaxy and you've got to get to the bottom of an intergalactic conspiracy you start out with a little tiny shuttle that you escaped in and along the way you're going to be upgrading your craft and building new modules and collecting resources and doing all that kinds of stuff and so anyways we're going to dive on in today and take a look at it for 25 30 minutes see if it's something you wanted to add to your wish list or otherwise pass on if after watching this you did indeed want to get the game for yourself i'll have a link for you down below in the description i think it comes out on the 26th for the cases of this because we've played through the beginning portion of the game before in previous videos i've actually played for about an hour or so to get us up and like past that so that you can see some gameplay that's a little bit further on into the game i'll do my best to explain things along the way but this is an impressions video and so obviously i don't know everything about the game we're just kind of taking it as it comes but i do have a little bit of experience from playing previous demos and also the hour hour and a half that i played before this recording so keep that in mind down below you'll find that link of course and then you'll find links to my discord and my twitch stream where i'm live most days of the week where we can hang out and you can give me your thoughts but first things first while we're on this menu right here as far as i can tell the game does not support multiple save slots i was kind of looking around and that's kind of one of those things that i put on a checkbox for me personally that i check for with any game that releases and it doesn't seem to have multiple save slots you seem to just have like the one save slot and so anyways i would recommend that they get that implemented like at the bare minimum i'm having like three to five slots that people can play around with it's pretty helpful also i didn't notice like i didn't want to test it because i have my save here and so like i went back in to test if it would allow you to skip the tutorial at the beginning of the game if you go into a new game having already precedingly completed that tutorial and from what i can tell it doesn't seem to give that option but i can't fully test it without erasing my game because there's not multiple save slots and so unfortunately like kind of one of those like it's kind of incorrect like i don't know if you can skip the tutorial luckily the tutorial is only like 10-15 minutes long so it's not like absolutely awful to sit through like the beginning of pathologic 2 which is like an hour hour and a half 2 hours of tutorializing that can't be skipped still it's just a thought that i thought i would bring up before we get on in but let's go ahead and get back to where i was previously playing the game here we are this is my ship right here this is not the ship you start out in this is a ship that i have recovered that i found randomly out in the middle of space it's pretty cool you know what i mean it's got exposed headers it's got a pretty sick grille we're we're kind of hot riding right now while we fly through space and the ui this game is actually really really simple this isn't a complicated game this is really a game about flying around the galaxy and just taking things in and so ultimately we have fuel we need to take care of that we've got oxygen obviously people need to breathe and if that runs out we get all purple and corpsified uh we've got our hull right here which obviously if that falls apart that's a really really bad thing that we don't want to have happen and then we've got the crew morale which if that falls too low ultimately they kind of bolt you to the fuselage or to the hull and they use you as a hood ornament and then they just take over the spacecraft which is also kind of a terrible outcome for me the captain the guy in charge so anyways down here on the left we've got a number of buttons that we could play around with but i promise the game is really simple we can open up our cargo hold everything in this game is reduced down into elemental components so as you can see at the moment i've got some carbon i've got some silicon i've got some carbon i've got some gold i've got some copper i've got some thorium and i've got some cobalt uh these materials right here can be used for all kinds of stuff you can use them to refill your meters you can use them to build new technology inside of your ship and customize the equipment that you have available to you you can use them to repair damaged areas and i'm really glad i think they got this idea from no man's sky and honestly that's one of my favorite things about no man's sky is when you're out in the middle of nowhere and you find like an s-grade ship but it's super busted up or you find like an s-grade gun and it's super cracked but you gotta like spend the next three or four hours like repairing all the damage components on it i don't know why i like that core gameplay loop so much but i'm really glad that they incorporated into this game because i love fixing damaged things i don't know what it is about taking something damaged and making it work again but that to me is just one of those infinitely compelling ideas from a video game that keeps me strapped on into the seat we also have module slots if you have the resources we could put in a sickbay that would allow us to get plus five comfort on our craft and in fact i would recommend we probably get one of those installed as soon as possible other things that we have available on our ship we have a drill this is used to get minerals from planets so that we can convert them into elemental materials we've got the cosmic folder that allows us to warp we've got our hydrogen probe that's going to allow us to scoop fuel from gaseous giants we've got the interplanetary reactor that allows us to warp and then we've got the refinery over here that turns our ores into random like materials we can use and we've got a geo scanner and one thing that i would recommend that they add to the game you can't click and drag so like these right here you can click and drag them around your modules you can't do that uh i would like to be able to click and drag my modules around to like reorganize them or if that's not feasible just having an option to move it over here for like one iron maybe would be a really really nice addition because i'm a stickler i kind of have like i'm sort of obsessive compulsive about my ships and my inventories being organized and not being able to move this stuff around without breaking it down and rebuilding it entirely is just like horrifying to me like it's just like it makes me feel nervous deep down in my tummy bits and so anyways just an observation you also have different stats that your ship is going to have you have your performance over here i think that's just like how good the ship flies and how far it can warp and stuff like that ecosystem don't really know what that does because these aren't tool tipped down oh there they go the tooltip popped on and it wasn't popping up for a second never mind i take it back uh so anyways we consume less fuel with our performance uh the ecosystem it means we can i guess we consume less oxygen we've got resistance i think this is your damage resistance with your hull we've got our comfort and so basically the comfort makes it so that while you're interstellar traveling your crew get less grumpy we've got our accommodation capacity right here for crew unfortunately we can only have two people on board and then over on this side we've got the range of our cosmic folder and then this guy right here is the range of our telescope and in fact in your crew menu you can assign these guys to different tasks on the ship so for example i've told the captain to moonlight as a geologist so anytime we undertake like a drilling task or like a geo survey she gets xp and as she gets xp and levels up that job she'll actually give bonuses to that task likewise for my crew engineer right here i've made him into a well he did have a job that's weird i had him on a job just a second ago he was on a job for like an hour and a half huh strange okay well i had him on the oh i know why he doesn't have a job this ship doesn't have a telescope he was as our he was our astronomer uh he was allowing us to warp further than we previously could i guess i'll put him on drill duty then i mean after all he is an engineer he he duty anyways let's go ahead and jump on out so at the moment like i think tasks that we need to undertake is like we really need to track down some iron or some copper i do think i have a little bit of copper on board so i can fix the hull right there and then we probably want to scoop some fuel and get that rocking as well uh that way that we're not like hurting for like gas and looking for a gas station while we're flying around unfortunately this system only has a garden planet but the good news is i went to the garden planet and i refilled our oxygen so not really that big of a deal but let's go to the star chart real fast and this is where we are currently playing the game our next objective is going to be about 60 light years in that direction and so i'd suggest we head off that way you can click anything that's inside the range of your warp i don't know why it's giving me the tutorial tabs again but it is let's go ahead and we'll jump over to here unfortunately i there's got to be a mod or something you can put on your ship that allows you to survey and figure out what's in the neighboring territories i assume it's the telescope but honestly i've been just kind of jumping blindly and adapting to situations as they come so there we go straight through the warp hopefully the geller field holds inside the system we have rocky bodies so if we wanted to refill on minerals we could do that here there's also away missions in this game so you can actually walk around on planets and participate in kind of like tiny submissions in order to do other things and in fact that's how you're going to stack up like equipment and things that you can give to your various people inside your team i haven't really figured out how to swap out equipment yet i picked up something that was like a it was some kind of like survey equipment or something but that having been said i don't seem to have a way to like click it or put it on to anybody and so unfortunately i think it may be like class locked like this guy's an engineer this person is a survivalist so on and so forth there's also like explorers and like other classes and things oh i guess when i swapped ships she lost her [Music] i guess when we swapped ships she lost her class designation all right fair enough uh let's go to one of these rocky planets i guess yeah we can cruise on down and just go say hello give it a little love tap and see what it's got for us i'm pleased to report that the performance seems to be pretty decent in this game however the graphics aren't exactly like anything to write home about like they're fine i'm not saying that they're bad i'm just saying that like it's not like pushing boundaries or anything either but the game seems to work fine we need to scan for anomalies here that'll give us potential surface missions that we can play around with possibly find some omega or something around uh there's basically like super materials you'll find from time to time and those super materials oh wow those are like right next to each other and so anyways those super materials will allow you to refill any of your meters that you want like this one right here i don't know exactly what we're going to get out it's slightly dangerous we could go and check these ones out over here too and just see what they've got going on that's a mineral area and this is a gamma anomaly that may potentially it has an object and it has some minerals but there's a chance of asphyxia and bleeding it's a little bit scary it's a little bit terrifying but there is a seam of resources that we can harvest if we have an engineer yeah let's do an away mission real fast why not i might as well show you what those look like since you're probably trying to appraise whether or not you wanted to play this game for yourself everything is animated so like you land on planets they look different some planets will have trees some planets will have valleys some planets will have kind of like these little nooks and crannies and kind of mesas and things like that we can actually drill here too we might as well while we're in the neighborhood uh we got 10 iron i think that works i'll take that on board and in fact i'll use some of it right now to repair the hull and it looks like we've got some hafnium okay i wish we had found some wholeneum but you know half an em will do for right now i don't know if that's valuable or not that's a new element that i haven't seen before we can stack those up to get some space back all right we'll stop drilling we've repaired the hull and so i'm happy we could go on expedition it does look a little bit dangerous but i think we can handle it let's go ahead ah there's where we swap in new gear so we've got sacred ointments over here that we can put on our character each round the crew has a 20 chance to get swiftness okay yeah i think i can live with that and then we'll add her to the party and then with my engineer over here he's got lithological maps every time you gain minerals the crew gets 5xp that's amazing yeah take one of those with you absolutely throw him on into the party too welcome to the party welcome to the party huh all right so here we are planetside uh they used to have like a timer on this so it used to be that like you had limited resources and you could only walk around on the planet surface for so long while a little meter was filling up but i guess they got rid of that idea and in all honesty i think that was a really really good plan because it i i think for what the game is trying to be uh it made the game a little bit too tense since this is kind of like a chill game i stepped on spikes over here so unfortunately my engineer is bleeding profusely now and we'll probably end up having to heal him we did find a crate though and apparently it had a lithological map inside of it i probably could have gone around the spikes if i had been a little bit more careful yeah let's go ahead they have limited ap so anytime they play an ability it uses up one of these ap uh let's go ahead and we'll use that on him yeah i was gonna say he's kind of wounded right now and i would rather he not be wounded looks like there's spikes that way that we can't really get around yeah i don't know if i want to do this we may end up actually killing a crewmate actually i can go around this way let's go around this way and see what it leads us to anything good around here huh hey there's some goodies right there what is that sulfur oh no dude it's poison gas i made a mistake i stepped in poison gas i thought it looked like super awesome shimmering treasure and i was wrong i was very very wrong now we're asphyxiating it's okay i've got healing ointments i'll just rub some goo on it and everybody will feel better this appears to be our main objective our party is nearing the end of the expedition when we come across a place that opens downwards revealing an abundance of minerals like no other however it opens to the planet's very core forming a ravine that traverses entirely the planet this place is disappearing into itself and the surface seems likely to collapse maybe in 10 minutes maybe in 10 000 years the arrival of our ship was the mass required to break some kind of equilibrium and it begins to tumble away let's go ahead and immobilize the ground using one of our ap typically any action that you take on one of your party members that allows you to use up an ap tends to give you a better result since that's a limited resource and these guys get fatigued after we get done with this expedition so they won't be able to go on expedition for a little while again using their equipment the engineer manages to vitrify the ground for miles around the current location we can now cut and load slabs of minerals without fear of being swept away afterwards we congratulate one another on an utterly successful expedition nice we got 15 minerals out of it very good and we've completed our objective which means that we get a nice little morale boost there's got to be other stuff on this planet but i don't know if i want to stay to find it because of all of our choke points are filled in and like people are getting wounded and so like i'm a feared uh like yeah let's go ahead and land the ship over here we can actually once we've completed the expedition and its final objective we can call the ship over and land right next to us unfortunately it landed a field full of spikes so that's a little bit unfortunate but hopefully it doesn't count yeah board the ship there we go so we got ourselves a little bit of xp we got some harvest going on it does seem like level ups are in limited supply in this game most of the object oh we got a magnetic stone what does that do uh anyways as i was saying you don't seem to get a ton of xp in this game so i'm guessing that like hopefully the level ups are very very consequential let's go ahead and take off we can just leave i want to take a look at my cargo hold though and see what i have in here the magnetic stone what does that do i'd like to look at it and figure out what it does so we gotta go two jumps before those guys are ready uh what do we do with these rocks right here that we mined we put them inside the refinery and so we're gonna max that out real quick and we'll just see what we get basically you're opening card packs right now each of these mineral clumps has a chance to give you something but no guarantee but honestly i kind of like the gambling of it one thing i would recommend that they do though is when this is going around it should be making clicking and whirring noises and sort of like hissing noises like very very analog sounds to make it more satisfying to open your little mineral packs that's just one thing that like i would have done if it was me because like when you're moving things around in your inventory it does have all of those kind of like uh i guess those nostromo-esque like retro-futuristic kind of clicks and words like you're interacting and talking with mother anyways like i love those little sound effects and i find that games are always the better for them all right well we didn't get anything too crazy we did get some oxygen though which is nice so we can refill the o2 tanks we can also take a look at some of these slots and see if maybe there's anything that we actually have the resources to build if we had one more iron we could actually install a telescope which i think would be very very useful in fact that way we could actually probe neighboring systems and figure out what they might potentially have inside of them and so maybe i'll hold on to iron actually are we still on the planet right now we're not okay i was gonna say i could drill for some more iron but we're a little bit low on fuel right now so i think it might be a good idea for us to kind of like trundle along and get to a neighboring system and maybe see if we can get the fuel tanks refilled unfortunately nothing that we're looking for inside of this system let's go ahead and jump for that one right there we've probably got about six jumps left inside of us before we're out of fuel i also haven't verified exactly what happens when you die okay so inside this system sorry we had like a little bit of a graphical hiccup right there and i wasn't exactly sure what was happening but we got a little bit of everything here which is great so we should go to judah and we should grab ourselves some fuel that's first and foremost the most important thing that we should be doing right now because if we don't do that we're gonna have issues unfortunately my hydrogen probe is a little bit damaged but i think it'll be okay that allowed us to fill up a little bit we're gonna need quite a bit more though if we want to be kind of like not redlining so that looks good let's probe one more time hopefully the drill doesn't break or the probe doesn't break yeah we can leave it at 68 we're kind of running out of resources on this planet anyway so i'm i'm fine with it also i think our probe is looking a little bit scuffy sorry i had to restart the game right there like the ui was being weird it wouldn't let me click stuff like it felt like the game was hung but it was letting me interact with some things and not others so it's possible that the beta version that i've got of the 1.0 right now or at least the release version may have a couple of hiccups inside of it a couple of technical issues but yeah our probe it's used at the moment and i need to fix it like it's not broken yet so it's not gonna let me preemptively fix it but it is something that we need to keep an eye on otherwise it's not gonna work out for us still inside this solar system there may be other things that we can scoop up we've got a civilized planet that is rich in opportunities i don't actually think i've seen an occupied planet just yet so that's pretty cool we've also got a storage array over there so let's do the grand tour let's let's let's kind of check all this stuff out because like there's several things inside this system that i've never seen before and i would like to see them let's go ahead and land over here because i'd like to mine some iron if i can okay so we've got ourselves on some kind of like basaltic pahoehoe planet lots of lava flows and things that's okay maybe we'll be able to pick up some magnesium or something uh use seven fu well maybe just use five there we go seven iron that's good i'll definitely take that okay so with our seven iron we should be able to do some fun activities we'll go ahead and back out of that and we're going to take off again because i got what i wanted and honestly like quick interlude right here this system has been giving me some weird bugs like i can't really like interact with the ui sometimes while we're inside this system so i think what we may do is we may just try to fill up on resources and like get on up and out of here i don't know i've had a couple of weird hangs only inside this one system so maybe we should just kind of like get our stuff and go we'll go ahead and close that down and i'm going to refill the oxygen tanks real fast while we're down on this planet and then while we're here we might as well drill or something oh look dude it's like a pancake planet it's got some kind it's got pancake roses on it i like it i like it some flapjack roses i think i can live with that oxygen tanks are refilled yeah let's go ahead and drill for a second it looks like we got some copper okay that's not bad looks like we also got some oxygen so we can throw that in storage for later let's go ahead and stop i'm not gonna like try to do an expedition here because there's no points of interest and then where am i trying to go right now where's my goal it's up that way okay yeah let's go to dan 725 that sounds like a bible verse or something and we only have a garden planet here unfortunate don't really need a garden planet what is that is that a black hole let's go yeah let's check that out oh science offer sergey detects a curious body in the system that when investigated turns out to be a large station that's built in the shadow of a massive asteroid isolated from the light of the nearest star all life seems to have departed the structure so i can disassemble the reactor for fuel or i can explore the archives to learn an alien word i need the fuel so apparently nick's got a little bit scuffed right there but we did refuel the fuel tanks which is a good choice uh so apparently it's got a black hole if we have a wormhole generator we can travel in between black holes but we don't like have one of those unfortunately but that's still pretty cool like i'm still learning new things and so anyways i think that's always kind of part of the enjoyment of games like this some people be like well like it just seems like you're flying around sightseeing in space what's the point of all this and i'm like well that kind of is like the fun of it i don't know like ever since you saw like star wars or like battle star galactic or galactica or anything else like wouldn't it have been cool to go to space and like see new uncharted things that nobody's ever seen before i think that's the appeal of games like this to people like me is that like you get an opportunity to do something that like in your lifetime you're never actually going to get to do in the world of like make believe you know what i mean all right so we'll pull the ship up over here and yes i probably i probably aggressively because i need fuel very very badly so if we can fill the tanks up here before we leave that'd be just phenomenal we're gonna scoop this place one time and then we're gonna scoop this place next to it because you can only get a limited amount of resources out of any of these gas giants and your yield is going to be lower and lower each time you perform the probe action and so anyways i'm just trying to get what i can get for right now while we're in the neighborhood there we go not too bad let's probe it one more time so that we've got a little bit more fuel for the road oh weak dude okay all right our equipment's damaged it's okay we've got the iron on board to fix it so it is now like new uh we've completely refurbished it so it's not that big of a deal i'd also like to install a telescope there we go and so now we've got our telescope uh like what other fun stuff can i put in here is that pretty much all we've got the room for we do have enough carbon and we do have enough oh we're one short on iron i do think that having like a med bay installed would be like a really good idea just so we have a place for people to r r and recuperate just in case they take a little bit of a beating on the road but let's keep going towards our objective so we've got a blue giant over here how do we tell if the telescope i guess all the stars prior to this were white and now they've all been filled in with various colors and so i guess that's how we tell like this system right here had a lot of gas giants and it's blue so i'm kind of wondering if the color of the star determines what planets you're going to get inside that system i believe that's the way that it worked in games like elite dangerous and whatnot is that the star type dictated what you were gonna find let's go check out this white dwarf and see if i'm correct about that a caravan of ships arrives in the solar system their trajectory has brought them under fire from a stellar defense station that we were fortunate enough to avoid they have not been so lucky should we intervene i'm just gonna scavenge debris the caravan's too slow and the ship is old one by one they take fatal shots and implode in the decompression of space we wait for their inertia to carry the remains out of the defense station's range and then we gather from the floating wrecks the crew is bummed out about this but we got 15 minerals listen man i've always wanted to be a space opportunist i'm okay with this we'll just be space salvagers we don't have to get involved in other people's problems we probably don't even like dude they probably speak some kind of weird alien burp fart language how are we even gonna interact with them would it what if they're hostile what if they were space bandits and they were getting they're just desserts there's no way to know there's no way to know this place seems like a cornucopia so we should probably participate in it uh let's go ahead and we will go to the rocky planet first oh there's like a stripy there's like a fruit stripes gum planet over there dude kind of want to check that out ah there's an anomalous reading here what you got for me baby anything good oh there it is it's down towards the pole okay scan finished a seam of resources i think we can do that yeah let's take a big risk here okay so expedition wise i kind of need to do this because i kind of need the crew morale restoration let's see when a resource vein is revealed the crew gets six experience points that sounds pretty good yeah let's take that throw you one in there throw you on in there oh nobody's healing because we don't have a okay fair enough we need to get that med bay built that's gonna be like job one nobody's healing on their own so it looks like passive healing only occurs if you have a med bay wait what does the skull mean is the skull like especially bad there's resources over here so we've got like another asphyxia patch over there um this place is like locked down i don't know if this is a good idea we should probably just take the minerals and leave i guess i'll take my chances well we found a spaceship he's asphyxiating okay we're gonna have to heal him up unfortunately there we go we've got more minerals over here we got some crates on that side let's grab those goodies and i don't think we're gonna have enough ap to do the spaceship event but also resolve some of our other events and it looks like i really have no choice but to step into hazards over here that's kind of unfortunate they weren't kidding i mean the planet did give us a difficulty rating before we even came over here so it's my own fault for not paying attention to the uh the hazard warning let's see if i can snake my way around and like honestly the only reason we're here is for the final objective so if i can just suss that out we might be okay okay another resource patch uh there's our guy and we still have all three of our ap left on our engineer so i'm gonna use them on the final objective so that we get the bonus xp and so that we get the morale our expedition comes across the location of an ancient city vertical but dug and sculpted into the earth rather than built upon the surface it's completely empty only the echoes of our own footsteps greet us there is an abundance of resources somewhere in the dead city but where track city is a vertical labyrinth built down to the very limits of the crust our engineer uses materials left behind by this civilization to build a detector capable of leading us directly to the reserves we are pleased by the results wow not bad okay yeah let's get on out of here uh yeah let's go ahead and i guess do it you'd think the ship could have just landed next to the objective using the complex scanning equipment that it's using to track us but i guess that would be too simple like you'd think you could just like land right next to it right since we scanned out the anomaly i don't know we'll just hand wave it with some sci-fi mumbo jumbo all right not bad i'll take that and we got lots of 37 minerals that's a lot of minerals that's like an utter ton of minerals i don't even think we have anywhere where we can store them so we might have to chuck something overboard uh let's go ahead and how hard is it to turn this into a storage slot do it there we go these only stack to 20s though so we've got to decide if something is worth getting rid of so i'm gonna throw the copper into the hull i'm gonna throw the oxygen into the oxygen tank just to make a little bit of space because we are going to break this stuff down in just a minute okay let's go to the ship's rea or we'll go to the ship's refinery we're going to max that out and let's see what we get baby honestly a pretty weak yield for 30 something minerals we got the iron we need though to do some upgrades so i'm okay with that and we got copper to patch the hull we've got another stack of carbon over there we've got some more silicates and it looks like we've got ourselves some more thorium gold and apparently tungsten so once we find some blueprints we may be able to do something here definitely build the sickbay we need that because people aren't healing right now and i need them to heal so we'll throw in a sick bay right there so that people can kind of get injected with paladin every time they go planetside and feel a little bit more optimistic about life let's just take off i think we still have a garden planet to go to yeah let's hit the garden planet real fast and we'll refill the oxygen tanks and then once we have refilled the oxygen tanks we will go over and grab fuel from the gas giant and then i think we'll be good down down down and away we go to the garden plan it looks like it's like an alpine planet yep we have arrived on the ricola world [Music] and as you can see oxygen tanks nice and filled back up looking good i should probably drill while i'm here that's not ideal i was hoping we would get some iron out instead we got carbon and oxygen that's not great i may have made a fundamental error here now i can't get rock samples anymore unless i break something down i could disassemble the telescope and that would fix it but then i'm kind of stuck at the whims of not knowing what color various stars are while we fly a around horrifying this is probably not the best predicament that i've gotten myself into probably not the least lethal quandary that we've come across but at least we get to go to fruit stripes gum planet now a planet that loses its flavor after three chews that's actually a pretty good yield i will take it okay all of our meters appeared to have been babysat properly let's get on the way to a brand new system what does a yellow star have let's go see what a yellow star has around it probably rock planets would be my guess a garden planets in fact so yellow suns like ours produce garden planets we can kind of spin around the neighborhood a little bit and just see if there's any anomalies around that we can interact with there are anomalies are my crew still fatigued they are so i can't really take them down to the planet to go grab minerals until they're all nice and refreshed so we may just kind of bunny hop our way through this system and go to the next one it's okay though there's another yellow star right here which may give us further opportunities soft malleable shapes are becoming stuck to the exterior of the ship the engineer tells us that the strange particles are damaging the hull they advise us to get rid of them quickly i mean if they're stuck to our ship even though we're doing like trans warp jumps and stuff i doubt that accelerating is gonna help dissolve it he manufactures a solution capable of dissolving the particles the life forms we administer the solution into the objects it works very quickly and soon the ship is clean as we set off we come to a much larger version of the strange thing behind this free-floating lump we find an abandoned ship its crew was less fortunate than us it looks like they had to abandon the craft when the hull integrity failed oh nice we may have a new ship opportunity here let's go look let's see this thing oh it's the same ship that we currently have okay what does it have in its cargo hold iron all right okay it also has a mess hall that makes the place more comfortable okay it's also got a gravitational well generator so it allows us to increase the range oh we've got a death seed a terrifying weapon that harnesses the strange energies of omega to forcibly increase the mass of a star and collapse it into a black hole uh dude our ship kind of sucks this ship has a death ray i want to be on their ship and being on their ship means that i don't need to repair my drill yeah let's just swap ships real fast yep we'll move our hasselhoffenium over there we go and then like i think we're just gonna like swap ships real quick and then now that we've swapped ships we're just gonna like tear all this apart real fast like let's just gut this place yeah like we're never coming back so like why worry about it throw that into the oxygen tanks i mean the hull is a little bit scuffed by comparison to our previous hull so that's a little bit of a bummer we are going to have to spend some time getting this thing up to ship shape metaphorically like literally we're already in shipshape but like metaphorically i'll probably throw that into the hull just for just for safety can probably snap off a little bit of that to reinforce the hole yeah we're gonna have to figure it out but like it'll be okay and we can convert these parts into whatever else we want too but i'm excited about the prospects of having a death ray that's pretty cool you could turn this into a module slot but i don't think we really need it i'm going to make that into a storage slot and then if we add two copper we could turn this into a technology slot i do like the custom the customizability of the ship but anyways we've been playing for about 40 minutes right now let me give you my thoughts about my time with out there oceans of time out there oceans of time i think is a game that is pushing the right buttons for me like i'm not a huge guy for games that don't really have combat but there's something about babysitting meters and exploring planets randomly that works here for me in the same way that it does for like no man's sky i guess is like the reference that i would make it's obviously like at a smaller scale than no man's sky but that's kind of what the exploratory vibes gave me the graphics look good and i think the lighting effects hold up while the game runs pretty buttery on my rig it's fairly smooth i don't think i've had any major problems the only downside that i saw here is that occasionally the game likes to hitch up and hang on loads from time to time most of the time it seems to recover but every now and again you've got to restart the game entirely due to the problem and honestly even that kind of comes with a caveat truth be told it might just be due to my recording software gumming up the works because i didn't have any crashes in my pre-recording playtime and most of the issues seemed to arise when obs was tracking the game and so i can't 100 say that the game has crashing issues and i know that's not entirely helpful but before going in on the game make sure you check out the steam forums on release day just to make sure that like other people aren't having crashing issues because my evidence of crashiness is kind of spotty due to recording the game for a video here on the internet like other than that i think it's a game that taps into that old feeling of like star trek episodes where there's always something interesting happening around the corner and you're always getting to go on like away team missions and find new items and stuff like that it'll likely be a little bit slow paced for people that are looking for something a tad more pulse pounding but i think for like people that want to boldly go that definitely seems like the kind of niche that the game is aiming for it hasn't been like immensely deep from what i've seen in my couple hours playing it but i am looking forward to putting a little more time into it in my free time and maybe see some of the cool add-ons you can get for your ships and also what ship models are available thus far i've only seen like two or three so anyways my name is splattercat i sift through the pile of fire what's worthwhile in the world ending games every single day so you don't have to today up on the chopping block we were doing our impressions of out there oceans of time tomorrow will likely be something else thank you for hanging out with me and thank you for giving me the luxury of your attention i'll be back tomorrow with some hot fresh off the indie skillet but up until then it's time for me to go bye everybody
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 149,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Out there oceans of time gameplay, out there oceans of time playthrough, out there oceans of time walkthrough, out there oceans of time review, out there oceans of time preview, out there oceans of time download, out there oceans of time trailer, out there oceans of time soundtrack, out there oceans of time steam, out there oceans of time guide, out there oceans of time tutorial
Id: ImiIJ88iFPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 27sec (2427 seconds)
Published: Wed May 25 2022
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