Battle Brothers - Open World Procedural Sandbox Mercenary RPG

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what's up guys and gals and welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of indie games we're going to be checking out battle brothers why are we checking out battle brothers you might be asking this is an old game i just got a new dlc and the dlc is completely and totally free you can see it listed down here in the bottom left-hand corner it's called a flesh and faith it adds two new unique origins that you can play as the oath takers and the anatomists the oath takers are effectively paladins that follow the teachings of young anne's helm who like gets referenced in the lore from time to time basically they're they're religious zealots that are on the road participating in oaths in order to increase the renown and the followers of anselm to do great feats of strength and whatnot and then you've got the anatomists who are effectively mercenaries that are working for a doctor incognito stealing bodies and so like all the bandits and things that you kill you get to harvest their parts and you send those back to like a doctor and he gives you like funding and you know you've got like your cap tables and everything else but anyways those are the two new options this is a game that is chalk a block with just ridiculous amounts of content to participate in i personally think that this is one of the best indie games ever made if you have a tolerance for rng be warned this is not a game for the faint of heart this is not a game for people that like hate xcom because all this game is is xcom ramped up to 11 basically this game is very random this game is very very difficult i cannot stress that enough and then on top of that you know to quote picard it is possible to do everything right and still lose that's like the definition of battle brothers sometimes you can play things tactically perfectly in this game and just your dice won't let you hit the enemy so you rout you lose and you sit there scratching your head being like well i guess i'll start over that's part of battle brothers if you don't have a tolerance for that this this is not going to be the game for you it's going to drive you up a wall it will break many mice if after watching this video you wanted to get the game for yourself you can look down below in the description that's where i'll have a link for you you can get the game along with the dlcs there are many of them at this point and then on top of that this game also supports steam workshop modding which means that there's like endless content out there for you to add on in that can make the game even more complex and interesting which kind of factors into why i think this is one of the better indie games ever made aside from that you'll also find a link to my discord and my twitch stream where you're free to swing through and hang out there is a solid chance that during the next week i will be playing some battle bros on stream and you can come hang out and watch that just in case like the 30 minute video was not enough for you and you wanted like a longer deep dive we'll start our campaign off we're gonna play as the oath takers although actually the anatomists sound kind of cool too i've tried the oath takers out the oath takers kind of have a similar problem to the gladiators uh you start out with two guys that are impeccably present they are impeccably provisioned but the problem is they don't really have the levels and the skills to use the gear that they start out with and so anyways a little bit of good little bit of bad with the oath takers i haven't checked out the anatomists at all yet we start with three men high funds we can research corpses of fallen foes and gain knowledge to empower your men they can never be of confident morale that's a little bit of a bummer okay so they kind of have the same thing going on as the let's see here there's another company i think that has that same debuff where they can never be of confident morale and i don't remember who it is it's like one it's like the deserters or it's like the peasant militia or something like that like it's one of the i think one of these groups can't have confident morale when they start out too okay well let's start out with the oath takers and see what we can do with them i've already got them named the fighting flapjacks you can choose your late game crisis just in case that's what toots your horn you've also got your late game crisis down here you can leave it on random that's normally what i do uh but this is a world ending thing that's going to happen around day 100 give or take 50 days where you'll either get invaded by a massive hoard of green skins for warhammer fantasy fun all the noble houses will go to war with each other for like that game of thrones feeling there's an undead scores just in case you're into warcraft and you want the living to be wiped out by lich gods you've got a holy war which is effectively going to be like the kingdom of heaven with the crusaders and the saracens fighting and burning each other's cities down so anyways we don't have to pick this right now we're definitely not going to see it inside the confines of this video but it is a cool thing that happens just in case you're getting bored around day 100 we'll go ahead and start it on off we've got the difficulty all set up i've got it on high starting funds just because for the purposes of making a video it makes things easier i've got like a lot of hours in this game like hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours in this game and so anyways i'm trying to set it up such that you see the most amount of content that you possibly can inside a 30 minute video and high funds will kind of accelerate that a little bit okay so there's lots of flavor text in this game the writing is impeccable in this game it's very very good the writing is absolutely fantastic the game is a sandbox there is no overall storyline to the game except for the one that emerges from the interactions between your mercenaries and how they grow and the wounds they take and things like that we've started out pretty much on the fringes of like the entire world we're kind of out in the middle of nowhere right now this isn't a bad map though one of my big complaints about this game is the map gin can just be terminally terrible sometimes but this is an okay map this map is workable i don't like this big gap right here that you've got to make a run for but aside from that we've got a pretty good strip of trade the southern lands are a little bit scattered but like the southern lands are always kind of a toss up anyways and we lucked out in that like we didn't end up with like six cities in the north and like 12 cities in the south with like nothing in between so like it's not too bad it's a decent map it's livable it's playable so at the beginning of the game we got to take a look at our characters we started out with heinrich the oath bound as far as i can tell with the oathbound characters they always start out with someone who is old old is bad old is one of those stats that if somebody has it i fire them immediately most of the time unless they're just absurdly good this guy is not absurdly good this guy is actually freaking terrible and so i would get rid of him at my first convenience if i could but you know that's just me and the way that i play this game i'd probably fire this guy pretty quickly this dude on the other hand ivar is quite good ivar is very very good i think ivar will develop into quite the fantastic warrior as time goes along he's got three levels let's see if we can fix some of the things that are wrong with him i doubt it though because all of his stars are in the wrong spots he's got resolve which doesn't really matter for oath bound resolve is not really a thing to think about with the oath bound because they can take oaths that basically remove morale from the game so like yeah i'll give him some defense and i guess that's it and then we'll level him up again we got better rolls that time around i'm just gonna keep working on basically his stamina and whatnot but he's a pretty bad character he's not great but he does have funny funny meme number for his melee so that's good he started out with a banner he's got the skull of young anselm uh which is actually our religious prophet so these guys are actually like zealots um we've got what looks like a sword and a board over here but he doesn't really have the fatigue to use it so we're gonna have to figure out a way around that uh because that loadout is just flatly not gonna work his basic fatigue is actually pretty good his gear is just too heavy for his skill level right now we could get a little bit back by swapping that out right there it's not as good as his other helmet but it is good we could actually think about selling this gear and reprovisioning everybody inside a chain mail that might not be terrible there are perks here i have not allocated them yet but the perks are actually quite good there's a lot of builds in this game there's a lot of fun stuff you can do with the builds there's a lot of interesting ways that you can build your characters out to achieve different functions in the realm of the battlefield but for right now i'm not going to really talk about any of those good early choices fast adaptation for anybody that has less than 60 melee at level two is really really nice because that gives you a stacking chance to hit with every miss uh crippling strikes is great increases your chance to give them crippling injuries when you hit them colossus is also a fantastic choice increases your hit points by 25 percent never hurts on most builds nine lives i don't really play with it bags and belts i don't really play with it pathfinder can be good depending on your build adrenaline can be good depending on your build recover can be good depending on your build but in general i usually go with fast adaptation or colossus or crippling strikes on an early character like this i'll probably go with crippling strikes because he's got a decent attack chance and then for his next level up we've got even more options we want executioner because executioner gives you a 20 damage boost against anything that's already been crippled and wounded and so that's gonna add up considering he's got a two-handed weapon that does a lot of damage he's going to get a solid 10 15 damage out of every swing if they're already damaged and so that'll be good or if they're already wounded ivar i think we're just gonna have to resupply completely however i don't think we're gonna be able to do that out here in the fringes of society we're gonna have to find like a real city to resupply him in and make him maybe a little bit more resilient i may actually sell off the armor on the oath keepers and just put them in really nice chain mail it'll give them enough to survive early game encounters but at the same time they're not being weighed down by ridiculously heavy armor this sound actually seems okay they got any chain mail around here they got some studded armor might be okay we can get 400 bucks for the helmet i am tempted to strip all their gear and get a big payout right now i'm very very tempted that's normally what i do with the gladiator play through is i strip all their armor off and sell it and then just buy them kind of early game gear that's like better than normal but still not as good as what they started out with i think it's manageable it could be done quaff is actually quite good that's not a lot of fatigue that he's losing for wearing that that's a pretty good quaff i actually didn't realize how good the stats on that thing were that's nice okay well we'll keep that helmet then uh we'll strip off the armor real quick we'll strip off the armor real fast how much am i gonna get paid if i sell this armor so not a lot actually we'll make about 900 bucks but with the 900 bucks we would be able to hire an army to actually go out and do activities so things to think about alas there's not really any gear here that i would throw on these guys i'd throw the padded leather on them well in the jobs there is a package delivery and that package delivery would give us enough money to buy both of these so i'm just gonna buy both of them and we'll throw them on we'll hold on to these armors till later i may or may not use them it's a very very rare character that can wield 22 fatigue armor even in the late game like you'll usually have one or two guys that can do it that you've specifically built in order to do that but it's kind of it's you know very specific characters can wield that heavy armor other characters are going to focus more on dodge they're gonna focus more on getting out of the way the other option is if we can keep him alive long enough we can probably pull off a brawny build on these guys which will help out a ton too yeah even in the leather armor their fatigue is still pretty bad is what it is that's life the cloth rolls are not that good of a purchase so i'm not going to purchase them this helmet is like flatly useless for a long long time so i'm just going to sell it and we'll hold on to the armors for later because i think that armor's fine this armor right here it'll save us some money like hours and hours and hours on down the line so we've got to take that package up to dunklemark i'm gonna make that run and i'll let you know when we get there just to save on you know a little bit of the travel time or whatever oh while we were traveling we got our first oath keeper pop-up the fighting flapjacks would be despondent without purpose sensing their needs you retire to a quiet spot and sit to clear your mind young anselm never allowed himself distractions and you think this will work in your favor just as well as time begins to pass a thought nestles within your mind you trust it to be flighty and go but instead it grows and grows until you are made to realize it is the kernel of young anselm's guidance and that guidance says one thing the fighting flapjacks oath should be we can take the oath of humility that means we get paid less by contracts but we gain more xp we can take the oath of courage that means we will never flee from battle our renown i'm sorry our morale will never break but we get less xp we can take an oath of fortification so we have less fatigue from shields but our men cannot move in the first round of combat i don't tend to move in the first round of combat anyways so i'm not really that worried about it let's go ahead and we'll take the oath of courage for right now though oath of courage is fine so we've arrived in hochberg i think in hockberg we'll probably try to resupply or maybe pick up a recruit or two i think if we could pick up like three guys i would like to anyways we've got daytolers over here we've got another oath taker on this side my man came with the giant claymore right there masons tend to be decent characters usually in the early game what i look for is i look for miners i look for butchers i look for one thief i look for lumberjacks are good i like lumberjacks so lumberjacks miners masons those are all guys that tend to have stars in the places where you want them to be we'll hire this miner and we'll see if he's any good and in fact he's decent he'll be a solid character if we can keep him alive he's got a fear of beasts which kind of sucks but he'll be fine he'll be okay nothing bad is gonna happen to him i'll probably also pick up the mason over here just so our team is developing the mason is absolutely abysmal he's terrible so we're gonna wanna like let's just fire him real quick i'm just gonna fire him now rather than later i was gonna say like maybe i'll sacrifice him like in a fight to get rid of him but like he's just not that good he just is flatly not that guy he'll never be useful for like anything he's just awful he probably had okay morale or something that might have made him like a bannerman i don't know i didn't look at his morale but we already have a bannerman so like once again don't really need two bannermen all right so we've delivered the package our first job is done we got paid 300 bucks easy peasy a limo a squeezy um i like militia i tend to like late game i tend to like exclusively hire militia or better in the early game though they're a little bit pricey for what we're looking for uh we do have a rat catcher over here rat catchers can be kind of a mixed bag i've had rat catchers roll stats that made them like god tier archers but most of the time they're kind of useless uh well actually i don't think it's a bad idea i pick up every single beggar and every single refugee and every single i find most of the time because they're terrible but it's kind of like opening up a pack of cards every now and again you get something foil from just like a little 50 cent pack of cards and beggars and cripples and refugees are like the definition of that like they cost almost nothing so i tend to just gamble on them to see if maybe i can pull out a late game-worthy guy from time to time and in fact we will do that right now there we go so we filled out our roster are you guys any good uh he is terrible okay he's actually not bad he rolled a pretty good he rolled upwards towards the maximum of what he could roll uh as far as his starting attack stat so the refugee's decent if we can fix his resolve he's under oath right now so we don't need to worry about his resolve for another eight or nine days but we do need to equip him so let's furnish these guys with some basic weapons they both suck i'm fully expecting them to die but that's battle brothers sometimes you hire people just knowing that they're gonna die we'll get them some helmets basically every time you roll your dice there's a chance that you'll get hit in the head if you get hit in the head and you don't have a helmet on it's instantaneously a crit i think it's also a crit even when you get hit through a helmet because there's a skill later on called steel brow that makes hits to the head not crits but you know just keep an eye out for it spears are the best weapon in the game for characters that have bad attack rates so something to aspire to there we'll get a couple of shields i would like to get them an armor but we're gonna have to find a job i'll probably just get a beat stick for one of them you can have the beat stick since you've got the higher attack chance you can have the spear since you've got the lower attack chance we'll go and throw the gambesons on them we've got five guys right now so i think we'll probably be okay to take a combat job we might win we might lose somebody might die but that's life we gotta start taking jobs and getting some xp stacked up there's no other weapons here for him to take take that armor right there it's a little scuffed but yeah i may have gone a little bit overboard on the spending here but that's okay we've got these two suits of armor we can sell if we get in over our heads all right jobs what kind of jobs you got over here we've got 230 bucks for us to go secure some wheat fields yeah sure why not that's usually an easy job so the wheat fields are going to be ruins down here uh you never quite know what's going to happen sometimes you get attacked by bandits other times you come down here and just sit here for a minute you get paid 300 bucks to do it we'll gamble on it why not i like taking chances uh let's see take the spyglass from your eye and shake your head the wheat fields is filled or perhaps infested with refugees better than brigands you guessed but still a problem siegfried of dunklemark won't be happy about it you know that much on the other hand the people down here ragged looking more boned than flesh they don't deserve to be put a gout on the road again nah kick them out dude you order the men to clear the refugees they don't put up much of a fight they moan and groan about a cruel world all you can think about is how much you're getting paid yeah exactly we're mercenaries dude get them out of here like we were hired to do a job let's just move them on their way plus we're broke we are about to be refugees if we don't finish this job siegfried of duncan mark sits back after listening to the report any news you tell them that the area has been cleared out and the man swigs the rest of a drink in one go and sets the cup down good take this gang of workers back over there to rebuild once they're finished come back for your payday now this place has ruins around it there are little economic things in this game that you need to be aware of so like if you bring construction materials to a place that's surrounded by ruins you will get a crazy price for those construction materials if you bring metals to a place that has lots of blacksmiths and armorsmiths you'll get a good paycheck there just kind of depends where you're going so keep an eye on it this game does have a dynamic economy that will change as the game carries along and so it's it's good to keep a weather eye out for price making opportunities the workers have made it on over here and the wheat fields should be rebuilt in a day or two which will increase the amount of food that's available for buying inside the market here in this town so everything's interconnected there are nobles that run this place those nobles have reputations with other nobles uh things can kick off there can be little cold wars and whatnot there are buildings that affect the economy and how much things cost and how much things need to be moved around lots of really cool details with this game this quest right here is to follow some tracks near dunklemark and recover a tome of arcane knowledge i will take that contract although this one's gonna be a little bit risky we don't have a great fighting force right now our guys are like the definition of somewhat okay it'll probably be fine maybe it can be hard to say with some of the earlier quests one piece of advice from a veteran battle brothers player that i can give you is don't have more than six guys in the early game in the early game there's scaling so everything in this game is scaled it's scaled based on what day you're on and it's scaled based on the level of your characters and is scaled based on how many characters you have the sweet spot seems to be about five guys in the early game there's seven thieves over here that's gonna be a tough fight but we'll see if we can take it we're fighting in the woods too that'll be fun they aren't equipped very well so they should go down pretty fast i'm gonna allow them to wear down their fatigue by closing the gap moving on forest tiles is incredibly tiring and so we're just gonna let them exhaust themselves for right now we're just gonna hang tight right where we're at i probably need to wheel this guy back so that he doesn't have the height advantage conferred by that little mound right there and we probably want to shift him back too while we hold a line here so let's see if we can condense our line a little bit there we go perfect that's exactly where i want you guys let them pull on in they shouldn't be able to attack because it costs you a lot of ap to move across forest tiles and it looks like they've gotten a little bit spread out which is great 84 chance to hit big miss right there that's gonna set us back was really hoping to get some early game damage off 62 and 62 miss we've got a 77 right there first kill with the decapitation very nice you go ahead and squeeze back around the pikeman and get your shield up okay opening salvo was a little bit rough go ahead and get your shield up give him a stab he put himself in riposte mode in riposte mode any melee attack you take against him that misses he gets an automatic counter attack we've got a 69 chance to hit let's go for the 84 right there two 84s in a row that we have missed uh utterly disappointing like if we had landed both of those we would have killed two more guys right now and we would not be having problems 77 right there that guy's pretty scuffed up he's gonna move in go for the oh he did not go for the kill two misses at 70 percent right there not great uh really really losing to rng right now okay some nice damage off right there i'll take it go ahead and give me a strike on him he's a problem those two-handed weapons can one-shot a character so i need them to be gone his armor is now broken and he is now dead okay not great he's dead though so that's fine if we can get these guys routing like that guy right there you see that white flag right there that means he's rallying that's good go for a kill right there to hurt their morale he's routed so go for he's got a 49 finish him off with a clap actually i want their morale to fall oh he's too exhausted to swing his weapon okay you fire up there very nice he's now routing which saves his life go ahead and give me a little bit of something over there he's now dead we'll start condensing yeah you get damage off when and where you can but he's gonna get away uh let's go ahead and run down this last guy right here just for the loot very nice hit unfortunately it stripped his armor so now we can't loot it there we go okay so not a bad synopsis for that fight you know for a first fight it could have gone better it could have gone worse it could have gone much worse uh losing bertolf sucks because he was the only character in this entire team that was a keeper that's a little bit of a downer but he was in the center of the formation we missed like numerous 84's and 70 chances to hit in a row and so it's just bad luck there was nothing we did wrong right there it was just bad luck the way she goes sometimes you clean the blood off your sword and go to retrieve the item as you bend over to pick it up you spot a man watching you i see you killed my benefactor's men my benefactor paid good money for that artifact and appears those he paid are no longer owed so i can speak to you directly i'll give you 360 crowns for it don't ever take this deal it tanks your reputation like you won't be able to come back to this town without being attacked for the guards by a long long time the deal can sometimes be tempting like sometimes they'll offer to give you like 2 000 crowns for a 1 000 crown job don't ever take it uh it'll lock you out of entire chunks of the map and whatnot for long periods of time which can be a bit of a headache uh we did get some salvage here so we can probably sell some things off i don't want the axe i don't really want the pickaxe we did get a sword out of it and swords are pretty good we are going to buy some tools at some point otherwise we're not going to be able to repair our armor how badly damaged is our armor right now not actually that badly damaged i think we'll be okay we can swap him out for a sword because it gives him a 10 hit chance whereas the club does not so he's actually got a decent chance to hit now 67 percent versus their defense he'll be good for killing people that don't have shields if they have shields he's worthless but if they have no shield we're all right i think i am going to sell that armor we just need the extra cash right now and like nobody can wear it so like why bother uh we can actually swap that out for a couple of these bad boys right here too to increase the chance people survive are there any other good recruits here just hunters and whatnot okay that's fine you got any packages going anywhere uh he wants us to find a ruin on the map for 300 bucks it's a long way to the north and around dreaded mire we can do that that's basically free money for no combat so i'll take it it's probably sometimes you can look at the map and tell where it is i bet you it's like right there it may be inside the trees but i bet you it's right there as it turns out i was wrong uh we did find the place but it was actually a bit further north than expected but that's 300 bucks dude we're making money today we made like 500 700 bucks in one day food's a little bit scanty right now so people are going to get grumpy pants with me might lose a little bit of morale but that's okay the shops will be open once we get here and we'll buy some more provisions that'll keep everybody's vittles all nice and high actually we didn't run out of food good job apparently we're tightening our belts around here so there's another 240 bucks this last job is a package which is great because this is the last train out of town anyways it's going southwest i'm not in love with going back southwest to either kron forced or hochberg because i'm trying to get away from this corner of the map so i don't know if i'm gonna take it it is free money i was hoping it would go to the northeast though the good news is we got a few clubs rattling around we can probably get some upgrades here so decisions to be made about whether we go southwards the supplies for tools are really bad right now and we do need to repair our armor so we do need to go to a major city or someplace that's well supplied right now otherwise we're gonna have a bad time i would like to pick up these red armors one of the first things i try to do before day 10 or 15 is make sure all my guys are in red armor and all of them have the really really nice accidents if i can get those we're good and it gives you a lot of survivability in the early game from there by like day 20 or 30 i like to have everybody in chain mail you can't click on individual buildings while you're inside the town as well in case you're wondering you can find nicer better things at these locations this is a crafting spot so basically you can craft stuff from the monsters you've killed they don't really have a lot of food here to resupply with so i guess i'll just take the loaves of bread for right now we'll get rid of the bandages too we'll get rid of that just travel kind of light for the moment i think i am going to take this even though i feel like i'm going to regret it and we'll just push down to ground forced run forced it is package delivered free money for being amazon express down here you guys got anybody good that wants to like join up there are some butchers down here i don't prioritize butchers but if i don't have anything else i'll take a butcher they're kind of pricey at the moment what kind of jobs do we have down here we've got another package delivery to go to the north east southwest actually what's to the southwest oh dinkle mark oh okay there's more cities down there okay i'll think about it uh they want me to find an enemy hideout and that's gonna be to the east near the spine of the world this one's kind of a gotcha uh because if the so if the hideout is on this side of the mountains right here easy money if it's on this side of the mountains right here we're hosed well we found it we had to go all the way across the mountains and in fact there was an easy way to clear that if i was a save scumming man this would be a save scumming moment but way she goes we got our 300 bucks let's head on back our dailies are only 60 bucks anyways so we came out net positive plus we're gonna get that package delivery going down to the southwest so it'll probably turn out net positive ooh dire wolves i usually try to farm as many direwolves as i can in the early game for their pelts because in the late game there's an item you can craft called a direwolf mantle which is in my opinion one of the best items in the game if you have like a full squad of 12 guys and every single guy has a direwolf mantle what makes the direwolf mantle good is that it adds like 15 or 20 armor to whatever armor you already have but on top of that it also forces anybody that has adjacency with you to make a morale check every time they join adjacency and so with 12 guys who all have direwolf mantles that's a lot of morale checks and the enemy fails them very very frequently and since having low morale confers bonuses to defense or i guess malice is to offense it can be very very good for kind of taking fights that are sketchy and turning them into manageable fights in my normal opinion there's a festival in town right now that's good that means if we had incense we could make a lot of money now we do need to buy some tools i'm going to go ahead and buy some bread here real fast and then i'm going to buy one stack of tools slightly above market value don't want to but that's life i could probably get well he's got a sword on him he's got broken ribs because we had an event while we were walking to find that hideout where he got challenged to split a rock that was shaped like manhood uh by some random guy there's a caravan here okay that goes to the east that is the direction we're going we've got another fight so we can recover a golden talisman that was stolen we also have another hideout actually all right uh ways to the south yeah let's go get our free 300 bucks this is a great quest in all honesty for getting some early renown this guy right here is offering us extra money to tell him about the hideout instead of telling our boss about the hideout i'm gonna head down in here to markland and see if i can find this thing before we lose the daylight please be like right here there it is easiest 300 bucks i've ever made in my life back to town we go and then we'll hitch a ride on the caravan to go east although there's no crossing right there so this guy will give us a 60 extra um now i'm gonna stick to my employer for right now you have reputation in this game so if you go to your camping menu like your retinue menu you see this number right here this is important this is your renown the higher your renown is the better quality of jobs you get you get paid more money for doing easier work you also get paid more money for doing harder work but you want your renown to kind of be positive and like ratting on a quest or snitching on a quest or abandoning a quest it craters your renowned it's really really bad on top of that we also have reputation with all of these towns that we're interacting with right here and as it goes up you get like better jobs you get you know introductions to nobles and things for like higher pay this is all procedural it's all randomly generated you get different houses every time you play uh but we've actually got a decent bankroll right now we're not doing too bad it may be time to look and start seeing if we can find some better characters we got some very cheap daytollers up here i think i'll go for them even if they're bad like he's actually not a terrible daytaller it looks like he's got asthmatic which kinda sucks we can sort of make up for that if we give him a fatigue recovery ability he's apparently fearless though which is really really good this guy right here is night blind and he's short-sighted so this guy is just he's like me he's not very useful after dark all right let's see if we can get them equipped so we've got two spears here i will take those two spears we've already got a hat so we'll get another one right there we'll get a couple of or a couple of gambesons and i do have any shields left over i have one shield left over okay we'll throw spears on them for the plus 20 bonus to hit we will throw the acutons on them there we go uh you will have a shield for the extra defense just to maybe keep you alive for a few fights we'll grab another shield over here normally i have a lot more shields rattling around honestly we can probably take the gold talisman quest right here i feel like we're equipped for it yeah let's take the gold talisman quest why not see if we can go get ourselves into some righteous combat maybe pick up some salvage like i think we're in a good position to scrap with some basic bandits right now they want to fight us on the mountain ridge i'm going to wait till morning before i pull these guys because we got that night blind guy and so i'd rather not go into combat with like a severe penalty to one of my characters there we go it's now dawn i don't really want to fight them on this terrain but we'll see what happens sometimes this terrain is workable sometimes it's not it looks like we got the good side of the field so i think we'll be okay but let's pull everybody up on the ridge here they do have a lot of swords swords give hit bonuses which hit bonuses worry me i should have rearranged my i should have rearranged my guys too i'm gonna go ahead and join the combat right here and get some damage off if i can i want to maintain this ridge and make it mine basically you come in down here fill in that gap so they can't get to my pikeman you get up on the ridge as well hope for a kill right there but no kill let's go ahead and bring him a down right here too to protect the pikeman big hit right there on the first turn kind of a bummer would rather not have a big hit on the first turn but we did a little bit of damage he's now dead enemy morale is faltered so they've got a lower hit chance i would like nothing better than to take that spot right there but it's dangerous to step into do it yep we got his morale to falter a little bit more oh one hit one kill and this guy is now routing okay yeah move up the fight is going well we do have to worry about that weapon right there it can one shot an early game character so we need to focus on him he's got that golden dog and that golden dog is a problem luckily it looks like the golden dog has been neutralized so good stuff with the step in and the swing unlike the last fight this one appears to be going in our favor good stuff we'll go ahead and flank right there we'll put a little bit of damage on him more damage on him he's now faltering which means he's got a lower hit chance he went for a stun and then a normal swing that guy's running for his life there's another kill this guy's now routing in fact they are in full route right now so we have nothing to worry about everybody step on in it's time to purge the dead and go on with our lives easiest quest i've ever completed easy peasy stuff two swords that's a high market item two armors that's a high market item golden dog two shields not bad that's a good quest for us right there that's a really good resolution let's look at our level ups so we have a level up on alfred the weasel he's a brute so he has bad melee skill but when he does hit somebody in the head he does crazy damage so we want to build this guy to be a flail character because flails have an increased chance to hit the head unfortunately he doesn't really have the combat accuracy to support being a flail character he's good at melee defense though he's really good at melee defense i'm actually kind of impressed with how good he is uh we're gonna want to give him fast adaptation so we get a plus 10 chance to hit stacking for every time that he misses and we've got our swordsman over here he rolled okay he didn't roll like amazing but he rolled all right we'll give him some health and some accuracy and then since he's got decent health he's actually got kind of a bad hit chance we'll start with fast adaptation again over here and ivar has leveled up ivar is one of our main like banger dudes and so we want to make sure he's got really good stats because we're probably going to build him to be like a battleforge guy we can probably give him something like colossus just to make sure that he survives so now he's got 75 hp morale's looking good we've got another victory on the road let's head back to town and get our paycheck paychecks for everybody and of course a package delivery that is going to the northeast i'll take it why not i will take it all right so what do we have going on here what can i vendor obviously the two tunics the club the golden dog the club the flail the club there we go not a bad paycheck actually we came out somewhat on top right there and we solved most of this town's problems i'm a problem solver i solve problems [Music] i don't see any super obvious upgrades for the moment there's no trade goods that are going to benefit us i think we should probably pick up some berries and we should probably pick up some bread just so we have food for the road now that our party is getting larger but that was a good resolution for us that's not bad could have gone worse could have gone a lot worse but this is battle brothers i think battle brothers is absolutely fantastic it's one of my favorite games of all time i'd recommend this game to anybody that likes procedural sandbox rpgs with a severe tactical tactical bent to it this is a hard game i would not recommend it to anybody that gets pissed off by rng uh this is not the game for you this is one of those games that's going to tilt you up a wall because like i said at the beginning of the video it's possible to do everything right in this game and still lose if just the dice are being abysmally terrible but with good builds and optimized characters and careful scouting for new characters and elimination of bad characters you can kind of weigh things in your favor to win most of the time that's not to say that like there's not going to be a couple of losses here and there losses happen in battle brothers it's a big part of the game how you deal with that determines what kind of battle brothers player you're going to be whether you exist in just a perpetual state of salt or whether you persevere and carry on and become very very good at the game but this has been one of my personal favorites for a very long time and so i'm happy that the developers out of the kindness of their heart have developed a big giant free dlc that we can play with add more stuff to the game um because more stuff never hurts i'll see y'all next time thank you for stopping on in my name is splattercat i sift through the pile to find what's worth while in the world of indie games every single day so you don't have to today it was battle brothers tomorrow will be something else thanks for hanging out bye everybody
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 215,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: battle brothers gameplay, battle brothers walkthrough, battle brothers playthrough, lets play battle brothers, battle brothers review, battle brothers preview, battle brothers impressions, battle brothers of flesh and faith, battle brothers download, battle brothers soundtrack, battle brothers music, battle brothers boss, battle brothers guide, battle brothers tutorial
Id: Uvv71gkXYP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 26sec (2426 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2022
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