Anvil Saga (2022) - Sandbox Medieval Blacksmith Shop RPG

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what's up guys and gals and welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of indie games we've got anvil saga which is actually coming out it's being released as of right now and so anyways the developers being ever so kind gave me access to the development build so that i could get this video ready for release day i remember about a year ago like a year and a couple months ago we covered this game and i was actually really really impressed with the demo that they had distributed this is a very unique interesting game where you are a apprentice blacksmith that has taken over a shop and you've got to manage people's orders and there's also kind of like ethical quandaries that will determine who you become as a businessman and then you take the money and you reinvest it in your business to hire more employees and you build up your blacksmith workshop until you're producing all kinds of cool stuff and there's mining and there's bandit raids and things of that nature and so anyways i thought this game really really sounded awesome when it came out in demo form about a year ago they had a demo that they released onto the steam next festival but i didn't cover it because i knew the game was coming out this week and i'd rather cover the finalized version rather than show you something you've already seen before with the demo in the case of this video we will be going from the beginning of the game so it's going to overlap a little bit with the last video that i did but since it's been so long since i played that demo i did want to make sure that nothing has changed around kind of on the front end of the game just as part of doing my due diligence and so we're going to dive on in today and see if it's something you wanted to add to your wishlist or otherwise pass on at the time of the publishing of this video the game should be available for your purchase you'll also find a link down below in the description where you can find my twitch stream and my discord pretty solid chance that i may put some hours into this on twitch after we get done with the raft 1.0 release at some point this week uh but anyways that's called all kind of like vacuous and inquiry and in the clouds i never really i i never really plan anything out i just do stuff and for whatever reason life keeps rewarding me for acting crazy and erratically and so let's play some anvil saga shall we uh all of our games have been wiped so doesn't really matter our progress from the demo is not going to carry over we will go into story mode which i think is fun and then i don't really think i need a tutorial i'm the kind of person that like i tend to skip over tutorials because i'm kind of like a hands-on learner i find being taught things to be kind of like boring instead i just kind of want to like fiddle with them and figure it out myself that's it hold the hammer tight swing your arm up and strike the blank i can't i'll never become a master like you listen when your mother and i came to france we didn't have a single penny on us nothing but fire in the eyes and my old instruments really not a single penny not more than a couple of tallers to be sure this is arthur the hero of the story and your main character since childhood he's been kelping his father in the forge but he's pretty good at any kind of craft arthur my son make some ingots at the smelter we have a lot of work today all right and so anyways we need to smelt some ore out of ingots and we're going to do that by right-clicking over here on the forge and so as you can see we're going to put like ore inside the furnace and then it's going to convert it on over into ingots so that we can make finalized goodies there we go excellent work my son flipped the sign we're opening up all right let's open the shop let's do it there we go perfect that's finley the young lady next to him is his daughter olivia is it the merchant from gascony yes judging by the look on his face he's happy with my forging there goes jean jacques jr i can't stand that guy there there his father's a respectable craftsman and jean-jacques jr isn't too slow either though he didn't really inherit his father's talent don't let your emotions get the better of you learn how to conduct business because that's what he excels at oscar you're here too how are you faring thanks for the instruments and the harness was perfect glad to see you at the fair what brings you finley i'd like to order a small trinket a brooch for my beloved daughter do this for me would you it's a piece of cake right son you've got this monsieur finley and mademoiselle olivia i'm glad to see you both hello arthur oscar why didn't you order the brooch from my father his shop's right over there for a lady as charming is the fair olivia i would have even given you a discount thank you jean jacques but oscar and i have gone through hell and high water together any orders i have are exclusively for him well let's see how arthur does it then okay so he wants us to make a brooch and we've got ingots and we get eight bucks for doing it sometimes you'll have to make a choice that's going to attract events further on into the story you'll see one of them now each option has a chance of success and failure so study them carefully you won't be able to go back on your choice all right so we can use let's see the merchant ordered a broach for his beautiful daughter my father bought a jewel for the barons ring i could probably use it um no just make a simple bridge let's not let's not engage in any dubious scumbaggery as of right now like we haven't even launched our career you know what i mean like we're still just getting started we're already starting about we're starting to think about thieving and robbing people let's go ahead and make a simple brooch i think it's done is this all right good lad here it's all done it's lovely isn't it is it ready excellent you're doing well young man yes he's a real star enjoy wearing it we would have made a much better bridge though arthur might have ruined the materials so at least there's something hello blacksmith working hard yes more or less my son's been helping out a lot he's even much better than me at some things now ah he looks like you now then can you make me a ring we'll do our best get to it son good day esteemed baron if you'd given the order to my father you would already have your ring i am aware of your father's skills as a craftsman however oscar can do the same work for half the price and guarantees the quality all right so it's good thing i didn't use the jewel the baron certainly can be a pain in the neck all right let's make the jewel encrusted ring for the baron i mean we do have the option to use a fake jewel and just like rip him off but considering we probably live inside his barony and he probably has the power to have us strung up by the neck until dead i'd rather not they didn't mess around in this time period with thieves [Music] [Music] ah is it done it's ready sir here the esteemed baron picks such a fine gem that even you arthur would be hard-pressed to ruin it thank you jean-jacques perhaps you'll manage the same on your own one day wow not bad kid good work you're a chip off the old block that's a good lad thanks it's great to have your work appreciated it sure is have a good day and a great time at the fair looks like it's time for us to head home close the stall up okay there we go let's go my son father what do you think about me and olivia do you think that we should become friends we're not their equal son but in a merchant's family a groom is judged by how fat his purse is cheer up and everything is in your hands my father's words were no surprise to me inequality is both the scourge and the foundation of our society however the sincere smile and charming eyes of the merchant's daughter made my heart ache the fair was coming to an end so we gathered our belongings and set off for home it was the last fair i ever got to visit with my father the disease hit him hard but even to his last breath he did his best to transfer his knowledge and skills to me even when he could barely hold a hammer in his trembling hands i had no choice but to make my father proud and become a decent apprentice you have a small house and a forge at your disposal it's not much but it's better than starting off from scratch here your glorious path to wealth and the heart of your beloved girl begins but all this is far ahead for now kindle the forge time to blow the dust off the anvil let's see what i can remember all right let's go ahead and do it so we need to complete five orders and it looks like they've started me out with some goodies so no big problem there i'll probably get to work like smelting some ore into ingots while we're out here just so that if anybody decides to show up we've actually got the materials ready to rock to take on their order and it looks like we've got our first winner here he needs a set of horseshoes i will accept the offer let's go ahead and mash it out real fast absolutely adore the pixel art in this game very cartoony and very charming so his order is finished off he's loaded up the horseshoes into a bag and he's often on his way it looks like we don't retain our progress right here uh this guy needs a brand possibly for cattle or horses i think we can probably do that the wind smells bad yeah it's because you're downwind from me how's taco bell night baby all right so anyways there's our oh we've got a new trait characters can receive negative and positive traits each one will affect your behavior in a specific way carefully read your descriptions and pick the best assignment for each worker okay and then we've got an order for some tweezers right there we'll go ahead and mash that out get it done i actually don't know what trait we picked up actually i think it's listed down here you're a pacifist we do not work on orders for soldiers and knights i'm running out of ingots i should make some more okay [Music] fair enough and the reason the number is a different color above each of these people's heads is actually because we get reputation with the various classes of the realm and so it doesn't have a tooltip on these so i don't know exactly who the classes are but there's like the church the peasantry uh the military the nobility and like bandits as i recall from the old demo a few more of these ingots ready to rock okay and there we are we've got what we've got can i order some more actually how much money do i have 228 yeah go ahead and get me a load of 20 ore for the future please uh this guy needs a chain yeah we can link that up come on build a chain build right in come on build the train it's a big old chain it looks like i actually need three ingots for his order which is kind of unfortunate i didn't plan this properly hopefully the delivery gets here soon i don't know when our deliver it says it's out for delivery hey there's our little guy right here he doesn't look dubious at all bro let me get that ore come on give me that ore sun let me get it you're running out of ore sooner or later you'll need to start expanding your forge building more rooms and digging deep into the earth each forage needs a constant supply of ore okay it's okay because i just ordered some and i really just need to get this order out about as soon as possible now let's go ahead and mash this out and see if we can get there our timing may be slightly off and it looks like we do have more rooms that we can build it's going to cost us 100 bucks to dig down below the surface no roof regular room go ahead and do it each room's construction will take time okay honestly for right now i'm just interested in getting this whole thing finished off all right so he's got that finished we need to build some ingots i'm gonna let him kind of like wait till near the end oh that actually transfers bummer okay well mash out the tweezers real quick i don't know if we're gonna be able to get the brand done though by the end of the day it feels unlikely there we go that guy's apparently a brigand or something yeah i'll turn that one down just because i don't really have the time to smelt enough ingots to actually get it done this person needs a padlock which is actually kind of a complicated construction for somebody like us without like specific facilities how's construction going down here looks like they're ruffling the curtains and trying to get it done so hopefully we'll get done at some point i need five ingots i've got enough for the next two orders let's take them in oh i like how the lighting effects swap around as daylight changes too choose the type for your new room okay so we were going to make this we don't really need a kitchen however i would very much like to have a mine uh so we'll go ahead and do that and then the mine needs an entrance and a crate okay there's a mine entrance for 50 bucks so we'll go ahead and drop one of those down in and then as far as a crate is concerned i think what it actually means is oh there's a small wooden box oh it holds food that also holds food i'm gonna try something and i'm gonna put it in there it looks like that counts as a crate even though it said that it had food capacity let's go ahead and get your order done as well that'll hopefully let me get a little bit ahead of the curve man we're popular we've got customers coming in all day every day our dad must have been a man of honor got customers out the door around here apparently our craftsmanship is trusted in i love the little background with the parallax effect too what a great looking game uh we'll go ahead and turn him down i'd like to get some i just want to get ahead on ingots for a minute and it looks like we've got endurance we've got hp and then we've also got satiation down here so i want to keep an eye on that as well i'm just going to power through until this gets to about half a meter there we go we'll take the order now and we'll bang this out and then we've also got a padlock right there so we'll go ahead and take that and we've got just enough materials for the both and then what i'll do is after we finish off this separate order we'll close down the shop and we'll smelt some ore for a little while there we go all right so we'll close the shop down we'll get some ore smelted our bed is over here for when we need to rest and you can kind of see how this is unfolding as we get further on into the game we're going to have loads of employees and we're going to basically have like a huge compound with multiple floors that go up into the air with like you know a half a dozen workers all walking around and doing things based on the skills that they have and the stuff that they're good at and so i really really find that appealing actually oh we are gonna need some more ore so i think now is probably not the worst time to go down into the mine and we'll use the speed controls to get that done a little bit faster down into the mine we go and in fact it looks like it does take a little while to get some ore out don't know how hard this is going to be on our endurance but i'll keep an eye on it an important thing to note is that various characters have different skills while he's just mining away on this like side in a mine anyways you've got meters that go up everybody's got different skills so some characters that you recruit are going to be better at blacksmithing some of them are going to be better at smelting some of them are going to be better at mining some of them are going to be better at sharpening all that kind of stuff it's hard to work in the forge alone the village chief essentially three young men who want to become apprentices this young man is new to the village he came from gascony hi my name is theris master blacksmith monty is the local trickster in rascal he tries to look like a nobleman in everything that he does my name is monty sir i've wanted to become your apprentice for ages if you'll have me and this is stone a winner of all the fights and wrestling contests in the village i can do all sorts of things and i'm strong as an ox i'm sure i'll be useful so which of them do you want to become your apprentice uh theorist is from the same place we are i mean like weren't we from gascony wasn't that or maybe we came here from england i don't know but it looks like relations with france go up in relations with england to get worse uh monty over here bandits will like us and then over here if we take him the english will like us but the french will not considering i live in france i'm gonna focus first on getting the french to like me because like if there's one thing that history has taught us when the french get perturbed there's like strikes and all of a sudden they're like do you hear the people sing and they're like lighting people on fire and building barricades out of tables and firing muskets and so anyways let's just kind of like keep the french happy first i thank you for trusting me master i'll never let you down you now have an apprentice he needs a room where he can rest after hard work keep an eye on his level of fatigue and pay his salary on time your apprentice's skills will improve with time let's get to it complete five orders with ferris's health okay uh arthur get on up here take a nap ferris what are you doing over here uh you're a smith right in the name of his majesty the dofon of france i'm authorized to collect the land tax for the good of the country all of you just prey on honest people no matter what you call yourselves are you gonna pay or not uh yeah i'll pay my land tax keep an eye on your character's energy a tired character will make mistakes while forging and may damage the worst piece send your worker to sleep so that they can regain energy i'm trying to do that right now all right monty get down there in the mine you're mostly just going to support my day to day for right now i'll use you for like weapons and for sharpening and whatnot once we actually have military orders coming through but for now you're my little mind buddy make sure you don't suffer any minor injuries all right let's see as soon as his meter's filled on up we will more than likely want to pick up some food and get that knocked out do i have to order food is that like a thing that i have to do let's go ahead oh we have no empty space left that's fine then i think we're okay uh the other thing we may need to do is we may need to get another room it's a hundred bucks to build another room though so we need to earn some money that's gonna be our our first thing that we need to get finished off uh he's bringing back ore that's fantastic i'm gonna go ahead and have arfor uh you've got enough energy for right now get to the smelting okay the smelting is about done so we'll go ahead and open up the shop and we'll slow down the game and we'll start taking customers because we've got to get enough money to where we can expand the house so that poor theras actually has a room to sleep in i've got him sleeping on a pile of trash bags in the corner and he's still can i get a loan i'll return a few more coins uh neither a lender nor a borrower b but since we live in a small town community i'll give it a go maybe doing people favors is a good idea and more of a you know communal living situation we'll go ahead and mash out i i really need money so like i'm i'm kind of against that kind of stuff for right now but such is life i suppose uh how you doing over here theris energy's still looking okay that's good while we wait for customers i'll probably go ahead and get some more oars melted we need to get up to like a little bit over 100 bucks though because we need to get his room set up otherwise it's just going to be too crowded around here no customers today huh am i like smelly or something like what did i do wrong hey he's leveled up his mining skill all right so for 11 bucks over here we can bang out a chain real fast perfect what does this guy want he looks a little bit unkempt and he's got a big dagger on his belt he'll give me 11 bucks though if i make him a whole bunch of nails so here you go buddy you can now say you've been nailed by the blacksmith post a yelp review uh yeah let's build a room up here we'll call it yeah we'll give it kind of like a curved roof that's actually we're not even on the top floor yet though it looks like it goes all the way up so maybe we'll take it easy on that and we'll do like a square room a room with a balcony that sounds pretty cool yeah let's do that so there goes a little bit more cash unfortunately but we got to get that room up for poor theras if you got time head on over here and grab some food who's this guy oh he's the workman i was like who is this dude that just thinks he can walk into my house and like nothing's gonna happen and go ahead and get that food knocked out real fast ferris how you looking ferris is looking okay all right so we got to pick the room type and i need this to be a living room yep that's it so inside the living room we need a bed a table and a chair so obviously we're gonna have to make some more money there's just really no way around that yeah i know i'm in the process of feeding people right now like i'm not totally done yet but i'm like getting there as soon as he gets done eating apparently i have no food left in the pantry so that's a little bit of a bummer let's go and open the shop back up hopefully my neighbors don't mind the racket that i'm creating right now by hammering away on on blacksmith jobs in the middle of the night in the middle of the night i go working on my anvil i gotta make them i got lots of people around here need brands apparently there's a lot of competing cattle farmers around sure apparently he just wants a water skin i don't really feel like that's a job for the blacksmith but money's money i suppose a few more of those ingots knocked out can he just like sleep in my bed like i know it's not ideal but if he could just sleep in my bed it would buy me a little bit of time uh the evil witch would like to have a chain okay yeah i'm not in the i'm not in the i'm not in the business of upsetting baba yaga so i'm gonna go ahead and we'll give her the chain for a little bit all right get on some more ingots here and i think we have enough for a bed for tharis we don't have enough for a table though and we are gonna have to feed theris pretty soon so i think we're gonna have to order a little bit more food i think we only had enough for like one meal i only have to find the philosopher's stone uh-huh seven dollars in debt i don't like this debt stuff that's going on why is everybody around here like i don't know they keep showing up with their with their grown hand out man and i'm just like you know it cost me materials in order to make this stuff all right helping the devil to heaven with you oh the priest doesn't like it when i help out one of the mystics or whatever okay i could see how that might potentially be like a small rift forming zone between you know me he wants a bear trap an employee must read instruments and tools books to complete the order i do actually really really it's underrated but i really like that interaction that happened between the priest and the witch inside of our line i had no idea there was gonna be consequences for stuff like that and that's actually like a really really good little detail what do we have here he won't work for soldiers right i'm gonna close the shop up make him go away before i have to disappoint anybody i don't know how far off screen they go but i'm not allowed to work for soldiers because of my pacifist tendencies apparently we've got more ore coming on in we might as well smelt that for right now oh the soldier came back maybe it's a prescribed order and you can't get around it sure i'll take the helmet no i won't ferris get up here it's not a tool of murder it's a tool of anti-murder it's the opposite of a tool of murder it's a tool of protection all right well let's let there's do it he'll learn a little bit about forging anyway since he's not really that great at it got three ingots for you and we've got three ingots for you he wants a buckler sounds good uh you're actually sleepy so let ferris take over for a little bit the higher your forges prestige the more appealing it will look to rich clients by increasing your forge's prestige and upgrading the stall you can attract money bags who are willing to pay much more than okay and so anyways in addition stall upgrades increase your maximum workshop storage space for wood and ingots prestige is increased when you complete orders but it has an upper limit upgrade the house decorations to increase the limit all right so with a stall like this you'll only get bumpkins time to change this ramshackle shed for something more respectable uh we're not really gonna have a whole lot left after this however we will have enough for that horseshoe order but we'll close up the shop after that one goes through because we don't really have much else to do all right shop is closed uh these guys can head off into their direction you go ahead and get me some more i guess or why is this guy peeking through my window right here bro you trying to rob me get out of here why you do why are you being all voyeuristic while i'm sleeping man he's like just checking your bald spot making sure it's still there my god dude a bunch of weirdies in this town man let's go ahead and get how much food can i hold it looks like i'm also out of wood i don't know what my maximum food storage is we'll get three meals for right now just to keep it cheap and then i think i'm also gonna have to oh i was gonna order wood too i think we need more wood for smelting otherwise we're not really gonna be able to do too much either way though we've got time nothing too crazy going on i've never seen this merchant in our village before there's go out and find out what he wants oh he's behind the house hey lad call the owner i didn't come all the way here from langadoc to talk to an apprentice get a move on my boy you've come from afar how can i help i came from the south and i'm setting up some trade links i can bring you whatever you want for the best price from damascus steel to precision instruments shall we work together that might be good don't even think of refusing i barely escaped the bandits myself the roads are unsafe the thieves and bandits gather like vultures where armies have passed by recently you should agree as i'm the bravest merchant of those prepared to offer services to you bandits are all we need right now if we're talking business would you be so kind as to take an order from me what should i make uh let's see here without a good supplier there is no smithy business if i can complete the order well enough antonio will supply me with indispensable goods from far away lands okay i mean it looks like we get the same reward either way so we might as well go for it uh we do have a time limit on it though which is kind of a bummer and it put me on super fast forward and he woke me up out of a dead sleep you must be kidding me all right uh i need to get an order done and i need wood where can i get some wood from i actually don't see much in the way of wood so i guess we can do it without wood for the forge i think the wood is maybe for construction maybe that's what we're looking at let's go ahead and it's going to take three ingots to knock out one of these so you may as well get after it right now oh did i take all three i'm a big dummy i shouldn't have done did that that was probably a mistake ferris you got to feed yourself pretty soon but it's okay you just hang out in the mine for a minute keep bringing me more ore so i can get these orders done all right let me get on the anvil okay keep on smelting we don't really have any money coming in right now though so i am a little bit worried about our financial future i'm not like absolutely convinced that we're gonna be able to bounce back in reasonable pros actually just stay smelting what's up with you man what are you doing do they go and eat automatically when they're hungry oh magnificent dude that's so good i was worried i was gonna have to micromanage the whole thing hell yeah all right and as soon as he gets done you go ahead and take a nap i'm going to kind of let the ingots pile up for a little bit [Music] and then ferris you get on down there and keep on mining until your little arms turn flabby i want you to have jello arms by the time you get out of that mine my friend he's already hit level two mining there is specialized equipment too we can buy inside the buying menu that'll make us better at working down in the mines too it'll make him gather more quickly all right it appears to me as though we are back on the horse with regards to our iron supply i'm sort of trying to figure out whether or not i can balance okay so those are just like little detail flip downs got you i need to make some money but i don't know if we're gonna be able to manage it i guess it kind of depends how many ingots this is gonna cost me uh it's four for each of these chains so yeah it's pretty pricey and the paycheck is kind of garbo i think we have an event happening here yeah there's some guy with a fluffy shirt hey there arthur it's been a while have you decided to follow in your father's footsteps hey jean jacques jr if not me then who how's your smithy doing quite well off thank you that said my father recently passed away like yours so now i'm just john jacques it is all the will of god i have quite grand prospects for this smithy my condolences why visit our humble smithy you can't handle the orders we're handling them quite well quite well indeed i just wanted to see how you're doing there's only two smoothies left in the province and neither of us really need competition in times like these what would you say if i offered to buy your smithy you'll be my right-hand man and with your talent we could be magnificent thank you for the offer but my father didn't work himself to the bone just for me to sell his forge yeah i didn't think you'd give it to us so easily well next fair we'll see how we compare by the way i saw finley's daughter olivia a few days ago she's blossomed into quite the beauty be sure to pay them a visit i'm not surprised she's always been fair why do you care well you know i just remembered how you looked better back at the fair finley will only agree that she marry a rich man he's a smart one too so don't get your hopes up and do think about my offer to buy up that forge thank you for the advice jean-jacques glad to see you as always i must take my leave the work isn't going anywhere and i don't have the time to wander around and get up in people's business you're a good lad arthur shame you'll have to work in the fields before too long have fun with your smithy while you can i don't know if i would say swinging a hammer and working in a mine is all together that much fun but you know what do what you got to do my friend and do what you got to do and this kid needs to get up and out of bed i'll tell you that much right now all right he's up and out of bed time to start smelting he's going to get back to the mining so that we can get this all done however we are going to have to take like a little hunger break pretty soon which is kind of uh not ideal i need to make some money but like i don't know it's not going so great a surge of strength you work 30 faster if your sleep levels are over 75 not so much right now but it's definitely faster with this kid going into the mine that extra skill level actually like matters like it's actually a quantifiable like time difference all right so we're maxed out on or good all right so get the rest of the orders done and we should have enough to finish both orders and that's going to allow us to stack up a little bit more or as well for later on france demands you pay 19 coins as the land tax all right i'll pay it either war has moved far from the region or due to some other blessing the village enjoys peace and quiet order prices are lower but clients come together less often soldiers and knights don't come at all that's probably for the best well then not bad not bad i can see you reliable my shop is at your disposal and i'm sure we'll have a profitable partnership you mean mutual yes yes that's what i meant of course okay let's smelt off a little bit of ore here and we need oh cool we got like 70 bucks that actually probably like saved my booty cheeks they were exposed to the wind and the elements by poverty and now they no longer let's go ahead and open the shop up and we'll take what orders we possibly can for right now now we've got a brand over here i think we can do that go ahead and get the brand done and then we'll close up the shop and you go get yourself a meal there partner i like how when he's hungry his beard and his hair get kind of disheveled and he actually like looks tired and exhausted that's good i also like how there's like stages to eating like he actually takes the food he cooks the food he brings it back he eats the food uh you go ahead and eat the food all in one sweet buddy all in one sweep how's theris doing bueller you knew i was going to make a ferris bueller reference at some point during this video right like knowing me you had to know it was coming let's go ahead and we'll open the shop back up and we'll get to the smelting we will smelt it that we might dealt it now we've got a padlock over here i think that should be easy enough uh with the witch here we can't really do her order unfortunately so we're gonna have to make the witch of the wood all nice and angry at us he needs some nails so i think we can do that easy peasy order to put out right there uh he needs a trap of some kind but i don't know how to make it yet because i'm not skilled enough so oh we got level two blacksmithing nice uh you want some tweezies huh okay i think we can probably get that done we'll send her away because we can't do her order for right now all right we've got a little bit of money running man people coming in non-stop from dawn till dusk i can't even get a word in edgewise we've got a little bit of materials left i'm gonna let them stack up for a second all right let's get on the anvil there's three right there four right there this guy wants a chain and after we get done on that front we'll go ahead and smelt for a little bit actually go take a nap go take a nap we'll put the kid on it for a little while we've got enough ore stacked up to where i can split up the jobs a little bit better for the moment the other thing we're going to need is we need to furnish this room so he needs a table and a chair and we do have a table right here so we can make that happen and then we do have a little stool right there that we can put in right in the sweet spot and so the room has been completed now the next thing i'd like to do is i don't know what stuff we can do to raise our prestige gap but i do think it may be time to do that so that's comfort level one so that we can sleep faster that's not a bad idea we've got a modest cupboard over here for storing more food cooking furnace has already been done all right the kid has finished off all of his ore so i'm going to send him to bed real fast to get his energy levels back up this worker smells profitable orders a mile away those orders will be framed in gold oh nice dude i love all the little visual touches to this game like what the orders the border is the color of the faction you're working for like there's lots of like visual cues to avoid you from being confused all the time like the colored numbers and like the frames and everything else it's very very good i like it a lot all right so big man's all rested up uh let's go ahead and it's gonna be a little while till there's can do anything but i'm to open the shop to earn some money because we need to upgrade this place and make it a little bit more we we we need to make a little bit of money here we need to make like a little little tiny bit of money that's what we need to do now we have as soon as the money appears i'll go straight to you yeah that's what everybody says i actually have not done the jewelry book yet so i don't know if i can do that so this merchant over here is he ever gonna like pile up and like give me some books oh it's the baron what does he want arthur you're back your father was quite the craftsman it's a shame he passed away he did good work and most importantly his prices were low i see restoring the old business that's right my lord so much work has been put into it it'd be a travesty to let it all go to waste well we always need a good blacksmith around here especially in times of war you know i've always gave the best orders to your father but you i'm not so sure about you need to earn my trust i'll gladly prove that my father taught me everything he knew good that's the spirit make me some swords it's fine if they're a bit dull they just need to look good i'm only going to pay you for the materials if you can manage this task i'll know that you can be relied upon you can count on me my lord my may i ask why you need the swords uh you might not it's a matter of national importance but arthur don't disgrace your father's name [Music] okay six ingots each to complete it's very very pricey but i'll go ahead and i'll put my back into it how long do i have on that order out of curiosity can i still take other customers okay so we've stacked those up right there and then it's six ingots a piece but i don't really have any ingots right now in order to get this done i think we're gonna have to pull in like a crate of ore i just don't see a lot of ways around it yeah let's go ahead and buy two crates hopefully it'll be all right uh what do you want a horseshoe i got you and for you young sir go get yourself some dinner i'll start smelting [Music] oh the ore's not here yet good evening smith are you not afraid to work in the dead of night afraid of what sir the forge gives me ample light and the work never stops that's good i've got an order for you i need a set of iron cutlery i'm proud of me sir you don't seem like the kind of person to apply such a base metal observant i'm a count but i can't use my family's silver cutlery i'm allergic to it i need an iron replica encrusted with gold and remember not a sliver of silver [Music] okay [Music] uh i don't know what a good choice this is i can't really do the gilding but i guess i'll throw it on the list i don't know how to guild it though so like i have observations to be made here kid how you doing on that work over there all right we'll get to work making some ingots you got some food in you kid here go eat as soon as you're done eating i'm gonna swap over to the anvil and you come in and just smelt for me basically i also need to put in a food order all right so you're all revitalized you get over here and start smelting sir [Music] yeah i was gonna say how do we even do this i mean i guess i could smelt and you could come over here and do this i've got a quest to finish off your smelting business so you might as well by the way have you heard the news the english are planning another assault lots of towns have already given up their keys and they seem to have the flemish support as well more than anything i hope the war doesn't reach this place but both of us will end up doing hard labor instead of hard work well we'll probably start off right here i mean quit off right here my name is splatter cat and this is anvil saga i'm very impressed it feels like a very high quality game like it feels like there's a lot of cool stuff in here i do think that in certain cases it could be a little bit simpler to figure out like for example how to upgrade the forge like it said to go into the building menu and just click on the stall but it doesn't much seem to be an option for that really i think it's right here on the build a new room tab but i need 200 coins and i need 50 fame for that as well and also i need to figure out how to get the skill book so that i can guild stuff oh i think i killed it with 90 gold i think maybe no but that's the paycheck normally i honestly don't know i couldn't tell you i'm a little bit in the dark on this one but anyways my name is plattercat i sift through the pile to find what's worthwhile in the world of indie games every single day so you don't have to today up on the chopping block we had anvil saga tomorrow we will likely have something else i hope you're having a good day thank you for the luxury of your attention and i'll see you all later bye everybody
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 185,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anvil Saga gameplay, anvil saga walkthrough, anvil saga playthrough, anvil saga review, lets play anvil saga, anvil saga preview, anvil saga impressions, anvil saga soundtrack, anvil saga music, anvil saga guide, anvil saga tutorial, anvil saga download, anvil saga steam, anvil saga trailer, anvil saga release, anvil saga pc game
Id: lAiB6VouUbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 43sec (2563 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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