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good morning my name is adam this is my colleague carlita and what are your names my name is luf lufia but my friends call me luffy and what's your name and my name is victor and your friends call you victor yes okay where are you from victor i'm from granada it's a province in in andalusia and it's in the south of spain and what about you lucia i'm from punta mia it's a village of huelva that is in the south of spain too andalucia okay do you have a best friend lucy yes i have a best friend can you tell me a bit about him or her yes her name is anna i think that she david's friend i have her and he helped me when i in about time or when i have problems she is always there okay victor do you use the internet in your free time yes i use a lot because i think that there are they all all of kind of thing that we do nowadays we use the internet to to find some information want to see the the series of film so i think that it's the same for all the people okay lucia do you like reading yes i like reading i like read romantic novels something like that because i think that i think that is the most interesting book okay victor where was the last place you went on holiday um we went with my girlfriend because hey we want to go to go there and do sightseeing because it's the last province in andalusia that we didn't see yet okay in this part of the test i'm going to give each of you two photographs i'd like you to talk about your photographs on your own for about a minute and also answer a question about your partner's photographs luthia it's your turn first here are your photographs okay they show people students learning in different ways i'd like you to compare the photographs and say what might be good for the students about learning in these ways okay in the third photo we can see four people they are men and the second we can see a lot of children but they are younger in the first one and the first one they are studying by paper they study each other with uh i think that is a paper new and second they are study in computers and they are concentrate in both photos i think that learning learning by computers are more armor are better because in a computer you can find all the things that you want and in paper you have the paper and if you want to look for other information and you have to look for in another book or something like that okay victor do you prefer learning things on your own or with friends uh i really prefer to to learn the things uh with my friends because i think it's easier to to learn the new things they're discussing with the with my friends and it's also easier to remember the things we talk about because it's more interesting and you can remember the funny things that happened when we we were learning okay victor now here are your photographs they show friends having a day out together i'd like you to compare the photographs and save what the friends are enjoying about their day out okay in these two photos there are a couple of women friends in the upper photo the couple are walking out in in a kind of garden with a castle and in the phot in the second photo these two girls are shopping they are in the street and they carry a lot of bags because i think that they they are they shopping a lot of thing in the in in this day okay lucia which of these things would you prefer to do on a day out i prefer to go shopping because i like it so much i like to buy clothes and not only that i can go for a walk in industry with my friends and that's okay now i'd like you to talk about something together for about two minutes here are some reasons why many students go on school trips and a question for you to discuss now i'd like you to talk about now i'd like you to talk together about whether you think it's a good idea for students to go on school trips i think that learning about the world is very important because people are living in the world and they have to know things about about it what do you think yes i am agree because learning new thing about our world is useful and to know how to do with all the thing is very interesting but i think that the school trip it's more for entertainment and it's it's easy to say that the students go out and go to land but they want to go out to broke their routine to go to the school i think yes you are right but we can we can do an entertainment and other thing at the same time we can for example doing something different entertainment and learning about something about the world yes you can do a lot of things but with funny things and entertainment yes this the best com combination so maybe maybe also they can help with the the thing that do they can do in the trip help with the lesson to the teacher and to to do easier for for them so maybe the trip is also a good good tool for the teacher to do in her lesson yes i agree with you so we can choose help with lessons but in a entertainment thing in a funny way and in a trip i'm sure the children will get on with other people because they will know new people and new children in the trip yes of course and they can socialize with other people and also with the their friends and get a strong relationship with them okay i think that it's a very good idea yes okay good do you think school trips should take place on a school day or at the weekend i think that in a school day because because when you when you go for a trip in the school and you you are learning things that you should teach in the school and you are learning that but outside the school yes i agree with her because i said before it's also for break the routine to to the children to go to the school and do the same things all the day so i think that is a very good way to to learn new things and also to get easier to to get the the knowledge about the things that they are studying what's a good place for students to visit in spain well i think that if they want to know about the about monument or something like this granada is a really good place because there are a lot of monumentals for example the alhambra yes i thought the same about him because i think that alambra is a very important monument in spain because i think that he is culture in all of spain okay thank you that's the end of the test
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Keywords: fce speaking exam, fce speaking test, cambridge first certificate speaking exam, cambridge first certificate speaking test, fce speaking exam lesson, fce speaking exam part one, fce speaking test part one, cambridge fce speaking part one, cambridge first certificate speaking part one, fce speaking exam part 1, cambridge fce speaking test advice, fce speaking test part 1, cambridge fce speaking exam tips, cambridge fce speaking part 1, fce practice test
Id: rHeRwlrtvN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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