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good afternoon my name is john and welcome to your first duplicate exam i will be your examiner and please may i have your papers here you are [Music] diego first who do you prefer to spend your free time with and why okay well uh mostly i prefer to spend my free time with with my friends we usually hang out i don't know doing any kind of activities going to cinema and usually playing sports elena do you prefer to spend your free time outdoors or indoors and why well i prefer outdoor because i can go to a park with my dog with my friends and do many things like play football or make a picnic for example back to diego diego what kind of things do you like doing with your friends and your family okay well as i mentioned previously uh i with my friends i like doing any kind of sports uh we usually um play a lot of soccer and well on weekends we we like going to play darts and with with my family i usually do much more indoor activities like playing table games and finally elena what's your favorite part of the day and why okay i think i i prefer afternoon for afternoon um morning summer uh because i cannot stand the heat so a i have long afternoons for spend my time so i prefer afternoon so your first photographs will be about fashion so look at the two photographs which are different sorts of chords so diego first compare these photographs and say why you think these people have chosen to wear these sorts of clothes okay okay so uh well the in the first picture the one on the top i can see two people they seem to be really happy they are laughing and they are wearing really formal clothes it seems like they are in a attending a wedding or something like that and apart from that they seem to be in a very uh nice place like a park or something like that and on the opposite on the on the second picture the one on the bottom uh well i can see two people as well they are they seem to be happy as well but on the contrary they're wearing a really useful and casual clothes they seem to be spending the day also in the park doing some biking or something like that some kind of activity which i think requires a much comfortable talk now to elena elena which search clothes do you prefer to wear and why i prefer the second one because it's more casual and i can use it for the daily routine and now for our next topic means of transport so we will look at two photographs which are different forms of transport elena compared these photographs and say why you think these people are using these different forms of transport okay the first one the picture um on the top a shows um [Music] faster speed train um and the second one is in the bottom um some local city bus a very crowded so i think people use um this bus for um [Music] travel around the city uh where they live and the other one i think is luxurious and it used for a long long travel and very short time i think people prefer bus because it's cheaper and is used to commute and and train only for for one travel or for the vacation and now diego which of these means of transport do you prefer to use and why okay i will probably choose the first one the past speed train as selena mentioned it is very luxurious very modern it seems to be quite fast and i'm very comfortable [Music] in [Music] and here you have a diagram about environmental problems so imagine you are helping to prepare a poster to raise environmental awareness in your area which has ideas for images that could be included and a question for you to discuss talk to each other about which images on a poster would be useful to raise environmental awareness okay um shall we start yes of course okay uh well related to environmental awareness uh i think or the first thing that comes into my mind is the typical picture of recycling beans i think it's a very up-to-date matter what do you think i agree but i think it's very common to see recycling bins around your neighborhood so i prefer um for example waste metal because of the devices people waste devices which can be fixed okay yeah i think that probably would catch uh people's attention um uh what about uh the typical picture of factories with you know with a lot of smoke and i think that represents really the the pollution i think this picture gets to people but i think it's the most popular okay so for example um i think it's more creative creative use a large pile of rubbish for example okay what do you think yeah i see your point i probably would prefer that too uh and for example what about a pure little river yes i think it causes a great impact as a large pile of rubbish similar impact yes i agree now you have one minute to choose two of them okay i choose a large pile of rubbish because i think it's creative one and because because of the impact um and and the other one waste metal because of the because now back back in the days people will fix state devices okay okay i see your problem i probably uh agree with you with both of them maybe i would share the waste metal picture as you mentioned right now we are there are tons of electronic devices mobile phones and that people are are wasting a lot um but maybe a large pile of drivers would be like too much of the same so i probably choose a polluted river picture in order to get into the poster like some climatic image or something like that [Music] okay thank you very much now i'm going to ask you more questions about the topic so first diego should schools try to become active parts of the community why well why not okay i totally think so um right now that even more that all these bullying stuff is uh is very common you know to listen about all this kind of stuff um yeah to get some activities with all these students working together uh yeah i think that improves the relationship between them and apart from that because they are you know people living nearby each other um well i think that that could uh let all these people to to create you know like uh cultural and social activities uh that would to make all create a much interesting society and now to elena how can schools raise people's environmental awareness okay maybe they can they can implement more [Music] recycling points inside the school for example and they can organize for example a race around the neighborhood picking up the rubbish or maybe they can organize a trip to a pollution river um i don't know maybe they can or they can use this a waste wasted material and make something with with this for example um decoration finally back to diego what other useful things can schools teach young people okay well i think schools can bring a lot not only to young people but to other communities other people in the community uh for example i heard about a one activity in one of the schools near my apartment where they were a creating an activity for students and an old people where the young people teach the old ones to work with with technology and in addition the old people told them like how all this technology was like 20 years ago right so i think yeah a lot of stuff this is an example but i think a lot of stuff can be created in order to not just improve the young people but also the kind of people in the community thank you very much this is the end of your exam and it has been an absolute pleasure okay thank you okay thank you so much see you soon bye bye [Music]
Channel: MirandasAcademy InglΓ©s Online
Views: 526
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Keywords: B2 speaking, Cambridge examen B2, FCE Speaking, FCE Speaking exam, FCE Speaking test, First certificate exam speaking, Mirandas Academy, aprobar parte oral examen B2 Cambridge, aprobar speaking first certificate, como es el sepaking del B2 de Cambridge, como es la parte del speaking del First Certificate, examen speaking B2 Cambridge, first Certificate, first certificate speaking, parte oral del examen First Certificate, speaking B2 Cambridge, speaking FCE
Id: Jr25j7vzwUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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