Advanced (CAE) Speaking Exam Simulation

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hi welcome to the advance karaoke Cambridge oral exam the idea behind this is that you can get the timing and the sensation of being in the middle exam while practicing at home or wherever you are with your partner preferably that's one thing you have to do you can have to get in a couple person a is to be sitting there and person B needs to be sitting there so another good idea would be that you record yourself on your mobile you can listen back see what you can improve did I really say that that kind of thing so if we're ready to go let's begin student name what's your name and student B what's your name first of all we'd like to know something about you student a where are you from you what do you most like about living in your city you Thank You student B what kind of outdoor activities do you enjoy doing most you it's didn't be what sports are popular in your country you thank you in a if you could challenge at any country in the world which one would you visit you thank you still be what kind of situations make you feel stressed you thank you okay in this part of the test I'm going to give each of you three photographs but I'd like you to talk about two of them on your own for a minute and also to answer a question briefly on your partner's photographs hey it's your turn first here are your photographs they show people waiting for something I would like you to compare two of the photographs and say what do you think that people are waiting for and how they may be feeling as they weigh you thank you now candidate B which of these people do you think looks most impatient and why you thank you Canada B it's your turn now your photographs show people with animals I'd like you to compare it to the pictures and say what you think the relationship between the people and the animal is and saying how they may feel about these animals you Thank You Canada pain who do you think has the closest relationship with these animals thank you you now I would like you to talk together for about two minutes here are some situations where people need to take precautions first you have some time to look at the question you now talk to each other about why people need to take precautions in these situations you thank you now you have a minute to decide for which situation precautions are most needed you thank you you okay why is it important for people to feel prepared before doing something you you thank you are you a person that likes to plan in advance or do you leave things until the last moment you thank you what are the advantages and disadvantages of owning your own business you thank you how can technology help you be more prepared you thank you you okay that's it that's the end of the exam hopefully if you recorded yourself you can listen back see what you've done well we've done not so well maybe try to improve it for next time maybe you'd like to leave some comments and feedback do so and we'd be interested to hear from you also you might like to subscribe so there we are that's the end of the exam I'm sure you've enjoyed this exam more than most other exams and I hope you get the most from it by now
Channel: Today School - TEFL English Language School
Views: 28,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CAE, Speaking Exam, Cambridge, Today School, Exam preparation, Advanced, Practice, Practise
Id: bWKEdws74hQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2018
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