FCE First Certificate in English Speaking Test FullVideo

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good morning good morning my name is Jenny cook and this is my colleague Helen Westbrook and your name sir what tyrosine my name is Hannah can I have your mob sheets please thank you first of all we'd like to know something about you where are you from Italia I'm from Italy Milan this is a city in the north part and Johanna I come from a million which is in France what do you like about living in Lu um I live in Downton of them so that's very nice I can do whatever I want whenever I want I can go shopping Anika and go to the cinema and all my friends leave like close to me so that's cool and what do you like about living in Milan Milan is a big city with shops and cinemas and whatever you want and a really new center so I can do you like watching television Ottavia yes sometimes I over day because it could get boring and I like some channels like MTV is patema Thank You Hanna are you interested in sport yeah I do I play tennis cuz all my family play tennis and so and my sister chimed in a friends so it's a very big it cuz I mean my family thank you and Italia is there a sport you'd really like to try yes I really would like to try kite surfing yeah I think and because it's like it's like flying without being on a plane you think and Hannah do you enjoy reading yes I enjoy but when I have to read books that I don't like it's gonna be very boring so it depends what sort of books do you read um like French books again who didn't laugh and all the classical things thank you in this part of the test I'm going to give each of you two photographs I'd like you to talk about your photographs on your own for about a minute and also to answer a short question about your partner's photographs Ottavia it's your turn first here are your photographs they show people communicating in different ways I'd like you to compare the photographs and say why you think the people have chosen to communicate in these different ways okay all right in the first picture we can see friends talking in the bar I think so and in the second one - on the two girls laughing with cell phones and their hands and I think the first picture their friend that went out together and they speak while they're eating and they chose it to speak in the same happy and ii wonder laughing but they're not really speaking to each other they're speaking with other people they MC but at the same time the speaking with each other and they're laughing but maybe not for the same reason because it doesn't seems like and in the first picture there girls are drinking and eating and they seem really interested in what they're saying thank you can I have the book projects Hannah do you use the internet to talk to your friends yeah that's because I travel a lot so I've got friends all around the world and so I have Facebook and that's easier to speak to them that's very cool thank you well now Hanna here are your photographs they show people learning to do different things I'd like you to compare the photographs and say watch the people might find difficult about learning to do these different things all right on the top pictures there are people in the ski resorts they are learning to ski because there is a teacher and they like many of them and on the other pictures they are in there in the kitchen they're cooking and they learn how to cook with the teacher also I'm on the first picture they might find difficult to deal with the speed and to learn how to have a great balance on the ski and on the other pictures the most fun difficult to to put the right right ingredients in the like in the bowls and the right amounts of ingredients on the first picture entities outside so set the same filling and then the others don't like very close so they can speakin thank you thank you can I have the booklet please okay Ottavia do you like cooking yes I usually cook with my mother sometimes cakes for birthday every day it happened right thank you well now I'd like you to talk about something together for about three minutes I'd like you to imagine that a school is planning a short trip to another country to help the students to learn about life there here are some things that the students could do during the trip first talk to each other about how these different things could help the students to learn about life in another country then decide which two would be most useful for the students all right here are some shoes like you know mark yeah they're watching souvenirs or then start I think doing it or am talking it's because it's free yeah and I think that is very useful to go in these kind of markets but that's very typical and that shows them like the typical things that we have in there in the country but don't you think it's like they don't get contact to inhabitants of that country so they don't know how yeah so that's not the most useful thing to do mmm I think it is very nice to go in a hot sunlight because that's the best way you learn how the people live in the country like you that customs and all the things they do but I think also visiting like the museum shows you choose the other history and how yeah like in the museum there are things and pieces of arts that come from all the countries of the world so that's it typical for from a country you know it could show you how the history evolved and how it gets to this point yeah but you you have museums and they're like all the same in all the country I'm going to theater would it be like no also had the help yeah that's nice and like you that's a good way to learn the language but that's the same we have we all have the same the others in all over the world so anything like in London as usual to go to see a musical like Mamma Mia oh yeah so yeah so so sightseeing and like it because this is it of you yeah important then the best I think so right yeah yeah and they're like doing all the way into and well yeah that's cool because you really see them if you win the country and so you do it a trip like all around the city and that's very nice and very important to discover the city I think I think going to a football match is not so useful because you only look at people gonna go yeah but that gives in some country in some of the country football is like very important so like the inhabitants must be very interested in that's like a custom us something to go to a football match so that can be interesting maybe and that these are people working in school I think it's useful if you go in a school and it's time to put if you study the country from the country where you live and you select the language and the custom it's not so useful because you will not learn it properly yeah thank you can I have the book clip please oh Tavia have you ever been on a school trip like this yes I've been visiting a lot of cities in Germany like Frankfurt or Minchin not Monaco and it was really nice and I really enjoying it what did you do while you were there mostly we've seen sites and but we've also been to families and school there so it was for ya and Hana yeah I mean the Bill Engvall class so every year with your chip I went to New York Chicago and Sevenoaks in England and every time we go in a host family and all that family had a student which is the same age as us so it's very nice Hana do you think trips like this are really useful for students yeah I think that's the best way to learn a language or something because like one two weeks in their own country like you learn more than six months in school what do you think Oh Tommy I think she said the right thing because um it really helps because you speak with people but if you go in a school trip it could be that you always stay with your friends so you don't really learn as she do she goes in a hosting family good way do you think it's important for people to visit all the countries yeah because in the if you visited a lot of country you learn all of them ways to think about the inhabitants and so you you've got going to become more open-minded and that's very important exists I think this is thing our country is very important because then you can know why people think about something in that way it if you the way they live in their country shows how they can think about something thank you do you think it's a good idea for young people to go and live in another country for a while yes yeah next year I'm going to go to a college in Germany for six months and I think that's gonna help me not only with language but also knowing how they live there yes Causton mm-hmm okay yeah and I like I really want to move like to Battaglia to Spain or to live to England it's I think I'll I would so much like that what do you think people could find interesting about life in France hmm my french culture is so big right this is a real like a real beautiful country I think so there's so much things to do there like museums them and the food the fuse that there's there are the montains got the sea there are planes there are so many things to do there ultimately I think the most but most beautiful thing it is the seaside and the views but also the food is really known and the people are like they're different is involved what I think generally unique thank you that is the end of the test
Channel: Thanhthien Tran
Views: 38,855
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Id: d9pn3LWHAdg
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Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 05 2014
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