B1 Preliminary SPEAKING TESTS from 2020 - Cambridge English Qualifications (PET 2020 FORMAT)
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Views: 16,348
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Keywords: pet speaking test 2020, pet speaking 2020, pet speaking test, pet 2020, pet 2020 speaking, pet speaking, pet for schools speaking test, pet for schools speaking, pet for schools speaking test 2020, b1 preliminary for school speaking test 2020, b1 preliminary for school speaking test, b1 preliminary for school speaking, b1 preliminary for school, b1 preliminary, b1 preliminary speaking, b1 preliminary speaking 2020, cambridge b1 preliminary, lop hoc thay mol, lớp học thầy mol
Id: c7TvUh25qJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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