Awaiting His Return Prophecy Conference at Calvary Chapel Lone Mountain

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[Music] from [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my eyes you're my father and provider when i'm broken recovery come on [Music] everything you're my resurrection is [Music] do what you do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you do what's up [Music] there's no darkness that your light can put out your glory is my mercy and forever i wanna be praising your name for how you set me free indeed [Music] is when i lift my eyes to the king i remember all the matters there's nothing that i've done where i can post i'd still be in chains of how you set me free [Music] your forgiveness i can rest in you cause i know you're i am yours and i know whom the sun is free indeed [Music] your forgiveness is my only memory sets free [Music] uh [Music] a [Music] all right one two three this is a house of worship this is a place of praise where every demon trembles where we proclaim your name this is a house of healing our hearts are full of faith you have [Music] you have the finest in the name of jesus come alive in the name of jesus this is a house of miracles we bring everything this is there's resurrection [Music] your kingdom triumphs over [Music] [Music] is of jesus every day in the name of jesus this is [Music] this is this is [Music] god [Music] is [Music] in the name of jesus come alive in the name of jesus this is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] miracles [Music] is oh i love you lord i've been held in your head oh [Music] of the goodness [Music] is in the goodness is this is [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] um and all my life with every breath is hey [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] if you make it easy to love you you are good and you are kind you bring joy into my life you make it easy to trust you you've been faithful every time [Music] [Music] a refugees reasons oh jesus [Music] you're the treasurer [Music] is i'll follow you anywhere [Music] i'll follow you anywhere i'll follow you [Music] anywhere [Music] is whatever it costs me whatever it costs me [Music] i'll follow you anywhere [Music] [Music] i'll follow you anyway [Music] follow you anywhere faithful [Music] a thousand years of endless praise will never be enough i'll sing louder [Music] [Music] even if the drums i'll see louder until i see your goodness in the land of the living i will sing your promise in the dark of the valley until i see your goodness until i see your goodness my soul will keep on singing even louder even louder even when my eyes will keep even louder i'll change even louder there is a sound where people pray where we hear praises he hears faith [Music] he hears faith [Music] his praise sing his praises [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] hey [Music] his praise [Music] see his praise see through [Music] all the lies [Music] is road [Music] glory be [Music] this place foreign and i can't contain the feeling of joy being in your presence i can't help but really dance [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] [Music] one with god [Music] [Music] what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ my king what a beautiful name it is nothing compares to this what a beautiful name it is their name of jesus you didn't want heaven without us [Music] my sin was great till love was greater [Music] what a wonderful name it is [Music] oh thank you thank you yes [Music] is [Music] good morning everyone how's everyone doing this morning awesome are you excited to be here praise the lord let's all stand as you worship the lord together you guys and let's pray lord we honor you this morning god we thank you lord for who you are god and what you've done for us on the cross lord we all stand redeemed because of what you've done lord and as we await your return god we will worship you with all of our heart our mind and soul and strength lord we give you this morning we give you this day god i pray that you would send your warring angels to encamp around this place lord let the enemy have no way in this place as we worship you together in jesus mighty name and all god's shirt said amen drink of the water [Music] come on i need your help [Music] is bring all jesus [Music] is [Music] forever is [Music] praise him for the wonders of his life [Music] [Music] is [Music] forever bring all your failures bring your addictions come lay them down at the foot of the cross [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] is me there's nothing to on my fear [Music] [Music] [Music] oh for jesus [Music] you see is is me you go before [Music] nothing oh [Music] is oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] peace like a river wash of me immerse me in water as deep as i see [Music] i mean love you healing embrace peace like a river wash over me as i worship your majesty i worship your holy name jesus my everything all that i am come holy spirit rain down on me break open the heavens and drench the [Music] as i unseen out your grace [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] [Laughter] jesus open the heavens fling wide the gates flood every heart with mercy pour out your presence inhabit our praise as we cry holy holy [Music] pour out your presence [Music] mercy [Music] as we cry [Music] is [Music] revival [Music] lord said revival [Music] again [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes lord we need that we need revival in this place god we need revival in our hearts we need revival in our nation for the for the remnant church to stand up god we pray that you would put fire in these bones this morning as we worship you lord may you be honored and glorified in this place right now god we love you i cast my mind to calvary but jesus bled inside for me i see his wounds his hands his feet my savior on that cursing tree his body bomb [Music] [Music] come on with every voice we see [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] he shall return hit a rose of wine the blazing sun shines and i will rise among the seas on jesus [Music] foreign will sing your grace [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] of the [Music] will lord [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] lord we thank you god we honor you lord in this day god have your way as your your spirit is moving in this place god lord we long to hear your voice now as you minister to our hearts will you come god and touch every person's heart here lord we offer you the worship lord we offer you this time and it's in your name we pray in jesus name we pray amen amen amen you guys can all be seated it's great to see you las vegas you've been you've all been waiting for this day haven't you [Applause] listen it was a year and a half ago that out of the blue out of the blue the lord said we need to bring a mirror to las vegas and honestly it made no sense but we've been taking the steps well it made a lot of sense because we love our brother but i'm here coming to las vegas how are we going to make that happen what do we do where do we start anyways the lord just opened up door after door it hasn't been easy to get me here there's been a lot of warfare which means that something amazing is going to happen here today listen my name is pastor greg seymour i passed recovery redrock yay and it's been a blessing to work with pastor jimmy here at lone mountain as our host church and we're grateful for what the lord has done and will do i have some announcements i'm going to go through here in the beginning but before i want to introduce you guys to jason coleman's he's with behold israel he has a few words as we start jason friends thank you so much for being here today it's uh it's such a blessing to see so many of you here and you know there's a lot of background that goes into making this conference happen but what you don't know is how close it wasn't how close we were to not hosting it so it's a blessing to be here today it's it's awesome we're thankful for all that god's gonna do and just real short on behalf of the speakers calvary chapel lone mountain calvary red rock and behold israel we want to wish you a warm welcome we hope you're blessed today thank you for joining us hand it back over to pastor greg thank you let's do it all right thank you jason all right i know you guys are excited to be here you know how i know because you're part of the remnant church you know it's amazing what's going on you know uh we had a president who was in office that that exposed what's known as the swamp well the church has a swamp too i'm finding out is time is marching on here and god is shifting he's sifting he's shaking he's doing what he's he's he's doing here in these final days we are in the the last of the last days and how important it is for us to understand the times that we're in and i know you guys know that i'm preaching to the choir you follow behold israel the introduction of the speakers in the lineup today probably isn't super crucial because you're already very familiar with them those of you that follow behold israel but it's amazing how many churches well those that call themselves the church in these final days are stirring away from from prophecy stirring away from old testament study you know i just uh and again i know i'm preaching to the choir you guys see it going on right before our eyes so god bless you all for staying firm in your faith sticking to the inerrant infallible scriptures that declare the end from the beginning our great god has given it all to us and our brothers here are extremely anointed in the special messages that they're gonna bring to us here today all right let's get some formalities out of the way here real quick uh let's start with this there's going to be breaks in between all the speakers we're gonna have a lunch time in the middle of the day from noon to 1 30 uh but know that we'll have a 15 minute break in between all of the speakers so you all will have a chance to get up and stretch and walk around and use the restroom and whatnot so that is number one number two uh lunch is on your own so there are some posters out in the lobby that have a qr code on them if you take your phone and scan that it'll pop up restaurants nearby if you're not familiar with the area and you can choose that way uh but we're gonna kick it right off at 1 30 sharp so wherever you're at don't don't fall asleep on us here i know you won't get back and be ready to go right at 1 30 sharp but again if you if you need to find out what restaurants are around us the qr code or you can simply uh google or whatever their restaurants near and uh and so that's that one let's see phones if you guys have phones if you could put those in silent we would greatly greatly appreciate that we want the spirit to move unhindered here this morning and this afternoon uh next up we have book tables and resources galore there's a resource room that is set up as you go out into the lobby you'll see some glass doors if you go through those glass doors and make an immediate left right down that hallway there you'll find the resource room behold israel has resources set up pastor barry stagner has resources set up back there as well and so we're going to strongly encourage you to go back there and see what they have and get yourself armed up and fortified with the materials that they've brought for us here here today so book tables resource room oh how about this one amir's going to do a book signing at the end of the day yeah it's one thing to have a book by amir it's another thing to have a book signed by amir all right so it's going to be great all right that's going to happen at the end of the day obviously um water and snacks are available out there lots of snacks lots of waters make sure and stay hydrated today i know we're in a nice cool comfortable room but we want to stay hydrated and and again any snacks that you need are out there feel free to partake of those uh let's see oh question and answer we're going to do a q a session at the end of the day today so here's how this works i believe they have handed out three by five cards if not they will continue to hand them out during our morning here if you have questions that you would like uh to be posed at the q a session write them down on here and leave them at the behold israel table in the resource room uh we'll be looking at those and picking q a goes by really fast so we got to kind of watch how we do that but if you have any special questions on your heart please write them down hand them in at the behold israel table and um hopefully we can get to them during our q a at the end of the day so there's that one let's see restrooms restrooms we don't have any so just have to hold it all day no i'm kidding there's two restrooms out in the lobby area and again if you go through uh the glass doors there and make a left there's an there's two more bathrooms down at the end of that hallway so hopefully the lines won't get too long for those uh so watch the water consumption stay hydrated but you know gosh i think that's it i think i have covered it all so listen we have a great great day lined up and ready to go for you i'm going to pray and after i do i will introduce to you our first speaker and let's just like put the pedal to the metal right out of the gate what do you think you guys up you guys up for it all right let's pray father god we thank you god we thank you so much for the opportunity that this day holds lord we are here as your remnant church to get equipped to get edified for the job that you have for us lord we well understand that we need to have a good understanding of our times and so lord we're grateful for the message that you're going to bring to us through these amazing speakers that you have provided for us you are god and there is no other there's none like you you have declared the end from the beginning you have declared from ancient times the things that haven't even yet been done and father we're grateful for the prophetic word that you have left for us god and the empowerment of the holy spirit that explains and delivers in a way that only he can do so we thank you for this morning lord we love you and we praise you in jesus name amen amen all right our first speaker listen if you follow amir at all you follow amir and pastor barry stagner right because these two are joined at the amp and uh and what a great great team i mean god has put these guys together not by accident uh they are custom-built for one another pastor barry is senior pastor of calvary chapel in tustin california uh that that church i believe began in 1999 as a home fellowship uh so they have been they've been around for a while this brother is a veteran in the ministry uh he's here today with his wife terry we're blessed to have her with us um he is not only pastoring uh a church and staying busy that way he's an author he's a speaker uh he's got two children and four grandchildren and so we are super blessed again not a big introduction necessary you guys are very familiar with so let's give a las vegas welcome to our first speaker pastor barry stagner [Applause] i'm really excited to be here are you excited today [Applause] we have every reason to be excited every day jesus is coming soon and i'm excited that there is so much energy in this room because the truth is we are a people unlike any other in the world we are the chosen people of god the bride of christ the church bought with the blood of jesus sanctified set apart from the world and listen to be in a city that carries the label sin city and be sanctified you have every reason to be excited this morning because sin city can't stop jesus from saving [Applause] souls among the many things about studying bible prophecy that i love is one that is often overlooked that daniel wrote concerning his own visions in chapter 12 verse 4 he received an instruction from the angel that said you daniel shut up the words and seal the book until when where are we the time of the end the book is unsealed we can understand it he says many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase has knowledge generally increased in these last days yes but the context says knowledge of the visions given to daniel is what is going to increase in the last days the same concept is presented to us in the book of hebrews in 10 25 where we're told not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as is the manner of some but building each other up exhorting one another and so much to more as what as you see the day approaching now the day is in reference to the day of the lord and we are to assemble together even more frequently as we see the day approaching which obviously implies we are going to have more than a cognitive awareness that there is a last-day scenario there is a return of christ for the church we're going to be able to see it we're going to be able to take note of the prophecy chronology that is advancing all around us now that also reminds us that if god said it satan's going to oppose it he said get together more frequently especially when you see the day approaching and what has satan been doing you can't meet you need to meet only online you need to stay away from one another and listen god is the god before pandemics he's god during pandemics and he's not after pandemic the new york times said facebook next target the religious experience the company is intensifying formal partnerships with faith groups across the united states and shaping the future of the religious experience oh gee thank you mr zuckerberg for caring so much about the church and thankfully we have the aficionado of fact-checking who is now going to join the ranks to advance the purpose of the gospel well actually what their real goal is is to monitor the things that are being said in places like this on july 15 2021 biden's press secretary circled back and said that the federal government is flagging content for facebook to censor the government and social media big tech are now operating together and listen there are myriad of other things that are happening that were unseen in previous generations therefore highlighting what daniel was told about the last days the days in which you and i now live and not the least of which was the regathering of god's chosen people the jews back into their national homeland now listen the reason for this introduction in particular is a point of recognition that we need to make and that is that in the last days there will be more prophetic clarity than in previous centuries that's what the bible says so listen we need to understand that we are a special generation we are seeing things that no other generation has seen for the church millennia of bible scholars we're trying to understand what is it that ezekiel 37 is talking about what is it that the bible is saying about the regathering of god's chosen people and him taking those that he scattered and bringing them back into their land seeing the land flourish seeing them live in their houses and taking a place that was basically a swamp and turning it into a place where it produces fruit and flowers and these other things that isaiah and others wrote about listen we don't have to scratch our heads and wonder we have seen it happen the jews are back in the land and the chronology of prophetic events has now escalated and we are seeing more and more evidence that jesus is coming soon i don't know what that was but that was a horrid amen to the statement that jesus is coming soon so here we go [Applause] now let's do a little eschatological housekeeping in our thinking this morning now we've all heard of the doctrine of imminency that the rapture is an imminent doctrine meaning it is without sign or indication it happens suddenly and without notice now that is true after all jesus said no man knows the month or the year or the millennium or the no what do you say no man knows the what the day or the hour of his return now he said that right after he had said there's a generation that's going to see all the things written in the olivet discourse take place and right after he said no one knows the day or the hour he says but as the days of noah were so also will the coming of the son of man be and again you have to back up to see this as a generation like the generation of noah so also is there going to be another generation that is like it that sees all the things of the olivet discourse take place now we are that generation the jews are back in the land and listen let me just pause here for a moment you know the church needs to understand its role and its purpose in this world i think like maybe some seem to have forgotten i think amir and i probably hear more than anything else as we travel and countries all around the world two things one nobody's teaching bible prophecy and two i can't find a bible teaching church well listen since 27 percent of this book is prophetic in nature if you're teaching the bible you're teaching prophecy and one of the reasons for this defection from truth that we're seeing in the last days is because the church has sold itself a bill of goods you probably heard this saying you know the church is a hospital for sinners not a museum for saints have you ever heard that said well if you haven't you can say yes i have i just did now are you ready buckle up here we go listen this morning the church is not a hospital people in the hospital can't be on the battlefield the church has a hospital the church has an infirmary but the collective body of christ is the army of the lord and this setting is not a hospital setting this is the barracks of the people who god has ordained to charge the gates of hell and rescue those drawn towards death yes there are those who are wounded in battle who need a time to rest up and heal but collectively as a body we need to understand who we are we are the group that the gates of hell will not prevail against we are the ones who have the truth we are the ones who bear the light we are the salt of the earth we are the light of the world and these are the words of jesus and he is the head of the church nobody knows when the rapture is going to happen i'm doing a series of last days messages at our church and i announced a couple of weeks ago that the rapture is this wednesday night and when i did everybody clapped i said wait a minute that's the topic this wednesday night it could be tuesday it could be wednesday i don't know but nobody knows the day or the hour but what we do know is what it's going to be like in the generation that that day and hour is going to come now i understand why scholars down through the centuries have taught about the imminency of the rapture of the church the people of thessaloniki thought they had missed it and paul said no these things have to happen first so if we're seeing those things happen then we know it's near right even at the door wait a minute we know it's near right right okay now this doesn't infringe upon the integrity of scripture nor does it set dates about the day and hour of the rapture but it should get us more and more excited with every passing day that it could be today now are we seeing precursors to the tribulation events are we seeing wars and rumors of wars are we seeing rising ethnic tensions are famines growing around the world or is there global pestilence uh yeah i would say so are we seeing geological and atmospheric anomalies and extremes in our day yes that means jesus is coming for his church soon [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now i want to focus on one particular aspect of the last stage scenario that you probably don't expect my wife gets it because she knows about this message and that is in matthew 24 44 where jesus said therefore you also get ready you know what he said plan on getting ready think about getting ready therefore you also be ready why because the son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect and that is the title of our session this morning for this wonderful conference unexpected so would you bow your heads and pray with me please and we'll now start the message father we are grateful for our time today in this place lord i ask your blessings on this place that it would be a visible beacon of light uh to this city and people would be drawn to this and other bible teaching churches in droves like never before we thank you for this opportunity today to glean clarity that is distinct to this generation so we thank you for the privilege of now being able to see books and things related to prophecy unsealed and for our understanding so we pray god for your blessing and that you would give ears to hear what your spirit is saying this morning to your church in jesus name we pray amen now the greek word dolce is translated as expect in matthew and it's found in the bible 63 times in the new testament obviously and this is the only place that are translated as the word expect it's translated elsewhere as think it's also translated as suppose and there's one occurrence where it's translated as best and jesus is adding that this is not what's going to be going on during the season for his return things aren't going to be their best they're not going to be their best the son of man is coming but people suppose he's not he's coming at a time when things are not good he's coming at a time where he's not even thought of by many and i believe we're going to find this to be true in three specific areas at the time and in this hour when we should be expecting a moment and a twinkling of an eye experience where we are supernaturally translated into the presence of god to forever be with the lord [Applause] [Music] now listen i'm looking forward to the promised glorified body aren't you you know it getting a little bit older now i've noticed and learned that at my age you can actually get hurt getting out of bed or you can think about this have you ever had a sleep injury how in the world can you get hurt sleeping you're not doing anything but i'm sure we've all gotten out of bed and our neck won't move our back hurts something's going on lord come get us i want that glorified body amen [Music] [Applause] now from that we could conclude that jesus is saying be ready for the son of man is coming when people suppose that he's not he's coming when things are not good he's coming at a time where he is not on the minds of humanity and we're going to find this to be true in the world we're going to find it to be true in israel and very sadly we're going to find it to be true in the church do you know that the vast majority of the church does not believe in the sudden translation of these bodies into the presence of the lord even though the bible thinks or teaches it very clearly now you might be thinking well the world and the jews is pretty much a no-brainer of course they're not thinking about jesus return but the unexpectation that they have is what we're going to look at that should tell us the day is approaching and the rapture is near now as we read earlier in matthew 24 37-39 jesus said but as the days of noah were so also will the coming of the son of man be now pay attention here this is crucial to interpreting the olivet discourse for as in the days when before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage or going about in a business as usual attitude until the day that noah entered the ark and they did not know until the flood in other words they didn't expect the flood they did not know until the flood came and took them all away and then he said so also will the coming of the son of man be now that's not the second coming the second coming can be calculated and expected it is 1260 days from the abomination of desolation that is 42 months uh jewish much said is from the abomination of desolation there's only one time where the lord is coming where he is not expected and that is for the rapture of the church now i do not agree with the interpretation that there's nothing in the olivet discourse that pertains to the church age and the reason is what we just read the flood was god's direct wrath on the whole world right and jesus said what it's going to be like when there's another time of god's wrath on the whole world and when that's about to happen it's going to be as it was in the days before the flood people are going to be marrying and giving in marriage and having this business as usual who cares about the science type of attitude now there was another time where catastrophe was imminent and the response of those in danger was indifference in genesis 19 14 we're told about lot who went out and spoke to his sons-in-law who had married his daughters and said get up get out of this place for the lord will destroy this city but to his sons-in-law he seemed to be what joking do people think that church is a joke today do they think the gospel is a joke today that the rapture is a joke today all these things today are met with that same type of mentality and this too is a sign that precedes divine judgment the wrath of god is going to be viewed like a joke right before jesus comes for his church after all we have people today who bear the title pastor who say everybody gets in everybody goes to heaven that's a teaching of universalism and rob bell and others like him who are saying you don't have to be born again you don't even have to be a christian you don't even have to go to church you can be a muslim or a buddhist or a mormon or whatever and you're still going to heaven why because god is love in a place like hell is inconsistent with a god who claims to be loved in and of itself is that true no but it's dominant thinking today and therefore people are saying you know this whole thing about judgment in hell is a joke and don't pay any attention to it now this incredible christian man named richard dawkins i'm being sarcastic obviously in the daily express in london he's quoted as saying this richard dawkins said and let me just say this is it okay pastor jimmy can i say stupid in church okay this is one of the stupidest things that's ever been said are you ready for this yeah an intelligent man like jesus would have been an atheist that's what richard dawkins says now to me that puts a dent in his credibility hello an intelligent man like jesus would have been an atheist wait a minute last time i took jesus was god and atheists don't believe in god so jesus was god but he didn't think he was does that make any sense now you know one of the other stupid statements that i hear often is that religions are responsible for all the world's wars really what were the wars or what were the religions that world war one and world war ii were fought over that was about power that was about global dominance and listen today the fastest growing segment of american society is a group that is called nuns not the kind who wear a habit and live in a monastery but it's n-o-n-e-s and what that means is that the group who on any particular survey or form like a medical form in the box where it says religions they check none that is the fastest growing segment of american society is people who have no religious affiliation now is this priming the pump for the man of sin absolutely second thessalonians 9 2 9-12 says the coming of the lawless one is according to the working of satan completely consistent with the beast and the second beast of revelation 13. with all power signs and what kind of wonders lying wonders and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish because they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved and for this reason god will send them what strong delusion that they should believe the lie and that they may all be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in is that happening today duh we're in las vegas pleasure and unrighteousness is not limited to las vegas so amen now the national view also reports that the american medical association urges that we end a sex identity on all birth certificates just wipe out the male or female box on birth certificates now i would say that believing gender is a choice is delusional and there is a strong delusion that has even impacted medical professionals and listen i believe my sound went off there for a minute my brain didn't shut down for a minute did it i mean you guys heard that too right now what a ridiculous statement gender is not fluid listen you're born a male or female and all the other mutations or anomalies they're not creating new classifications of sex they're all all mutations are downward and listen mankind is backed all the way up to the creation narrative and its denials of what god has stated they said first of all he's not the creator of the world men like richard dawkins say well you know how this all began first there was nothing then it blew up and after nothing blew up everything was created from the residue of nothing exploding i don't know i just can't buy it the whole equation gets stupider by the moment i think the farther down the chain you follow it and listen god also said in the beginning he created man male and female he created them that's the end of the gender list yeah yeah but but i feel like i'm supposed to be this well you're not you're either male or female it doesn't matter what you feel like it's what your chromosomal arrangement says you are and genetics and biology and everything else and yet here you've got the american medical association saying ah let's just get rid of that whole gender box check thing on a birth certificate the world is delusional we don't have any commercial breaks during this message so you guys need to stay with it now listen here's why we should expect the rapture at any moment here's our first consideration listen when the world rejects obvious and proven truths it's time for the church to go home when the world rejects obvious and proven truth it's time for the church to go home now we'll talk about the why of this in a moment but first think about jesus comparison of the days before the rapture with the days before the flood in genesis 6 5 we're told that the lord saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only what evil continually is that a fitting description of our world today absolutely 11 and 12 same chapter the earth was also corrupt before god the earth was filled with violence so god looked upon the earth and indeed it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth now if you add to that that during this particular season people were buying and selling marrying and giving in marriage until the day noah entered the ark and yet genesis 2. now follow me here genesis 2 says it had not rained on the earth but a mist went up from the ground and watered the earth then in genesis 7 11 when the flood starts to happen we read that the heavens were opened and then and only then it began to rain now when jesus said his coming would be unexpected he's not talking about the second coming as we mentioned a moment ago for we know that during the tribulation period in revelation 6 17 we're told the great day of his wrath has come and who is able to stand and this is a statement of people crying out to the mountains and rocks to hide them from the wrath of him who sits on the throne and of the lamb now many scholars estimate the time frame of the building of the ark was from 100 to 120 years that's how long it took noah and family to build the ark so get this noah built an ark for 100 to 120 years on dry land on a planet where it had never rained and what were people doing buying and selling marrying and giving in marriage completely indifferent to the signs of impending judgment i don't know maybe it's just me but some guy building a boat on dry land preaching righteousness i would start to think something's coming something's going to happen you know i'm sure some of you have probably been back to ken ham's great rebuilding and answers in genesis rebuilding of a two specification size arc and one of the points he made is there was room for thousands and thousands and thousands of people on the ark not just animals how many got on the boat a jesus said that's how it's going to be when it's time for me to come and get my church the righteous are going to be relatively few in comparison to the number of unrighteousness are there false christs today are there wars and rumors of wars today ethnic tensions famines plagues geological and atmospheric anomalies all over the world and what's the world doing acting like it's not going to rain just as it was in the days of noah now here's the why of the importance of our point in john 8 32 jesus said say jesus said you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you what free so if you're living in a world where truth has become subjective and it is no longer objective then even the message of the church becomes suspect in the eyes of the world and therefore truth leaves its free loses its freeing capacity because the world has a different barometer as to fact checking like we have seen in these last days now let me just say this this just popped in my head and this might be for somebody out there i hear all the time i know amir hears it too about this big revival that's going to happen before the rapture that's in second opinion chapter 2. [Laughter] the bible says before the rapture things are going to be a mess before the rapture things are going to be horrid they're going to be as bad as they were the last time god poured out his wrath on the whole of the world so listen when truth is no longer accepted and facts are redefined and replaced with opinions and feelings god's going to shift gears he's going to snatch his people off the surface of the earth and he is going to begin to deal with israel directly once again now is israel expecting jesus return no some jews are expecting the messiah to come but they're going to be in for a big surprise when he does in romans 11 25-22 paul says for i do not desire brethren that you should be ignorant of this mystery lest you should be wise in your own opinion that blindness in part has happened to israel until when the fullness of the gentiles that come in and so all israel will be saved as it is written the deliverer will come out of where is zion the same meaning as palestine no zion is zion amen he will turn away ungodliness from jacob for this is my covenant with them when i take away their sins now the key word in this passage is until until implies a change and there is coming a change to the whole world some of us are going home others are going to be left behind now the majority of jews will be blind to their messiah until the fullness of the gentiles has come in the time of the gentiles began at 586 bc with the destruction of jerusalem under the armies of nebuchadnezzar when he carried away 10 000 of israel's best and brightest to babylon including men like daniel and ezekiel and the ones we know of shadrach meshach and abednego and the time of the gentiles has been continuing and it includes the whole of the church age and some wonder why is there going to be a great tribulation and let me just answer that question you didn't ask the great tribulation proves to the jews that jesus of nazareth is their messiah the great tribulation produces the largest great awakening in human history the great tribulation brings the moral digression of man to its end this is the purpose of the tribulation this is why god pours out his wrath on a christ-rejecting world and think about where we are as a world truth is now subjective and more about opinion and feelings and facts concrete medical and scientific truths are rejected in spite of empirical evidence that they are true and that means the only truth that can make men free is going to be subjective as well in spite of the empirical evidence that the bible's message about how one can be saved has been proven time and time again people today are often looking for miracles you want to see a miracle today go home and look in the mirror you were once dead and now you are alive in jesus christ [Applause] and listen has the gospel message today come under unprecedented criticism in these last days yes do you know why because it doesn't make people feel good about and in their sin it calls for a change a transformation of life and listen if truth is no longer accepted as valid and the church is the only truth bearers in the world the only solution is for god to remove the church and begin the 70th week of daniel when he deals directly with national israel as he said he would yet today many jews believe that the church sided with israel many jews are atheists because of the holocaust many are secular and thankfully god is still saving jews today they're only blinded in part case and point my dear brother amir he's as jewish as you can get and he's as saved as you can get amen now romans 1 28-32 says and even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge god gave them over to what kind of mind to a debased mind and when you have a debased mind you do those things which are not fitting being filled with all unrighteousness sexual immorality wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder strife deceit evil mindedness they are whisperers backfighters haters of who god violent proud bolsters inventors of evil things disobedient to parents undiscerning untrustworthy unloving unforgiving on sounds like a delightful time to be alive doesn't it who knowing the righteous judgment of god that those who practice such things are deserving deserving of what death but these not only do the same but also big word here also what approve of those who practice them our governments around the world approving the things that god has prohibited and forbidden we are living in this season and remember our definitions of expect when things are not good expect that jesus is coming soon and they are not good to the greed to the degree that they were not good before the flood and as i said it might be obvious that when he comes he'll be unexpected by the jews but there are signs in israel that tell us the change is about to come the recent government coalition has even identified itself as the government of change and change is indeed underway including what zechariah says in 12 3-4 where he writes behold i will make jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all surrounding peoples the lord is speaking when they lay siege against judah and jerusalem and it shall happen in that day that i will make jerusalem a very heavy stone for all what peoples all who would heave it away will surely be cut into pieces though all the nations of the earth are gathered against it now all the nations of the earth is not talking about the united nothing it's talking about all the political powers of the world is that happening today absolutely anti-semitism is growing around the world look at this article from breitbart dated august the 1st 2021 pro-palestinian protesters in new york city called to globalize the intifada or a violent uprising and they say it's the only solution to the israel conflict there is no conflict in israel god gave them the land that formerly belonged to the canaanites and he gave it to them as an eternal inheritance there's no conflict there thus says the lord amen now we often talk about the un and the anti-israel resolutions that come from there while they have silence about china and iran and other countries where the people are oppressed but zechariah isn't talking strictly about governments or international bodies he says the people will see jerusalem and the jews is a burdensome stone look at this picture from california sadly free palestine boycott israel bds this is from the home homepage in a year marred by israeli apartheid brutality and massacres palestinian hope and unity shine through so too does the outpouring of global support from trade unions academics grassroots and civil society groups artists and individuals the word on everyone's tongue is unprecedented never before has support for palestinian freedom justice and equality been more popular and effective proving that this time hashtag it's different uh no it's not the land still belongs to the jews god is still on the throne and he has not broken his covenant with his people israel now if you're wondering what bds means it means boycott sanction boycott divest and sanction it's not a governmental organization it's a organization of the people the people are gathering against jerusalem even as international leaders do today people today completely ignorant of history and fact and all they move upon or because of is emotion and feelings now here's our point listen this morning when zionism is viewed as evil lift up your heads your redemption is near when zionism is viewed as evil lift up your heads our redemption is near paul said as we read in romans 11 all israel will be saved as it is written the deliberator deliverer will come out of where zion he will turn away ungodliness from jacob for this is my covenant with them when i take away their sins now zion refers to a specific hill in jerusalem where ancient parts of the city were built the two previous temples existed there the word zion is also used much like dc or london is used in a sense that it represents peoples and a country now here's something that's interesting i've never known this before until i was preparing this message i never looked into it but it was really interesting to me that the word zion actually means a parched place a parched place isn't that like a dry and thirsty land it's a parts place now here's why i find that to be interesting in zechariah 14 4 we're told then in that day the day we can see approaching his jesus feet will stand on the mount of olives which faces jerusalem on the east and the mount of olives shall be split in two from east to west making a very large valley half of the mountain shall move towards the north and half of it toward the south verse 8 adds this and in that day it shall be that what living waters shall flow from jerusalem half of them toward the eastern sea half toward the western sea and summer and winter it shall occur well a parched land is about to be watered with living water speaking of the opening eyes of the eyes of the jews to who their messiah is now many jews are expecting what we just read to happen but what they're not expecting is that the feet that touch down on the mount of olives are going to have nail scars in them and they are going to be the feet of jesus the one that was pierced his feet and hands pierced in order to hold them to a cross and the change that is coming in israel is this in zechariah 12 10 i will pour on the house of david and on the inhabitants of jerusalem the spirit of grace and supplication then they will look on me whom they pierce yes they will mourn for him as one mourns for his only son and grieve for him as one grieves for a first born this happens after jerusalem becomes a burdensome stone to all peoples and all nations are gathered against it and that is well underway as we sit here today now jesus is not who most of israel expects to deliver them but expect or not he is their deliverer he is coming back to the mount of olives it is his feet that are going to cause a parched land to flow with living waters the world isn't expecting jesus the jews aren't expecting jesus by and large surely the church must be and when i say church i'm speaking of the organization universally referred to by that moniker now much like paul said in romans 9 6 not all are israel who are of israel not every church is an actual church not every person that attends church is a christian a member of the body of christ which is the church amen now the fastest growing segments of the church today or one of them is called the new apostolic reformation you often hear it referred to as gnar now i don't know nars too close to gnarly for me to follow after that group but listen the new apostolic reformation teaches that god's intended form of church governance is apostles and prophets holding leadership over evangelist pastors and teachers however this has not been the case for the vast majority of christian history so according to the new apostolic reformation god began to restore prophets and apostles over the last 30 to 40 years and only now as the church is properly guided by the appropriate spiritual leaders i thought we were guided by the word of god in the holy spirit but i guess not can it fulfill its commission the commission is seen as more than spiritual go to the world and preach the isn't that our commission isn't that spiritual but these guys say no it's more than that it includes cultural and political control in the new apostolic reformation apostles are seen as the highest of all spiritual leaders and they appoint one another by the way being specially empowered by god true maturity and unity per the new apostolic reformation is only found in those who submit to the leadership of their apostles meaning you're only really a christian if you follow the new apostles of our day according to this teaching the church unifies behind the apostles these leaders will develop greater and greater supernatural powers you know just like the first apostles happened over time they had to go to the school of miracles and right remember when peter was in the school of miracles for all those months i don't either that's in flexilonians if you want to look that up now eventually this will include the ability to perform mass healings and eventually eventually yeah that's just so unbiblical these signs are meant oh sorry i didn't finish here eventually this will include the ability to perform mass healings and suspend the laws of physics these signs are meant to encourage a massive wave of converts to christianity these apostles are also destined to be the recipients of a great wealth transfer yep from our pocket to theirs is how that transfer takes place which will enable the church to establish god's kingdom on earth and then poor little jesus can come back at that time since the church has done what only he can do they teach promote and pursue what is called dominion theology and the seven mountain mandate according to the seven mountain mandate the church must have dominion over seven areas of the world before christ can return to rule it and since their job is to prepare the world for jesus are they expecting the rapture of course not now those seven mountains are education religion family business government or military arts and entertainment and media now just take those last two and if the church has to have control over those the rapture isn't for another 10 million years i don't think now that's just like noah's day right noah and his seven family members had control of the planet no they built a boat and the lord lifted them up above his wrath just like he's about to lift us up above the wrath that's coming on the world now some of the largest and fastest growing segments of the church are part of this group and hold to this type of teaching now i i have multiple problems with this and they're all biblical but let me just say this if they say that apostles are the leading figures within the church and everybody has to treat their spoken word like the written word where do we find that that day is coming in scripture where's the notification that there's going to be another batch of apostles like the original 12 and what about prophets jesus said say jesus said jesus said john the baptist was the last prophet he said the prophets prophesied until john meaning there are no prophets in the sense of the old testament prophets in our day the gift of prophecy is still valid and that's i think every pastor needs to be able to speak the word prophecy means to speak by divine inspiration and if every pastor is not speaking by divine inspiration are you giving his speeches and we don't need to hear speeches in the church we need to hear the living powerful word of god amen and it takes god's anointing to do that but listen according to the website there are an estimated 2.42 billion christians in the world i submit to you that that was true we'd have a different world most of the world's christians according to the website do not believe in the rapture the catholic church 1.285 billion don't anglicans 85 million don't eastern orthodox 270 million don't oriental orthodoxy 86 million don't most protestant churches the website says rejected too including the lutherans all who hold the calvinism presbyterians methodists etc and the website says it's mainly a doctrine of baptist and pentecostalists but in the u.s members of other denominations tend to believe it sometimes too yeah i believe it don't you i believe in the rapture of the church you know one of the most comical accusations that's thrown at the church and rapture believers is all all you are worried about is escaping the tribulation bingo guilty now the website says 6.6 of christians worldwide believe in the rapture out of 2.42 billion who are labeled as christians today is the church expecting the rapture well collectively i would say no now here's our last observation and then we'll spend our second hour closing i'm just kidding just kidding pastor jimmy now listen here it is you ready you're getting it anyway so just say yeah you ready okay when the church begins following trends instead of truth jesus is coming so after all he said you are the salt of the earth but if the salt loses its flavor how shall it be seasoned it is then good for what no thing it's good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men you are the light of the world a city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lamp stand it gives light to all who are in the house then he says let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify who your father in heaven and when the church loses its purifying and preserving influence in the world and begins to be trampled by cultural activism by woke pastors listen there is no more asleep christian than a woke christian and when the church is no longer the light of the world like being a metaphor for truth then what's the point of continuing the church age and listen it will be as it was in the days of noah where the world is ignoring impending signs of judgment preached by the relatively few in number is the world expecting the rapture are the jews largely expecting the rapture is the church suspect expecting the rapture no well then i submit to you today that the rapture being unexpected means we should expect it at any moment maybe even before the end of this conference [Music] [Applause] that's why i like to go first [Laughter] i'm sure everybody else would agree they'd rather have jesus come than to give their message amen pray with me please father again we're grateful for this opportunity this morning we thank you that we can be reminded of the things we can know even in the midst of all the things you said it's impossible for anyone to know and lord as we look around we see evidence for all of us looking up and therefore all of us to be ready lord because you implied very clearly when it's time there's no time to get ready so we need to be ready in advance and i pray if there's any here today who do not have a real legitimate ongoing intimate relationship with jesus that that would come to an end today a new life in christ will become theirs so listen here this morning if you're not ready you need to be ready and there's only one way to get ready and that is to be born again and there's a lot of things you know that are said and done today in the name of the church that actually have nothing to do with what the church's mission or commission is the church is commissioned to go to the world and preach the gospel that's what every christian is supposed to do and to do so to every creature and so maybe you've been hurt by the church maybe you've heard things about the church maybe you disagree with some of the practices of the church but the fact is jesus told the teacher of israel you must be born again so it doesn't matter who you are it doesn't matter where you live it doesn't matter your ethnic background doesn't matter your financial status the only way to get into heaven is through jesus that's why he said to his disciples on the same night that he was betrayed i am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the father but by me so if you have any inkling of having your sin forgiven or desire to be saved and to be delivered from the wrath that is about to come upon the whole world you need to take care of that business not just today you need to take care of that business right now and listen there's lots of things that are done by way of imitation but i think that if god is speaking to your heart you can say from your heart right now without a lifting of a hand without a walking down an aisle or any acknowledgement so to speak you can just say in your heart lord i recognize i'm a sinner i believe you're the only savior i ask that you forgive my sin and i ask that you save my soul and i thank you that you have promised that whosoever will that calls on your name you will save them and i call on your name right now to save me and listen if that's something that's occurred in your heart and it's legitimate and sincere you can trust that the lord has saved your perishing soul and giving you new life in heaven that's what jesus came to do and he's still doing it today so father i pray that as you move in the hearts and minds of these people here in the room and those watching around the world online that you would indeed do what you stated through the proverbs and rescue those who are drawn towards death and hold back those stumbling to the slaughter and we thank you that whosoever will may come and i pray that many have come today to that final and concrete understanding that you are the christ the son of the living god the savior of men's souls so we thank you for our time in this opening session bless the other speakers i pray in jesus name amen all right that's a good word thank you pastor barry told you we're going to hit the gas right out of the gate hey how about this the church is not a hospital those in a hospital can't be on the battlefield that's the that's a mic drop right there and those birth certificates this gender confusion you know you guys remember isaiah 1 18. what did god say come can we just reason together god is a reasonable god this isn't hard to figure out i saw a picture the other day on social media it was a picture of the new birth certificate and all it said on it was you were born that's it we're not gonna you know put any other information on there other than you were born oh my gosh pastor jimmy let pastor barry say stupid from the pulpit that was pretty cool um because i because i was thinking you know and i'm not going to say the words but the abbreviation i'll give you i'll give you the words but i won't give you the letters you can fill in the blanks yourself the b stands for bible the s stands for stupidity bible stupidity and that's what's going on in our times here today gang we need to be students of the word again i'm preaching to the choir but we are those ambassadors that god has called to go out now and to share the message of his truth found in his word empowered through the holy spirit to this world that so desperately needs him oh my goodness okay thank you pastor barry that was amazing that was amazing we're gonna take a break now uh we're just a little bit ahead of schedule so uh you need to be back in your seats ready to go at 11 o'clock uh you can go down and check out the resource room here again there's water and snacks available out there in the lobby area oh guys and don't forget if you have questions let's start getting the questions and drop them off at the behold israel table in the resource room we'll see you guys at 11 o'clock sharp [Music] glory with fire in his eyes [Music] and now the kingdom of darkness has died [Applause] is will be something greater yes [Music] [Music] is jesus is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] greater [Music] you're yes [Music] [Music] [Music] smooth [Music] just one the darkness [Music] [Music] there's not a mountain that he can know [Music] [Music] i feel the power of him my eyes is [Music] left [Music] i believe i gotta believe and i will believe for greater things there's no power like the power of jesus so that faith arrives let all agree there's no power like the power of jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] god [Music] is [Music] [Music] ready [Applause] [Music] you're my hiding place [Music] yours is [Music] only you can do [Music] you know the future you have for me all things are possible with you [Music] my help [Music] i [Music] there's no brokenness [Music] my king my redeemer [Music] you're the one [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] you're the resurrection that we've waited for you bury the night you came with the morning you're the king of heaven [Music] the praise is yours the longer the quiet the louder the chorus [Music] dead his gone with the [Music] the winners your love is like springtime [Music] you're the living water [Music] you're the sun that is [Music] the deeper you call us [Music] your love is [Music] and like a garden [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is one two one two check check one two three four five six seven eight eight eight nine okay beautiful thanks guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] treasures of faith [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] i is it's true my fingers [Music] [Music] this is my surrender this is my surrender here is is my [Music] surrender all right everyone it is time to continue hopefully everybody got a good stretch got some snacks got some hydration and we're ready to go we're gonna ramp it up now if that's even possible hey it's kind of weird to introduce pastor jimmy at his own church but i know all of you don't attend here so what a blessing you are in for with our next speaker pastor jimmy is the founder of calvary chapel lone mountain uh this church was founded come on lone mountain in the house i thought so wow we're not biased or anything around here this church was founded in 1998 anybody would been with jimmy since 1998 [Laughter] i don't know if everybody knows it or not but pastor jimmy is also the president of calvary chapel bible college in dumaguete over in the philippines yes a tremendous work going on over there he's been involved with that work for a number of years he's also a chaplain with the las vegas metro police department him and his wife kathy yes we love the blue um he's here with his wife kathy many of you i'm sure all of you guys know kathy she's the one that keeps the oomph in the church you know kathy does anyways uh they've got three adult children they've got three precious grandchildren so with no further ado let's give it up let's welcome our dear brother pastor jimmy morales [Applause] let me look oh thank you sandy my one fan sandy so you know i was a little disappointed because nobody applauded for my grandchildren three canned children [Music] they are the light of our life we so enjoy i really honestly did not want to be a grandfather i was like when you become a grandfather you're now old and and i didn't want to be a grandfather now i'm like everybody should be a grandfather it is awesome you have these kids that man i i face time with my grandkids and they're like papa i need you and i'm like yes you do you know it is so awesome so grandpa life is the best uh okay yeah and grandma life too amen amen i'm not i'm not this in grandma alive as it is or as my wife is called wawa because my grandson named her so we stick with what they call us so well i want to welcome you all and i'm so glad that you're here today we are in for a very special day and i'm so blessed to have behold israel come out and what a delight right and and and barry kicked this off that worship team kicked us off those guys rocked the house that was some sweet worship and then uh barry barry man i like barry barry barry's got some some salsa in him man i like that and so i can see why amir loves barry he's just a just a gifted speaker and i was telling him you know he's just got that kind of sarcasm that even if you're offended you're too embarrassed to say anything you know and so it's like i'll just keep my mouth shut about what he said but hey this this morning i get to speak on something very lightly touched on and that's that issue of following the money and so we're gonna talk about that this morning but let's go to the lord in prayer and and then we'll we'll get started uh this morning father we thank you for your word we thank you for the things you have in store for us we we pray lord that you would would bless this message lord that you would help us not to grow in fear or trepidation but to grow in excitement as we recognize the the the soon coming of our lord and father we pray for those who have never put their trust in your son that they would recognize their need for a savior they would put their trust in jesus this morning and father for those who know you that lord through the study of your word we would find ourselves falling more in love with you than ever before father have your way with us we pray in jesus name amen back in the 70s there was a prophet well he's a prophecy buff named j.r church in oklahoma and and he was he he was a controversial fella you know some thought he was a kook and uh some thought he was he was a you know an incredible prophet you know and and i i think he was somewhere in between myself but he made a comment in in november of 1977 he said we will someday soon have a cashless society a one world money system designed to replace currency and coin with computers is inevitable now what i found intriguing about that statement is that november of 1977 was when apple was incorporated and we've come a long way since 1977 and so this morning we are gonna follow the money this my thing works here there we go does the bible teach one world government and one world currency in the last days no it never comes out and directly says that however there is ample reason to believe that this will be the case everything points to that inevitability revelation 13 1 says then i stood on the sand of the sea and i saw a beast rising up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and on his horns ten crowns and on his heads a blasphemous name and then in revelation chapter 17 verse 12 we read the ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet but they receive authority for one hour as king with the beast these are of one mind and they will give their power and authority to the beast now when we combine this with the prophecy of daniel chapter 7 and the vision of nebuchadnezzar in daniel chapter 2 we understand that in the last days 10 rulers will arise that will control the entire world and they will be controlled slash subdued by this one that we call the antichrist and it looks like he'll even depose three of them but but they'll all be puppets to his commands regardless that he will control them oh now how is such a thing going to happen how can one man rise up and rule the world in this modern day and age well many believe that those cataclysmic events that are going to take place in the first half of the tribulation will be so frightful that people will follow anybody who promises to deliver them from its devastating consequences and helps them to recover from it i find that intriguing considering that we're coming out of this pandemic that we never seem to come out of right and and we're being controlled by people because of fear it's it's that's another message by the way i'm not going to go there today but but these days there are a group of people that have taken it upon themselves to i guess control the masses is the best description i can think of that's that's what they want to do they set up their little fife dumbs and and and the sad part is for the most part they're getting away with it but for the most part they are controlling people and and nobody's able to say differently now they're not completely getting away with it yet but only because we're not in the tribulation period and that great delusion has not come in full like it's going to but you know and because we still have attorneys that are fighting for us like my attorney over here cigar seagal was the attorney that when the governor of nevada decided he was going to shut us down took us on as her client and said no way jose right in fluent legalese that is you know but but she that's essentially what she said so when does the tribulation period begin well let me say it does not begin with the rapture of the church we don't know how long after the rapture of the church the tribulation period is going to begin it will occur it will start when the antichrist signs a seven year treaty peace treaty with israel daniel speaks of that in daniel 9 27 then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week than in prophecy language that's seven years but in the middle of the week at three and a half years he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering march mark hitchcock calls this the greatest double cross of all time i call it the dumbest double cross of all time because we already know it's going to happen it is written it's going to happen so how in the world is the world going to accept this contract with israel and not say antichrist that's him we know it's him because the bible says unless the church is gone right and a great delusion has come upon the world and that's another reason why i'm a firm believer in a pre-trib rapture right amen some will protest his actions but few will listen to them they will be labeled as right-wing conspiracy theorists and banned from youtube i'm just saying it's gonna happen you know and and you know but they'll get a web page you know like and you know mike lindell will run them because because he gives them he pays attention to that stuff but but nobody else is going to take them very seriously and mike won't be here because he's a brother in the lord amen amen but it won't be israel that's going to give him that fealty either you know we we tend to think oh israel's going to accept the antichrist as the messiah no they actually won't some will some some will in fact if you take a poll in israel you know what the what the ant what the messiah is going to be like they're going to say oh he's going to bring peace in israel and and so you know many are set up to believe that the antichrist is going to be the messiah but the nation won't buy it they're gonna now the antichrist gonna try he's gonna give them a peace treaty he's gonna give them the restoration of the temple he's gonna do everything he can to win their favor but because they will not acknowledge him as the messiah he's going to go in and declare himself as the messiah at the three and a half year point he's going to overpower the nation of israel and as a result of that invasion the entire world will worship and accept the elect who are going to be in a world of hurt during that period but revelation chapter 13 7 says it was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them and authority was given him over every tribe tongue and nation now again how is one man going to control all of the nations of the world in a word money he is going to control the trade of the world and if he controls the world trade then he controls the world and so in order to control every tribe tongue and nation he's going to have to implement one world currency that is under his control and utilized by individuals through a universal identification system we call that the mark of the beast now the last couple years have given us a vivid picture of how these things can work in the financial world let's look at the death of the dollar for example the apostle john spoke of a day when the world would not be able to buy or sell without this system that would center around the use of a mark or a number to complete transactions my little clicker's not working here anymore there we go back up man it just all of a sudden went oh there it is right i'm on it yeah he causes all both small and great rich and poor free and slave to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name now this is this is where we're heading and though most have not noticed we have been heading this way for centuries for centuries it was 1881 that president james garfield said man this thing any day now love this high-tech stuff the prince of the power of the air there we go he who controls the money of a nation controls the nation it was meyer amshell rothschild the founder of the rothschild dynasty who controls the money of the world today who said give me control over a nation's economy and i care not who writes its laws and even karl marx in his communist manifesto wrote money plays the largest part in determining the course of history let me ask you a question how many of you remember and i know it's going to date you a little bit how many of you remember when we used to write checks to buy groceries right how many of you remember that you were high tech if you paid extra and bought carbon copy for your checks right so you didn't have to write it in the memo you just got the carbon copy of your check and you were cutting edge if you had that people were impressed ooh you had those carbon checks right and yet how many of you still write checks to buy groceries come on i'm not even sure grocery stores still accept checks to buy groceries it is such a thing in the past in fact nowadays almost every one of us pay with plastic and even that is going away how many of you buy groceries with your phone isn't that amazing we don't even carry plastic anymore we bring our phone out and go bloop and the transaction is done our groceries are paid for you know many people today carry little there's those phones high-tech world we live in they even ring during the teaching every time many of us today don't even carry cash and the ones who do carry it for a long time because because you don't ever use it for anything i carry i carry some cash with me wherever i go we were just in florida last week trying to do a little mini vacation and we went to a restaurant that said they'll take credit cards but they charge a four percent surcharge if you use a credit card and and so if you want to pay with a with with a credit card you can but it'll cost you extra but they said we have our own debit machine that car charges only two percent if you do that and you can go get cash and and pay with cash so i actually after we ordered food i paid with cash and it felt weird i couldn't remember the last time i paid with cash how many of you realize that in 2020 we suffered a major national coin shortage most people were only intrigued by it they weren't bothered by it in the least it just happened we have a coin shortage oh well i don't use coins anyway and most retailers as we started to open up from covid did what they would not accept cash because they didn't want your germs and very few people cared in the least that they weren't accepting cash why because they didn't use it anyway that's the direction we're heading meanwhile several other things have been going on that are leading us closer to this cashless system remember the 2008 financial crash when all the banks got bailed out while we lost billions and trillions of dollars as as american citizens it was after that crash that an individual pen named satoshi nakamoto wrote a paper that proposed a cryptocurrency called bitcoin how many of you have heard of bitcoin man this thing's driving me nuts here i wonder if my battery's just dead or something let's see ah there it goes maybe it is a dead battery yeah he proposed it as a as a medium for daily financial transactions that would avoid using the traditional banking structure in other words it would get you away from banks and it drew some interest among certain programmers who with uh nakamoto developed this bitcoin into a reality in 2010 the bitcoin was worth eight one thousandth of a penny but that was the year that laszlo hayeks how many of you have heard of laszlo high x very few have you know what he's famous for he bought two pizzas at papa john's but you know what he did he paid for it with bitcoin laszlo hayek ordered two pizzas from papa john's in jacksonville florida and paid for it with bitcoin and immediately bitcoin became a real thing and by the end of 2010 it was worth eight cents a coin now you say well that's nothing guys that's a thousand times increase in value in less than a year it took off and it has made incredible strides since then in fact in 2021 in april of this year bitcoin and drumroll please come on there we go bitcoin took off and was worth almost 65 000 a coin now it's still volatile but bitcoin has stood the test of time and and there are many naysayers out there that say bitcoin is a fad that's going to pass like beanie babies that's what they're comparing it to but let me assure you that bitcoin is here to stay first of all it has the marks of good currency divisibility portability acceptability etc the only weakness that people say it has is in this area of stability but that's coming as well as it finds it's it's uh it's price in the market and i'm not trying to sell you bitcoin but i want you to understand how how real this thing is because people say well why would i pay money for zeros and ones for a computer program you don't even get anything tangible i'd rather gold because gold is more stable really well think about this this is gold for the last century is gold more stable not at all gold has never been stable and and so don't kid yourself to think that bitcoin isn't going to work because of a lack of stability and here's where bitcoin shines it's written on a platform called blockchain blockchain is a database technology that they write data in blocks and it and when one block gets full it gets connected to another and all those blocks are on different computers that aren't attached to each other aren't connected to each other and are checked by other individual people so that it is completely secure even if someone tries commit fraud it'll be exposed and and corrected immediately and i mean it's the most amazing technology that ever existed when it came to security in currency and not only is it secure but it's able to be traded worldwide worldwide at a fraction of the cost of any other currency in the world now why is that such a big deal well think about countries like el salvador where because of poverty the country one of their largest imports is money from el salvadorians that are living in america that's what they that's what they do el salvador is only six and a half million people it's a very small country and it doesn't have its own currency it's been on the u.s dollar since 2001. but being extremely poor about 5 billion dollars is transferred from the us every year by el salvadorians abroad to support their families that are in the country to sustain their poor families that are in the country and and so it's estimated by the way that's about 25 of the nation's gdp their gross domestic product 25 and it's estimated that that five billion dollar transfer costs two and a half million dollars to do through the banks and so that makes it very expensive it actually the banks are keeping these families poor by taking these exorbitant fees from people trying to send money to their families now in 2019 an anonymous donor some think it's jack dorsey from twitter but but we don't know who it was donated 21 million satoshi's that's the currency of a bitcoin a bitcoin is a satoshi or sat as it's called donated 21 million sats to make el salvador a bitcoin accepting country and so they they went into a city called alzante and they they chose that city because it was extremely poor and it had no bank no bank in the city nobody had more money than what they made for the day they were all extremely poor so they took this money and they went into alexante and through training and the providing of proper equipment to do it the entire city became known as bitcoin beach bitcoin beach is and you never heard of this did you that's pretty amazing come on you can go there come on slowpoke any minute now man sorry guys there we go not too far it's just slow there we go bitcoin beach is is an entire city that functions on bitcoin and and you can still pay with us dollars but every vendor even if you go buy a papoosa from a street side vendor you can pull out your phone and pay with bitcoin for your transaction if you go to a coffee shop you you pay with bitcoin because it was such a poor town none of the utilities are located in el zante and so when people had to go pay their bills they had to take a four-hour bus ride to go pay their power bill or their phone bill or whatever and then come back home and so it was a whole day to go pay bills now they just jump on their phone and pay their utilities via their phones with bitcoin all of a sudden the city has come to life it has been absolutely amazing and and just to make sure that this was not a fluke in its success just a few months ago they started another city right down the street about three hours away called punta where they're going to make it a bitcoin city as well and to replicate the success that they had at alzante now bitcoin beach was authorized by el salvador's youngest president ever naive bouquet naive bouquet is not only an early owner and a firm believer in bitcoin but he sees he was elected in as an answer to the perpetual corruption in the government of el salvador they said hey here's a guy who will root out corruption who will bring financial prosperity to our nation and and so uh he was brought in with that view to to restoring the country and i i'm not sure where i stand on him i don't know if he's you know what the what the politicians say about him that he's a bad guy and it's just as same as usual but here's what he did in a world first he uh he got the congress to approve bitcoin as legal tender for the entire nation now you may say well that's no big deal that's a very big deal on june 9th when bitcoin became legal tender in el salvador that means bitcoin or el salvador is a though a small country it's a country in good standing with the imf the international monetary fund and because of that to reject a nation's currency that's not in bad standing with imf is technically an act of war so in a sense bitcoin just became a world accepted currency though the rest of the world isn't necessarily embracing it they they nobody's rejecting it because of what happened in el salvador and so it's about to become they they gave themselves 90 days to implement this new uh this new currency so but it's about to become a legal tender and when it does the world has to accept it now this is significant because of a couple of reasons first because of that but second because it's being forced upon the nation and this is the part that concerns uh freedom lovers everywhere article seven of of the uh new law that makes bitcoin the currency uh for el salvador says every economic agent must accept bitcoin as payment when it is offered to him by whoever acquires a good or service so that article by itself forces people to use bitcoin in the country now why would they force people to accept bitcoin in the country well some say it's because they won't make the change if you don't force them to do it but here's here's another possibility el salvador their government has chosen the platform upon which their bitcoin exchanges are going to be done it's called lightning remember that 5 billion dollars in transfers coming from the u.s they're still going to be a fee even if it's bitcoin that they're transferring who makes the money off of it whoever controls the exchange whoever controls the exchange so who's going to get rich off of this the el salvador and government they're going to get very very rich off of bitcoin transfers now as we see this international digital currency growing in popularity that has no physical form no no there's no coin no paper to represent it the world standard for international trade the u.s dollar has been in decline like never before in history mass printing of money in 2020 and 2021 has put more u.s dollars in circulation than ever today one-third of u.s dollars in circulation have been printed in the last year one-third of u.s dollars that are in circulation printed in the last year in order to stimulate the economy and and keep people going the federal reserve has printed over four trillion dollars and pushed it into the economy in the last year and and the federal government itself has spent over 40 trillion dollars on its part alone that's our tax dollars by the way no big deal right in the last year the amount of money in the system has jumped by over 26 that's absolutely unheard of in fact it is the largest annual system increase since 1943. think about this in the 10 years after the 2008 crash money only increased by a little over 5 per year now we're seeing a 26 increase now i can't show you how bad it is because the federal government has chosen to stop telling us how much money is in supply if you go to the fed's web page and you go to their money stock it says discontinued as of february 1st so now they're not even telling us how much money is in circulation it's a secret i love secrets now the result of a weakening dollar is significant in many ways but for our purposes we need to recognize that shaken confident confidence in the dollar is a global problem since the dollar is the world's monetary standard period now china is working to change that they are working overtime to bring respect to the chinese yuan and and to bring attention to how cutting edge they are this year they released their own digital currency built on the blockchain platform unlike every other cryptocurrency this is the world's first central bank digital currency now that that might sound exciting for you because wow it's protected by the central bank yeah that should scare you that defeats the whole purpose of of crypto currency doesn't it it's a central bank or a cb dc they hope to use it to complete to compete with the us dollar in international trade because they want to see it internationally accepted but it's going to be it's going to be pinned to the chinese yuan so by default when people start accepting the ebdc or the cbdc they are accepting the yuan as the the currency of choice now interestingly enough facebook's mark zuckerberg is also working on a crypto currency called facebook libra he's hoping to release it by january that's what they're saying right now they're going to release their own currency by january and and china says that facebook libra poses a threat to the sovereignty of china insisting that digital currencies should only be issued by governments and central banks so china wants to be in control of the exchange because the one who controls the exchange controls the money right and it's all it's interesting to see here's another amazing thing that's happening speaking of the exchange meet amazon's newest invention it's called amazon one amazon one is a payment system released in september of last year that allows you to compete complete transactions with the wave of a palm it's currently being launched as a payment system but amazon has made it clear that they intended to be much more than that it's not just going to be a payment system it's going to be an identification system wait a minute we're not hearing her hold on go back go back go back i'll try it again tell me when you're ready back there okay here we go nope i hear something but i don't know is it playing back there on the computer or something okay so open the computer and then go to the sound settings there on the top and the top oh you got it okay here we go uh-oh wait now we're black [Music] we'll come back to that let me just say while we're figuring out why this thing's doing these crazy things there we go can we hear her yet no hang on hear it back there so now on the top there's a little menu you can click on and next to the volume there you can tell it the sound output needs to be uh hdmi i hear it back there put a mic on it we can't yeah we hear something ricky will fix it ricky fixes everything come on ricky you can do it who's a mac guy you know mac guy back there that can show him how to redirect the sound here comes the mac guy yay so let me while we're figuring that out let me let me say that for you conspiracy theorists that really are conspiracy theorists this is not the mark of the beast okay we're not talking about don't ever use amazon one or you'll go to hell don't don't there are so many people out there you know even like with the vaccines and all people are saying oh be careful with the vaccine because of the mark of the bees let me tell you something you're going to know when it's the mark of the beast first of all if you know it's the mark of the beast it's because you missed the rapture and you weren't born again so so let's deal with that first all right so if you find out hey somebody's making us take the mark of the beast you better start praying hard father forgive me a sinner right invite jesus into your life right there on the spot because because you're in trouble it's not going to happen while we're here there are those who say oh the vaccine listen when the mark of the beast comes first there's going to be a worldwide angelic warning don't receive the mark of the beast or you're going to hell have anybody heard that no youtube is not an angel okay so so that ain't it that's not that's not the mark of the beast second you're gonna make a conscious decision to say i reject jesus and i worship the beast instead now do you think grandma who's highly susceptible to this virus and probably should be getting the vaccine is rejecting jesus because she gets it no so don't buy into all the shenanigans you know there's this amazing thing with the vaccine they're using that tracer that luminous tracer you know what it's called luciferon and it's like you know what it is it's like satan is joking going watch me get all these christians riled up watch me get him redirected and he's the master of redirection right because he's not that stupid that he's gonna put his name on it until it's on you right then you're gonna say okay i'm taking the name on me but it's not gonna be in some you know some chemical that is called luciferon because it's a light bearer it gives off light it's not it has nothing to do with the mark of the beast so don't don't don't buy into be careful with youtube there's a lot of weirdos out there just follow telegram and and amir and behold israel and you'll be you'll be much safer in the long run do i need to come back there and fix it or what it's not i can do it if you need me to run back there real quick you want to try it now so on the little panel above the keys there's a button you can switch the display to to be mirrored display make sure you're on mirrored display so we can see it too because we like to be able to see we're visual creatures you know hey almost okay now hit mirror display let's go backwards the display is just backwards that's all that's a presenter view oh now you killed it so now at the top there's a little projector screen on top of powerpoint click on that and then click on the mirror display on the uh on the little panel above the keys right there see that little display panel above the keys switch to display there we go okay now we're too far let me back up there we go oh we're close we're close now okay now ready can we hear her let's see if we can hear her we can't hear her hi meet zoey i've watched it a lot of times how does this recite it to you so now so now on this do you want me to fix the sound do you want me to come fix the sound i can you got it okay i'm coming back there guys i'm threatening now okay here we go let's try again ready [Laughter] okay they could put a microphone you put the handheld on it back there yeah oh it's it's not powerpoint that's the problem it's on the um sound output no pressure just 500 people in here and about 700 online just waiting [Laughter] how are we looking how we looking casil can fix it she can fix everything come on cazel you can do it oh i heard it heard something there's lots of different cards and ids to get okay now hit the switch display there okay now let's rewind her so we can hear from the beginning okay ready whatever we got it here here we go this is zoe just like you she uses lots of different cards and ids to get through her day what if all zoe needed was herself introducing amazon one a free service that lets you use your palm to quickly pay for things gain access earn rewards and more let's say you're grabbing your favorite coffee beverage or heading into the office or checking out just hover your palm and you're on your way it's as easy as that sign up is free and takes less than a minute all you need is a credit card your phone number and your palm that's it since your palm is unique and can't be lost or misplaced you can get things done quickly and securely and with more experiences on the way amazon one will help you get even more done simply by being you now zoe has more time to do what she loves indoor skydiving enter identify and pay with amazon one free amazing isn't it this is this is where we're at i mean we have the technology and now this isn't something's going to be wrong with this we know and and so they're going to have to either you know find some way to scan your forehead as well you know and and then ultimately you're gonna have to get a mark right because you've got to pledge allegiance to the antichrist and that's that now that's not going to be you i don't mean you because we won't be here but you know the people that are here that's what's ultimately going to happen is they're going to have to get that mark to buy yourself but the technology i remember when the vera chip came out and i said oh that's it the vera chip because look you just put this little implant in and and you can scan and and you can tell everything about a person from that little bear chip that's dinosaur technology now now now this just uses the palm of your hand and here we are now here's another thing that that happened recently it's it actually started in may of 2016 called id 2020. a group of now before you get started sighing let me say that this is actually a good thing 400 people came together at the u.n which is really never doing anything good and and and so it'll probably turn bad but but they got together and they said hey we've got literally one and a half billion people in some of these impoverished countries that have no way of getting help because they have no form of identification they can't tap into the state's resources they can't tap into the the welfare programs they're they're destitute and and we've got to find some way to to get them identification well that was what id 2020 came out and did they want to take people that can't get help because of no id and get them some way to identify themselves so before you say id 2020 is bad don't throw them out let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater the idea is great i'm showing you the technology because everything that's good gets used for evil by the devil eventually and and it will be turned into something evil because you know this whole issue of of setting up this id system for the poor really brings to light how you know something that was once shrouded in mystery is now becoming common technology i love what what barry was saying about how you know all the things that that were sealed until the end are now just becoming obvious to us we're seeing it and we're saying oh wow that's how it's going to work it's just being opened up to us and so on their website id 2020 says digital identity carries significant risk if not thoughtfully designed and carefully implemented we do not underestimate the risks of data misuse and abuse particularly when digital identity systems are designed as large centralized databases in other words they want to catalog every person and put them into a giant database now will the database be secure absolutely because they're going to deal with their security issues by building this id database on the same platform that bitcoin is built on blockchain they're going to use the blockchain technology to develop this secure id system and and so it's interesting how they all tie together right the money is connecting to the identification is connecting to the control and one of the things that really concerns me on the website it's not because it's wrong on their website but because of what it exposes it says for the one in seven people globally who lacks a means to prove their identity digital id offers access to vital social services and get this enables them to exercise their rights as citizens and voters and participate in the modern economy did i read somewhere in the bible that the time's going to come that you're not going to be able to participate in the modern society if you don't have this special form of id absolutely this is the direction we're going and so let me just close by saying that the signs are clear that we are nearing the rapture of the church i touched on one subject in my time we we we all put together our messages separately we didn't we didn't agree with each other what we're going to talk about we just put together our messages and our messages did not overlap in the least because there are literally 20 or 30 full-blown subjects we can talk about regarding prophecies that are being fulfilled in these last days the time is upon us like never before now one of the things that people do when they start seeing you know election corruption and fraud and crooked politics and crooked court systems they immediately start to to cower and to say i feel so helpless because i'm powerless to do anything about it and they hide their heads in the sand like ostrich and sadly a lot of pastors are doing that they're hiding their head in the sands like ostriches and and it breaks my heart to see that happening but what are we to do well for starters we need to keep a healthy perspective and remember that all this prophecy stuff it's all about jesus it's not about the bad things that are going to happen to us it's all about pointing to the fact that jesus is going to return when john was blown away by the things the angel was saying him to him he he just dropped down in front of the angel and started worshiping him and the angel said don't do that man don't do that he said instead revelation 19 10 worship god for the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy right prophecy is supposed to point us to jesus it's supposed to get us excited about the return of christ so that being the case the proper response for us is first to crank it up ratchet up your spiritual life hebrews 10 25 barry quoted it not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as is the manner of some but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching we see the day approaching it's clear that it's upon us so our response is to start coming together as believers and start encouraging each other and exhorting one another and building one another up amen right and second love it up first thessalonians 4 17 says and thus we shall always be with the lord therefore comfort one another with these words guys we should be gracious to one another i'm really shocked at how some christians can be so mean i mean just judgmental because somebody doesn't agree with them immediately it's like heretic stone him you know and guys our job is not to find people to stone our job is to love people under the kingdom and and we need to to comfort people and to love them in these last days and then third step it up right keep loving and serving as paul said in first corinthians 15 therefore my beloved brethren be steadfast immovable always abounding in the work of the lord knowing that your labor is not in vain in the lord in these last days our job is to step it up to keep serving one another listen if you're not plugged in and i know everybody goes to this church but if you're not plugged in and serving in your church you need to get stepped up you need to step it up you need to get plugged in it's time to serve others it's not about you we live in a self-centered society in the midst of a self-centered period of history it's time for the church to break out of that and say you know what it's not about me it's about giving my life away it's about serving others about laying my life down for others and that guess what means being inconvenienced that means getting off your couch missing your favorite program and coming and giving your life to others pour out your life for these kids in the children's ministry pour out your life for those folks in the in the convalescent home oh but that's on a saturday duh do you think they care that it's saturday they're stuck in that home they just want someone to come love them but let's give ourselves away there's teresa calvary downtown go down there and minister calvary downtown right do you think those poor people care that it's saturday they care that there's food that's what they want they want someone to feed them to give them clothes to help them because they're in crisis and that's an opportunity for you to give them jesus so step it up let's keep loving and serving and then number four clean it up it's time to purify ourselves john said regarding this knowledge we have and everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself just as jesus is pure if we're going to be caught up any day now to be with him we don't want to be having to apologize for anything we're doing when he shows up right it's time to address those things guys it's time to deal with the elephant in the room the fact that pornography is wiping out the church these days it's time to confront these things in our life and say enough is enough i'm a child of god why do i continue to live in this why do i continue to do this stuff jesus is coming back live like it amen so i'm going to close here and and let's pray and just ask the lord to strengthen us as we close father we thank you so much for this time in your word and we thank you lord for the things that you've shown us and lord as we consider these truths that we have that we have looked at this morning i pray lord that we wouldn't be stricken with fear but we would be filled with excitement and lord not just excitement for ourselves but excited about the opportunities you're giving us to minister to others lord i pray give us hearts to serve others give us hearts to pour out your love upon others give us hearts to be your vessels of honor your ambassadors in these last days and lord we love you we thank you we pray these things in jesus name amen thank you guys god bless you greg [Applause] all right i learned something about pastor jimmy today is determination a spiritual gift because if so he's got it perseverance pastor jimmy we got the video zoe and it was worth the wait i was thinking oh i hope this video is worth the wait but it was worth the wait wow very intriguing times that we are in um thank you pastor jimmy you know that's bringing it real i was listening to a uh a podcast from maybe some of you have heard of jan markell olive tree ministries she was doing a podcast the other day with uh pastor brandon hothouse the name of the podcast is uh when your church awakens to wokeness it's a good one you guys should check it out but a very interesting statistic that was quoted in that podcast was uh five percent of the churches today are teaching god's word five percent and two percent only two percent of pastors are tying the word into relevant events that are going on right before us that is sad to say the least uh that's a stunning stunning statistic um i would hope and i believe uh that all of your churches are churches that are founded on upon the word of god uh that your pastors our pastors that are tying it into relevant events uh the signs of our times that are unfolding every single day before us i know pastor jimmy does not waver from that one bit uh it's been a blessing this brother he's been a blessing in my life for a long long time he's mentored me for many many years and so i'm grateful pastor thank you so much for the the word that you just brought all right um and wow we still got this afternoon you guys we're only we're only halfway through after lunch we have pastor mike goulet who's going to be a blessing and some guy named amir sarfati i don't know he's here too it's gonna be awesome you guys all right couple of uh things before you leave remember out in the lobby there's the posters with the qr codes you scan that it'll pop up restaurants here uh in this area i want to encourage you guys to get some questions on these cards for us drop them off again at the at the behold israel table there in the in the resource room and we will be looking at those and uh getting to them during our q and a time we now have uh an hour and a half so we're going to be kicking it back off with more worship and our afternoon speakers at 1 30 so i'll see you guys back here at 1 30 sharp have a blessed lunch [Music] i want more the weakness [Music] well good afternoon how was uh lunch for you guys you guys i don't want to see anybody falling asleep now this is the midday we're all gonna worship together so let's all stands we worship the lord one more time you guys [Music] this is a holy [Music] moment this is [Music] [Music] a holy moment [Music] this is [Music] jesus is [Music] i believe it [Music] he is [Music] [Music] celebrate the one of his love [Music] [Music] is [Music] fill us up as we flow come on [Music] everything [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] this is a holy moment oh this is a holy moment right here in this place [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] into darkness [Music] lost [Music] we're gonna [Music] is [Music] [Music] are you [Music] how can we ever hold it inside we can't hold back [Music] is [Music] is [Music] you guys sound great every tribe every tongue every heart will sing every knee we will bow [Music] knee we [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] i searched [Music] until you came wrong [Music] put me back together is now satisfied [Music] nothing is true [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] everything [Music] you turn [Music] [Music] you're the only one who cares [Music] [Music] you're the only [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] you [Music] it's [Music] [Music] [Music] you're the only one [Music] lord we sing your praises god god we thank you so much for who you are thank you god for bringing us here this morning lord and this evening god lord we offer it up to you thank you for the awesome speakers that you have up here and you had already lord and as we look forward to the second half of the day lord we look forward god to what you have in store for us god you have something awesome lord so we give you this time in jesus mighty name amen amen you may be seated all right well i'm glad you guys had a good lunch this is normally the time of conferences where you know but i will say this part of the security plan for this event was snipers with water guns up in the air and they're watching you so if you get it you know why but you know what with these speakers we have coming up it's never happened and i don't expect it to today because these brothers are amazing and they're going to bring it this afternoon um all right next up we have an amazing guest with us today pastor mike goulet he is come on yeah for those of you that follow behold israel well you know mike uh he's probably not out in front of the camera quite as much as amir and pastor berry but he is no doubt uh the thread that holds so much of this together he does a lot of online uh a lot of the pieces online he's also the director of operations which is uh quite an endeavor for this very active and busy ministry he was uh before this the lead pastor of friendship church in minnesota it's a minnesota guy here he serves as chaplain in the united states air force reserve thank you for your service there this is the one that gets me he worked in israel for over eight years jealous he and his precious israeli wife have three children and they reside currently in minnesota you guys are in for a treat let's welcome las vegas style pastor mike goulet what's an honor to be here with you today how many of you just out of curiosity have been to our behold israel weekly prayer meeting on zoom i want to see you keep your hands up oh my goodness it's much more than i thought these people holding up their hands are responsible for an incident-free speaking tour you have no idea what happens when we do speaking tours there are attacks from the devil there are family issues that come up there's team unity issues that have come up in the past or outright people that sabotage or try to sabotage uh the ministry and so these people have been praying specifically they've been praying for you they've prayed for this church by name you've been praying for each of our staff members here by name thank you for that we are very honored to be here with you today this is a miracle conference we didn't know if it was going to work and here we are a lot of a lot of story in the back background i'll share with that maybe privately to some of you that ask later but i was jumping off my airplane just a few days ago and i shot into a taxi and the guy was from boston he was from boston massachusetts yeah yeah how's it going there you know and uh so i'm from minnesota and he says yeah where you going i'm going to the i'm going to the hotel he's like yeah i know where that is and he says what do you do you've been one of those situations where as a believer a non-believer or somebody you don't know asks about you maybe about your faith and you just don't know what to say because you may be thinking here i am i'm in the the real world now and i've just gone to a conference the world doesn't believe what i believe and have you ever had one of those short circuit moments where somebody corners you and says not only what you do but what do you believe about and maybe you don't know what to say you don't know if the territory is safe you don't know what's going to happen if you really share your view today i'm going to be making a case because he asked me right after this i said hey i'm a director of operations for a ministry that teaches biblical prophecy end times events tours to israel and middle eastern stuff he was like it sounds really interesting yeah he might even be in the room the boston taxi driver i don't know if i invited you if you're here i don't know and uh i knew several benchmarks that i could shoot at him and i knew the scriptures behind them and my goal for this teaching is to insert into your tool belt the scriptures and proof that we are in the end times and then i'm going to give you a little bonus at the end i'm going to talk about where we're at in the prophetic timeline so you can plan on your rapture just kidding it's actually flight 777 and i've got i've got reservations we're gonna put the gas we'll come back to what the taxi driver said in a bit but in 2020 alone australia faced one of its worst fire seasons in history beginning in 2019 47 million acres were destroyed riveting the world killed at least 34 researchers say that natural habitats killed where the fire killed the natural habitats of a billion animals president trump was impeached unsuccessfully and even again later on there was a u.s airstrike in january third that killed top iranian general kassam sulaimani and others at the baghdad international airport and there was also kobe bryant's funeral service in los angeles where harvey weinstein was convicted of rape sexual assault in new york how many others that came out of that whole thing coveted 19 remember covet 19. we're in 21 wait for covet 22 23 24 25 i had the shall we say privileged front row seat to the george floyd incident that occurred i remember the wcco localists these are liberal commentators on tv and they're down there they have a microphone yes here i am down here and there's a fire going on there's people looting the target yeah i've never seen anything like this now are police coming is there a fire department coming no they're they're all too scared to show up down here this is pure lawlessness at its best pure lawlessness at its best the liberal commentators folks we've never we've never seen anything like this before i i don't know what to think i mean the police aren't responding the fire department's hours four days straight finally the national guard came and took care of business turkey has a turkey russia and iran have been expanding in the area if you're not on amir's telegram you need to be because that is situational awareness that is boots on the ground updates for that situation this is 2020. and then in 2020 the arabs some of the arab countries in the peninsula of the arab peninsula made peace with israel i was there with amir on january 6th of 2021 at the capitol and we saw what actually happened we weren't there at the capitol we did not enter the capitol we did not participate in jumping through windows right we witnessed we also witnessed this year the ex-minnesota police officer derek chovin being incarcerated and we have now the delta variant and the list goes on and on and on what do you say to the taxi driver who asks you the question you're a prophecy ministry wow that sounds really funky yeah are you one of those conspiracy theorists i i know that when you have a non-believing friend i know that some of you are viewed as kooks i know that some of your relatives when you're showing up for a christmas holiday party you might get a word from aunt eunice from from iowa that says now you keep it keep it toned down my my gay nephew um ray it doesn't want to hear about your stuff okay i'm just making this up okay if it hits close to home we all have people [Laughter] thanksgiving comes around and and and they know you're showing up and and somebody may have the schmods to say what proved to me that we're in the end times don't send me a youtube video don't just don't i want to hear it straight and i want to hear the scripture as he said i'm also in the air force and a lot of the privilege that i have is to meet with airmen talk about the situation that we're in and even lead certain forums i had the privilege to lead the so-called extremism stand down day after the capital riots because the concern of the secretary of defense is that can we trust our military to execute the duties if there is an actual attack on the capitol or on the nation can the military be trusted because we had certain military personnel there and veterans that were up at the capitol not many and so we have this extremism stand down day where we take a day and we look at what is expected of us and i knew then that i needed to lead that otherwise it could go in a very bad direction so i led this actual forum i had several airmen and a few civilians with me and the question they asked me chaplin the government wants to know that we swear an oath to our office and if that still stands but what if the oath of office that we swore to on the constitution what if that constitution and the interpretation of the constitution changes do i then move over to the new version and swear oath to that they were smart what if the conclusion i came up with is you either play the game or you get out right now i'm still in it's working out it's no problem but this is where we are going as a nation and if somebody cornered you and said prove to me that we're in the end times if an air force person said so if some cab driver asked you to do it if aunt eunice asked you to do it christmas or somebody else at thanksgiving what would you say well you've been getting emails as well as i have and the case that people are making is that we've always had end times like stuff going on for example did you receive this email if you were born in 1900 did you get that did you get that if you were born in 1900 i'll read it to you if you were born in 1900 on your 14th birthday world war 1 starts and ends on your 18th birthday 22 million people perished in that war later that year the spanish epic flu epidemic hits the planet and runs until your 20th birthday 50 million people die from it in those two years yes 50 million people this is i've checked the fact checks on this stuff so this is an email that actually does have facts on your 29th birthday if you're born in 1900 the great depression begins unemployment hits 25 the world gdp drops 27 that runs until you're 33 years old the country nearly collapses along with the world economy if you were born in 1900 see what some of the skeptics are saying is that hey these end time scenarios have been around forever and it's been much worse than the past than it is in the future when you turn 39 world war ii starts you aren't even over the hill yet you don't even try to catch your breath on your 41st birthday united states is fully pulled into world war ii between your 39th and 45th birthday 75 million people perish in the war that's the world war ii smallpox was an epidemic until you were in your 40s as it killed 300 million people during your lifetime at 50 the korean war starts 5 billion 5 million perish from your birth until you're 55 you dealt with fear of polio epidemics each summer you experience friends and family contracting polio and being paralyzed and or dying many of us know people in that generation at 55 vietnam war breaks out doesn't end for 20 years four four million people perish in that conflict during the cold war you live each day with fear of nuclear annihilation on your 62 birthday you have the cuban missile crisis a tipping point in the cold war life on your planet as we know it almost ended when you turn 75 the vietnam war finally ends and the email concludes the taxi driver asks me prove to me that we're in the end times i'm going to walk you through a list if we're in the end times there is a formula that i'm going to give you to test whether in fact we are in the end times biblically i'm also going to be quoting what some of the early church fathers said about the end times and i'm going to be equipping you biblically and extra biblically around the time of the first and second century fair when you walk away from this room today taking what you've what you've garnered so far i'm gonna be able to sit you down in a taxi car driver with a boston guy and you're gonna be able to tell him specifically why we're in the end times despite the fact of the email that went out that talks about the 1900s birth it's much much worse than you realize are we really in the end times is the question well let's look at several tests and if you're taking notes make sure that you put this on a paper that you can tear out and put it into your pocket this isn't new it's been around for thousands of years and we're going to equip you first if we're in the end times we have to pass the character rot test okay second timothy chapter 3 verse 15. paul says to timothy know this in the last days last days in the last days perilous times will come for men will be lovers of themselves lovers of money boasters proud and blasphemers the next few words in greek have the word a in front of it which means none it means that they're they're not obedient to their parents it means that they're non-thankful non-holy non-loving not forgiving i'm never going to forgive that person for what they did to me as far as i'm concerned they're going to ride a hill for the rest of their life you ever heard somebody say that maybe you've said that yeah slanderers the word for slander is diabolo diabolical in other words people that lie and emit false media false teaching or present themselves as one thing and and and they're really something else that's slander politicians are involved in diabolical activity would it be would it be extreme for me to say that some politicians are actually driven in their minds and in their actions and their reactions by the devil himself and they don't even know it without self-control brutal it means literally untamed wild like beasts the opposite of civilized despisers of good and then the next two say pro in greek which means they want to they want to promote traitors they want to be traitors they want to actually betray they actually get a thrill of betrayal headstrong haughty lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of god why do you think the abortion industry is so popular it's because it gives people an out of the responsibility morally and practically for the living of self now i know that this list is something that we all and we're not even done having a hottie lovers of pleasure rather levels of god having a form of godliness but denying its power and from such people turn away now let me frame this because this is the first test and probably one of the longest ones because we see it so clearly but you could say that growing up in the 1900s you could see a lot of this as well so what we're going to do is we're going to take these benchmarks we're going to do dipstick readings and all of the engine blocks and we're going to conclude that we are in fact in the end times we're going to hear from the church fathers as well and you're going to make up your own mind hopefully you'll have this in your pocket where you can pull it out for eunice it at your next christmas party and you can have juicy conversations okay the world as defined by our previous speakers has taken a shift okay right now every one of us that looks at this list can say hopefully you can say that you have participated in some of this because you're a sinner the difference between you and a lot of the people that we spend time with the non-believers is that you have said yes and have received the precious gift of salvation by the lord jesus christ and he rescued you and put you in a different status and he continues to hone you and to make you more like him i wouldn't want and i know you wouldn't want to become conceited arrogant or isolate from the world and have a holy club of the prophecy community so that you get into a taxi one day and you don't know what to say in this case i want you to be able to say it's funny you asked me that question taxi driver here are three things of eight that i want to give you because we don't have time for eight and the first one is the character rod test i actually have people read this and i actually have them read it out loud and i have non-believers look at me and go wow the bible actually says that well i say you read it right now they'll accuse you of saying well you know the wall that trump built was non-christian it blocked people aren't we a christian nation we should let everyone in in other words people are trying to fool you into treating the country like the church and then they want to treat the cur church like a country they're changing their rules no longer am i swearing to a constitution i'm sorting to an interpretation of a constitution so they can use me as a pawn for their sick agenda do you see what's going on and they're making it look godly oh look at all these people they deserve a place hey how can you say that you're a pastor you're a christian shouldn't everybody be welcomed in the country and they forgot romans 13 that law and order must exist with any civilized society all right but this list is what we have going on right now so take note to the second one the apostasy test now the spirit expressly says this is first timothy 4 that in the latter times the latter times some will depart from the faith not all not you you're here giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons is it not a doctrine of demon to deny that jesus is in fact god is it not a doctrine of demons to deny that hell exists because then people have this drunken spirituality walking around completely immune to all of what's going on unaware it's the ultimate deception speaking lies in hypocrisy having their own conscience seared with a hot iron there's no way to make this work unless you sear your conscience with a hot iron and overly say to yourself i am not going to believe the truth instead i'm going to believe the lie in the air force we had a guy that would lead worship every sunday in the chapel and he divorced his wife and i called him i said what's this you're divorcing your wife he said yeah i'm gay i said oh we need to meet he met with me he had lunch with me and he looked at me and said i've been gay for a long time i was molested by family members multiple times and i could never ever negotiate with my past wounds and so i'm giving into it mike and i know i know that's not what you believe in and i know that probably god doesn't either but i have to choose this path and i said you know for you to say this to me is a credit because i i'm glad that you feel safe to be able to talk to me about this and we talked about he said i've tried to change i can't and i'm just giving into it the world will enable anything and it'll use grace it'll use mercy as its flag but it does not have the power they'll deny the power instead they'll say just continue down that track of sin and will support you and what they don't tell you is it's a lifestyle of depression fear anxiety whenever they go out they feel like they're being watched that's what many of them told me but i love the fact that they can come back to mike goulet the chaplain the director and spill the beans of their struggles and they can get prayer whether they receive jesus in power that is my prayer but you're going to have holidays where people are gonna think you're a kook what are you gonna do do you have the hit list and do you have the scripture to walk somebody through graciously and articulate where we are in the prophetic timeline i hope you can the apostate apostasy test we're seeing not just the church move away from truth and reason we also know from 2 thessalonians chapter 2 that there will be a massive apostasy from the truth itself and reason itself when the antichrist comes irenaeus who was one of the church fathers that lived in the mid 100s he wrote a book called against heresies against heresies in book number five you can read all throughout that book there are many chapters he talks about the end times he talks about how things in the very latter days will increase and spike like a j curve and he says the nations at large will join together in their festive unity of evil and they will sear their conscience and he quotes multiple passages from the bible he talks about the antichrist he talks about the tribulation period he talks about a lawlessness leading up to that point and how the church itself will exchange the truth for the lie so they can remain relevant and popular within the society at large it's shocking to read irenaeus 150-ish a.d he was the disciple of polycarp who was the disciple of john that's pretty close okay two generations he was pre-millennial he was pre-tribulational proof of that is in book 5 chapter 29 in section 1 you can see what he wrote about that i want you to know these things you got to know these things he predicted that the church and the world would defect from reason sensibility and truth and call evil good and good evil just as pastor barry illustrated in the book of romans with some of the passages of scripture that he threw up be prepared for more apostasy be prepared for your friends that used to go to church say hey i no longer believe that or i'm having doubts or i'm having a crisis of faith how many of you have heard recently of somebody close to you that is having quote a crisis of faith or questioning god just out of curiosity how many of you in the room so there's several of us you're going to see a lot more of that third the lawlessness test look at these pictures i have a friend named drew hernandez he's on fox news frequently on tucker carlson and he gets footage and takes videos and pictures he did it for all of the riots throughout the summer of last year and he continues he's hispanic so he doesn't fit the narrative they don't like to interview him on cnn or cnbc because he he's he doesn't they don't want to listen to him because his he's preaching the buy used to be a youth pastor in calvary chapel in socal look what this says in second thessalonians 2. paul says do you not remember that when i was still with you i told you these things paul is saying to tim to uh the thessalonians in his jewish accent can you imagine we talked about the pre-tribulation rapture you forgot oh yo yo you are you thick in the head or what i told you these things they thought they were in the tribulation period they were wrong they had false teachers everywhere and he says and you know what is now restraining that he may be revealed in his own time the mystery of lawlessness is already at work in fact the early church believed that would be an increase of lawlessness right close to the crescendo right before the tribulation jesus even says it in matthew 24 only he who now restrains will do so until he's taken out of the way the lawless one will be revealed whom the lord will consume with the breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming yeah yeah you imagine imagine this you see what he's saying he's saying there's going to be a spirit of lawlessness that's going to increase increase increase and there's something holding it back it's like all this pressure it's all this water on this big dam holding back this huge river and all of a sudden one day boom the dam is taken out of the way there will be a flood the antichrist will milk it for all its worth there will be a time of jacob's trouble they call it the tribulation period in the first century a tribulation that's never been seen before by human eye irenaeus against heresy's book five chapter 29 for uh section one at the very end he says it specifically he actually says the church is going to be rescued from it because we'll be taken out of the way take it from irene it's not me the guy lived in the 100s a.d that's pretty good if you ask me i'm just a white 52 year old male that's a homophobe a xenophobe and whatever else you want to call me all right pretty good but imagine you're on your third benchmark i hope you're writing these passages down because what you're going to do is you're going to take them to your non-believing friend you're going to say read this out loud we have financial fraud we have a financial system building right now which will become a platform that will enable anything in the tribulation we have antifa we have blm we have the riots around the world forget the united states forget that that's entry level go to south africa where this is entry level here this is like this is like protest 101 okay in south africa they're like protest for professionals 401 okay look into this drew hernandez our friend would say he's never seen the level of lawlessness worldwide to the point where we have it right now where people are able to get away with murder getting away with murder and the the church indwelt by the spirit of god makes us care about things that in our flesh we would never care about and it also the spirit of god also gives us conviction to not do things that would destroy us and so we call this the spirit of god in the church in the levels of finance of education of military of community the the believers are scattered all over in every industry the airline industry everywhere you're going to find believe in politics there are there's politicians here that are believers fighting for the gospel right here right over here right over here right there cece truman thank you they're fighting and holding back lawlessness let's say you take pilots military people financial people educators community people all these people right now that have a restraining force and influence in society in shaping culture or holding back evil imagine taking that out of the equation and then give the world what they really want this is entry level that's one of the signs scoffer test put these pictures up there you believe in the rapture that's funny you believe jesus is the only way to god and all the other religious systems are wrong oh how arrogant are you you believe that jesus is going to come back a second time ha no no well second peter chapter three since it's a long one on the slide behold beloved i now write to you this second epistle in both of which i stir up your pure minds by way of reminder that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets and the commandment of us that which they said they should be doing the apostles of the lord and savior knowing this first scoffers will come in the last days pastor barry talked about that like the days of noah were living in those days walking according to their own lusts and saying where is the promise of his coming we've been waiting hello for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation hey guys don't you want to join the progress of bandwagon we've been waiting forever he's not coming for this they will willingly forget watch this that by the word of god the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of water and in wa in the water by which the world that then existed perished being flooded with water but the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word are reserved for fire fire which would you rather be destroyed by a deluge and drown or would you rather be struck down by fire until the judgment day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men i've had people look at me in my face and mock me i was uh used as a shop broom and they swept the floor with me yeah it actually happened when i worked at burns i worked at a place called volkswagen i like volkswagens i drive volkswagens but one of the employees was a scoffer and he grabbed me and he tied me up and he swept the floor with me yeah although i will say it was an honor to suffer for jesus i've had a gun to my head i have been beat up i've been spit on by the way that guy had bad breath you could smell it in this fit anyway hey it's the afternoon i gotta keep you awake people people people view the gospel as a joke and the second coming in the church even as a joke and we're there we're there we were in toronto canada and a guy got in you remember this emir he started preaching that there was no rapture this is just the result of darby a theologian in the late 1800s and he tried to hijack the entire room and we escorted him out you know what he said to me he smiled said thank you for the forum daiya 1-800 i think i'm crazy yeah so he left then pastor jack hibbs got up and talked about the rapture and why it's biblical it was perfect it was so perfect that people even said did you guys plant that guy to create drama yeah that was genius i'm like no but that maybe we should do that for now anyway you will be and this will get worse scoffed at by family and friends but if you if you if you say hey you know before before you do that and judge me would you be willing to read the passage of scripture out loud just just just entertain me read this passage you will be surprised when you get a non-believer or a scoffer to read the bible something weird happens the spirit of god starts to do his work and you can see them like well they short circuit this is very powerful though let the word of god do the heavy lifting now you're with me now but i'm going to give you an assignment at the end and you're not going to like this assignment trust me five the assembly of a one world government test in psalm chapter 2 written many many moons ago look what it says why do the nations rage they're raging even in the day this was written and the people plot a vain thing the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the lord against his anointed saying let us break their bonds and pieces and cast away their cords from us there has always been in human history this human urge the flesh of man the best of man to make a great name for themselves resistant of god because they don't want accountability they don't want a moral structure they don't want an ethical structure outside of what they invent for themselves this is as old as dirt little do they know it is a fast track it is a greased track pulled down to hell and all kinds of other issues alexander the great conquers the known world in the 300s and there's nothing more for him to conquer he wanted a one world government under the un unbelievably great government of greece where people would come and they'd have amphitheaters they'd speak the same language eat all this wonderful cuisine and they would pay tribute to the emperor and to all of the great culture of the greeks and he ended up drinking himself into a stupor he was an alcoholic because he had nothing left to conquer in his thirties augustus caesar many years later a roman conquered the territory from spain into france to italy england rome to turkey all of europe but he could not hold it together it started to fray from the inside out it rotted because they did not have clear moral and ethical structures that were enforced and the people doing adolf hitler many years later i could make a society that's perfect he promised a 1 000 year reign for the third reich but he only lasted 12 years get your bibles open i want you to see this i'm not going to throw this on the screen i'm going to do what i said i do to my non-believing friends i want you to read this genesis chapter 11 verses 1 through 9 genesis chapter 11 verses 1 through 9. as you make your way there this is the first attempt of a one world order the very first attempt okay the whole earth had one language and one speech google maps was the name of the game and google translated works yeah now i use those things just so you know it's not okay but this is what we want the one world and it came to pass as they journeyed from the east that they found a plane in the land of shinar and dwelt there and they said to one another come let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly they had brick for stone they had asphalt for mortar and they said come let us build ourselves a city a tower whose top is in the heavens let us make a name for ourselves lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth verse five imagine this what's that what's that down there is there something i gotta get closer god looks down god came down to see the city wasn't that cute nice effort and the tower which the sons of men had built and the lord said indeed the people are one they all have one language and this is what they begin to do now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them come let us go down and their confused their language that's the trinity of god father son and the holy spirit smash the first one world government that they may not understand another speech so the lord scattered them abroad from there all over the face ironically that was their their worst fear and they ceased building the city therefore its name is called bevel because there the lord confused the language of all the earth the word in hebrew bevel means confusion le belle is to confuse because there the lord caused confusion and from there the lord scattered them all over did you know that bavel or babel became a metaphor throughout history in the bible and even in the new testament babylon the actual city the method that they would use is they'd conquer a people group they would bring them into exile and they would get confused am i a babylonian am i this country who cares i speak a new language and i have nice food now and that's the past my past identity is no longer relevant to the new world order which i'm a part of which feels better it feels like progress bevel or babylon is kind of the new system uh that's being executed in the end times to could be religion could be government could be anything we did a video on this and the catholic church is selling their souls out and they're now dissipating globalist mentalities people of the earth want to be one and they're going to confuse things they're going to confuse sexuality they're going to confuse right from wrong in politics they're going to confuse borders they're going to confuse everything and it'll be upside down and they'll actually brag about it now friends the one world government is something we specifically put a finger on with pastor jimmy with the monetary units coming you can expect a whole lot more but like pastor jimmy said we were all up in arms when the internet first came out now we use it for the gospel and the devil uses it for evil the global economy and currencies have been used for evil but we use them for good in fact the monetary units that you and i use we use to fund ministries there's communication networks i use an apple iphone that's brought the world together more than any other device and it has a gay ceo does that mean that i'm endorsing all this no it means as i surf off of the things that are in this world for the sake of the gospel so that i can make impact i do exactly what paul did in the in his days we have to be careful as pastor jimmy said don't jump on the bandwagon and label something bad because you're going to find yourself in a cave you're not going to be wearing any clothing you can't drive any car you can't use a cell phone you can't even drink certain brands of water you're going to live there in a cave with your own home and and we need to use and exploit the world against itself and we need to preach the gospel in every vehicle and every opportunity as much as possible within the given climate that we live in in 1935 a new world order symbol appeared in the back of the us dollar bill 1940 h.g wells publishes a book the new world order the u.n is founded in 1945 the league of nations it was before that nato was established in 1949 the trilateral commission is established in 1973 1995 the world trade organizations forum we talked about the fda approved vera chip that was back in 2002 i mean that's like archaic 2019 countries around the world have increased facial recognition surveillance email text phone monitoring geo-location data and smart phones vehicles now have gps they've been around for a while credit card data tracking information the world knows everything about you already and where you go and what your interests are i want to use it against them for the sake of the gospel and win my aunt eunice at christmas that's what i want to do you say hey you know i'm not convinced we've always had this kind of stuff now i want to thrust a truth knife into your front at least i'm doing in front not stabbing in the back okay go to the next point this is why you came today number six behold israel no one thought it could ever happen the jews that everyone tried to snuff out from the face of the earth thousands of years got their country back they were coming back in the late 1800s they were coming back through the early 1900s and in 1948 they declared independence amir just spoke in a church in arizona where the pastor his ancestor is the ben yehuda who brought back the hebrew language in spoken form oh yeah in ezekiel look at these pictures go back immigration to israel is still on the increase it never dropped it's still increasing if we believe ezekiel look at this the lord says surely i will take the children of israel from among the nations not only for babylon the nations wherever they've gone and i will gather them from every side and bring them to their own land if you follow up on ezekiel talks about him putting his spirit in his people did you know that every single year that israel has been in existence in its rebirth in 1948 the body of jesus within israel jews coming to faith in jesus is on the increase as well which is precisely what you'd expect if the prophecy was truly for today i hope you're taking notes because this is what you're going to say to aunt eunice at christmas or the the boston taxi car driver you know what i'm saying driving the car the coalition of russia see we've talked about this so i'm just kind of touching on them for the case these are benchmarks these are tests if we're in fact in the end times you should see all of this and we do ezekiel chapter 38 and 39 in the last year we have seen bahrain other countries united arab emirates saudi arabia and others lining up even under this government in the united states even under the israeli government because they know that iran turkey and russia pose a greater tactical threat to them than if they were not with a brother that they actually had a relationship with intel military economics the benefits are more and that's why in ezekiel i never figured this out until last year when these countries had peace in the abrahamic course with israel i never thought i would be alive to see the day that that was fulfilled it was shocking and i still have to pinch myself that it's actually real look what it says in uh in uh the next point here the sheba and de don test this is what i'm talking about in shiba dinan the merchants of tarshish and their young lions will say to you have you come to take plunder they're critical of russia and turkey and iran they're critical in in the arab world they would say something like why have you gone to do this you are very not peace we all must criticize other people are criticizing this invasion that's predicted by russia iran and turkey have you come to take plunder have you gathered your army to take booty carry away silver and gold and to take away livestock and goods to take great plunder they look at the resources of israel israel found mines and mines crops of natural gas they are leaders in dairy there are leaders in biotech they are leaders in the medical industry i dare you to go look at your medicine cabinet and see if there isn't something made in a pharmaceutical company or at least partnership in israel you'd expect to see that because that's what the prophecy predicts we have given you several benchmarks where are we at in the prophetic timeline here's where we're at with laser accuracy in daniel chapter 9 verse 24 through 27 he predicts the exact time of the first coming of jesus the decree that went out to restore and rebuild jerusalem was 445 bc and if you calculate his calculations in daniel that's 173 thousand eight hundred and eighty days from the decree of uh of of artaxerxes longimanus to the first coming it puts us to the triumphal entry the passover week of jesus and i show this to rabbi friends there must be some mistake it's a christian interpretation read it again there must be some mistake no there's no mistake 77's daniel are determined for the jewish people in jerusalem to end sin entre and trespass to make an atonement for the sins and to erect the most holy and to usher in righteousness only 69 weeks until the first coming that means one last week is out there now i'm going to end with this homework assignment i quoted irenaeus in the against heresies that he was confronting people teaching false things about the end times book five against heresies you can read it it's online the shepherd of hermes which was an allegory written in the mid-100s also talks about in chapter two the shepherd of hermas it says lo a virgin meets me adorned as if she were proceeding from the bridal chamber i knew from my former visions this is the church father writing this it's not in the bible i knew from my former visions that this was the church and then you have escaped from the great tribulation on account of your faith it says it right there shepherd heroes 150 a.d and because you did not doubt in the presence of such a beast go therefore and tell the elect of the lord his mighty deeds and say to them that this beast is a type of the great tribulation he's talking about this vision about the end times and how all of these markers apostasy lawlessness scoffers tell it the one world government changing the truth for the lie it's talking about this chapter 2 shepherd of hermas and it's shocking that the first century church the second century church had rock solid theology and you compare that to the church worldwide today it's absolutely embarrassing you wanna wanna know what your assignment is i want you to write down a name of a non-believing friend or family member and i want you to write it down right now oh boy what is he gonna do see i'm not a pastor so i can come and speak and bolt and then there's no way you can hate me if i was a pastor you that name that you put there i believe god is working on now here's your assignment i want you sometime today or at least by tomorrow i want you to reach out to this non-believing friend or family member and i want you to say i was thinking about you this weekend i always wondered where you're at in your relationship with god or do you even have a faith get him talking you have now a list of things you can say i want to get your opinion on a few things that i went to at a conference this weekend i just want your opinion this crazy guy got up on stage and talked about this stuff i want you to read some scriptures with me would you be willing to do that and see what god does see what he does folks if every single person did that in this room we would reach hundreds if not thousands of people if you're watching online if you have a name put it down reach out to that person say hey i was thinking about you this weekend i was wondering where you're at with your faith i believe we're in the end times i want you just to look at some scriptures and see what you say for yourself and see what they say let's all stand i'm going to close this session with a challenge lord as we gear up and get ready for the next and final talk we realize that there's a lot at stake in these end times none of us wants to see a dear loved one perish if we have anything to do about it maybe you got a son or a daughter or a grandson or daughter maybe of an aunt or uncle maybe you are an aunt or uncle to somebody else and you have a name what are you going to do if you believe we're in the end times and they don't have jesus you don't know where they stand in faith i don't know man if you don't have the you got to find a way to reach them friend this is it we're here the time is ticking we don't want to be raptured while a loved one did not hear from you lord give each one of us courage to give each one of us wisdom to know how to present this and we ask it now in jesus name amen you guys can have a seat just for a second excuse me wow so i have one word tangible you are walking out of here now with a tangible assignment and hopefully you have your tangible uh resources with you uh as he allowed you to write that list down you know what i didn't see a lot of i saw a lot of people writing as he was going through his list but i didn't see a lot of this you know this makes it easier right just take pictures of those slides and uh because he's right you need to have this in your pocket rather than tearing it off and putting it in your pocket for your cab ride or or christmas meal just take a picture of your page it's in your phone all the time i know you always have your phones on you and there's your resource sheet right there so thank you pastor mike that was uh wow um i wish i could have sat under mike's church there for 17 years but i'm a little late on that but listen um tomorrow michael lay's going to be over at calvary red rock so i was thinking this through every red rock has an eight a ten and a twelve covering lone mountain amir sarfati is here tomorrow morning and they have a nine and eleven so for those of you aggressive ones that want to do a twofer you could do red rocks eight o'clock and the second service here or first service here and the 12 noon over at red rock i'm just throwing out some suggestions to you all i have to be careful our sanctuary holds about 200 so we got to be careful we can pack that place out but we would love to have you there pastor mike thank you so much are you guys being blessed so far oh my goodness and we're not done yet okay we're going to take a 15-minute break we're going to get started right at 3 o'clock again your questions guys this is really your last shot here so if you have any questions drop them off at the behold israel table in the resource room and check out the resources and materials down there we'll see you back in 15 minutes all right everyone hey i just heard from the water gun snipers they didn't have to shoot anybody you guys are all tracking you're engaged you're ready for the last portion of our of our day well almost the last portion we have our q a at the end listen our next our next guest obviously needs no introduction to just about all of you if not all of you in here in order to help in this endeavor we have uh a dvd that we want to show you a short clip that will help introduce our dear brother emir [Music] you know this is a unique unique country there is no nation on planet earth that came back to life after 2 000 years of not being in its land [Music] almost every other israeli is somehow related to either the holocaust or to the the unique and miraculous return of the jews back to their land we're in the most violent neighborhood on planet earth we're in the most unpredicted neighborhood on planet earth we're in the most religious neighborhood on planet earth when now we celebrate 70 years we celebrate it and we call it the miracle that is called israel it is a miracle [Music] my testimony starts with me being born to a jewish family i ended up finding myself without a family when my parents got a divorce i grew up in foster care at the time i looked back in my life and i really saw no hope i decided that i should put an end to my life i was about to do it [Music] then i felt that something is telling me that i may have not given the world enough chances i decided to give the world one last chance and that week my friends family they're all holding hands their eyes and the father says let's pray and they ended up the prayer with the very interesting thing they said hashem yeshua in the name of jesus and i was like very very very shocked because for me to hear such a thing was hard why do you pray in the name of jesus is god not enough we are jewish people we believe in the god of israel i was told why don't you ask god to show you who jesus is and i remember i wrote on a piece of paper god you know please show me who jesus is the next day i go to work i put together the newspapers in a big one page size advertising in that newspaper yeshua the name of jesus in hebrew in the proper name of jesus not the curse it was the jesus film of campus crusade showing in jerusalem it was filmed in israel it's a hebrew language israeli actors and i'm watching all the prophecies that i know being fulfilled before my very eyes i was amazed the virgin shall conceive but you say chapter 7 a child will be given unto us micah chapter 5 story of new testament given to the people of israel jeremiah 31 the suffering of the messiah for the sake of our own sins in isaiah 53. i mean it's almost like all the pieces of the puzzle came together for me and i knew then and there that i have to make up my mind because i remember you just few weeks ago i was about to end my life and now i for the i know why i'm not done i remember that night i literally prayed and i asked him to be not just the messiah that could be my personal one i got baptized not far from here and i joined the israeli army i ended up being the deputy governor of jericho in the jordan valley and i was the official guide of the israeli government for all the delegations that came toward the jericho area and the preparation of the hand over jericho to the palestinians i don't know how many people got to see god in action protecting their nations during war the way i did right here today we see a nation that has the zeal but not knowledge they have the zeal but the knowledge of the messiah is missing [Music] good news is that there is hope paul says it's the hope of israel is not the peace process the hope of israel is not their government or the military or their land the hope of israel is jesus you want peace he's the prince of peace you want a king he's the king of kings you want a shepherd he's a great shepherd jesus is the only hope of israel the only hope for the jewish people let's welcome amir sarvati please sit down my wife is watching and my head is anyway good to see you here las vegas saturday don't you have something better to do i know it was a rhetorical question it was a joke of course this is the best place to be at right now yes good to be here with you and share with you from the word of god on what is going on and how god is on the move regardless of what people say and um what people feel you know we're not moved by feelings uh we're not this is not how the world works god is on the throne his word he exalt above his name excuse me his name and the two presidents that you've got over the last few years are the uh subject of so many things that we are talking about over the last few years and that's why i named this teaching this afternoon god the bible and two presidents this is not a political teaching i am not here on behalf of a candidate on behalf of any political party and we're not here to cheer up for this one and for saying something else for the other one we're presenting the case and the most important thing is that there is god there is the bible and then of course there are the rulers in this world and so many times they have no clue that they do what god actually already told us that they will let's pray father we thank you for your word your word is true and we ask you now to sanctify us by that truth we asked us in jesus name amen so we live in a very interesting time more prophecies are being fulfilled today than any other generation since the time of jesus we just heard the case that pastor mike so eloquently passionately and full of humor can uh you know he presented there is no doubt that god is on the move but oftentimes we get caught up with our own political views our own feelings our own uh way of thinking and we tend to forget that god is still on the throne and that everything that happens everything that happens either he is doing it or is allowing it to happen okay and uh i remember towards the elections of november of 2020 as a ministry we had a 30 days of prayer daily prayer prayer meeting online and we wanted to pray for the biblical platform for the things that we pray and hope that will be uh that will continue uh in this country and the reason why an israeli from the galilee is praying for a specific um person to win here in america is because the identity of the president of this country the identity of the person that sits in the white house affects the entire world believe it or not so god is still on the throne and let's uh talk about the sovereignty of god for a few seconds proverbs 19 says 21 there are many plans in man's heart nevertheless the lord's counsel that will stand which means that often times our plans and the lord count the lord's counsel are not the same and it's not something that bad it's just that we need to come to the grip and come to the understanding that the lord's counsel is that which will stand that's it we do not have to fight it we have to accept it because it's his counsel proverbs 21 verse 1 says the king's heart is in the hand of the lord like the rivers of water he turns it wherever he wishes god is in full control and sometimes we have our own desires and sometimes we want to push him away and sometimes he says all right go ahead try it your own i mean the people of israel they thought that uh it's nice to have a god but we can't see and all the others all around us they have god that they can see we have a prophet it doesn't look that attractive everybody else have kings and queens and you know royalties and we want to be like them all samuel says to god wow look at them i'm not enough for them and god says to samuel hello i'm not enough for them i gave them sons and daughters and horses and they reject me and they want to have a king who will take their sons and daughters and their horses daniel chapter 2 verses 20 to 22 daniel answered and said blessed be the name of god forever and ever for wisdom and might are his and he changes the times in the seasons he removes kings and raises up kings he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding he reveals deep and secret things he knows what it is what is in the darkness and light dwells with him he knows what is in the darkness every person that tries to hide something from god he knows and of course isaiah 46 verses 9 and 10 verses that i love so much i quote them only almost every message remember the former things of old for i am god there is no other i am god there is none like me and what makes him so amazing take a look he continues declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done god is saying my sovereignty my holiness my uh my control over this whole universe can be tested just by ways of me telling you what's going to happen i know what's going to happen i declare the end from the beginning i can tell you now the damascus will be a ruinous heap it will be destroyed but wait a minute it's standing millions of people are living there i'm telling you the end from the beginning and then he says my counsel shall stand and i will do all my pleasure god is is saying look you guys think you're running the show no i know exactly who does what where and when and if if i allow it to happen it's for a reason and for a season you need a trust in me and then the lord gave us this book the scriptures that's his word not ours every time somebody's arguing with you about something that is written here you can always tell him to go to the source he wrote it this has authority some churches i've seen that i don't know how many times they give new testament and psalms i hope they paid half price because it's half the bible jesus never quoted the new testament even once paul never quoted the new testament even once so it was peter everything they said about scriptures during the new testament time was about the old testament because it's the same god and jesus was in the old testament already he's not a christian you told that to that taxi driver he would be can you to a boston taxi driver jesus is not a christian oh my goodness how can christ be the follower of christ it's a little problematic i'll never forget that old woman who came to me at the middle of the tour in jerusalem and she said i'm a little bit confused with jesus catholic or orthodox told her i'll confuse you even more he was a jew and the authority of the scriptures is something that cannot be even for negotiations the grass withers the flower fades but the word of our god stands forever forever the bible says all scripture is given by inspiration of god not some and is what profitable for what doctrine reproof correction and of course instruction in righteousness they'll tell you how to do things but it'll tell you also what not to do and of course it's amazing how i love how messages are are using sometimes same verses that confirms what god is saying so we know that there are the nations all around the world and there are the rulers of this world but there is one ruler of this world we know that and it's jesus who called him that way now i have told you before it comes when it does come to pass that you may believe i will no longer talk much with you for the ruler of this world is coming and he has nothing in me but that the world may know that i love the father and as the father gave me commandments so i do arise let us go from here he's literally calling the wicked one the ruler of this world he is the landlord he is the owner of the house in a way and when the son of man comes as a thief in the night it thankfully the owner of the house has no clue at what time he's coming first john 5 19 we know that we are of god and the whole world lies under what the sway of the wicked one ephesians 6 12. we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against what principalities and against what powers against what rulers of the darkness of this age against spiritual hosts of what wickedness in where um that means this satan may not be where god is but he's still up there he has to be thrown down when we are going up the great exchange i call it because when we're up he's down because he is giving the authority and the power and the throne to his person and that is of course we know he's fighting in heaven so there's the ruler of this world and there are kings and rulers of this world and that of course brings us to the two presidents that i wanted to speak of and i want you to know that it's interesting how we see even between the two of them the roots between ruth and orpah if you remember orpak kissed her mother-in-law but ruth clung to her do you remember that and i'm looking at two presidents over the last few years i see a commitment to cling on to us and i see a kissing from afar and both by the way are prophetic proverbs says because of the transgressions of a land many are its princes but by a man of understanding and knowledge right will be prolonged when the righteous are in authority the people rejoice but when a wicked man rules the people groan the bible also says woe to those who decree unrighteous decrees who write misfortune which they have prescribed now i want you to understand that from my point of view as an israeli believer in jesus as someone who believes in the old in the new testament someone who is of the tribe of judah born in jerusalem first generation after 2 000 years of the jewish people who came back to their land in the most amazing sign of the end times i want to tell you that we're watching what is going on in this country right now because we see the great influence of this country over the whole world when we pray and when we look for what is going on here it's because it affects the whole world and i am not praising a person or diminishing another i am showing you that god can use two different people on the two different sides of the political map in this country and still he is on the throne and this word is still 100 percent true [Applause] so it was uh 2016 and the accident took place nobody took him seriously that's why the fraud was not really in full motion and then guess who won the elections in 2016. no way well we we promise this is not a political rally here we are now here to ex to try and understand how god works through this man and through his successor you have to be open to understand that okay so there's a president who had both domestic policies and also foreign policies in the domestic policies we see they're targeting anti-semitism coming against the bds movement in colleges and campuses defunding international non-profits that supports bds signing executive orders targeting anti-semite or colleges camp or college campuses even in the u.s we see the pledge to protect right to pray in public schools we see the care not the talk the real care for minorities in the country when it comes to jobs when it comes to quality of life we see that not only the domestic policies were like that but even as you know in the foreign policy we see that the bad guys were afraid of him and the good guys enjoyed him as far as the bad guys are concerned maximum pressure strategy on iran was proven to be very successful in that's not enough the first president ever to acknowledge the golan heights judea and samaria which are the mountains of israel and the scriptures as part of israel it's hard for me to to even tell you how frustrated i am to be called by people some punks in colleges that i'm an occupier in a land where belongs to me but you can talk about it or you can actually implement and make it a law and that would happen we see that the sovereignty over the golan heights took place we see that israeli settlements construction in west bank should keep going on and jews return back to their ancestral homeland the judean and samaritan mount and samara mountains are the heart of all the stories of of our forefathers if that's not enough the capital of israel jerusalem for the first time in the history is recognized by the world superpower and the first time ever a sitting president goes to pray at the western wall without fearing that his state department will declare a national crisis or international crisis god forbid that's not enough he's doing something interesting he actually turned the tables he realized that after many years the negotiations with the palestinians brought nothing and they are the basically the reason why israel cannot move on making peace with its arab neighbors he changed it he turned the table and he said okay why don't we try the opposite i'm gonna offer a peace deal you'll get what you want but you'll get what you want if you will demilitarize on disarm from weapon denounce terrorism declare israel as a jewish state bom guess what of course not and so he said okay if you can't do it let's move on and have peace with the other countries and that is exactly what happened because the deal of the century just so you know never really meant to bring peace why because it was obvious to him and his team that the other side is not interested in it what happened is the deal of the century through though rejected isolated the palestinians and made the way for what for the abraham accords and for peace with arab countries that never ever had peace with israel and now they have it and we just heard about it it is prophetic that these nations would be on our side when the great invasion of ezekiel 38 will take place god used someone from manhattan with bad manners known as crazy by most of the world but god used him to do things that the bible predicted must happen and the abraham accord brought peace between israel morocco sudan uae and bahrain and then we know what happened the other side decided this accident was a big accident it won't happen again and you know what happened and then in 2020 elections and in january of 2021 there's a new president in the white house someone that i hope he knows he's the president i i'm wait wait wait this is not i'm saying that because this is what the countries around the world are asking themselves right now they watch what's going on speeches in nato in europe and they realize something is terribly wrong and we have a different domestic policy we have a policy that is accepting something like we are having systemic race racism and we are racist by nature let me tell you something everyone is a sinner by nature everyone okay then the borders are open as of today since january today is august over 1 million illegal crust the southern border one million that's not enough pride is back at the white house as we all know and if that's not enough running to the paris climate accord that will basically cause you to have buildings with smaller windows i think and then the loss of jobs of tens of millions of people the increase of taxes of all of you for what for thinking that your gods and you can change the climate 1978 climate experts predicted that planet earth will not survive because of what ice age now it's global warming let's wait for them to make up their mind all i know is the bible predicted that there will be seasons of hot and cold hot and cold and i can tell you that normally when it's hotter it makes areas more areas on planet earth ready to be inhabited hello frozen places are no longer frozen now you can you know that most of canada you cannot do anything with agriculture right now what about the foreign policy iran hmm they are very very very happy for this change uh if if if the 45th president was one more year in the white house iran wouldn't exist anymore as far as the ayatollahs i'm sorry but they're a backwind for the ayatollahs they understand that there's a weak government in america that wants more than anything else to run to the table of negotiations and they'll do whatever it takes to do that leaving the middle east in the middle of the night your your soldiers in the middle of the night abandoned afghanistan bagram air base the afghan commander didn't even know you're leaving you left your vehicles with their engines still on so nobody will suspect after years and billions of dollars and thousands of soldiers that died there isis and al qaeda are likely to regroup within two years of u.s withdrawing from afghanistan pentagon says in fact taliban is already controlling the whole country right now and what about israel so you see there were two presidents and the two presidents with their different foreign policy and different domestic policies both somehow fulfill bible prophecy why peace was needed in the middle east for those countries to be on our side but war is looming over the middle east because of lack of leadership all around the world regardless of the president god's purposes for israel will always stand and it doesn't really matter israel unfortunately will have to suffer greatly and i'm not saying that with a great joy but we are very religious and superstitious nation secular on one side but running to religion into tradition whenever it feels comfortable and the lord says to the prophet hosea i will return again to my place until they acknowledge their offense then they will seek my face how in their great wonderful joyful journey or what in their affliction they will what earnestly seek me i've always said that the tribulation is for israel's salvation i've always said that during the tribulation they'll find out that rabbi's tradition everything that is not of god is going to fall collapse they'll understand that they have to trust the lord and they have to first acknowledge their offense in other words repent in order to repent you have to earnestly seek him for that says the lord we have heard a voice of trembling of fear and not of peace and now and see whether a man is ever in labor with a child it's a question it's obvious a man cannot bear a child at least in my country i don't know and he says obviously men cannot bear children so how come i see every man with his hands on his loins like a woman in labor and all faces turn pale alas for that day is great so that none is like it they'll be pale their faces will be pale they'll be their blood will be gone from there i mean you understand how you know what a pale person looked like pale shocked distressed i've never been in labor never gave birth so i don't know how it really feels i can judge by the squeeze in my hand but that's all but i can tell you something that's what it's like into and he says this day there is none like it even the holocaust will pale and it is the time of jacob's trouble israel's trouble the trouble of the jewish people but he shall be saved out of it daniel chapter 12 i love how gabriel is talking to daniel about michael gabriel is like from the u.n he says at the time michael shall stand up a great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people it's not mine it's yours and there shall be what a time of trouble such as say never never i don't understand those people one lock down oh it's the tribulation last time i checked drive-throughs of starbucks are full and then he says such as never was seen there was since there was a nation even to that time daniel is given a a picture of something that israel as a nation has never experienced before and at that time your people shall be what but look what he says now he's very specific who shall be delivered everyone who is found written in the book who is written in the book which book do you want to have your name written in in the lamb's book of life how can you have your name written in that book only through faith and faith alone in him who died for us the atoning death of jesus is that that blood is the ink for that book and i need you to know that because as many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake somewhat he's saying look those that are going to be delivered will have that everlasting life but some if they are not in that book to shame an everlasting content wow that's why romans 11 says i do not desire brethren that you should be ignorant of this mystery less you should be wise in your own opinion paul is warning all of us the future of israel has been determined and it's not according to what you decide it's not your opinion that matters here be careful not to be wise in your own opinion this is a mystery and that mystery is that blindness in part has happened to israel why because through their fall in order to provoke them to jealousy the bible says salvation was given to the gentiles every one of you should say thank you lord for that blindness in part that happened to israel but he's not giving you the ticket to well i'm the new israel right now no he says until the fullness of the gentiles has come in he's saying there's an expiration date to the blindness among the jews from the moment nebuchadnezzar became the ruler and rulership was taken from israel from the kings of israel transferred to the hands of the gentiles the whole book of daniel is speaking of the times of the gentiles he says from that moment until israel once again will be the head of all the nations in the millennial kingdom that's your time right now but he says it's going to come to an end and then all those who did not receive the mark of the beast from among israel all those that fled from the horrors of the antichrist all those that ran into that desert where the lord prepared a place for them for 1260 days all those that understand that there is only one god and it's not that man all those will be saved as it is written and we read it today also the deliverer will come out of zion and he it's not out of europe not out of america he will come out of zion he was born in bethlehem and he will he was crucified in jerusalem and he went to heaven and we come back to jerusalem not to salt lake city or to the tower in new york he will come out of zion he will turn away ungodliness from jacob and this is my covenant with them when i take away their sins so we see there is god and there is the bible and there is the ruler of this world but then the kings and the rulers of this world also we see that israel has an interesting future we see that the nations the nations do you know that the bible is not talking in the prophecy he's not talking about nations as for their relations between themselves second opinion chapter four mexico is going to have new enchiladas introduced to america no britain and ireland are going to no it's not there why not that he cares not about mexico or america or ireland or no he cares he cares about look everything we have to go through as a nation is for you that's how much he cares about you everything he said i will bring you back i will take you i will so the nations will see that i am god that's how much he care for you but bible prophecy has nothing to say about those nations and such as their relations or not with one another but only in their relations to israel the people and the land that's why it's important to me that you will understand israel the people and the land and only through this book deuteronomy 32 verses 8 and 9 when the most high divided their inheritance to the nations after the tower of babel if you remember when he separated the sons of adam how did he do that he set them the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the children of israel for the lord's portion is his people jacob is the place of his inheritance so we can look at the bible we can look at god we can look at what's going on around the world we can look at your two presidents last two present but i tell you one thing that la that third in the in the scriptures third of the script 27 point something percent the key to understand it is the jew if the jewish nation had not forsaken god and neglected the sabbaths there would have been no times of the gentiles i wouldn't even be standing in front of you today the times of the gentiles began as i said when god transferred earthly rule from the kings of israel to then king nebuchadnezzar that gentile king and they will continue as i said until israel again becomes the head of all nations in every ruler and every person on the in this world has a choice either to curse or to bless israel numbers 23 balaam if you remember he took the oracle and said balak the king of moab has brought me from aram from the mountains of the east he forgot to say he paid me money and says come and curse jacob for me and come denounce israel and he took the money put it in his pocket and he said i'm sorry balak but how shall i curse whom god has not cursed how shall i denounce that which god did not denounce the nations of the world set themselves against god and think that they can fix the world as we just heard come let us build ourselves a city and a tower whose top is in heaven let us make a name for ourselves lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth and god is looking and he's laughing at them why do the nations rage and the people plot a vain thing the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against who against the lord and against who he is anointed his meshiach his messiah adonai the his messiah saying let us break their bond in pieces and cast away their cords from us who is the deceiver of this world who deceives the nations second corinthians 4 4 says whose mind the god of this age has blinded who do not believe lest the light of the gospel of the glory of christ who is the image of god should shine on them the god of this age has blinded the people not to believe lest the light of the gospel of the glory of christ who is the image of god should shine on them revelation 12 9 says so the great dragon was cast out the serpent of old called the devil and satan and what what is his main thing who deceives the whole world he was cast to the earth and his angels was cast out with him and what about israel who behold in those days and at that time when i bring back the captives of judah and jerusalem i will also gather all nations and bring them down to the valley of jehoshaphat i will enter into judgment with them there god is going to judge all the nations on planet earth not if they believe in jesus or not sorry to tell you that but as a nation not as an individual your judgment is according to what you did to israel did you know that joel says i will enter into judgment with them there on the account of my people my heritage israel whom they have scattered among the nations they have also divided up my land you see why it is so important to have pro-israel politicians in the leadership of country to lead the nation to bless israel and not not for me i don't need your blessing you need that blessing god will judge you if you are not going to do you understand as a nation the nations are going to be judged according to what how they treat israel when i started doing ministry i was probably 30 pounds ago 30 years ago excuse me the lord clearly showed me whenever you travel the way they teach about israel will indicate the way they teach the rest of the bible if they're wrong about israel be sure their interpretation of the rest of the bible is wrong as well and what about the god of israel the bible says when the son of man comes in his glory and all the holy angels with him then he will sit on the throne of his glory all the nations will be gathered before him and he will separate them from one not one from another as shepherd divides a sheep from the goats and he will set the sheep on his right hand and the goats on the left hand and the king will say to those on his right hand come you you blessed of uh you blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world for i was hungry you see this whole thing is the new testament version parallel of joel chapter 3 because he said assuredly i say to you in as much as you did it to one of the least of my brethren you did it to me blessing israel is blessing the lord and what about you what about you we understand that god is on the throne he is a sovereign we understand that his word cannot be changed it will be fulfilled we understand that the ruler of this world cannot last for too long his end has been determined we understand that the kings and the rulers in this world they don't even know that god is using them to promote his plan we understand that israel is blinded right now but there is hope once they repent and we understand that god is doing a great things before our very eyes right now and so i know two kinds of christians one kind israel is no longer god's people they don't follow god really so you think that because they don't follow god god will not be faithful to his promises last time i check even when we are faithless he is faithful because he cannot deny himself and the last time i checked when balaam says how can i curse that which god did not curse israel was not really godly people at the time if you wait for israel to be perfect so then god will bless them tell me if that was the case with you and then there is the other type we want to be jews we love israel everything you said we love this but we want to be jews why do you want to be a jew why in the world think about it the nation of israel 90 people the last 10 priests you were promoted from pig-eating gentiles with no hope and no god listen you were promoted first peter chapter 2 verses 9 and 10 now you are what a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation his own special people that you may proclaim the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light you who once were not a people but are now the people of god who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy you were promoted to be priests i want to be the people you want to be demoted you're a priest so you cannot hate israel you cannot replace israel and you don't need to be israel hello god made you who you are and he made you chosen generation and you are already a royal priesthood and as a reminder god said about our generation through jesus in that prophetic beautiful prophetic teaching on mount of olives learn this parable from the fig tree look at the fig tree see the fig tree you are not the fig tree you need to see the fig tree the fig tree is israel's national privileges you may be grafted into the olive tree or to the vine but you haven't you were never being grafted into the fig because the fig is the national privilege it's the land it's the capital it's their nationality you're not israelis when you become christians jerusalem is not your capital the hatikva is not your national anthem the shackle is not your currency jerusalem do you understand sorry you're not israelis but you watch israel come back to life you are the only generation since the time of jesus the only generation that is watching we see the day approaching we don't hope for pray for we see that they approach it you see the fig tree coming back to life and so we know that it is at the door post our rapture to be with jesus not only that is biblical it is imminent and the sign of all times that was given to us that we are at the end happens before our generation's eyes and yes one president can do these things another can do those things both are not god god is on the throne his word has authority and we the royal priesthood must get ready for the imminent departure from this world father i thank you for your word thank you for your promises i thank you for who we are in christ i thank you father that you do not slack as some count slackness but you are long-suffering not willing that any should perish but all will come to the saving knowledge of jesus now i pray father that if there is anyone here this afternoon present here in this building or watching elsewhere here in america or all over around the world i pray that that you will touch the hearts move and do your work that only your word can do to bring to life our dead souls to change our hearts from stone to flesh and to make us a new creation and we can't wait we can't wait for our body also to be replaced for this tent to become a building we thank you for your soon return to take us and you said for those who eagerly wait he will come the second time not for the sake of anything but the salvation of our body to take us out of here to be with you thank you that jesus went to prepare place for us and thank you that he will come to receive us unto himself so where he is we will also be we thank you we bless you we ask right now that you will continue to use every president in the white house to promote your plan and we ask father that you will raise up people from among this church and other churches to be everywhere we can to fight for righteousness and truth and to occupy until you come to take us father we thank you that you want to come and find us doing your business not our own we bless your name this afternoon and we ask all of this in the matchless name of the holy one of israel the king of kings the lord of lords the lamb of god the lion of the tribe of judah emmanuel the name that is above all names in the name of yeshua our salvation we pray and all of god's people say amen amen thank you [Applause] oh i don't want that to end thank you brother vermeer wow have you guys thought about that god could have chosen any time in the history of this planet for you to be born and you were chosen for such a time as this and the edification the equipping that we have received so far today is invaluable in our mission the commission that we've been given and yes we are we are front and center of the most glorious time in history the imminent return of jesus christ how awesome is that um okay we're gonna take listen we're just gonna do a five minute a five minute only and we're gonna have a a q a time we're excited for that so if you have to go use the restroom go if not just maybe stand up and stretch for just a couple of minutes we're gonna set up the stage and get right into the q a that's right [Music] okay [Music] you get a little stronger [Music] [Music] that's what it happens [Music] just [Music] [Music] weary traveler bring your burdens to the new born prince of peace come to jesus [Music] he is [Music] [Music] may we live [Music] glory [Music] together [Music] together [Music] [Music] rise in power conquering of death [Music] [Music] foreign lord find us together the lord bind us together in love [Music] us together [Music] what you need to understand about behold israel is we work remotely around the country and world whenever something like this comes together it's because of the efforts of a host church and those who volunteer with them so if we could give a round of applause to calvary chapel lone mountain and and calvary red rock we are very appreciative we could not do this without host churches that go out of their way to make it happen and not just the churches themselves but also all the volunteers from registration to the welcome staff to the parking staff to the awesome worship team that set themselves aside this morning to make sure that could happen for us we also had a huge security team that met and went into detail yesterday to make sure we could have a safe event today so a round of applause for all of them as well thank you and then there's the hospitality i saw i came in early this morning and there's ladies preparing all of these snacks for our speakers and the and the volunteers and in addition to that uh the tech that goes into this you know what we had an awesome day we had a great day and art the tech team today consists mostly of young people younger than me and so that's awesome we have young people involved and they work so hard back there today so we're very grateful for that thank you to each of you and lastly okay yes uh we do have other behold israel staff members here today can you guys stand up please we have h.t novak our director of finance we have if you've seen if you follow the ministry you'll notice we have a lot of different uh youtube channels for different languages well kaio kinoshita is our link is our translation coordinator and this is her daughter katie and then joanne i don't see you right now she's in the back if you've ever written an email to behold israel joanne was the first one to get it so joanne's our ministry care coordinator and she works tirelessly so she's in the back there and so i believe that's it the seven of us one two three four five six seven yes and uh before we begin the q a a huge thank you to pastor greg for helping coordinate the event and get it going today pastor greg was the one who reached out to us and really wanted to get something going in vegas and he told me that back in february there's a great great greater context there but we're so appreciative thank you and i'll hand it over to you uh i just want to thank also pastor berry and his wife terry for keep putting up with me every time i say would you like to go with me somewhere and uh as far as new zealand and australia we went together hello yes and also shane where are you shane is our talented uh the person who's in charge of our art works and media and shane is barry's son yes barry and terry shane thank you all right someone's a little biased but he is the best i don't know if any of you are connoisseurs of graphics and video and artwork shane does an amazing job the imagery for behold israel is top notch would you agree yeah amen good job everyone all right you guys ready all right let's kick it off um so i got some questions here i'm going to sign it to you guys we'll just kind of rotate around uh we're going to go tell a quarter tell see how far we get you know how q a's can can can go but let me start off with the mirror amir this question is many people believe the holy spirit will be taken out of the world at the time of the rapture but if that were the case how could anyone be saved during the tribulation as it is the holy spirit that draws men to the cross where the blood of the lamb was shed [Laughter] first of all when we talk about the church being taken out of here we are the temple of the holy spirit and we are the only group of people on planet earth in the history of planet earth that were sealed in the holy spirit even david the king had the spirit would come upon him and leave him and he begged god not to have his holy spirit leave him because it was the way the holy spirit will come in those days come upon the holy spirit left soul if you remember and so the holy spirit is the the person from the godhead that is here and and there's no doubt that the way it was given to us as a church is a unique thing that has never been seen in history and that is why when we talks about the restrainer it's not the taking of the holy spirit as much as the taken of the church that is sealed by the holy spirit do you understand we are the restrainer the restrainer the holy spirit is in us when we will be physically taken out of here then the judgment of god will no longer be restrained and then also the deeds of the evil ones will also will no longer be restrained you understand that the holy spirit as a person will always be everywhere even god is everywhere and so there's no way he cannot be in this world even later on but the person of the holy spirit in the church that and by the way that's what makes us the bride that would make tomorrow the name of the the topic of the the this message is the spirit and the bride say come but my point is that the question already has the answer in it that the holy spirit will obviously be the only one that draws people onto the lord even throughout the tribulation but the church will not be here to draw people to to to tell people to make disciples to go and do the father's business we will just not be here that is why there is a need for two witnesses that is why there's a need for 144 000 jewish people who will evangelize that is what that is why there's a need for the angel to go and proclaim the everlasting gospel all around the world because we are not here the bible says that we are the witnesses of god and the bible also says in isaiah that you know excuse me in in the new testament that we are the ambassadors of christ here in other words we belong to him we are citizens of heaven we are here as ambassadors only and when the war is going to be declared what happens to ambassadors of a nation they are being called back home first before his waging the war and therefore the restrainer has to be the holy spirit within us so our departure is the removal of the restrainer but there's no doubt the holy spirit has to always be everywhere because god is always everywhere amen amen and that's that's a good answer but it brings up an important point we as the church need to consider and that is how easy it is to take for granted the special relationship we have in the holy spirit you know and when david did say take not your holy spirit from me you know that's a tragic thought to think that he could be taken from you but he won't be taken from you as the bride of christ however how often do the scriptures tell us hey don't quench the holy spirit don't be hardened in your heart why does the scripture have to tell us that because we take for granted this relationship we have the holy spirit who's willing to convict us he's willing to direct us he's willing to correct us and do these things but we have to remain sensitive to holy spirit and never take that for granted because man we have a very special relationship with the lord you know when people at work used to ask me before i became a pastor they would say you know hey bro why don't you pray for me because i know you have a special end with god hey i never argued with him because i did as a christian we have a specialty with god we have a very special relationship with him and and we are family so we can approach him any time we want because of the holy spirit in us and so you know don't take that for granted don't quench the holy spirit and don't harden your heart against the things he's convicting you of amen and never forget he who was in us is greater than he was in the world as we're going about our father's business all right pastor barry let's give you this next one the ezekiel war is supposed to be when israel is safe secure and prosperous but it seems like israel is getting less safe less secure with recent events no they're not they are covered by the hand of god they may have the iron dome but they have the iron hand of god watching over them and they are dwelling in complete security right now if you've ever been to israel it is one of the safest sensations you will ever ever feel on any part of this earth i've been to israel many times it's a wonderful place to be i've never felt threatened i've never felt like oh my gosh here we are at ground zero so to speak god has a plan and no one can afford it and the israeli people now enjoy a season of security and listen because we know that these people are going to come against this coalition is going to come against places of unwalled villages that question often comes up does the wall a partition need to come down that divides the palestinian areas from israel no it doesn't what the bible is talking about is ancient cities were completely surrounded by a wall israel is not completely surrounded by a wall they dwell in unwalled cities now they are completely secure because god has brought them back into the land and he said to the prophet amos that no one will be able to uproot them again once they are back in the land so they are in complete security even though all the nations of the earth are eventually going to gather against them as zechariah said in chapter 12 verse 3 are they safe they are absolutely safe why yeshua yes thank you fascinating it's fascinating to watch god's hand upon israel during these final days isn't it fascinating uh let's go to let's go i had one let's go to pastor mike i got one for you just to give you this one is there anywhere in the bible that says palestine is actually an actual country or state and then is there a place on any old maps that show a palestine state well let's start with the first one the whole genesis of the palestine state or people is a product of the late 1800s early 1900s as jews were immigrating to israel as early as the first aliyah the first immigration late 1800s after theodore herzl uh a jewish hungarian called all of the jews to isra to israel from europe forecasting smelling a future anti-semitic movement little did we know the holocaust is something he could even see as far back as then the palestinians wanted to lay a kind of identity so they could put a false narrative out there of their nationalism to make the nations feel pity for them and side with them because they wanted to have stake in the land and this whole genesis of it comes from the ancient region of philistia which really was a completely different people group they're just taking that region hijacking it and applying it to a new identity sure maps were used and they the ottoman turks would have those and they would call them the land of palestine because that term was really invented as far back as the romans and they called it the land of palestine or the land of philistia kind of as a cheap shot to the jews who they hated and then they finally smashed them with titus in 70 a.d with the with the temple it's kind of a cheap shot and saying here are your ancient enemies we're going to name the land after them and we'll show you so isn't it ironic that the arabs that were in the region use that term as their national identity it's really just a fake identity and it's not even their land but the world is buying it and we know that that's uh one of the conditions of the end times i know amir would love to say something about this john yes he was a jewish journalist very progressive liberal jewish journalist which is the case of many jewish journalists in america and she was hired by the carter administration to go to israel and to write the case for the palestinians basically because it would be great if the jews could write the case for the palestinians you know that's the best well she took the advancement came over uh looked at the all the archives of the ottoman empire in the british empire in the uf united nothing or unnecessary as she examined facts she returned the advanced advanced painting to the carter administration and she said you can get this money back i am going to write a book but it's going to be a book based on facts not any narrative dictated by any administration and she wrote from time immemorial and it's a must book for every christian she was she was of course boycotted by her you know i guess group of journalists and writers and of course by the politicians that sent her but she was true to her uh her writings because she knew that most of the arab immigration into the land was after the jews came and developed the land and she has it in numbers also and she also showed that there's no such thing as palestinians she basically said look everywhere everywhere around the world there is only one generation of uh refugees if you flee from a war zone and somewhere then you're the refugee okay but your children are not refugees anymore that's it there are citizens of another different country the only people on planet earth that received a status of refugees for second third fourth generation are the palestinians and why because if you're a refugee you get money every month from the united nations work and relief association that is a body that was in only for the palestinians not for any other refugee on planet earth and so there's a lot of follow the money follow the money it's all about money look the power the palestinian politicians are the wealthiest arabs you can find and they never work a day in their life they make a living of this conflict this conflict is money making that's why they don't want the conflict to end they don't have any desire to see peace because that means no more support from you know ignorant eu and ua and ae in cc and whatever they get now they have zero transparency they get let's say 100 million dollars they only invest 10 million in the people 90 million goes to their pockets and they are not being demanded for transparency their they have private jets they have villas and mansions that all of us can live there together and uh their children are wasting tens of thousands of dollars every day in rich arab countries they're not there in the west bank they're they're celebrating in dubai and other places in europe it's unbelievable and the world is enabling that okay it's very sad very very sad to see that and it's all money-making machine no one cares for the palestinians it comes for the 45th president of this country and says you know what i care about you enough with politics i want first to invest trillions of dollars in you forget about jerusalem and all of that thing let's just invest in you let's get your economy going let's get your jobs and and school and everything they didn't want they didn't want money they didn't want economy they didn't watch school they didn't want hospital they and you understand why and so listen it's a invented it's an invented conflict that in reality shouldn't even be so i don't know if you know that but in 1919 to the best of my knowledge the arabs signed peace with israel signed it and the peace was that the jews should get all of israel and the arabs should be in jordan iraq syria lebanon and the rest and the only thing that the arabs demanded is you the jews help us build our country we signed that deal with them benjamin herzl excuse me hein weitzman our first who later on became our first president signed a deal with faisal at that time the the son of uh hussein the sharif of mecca the person who is in charge of the holiest sites in the world for muslims mecca and medina and they signed the deal but the arabs were smart they said the deal pending the compliance of the british empire with all of this because the british are controlling that area the british did not comply and there was no deal and in 1919 the arabs agreed that israel belongs to the jews they themselves then of course everything went down south one of the most touching parts of my day was when amir shared you know how he feels when he is told that he is occupying the land illegitimately uh you know wow and just to put yourself in the shoes of a as an israeli national and and i mean i was thinking about how how we would feel here in the united states of america if that happened to us you you have no right to be here you are you know and uh and that's really a feeling that most of us can to because we've never experienced it at that level so yeah i'm sorry go ahead yeah because this is such a hot button issue and yasser arafat was always trying to make some type of association with an ancient culture to predate the israeli presence in the land you know as mike was pointing out you know hadrian because of his hatred for the jews renamed the area palestina which is the latinized form of philistine and so there's always been some way to try and work their way in as having an historical right to the land but the first thing i think for us to recognize especially with those who look at any portion of the land of israel as occupied territories by the jews is the word philistine means invader or the word philistine can be translated as immigrant so who are the immigrants into the land of israel it's not the jews the jews were given that land by god and what we also need to recognize is that historians call the philistine people the aegean sea people they have no association historically to the land of israel at any point they were colonizers who would go into another area another country and take over a city or establish a stronghold in any particular city they've never had any association with the land of israel they've always been immigrants wherever they went because they would vacate their areas in the aegean sea the greek islands and invade other portions of the world so especially for young people today who are hearing so much on college campuses about israeli apartheid and these other things listen the philistines had no right to the land of israel they were invaders they were immigrants so even if you try and make that name association today it still doesn't flow because historically they're greek by nature so [Applause] wow very good guys very very good pastor jimmy um at the end of the of the thousand-year millennial reign satan will be released for a short time the question is why i don't know you know the bible really doesn't tell you anything it's kind of an obscure section of scripture because you know here you are reading about this incredible return of christ and and how everything is you know the the snake lying down next to the little boy next to the pit and and the lion with the lamb and you know it's this beautiful picture and then all of a sudden it says now when the thousand years have expired satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth gog and magog to gather them together to battle whose number is as the sand of the sea they went up on the breath of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city and fire came down from god out of heaven and devoured them the shortest war ever they gathered it was over the fire came down and they were wiped out and then the devil who deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and false prophet are and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever you know and so you know that's the end of the story but but that's a good question what is that there for and there's really not a lot of clues in the scriptures one particular clue one section of scripture that has a a very slight clue in zechariah when zechariah talks about this time he says in verse 16 of chapter 14 it shall come to pass that everyone who has left of all the nations which came against jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the king the lord of hosts and to keep the feast of tabernacles and it shall be that whichever of the families of the earth do not come up to jerusalem to worship the king the lord of hosts on them there will be no rain if the family of egypt will not come up and enter in they shall have no reign they shall receive the plague which the lord strikes the name with which the lord strikes the nations who do not come up to the feast of tabernacles this shall be the punishment of egypt and the punishment of all the nations that do not come up to the feast of tabernacles and so you know there's going to be this thousand year period where people are living under the physical return the physical rulership of the lord jesus christ and and he's going to rule with a rod of iron in other words it's going to be jesus law you will do it because jesus said so and you as parents know that do it because i said so only worked for so long and before you know your kids either rebel or sneak what you want them to do is to say is i'll do it because the lord said so you know because then you know you've got victory right and and so there's going to be this whole generation that serves the lord because they have to and and so there's a punishment involved if you don't come and worship you're going to get punished you're going to suffer for it there's going to be a a a problem in your life because of it and and so you know who does the lord really want to force people to be in heaven for all eternity of course not you know the lord made it very clear that what he wants from you is your love and your love can't be mandated it can only be given by free will that's why jesus said in john 14 if you love me you'll obey my commandments because not because he's manipulating you but because he's saying hey here's a good way to know if you really love me when you say you know what i can't rebel against you anymore lord because it breaks my heart i love you too much i can't i can't sin against you anymore and and so there's this whole generation thousand years of people that have never had to make that choice and now they're going to be given that chance and a lot of them are going to choose to buy the lie of satan to follow in the deceit and it's sad that that's going to happen but they're going to make their choice just like you made your choice they're going to make their choice and and they're going to choose to rebel and that's their choice and we hope that we don't know anybody in that crowd but many will follow after satan and they will be destroyed they'll get what they wanted they won't have to spend eternity worshiping jesus any other thoughts on that i prayed about that thing about the millennial kingdom it really made me angry that i have to come back from heaven for this now really he prepared a place for me i'm finally out of this place i'm you know in heaven why do i have to come back to this world i struggle with that and then while i was studying for the message on the millennial kingdom and i also struggled with this question why is satan again being released and and what i understood is this the first thing that comes after that passage is the weight right throne in the great white throne which means the final judgment of all mankind and what the lord ministered to me was in order for you to see a demonstration of me judging in righteousness i want you to see that even 1 000 years of jesus is here there is no satanic presence here everything is great everything is perfect still at the moment he will be released people will join him and that that is why when i judge this world it will be in righteousness and in truth and for me it was a comfort and then i said lord but why thousands i mean i i don't have patience for another thousand years here and then he led me to um in for the lord a thousand years like one day and remember we will be in our glorified bodies days will not be so long for us as we think you know it's different the way we are is going to be we will be like him remember so it will pass very fast for us but at the same time we will know that you know everyone that is going to be judged and to be sent to the lake of fire it is because the lord has proved beyond any shadow of a doubt they did not follow me even when they had the chance to when i was a kid there was a comedian flip wilson how many of you remember him you're all old remember what flip wilson used to say the devil made me do it the devil made me do it you know what here's a generation that will never be able to say that a thousand years and they still rebel against the lord you know we might make excuses for our sin but there is none if you love me you'll obey my commandments right it just comes down to that amen all right oh we got time for at least one more here let's go pastor barry why don't you take this one uh if we are so this person there i can see there they're weighing the timing of the rapture here if we are raptured prior to the tribulation then who are the saints that are mentioned in revelation 13 7. tribulation saints [Applause] saints is not a term that's exclusive to the church there are old testament saints there are church members who are saints and there are tribulation saints and they have the testimony of jesus and uh give testimony of the word of god and you know as the question came earlier with the holy spirit of the restraining force being removed how are people going to be saved during the tribulation jesus said prior to pentecost in john 6 44 no man comes to me unless the father who sent me draws him and i will raise him up at that last day so the father is still going to be drawing people to himself through jesus during the tribulation period and the church doesn't have to be present for that because jesus made that statement as i said before the church even existed so god is still going to be convicting the world of sin which is the primary ministry of the holy spirit according to jesus in john 14 and he is still going to be bringing people to himself through his son they're going to be called saints but they're tribulation saints they're not the church the church is in heaven the church cannot theologically doctrinally be present during the time of tribulation because that causes a lot of problems uh prophetically in in other areas of interpretation of scripture if we don't have an appointment with wrath as first thessalonians 5 9 says and the whole tribulation is wrath we can't be present during any of their tribulation because one thing we have to remember that god's wrath has different forms there's a consequential wrath of god which is the law of sowing and reaping and then there's the cataclysmic wrath of god which is things like hail stones and blood mingled with fire earthquakes and cosmological events and things of that nature and the first thing that happens during the tribulation period is god's wrath is manifested in the form of a deceiver the lawless one the son of perdition the one who uh through the false prophet and their association promotes these lying wonders and lying signs and all these other tools to deceive that causes humanity much of them to believe the lie but out of them is going to be and let me just say this so we were talking singing about revival earlier revival means to renew the validity and it implies something that was once alive that is now dead can come back to life again and i think god is wanting his church to be alive in these last days now what god's going to do during the tribulation is a great awakening he's going to make dead men live that's what ephesians talks about that's a great awakening and that's something only god can do a dead person can't do anything right a living person can't do anything for a dead person except for bury them but god even when you were dead in trespasses of sin and sin has made you alive in christ jesus and he's still going to be doing that during the tribulation they're just not going to be members of the church they're going to be tribulation saints there you have it everything to add we good just that the tribulation saints will be in the quote dog house and they won't have any restraining properties to them uh the church right now is located in every level of social strat politics education finance go on and on just like we said but the tribulation saints are going to come to jesus out of pressure and they will be on the run and they will be hunted down they will not have a restraining property to them yes yes lose in romania a few weeks ago left the church and a young guy ran towards me says i need to ask you a question i said yes and he said i know there's somebody running after me [Music] and he said so can one be saved in the tribulation and i'm looking at him and i said well technically yes but why would you bank on it and i said i said in the tribulation if you're professing faith in christ almost for sure your head will not stay on your shoulder that's it that's a short death okay so what and i asked him so why do why would you say why wouldn't you do it now i said ah right now it's a little hard for me and i said what about a tribute i'm willing to die wait a minute it's hard for you now and you're telling me you're willing to die in a tribulation when the world will be complete in complete delusion and brainwashed and i mean listen the chances for someone to walk away from christ right now walk away knowing the gospel hearing everything maybe even being uh you know physically in the church for a while and then walking away and saying this is not for me the chances for him to become a wonderful great believer during the tribulation are not that great if you couldn't live for him why would you think that you could diaper so um i'm saying the saints of the tribulation are not a group that the saints that are alive right now want to be part of okay yes very good point very very good point [Applause] you know it won't be long and we will be outside of the time continuum when we get into eternity but unfortunately this afternoon we're still in the time continuum and we're out of time um listen for those of you that had questions that didn't get answered or if you have questions really of any kind you can email support at behold israel is a dot org dot com joint dot org behold israel. support behold and joanne will make sure that those get into the proper hands and get answered um so that's a great resource that uh that she mentioned to me um i just want to mention a couple quick things before we close in prayer here uh if you are not yet following amir on telegram it was mentioned earlier maybe some of you haven't even heard of telegram telegram is a communications app you can get it on your platform whether you have android or or iphone go and download telegram when you do connect with amir and and that's it i mean it's simple and you know for us believers amir starfate is our middle east correspondent he is our eyes on the ground he brings it multiple times a day through a biblical worldview through the proper lens and i'm telling you you need to get connected it's real time i mean thank you amir for i know how much goes into that uh and and and the blessing to the saints from what you do through your reporting to us is is invaluable let's give the lord a clap offering for bringing us these dear brothers yeah wow if you have a book and you'd like to have it signed the mirror is going to be down the hallway so you'll be kind of guided down to that area also pastor barry will be signing books in the resource room there uh at his table huh oh i'm so sorry right here pastor berry here and and amir down the down the hallway so after we close uh you can be guided into those areas and uh and get those books signed so what a great great day god bless all of you for coming out spending time i encourage you continue to support the ministry of behold israel through prayer first and foremost uh and through uh you know financial means and any other means that the lord leads you to uh their ministry is a blessing uh to all in these final final days we are at the we are at the last of the last and and and church we got work to do okay so the equipping the edifying that took place here today we hope i know all of us hope and pray we'll go out this door and be put into action we are the boots on the ground for our lord and savior uh until until the rapture of the church which is the next imminent uh event to take place so let me pray father thank you so much for what you showed us here today lord we uh we're amazed at how you chose us to be here for such a time as this ourselves god and i thank you for every saint that came here today lord to to to learn god and and i know that the blessings abounded the blessings abounded for all that came that was the hope and prayer of everyone here on on this side of the event but i know that everyone here that came and shared was more blessed honestly than the blessings that go out that's how you you do it god we can never i'll give you i pray you instill that into all of our hearts and help us to go out and be your hands and feet in a lost and dying world and share the message that you once shared that you have for the lost and done you came to seek and save that which was lost and father we know that the time is near so we thank you we thank you for this day and all that it held and as we leave here continue to minister to our hearts and lives over the things of prophecy over the over the things of the end that you have given us as you have declared the end from the beginning lord we thank you we love you we praise you in jesus name we pray and all god's church said amen god bless you guys thank you [Music] you
Channel: Calvary Chapel Lone Mountain
Views: 68,498
Rating: 4.9245691 out of 5
Id: Kl7LdeqmP1Q
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Length: 513min 19sec (30799 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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