Awaiting His Return Conference Q&A Session

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okay so let me introduce this section by saying here are the ground rules uh we're going to try to get through everybody once that is going to ask a question not that everyone will ask a question but uh if you've asked your question respect others they might want to ask if we run out then you can start asking more questions kind of like when we have a meal and those who go through the line first then those who want seconds can go through that that just happened so any question about end times let's read some of these oh here's a good one do you know when the idea of quote lost tribe developed among jewish people and where and how did it come about that is a good one now jason talked a little bit about this but we can develop it just real quickly here when assyria took capture of the northern kingdom called israel that was ten tribes and they kind of melded into the middle east and became half breeds by the time we got to the first century and they were called samaritans the lost tribes typically refer to those tribes the mormons built a cult off of them and they say they're the church of the latter-day saints and that those tribes immigrated and moved over to the west into the americas and that they are the lost tribes of course it's molarky sorry if you're mormon but that's mularky that's false teaching and mormonism is a cult the lost tribes question is that there's 144 000 jews mentioned in the book of revelation coming from specific tribes now is that god miraculously knowing where those tribes are genetically throughout the world is it regions within modern israel where those where those those regions actually do exist i paid my taxes to the municipality of the tribe that was in my region when i lived there um is it maybe a little bit of both i don't know the answer to that question but that's what the lost tribes are the tribes of the north that were consumed by the assyrians and became diluted through the nations okay jason do you have anything to add well i think i think two it's important to oh test try the other one what what these things are funny okay check it nope okay let's see here check it we need to we need in the meantime though i think i think they can hear it yeah in the meantime i think just in conclusion too it's important to remember that they're not they're not lost god knows for his future plans who these people are where they are and to this day they're they're not lost um but god knows exactly where they are and he knows who he's going to bring back to the land he knows whom he is sealed for the tribulation he knows who these people are too so no matter how they intermixed with the cultures around them they're not lost too so i think it's a i think almost lost is like a misconception you want to hear something fun so i don't know where you stand on this but we we did our dna uh searches because my dad was adopted i wanted to find out who my ancestors were and some of the family in israel did theirs as well [Music] did you know that in these dna kits they can sense what jewishness you come from my wife did hers she's 52 percent ashkenazi jewish which means she's from her her jewish blood is identified coming from the roots of eastern europe and the company doesn't know that but ironically her father was polish and he survived the holocaust amir did his his was also it wasn't a surprise ashkenazi jewish but he also had north african as well where there was a huge jewish community there lo and behold none of these people know his parents his dad was a jewish person that came from north africa tunisia and his mother came from poland these these dna kits physically in the scientific community actually identify regions of where jews have come from in a jewish dna [Music] isn't that cool so it isn't like oh they're totally melded in this into the world and we can never find the jews anymore oh not so fast i didn't make this up this is the dna people that made this up because they had to classify jewish dna based on the regions now to trace it back to the actual tribe that's really going to be the challenge all right let me go to the next question oh this is a good one what are the christian quarter jewish quarter uh and i'm assuming that's in jerusalem which era and how is this a factor with today um the this is the city the old city of jerusalem was was divided into a christian quarter a jewish quarter a muslim quarter and a mini quarter representing orthodox christianity this is what they did uh years ago the last century so that all of the monotheistic religions of the world that made claim to the old city would have a stake in the game and i that's a simple answer right um [Music] what version is the original of tongues i'm not sure what the what the um what the question is there is it asking what the original language was uh if it's like if you open a bible and it says um written from the original but there's no like king james new international version what version is that considered so a lot of people ask that specific question and we know that the bible was originally written in paleo hebrew yes and paleo hebrew has a different set of letters than modern hebrew all you do is just take those ancient letters and move them into modern hebrew letters and you have the exact same text it's called the masoretic text there's also aramaic it's used in ezra and daniel and then the entire new testament is much more simple that was written in what we call koine greek the challenge of translation is when i go in and i have to capture what this says in the original meaning let me give you an example the people went and sacrificed at bethel in english and no in hebrew it'll say and the people went and sacrificed in beth-el the hebrew word bethel is beit el and it means house of the lord now as a translator should i say the people went and sacrificed at the house of the lord or should i say the people went to bethel to sacrifice which was an actual place which isn't or do i say bethel which means house of the lord in parentheses so a lot of the better translations if you look closely they will have in the side notes they'll have clarifications whenever there's a translation challenge like that okay or like it was the sixth hour of the day when jesus performed the miracle well we what we want him to say well it was that uh it was that it was at this at this time of the day based on a 24-hour clock so some of the more uh shall we say um some of the more paraphrase uh translations are going to actually make the clock call for you even though that was never part of the original so a good translation is going to try to retain as much of the original meaning and and when they really struggle they'll put something in the footnotes the best translations that do a really good job at that i'm finding are the at least from hebrew because i know hebrew is the esv new king james and a lot of these kind of middle the ground ones you got to be real careful when you get into some of these paraphrases like the message or some of these other they were never designed for bible study but for casual reading so people can understand it but translation if you know another language if any and i'm assuming some of you know other languages sometimes it's hard to translate phrases like when i say if i say in english you need to enter this into your head good good you look at me and you're like i don't what do you mean what i mean is in english you translate you need to get this through your head right it's a little quicker in english see do you see the translation issue um let's move to the next question jason you take this one yeah check good all right um in kind of a series of questions here so what is the purpose of the seal on the forehead of 100 of the 144 000 and how does this contrast support compared to the mark of the beast well to kind of answer both of those together i would say the purpose of the seal i think it has to do with identity um that's that's how i would take it but with the mark of the beast well they're in opposition is regarding who their identity is with and so the lord has sealed the 144 000 and he's he sovereignly has sealed them by the way the 140 or the uh those who take the mark of the beast during the tribulation they have pledged their allegiance to the beast they so one is divinely placed the other one is chosen by the by the free will of human beings that is willfully chosen to pledge allegiance to the beast so uh but both deal with identity and then the last question with it is why is the tribe of dan excluded from the hundred and forty four thousand and all it might elaborate on these but uh my understanding in part i know that one theory is i had goes back to the idolatry of the tribe of dam but i could be incorrect uh that's one theory as to why they're excluded there but uh i'll let you elaborate on this yeah ironically the word don dalit noon means judgment and don was in the center of the country and they chose to move their territory north and in the north as everyone knows at that time was closer to all of the ancient near east deities and they made a conscious decision that they might be able to prosper more there and idolatry was always done because they wanted to prosper that's why they would sacrifice even their own children before these gods of fertility so that their cattle would increase and so they would have more money in their bank accounts don ironically means judgment and i do believe that they're not included because they were not at all they made their decision in a way so to speak could i be wrong yes if you could isn't it interesting that just as one of the disciples was replaced one of the tribes of israel was replaced isn't that ironic the parallels in scripture are just amazing between old and new that is absolutely insightful yep speaking of dawn that region is where caesarea philippi is anybody been to caesarea philippi do you remember seeing the cave in that cave up there at caesarea philippi was the center of pagan worship where they would do child sacrifice and sex orgies and they would uh worship the god of the goats [Music] they always say behemoth no that's that's something else okay the fulfillment is the is the pentagram goat on the satanic leviton the three all five hebrew letters around the satanic pentagram leviton it's the leviathan in the hebrew that cave is what the ancients believe to be the gates of hell in god jesus takes his disciples specifically there they're ready to pee their pants they're so scared jesus takes them to that cave and says who do men say that i am some say this some say that who do you say i peter's probably shaken you are the christ the son of the living god that's who you are he said way to go peter and he said on this on this fact i will build my church right here the gates of hell will not be able to prevail jesus looks straight to the performance straight to the cave and says your days will come to an end and he said to his disciples you have no fear of demons satan they will cringe they will tuck tail and run as soon as i resurrect never give territory he took them specifically to that place which was indicted wow that whole place deteriorated and it was never ever rebuilt after that now it's just an archaeological site wow how do you like that wow and they didn't even dig out the archaeological site they did and they found evidence of pagan worship and some of the worst possible things that people would ever do it's a huge it's a huge cave and they called it the gates of hell that's what the people called it jesus specifically took them there with guts he humans he had no fear amen that's why context matters yeah when you come to israel and we take you to places like that this little these little lights go on did you know the year israel was born nationally is when the hebrew university purchased the dead sea scrolls from the new york times and they were able to prove to all the skeptics that the transmission of the hebrew text was spot-on spiritually the jews were given a free pass by god to shut the mouths of the what we call them scholarly critics the year the country was born was the year that they proved that the hebrew bible was absolutely reliable 1948 yep december of 4018. all right now i'm getting i'm going to ask your question it's really quick did colleen did polycarp write a book polycarp did write he was the disciple of john he's he's in the patristics you can get him online all of these church fathers are translated now it's a game changer don't let the evil ones use the internet for evil go use the internet and use it for good let's turn the tide of evil and and blow it back in its own face the gates of hell will not prevail i have seen demons run so have you passed her demons are very very they're not all noise but no power especially when the son or daughter of god shows up with the spirit of god dwelling in them that even doesn't have to be perfect anyway what are the and i'm going to need some help reading this i'm so sorry my cursive skills are bankrupt here we have the millennium reading cursive the millennial universe [Music] i know it's what are the something whoever this is i'm sorry to put you on the spot yeah because this is an important question and i think all of these are important so what are the something of horses talked about in zechariah oh yeah i you shake when you get old what are the bells of horses talked about in zechariah bells the holy yeah bells would ring and they would chime and those who would hear that they would know that there is an army coming yeah yeah look up baby and when the name of the lord is written on the bell and the alarm you know that bell don't run just like though we say in the military these colors don't run backing up my bell is jesus deal with that you know what i mean that's pretty that runs a shiver down my spine yeah and how can they imitate what they haven't seen before i think what we talked about with this millennium even going back to stanley jack kirby and a lot of even the dc comics guys in every movie that has a superhero for all of us that were grown up and we read books of superheroes i think we all recognize our sinful fallen state as human beings and that's why when we get in trouble we want someone to rescue us with those of us who grow up with a father want that father to be strong want that father to be a defender it's it's programmed by god in our nature but if we don't worship jesus we're going to worship something else and try to create things on our own and the end times if you come tomorrow we're going to talk a lot about this in the end times we're going to return to the intentions of the original ancients that tried to create the tower of babel in human strength human ingenuity get god out of the picture that's called secularization and we can do it it's on us we are a post-christian post-jewish post-muslim world we're a post-god world we don't need buddhism we don't need this i'm talking a global turning from all forms of truth some of which are trickled and found in other religious systems and completely found within the christian religion and the junior junior judaistic religion the jews are blind to the truth the christians have woken up but let's not let's not let's not forget many so-called christians will jump on the world bandwagon as they want a surrogate king and a surrogate system and a fake does that make sense yeah make no mistake we are heading that path right now in fact this next this last election those people generally speaking are going to lead us and are leading us down that pathway it's quite it's quite alarming because i'm seeing it even infect the military i'm just going to be honest yes yes and during the millennium it says i thought we lived in jerusalem with jesus what is our what is our what is what does the millennium look like geographically for believers [Music] you have your hand up yeah if i remember correctly i was reading uh several months ago i guess i don't talk about it okay i was reading a few months ago i think i understand is that we will come from all every nation and every tongue will come to meet him and worship him in jerusalem so we might thought geographically the whole world will still like you said we're still going to be in that fallen world so from the united states i'm going to go to jerusalem every time that i need to go to worship bingo um every country which exists now probably won't be called what we're called now but we'll be under the authority of jesus ruling and reigning from jerusalem i would imagine that people will want to go to jerusalem regularly what will the transportation system look like it's going to be it's going to be it'll be confined to the world as we know it now and the people of the land will will be the in the same bodies we're in we as believers will have already been raptured and will have perfect bodies and so we are ruling and reigning with christ through the span of the entire earth now keep in mind too that most of the world's population will be think about that most of the world will rebel there's going to be a huge population that's another thing there's a natural population decrease in the tribulation and they're trying to do it now which is ironic to say the least but yeah i think that all of all of the people on the earth and you and me will have connection with jesus himself i don't know how our mode of transportation will look like because we'll have heavenly bodies but the people of the earth will want to worship and they will okay and amir's teaching i understood it to be that those of us that ascended with christ that would come down and would come down and reign with christ in jerusalem and then those who um in the second rapture if i'm saying this resurrection probably yeah yeah resurrection thank you they would travel to jerusalem to worship and then travel back i guess yeah we are it says but now i'm kind of confused by what you're saying okay well i'm just going to say when it says we'll return with him it says we'll return and we'll reign with him for a thousand years but that doesn't necessarily limit us to being just in jerusalem because he could there's no telling where he could put us where he could give you jurisdiction over you know if he has you in a certain role it could be anywhere we can say paula at the very least there will be a huge ruling and reigning from jerusalem will that involve every last person of the church that was raptured up until that point i don't i in my sanctified imagination if you can even call it sanctified in my creative imagination i would think that we are dispersed and when we come back we will rule and reign with him period from jerusalem yes many of us all right at least at least but i would not over i would not out rule the option that will be scattered throughout the world uh and have direct linkage to the king as his direct agents that's just my thoughts i could be wrong let's let's take one from the audience yeah let's take one from the just on that subject of transport um this might sound crazy but jesus in his resurrected body there was times where he was walking with it and they turn around he's gone so there's nothing to say in our perfect resurrected bodies we we don't have to get on a plane because that's sanctified imagination right there that's why we're doing this together yes yes yes and yet the world is trying to do teleportation through demonic activity yeah yeah i mean you can you can think of an example of that too as like an emmaus when jesus sat with the and as soon as he broke the bread they realized who he was but before they could do anything else he was gone that's right the master and so thank you thank you for that that was really good the next one is is the devil so are the devil and the beast two different entities i thought they were then they were names describing satan well if i think you're referring to revelation uh if i'm not mistaken and the devil and the dragon would be synonymous but the beast so there's two different beasts that are referenced in the book of revelation and one is the beast from the sea and one is the beast from the earth the beast from the sea being the antichrist the beast from the earth is described as what we call the false prophet so it comes from the people the beastial i guess both come is that yeah i mean yeah it's a satanic trinity yeah the devil is certainly in the emulation of that which is real but a fake dragon yeah dragon and dragon antichrist and false prophet and in the way emulating the father son the holy spirit you can know who who these people are the beasts you can separate the beasts these two at least the yeah these two people these two individuals you can separate them from satan himself as a person just because their actions are described now they are satan inspired they are safe they are demonically motivated but their actions declare that they tell you what role they play and who they are signs and wonders the lawless one second thessalonians 2 he'll perform miracles just like the real messiah he will have all kinds of tricks and wonders and have clever words just i mean he'll he'll try to imitate jesus in a powerful kingly fake kingdom and it will be squashed as you know the question i have for all of us is can you last up to the time of the rapture and not take the bait of lies that the world is feeding you when it's tempting where everyone seems to be going down this path and you are now a serious minority you are a bigot you are a phobic person and you need to be cancelled you are a danger trust me we have been attacked right now exactly right now but don't give in to the world's pressure we are we aren't even in the tribulation period imagine what those saints are going to have to go through yeah anyway i'm sorry i have two questions for you um you ain't talked about the fourth sample right the fourth temple yes so second thessalonians 2 4 you're saying that that's the third temple ezekiel 40 through 44 is the fourth temple and revelation 21 22 says that there will be no temple in the new jerusalem so what happens with the fourth temple like the revelation 22 21 22 where there's no temple because he is he's going to be the light of the city and there's not going to be no need for a temple you're answering the question yes you might have this in the fourth temple does yeah i mean i guess that's the end the question is what happened to it yeah what happens to the fourth temple in ezekiel 40 through 44. i love this question because at the end of the millennium after the great white throne god says in in chapter 21 i'm going to make a new heaven and new earth he is gonna he's gonna destroy the world with fire you know like when they take gold rings in you know but he's gonna he's gonna he's gonna re-establish a whole new earth in heaven and there will be no need for a temple because the jews and the prophecies will all be satisfied and now they will get the ultimate and everybody will have the same body everyone will live on the earth and it will be a magnificent but there will be no sun because the lord himself will be the light we haven't even begun to talk about the new heavens in the newer new message which which which we we have on our class is to is to do a message on the new heaven the new earth and brother jason mentioned something about the reformers and i just want to ask a question on you know just the stance on behold israel because the reformers had like an anti-israel view of the land itself and so what is behold israel's view on calvinism in regards to limited atonement and free will we talk about choice all the time but we know the calvinistic teachings the five points um go to the next question [Laughter] when jesus says whosoever will may come yeah whosoever means whosoever and it always has and we believe that when it comes to who jesus died for well he declared that whoever believes in he died for the whole world in john 3 16 and first john 2 2 it says he's the propitiation not just for our sins john says but for the sins of the entire world you look at the old testament a lot of people like to look at the old testament and they feel like all they see is a god of wrath but god reveals himself as the most loving person you can imagine throughout the old testament in ezekiel when there's all this talk of them going into captivity and judgment god actually so god actually says it's in ezekiel 18 maybe but the lord says i am the lord and i take no pleasure in the death of the wicked and not only that he doesn't take pleasure in the death of the wicked but rather that they turn from their wicked ways and believe in him that that's the heart of god and so i guess to sum it all up i've always i say that calvinism is a is a poor representation of the character of god and it's a poor interpretation of the word of god yeah i want to yeah right i want to give you a tool yeah okay pay attention closely i'm going to form a syllogism a logical syllogism okay i don't know what that is you'll see in a minute me either fact god created humanity with a choice from all the trees you may eat but not this one yeah they chose against god and there's consequences so the fact is god gave us choice he gave us choice because he wanted a relationship of actual love when jake comes in from the side and says why does god allow all of this evil i don't want to believe in a god that would allow all of this evil my sister was raped i lost a child and they can go on and on as a pastor i've heard all these stories you cannot have a loving god mark by words you cannot have a loving god or a relationship without choice does my wife love me because she has to do i pay her to love me or does she love me because she chose to if god was going to take a risk not that he did because he knows everything but if he did take a risk it would be to give us the power of choice however that choice is limited i will never be able to play as good as michael jordan i will never be able to hike mount everest without oxygen my choices no matter how much i want something will always be limited at the same time here's your tool that's fact number one fact number two and then we'll put a conclusion to the syllogism god knows everything he is everywhere present but if god knows everything and we choose not to obey him does that make him responsible even though he knew what i would do if you have kids or grandkids and you know what they're going to do and you know exactly what i'm talking about if you have that little object in the room and you know what they're going to do somebody could say oh it's your fault that the kid chose that yes you could debate that but the kid made the decision if god knows what's going to happen if somebody chooses it doesn't make him responsible we have most of the world blaming god for bad human decisions and he's like where did all these bills come from i didn't sign up for this you can't have it both ways you either have a choice and you take responsibility because i need you to have choice if i'm gonna have a relationship for those who do say yes and when people don't choose the right path don't blame me i will only step in on situations that only i choose to and who is the clay to say to the potter why yeah that's right the moment you the moment you challenge the potter with sinful attitude that's not good you can challenge him like abraham did would you still destroy the city if only this many people yeah or i won't destroy if there's that many righteous remember remember the topic yeah so my syllogism at the end is you must settle in your mind for what i call in theology and antimony two seemingly opposing doctrines that run concurrently in scripture but instead of inventing a system of a five-point calvinism so that we can logically be satisfied why can't we settle for an antinomy and admit that the bible teaches both because if i can contain god in a system is that really the kind of god i want to worship that i can contain in my logic or is there a sense of mystery with two conflicting absolutes where it'll all be clear one day but if there's going to be a real relationship you need choice but you cannot deny who god is in the process because he knows everything and so i will not let somebody like jake say i will not believe in god because he allows evil on the face of the earth that is a cop-out that is saying i am not mentally strong enough to put my arms around absolutes that are mentioned in scripture and to take personal responsibility for sid i'm sorry to say can i be that bro blunt with you hey i probably won't see many of you for the rest of your life until we get to heaven and then we have a long winter evening with jesus and we can ask him questions you've already told them you'll be here tomorrow that's right yes when you say ma'am are you also talking about free will yeah yeah yeah the the the the the the the points of calvinism there's the third point that says jesus gave his life and his blood was only spent for those who would choose because the premises if he split if he if he if he spread uh shed his blood for the world as it says then technically his blood would be wasted in this view because they did not accept it and jesus doesn't waste his blood and waste is the word that someone who thinks like that would use the same pastor told me that israel uh sinned therefore they're done as the same pastor who said you know it would be wasted for jesus to die for the world because the whole world's not going to believe and people like that don't think it through because if long before jesus sacrificed his life think of all of the waste of bad decisions and mercy of god to go the extra mile read the prophets they have wasted and abused god's grace over and over and over again leading to judgment with this syrian 721 bc not 722 just gay asterisks um and 586 the babylonians and the greeks and the ptolemies the salukis and all of that i mean jesus blood was given to the world for you freely i mean imagine yourself as a parent would you feel like you wasted pouring into your child if they make a poor decision when they're 19 years old did you waste you waste all the time and love you invested into your child if they go astray the basis of his judgment is on what they did with the blood his judgment is justified because of the rejection of the blood and because that blood was for the entire world limited atonement is a false premise do you know the sins of the world the sins of the world were forgiven in christ's blood it's not it is the unbelief that they remain in god's wrath that's what jesus says in john and john that he who does he who doesn't believe in me remains under god's wrath uh but what jesus did was kate was adequate to save the world past present and future it was those are informal questions oh so we came through these already it was adequate but it's uh they remain unbelief and maybe maybe the way i worded it was poor that the sin all sins are forgiven the what i'm saying is what i was trying to convey is that the sins were paid for in full yeah but it's the rejection of that payment that leaves people in god's wrath it's the unbelief and to effectuate that forgiveness you would need confession and repentance this is the lord jesus christ truth bingo there's salvation under no other name whereby men must be saved we know that the bible is full of full of symbols and we know that child december is usually the dragon now in the millennium period they was talking about the beast and we know that china does artificial intelligence as well and they're trying to make computers think like humans or have to have the ability to make his own decision like the little chest thing like a1 or ai do you think that the beast is the computer system and that china is trying to give life to that computer do you think they have any kind of connections with the beast the beast is a person this is is a person uh however yes babylon is the system that is ruled and driven and fueled by the two the beasts and the dragon now you put your finger on something that i was withholding until now but since you raised it the door has been opened china is one of the last nationalist countries out there that doesn't want parts of globalism now their young people do they want to bring back the old chinese emperor empire russia wants the same thing china has invented some crazy technology yes babylon is the system that goes all the way back to the tower of babel and there has been knockoff versions of the root word buffet in hebrew which means to confuse meld it's it's what globalists are trying to do they're trying to take the best of the ingenuity of man and the best place to start would be like a communist socialist humanistic system that's fueled by beasts and a dragon to create a god-like miraculous system where people would conclude god is so primitive that is so ancient this whole thing of faith in god look at what look what we've been able to build now the secretary no the chief of staff air force wrote a memorandum to every member of the air force a few months ago i wish i could share it it's for for official use only but i can summarize it because it's not classified we are right now in the unite united states dod department of defense we are right now being overtaken tactically from china their navy's already bigger than ours yes they're they're avionics their aircraft their their tactics what they do is they take the best of all of the world they copy it and improve it that will be part of the system what really grieves me is that instead of increasing war fighter resources we are creating social justice warrior causes you got to understand this really grieves me i've been in for years i know grant served faithfully in the army for many years to see what we're seeing right now it's ridiculous it's very hard but we shouldn't be surprised right because god the bible said this would happen so to answer your question which is a genius question the system is more babylon and revelation 17 and 18 really unpack there's a political there's a financial babylon there's a system that the beasts and the dragon will fuel and they will receive worship and china and all nationalism will meld into this big system nationalism will fail it will fail in every country brazil is still nationalistic they have a president that's very right-wing even maybe two right-wing he makes uh he makes trump look like a mandy pamby actually if you know who bolsonaro is but he he'll lose brazil will move most of brazil wants him out and they want globalism the ingenuity of china will eventually feed the babylon one world order the hebrew word means to confuse or melt and globalists want to melt the world in one right and no longer they're trying to overcome the confusion of languages and create a one world culture the same language same financial system they're trying to create their own version of the millennium and it's a disaster on the horizon do you think that they're with the roblox how anything where human beings can take credit and people can be awe inspired and forget god have we not already forgotten god with a lot of technology right now as it stands yes it's an excellent question yeah let's take should we take another one from the crowd here we haven't heard from you um i understand israel israelis i understand israelis are being forced to take the vaccine i wondered how you thought that fit into israel moving faster than anyone else into the world system and it's the vaccine and precursor of the park of the beast let's let's break this down um israel can answer the first part okay israelis are not being forced to take the vaccine and then then yes no i i don't blame you for hearing that that's going around yeah it's going wrong there's a lot of false teaching about the vaccine going around people are saying it's the mark of the beast and all of this stuff it's impossible because we're not in the tribulation okay the mark of the beast is in the tribulation and having said that this these screens all technology everything cars houses everything is going to come under a compliance and use for the babylon-esque system once the antichrist comes into the equation and takes control he will use everything at his disposal the internet will be gone we're gone and that that leak will blow up the engine will the world will be able to do whatever they want they'll be able to do whatever they want with a vaccine whatever they want with a cell phone whatever they want they'll probably have devices they're much more you know like as she puts there will probably be space age tech going on but no we don't believe that the vaccine is the mark of the beast if you choose to get the vaccine that's a decision you need to make it's a vaccine do your own research whatever you put in your body that's a decision you have to make but know this getting a vaccine or not getting a vaccine does not connect you in any way to sin or the end times or the mark of the beast or anything any more than owning an iphone with a gay ceo this is something i have i mean we when you're in the world the very lumber in your house and the car you drive can you really sanitize your life so far where you're not having any association with anybody involved i've ordered things on amazon and the guy's a globalist okay you can't you can't even buy gas you can't do anything you can't even the clothes we wear ogio from japan they're not a believing company there's nothing you can do to function in this life if you want to isolate and say i'm not going to do anything that has any connection with evil either now or later you have to pray about the vaccine you have to pray about anything making sure that you have to make a decision in terms of your health okay you i would say that you should be praying about the next house if you choose to buy another house or a new car you should i think we should be bringing everything before the throne of god because we want to be good stewards of our own bodies that he owns and our own everything he owns once we give ourselves completely to him so i don't know if that helps or hinders but um yeah we're not anti-vaxxers we are uh sober that the antichrist will use every device in the future and every platform is moving that direction and as believers i believe will be raptured and we'll have we'll have we won't have to deal with a lot of the pains and headaches that the tribulation saints are going to have to deal with yeah so if it's not i i didn't really mean that i thought it was the mark some people were teaching that but a precursor that was tied in with the health system well i think it could be a precursor we've said that uh i think cell phones will be i think all the infrastructure of the internet will be i think that government right now where it's going and the policies will be i think everybody the stage is being built yes but you can't you can't isolate you got to be in the world but not on it yeah this microphone was built by a company how do i know that this company isn't taking money and giving it to a cause social cause that i disagree with you can't we have to live in the world and we have to function okay live your life yeah so you can choose your battles choose your battles yeah so right what time is it we have we have 12 minutes left 12 minutes 12 minutes well this is this is a good one here this is uh somewhat common too but 2nd peter 3 8 and psalm 94 does this i mean is this insinuating that something like the millennium that we saw six times the author is clear it's a thousand years long millennium uh will it be like one day so what's important with those passages i'll give you an example second peter 3 8 reads like this but beloved do not forget this one thing that with the lord one day is a thousand years and a thousand years is one day context is always really important so let's read the next verse the lord is not slack concerning his promise as some count slackness but is longsuffering toward us not willing that any should peris perish but that all should come to repentance so in the psalm that psalm 94 90 verse 4 in the same way it's in the context of god's patience it's in the context of his long suffering and his that to us when we go man i had to endure this for 10 years god is outside of time his perspective on time we can't even understand that i mean literally peter's using the word the best words he can to help you explain that time god created time uh time god doesn't fall within time he's outside of time and so these passages are dealing with the the patient the long-suffering character of god as i hope i totally agree yeah you can't overstretch that and then look at calendars and start doing calculations like some people ended up publishing all of these long and confusing cook youtube videos and then everybody wants to send them and you got a conspiracy theory um then you're it's just a day in the lord's world is like a thousand years in terms of god is outside of time and he has an immense amount of patience but don't abuse that patience and not saying yes to obedience okay and and keep in mind too the bible is it does have a lot of symbolism especially like when you get to revelation it's no mystery there but if you know the old testament a lot of revelation revelation starts to make it's the probably the most jewish book in the whole bible if you understand your old testament you can understand revelation and what's awesome about god we talk about how he fulfills things literally well when he wants us to know that something is not that something literal might be happening but he's communicating in a symbolic way it tells us like when jesus an example would be throughout the gospels when jesus is giving a parable he's he makes it very clear this is a parable uh he makes that clear he god's not a confusion he doesn't want us trying to figure out what's literal what's not when something is supposed to be interpreted in like a metaphorical way he sets the stage for you to do it that way but it's always pointing towards a literal truth too well one other thing with the millennium that speaks to it being literal is you know unless the lord returned there wouldn't be anybody left alive it's the population is so reduced so but yet you get to the end and it says there are so many like the sand of the sea that rebelled so oh sorry sorry to start so you have to get population growth and how long did it take to get there probably a thousand years right yeah yeah in fact uh people will be uh giving birth in the millennium because they will have these bodies you know they will they will have to brush their teeth because there will be bacteria and there will be just uh the science and everything will be so true and there will be so many policies that will alleviate a lot of the threats that we have today we'll have a lot more knowledge i mean jesus will be king and love a perfect government as much as can be in a fallen world and i think part of the reason why we have a thousand years is it's a good enough stint for us to all conclude that even the earth itself could use a renovation and god will make all things new and uh it only gets it only gets better for the believer in the distant future but in the present you have to realize that there is an apostasy leak going on don't be part of that leak don't defect in fact if you're watching this and you go to this church and you can come tomorrow i expect you to be here go to church on that a um view and the view that much of revelation has already been fulfilled and there's nothing left to fulfill can you speak on that just real quick i know it's impossible real quick uh and this is where you're gonna get this especially if you if you follow up and go to our millennial kingdom on youtube with the mere teaching he's gonna cover that but i'm gonna say real quick you heard a pre-millennial view because i wanted to focus more on what what happens in the millennia in amir he's going to talk about amillennialism which means there is no literal thousand-year millennium we the church becomes so good and we become so effective and the world comes to faith and we create this wonderful utopia ourselves and jesus smiles and you're laughing because it's absurd and and a lot most of the world still believes this just because they haven't thought it through the root of this came as early as the 4th century when the church started doing councils and they ostracized the jewish believers and all of that theology that they contributed and replacement theology which says the church replaces israel and the promises that are fulfilled about israel which you covered so well that they say the church replaces that and the church is now the hope for all all these prophecies that refer to the bliss of the millennium which we covered now the first exhibit and this will answer your question hopefully with a slam dunk the first exhibit in the holocaust museum at yav hashem in jerusalem is the tactic that hitler used was he was able to bank off of replacement theology and conclude that the new aryan race the new so-called even christians within germany will come to a realization that israel lost their losers they rejected god we are the new world order and we are the ones that will usher in our version of the millennium through a pure aryan race where we can yodel and have jets flying over you know all of these practices that they were in their culture and i'm just having fun with y'all a millennialism was not what the early church believed amen much less the disciples of the jews right it was a shift of the church in the 4th century that reigns supreme until pretty much darby and those who people who say will a rapture and pre-millennialism that's just a product of the eighteen hundreds have you read hernandez polycarp have you read some of these church fathers tell you what go tell them and then come talk to them they will have this file should be our last question brother jason did you want to come and look like you wanted to comment no please okay so then what you're saying is that is the millennium a thousand years is gonna be is going to be god's supernatural power coming into play yeah yeah second coming is masterfully going to be awesome with the power of god destroying the enemies the power of of of his coming and god will in the person of jesus will be literally raining on earth it's hard to conceive yeah we'll have a perfect king you'll have perfect justice you'll have a perfect environment you'll i mean and still it will as he taught on it will reveal the depravity of the human heart because at the end of it even with that for a thousand years i guess you're gonna see a little bit of the same thing all over again where people didn't teach their children to love the lord to teach their children to love the lord and tell him about what he's done because he'll be right for rebellion when satan's released even when jesus himself [Music] the bible i mean the bible almost has come to total fruition and jesus himself is reigning from jerusalem and he'll still rebel and this is why we're having this particular conference because we're bringing awareness to the signs of the time so when he does come again guess what the bride of christ will be ready i hope that we are i hope we are that's what we view our job is we are we are very imperfect people in behold israel we struggle we fight we have family challenges we have spiritual warfare and but we know something we know we can't take the knowledge that we know about all these passages and just keep it to ourselves you came here today you could have been in 14 other places that's right i am you know what i'm we're counting on you to take this and develop it and tell friends because the science jesus gave this sign he said at the olivet discourse when you see the fig tree come to power or come come back to life then you know that we are the last second of the last minute of the last hour of the last day of the last week of the last month of the last year of the last decade and so on awesome
Channel: Christian Way Ministries
Views: 902
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: CWM, Christian Way Ministries,, Behold Israel, Awaiting His Return, Conference, March 2021, Virginia Beach, Q&A Session, Pastor Mike Golay, Brother Jason Koemans
Id: s_Hfq8VLOGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 16sec (3556 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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