Awaiting His Return Conference

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when the earth was avoided when the waters were break i [Music] [Music] [Music] desperate and be dry [Music] [Music] to be [Music] to be born again [Music] i believe in jesus all your works can be seen [Music] [Music] nothing bailed from [Music] give me [Music] [Music] from [Music] to be born to be [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] bye [Music] la la la [Music] you found me in the valley where i again in the depths i see you in the hearts surrounded by a mountain of sin i see a love [Music] in the valley i will say [Music] i will say [Music] [Music] [Music] in the valley [Music] in the valley [Music] i will [Music] forever [Applause] [Music] [Music] in our deepest ways [Music] here with [Music] i us cling to your love i will sing [Music] we're gonna get started with some worship this morning let's put those hands together [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we worship the god who was we worship the god who whispers we worship the god who owner will be [Music] the yeah doors he parted the raging seas my god he holds the victory there's joy in the house of the lord [Music] [Music] place and we won't be quiet [Music] we sing to the god who [Music] up on always cross and he rose up from that grave my god still rolling stones away there's joy in yeah house of the lord today and we won't be quiet [Music] [Music] except redeemed by his grace [Music] and now we're running accepted redeemed by his [Music] joy in grace house of the lord there's joy in the house of the lord today and we won't be quiet we shout out your praise there's joy in the house of the god is lord in this place and we won't be quiet [Music] [Music] we shout out your praises [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you pull me from darkness [Music] and clothe me in garments of jesus forever my son will be you yeah i'm living in freedom [Music] [Applause] [Music] you only for you for the cross that you bought and the debt that you paid for the victory you won over death and the grave oh this is the reason i sing for the hope that you give and the joy that you bring for the promise that heaven is [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the reason i sing for the hope that you give and the joy that you bring for the promise that heaven is waiting for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] for the cross that you bought and the debt that you paid for the victory you want all the death and the grace this this is the reason i sing for the hope that you give and the joy that you bring for the promise that heaven is [Music] for the victory [Music] is [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] amazing love that welcomes me the kindness of mercy that bought with blood wholeheartedly my soul undeserving oh god you're so good oh god you're so good oh god you're so good yes you're so good to me [Music] say [Music] [Music] your soul [Music] oh we know that god you're so [Music] good oh god you're so good oh god you're so good you're so good [Music] i am jesus [Music] [Music] and when this [Music] [Applause] lord i will remember what calvary has bought for me both now and forever [Music] you're so [Music] oh [Music] you're so good is [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] god [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh lord my god when i am [Music] i see the stars i hear the rolling thunder thy power throughout the universe display then sings my soul my savior god to thee [Music] how great how great [Music] how great thou art how [Music] [Music] that on the cross [Music] then sings my soul my savior [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how great breakdown [Music] and take me home shall fill my heart [Music] how great you are [Applause] my savior [Music] how [Music] then [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] god [Music] how great [Music] though [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the power of [Music] me salvation the grave his hope is [Music] [Applause] [Music] sing his praise again [Music] praise again from the moment [Music] amen and i know [Applause] [Music] [Music] creation [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] remember that his name will make a way he'll make from the cross to the grave he [Music] praise the is sing his praises [Music] [Music] he is is [Music] [Applause] away [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] sing his praise again [Music] lord [Music] remember how [Music] [Applause] [Music] the great hall boys [Music] [Music] oh is [Music] again [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] let's pray together oh lord our lord how majestic is your name over all the earth for you remember who we are you know our faults you know our shortcomings and you knew that we were dead in our sins but because of what you did on the cross you have been made alive hallelujah so we will remember that you have never failed and we will remember that in the times of struggle in the times of uncertainty and then times of tough it is your name that makes a way so we will remember your goodness and we will sing your praise again and again and again and again no matter what it looks like outside we'll sing your praise lord we love you we're excited about today excited about those truths that we will hear so may our hearts be opened and our minds be open to your truth and in your word and it's in your son's holy name that we pray in the name of jesus amen amen go and have a seat amen good morning everybody thank you for taking time out of your saturday to be with us who's looking forward to the imminent return of jesus christ amen so some of the last words we recorded in scripture in revelation 22 that jesus spoke said and behold i am coming quickly and my reward is with me to give to everyone according to his work i am the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end the first and the last so amen praise his name so welcome for those of you who don't normally attend cornerstone i'm gary hamrick the pastor here and i have been a long time friend with uh well that that yeah you don't need to do that i but thank you anyway amir and i have been long time friends probably for the last 15 plus years and uh so i'm excited to have him here and the ministry of behold israel and so we've got a packed day for you i don't want to take any more time away from the schedule but it's going to be a wonderful time together and i wanted to first pray for the conference today and to pray for amir uh he just came from the chiropractor's office uh because but seriously he's he's been in some considerable back pain but um praise god for dr chuck clegg in our church who who worked him over today and so uh we want to pray for the conference i want to pray for amir in particular and then i'm going to turn it over to mike goulet who's with behold israel he's also one of the speakers today he's going to kind of emcee the day but let's first start with prayer can we do that lord we thank you for this day that you've given us your mercies are new with every morning so thank you for a fresh batch of your mercy today and we just pray your mercy for amir in particular he's been under a lot of pain in his back and we just thank you that he's doing better and we pray you give him strength and energy for today and for tomorrow as he speaks here at cornerstone and we just ask lord that this day would be a day where our focus is on you where our hope is in you where we look forward to your return where we celebrate the hope of the church which is the return of jesus christ and as we've gathered here today may everything that is said and done and sung bring glory and honor and praise to you it's in jesus name we pray and everybody said amen mike [Music] [Applause] all right good morning everybody it's good to see you all here at this conference this is our last conference for this speaking tour we're very excited we are going to finish with a blast because we have a lot of new information and teachings that are going to be coming your way today we're going to be squeezing so many resources that you're going to have information and inspiration coming out of your ears i hope yes yes this is your guide for the day uh if you don't have one of these see one of our staff members this has the uh the schedule and there's plenty of room there to take notes there is a resource table right outside some of you have already found it i want to highlight one of our books if you were asking the question where do i start what is a good gift to somebody that's at ground zero with prophecy that doesn't know about daniel 9 24-27 and zechariah chapter 12 verse 10. oh matthew 24. this is the book you need to get okay and maybe when i was quoting those verses you're like i don't even know what those things mean well get the book get the book this is the one-stop shop that'll get you jump-started into the bible verses that speak about prophecy i'm mike goulet the director of operations it's my honor for to be the tour guide today even though i'm not touring you in israel we're touring you through scriptures and a very very special friend very special friends uh pastor barry and terry stagner are here today from southern california yeah thank you for both coming now let me just let me just uh i i get to break you know i so just you're gonna have to take this okay all right pastor berry is one of the speakers that we've uh asked to come to many places including the international theater australia new zealand and many other places as well and he's always been so gracious his church sends him like a missionary and they are very glad to borrow him to us for the day both him and terry they have a wonderful family they have a full-time work as a pastor he's a writer he's a he's also leading an online news source that comes from the spectacles of bib of bible prophecy it's called the lineup yes some of you have watched that step one go to youtube step two type in barry stagner questions i i it's just really that easy then you'll see the line up there and then you can engage those videos pastor barry is also a very close friend of the ministry he's a godly man he's a mentor and both him and terry are a source of wisdom as we navigate through these very dark times as like-minded brothers in the lord come on up here pastor barry let's give him a warm behold israel welcome [Music] [Applause] i'm really excited to be here [Applause] good morning hey listen we have the best news in the world and that is jesus is coming soon [Music] is it just me or has our world lost its mind things are absolutely crazy right now and as i examine the news and consider the season of history that we are now in my mind recently has gone back to a bumper sticker i saw some years ago on the back of an rv and it said i might be lost but i'm making good time our world is completely lost right now and they are moving at breakneck speed to a foretold end that the bible has made known throughout the history of scripture and certainly through the church age in the book of revelation we are not in the dark about the days in which we live we are walking in the light of jesus christ and he has made known everything we need to know about how to make our way through these perilous times jesus said in matthew 24 44 there so therefore you also what be ready for the son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect and we all know that our world today is politically polarized like never before in history but what we also need to recognize is that the world is biblically polarized into two groups the ready and the not ready and thankfully those in the not ready category can get ready before he comes because he hasn't come yet but he's coming soon and why jesus said to be ready is because when he's ready there's no time to get ready so we need to be ready now for the lord to come get us amen now i also find it interesting have you noticed that the church can fight about just about anything seems like everybody's got this polarized position everybody's got that polarized position and that would include regarding the rapture of the church some say we don't need to be ready until the mid-trib point others say we don't need to be ready until the pre-wrath point still others say we don't need to be ready until the end of the tribulation because the church is going to go through the tribulation and then be raptured at the end only to come right back with jesus when he returns in revelation 19. now i believe that after the rapture everyone is going to hold the pre-tribulation rapture position but thankfully listen close this morning our salvation is not determined by our position on the timing of the rapture our salvation is based solely on the blood of jesus christ paid for your sins and mine there was an old country preacher who was holding a revival at a church out in the fields in a tent and he wanted to stir everybody up about our subject today and he asked the congregation who wants to go to heaven raise your hand everybody raised their hand except one boy in the front row he thought oh so he asked it again who wants to go to heaven everybody raise their hand except one boy in the front row he did it again guess what everybody raised their hand except one boy in the front row and finally the pastor couldn't take it he said son don't you want to go to heaven he said well sure i do i thought you were getting up a group to go right now listen jesus is getting up a group to go very very soon and he said that he is coming when expectation for his return is at a peak low peter also reminded us of this in second peter 3 3-7 knowing this first that scoffers will come when in the last days walking according to their own lust and lust by the way means to long for forbidden things and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning for this they willfully forget keep that phrase in your mind that by the word of god the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of water and in the water by which the world that then existed perished being flooded with water but the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men now we need to pay attention to what peter said he said in the last days scoffers will come who will question the promised return of jesus and remember at the last supper in that setting in john 14 jesus told his disciples i'm going to prepare a place for you and if i go to prepare a place for you i will come again to receive you unto myself that where i am you may be also and may i remind us all that where he is is much better than here and we're going to be with him forever when we arrive there now peter says that the world has forgotten that god had judged the world in the past and this creates a link between impending judgment and the scoffing that we see today and that phrase i paused on to plant in your minds willfully forget means to choose to ignore are people choosing to ignore truth today i mean think about the kooky things going on in our world today listen my bible gives a short list of genders male and female that's the end of the list right listen that's according to the manufacturer and yet they have been trying to blend the genders for a couple of decades and longer i remember when they started telling us you know men you need to get in touch with your feminine side my feminine side sent right over there and her name is terry i i didn't tell her i was going to do this and i usually ask her permission but last night it just became so apparent to me that the gender differences still stand we're in the hotel we had checked in we had made an agreement when we checked in they asked do you want your room your bed made and towels put in every day we said yes we got back to our room after a long day of touring dc and they hadn't done anything well my wife picks up the phone calls the front desk and says i'm sorry maybe i misunderstood the communication but um i thought when you asked me if you wanted us to clean a room every day maybe i didn't hear you right and i'm not trying to complain or anything and you know she's just being so nice to this person at the front desk which is great but that's how the female would handle it if i was on the phone hey you didn't clean our room what's up [Applause] we're different and those differences are a blessing amen that is how god designed us he made us differently and listen let me ask you are there people in the church today who choose to reject the fact that god is going to rain down his judgment on this world someday are you guys still here where'd you go are there people in the church who are rejecting the concept of god's wrath yes they're saying things like hell and a loving god are diametrically opposing concepts there are people who say a god of love would not judge anyone there are those who say a god of love would not punish evil a god of love would not create a place like hell and when that kind of thinking becomes dominant in society you know what happens next lawlessness lawlessness begins to abound and this is why p timothy would say in second timothy 3 1-5 know this and remember peter said know this so these are knowable things recognizable things and he says that in the last days what kind of times will come perilous times will come here's what makes him perilous for men will be lovers of who themselves anybody think of selfie lately we all do that right or you know the second runner-up is pictures of our food which of course the internet is dying to see lovers of money bolsters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents and thankful and holy unloving and forgiving slanderers without self-control man we can underline that one brutal despisers of good traitors are there any traitors around today headstrong haughty lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying its power read out loud the last sentence please and from such people turn away now what often gets overlooked regarding this passage is that paul is talking about the church not the world how do we know that because the world has always looked like that the world has always acted like that paul's talking to the church about the church which means in the last days the world will have had more of an influence on the church than the church has had on the world now please understand when i use the word church church i'm talking about or church interchangeable terms you have to get used to me i make up a lot of words when i'm teaching so you can just expand your dictionary as the message goes on now that means that the world is going to have more of an impact and influence on the church than the church is having on the world in the last days and the church by the way is simply a term that is associated with the collective gatherings of believers around or people who claim to be believers around the world and they use the word church to describe to our church to describe themselves now let me just say this god's church is alive and well today and it is flourishing and god's church is holding fast till he comes god's church is on fire for him god's church is excited about the coming of jesus god's church is not moved by culture or world opinion god's church believes in the authority of god's word and it's good to be at god's church today so paul is saying what is often called the church today is something we need to turn away from and again that passage cannot be referring to the world because we are not told to turn from the world we are told to go to the world who has all those characteristic flaws that we read a moment ago and give them the good news of jesus christ now with the many descriptions of the days before the rapture and the following tribulation the love of many growing cold being among them lawlessness abounding also makes the list the references to the similarities of the days of noah the character flaws that permeate the church that paul wrote of many other things including the church being trampled underfoot by men losing its preserving and purifying influence in the world i want to point out three things this morning once we start the message there are things that are happening and things that are going to happen and they're going to happen like this and the title of our session is simply suddenly suddenly things are changing and listen after nearly 2 000 years of prophetic silence the prophetic clock began to tick once again on may 14 1948 as the last generation that would see all the things happen written in the olivet discourse was born as israel became a nation a nation born in a day we saw the world change on september 11 2001. we saw the world change again in 2020 with the pandemic and the george floyd incident suddenly burning down cities around the world became an acceptable form of protest suddenly ethnic tensions rose to the surface at unprecedented levels suddenly vaccine status divided our world into two groups suddenly we have learned of new terminology like virtue signaling or identity politics or social justice or the racist propaganda like critical race theory has infiltrated not just our schools but also our churches and suddenly the nations prophesied by ezekiel to invade israel from the north are in coalition together most of them already have a military presence on the northern border of israel suddenly the nations who are going to protest the invasion of israel are establishing diplomatic relationships with israel under the abraham accords and in revelation 1 1 we're told about the apocalypse the full unveiling of the person of jesus christ which god gave him to show his servants things which must what shortly take place and he sent and signified meaning showed by signs and symbols by his angel to his servant john now the greek words translated as shortly take place literally mean suddenly and it means to speedily come into being and the implication being once they start they're going to happen in rapid succession and grow more intense as they begin to unfold does it seem like things are picking up speed lately things are happening and becoming more and more intense and let me just remind you that the tribulation is a time of god's wrath that's not the good part for us we don't have an appointment with god's wrath according to first thessalonians 5 9 the wrath of god for as many as received him who believed in the name of christ was satisfied in the blood of christ poured out on the cross and that group can be added to daily and it's still being added to today it's not too late to get ready if you're not ready out there online or if you're not ready in the room get ready jesus is coming soon now we are ready and awaiting his return not to the earth but to meet the church in the dead in christ in the air and join him at the marriage supper of the lamb followed by the bema seed of jesus christ now i want to remind you as i said of three things this morning so let's go ahead and start the message with prayer father we are grateful to be in your house today we're thankful for your word pray that you would give us aid to both hear and to speak the rightly divided truths of your word god we thank you that you've given us so much detailed information so that we can look up knowing that indeed there is an hour and a day coming which no one knows specifically but we know the signs that it's near god that you would stir our hearts up to love and good works as we assemble together in your mighty name of which there is none like it we pray these things in the name of our lord yeshua and all god's people said amen now first thessalonians 4 13 through verse 5 of chapter 5 tells us this lengthy read but we've got to do it but i do not want you to be ignorant brethren concerning those who have died or fallen asleep lest you sorrow as others who have no hope for if we believe that jesus died and rose again do you even so god will bring with him those who died in christ for this we say to you by the word of the lord that we who are alive and remain everybody alive here until the coming of the lord will by no means precede those who are asleep for the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of god and the dead in christ will rise first they need to rise first because we have a six foot head start they rise first and then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord where in the air and listen to this and thus we will always be with the lord therefore comfort one another with these words listen to what paul says but concerning the times and the seasons brethren you have no need that i should write to you for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord so comes as a thief in the night for when they say what's it say peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman and they shall not escape but you brethren are not in darkness so that this day should overtake you as a thief you are all sons of light sons of the day we are not of the night nor of the darkness somebody say thank you jesus now we know from second thessalonians that someone or someone's were troubling the thessalonians by saying the day of the lord has already come so in second thessalonians paul said hey check out first thessalonians 4 13 to 5 5 and remember the things that i told you when i was with you for three sabbaths the fact is they were worried about their dead loved ones not being raised if the day of the lord had already come and he reminded them of what we just read now it is clear that no one knows the day or the hour right if jesus said no one knows the day or the hour that means no one knows the day or the hour and we also as we're told here and by jesus in the olivet discourse that there are societal features that will not be just present but dominant at the time of the rapture and the ensuing tribulation jesus said it will be like noah's day noah's day was a time filled with violence all over the earth noah's day was a day where the thoughts and intents of man's heart were focused on evil continually jesus said it will be a time where people conduct business as usual not heeding the impending signs of judgment just as happened with noah when he was building a made a massive ship on dry land for over a hundred years on a planet where it had never rained people went about their business and didn't know what was coming until the day god himself shut the door of the ark paul here says sudden destruction will be preceded by a season where peace and safety is the global demand of a christ-rejecting world now the phrase say peace and safety needs a closer look the word say means to call for or to teach peace means prosperity or a state of national tranquility safety means security from enemies and danger is the world calling for equality of prosperity and safety today absolutely look at this article from the associated press dated september 19th 2021 thousands marching ukraine for lgbt rights and what safety 7 000 people gather in the ukrainian capital on sunday for the annual march for equality to support the rights of the country's lgbt community equipped with colorful costumes and what kind of flags well you got to know the devil's behind it because the rainbow signifies a covenant of god never destroying the earth by water he is going to destroy the earth by fire but did i mention we're not going to be here for the tribulation okay well keep that in mind as we talk about these things this morning they were carrying banners reading fight for right and participants announced eight demands for ukrainian authorities including the legalization of civil partnerships for lgbt people and a creation of laws against lgbt hate crimes you know what an lgbt hate crime is it's saying that homosexuality is a sin is that our opinion no that's what god says right now the associated press says the world must wake up task daunting as u.n meeting opens in person and on screen the world leaders return to the united nothing i mean nations foremost gathering for the first time in the pandemic era on tuesday with a formidable diplomacy backed agenda and sharply worded warning from the international organization's leader we face the greatest cascade of crisis in our lifetime according to secretary general antonio gutierrez as he rang the alarm in his annual state of the world speech at the opening of the un general assembly's high-level meeting for leaders of its 193 member nations now also we're told in an article according to mark levin from abc news that he is warning of american marxism is that growing in popularity in our country today absolutely conservative radio host and best-selling author uh mark levin claimed thursday that the freedom and lifestyle of americans are at risk if progressive ideas he linked to marxism are allowed to take hold he said there are people who are trying to take advantage of this country and do what destroy it he told the national death jam jeffcoat if we don't stand up against it nobody is going to stand up against it now consider these articles the lgbt community wants safety from people telling them their behavior is sinful listen god loves the homosexual community jesus died for the homosexual community and what they're looking for is not acceptance what they're looking for is exemption they want to be able to practice the lifestyle that they choose and yet be a part of the body of christ listen if the liar has to repent if the thief has to repent if the gossip has to repent if the adulterer has to repent then the lgbt community has to repent as well amen it's not that we hate them it's not that we don't believe they can be saved listen we were all messed up when he saved us you heard me say we right but where you at we were all messed up when he saved us and that's the business that he is in and listen prosperity and security is the cry of the world today and the reason that sudden destruction is not far off is this listen this morning first of three considerations suddenly moral standards and behavior are determined and justified by feelings and emotions suddenly just all of a sudden moral standards and behavior are determined and justified by feelings and emotions now there's a word for this and it is as we mentioned earlier lawlessness now there have always been people who didn't like what the bible says there's always been people who didn't like or don't like being called a sinner that's nothing new nobody's ever warmed up to being called a sinner but you need to know you're a sinner in order to understand you have a need for a savior amen and today we have identity politics which is the forming of political alliances based solely on a shared social belief or an injustice and the degree of injustice whether real or perceives validates the behavior of the group which would include in their actions rioting and burning down other people's businesses now we might say listen rioting and looting is nothing new and that's true but the government standing by and doing nothing about it and even endorsing it that's new and it suddenly has come on the world scene and listen to psalm 24 1-5 king david writes this the earth is the lord and all its fullness the world and those who dwell therein for he has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters who may have sent to the hill of the lord or who may stand in his holy place he who has clean hands and a one pure heart who has not lifted up his soul to an idol nor sworn deceitfully he shall receive blessing from the lord and righteousness from the god of his salvation now listen this morning there are too many churches today who are teaching from the book of second opinions [Applause] they are teaching feelings and emotion-based biblical precepts at least they claim them to be now can i give it to you straight up here just say yes because you're getting it [Applause] god does not have a suggestion box he does not have a suggestion box he's not looking for human input as to how right and wrong is to be defined and oftentimes today when a pastor says something that is convicting that people don't like or agree with they don't change their ways they just change churches and go somewhere where their ears are going to be tickled from people who will preach what they want to hear things that make them feel better in their sin how many know who jay vernon mcgee is dr jay i like to call him listen he said something that i've quoted many times i just love how his uh texas wisdom is expressed dr j said this this is god's universe and he does what he wants you may think you have a better way but you don't have a universe [Applause] listen the world is crying out for equality of outcome equality of prosperity the redistribution of wealth which is socialism which by the way is a sin did you hear what i said socialism is a sin god does not want us trusting in the government to provide for us he wants us trusting in him that's why jesus said in a sermon on the mount don't worry about your stuff i'll take care of you now i just have to be honest this morning well i'm honest all the time i should say i don't want to qualify that way this morning i don't want my doctor making the same amount of money as the guy flipping my hamburger i want my doctor him or her well educated and well compensated for me visiting the burger flipping guy too often i don't want them making the same thing amen now the prosperity and safety that the world is crying out for is not the peace that passes understanding that guards the heart and mind through christ jesus the prosperity and safety the world is looking for is everybody doing whatever is right in their own eyes without consequence which is exactly what it was like in the days of noah and when that cry becomes unified and global sudden destruction is at the door and about to come upon the world however again first thessalonians 4 17 i'll remind you what we read a moment ago we who are alive and remain shall be our puzzled caught up together snatched away by force with them the dead in christ to meet the lord in the air and thus again we shall always say always always be with the lord i like to put it like this we have to remember the great escape precedes the great tribulation now people often say aye you pre-tribulation rapture people all you care about is escaping the tribulation you caught me [Applause] busted i want nothing to do with it do you as though that's a negative that you don't want to go through the tribulation now moving on i don't have any news stories to support our next point but you'll see why in a moment so let's just get with it we live in a time and season where the world is rapidly changing the pandemic is being used to normalize government overreach for the supposed greater good events that will ultimately lead to the acceptance of the mark of the beast are being implemented limited buying and selling and travel to groups who can or cannot prove their vaccine status none of these things are the mark and the vaccine is not the mark how do we know it's the mark of the beast and there is no beast the beast can't rise up until the church is taken out of the way somebody say amen now but the world is being prepared through normalization to accept the mark of the beast the world today is filled with violence the world today is filled with ethnic tensions wars and rumors of wars famines around the world people are starving all over the world food prices are skyrocketing pestilence is global strange geological and atmospheric anomalies are happening all around the world as jesus said they would and paul wrote in second thessalonians 2 7 to 8 that the mystery of lawlessness is already at work are things becoming more and more lawless by the day only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way and then the lawless one the son of perdition the antichrist the beast of revelation 13 will be revealed whom the lord will consume with the breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming listen the only restraining force that is holding back out and out lawlessness in the world today is the presence of the holy spirit in the temples that are on the earth which is the people of the church the people of the church are the temples of the holy spirit and the holy spirit's resistance to out and out lawlessness has to be removed before the sun destruction allowing for the revelation of the lawless one we can't be here when the tribulation begins it makes no prophetic or biblical sense it will happen at a time when things are as bad as they were in noah's day a time where the righteous are relatively few in number in comparison to the global population a time where man in essence is seeking to dethrone god a time where jews and christians are hated by all a time where good is called evil and evil is called good a time where fiction has replaced facts where man acts and thinks that god is irrelevant and that man is in control of his own destiny and much of the church today will not endure sound doctrine as paul prophesied in second timothy 4 3. much of the church has ceased from being salt and light and is being trampled underfoot by men people including family members are and will continue to turn on each other and betray one another jesus said this is what's going to happen in the last days listen we were at our hotel the first night we got here and we got on the elevator and remember we're from the left coast we're from southern california you know there are some of us who actually still have our brain cells intact in california but we got on the elevator and it was very interesting uh especially where we live in orange county there there's still people masking up and if you're more comfortable doing that not saying anything negative about it you want to wear a mask go for it amen i'm going to point fingers at anybody for doing something that protects their health now we got on the elevator and this couple was already in the elevator and as soon as we got on without our mask on you would think that we were at the circus and they got shot out of a cannon i mean they were out of that elevator like that and they ran over to the other bank of elevators on the other side of the little hallway there and as they did that they turned around and my wife terry smiled at the woman and she decided that she was going to call my wife some vile name and she did the world has lost its mind it's at its lowest point since the days of noah and yet are you ready for this oh you're not well it's coming anyway did we not start with the scripture be ready okay well be ready are you ready for this listen this morning this is the most exciting thing we're going to hear on any given day when all of these things are happening around us suddenly one day we will open our eyes and be looking at jesus as pastor gary read for us in revelation 22 12 jesus said behold i am coming home quickly and my reward is with me to give to everyone according to his work now the giving of rewards happens in heaven while the tribulation is going uh or happening on the earth it happens at the bema seed of christ and the word coming here that jesus uses is not the greek word perusia which speaks of the second coming it's the greek term erkomai and it means to appear or to make an appearance jesus is about to make an appearance in the sky so say think about this as we make our way through the craziness that our world has fallen into one day we're going to wake up and it's going to be the day that we have all been waiting for the day that we can see approaching now in first corinthians 15 50 to 55 paul says now this i say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god nor does corruption inherit incorruption behold i tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep or die but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound the dead will be raised incorruptable and we shall be what changed for this corruptible must put on incorruption this mortal must put on immortality so when this corruptible is put on incorruption and this mortal has put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory oh death where is your sting oh hades where is your victory did jesus say he was coming back to take us to where he is to the father's house well listen we can't go looking like this [Applause] we're going to need an upgrade how many are looking forward to that upgrade amen listen i've been saying at these recent conferences you know in getting a little bit older and i stress a little bit things are changing i've noticed when i get up in the morning before my feet hit the floor i have to do a systems analysis [Applause] to see if everything is actually functional i look down are those my feet are they touching the floor we have to run through all these things as we get older i'm looking forward to my new body aren't you now okay i want to give you a little bit of a test here and uh it will help us understand exactly what we're talking about now listen everybody in the room everybody online blink your eyes one time just one time just blink your eyes consider this one of the times that you do that when they open back up you're going to be looking at jesus now i know that you are looking forward to hearing the other speakers today but i also know that they and i would agree that the twinkling of an eye experience is better than anything we have to say amen and guess what it's going to happen one day suddenly you'll open your eyes and you're going to be looking at jesus now you know why there's no news stories to support this it hasn't happened yet but there'll be plenty of news afterwards ufos and cosmic cleansing and all these other offerings that are already in the works today now maybe you're thinking you know this ought to be the last point well no it shouldn't because this happens before the lawless one is going to be revealed and sudden destruction comes upon the earth now in hebrews 12 25 we're told see that you not do not refuse him who speaks for if they did not escape who refused him who spoke on the earth much more shall we not escape if we turn from him who speaks from where heaven whose voice shook the earth but now he has promised saying yet once more i shake not only the earth but also heaven now this yet once more indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken as of things that are made that the things which cannot be shaken may remain aren't you glad we can't be snatched from the father's hand i'm actually glad we can't be separated from his love therefore since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken let us have grace by which we may serve god acceptably with what and godly fear why for our god is a consuming fire not used to me he still is is judgment coming absolutely judgment is coming upon the whole world can he and his majestic power shake the heavens and the earth should we tell others the judgment is coming absolutely well they don't like to hear it do they need to absolutely yet many in the church today shy away from warning about the tribulation when god deals directly with israel and simultaneously punishes a christ-rejecting world now sometime go back and read the preamble to the olivet discourse in matthew 24 3-8 and consider the news stories and how they're developing and advancing what jesus mentioned uh as precursors to the whole package being fulfilled in those verses i want to read some headlines to you that are coming uh these are just from the past week and there's been others added since i've put these together the atlantic hurricane season is maintaining a prolific pace and they are again looking at the development of hurricanes and we've still got a bit of time to go out all over the planet in the caribbean specifically record rainfall continual stories in the past few months about record rainfall all over the world you've got the left coast that is basically dry and fire ridden and you've got other parts of the country that are being absolutely inundated by rain this wildfire uh weather forecast for the san francisco bay area pg e pacific gas and electric may shut off power in the cities the uk meat industry says that an imminent threat to supplies is coming from a co2 crisis used in packaging and the processing of meat america's next hot import might be record energy prices british energy firms fear collapses europe's gas seas gas crisis sees prices surge how much 250 percent listen i'm not too happy clappy about the gas prices in california going from three bucks to almost five bucks in the last 11 or 10 months gas prices in the uk we're told could trigger food shortages within weeks ken burns a historicist says current times equal to civil war depression and world war ii it's really serious marjorie taylor green threatens god will no longer provide protection over america i don't know if i agree with that his church is still here the gates of hell will not prevail against this church amen the dow plunges 700 points then the next day it plunged another 850 points uh as experts fear great recession style collapse in china and the u.s treasury's yellen says debt default would permanently in america are things changing in our country absolutely and things are becoming more and more frequent and intense as time progresses now one more thing i have to say i would never want to be gavin newsom three days ago he signed into law that california students can be taken from their campus receive an abortion or a sexual related procedure without their parents permission or knowledge it's now law in california now let me just say this newsome doesn't need just to hear from californians and americans we demand our rights as parents he doesn't just need to hear we don't like that you did that we disagree newsome needs to hear repent for our god is a consuming fire and remember here in the great state of virginia that if pastors had not taken a stand during the revolutionary war we would be talking on the telly riding the lift in the mall and putting our groceries in the boot of our cars if pastors had not taken a stand but the church stood up and said tyranny doesn't play well here and we will not stand for it now the church of late has been telling itself for far too long that it's a hospital for sinners and listen the church has a hospital but the church is not a hospital it has an infirmary but the whole church is not an infirmary how do we know because people in the infirmary aren't on the battlefield this is the the briefing center for the army of the lord we come together to be equipped for the work of ministry and listen when god heals us and we need to understand something people go through traumatic things in life and god is patient and kind with them and like the man who couldn't see clearly sometimes the lord has to touch us more than once in order to get us to where we need to be and to see things clearly but the fact is we need to remember that when jesus heals somebody you don't even walk with a limp anymore jesus heals completely and instantaneously and when we come to christ our sins are completely forgiven and by his stripes we have been healed and we go from being against him to being for him we go from being wounded to being a soldier in the army of the lord yes the church has a hospital but the church is not a hospital we've been forgiven and made free cleansed by the blood of the lamb cleared from all of our unrighteous behavior and we friends today and in churches around the world are in the briefing room for the undefeatable army of god we need to change how we look at ourselves in these last days in romans 8 22 to 23 we're told we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs until now not only that but we also who have the first fruits of the spirit even we ourselves grown within ourselves eagerly waiting for the adoption which is the redemption of our what our bodies now i think we're all quite aware of students of prophecy that the united states is not mentioned in the last days scenario the four horsemen in the apocalypse bring famine and murder to the world killing a quarter of the world's population at the sounding of the sixth trumpet another third of the earth's population is killed there's what i believe to be an asteroid strike that hits the earth during the tribulation there's clearly a comet strike that strikes the earth making bitter or radioactive all the world's fresh water drinking supply and revelation 16 says there's going to be an earthquake that exceeds every earthquake since men were on the face of the earth oh did i mention we're not going to be here for any of this no so why do we need to know about it well think about it if there were a verified asteroid headed our way and it wasn't just some sensationalist reporting on uh blood moons or any of these other things that we've had fly by in recent years but if there was a valid concern about an asteroid striking the earth with the potential to kill millions or billions of people what else would we be talking about wouldn't that be the subject matter of every conversation of people around the world thank you honey my wife my wife agrees i'm not sure listen lunch is after the next speaker so if you already went already get back in here now remember jonah who had a rather unique method of transportation to get to the mission field do you remember what his message was to the wicked assyrian capital of nineveh in jonah 3 1-10 we're told that the word of the lord came to jonah the second time saying arise go to nineveh that great city and preach to it the message that i tell you so jonah arose and went to nineveh according to the word of the lord now nineveh was an exceedingly great city a three-day journey in extent people can walk about 25 miles a day especially in a pedestrian society so the city was like 75 miles wide and jonah began to enter the city on the first day's walk then he cried out and said yet forty days and nineveh shall be overthrown and the people of nineveh believed god so they proclaimed the fast they put on sackcloth from the greatest to the least of them then the word of the lord came to the king of nineveh and he arose from his throne and laid aside his robe covered himself with sackcloths and satin ashes and he caused it to be proclaimed and published throughout nineveh by the decree of the king and his noble saying let neither man nor beast herd nor flock taste anything do not let them eat or drink water but man and beast be covered with sackcloth the outer expressions of mourning and cry mightily to who god yes let everyone turn from his evil way and from the violence that is in his hands who can tell if god will turn in relent and turn away from his fierce anger so that we may not perish then god saw their works that they turned from their evil way and god relented from the disaster that he had said he would bring upon them and he did not do it now let me ask you something did jonah preach about the love of god did jonah preach about the omniscience of god did jonah preach about the power of god did jonah teach about the wisdom of god did he preach about the mercy of god what did he preach on the judgment of god and the whole country repented from king to commoner so who do you think wants the church to be silent about the impending judgment god or satan satan obviously now listen here's our concluding point after the rapture suddenly the king of kings will fight his enemies and take back what is his suddenly the king of kings will fight his enemies and take back what is his are we not told to pray thy kingdom come thy where on earth as it is in heaven is satan just going to hand the world back over to jesus and say you win no he's going to fight isn't he is he not referred to as the god of this world all right did you think the audience participation portion was over [Applause] is satan not referred to as the god of this world now many believe the scroll in the right hand of him who sits on the throne of revelation chapter 4 is the title deed to the earth the one after the living and the dead or searched heaven and earth are searched who is found worthy to open its seals is the lamb who was slain and we need to remember the lamb who is slain is also the lion of the tribe of judah and he is coming back and the world and satan are going to learn that their weapons are futile against the king of heaven listen the king of heaven fights with hailstones of fire mingled with blood mountains burning with fire demon hordes released from the bottomless pit he fights by darkening the sun and the moon he fights by causing the earth to reel to and fro like a drunken man he fights with comet strikes poisoning the earth's drinking water supply and darkness that is so cold that it hurts zechariah 14 12 says and this shall be the plague with which the lord will strike all the people who fought against jerusalem their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets and their tongue shall dissolve in their mouths and get this when the battle of the great day of god almighty has come and that's what revelation 16 14 describes it as we're coming with him when he returns to the earth to claim what it's his listen there's a set of verses i get into as many messages as i possibly can and it's revelation 19 11-16 now i saw heaven open and behold a white horse and he who sat on him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he judges and makes war his eyes were like a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns he had a name written that no one knew except himself he was clothed with the robe dipped in blood and his name is called who's the word of god jesus and the armies in heaven did you know you're in the bible here we are the armies in heaven clothed in fine linen verse 8 says the final inning is the righteous acts of the saints white and clean followed him on white horses now out of his mouth goes a sharp sword that with it he should strike the nations and he himself will rule them with a round of iron he himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of almighty god and he has on his robe and on his side a name written read it out loud king of kings and lord of lords amen listen the room got quiet but as soon as we started talking about judgment nobody wants to talk about judgment nobody wants to think about these things but the reason it's important for us to recognize him is that it should create a desperation in us for the lost and perishing around us because these things that we just talked about are what the world's going to go through and listen i don't think any of us if we got a glimpse of hell would even want our worst enemy to go there i don't think any of us if we really understood the gravity of eternity and the lake of fire and people spending the balance of eternity which is forever and ever and ever in such a place it would change our attitude when we look to the lost when we're called filthy names by someone jumping off the elevator when our governor has the last name of newsome when the speaker of the house and yes god can even save nancy pelosi amen we need to be praying that he does and hopefully soon [Applause] but the world suddenly is going to be thrown into a time of tribulation like it has never seen and that should break our hearts knowing that people around us are perishing by the billions tribulation is a time where all israel is going to be saved zechariah tells us that two-thirds of israel are going to die during the tribulation the blood of the martyrs is going to be avenged satan is going to be bound for a thousand years and this place is finally going to be run the way it should have been by the rightful king of the earth who is the king of kings and lord of lords and we're going to rule and reign with him it will take the world by surprise but we're not of the world we're not of the night we are not of the darkness we are ready and awaiting his return at any second for his bride and we will forever be with the lord therefore comfort one another with these words amen father again we are grateful for these truths that we have encountered today we thank you that you didn't shy away from the heavy stuff in your book you told us what it's going to be like so lord we would go about your business of rescuing those drawn towards death and holding back those who are stumbling to the slaughter and lord we pray that as an end result of this time that we would not only be better educated and well informed but god that by your spirit you would give us a passion for the lost souls who are perishing around us especially in this place and its proximity to the most powerful house on the surface of the entire world on pennsylvania avenue help us lord to reach out to those who are around us and hold them back from this impending judgment that is showing signs of its nearness all around the world thank you that you have made a way of escape for us and help us to grab as many as we can when it's time to go we pray this in jesus name amen thank you [Music] there's a man with guts not scared to speak forth the word of god in a day where we are being shamed [Music] thank you pastor barry and terry who remembers the two steps as pertaining to the lineup what is step one go to youtube or if you have the app just push it okay step two any questions few things before we break i'm going to make an executive decision to keep it tight we are running ahead schedule which is really good and very satisfying i might add i also want to just say before we break um we're going to break and then come back at 10 to 11 that's 20 minutes uh quiz time true or false we will come back at 10 to 11 instead of 11. oh let me ask it this way true or false we are going to come back at 11. false what time are we going to be back yes now before you go i want to promote and and for those of you are online you can probably see this i'll get it with different angles with the lighting and reflection yeah he's given me a thumbs up so you can see that um on amazon pastor berry has this wonderful devotional which i highly recommend it's called besides still waters and he takes you through the psalms from a cultural historical focal point and then he weds in some devotional thoughts so if you're looking for the one-stop shop of bible scholarship historical knowledge situational awareness and cultural knowledge and a devotional all in one it's genius it's thick it's a big book i encourage you to get that and lastly um what is the one-stop-shop book that we offer and behold israel to give people kind of a springboard into the biblical prophecies funny you should say that that's available at the book table uh what time are you going to be back all right see you later over [Music] all the fear that keeps me from letting go and coming home i [Music] i will wait no [Music] is more [Applause] [Music] us the way it is [Music] he is [Music] he [Music] is over [Music] in front of is is [Music] [Applause] us hallelujah save us [Music] is [Music] he [Music] is over way it is over [Music] [Music] my streams of mercy never cease [Music] jesus is [Music] [Music] daily i'm constrained to be let thy [Music] rosy [Music] [Music] seal it for thy [Music] is [Music] thank you jesus thank you for your unfailing thank you jesus thank you your kindness leads us home more faithful than the sun more steadfast than the stars above [Music] forever [Music] forever [Music] [Music] stay jesus thank you for calling us your own you jesus thank you [Music] [Music] forever forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we will fight against the darkness [Music] [Music] in the power of your presence [Music] i wanna be a city on that i could illuminate illuminate the dark would you help me be a city on a hill i want to illuminate illuminate the dark i was made to glorify a tabernacle i was made to lift you high [Music] i was made to glorify [Music] i was made to lift you high [Music] i will you help me [Music] i was made to lift you high i was made to glorify [Music] [Music] i was [Music] i was [Music] [Music] i've been anointed [Music] holding me is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i was [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] two minute warning two minutes go on in and have your seats i'm gonna be back in two minutes [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] all righty folks two minutes have expired and we are at the time of the hour just keep in mind um amir will be here throughout the day uh we had a wonderful and miraculous time at the chiropractor this morning as pastor gary said and that guy adjusted him uh this afternoon we will have also a time for greet meet and greet with a mirror that's going to be after the q a remember this remember this remember this ask any question you want on one of the cards at our table and leave it there actually actually there is a system that i'll announce later to make that work because we want to have a q a at the very end that will help you as in your journey of understanding the bible and prophecy to provide some clarity and perspectives from some of the different uh speakers now how many of you just out of curiosity have seen any of the the behold israel content online including prayer meetings uh middle east updates and so on okay wow so a lot of you how many of you actually attend this church just give me a okay also quite a lot of you now you people that just raised your hand can i just say this pastor gary the proverb says let somebody else brag about you and uh that so i'm i i get to do that a little bit pl please even though yeah so there are a lot of churches that we go to folks a lot and leaders of many kinds leaders with many different kinds of attitudes and perspectives and when we first came here and we first engaged this entire church staff in which uh gary is is uh running here as the senior lead pastor one thing really stood out and that is his leadership style which is humble and godly that's number one number two the church staff that is very servant-hearted it's it's clearly visible by the way it's very i know that that that's a culture that's not easy to develop but also and probably equally as important is bible teaching a lot of you write yes yes pinch yourself we are on the east coast we are in the bastion where the world and the globalism is centered in so many ways where a lot of pastors and leaders would be petrified to speak about the things that we're speaking about today if you don't know about gary hamrick step one go to youtube step two just type his name or cornerstone chapel either way and there's plenty of content there my job our job is to equip you as the saints for works of good service and understanding and discernment in the last days and so gary's wife is also named terry so we have barry and terry and gary and terry [Applause] pastor barry let's give a warm welcome to his own church balbit come on up here [Applause] [Music] thank you for all that mike and it's gary all right barry gary and terry squared right so we uh we try to make it easy for you you know and you all coming from the west coast uh and the land of fruits and nuts welcome to the land of politics the washington dc area politics from two greek words poly meaning people and ticks meaning blood suckers that's that's where we are so it's good to come to church be in the house of the lord uh so a few months ago amir contacted me hey would you like to host this conference at your church and knowing him as many years as i have i said of course you know come and and i said what's the conference about he said awaiting his return great and then later he said would you be one of the speakers i said all right and so i said what do you want me to talk about he said talk about the second coming of jesus all right and so uh earlier in the week my wife said to me what are you what are you going to be talking about i said i'm going to be talking about the second coming of jesus then my kids said what are you going to be talking about i'm going to be talking about the second coming of jesus when when pastor berry was sharing amir leaned over to him he said what are you going to be talking about today i'm going to be talking about the second coming of jesus that's what we're here for so um you know i'm glad i get to go second because if you know by the time amir gets up it we're overlapping some of this information you understand and the reason is because we're teaching from the same book so you're gonna you're gonna hear some of the same material and some of the same verses but i'm going to trust that the holy spirit knows what we need to hear so that by the time amir gets up he's just going to share the benediction but anyway it is so good to to be here with you and to open our church to host this conference obviously you were here not because you need to be convinced about the second coming you already know jesus is coming again and so i'm not going to spend my tr my time trying to convince you of something you already know and believe instead i'm going to use my time this morning to focus on two questions the first question is what are the two phases of the lord's second coming what are the two phases of the lord's second coming and then the second question is more practical the first question is somewhat theological what are the two phases of the lord's second coming and the second question is more practical how can we be ready for phase one how can we be ready for phase one so let's pray and then we'll dive into our time together lord we thank you for this day you've given us we pray lord that you are glorified in all that is said and sung and the time of fellowship and the time breaking bread after this session lord as we eat together and as we spend time in your house we just pray that you would stir our hearts to the things that we know to be true that you are coming again and may you find us ready and watching and eager for your imminent return we love you and we praise you together in jesus name and everybody said amen well i uh i grew up in the 70s and the 70s were a time of fleetwood mac and the brady bunch and uh the end of the vietnam we have some clapping for the brady bunch that's in that's intriguing the end of the vietnam war and watergate and jimmy carter and terry bradshaw and bell bottoms and hippies and flower children that was all part of the 70s but something else that happened in the the decade of the 70s was there was a sweeping revival that happened across america and it was dubbed the jesus movement how many of you are familiar with the jesus movement where thousands of hippies turn to jesus because they were tired of all the anti-god and anti-authority and free love free sex-free drug culture that had left them empty and unfulfilled calvary chapel and chuck smith were really at the center of that jesus movement and uh and and by extension our church was birthed uh a couple decades later out of this revival uh time magazine documented this revival in 1971 as did newsweek and rolling stone magazine life magazine made it a title article in 1972 and then in 1973 a movie was released about the second coming called a thief in the night how many of you remember this movie a thief in the night many of you do uh you can tell by the amazing graphics that it was a top-notch high-budget christian film uh to be honest with you it was actually pretty cheesy but the content at least in terms of the material was was good i remember the first time i saw this i was 10 years old and i got to be honest with you it scared the bejeezies out of me and i didn't even know i had bejesis in me and i wasn't the only one who who was scared i looked up recently i looked up online on and the first four reviews were from people like me who had watched it as a kid and the titles of their reviews of that movie were here they are here's the first review disturbing the second review traumatizing the third review gave me nightmares for years the fourth review titled disturbing again and then the fifth review i want to read a little bit of it from the fifth review on this movie quote i saw this movie twice in the 1970s i was of the tender age of six and then again when i was eight he saw it this movie terrified my brother and i and shaped how we viewed the world with distrust it wasn't just the movie but it was also the philosophy that engulfs so many quote christians about the quote mark of the beast and the rapture this movie the church and a volatile neglectful upbringing led to severe a paranoia towards the future for years i lived under the delusional effects of the church and fear of being forgotten by christ and this person went on to say now 40 years old and and still experiencing uh trauma and getting years of counseling so i mention this because this is somewhat my background okay i i kind of cut my teeth on this movie i cut my teeth on books by hal lindsey like the late great planet earth and a new world coming uh but but all of this that we're talking about today and movies like this from the 70s and the left behind series none of this listen to me on this none of this should make you scared all of it should make you prepared there's a big difference you shouldn't be scared we have no reason to be scared about these things all of this that we're talking about is in order to prepare you not to scare you now if you do want to be scared for fun you can look this up it's still on vimeo and you can watch it for free but what are the two phases of the lord's second coming whenever people talk about the second coming i often wonder which phase are you referring to are you talking about phase one or phase two because there are two phases oftentimes people will blend the two together in conversations they'll talk about the trumpet call of god and the dead in christ rising and when jesus comes back to the earth as if it's one event but there are distinct and separate events and so let's let's be clear the way that we can distinguish phase one from phase two are with two particular phrases write these down if you're taking notes phase one is about in the air in the air i tried to study as best as i could and my grammar teacher told me that's called a prepositional phrase so the first prepositional phrase for phase one is in the air phase two is on the earth on the earth these are two distinct phases now for those of you who are from cornerstone and you've been with us we finished up a series in the book of revelation several months ago so some of this will be familiar and somewhat repetitive but i want to put a timeline on the wall so that we can understand what these phases that are about that we're talking about whatever happened to my to my well here let's try again well what just happened there we are no i'm still that's still way ahead there we go okay all right thank you i thought i'd been raptured there for a moment i don't this is the timeline of events jesus ascended and when jesus ascended the church age began are we living in the church aid yes yes or no we're living in the church age or the church age however you want to say that we're living in the church age the church age will end when jesus comes in the air to rapture the church we're going to talk about this a little bit and then it is followed by seven years of tribulation now you're going to hear my slant in this teaching also just like pastor barry i believe in the pre-trib rapture of the church if you want to be mid-trib or post-trib you're free to be wrong but i just want to i'm kidding there's great brothers and sisters who debate about this but i believe the great preponderance of scripture teaches a pre-tribulation rapture of the church in other words that the church of believers are taken from the earth before the tribulation occurs and so that's when i read scripture how i see the two phases separated because there's seven years of tribulation outlined between revelation 6 and 18 that separate when jesus takes the bride takes the church from the earth in what we call the rapture and when jesus comes to the earth to establish his kingdom for a thousand years and then there's followed by the lake of fire the great white throne judgment a new heaven and new earth we won't get into all that today what we're going to focus on are these two phases phase one jesus second coming in the air again some of this is going to be repetitive because we're reading from the same book but i'm going to read for you from first thessalonians 4 15 to 18 where we get this doctrine and i hear people talk about how well the word rapture is nowhere in the bible true but neither is the word trinity and yet we still believe it and teach it there's it's derived from a latin word in this text i'm going to read to you from english translated from greek but the latin vulgate when it translated what i'm about to read to you it uses the word raptures for the word seized or caught up and we get we derive our english word rapture from that latin word rapture so here we go first thessalonians 4 15 to 18. for this we say to you by the word of the lord that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the lord will by no means precede those who are asleep those who have died for the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of god and the dead in christ will rise first and then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up there's the word caught up harpazzo in the greek raptus in the latin we will be raptured we will be caught up we will be taken we will be seized together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air there's your prepositional phrase in the air and thus we shall always be with the lord therefore comfort one another with these words now listen to that ending there therefore comfort one another with these words you see again we're not appointed unto wrath but to receive salvation from our lord jesus christ if in fact we go through the tribulation why would paul said comfort each other with these words that wouldn't be very comforting he's telling us to comfort one another with these words because we are taken prior to the tribulation we are ceased we are snatched that jesus comes in the air he comes in the clouds just enough to receive his bride to snatch us up from the earth he comes just in the upper atmosphere and he sounds a trumpet the trumpet of god is sounded and the dead in christ dries first now people have asked me you know will everybody in the world be able to hear this trumpet blast or will only believers who have their ears inclined to this know when the trumpet is sounded i don't know is it like a dog whistle only the dogs know and can hear that thing i don't know all i know is when the sound is sounded i'm out of here anybody else right so this trumpet is sounded and the dead in christ dries first now listen we have to understand someone who has died in the lord their spirit is presently with jesus now in heaven to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord but they have left behind a a corpse a a a shell you know there's a a little um epitaph i share at funerals that was a true epitaph off of a tombstone it says here lies the body of old man peas okay spelled just like green peas here lies the body of old man peas buried beneath the flowers and trees peas ain't here just the pod peas shelled out and went to god so when we when we go to god we leave the shell behind and it returns to dust from dust we were created to dust we shall return 17 chemical elements the same as dirt mostly hydrogen and oxygen and 15 other trace elements that's what your body is composed of just like dirt so our bodies decay you can spend 30 years naturally decomp decomposing or about 30 minutes if you are cremated it really makes no difference your body is going to return to dust your spirit has been with the lord but what about your body because we're going to get glorified bodies so when paul writes there about the dead in christ rise first it's not don't believe the doctrine of soul sleep when jehovah's witnesses knock on your door and try to convince you of a doctrine called soul sleep it's not in the bible the the bible tells us to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord well then what rises from the grave the shall the pod that needs to be glorified to be reunited with your spirit so you can get a glorified body just like jesus has and so the dead in christ will rise first you say what about uncle henry uncle henry was cremated in his his ashes were scattered at sea how how's uncle henry gonna you know is the dead in christ how's that gonna work cause then after uncle henry was scattered at sea some sharks came along and probably ate all of his ashes listen to me on this listen to me on this okay the same god who created the universe will take care of uncle henry okay it's no problem for god no problem for god so god will regather all the molecular elements of uncle henry and all of your loved ones who may have been scattered and see god's gonna raise the dead to give us glorified bodies so that those glorified bodies can be reunited with the spirits of the saints that are in heaven okay then we who are alive and remain there's going to be a generation that doesn't experience natural death isn't that wonderful there's going to be a generation in the twinkling of an eye that is taken up you know we we will we will not all die but we will all be changed and the twinkling of an eye and we will be taken from this earth we will be snatched from this earth this is the rapture and this is the first phase of jesus's coming now i want you to try to imagine what the world will be like and this is where watching a thief in the night you know first really scared me and then you know you you read the left behind series you see some of the movies i mean i remember you know in the thief of the night people who were raptured all their clothing would be laid neatly neatly in their abs wherever they were like like all their clothing and shoes and their eyeglasses would be all laid out and and i just remember thinking do we do we go up naked what what in the world what in the world and how is it so neatly laid out like that so some of these things are a mystery to us but i do want you to imagine a world in chaos because it will be a world in chaos when whoever knows the number only god knows when when thousands of people uh perhaps millions i i don't know how many are really born again believers in jesus but but think about what the world will look like when believers are taken suddenly missing from the earth government will be even in more chaos than it already is now because believers within and it's not an oxymoron there are christian politicians but but think about what the government will look like think about what the military will look like when when suddenly christians are are taken think think about what uh your your families will look like well suddenly there's a spouse missing uh think about that you know airplanes and pilots you know are gone suddenly and autopilot uh you know aft after a while it runs out of fuel and planes are crashing and trains are derailing and hospitals will be missing doctors and nurses and i mean and and think about churches some churches will be empty and the woke churches will go on like normal sadly sadly [Applause] sadly but what will that day be like jesus will gather his elect from the four corners of the earth and take them to heaven where they will be sheltered for the duration of the tribulation period and then god will deal with planet earth who have been left behind during this seven year tribulation period outlined again between revelation 6 and 18 and then lord returns with his saints to the earth to defeat the armies that had gathered at har megiddo at armageddon and that brings us to phase two you know keep in mind that during the seven years of tribulation people will still be able to get saved it will be more difficult because you have to remember the church is absent god's presence and the holy spirit have been removed what what is still here is going to be very chaotic it's the world is going to be under great distress you know why would god inflict so much chaos and injury and harm upon the world as outlined between revelation 6 and 18 yeah you have to remember and i don't know what your salvation experience was like if in fact you you know christ as your savior what did it take for you to get to that place of surrender for some of us it came quickly for others of us it it took a lot and god had to use a lot of things in our lives to awaken us so you have to understand that this is god's last clarion call for an unbelieving christ-rejecting world so whenever people say well you know i look at the bible and i see all these terrible things that happen on the earth you know that and fresh water becomes bitter and and billions of people die and meteor showers and hailstones and all these terrible things and vegetation burned up and all of this this doesn't seem like it's consistent with the nature of a loving god my response to that is well what does it take to finally wake people up because it's the last call i mean it is the absolute last opportunity for people to spend eternity with him or not and so sometimes god has to put on the squeeze in order to get people to finally surrender to him that's what the tribulation's all about it's not an it's not an unloving god it is a loving god who goes to extreme measures to we to reach people who have extremely rejected him because he's gonna come again and that's phase two he's gonna come to the earth and zechariah 14 speaks about this the prophet zechariah saw this verses one to four he said behold the day of the lord is coming and your spoil will be divided in your midst for i will gather all the nations to battle against jerusalem the city shall be taken the houses rifled and the women ravished half of the city shall go into kept into captivity but the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city god always has a remnant by the way and then the lord will go forth and fight against those nations as he fights in the day of battle and in that day his feet will stand on the mount of olives which faces jerusalem on the east and the mount of olives shall be split in two from east to west making a very large valley half of the mountain shall move toward the north and half of it toward the south and so zechariah sees this day when the lord jesus shall return and he's even specific to the mount of olives east of jerusalem consistent with acts 1 11 when the disciples follow jesus out as jesus is ascending back into heaven remember how the angels appeared to the disciples and said why are you staring into heaven you know this same jesus will return to you in the same way in the same place from which you've seen him ascend he's going to come back to the mount of olives and when his foot touches the mount of olives when he comes to the earth there will be a great earthquake it will split the city and then the bible says a fresh water stream will flow from underneath the throne of god in the city of jerusalem and it will go down along the jordan river valley down to the dead sea and it will make the salty dead sea water 17 salinity it will ma it will make it um sorry it's it's 30 salinity it will make it fresh water it will turn the dead sea into fresh water teeming with life my pastor chuck smith always said if you want to get ahead of the game set up a bait and tackle shop down by the dead sea you're going to make a lot of money because it's coming and so the lord will return to the earth revelation 19 11 to 16. now i saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he who sat on him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he judges and makes war his eyes were like a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns he had a name written that no one knew except himself he was clothed with a robe dipped in blood and his name is called the word of god and the armies in heaven clothed in fine linen that's you and me coming with him white and clean followed him on white horses now out of his mouth goes a sharp sword that with that with it he should strike the nations and he himself will rule them with a rod of iron and he himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of almighty god and he has on his robe and on his thy name written king of kings and lord of lords and so the lord returns the battle of armageddon is the climax of the seven years of tribulation and jesus will return with the armies of heaven we will be accompanying him he will defeat every earthly army and every force that has advanced against israel and advanced against the god of israel and jesus will defeat those armies and establish his kingdom on earth for a thousand years the millennial reign and we will rule and reign with him and finally there will be peace because the prince of peace will be ruling now there's a lot that still happens after that satan is released for that thousand after that thousand years he's bound for the thousand and then the armies again come converge and there's you know a great delusion again around the earth and so there's a lot more that even transpires after that but but these are the two phases to the lord's second coming he comes in the air to receive the bride and then he comes to earth with the bride establishes his kingdom for a thousand years by the way job saw this job would write in job 19 25-27 i know that my redeemer lives and in the end he will stand upon the earth and after my skin has been destroyed yet in my flesh i will see god i myself will see him with my own eyes i and not another how my heart yearns within me does your heart yearn within you for the return of christ now you don't have to really concern yourself to be honest you don't really have to concern yourself with phase two if you're ready for phase one because if you're ready for phase one you'll just be a part of phase two it's phase one that we need to be ready for and by the way there is nothing there's let me qualify this there's still a lot to happen in prophecy in the bible but there's not anything prophetically that needs to happen before phase one the lord could return in the air to gather his church at any moment there's still there's not another bible prophecy that has to happen before that event since israel became a nation may the 14th 1948 there's been no reason except god's delay for his many people to be included in eternity that's the only reason that's the only reason he's waiting [Applause] for the last 73 years since israel became a nation we've been on borrowed time i want you to think about this for just a moment how many of you have been and if you don't want to reveal this you don't have to but some people are sensitive about this kind of thing but how many of you have been born since 1948 let me see your hands if you've been born since 1948 what a privilege because you know what this means what it means is that you have been born during a window of time where god's only delay was for the purpose of waiting for you that's the reason he's been delayed is to wait for you to be included in all of eternity paul would write in romans 11 he says i do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery brothers so that you may not be conceited israel has experienced a hardening impart until the full number of gentiles has come in you understand that part of god's delay is he's dealing with the jewish people and the nation of israel in particular but what that has allowed the rest of the world the the gentiles is a window of god's grace that we also might get saved he says israel's experience are hardening apart until the full number of gentiles has come in what is that full number well only god knows but there's going to be that one gentile who makes up that full number and then god's like all right son go so so if you don't know jesus as your savior and you're that one hold out would you please get saved because we'd like to see him and he's waiting for you you know i i can remember i don't know if you can relate to this i remember being as a little kid and then again you know watching a thief in the night and you're like oh jesus could return any time i remember being a little kid thinking jesus could you wait long enough just long enough so i could get married and have some kids you know when you're young you want lord just wait long enough i want to i want to be able to get married and have done that you know what i find interesting is like single people like i just want to wait till you know for jesus to come until i get married married people are like jesus come please now come now [Applause] so we're waiting for his return you know pre-trib mid-trib post-trib again i'm a pre-trib theologically but i'm a pan-trib practically it's all going to pan out you know what i'm saying to you and i just want to be ready so how can we be ready for phase one the return of christ in the air to gather the church how can we be ready for phase one four things that i think are important for us to understand about the second coming of christ related to phase one it motivates us to holy living it motivates us to holy living here's what peter said in second peter 3 you ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of god and speed its coming so then dear friends since you are looking forward to this make every effort listen make every effort to be found spotless blameless and at peace with god peter says the return of christ could happen at any moment now listen he's writing in the first century the early church lived with this constant expectancy of the imminent return of christ we should be living even that much more with constant expectancy of the imminent return of christ because we're closer to it now than the first century church was and peter says that regardless of when he comes because no man knows a day nor the hour only only only god does okay but whatever that day happens if we are living with this constant expectancy that he could come in the clouds at any moment it should motivate us to holy living we should be living as right before god we should be concerned about sin in our lives we should be quick to confess and repent to the lord we should be quick to run to the loving arms of jesus and ask for his forgiveness and his grace time and again whenever whenever we fail him we should have a short account with god because he could return at any moment and we as the bride need to be ready and part of being ready is to be right with him so knowing that he could return at any time in terms of phase one the trumpet call of god could sound at any moment we need to be right before him if you're not living holy it's because you're not living in the expectancy of his imminent return i mean it's just true i mean think about how did life change after 9 11. you know the churches were packed immediately after 9 11. why because people got sober about the reality of life and death and they realized you know they have to get their own life together and they and so they started going to churches and because when when you live with this recognition that life is short and and who knows what tomorrow holds and and when we as christians realize that jesus can come at any moment it should motivate us to holy living you know you know how it was when you know you you were a teenager and you're you're out with a pack of cigarettes in your backyard and your dad's at work and mom ran to the grocery store and you're out in the backyard and you're smoking away and you're keeping a watch out okay i know dad's at work but when's mom coming back from shopping and so you're you're watching her carefully and because you know as soon as mom comes back she's gonna catch me so i i gotta i gotta be doing this while mom's away right and so then and you finish your smoke oh she's pulled up quickly dab it out put it in the dirt go over to your neighbor's house in some eat some mint leaves that your neighbor had grown in the backyard i don't know whose story this is i'm just i'm just saying when you when you know oh they could come at any moment you see you're more aware of your behavior and as christians we need to be living like this it should motivate us to holy living number two the imminent return of christ it calibrates our perspective about life here on earth you ever feel out of place you should you should feel out of place this is not our home we're only passing through we're citizens of heaven ultimately we should be good citizens of earth while we have been given whatever lifespan we've been given but our ultimate citizenship is in heaven so you're going to feel sometimes strangely out of place living here on earth in the parable of the minus jesus compares himself to a certain nobleman who was going away on a long trip to receive another kingdom but he was going to come back and so jesus teaches this parable and he compares himself in the parable to this certain nobleman who then entrusts his property and his possessions to 10 of his servants and he says to his servants it's there in luke 19 13 occupy till i come occupy till i come be a good steward of what i'm entrusting to you until i return take care of what i'm leaving with you it's the idea that we we can't stop living just because we are waiting for the return of christ the church at thessaloni thessalonica was guilty of this very thing this is why paul had to write to them because they started to check out they're like well jesus can return at any moment so we're going to quit our jobs we're going to sit back we're going to eat some twinkies we're not going to really care about life anymore and then paul wrote in second thessalonians 3 10 if a man does not work he shall not eat he says don't don't stop working don't stop living don't stop engaging your culture just because you're waiting for the imminent return but knowing that jesus is coming again it should calibrate our thinking and we should be mindful that we're living in a culture that is often hostile now increasingly so towards a christian a biblical worldview and so but but we we can't just say well you know forget all this jesus is coming again we have to stay engaged we have to still be a part of what god calls us to be in this earth but we're only passing through our ultimate citizenship is in heaven and let me tell you something when people don't have the uh the understanding of an ultimate destination and ultimate citizenship in heaven they start living only for the earth when people don't have the hope of heaven they start living entirely for the earth and then they start elevating the earth and worshiping the earth this is where the whole environmental movement has arisen from from people who don't know and have a hope of heaven and so therefore they're living thinking that this is everything the earth is everything little little do they know this planet is going to burn everything that they that they're worshiping and they're living for and they're trying to protect and trying to preserve is going to burn you talk about global warming let me read it to you second peter 3 10 and 13 says but the day of the lord will come like a thief the heavens will disappear with the roar the elements will be destroyed by fire and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare but in keeping with this promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth the home of righteousness so there is therefore on the earth now among people who don't have the hope that we have an obsession with the planet they are freaking out about global warming they are freaking out about everybody needs to go green it's all about save the planet because they're wanting to preserve what they think is their eternal home for generations to come they think it's the earth and as a result the environmental movement has become a religion of its own and if you think i'm exaggerating i want to show you a short it's only like a minute and a half a short little video clip that i came across maybe some of you have seen this before it's a rather uh it's like 20 years old i first came across this even before the environment the environmental movement grew so large as it has become today um of people who are well you'll see as as i play the video here but it's a little grainy i apologize they didn't have high def in the rain forest but uh take a look at this deep in the woods of north carolina an extremist eco group called earth first the whales the violation of american nature i want to mourn the old growth i see and tell them that we love them and that we don't want them to die that when there are some people here who do care so i want you to know that trees that we care i think we are deeply hurting in america i think we are deeply craving answers i think that we've lost our identity as we have evolved into technology and into industrialized society bring me to this cathedral bring me to those guys bring me to this rock that has the most incredible life that makes me feel alive i've looked at clear cuts and burnt forest and i felt outraged but i didn't scream and i didn't cry and i need to now um what do i say to that i mean these are deeply sincere people they're just sincerely wrong because see what they're doing they're living for planet earth and they're worshiping the environment and they think that this is their ultimate home see if you don't have the hope of heaven then you're only living for the earth and what happens is and paul writes about this in the book of romans people will instead of worshiping the creator they'll start to worship creation and we've inverted things now in our world where the spotted owl is and and turtles in florida are more important than babies in the womb and we will protect those things more than we will babies in the womb you see so things have become inverted and one of the things that's important the reason i bring this up again because when we know jesus coming again we have the hope of heaven it calibrates our thinking we have to be mindful of the fact we're living in a place that we often will feel out of place the world thinks differently there are philosophical ways that the world thinks there are different values there are different um ambitions and goals and we know differently and so we don't need to worship the planet or freak out about our carbon footprint or melting polar ice caps or cows passing gas because this world is not my home jesus is coming again and i don't i don't need to worry about wars and pestilence and covet and earthquakes and the increase of wickedness and the whole list that matthew 24 does tell jesus says these things are coming but i don't need to worry about those things i don't need to obsess about those things because jesus is coming again and therefore therefore you see while while the world is living only for the world we as believers are gazes upward our gaze is upward it's vertical it's not horizontal because jesus said in luke 21 28 now when these things begin to happen look up and lift up your heads because your redemption draws near number three knowing that jesus is coming again it elevates our mission to be salt and light in the world in revelation 12 12 it says therefore rejoice oh heavens and you who dwell in them woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea for the devil has come down to you having great wrath because listen he knows that he has a short time the devil knows that his time is short and so he will be aggressively advancing his agenda and his kingdom have you seen it it's all around us because he knows his time is short he will be in aggressively advancing his agenda and so the question becomes for us shouldn't we be advancing god's agenda and god's kingdom to push against the darkness and how do you do that you do that by being salt and light this is what jesus taught us in matthew 5 13-16 he says you are the salt of the earth but if salt loses its flavor how shall it be seasoned it is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men you are the light of the world a city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lamp stand and it gives light to all who are in the house let your light so shine before men that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father which is in heaven and he makes this analogy about salt and light salt penetrates light illuminates and they both have an impact on whatever they are connected to whatever they touch they are to impact and notice there's to be a global impact because he says you are the salt of the earth you are the light of the world and so we have to understand that god has this mandate on us as the church we are to have as christians we are to have a global impact and influence for jesus and it starts right where each person lives and works and goes to school but listen that doesn't mean that i have to reach the entire world or you have to reach the entire world but collectively as the church you see each of us being salt and light in the world we will reach the world as each person does his or her part to impact culture around them for the glory of god if christians are to have the kind of impact and influence in our world that jesus intended it will only be because christians understand this is a god-given mandate and we have to move out into our culture the danger of a conference like this if i can just be honest enough the danger of a conference like this frankly the danger of any time you just come to church is that you get more information and do nothing with it is you just grow in the knowledge but you don't do anything with it we are to have an awareness of the imminent return of christ in part because it elevates the mandate it reminds us we got to be salt and light jesus is coming again so we got to go out in the world and we got to influence our culture we can't just become complacent or apathetic or withdrawn or hopeless and start to see all these things that are happening and start to give up we have to be just as engaged as ever too many times too many christians are content to sit on the sidelines instead of getting into the game they think that their faith is just something to hold in until they get to heaven rather than something to hold out while they're still here on earth when i hear someone say i'm a christian but my faith is private what they're really saying is i'm a christian but i don't want anyone to notice when jesus said we are to be salt and light in the earth i don't think he meant that we should go unnoticed when food is salted i notice it when someone turns on a light in a dark room i notice it be noticed you are on a mission to impact your world because jesus is coming again the last point number four is it stimulates a heart of love for the lost there should be an urgency in our bones for the lost jude would write in his short epistle verses 20 to 23 but you beloved building yourselves up in your most holy faith praying in the holy spirit keep yourselves in the love of god looking for the mercy of our lord jesus christ unto eternal life and on some have compassion making a distinction but others save with fear pulling them out of the fire hating even the permanent sorry rather hating even the garment defiled by the flesh so the question becomes who are you burdened for when you think about the return of jesus and how he could come at any moment to take the bride who were you burdened for because jude reminds us we should be on a mission to snatch people from the fire hating even the smell of smoke on their garment we should be so filled with an urgency for the lost that our hearts motivated by the love of jesus to reach them would cause us would stir us for the lost think about your neighbor a family member a classmate a co-worker who do you have a heart for that they might know the lord and if you were to say to be honest i don't really have a burden for somebody then pray for one ask god you know a spurgeon who said be before you could become before you can become winners of souls you must first be weepers of souls god break my heart for somebody in my life that neighbor that co-worker that family member that friend break my heart for them and stir my heart of love to reach them with the good news of jesus and if you already do have a burden for someone then pray for them you may not necessarily be the one to win them to christ sometimes you're called just to plant the seed someone else will come along and water it but god gives the increase just be faithful to do your part and then trust the lord for the saving of their soul america is due for another revival the one that happened in the 1970s were long overdue for a new revival and may it begin with each of us what happened in the 70s with the jesus movement can happen afresh in our day and may god pour out his spirit in these final days and awaken us while we wait for his blessed return father this is our prayer i ask right now that you would put in our hearts and in our minds even if it's just one person that we should be burdened for you died that all might be saved you want none to perish but all to come to repentance so lord burden our hearts for someone in our lives that we should pray for right now and help us lord to be salt and light in our world and our culture in our neighborhood wherever you plant us to make a difference for your kingdom the time is short you're coming again we want as many people to go with us lord as possible so open our eyes to see the lost and give us a heart for those who are lost that we should be vessels that you might use to reach them for your glory i'm going to pause in my prayer right now and i'm going to ask you just if the lord is placing a person on your heart right now i want to just pray and i want to ask you just to say their name when i get to that place okay father thank you for the burden that we have for the lost because we know that your heart is burdened for the lost i once was lost but now i'm saved for each of us who know you already as lord and savior we pray in jesus name for say it and we ask you lord to move in his or her heart revealing yourself lord open the eyes of their heart they may that they might see you and may you keep our hearts tender towards the lost praying for them being a witness to them so that they might also join in this ultimate reward knowing that when you come again we shall be with you forever and ever and ever and we pray lord for every environmentalist and every person who is worshiping the planet and who thinks that this earth is their final home lord open their eyes that they might see that this earth is going to burn and there's a new heaven and a new earth a hope for every single one who turns to jesus turn their hearts lord from the worship of creation to the worship of creator and we thank you lord for your grace and your mercy in our lives we praise you in jesus name maranatha come lord amen and amen [Applause] [Music] thank you pastor gary that was a very sobering word now before we depart for lunch just a few instructions some of you that registered registered for a meal on the site uh those of you did not register for a meal on site feel free to explore the city outside with those meals feel free um so in other words those meals were reserved for those who registered them yes now the food trucks the food trucks yes the food trucks now also many of you may have a friend or a family member that and let me just click get clary the food trucks okay so if you registered you can buy food from the food trucks so if if i did not register for this conference i could go there and buy food from so so even a filthy pig eating gentle i like this guy could go to the food truck all right folks so if you did if you if you're hungry you can go and enjoy all right thank you for that clarification yes um lastly i'll leave you with this before we return at 1 30. you ever had a friend say prove to me we're in the end times and you say i i i wish i had a resource i wish i had a book to give to them to prove that we're in the end times funny you should ask it just so happens that we have the day approaching right here uh this book will walk you through and your friends and family through a case a very strong case of benchmarks and particularly the state of israel's rebirth as a shall we say proof that we're in the end times and amir wrote this uh recently so that's at the book table we are going to pray for our meal right now lord thank you for the meals that we're going to eat and all are welcome to the food truck so we thank you yes bless the time now bring us back at 1 30 for uh for a very insightful afternoon in jesus name we pray amen is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] may your will be done [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come wash my eyes come wash my heart lord take me back back to the start seriously only surrender [Music] help me remember come wash my eyes come wash my heart lord take me back [Music] back to the start where there's no striving only surrender help me remember [Music] your love has made me clear [Music] your love has [Music] love made made me [Music] clean you pay the price you proved my worth show me that grace [Music] [Music] jesus forever [Music] your love has made me bleak [Music] your love has made me clean your life [Music] [Music] so just like a child in the arms of my father i am clean i am clean for no other reason but the mercy of jesus i am clear i am clear just like a child in the arms of my father [Music] no other reason but the mercy of jesus [Music] made me clean your love has made me clean [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] jesus christ [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] i was lost in the darkness searching for something searching for something to be the love i was missing but there was nothing [Music] you showed me the love i was longing for all of my life [Music] else can satisfy me like you do oh god [Music] [Music] we will sing of your greatness cause you are holy [Music] your love is the compass you're leading me forward you're with me in everything you're right there beside me my strength in the darkest of nights and i just want to [Music] satisfied like you do oh god [Music] [Music] [Music] like [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] you know what i need more than anyone else teach me to trust [Music] i trust [Music] of [Music] your mighty hands still every season of life [Music] you're my provider [Music] you don't forget your promises i'm thankful for the strength lord i will praise you as long as i live teach me to trust your ways [Music] over and over again [Music] you never [Music] every season of life [Music] you're my provider [Music] [Music] oh that i could see your face [Music] [Music] are the mornings who are crying alone [Music] to the kingdom of god and the souls are the songs of the kingdom of god [Music] is god from your face always long to see this place [Music] [Music] who have nothing to own [Music] for their [Music] and their souls are the songs of the kingdom of god [Music] the kingdom of god [Music] the lord is our shepherd we shall not one in valley or pasture we shall [Music] and forever [Music] [Music] over and over [Music] oh [Music] who [Music] [Music] god [Music] a kingdom of god [Music] oh that i could see your for face day [Music] from the voiceless dark i could hear you call my name to a world apart to a life of love awake with a beating heart and a simple sight in faith safe within your arms quiet by the light of grace there in the cradle of life you held my breath and here at the table of wine and broken bread [Music] in the joy of [Music] you [Music] [Music] you're the sacred voice singing purpose into [Music] still i'm in the light [Music] and here at the table of wine and broken [Music] in the joy [Music] you're [Music] when my time has come and i hear you call my name to world beyond [Music] safe within your arms [Music] in the [Music] you [Music] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Cornerstone Chapel - Leesburg, VA
Views: 20,594
Rating: 4.9089532 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 206min 59sec (12419 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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