Brother Jason Koemans (Behold Israel), Awaiting His Return Conference Session 3, "For His Name Sake"

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well it's so good to be here today i am the one from phoenix arizona he referenced that earlier mike's from minnesota and what just what a privilege in the times we're living in to be able to talk about this to see the things that are coming to fruition that god declared ages ago and in the times we're living in today to especially right now the global circumstances just to be able to meet together we we cherish these moments whenever we have them and so we are blessed to be here this weekend so thank you for having us and just really quick god we recognize you during this time it's not about me it's not about us god it's about you and specifically right now it's about your name god and who you are and what you stand for that you do what you say you're going to do and as we walk away lord may it be you we see because if it's anything else we've missed it so help us to see you during this time god in jesus name amen amen amen well surely most of you uh in reference to the miracle on ice i believe it was 1980. okay 1980 and so miracle on ice the u.s olympic team it's uh probably the most famous olympics uh especially in regards to hockey um if you don't know uh tensions with the soviet union at the time uh the us is squaring off against the the hawk the soviet hockey team and they were not they were the underdogs by far the soviets have lost in over a decade or years they hadn't lost them a long time u.s is squaring off with them in uh the olympics in lake placid and uh so that's really what the movie is centered around that's where climax is that's what it builds up to but early on they had to go through a lot of training they had to do some training games overseas one of which was in like sweden and when they're over there the coach kurt russell is so displeased with their performance that after the game he can tell during the game his players were distracted after the game when everyone's leaving the arena he tells his team to stay on the ice how many of you seen the movie miracle that and by the way that's what i'm referring to now is the movie not the actual events so kurt russell yeah okay so dead giveaway so uh well if you haven't seen the movie miracle he keeps him on the ice afterwards and he he rips into him and then he says get on the line they go to the baseline or oh that's basketball i don't know what it's called hockey but they go to the line and he says he blows the whistle and they do their suicide skates okay and then for the next like 15 minutes of the movie it's this whole again again and these guys are vomiting now they're they're out of breath they're falling to their knees they've done it so many times and you're trying to figure out well you're like you kind of have you you gain the mind of the hockey player at the time going what is he waiting for when is this going to stop the other coaches are like herb his name was herb he said they're like you got to stop well he had a reason for everything he was doing we're going to figure that out in a little bit but israel for his name's sake well the nation of israel and by the way if you are a note taker i'm going to drive you nuts there are there are a lot of photos there are a lot of factual things we're going to touch on but we're not going to spend a lot of time on them i would love to send you a pdf of not just my message but if you would like to see pastor mike's notes my business card is on the table in there grab one if they're out talk to me i'll give you my email address you can email me say i'd like a copy i would love to send you a copy of the notes so you can go back and reference these so talk to me afterwards uh the nation of israel well it was built off of a promise let's take a look at this promise in genesis 12 verses 1-3 now the lord said to abram go forth from your country and from your relatives and from your father's house to the land which i will show you i will make you a great nation and i will bless you and make your name great and so you shall be a blessing and i will bless those who bless you and the one who curses you i will curse and in you all of the families of the earth will be blessed so after reading that we can ask who is this promise dependent upon well it's dependent upon the one speaking further emphasizes in genocide genesis 17 verses 6 through 8 it says i will make you exceeding it's the lord speaking he says i will make you exceedingly fruitful and i will make nations of you and kings will come forth from you i will establish my covenant between me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant to be god and to you and to your descendants after you i will give to you and to your descendants after you the land of your sojournings and all the land of canaan for what kind of possession an everlasting possession and i will be their god now you need to understand something as we go through these series of events what we're going to be doing right now is looking at an overview of the history of the nation of israel where not just their founding but all of the events you know amir spoke earlier about israel and the tribulation he talked about the physical restoration to the land well in addition to that we're going to be talking we're going to now be showing to you the events that led to that maybe some events you've never heard of but they're critical and you need to understand that god is working in the events of world history to accomplish his plans he always has there's biblic there's plenty of biblical references to it look no further than the book of daniel on how god is so clear that he uses kingdoms to accomplish accomplish his purposes for his nation but as we look at all these you need to understand throughout this whole time and as you read the bible as you rethink about the stories of the stories of jonah as you think about moses and the parting of the red sea we are talking about real people we are talking about real places and we are talking about real events when it comes to the nation of israel you need to understand where they're going to understand where they're going you need to understand where they've been because it's going to show you that you can take god at his word and that he says what he means he means what he says so the nation as we already read in genesis 12 was established through abraham abram at the time i will make you a great nation the lord says and here we have a map uh you have the approximate location of bird the chaldeans and modern day iraq if you haven't heard if you've heard of the chaldeans recently it's probably because it's the last place the pope just visited okay or the supposed ancient location of her okay so abraham god brought him up from there over west to the promised land and then they spent time in the land and then you have abraham's descendants you have isaac you have jacob you have his 12 sons joseph goes down to egypt and how long were the israelites in egypt 400 years and after those 400 years they'd be delivered through moses deuteronomy 7 7-8 says the lord did not set his love on you nor choose you because you were more number than any of the peoples for you were the fewest of all peoples but because the lord loved you and kept the oath which he swore to your forefathers we just read it the lord brought you out by a mighty hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery from the hand of pharaoh king of egypt so they were delivered through moses and on this next map you're going to see that moses brought them back up out of egypt into modern day jordan and to the critical thinker you're looking at this map you're like they didn't take that route you're right it was not as direct as that arrow is but they went across the sinai peninsula into light more than likely into what is today modern-day saudi arabia there's a lot of evidence of it and they came up from the south east into the land and actually amazingly the scriptures tell us why they didn't just go right up on the north side of the sinai peninsula into the land does anyone remember why to avoid the philistines and so yeah i mean the scriptures tell us that philistines were already there there was that was one reason god was actually protecting them but two god had a purpose for why they would wander in the wilderness god had a purpose for it real people real places real events uh who's that yours truly uh in 2019 i went on a young adult is a young adult bible experience tour to israel actually i was on a tour with uh reminding your name kristen kristen i was on a doc on a tour to israel with her daughter uh lazanne and she was up so yes she was on this tour well what you see here i'm in the qumran area uh behind me is the dead sea well in the mountains in the distance [Music] we know that moses brought them to modern day jordan or the land of moab and edom and he took them up god brought him up on mount nebo nebo and he let him see the whole land but because of moses disobedience in the wilderness god did not let him enter the land well i'm not going to tell you which one it is because i don't know but behind me it may not even be in this frame but behind me that mountain is in the distance moses could oversee the promised before his right-hand man would eventually leave the israelites across the jordan and enter into the land and who is moses right-hand guy joshua they'd be reinstated back to the land through joshua so we saw this cycle abraham was brought over from ur they went down to egypt and they came back up i guess for me for you is the opposite way um joshua 23 verses 3-5 says that you have seen all that the lord your god has done to all these nations because of you for the lord your god is he who has been fighting for you see i have a portion to you these nations which remain as an inheritance for your tribes with all the nations which i have cut off from the jordan even to the great sea toward the setting of the sun the lord your god he will thrust them out from before you and drive them out and drive them from before you and you will possess their land just as the lord your god promised you and if we know anything about this count this account he is he doesn't just stop here you see that the lord actually commanded them to take out everyone and everything and it if it's hard for you to reconcile in your mind why god would allow something like that god how do you justify how do you reconcile that a good god bringing this nation out of egypt his chosen nation to go and i mean to kill off all of these people well if you unders well first of all what do we know about god that no evil dwells with god he only may tolerate evil for a time but he judges evil and he's not god is impartial he didn't just use israel to judge these nations he used other nations to judge israel too don't forget that these nations were doing some of the most the land the canaanites were doing some of the most horrific things you can imagine from the type of sexual immorality they were engaged in to the burning of their children and because israel didn't wipe all of them out israel adopted all of those practices god is just in what he does we can trust that everything he does is for a purpose and that he's perfect in doing it and don't forget all of this is because sin entered the world so they're in the land of edom modern-day jordan and eventually they're reinstated into the promised land they cross the jordan and they enter into the land through joshua and then you have the time of the judges which is just insane it's a crazy book to read because it's easy to think you're reading something like a comic book but what you uh all of the events that transpire and it's easy to read i think it's 21 or 22 chapters it's easy to read it and go wow that's a crazy couple months that of all these events that just took place but it's not if you read carefully in amount of the years what you've actually read it's like over 400 years hundreds of years years past under the judges okay it's not a short time and as mike alluded to earlier there's two references in the book of judges where the author says in those days there was no king in israel and everyone did what was right in their own eyes and it wasn't because they couldn't have a leader because they weren't looking to the one who could lead them so eventually the time of the kings came though and they were preserved through king david david was a righteous leader 2nd samuel chapter 7 verses 23 and 24 says and what one nation on the earth is like your people israel whom god went to redeem for himself as a people and to make a name for himself and to do a great thing for you and awesome things for your land before your people whom you have redeemed for yourself from egypt from nations and their gods for you have established for yourself your people israel as your own people forever this is like a he took the abrahamic covenant and he just magnified it especially to the reader today and you o lord have become their god first chronicles 18 14 says so david reigned over all israel and he administered justice and righteousness for all his people and lastly second chronicles 6 6 says but i have chosen jerusalem that my name might be there and i have chosen david to be over my people israel [Music] sadly after david and then after following the life of solomon it led to the divided kingdom first kings chapter 12 gives us a reference to this and it says so israel departed to their tents but as for the sons of israel who lived in the cities of judah rambo and reigned over them then king rehoboam sent to doram who was over the forced labor and all israel stoned him to death israel is the northern kingdom judah's messiah and kingdom and king rehoboam made haste to mount his chariot to flee to jerusalem in judah so israel has been in rebellion against the house of david to this day [Music] and under the divided kingdom tragically we see several things that that surfaced corrupt leaders in both kingdoms when you have one righteous ruler ruling over all of them there was still sin but things went things were far better overwhelming increase in idolatry idolatry was already present but it was an overwhelming increase when the nation split vulnerability to enemies how many times do you read throughout the kings or throughout the prophets that a neighboring king was going to try to invade them and sometimes they were successful and then it led to the time of the prophets as well it was during the life of the kings that the prophets were prophesying because judgment was coming and it did first you have the assyrian captivity the northern tribes okay second kings 17 5-6 says then the king of assyria invaded the whole land and went up to samaria and besieged it three years in the ninth year of hoshea the king of assyria captured samaria and carried israel away into exile and assyria to assyria and settled them in hala and khabor on the river gazan and in the cities of the medes okay and now on this next slide you're going to see another map of the assyria roughly of the assyrian captivity the date 722 bc more or less a lot of historians would have it an earlier date than that but this is when samaria was sieged so a major event that happened so the asterisk there just an approximate date of kind of the climax of the assyrian captivity and then of course later you then had the babylonian captivity of the southern tribes both of which the prophets spoke about well before they happened second kings 24 we're not going to read the whole thing but you do see it at that time the servants of nebuchadnezzar uh king of babylon went up to jerusalem and the city came under siege and as you see the bold in the middle there it says so the king of babylon took him captive in the eighth year of his reign he carried out from there all the treasures of the house of the lord and the treasures of the king's house and cut in pieces all the vessels of gold which solomon king of israel had made in the temple of the lord just as the lord had said then he led away into exile all jerusalem and all the captains and all the mighty men of valor so you have the babylonian captivity uh again normally scholars would show you a later date than this they'd show you kind of the mid 580 something like 586 bc for this for the babylonian captivity that's closer to the date when jerusalem was eventually sieged they broke through the walls they broke into the city they burned the temple that's closer to the mid 580s well so the asterisk here the 606 bc is because how many years when the lord prophesied that or when daniel prophesied and jeremiah prophesied did they say the southern tribes would spend in babylon how many years 70 years okay well the first wave of the jews coming out of babylon to return to the land began in 536 bc so 536 you'd have on 70 years approximately 606 bc was when the first the beginning of the captivity took place 70 years in babylon daniel tells us in daniel 9 1-2 in the first year of darius the son of a hazaris of median descent who was made king over the kingdom of the chaldeans in the first year of his reign i daniel observed in the books the number of the years which was revealed as the word of the lord to jeremiah the prophet for the completion of the desolations of jerusalem namely 70 years [Music] so when they come back out the babylonian captivity comes to an end after 70 years they were back in the land and they went back to rebuilt the city rebuilt the temple you read about it in ezra nehemiah they're back in the land for over 600 years 600 well ezra 2 1-2 shows us that now these are the people of the province who came up out of the captivity of the exiles long story short that went to babylon and returned to jerusalem and judah each to a city and in there you have zerubbabel and you have nehemiah mentioned as well real people real places real events so they're in the land for over 600 years and i know so far this has really been a historical overview but it's important well eventually they'd be scattered to the nations under the romans beginning in 70 a.d and it went on for several decades and really hit its peak in 135 a.d but matthew 24 verses 1 and 2 jesus came out from the temple and was going away when his disciples came up to point out the temple buildings to him and he said to them do you not see all these things and keep in mind i mean the temple was all the other countries knew about this temple it was something to behold it says truly i say to you not one stone here will be left upon another which will not be torn down but the temple was only the start so of course the jewish rebellion of the 69 a.d led to the romans coming down and destroying the temple in 70 a.d jews were massacred and real people real places real events go to jerusalem today some of the stones are still there by the way all those the pathway there that's really unlevel those are from the lifetime of christ the path the original path is still there those are from the lifetime of christ i'm not going to spend a lot of time on this but then just three years later 73 a.d if you know what this site is called if you don't it's called masada it's in southern israel just west of the dead sea masada is a actually there's a dvd in there on it amir's teaching on it because it's a it's a site of jewish heroism uh there's a common saying in israel is never again um but masada what do they say masada will not fall again or they say yeah masada will not fall again well masada tragically in 73 a.d this was basically one of the final jewish holdouts that's where they went the romans had it before but they went down there they inhabited it as you can tell it would be a very difficult fortress to penetrate because of where it's placed well the romans it sent down thousands of soldiers thousands uh history shows that the jewish soldier the jewish families that were atop masonic could see the dust rising in the distance before they could see the soldiers it was so many well eventually long story short over time they found they surrounded masada they found their way up there and they couldn't wait to get up there and take care of the jews that were left up there only to find that when they got up there all of them were dead because they had not only they decided that killing off their own families would be far better for them than being seeing their families captured by the romans it's tragic it was an absolute tragedy it was horrific so they did just that and then they killed off each other as well and then in 135 av uh emperor hadrian uh this is where the term palestine resurfaces or enters the scene really under emperor hadrian his uh we'll just say his his right hand guy basically tells him if you want to get under the jewish people's skin if you really want to show them that they're not welcome here anymore rename the land and rename it according to their ancient enemies the philistines so the land was renamed syria palestine i he renamed jerusalem as well it became a completely pagan city the jews were barely allowed to enter in there into the land under the into the city under that time for maybe like one or two days a year like he he sent the message loud and clear you're no longer welcome which eventually drove them to the nations so then they're out of the land for nearly 2 000 years is that when they scattered uh partially and yeah and there might be still be some in the area during the time but dispersed among the nations dispersed abroad and the events that led in world history over the next several centuries dispersed them as well so what do we do with that in jeremiah 31 what do you mean what do you do with them being out to the land for nearly 2000 years you know a lot of the reformers you might read or listen uh study you know a lot of the most popular men from the reformation saw no place for israel on god's plan some of the most popular names and it's easy to condemn that thinking but put yourself in their shoes and this is really where that allegorizing of scripture became big was under the under the reformers in that era not just them but there's these promises and people take them literally for the longest time the longest period but then all of a sudden there is no nation of israel it's palestine now it changed hands so many times but it certainly didn't belong to the jews anymore put yourself in their shoes what do you think you look at the bible and the promises that god makes well you know he says he's going to give them this land forever but they're not here it might be a lot easier from their perspective to come to this conclusion that that's more that led to allegory led to more of a well israel just represents the people of god it's not necessarily a literal chosen nation anymore it doesn't make you right but i'm just saying put yourself in that perspective but know this too that during that time there was a remnant of people who also believed well god made these promises so that means at some point israel's got to go back to the land and in jeremiah 31 35-37 thus says the lord who gives the son for light by day and the fixed order of the moon and the stars for light by night who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar the lord of hosts is his name if this fixed order departs from me declares the lord then the offspring of israel also will cease from being a nation before me forever thus says the lord if the heavens above can be measured and the foundations of the earth searched out below then i will also cast off all the offspring of israel for all that they have done declares the lord [Music] so in other words no matter what happens i've got a plan and as we go through this you you have to understand god's character is not contingent on the faithfulness of the nation god's character is not contingent on your faithfulness or mine so we're going to look closer now at the events leading up to the restoration of the jews to the land i grew up in a when i was growing up in church you hear about israel at some point my upbringing because you're hearing all the sunday school stories at some point in my upbringing i realized there's a nation of israel but it wasn't until like 20 years later that i realized that nation had any significance so here's what we do know how we we asked this question how how did they get back to the land well we talked about real people real places real events we talked about how god does things literally he says what he's going to do and he does it and that's the safest way to take god that's how you take god at his word and that's the safest way to know he's going to do something [Music] well proverbs 21 1 says the king's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the lord he turns it wherever he wishes you can't deny that when you look at the book of daniel ezra 1 1 says now in the first year of cyrus king of persia in order to fulfill the word of the lord by the mouth of jeremiah the lord stirred up the spirit of cyrus it doesn't matter whether you're a believer it doesn't matter what how pagan of a background you might have it doesn't matter how unfit you think some world leader might be god will raise up whoever he wants to do whatever he wants it doesn't matter what kind of person they are it doesn't matter and god will raise up whoever he sees fit to accomplish his purposes and i want to bring you back to what amir said this morning talking about israel and the tribulation and he was asked by pastor david about the magnitude of the things that were accomplished under the last administration i mean what in this today's work global climate the anti-israel bias standing up to the u.n who by the way unfortunately is on our own u.s turf what other leader could have made such a move to say well that's their capital we're moving we're moving our embassy there and we don't care no there's no other candidate who i i can't think of anyone who could have done such a thing and it has nothing to do with him just like amir said he was used for a reason and a season that it wasn't about him and don't think that god's plans are deterred because things are not going the way we would like to see them go they are not that's the exciting part of being a believer and might i add being a believer who understands the times and the seasons you're not put off by those things those things don't determine how you live your life they ought not to reach it so let's look at what's next let's look at these events the balfour declaration raise your hand if you've heard of this of 1917 okay less than half of our audience has heard of this and i'm taking i'm trusting you that you're telling me the truth because by the way don't make the mistake of being in innocently dishonest when i was in college we were at a missions conference and i was sitting right i made the mistake of sitting up front you you guys are you're doing well but this this missionary said who he was this polish guy and he's like who here can tell me what the 1040 window is and i was and he's like does everyone know and uh or he said does anyone not know what the 1040 window is and i looked around and no one was racing i had no idea what it was but i didn't raise my hand and he goes you tell me what the 1040 window is and i went i don't know so i'm going to spare those of you though [Music] so the balfour declaration of 1917 right so long story short this british official this british secretary writes a letter to the leader lord rothschild who is the leader of the zionist federation for the uk or yeah that region britain and the uk basically letting him know we recognize that there needs to be we recognize the historical rights of the jewish people to the land this is in 1917 right so they've been out of the land for almost 2 000 years i guess at this point 1900 years but he says we we recognize the historical rights of the jewish people to that land but we don't want to violate any of the rights that people have that are living there now but we recognize those historical rights that you have okay well following world war one you have the san remo conference in italy san remo italy basically here this at this conference these world powers who were trying to figure out what to do with that region of the world they took those historical rights and made them legal rights they not only recognize that this is the historical homeland of the jews but they have a right to go there it became a legal issue so it was it was gaining traction and then under the league of nations man went under the league of nations the mandate for palestine in 1922 by the way if you're not familiar with the league of nations it was the forerunner to the united nations the league of nations took the balfour declaration from 1917 and said it's happening we're enacting it the jewish people need their own homeland and it needs to be somewhere in the region that we're calling palestine their ancient homeland it's going to happen then of course tragically some events would follow that no one foresaw but in ezekiel 37 after the restoration of the land that was prophesied in 30 ezekiel 36 and verses 9 and 10 it says then he said to me prophesy them to the breath prophesied son of man and say to the breath thus says the lord god come from the four winds o breath and breathe on these slain that they may come to life so i prophesied as he commanded me and the breath came into them and they came to life and stood on their feet an exceedingly great army this is the vision of the valley of dry bones by the way and then in 11-13 then he god said to me ezekiel son of man these bones are the whole house of israel behold they say our bones are dried up and our hope has perished and we are completely cut off therefore prophesy and say to them thus says the lord god behold i will open up your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves my people and i will bring you into the land of israel now i've already showed you some world events you shouldn't be surprised because daniel in way more graphic detail than i've said anything today showed you world leaders empires that were going to going to come specific kings that were going to rise what they were going to do and all of those things later happened we shouldn't be surprised when god does something literally he always has always i'm standing here as a millennial telling you that this is the way god fulfills his word he does exactly what he says he's going to do maybe not always when we think he's going to do it but he will so of course the holocaust came about beginning in 1933 running into the mid-40s and mike ramire will tell you that in jewish cultures mike lived in israel for a while but they'll tell you you've talked to a holocaust survivor it's not uncommon for them to say god left us during the holocaust or something along those lines god left us we were cut off and then in 1947 the united nations partition plan for palestine they determined they're needed to be a two-state solution jews aren't going to survive we need us they need their own state and what did this do it opened the door for the rebirth of the nation of israel yeah for the fact that there'd be a two-state an arab state and a jewish state as you can see there blue being the jewish state orange being the arab state and of course isaiah in chapter 66 8 verse 8 says who has heard such a thing who has seen such things can a land be born in one day can a nation be brought forth all at once as soon as zion travailed she also brought forth her sons and of course on may 14 1948 from tel aviv ben gurion gave this statement and have declared that israel would be reborn the state of israel was born does things literally so when it comes to the nation of israel why would we why don't we talk about any of this when it comes to the nation of israel we can ask whose name is at risk god's name is at stake and back during the prophesying of the re rebirth of the land in ezekiel 36 verse 20 says when they came to the nations where they went they profaned my holy name and further down it says but i had concern for my holy name and then further down it said it is not for your sake o house of israel that i am about to act but for my holy name which you have profaned among the nations where you went i will vindicate the holiness of my great name which has been profaned among the nations which you have profaned in their midst and how is he going to vindicate it right because these nations here's the jews that god promised this land to forever they went they went abroad and so these nations are going your god gave you this land forever yet here you are so people are mocking god the world's mocking god and by the way when mike was talking about the great apostasy earlier and discussing how they were dealing with false teachings that had been set crept in saying you missed the rapture you're in the tribulation now that same sort of deception is still present in the church today the same sort of thing is still here it sounds different though perhaps you've heard there is no rapture we're in the millennium right now yeah i mean seriously and it steals your hope and it robs god that type of teaching robs god of all of his plans his purposes and what he's going to declare during the millennium the millennium i mean mike's going to touch on it later but it is the thing it is what this earth has always longed for and we get to experience it to say we're in it now are you look out i don't care how beautiful your view is no matter where you live it's not it's not what you're seeing out there it's turn on the news you are not in the millennium there is not perfect justice in this world so god's gonna vindicate his name he says then the nations will know that i am the lord declares the lord god when i prove myself holy among you in their sight for i will take you from the nations gather you from all the lands and bring you into your own land and by the way that's still happening it wasn't fully accomplished in the 40s was it in the 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s early 2000s do you know that travel was very limited this last year i'm not telling you anything new but did you know that over 20 000 jews from over 70 countries went back to the land of israel in 2020 wow over 20 000 jews from 70 countries from around the world went back to the land he does things literally but so we have this historical overview we've looked at a lot of scripture but what does it actually mean for me what does it mean for you what is all this what does it mean well when we look at the the topic of israel for his name's sake let's look at what paul has to say far after the completion of the old testament in romans 11. so you have to understand the context here romans 9 so the whole book of romans you have this the most in-depth look at the gospel paul is building his case in the first eight chapters of listen jew or gentile you're under the same condemnation we are all under the same condemnation without christ you are dead period well he gets to romans 9 and he explains he explains in the past the nation was elected he goes through describing the election of the nation of israel romans 10 he gets in there and he's describing their present rejection why they are rejected and then in romans 11 he's making the case for their future exception elected rejected accepted they rejected him first and his rejection is only temporary paul explains romans 11 1-4 i say then god has not rejected his people has he may it never be for i too am an israelite a descendant of abraham of the tribe of benjamin god has not rejected his people whom he foreknew or do you not know what the scripture says in the passage about elijah how he pleads with god against israel this jewish man is pleading with god against his own people things have gotten so bad lord they have killed your prophets they have torn down your altars and i alone have left and they are seeking my life by the way we've seen some bad leaders in our time all coming in all from all sorts of different directions throughout the world i would take any of them before i took ahab and jezebel as my leaders just just a side note but what is the divine response he's pleading against his own people before the lord and god says to him i have kept for myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to ball paul was one of the most popular idols false gods that israel had taken on for themselves and in romans 11 28-32 from the standpoint of the gospel they are enemies for your sake but from the standpoint of god's choice they are beloved for the sake of who abraham isaac and jacob all the way back to joseph 12 the fathers for the gifts and the calling of god are irrevocable they cannot be taken back for just as you were once disobedient to god but now have been shown mercy because of their disobedience so these also now have been disobedient that because of the mercy shown to you they also may now be shown mercy for god has shut up all in disobedience so that he may show mercy to all amen the reason it matters what got god's dealings with the nation of israel matter because there's a reason that in john 10 jesus is praying to the father and he references how lord no one is able all those people who belong to him no one is able to snatch them out of your hand there's a reason that john in first john 5 13 says that i'm writing these things to you little children that you you who believe may know that you have eternal life and there's even more so a reason that the author of hebrew says that he those who draw near to god through jesus christ god is able to save forever because jesus lives forever god's not done with israel he keeps them because his promises and calling are irrevocable jesus keeps you because he lives forever to make intercession for you so thinking about that hockey game and where the coach was just disciplining the heck out of him afterwards it finally comes to a standstill where one of the players you have to understand early on in the movie one of the players there was a big fight and anytime the coach would ask who do you play for he'd say my name's so-and-so and i play for university of massachusetts there was still this individual mentality that was breaking the team apart but later on after finally one of them stops when they can barely breathe during this disciplinary skating and he says my name is mike ruzioni i play for this college or i'm from this place excuse me and i play for the united states of america you've finally got the right mentality and the coach would explain to them that it's the name on the front of the jersey that matters it's not the name on the back of the jersey and you better get that right or else nothing will change and it's just as true when it comes to the nation of israel it's not israel that all these things are contingent upon i had a pastor say to me but israel failed they sinned what about you yeah like that's that's your best argument that god's done with the nation i have zero hope if that's the case yeah but the point is it's not it was never about israel and it was never about you or me it's all about god's character and what he can do just pray god we we thank you for this time we treasure this time with these brothers and sisters who we're just meeting in person this weekend but we're just so privileged and it's such a rich blessing to be here on this day god that you have made and we just look forward to what the rest of our time here today holds thank you for making a way may you keep everyone safe as they travel home later lord but as we as we move on to mike's message closing message after break lord may you just remind all of us god that it's about you it was never about the things we do or it's never about the things the nation of israel does and you you have proven that in the past and you will prove it in the future that your character is not contingent based off of our faithfulness or unfaithfulness we love you god and we commit the rest of this day to you in jesus name amen amen [Applause]
Channel: Christian Way Ministries
Views: 68
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CWM, Christian Way Ministries, Jason Koemans, Awaiting His Return Conference,, Behold Israel
Id: C-1wlUDdbGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 40sec (3100 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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