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that will complete the second saga of the mcu which is of course the multiverse target [Applause] [Music] welcome back to screen crush i'm ryan airy the biggest announcement from comic-con is that we're getting the kang dynasty and secret wars both in 2025. these two avengers movies will be the culmination of the multiverse saga this is kang's multiverse and we just live in it but someone is coming countless different versions of a very dangerous person and they're all set on war we need to prepare so now we finally know the direction the mcu is heading i mean at least officially a lot of us figured out that all of this was leading towards secret wars like years ago i guess having that confirmation just gives us this nice feeling that everything's gonna be all right yeah okay so kang is the big bad of the saga but here's the thing the kang dynasty as the name suggests is a huge kang story but it's not really a story about the multiverse secret wars is all about incursions and the multiverse which were touched on in doctor strange and the multiverse of madness but kang didn't actually have a large role in the comic book secret wars so we have to wonder how kang dynasty leads into secret wars and how much of these comic stories marvel will change so now we have to put on our own kevin feige hat and do some heavy theorizing to figure it all out each variant fighting to preserve their universe and annihilate the others all right before we get into all the theories and we have a lot of ideas let's first go over both stories from the comics the kang dynasty is a crossover event from 2001. this is one of kang's biggest stories because he actually won kang doesn't just want to rule because he's evil it's because he's trying to save earth he saw where every timeline leads and they all lead to a dark future this part will totally be adapted into the mcu but with a multiverse twist and kang killed millions of people to prove that he's not messing around he held a gun to the whole world unless they all surrender he will kill even more people and the avengers were forced to surrender and let kang win obviously in the end the avengers beat kang and save the world still kang won and something similar will surely happen in avengers kang dynasty maybe it was your time to lose lose i don't lose i win i win but there's nothing about the multiverse in this story that means the mcu's kang dynasty is going to be very different now secret wars on the other hand is all about the multiverse well at least the 2015 version of secret wars there are two versions in the comics the first secret wars happened in 1984 a group of heroes and villains from earth were teleported to battle world this was a world created by a cosmic being called the beyonder he was fascinated by the potential of superheroes on earth so he created his own cosmic squid game [Music] oh you gotta be me secret wars is one of the most beloved events in marvel comics and that's the story the russo brothers kept saying they wanted to direct the one series that you know we adored uh growing up was secret wars in 2015 marvel did another secret war story but this time it was about the multiverse incursions were the big threat to the multiverse they caused universes to collide in reality to collapse right before everything ended dr doom took the power of the beyonders these are the god-like beings who were responsible for incursions with this godly power doom created battle world a patchwork world composed of the remnants of different universes doom made himself god ruling battle world as god emperor doom now in the end the heroes from different universes came together against doom and they restarted the multiverse since avengers secret wars will conclude the multiverse saga it's a no-brainer that the movie will draw its inspiration from 2015 secret wars but i'm sure you noticed kang doesn't actually play a big role in secret wars meaning that marvel will likely pass on dr doom and give his role to kang which is very disappointing for anyone who's a doctor hold on a second hold on i have something for this five minutes later one moment sorry this will be worth it this will be worth it a few moments later helicopters are loud one eternity later which is very disappointing for anyone who's a doctor doom fan hands down you're the best villain in comics but it makes sense for the mcu to focus on kang since he's the biggest bad of the multiverse saga still we have an idea of how doom will still have a crucial role in secret wars that we'll get into a little later in the video i hope you're excited because this is going to be fun alright so let's explore how the multiverse war starts and why it will collapse this is where the fun begins it all starts with the show loki he who remains a variant of kang gave us a clear preview to what we can expect from the multiverse conflict countless variants of kang the conqueror will start a multiversal war that will end all of reality if you think i'm evil just wait until you meet my variants in the past he who remained stopped this war by eliminating all his variants in creating the sacred timeline now sylvie killed he who remains that's why the timeline's branched off into the multiverse he who remains is gone and that allowed a spell to go wrong in spider-man no way home which leads to the entire multiverse going quite mad now kang and his variants will start a war so based on the ending of loki kang now rules the tva well we can assume it's kang because it might actually be a variant of kang that's the thing about this character there are countless versions of them across the multiverse the best thing about being me there's so many of me and marvel confirmed that jonathan majors will play multiple variants of kang you have to wonder what kang we're going to get in quantum mania will it be the kang or a variant the comic con trailer of quantum mania teases that ant-man meets kang in the quantum realm now we have a theory video coming up on why that's huge and how the third ant-man movie might be one of the most important movies in this multiverse saga be sure you subscribe so you don't miss that video anyways thanks to multiverse of madness we know exactly how the king variants will end whole universes and that's incursions the way earth 838's mr fantastic explains it an incursion occurs when the boundary between two universes erodes and they collide destroying one or both entirely meaning that when a person travels to another universe their mere presence begins to destabilize that reality the longer they stay and the larger impact they have the higher chance to create an incursion incursions are also caused by dreamwalking which disobeys the laws of the multiverse and incursions are how universes end and that would lead to the destruction of the timeline and the collapse of reality as we know it the way he who remains explained it he and his variants discovered the multiverse and began interacting with each other they created a type of council of kangs or i guess we can call it the multiversal dynasty of kangs all of their travel in the multiverse began to stabilize in reality and triggering incursions every time there's an incursion one or two universes collide and destroy each other that will force the kang variants to go to war with each other this is because of the rules of incursions in the comics the same rules that will likely apply in the mcu when an incursion is triggered two earths from separate universes begin to collide with each other once the earths are destroyed their respective universes are also annihilated but here's the catch if one of the colliding earths is destroyed then the other earth survives same goes for both universes kang and his variants will have no choice but to destroy each other's earths it's the only way to save their own universes this is an ironic twist because it means that kang is a sort of hero from a certain point of view remember he who remained saved reality from ending by creating the sacred timeline sure he pruned countless timelines and ruled like a tyrant but this saved everyone in the sacred timeline i mean that's better than the alternative right you may hate the dictator but something far worse is going to fill that void if you depose the story can get even better if the main kang variant originates from earth 616 meaning that's the kank who will be the true villain of the saga so kang is trying to save the avengers universe and it's not a repeat of thanos the mad titan simply believed that his way would save the universe he was convinced that he's the tragic hero of his own story i'm the only one who knows that at least i'm the only one with the will to act on it but in kang's case there is no alternative he must destroy any earth that triggers an incursion with 616. this is the only way to save the universe from annihilation and this is why kang is the perfect villain for the multiverse saga not only are the stakes higher than ever but this also creates a powerful conflict between kang and the avengers i will do whatever it takes to ensure the survival of my timeline the avengers will try to stop kang because of their heroic morals but when you look at things from a very cold and logical point of view kang is right in fact we could see some of the avengers siding with kang because they will understand that he's their only hope to save the universe in the grand calculus of the multiverse their sacrifice means infinitely more than their wives isn't that how gods talk oh grow up something like this happened in the comics where the illuminati realized that to save their own universe they had to destroy others and that's why this multiverse conflict is so good it's more than just cameos and variants there is such a powerful story here it's a race against time to save reality heroes will have to make terrible choices and sacrifices so with the multiversal war this means that we will see the variance of the avengers so this is a great way to bring back the other spider-man toby and andrew we just need to see them come back even if it means they'll be wiped from existence this is also how we can see all the fox's x-men appear and what the hell even the fantastic four both of them why not you miss me and of course we can see the return of robert downey jr and chris evans as variants of iron man and captain america but i don't want the kang dynasty or secret wars to become the cameo show yeah of course i want to see all those actors return but marvel needs to focus on the main avengers team a team that will assemble in kang dynasty but remember just because we're going to see these variants return that doesn't mean that they will team up in kang dynasty every universe is at stake we all hope that the next time we see toby and andrew they will team up with tom again now they might have to fight each other even kill each other that's just heartbreaking no please please don't say that alright so i see kang dynasty ending with kang winning and that sort of makes this predictable but that's what everybody expects after infinity war but we have an idea on how marvel can make this a little less predictable kang will win but lose at the same time what meaning that like in the comics the multiverse will collapse the avengers will be too busy battling kang his variants and their own variants time will just run out and the avengers won't be able to save the multiverse let alone their own universe this will be the cliffhanger ending for the kang dynasty no really they're going to leave us on a cliffhanger and this will lead to secret wars where kang creates battle world that's a pocket universe that's composed from earth 616 and some other universes so now kang rules this remnant of reality and the end game will be about the avengers assembly to stop him and eventually restarting the multiverse and now there's the matter of how kang would even create battle world doctor doom used the power of the beyonders in the comics there's also this whole thing with the molecule man who connects to the beyonders and he's basically the source for incursions and how the multiverse is eventually saved but i'm not going to go into that too much in this video we're going to have a much deeper analysis of secret wars in a future vid anyways kang might take the power of the beyonders or perhaps it will be the celestials or maybe it's the living tribunal who's been teased a few times he is the judge of the multiverse so that makes sense or maybe it's wanda her chaos magic might be the key or it could be love she was brought to life by eternity so maybe she has the cosmic energy to create battle world all of this is possible and it just means that we'll be doing a lot of secret wars videos until 2015 but what we do need to talk about in this video is the massive twist that we might get at the end of the kang dynasty which will lead us into secret wars the kang dynasty in the comics was about kang creating a dynasty with his son the scarlet centurion now i highly doubt the scarlet centurion will be in avengers 5 and 6. that role could go to iron lad he is a younger version of kang kang always tries to shape his younger self to be just like him so this could be the dynasty part we'll talk more about iron lad our young avengers video that's going to be coming up soon there's also mr fantastic and the smartest man alive reed richards of the fantastic four kang's real name in the comics is nathaniel richards making him a descendant of reed richards we are getting a fantastic four movie in phase six fantastic four will for sure play a big role in the multiverse saga i totally see kang appearing in fantastic four while he will try to recruit reed and create a dynasty that will save and rule the universe and together we can rule the galaxy his father and son but kang has another ancestor and that's dr doom yes nathaniel richards is also a descendant of victor von doom much of kang's persona was inspired by the ruler of latviria and i really hope doom will have some role in the multiverse saga so here's how it could happen doctor doom will pull the strings behind the scenes throughout the saga i can totally see him being the one who creates the war between wakanda and atlantis at some point doom is going to learn about incursions and work to stop them and save his universe that's how kang will meet doom they will work together and kang will see it as his dynasty you son of a but doom answers to no one he will betray his descendant in the kang dynasty and he will be the one who creates battle world so like in the comics we'll get god emperor doom now this might mean that secret wars will be a type of redemption story for kank he will join forces with his other ancestor reed and with the avengers they will stop doom and figure out a way to start a new multiverse and who knows secret wars might end with kang becoming the new he who remains and starting a new sacred timeline and of course we cannot forget the x-men like a mutation [Music] i'm certain that an x-men movie is going to be announced at d23 so the x-men will play a big role in the multiverse saga all of this means the big battle and secret wars will be a million times bigger than in-game we'll get something like the portal scene but this time it's heroes from earth 616 teaming up with all their variants this will be epic all the spider-man swinging into battle we'll see countless captain americas throwing their shields i could do this all day yeah i know i know a bunch of hammers from different thor variants this will be insane so the multiverse saga will culminate with the creation of a new universe where now a bunch of variants live in the same reality and this is what we can expect from the kang dynasty and secret wars so what do you think is going to happen in avengers 5 and six what will be the third mcu saga let us know in the comments below or feel free to at me on twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe and smash that bell for alerts for screen crush i'm ryan airy [Music] you
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 391,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: screencrush, heavy spoilers, new rockstars, avengers 5, avengers 6, kang dynasty, secret wars, what is secret wars, who is kang, multiverse saga
Id: e0fP97zkA1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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