Avengers Endgame New Clue! Did Iron Man Know About Kang?

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welcome back to new rockstars i'm eric voss and avengers zen game and the rules of time travel in the marvel cinematic universe just got overturned by of all things a book what are those actually i'm really glad we got shuri here because it's the new book from marvel and epic ink called the wakanda files presented as a compilation of shuri's research on all the tech in the mcu from weapons to ai to the quantum realm with hidden messages revealed by a uv light from a kimoyo bead i still don't know what these books are but i assume they're all like this and they sound great just to be careful pointing that beat anywhere in your room gross one of these passages sheds some uv light on one lingerie mystery from avengers end game that has come back up recently how much iron man tony stark knew exactly going into the time heist and his final battle with thanos he obviously knew more than he let on right he pre-recorded a goodbye message suggesting he remembered that one future in which they won would require his self-sacrifice which is why he knew from strange's quivering finger alone what to do and we've explored how he secretly designed his new stark gauntlet specifically to be compatible with his own nanotech so that he'd be able to discreetly absorb the stones off thanos's hand onto his and yeah i've also gone deeper into that to suggest the gauntlet never would have worked had thanos actually snapped it with all the stones in there that it was secretly a one-time fuse that hulk already ignited when he snapped and the whole thing was a trick to blur thanos into a false sense of confidence anyway the new detail that this marvel book exposed is an encrypted message from tony stark to bruce banner written around the time tony was engineering that wrist gps quantum navigator according to sci-fi wire tony mentions the david deutsch model of quantum mechanics and he says quote altering events from the past could never affect the continuous loop though it could create tangential split timelines let's not worry about that for the time being right one reality at a time for all our sanity new stuff the deutsche proposition actually came up earlier in the film tony after everything you've seen is anything really quantum fluctuation messes with the plank scale which then triggers the deutsche proposition can we agree on that tony was referring to the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics an assumption that einstein's theory of space-time is false allows for the theoretical possibility that multiple realities could coexist simultaneously and this message from stark to banner explains how banner was such a know-it-all to scott rhodey clinton nebula think about it if you travel to the past that past becomes your future and your former present becomes the past which can't now be changed by your new future exactly but the most interesting implication is the question it brings up over how much stark knew going into this because right before they confront thanos tony tells cap if you mess with time it tends to mess back you'll see now in the moment we read this as tony just warning cap that thanos himself is the kind of embodiment of fate inevitably returning to haunt anyone who tries to subvert it by messing with the laws of nature but in the many months since first hearing it many of us have reinterpreted this line as a possible hint at the even greater unseen chaos the avengers have unleashed upon the multiverse by meddling with these timelines one threat we recently learned about is kang the conqueror marvel's time lord villain confirmed to be played by jonathan majors in ant-man 3. did tony stark know that kang was coming well there was another visual clue and end game that to this day has never been explained the quantum tunnel device when evil nebula hijacks it to bring 2014 thanos into the present features may 2012 that was the time of the battle of new york that they went to in the time heist but also two other completely random years january 2988 bc and november 2009 80. i have explained how 2988 bc was the earliest known historical date of an infinity stone the reality stone with the ether appearing in thor's ancestor boar's battle with the dark elves shown in the prologue of thor the dark world set in the year 2988 and 2009 would have been sometime between iron man 1 and iron man 2 when nick fury would have been experimenting with the tesseract under project pegasus now these could just have been alternate time destinations being considered by the avengers as they were plotting out the time heist but now that we know tony was aware of the dangers of tangential split timelines i think that reframes how we should interpret this clue but before i continue thank you to bang energy for sponsoring this video sweet every can of bang is 16 ounces it contains 300 milligrams of caffeine it's sugar-free and it has zero calories yet it tastes real great there's over 20 different flavors to choose from 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observes when you have a time machine you can return to whenever you want oh by the way last year i analyzed the dueling depictions of time travel and end game and back to the future and we're gonna release it publicly on the channel in a few days don't listen to scott lang back to the future is not a bunch of [ __ ] but one time jump i think many of us missed is the one that occurred right after the obvious timeline meddling was supposedly finished after the five surviving og avengers grieve over natasha on the dock the next shot we see of them is in tony's lab when they're fitting the stones into stark's new gauntlet but the editing hides the fact that some time must have passed here many of them are now suited up in different clothes you know long it must have taken big banner to change a top he can't afford to just rip them all off we did rank bruce banner as the most likely to be on welfare i think this little time gap explains how those extra numbers could have ended up on that quantum tunnel console just before nebula snuck over to it and this new reveal from the book explains stark's motive see remember cap grabbed four extra pym particle vials from hank pym's lab in 1970. stark and cap only needed one each to get back to the present that leaves two extra pin particles lying around in the present day giving stark the opportunity the motive and the time to conduct two additional jumps to the past and before you say cap needed those extra piles for the return trip he clearly needed more than two there were six stones separated from at least four different points in space time and presumably the avengers reloaded on them from like hank pym who was at the funeral or the ones thanos apparently reverse engineered according to the directors so what was stark's secret time mission well this book confirms that stark knew about alternate realities that he warned bruce banner not to worry about yet and when he tells cap that time will mess back he says you'll see through his solitary experimentation stark must have known that some dark force is out there in the time stream playing it all like a goddamn harp yeah i think tony stark knew about kang the conqueror and the way kang has already controlled the time stream to enable his future dominion and his kingdom in chronopolis which i think that city in the quantum realm is more or less confirmed to be at this point stark new kang would create one of many branch realities by first snatching the reality stone back from the year 2988 bc so stark went back to stop him and clip off that branch but stark also knew that kang would do the same with the space stone in 2009 so he thwarted kang again and clipped off that branch so that's two jumps two files and by 2009 hank pym would be over there on the west coast so for tony it would just be a matter of zipping on over to hank pym's lab stealing another particle and then returning to the present just in time to help banner zip up into his activewear look folks stark went through something that we didn't see there was an additional grimness in his eyes when he said those words to cap just moments after this you'll see and i think it is because tony stark knew there were many other alternate realities controlled by one dark force kang the conqueror a time stream that tony stark tried to clip off but was unable to completely damn that stream and he knows here that it's going to be on the surviving avengers of the future to face a future that tony stark won't be a part of subscribe to new rockstars hit that notification bell follow me on instagram adavos follow me rockstars thanks for indulging me as i pitched how tony stark went back in time to bangkang let's add a kang bang [Music] you
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 3,051,423
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Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars, avengers, endgame, avengers endgame, iron man, tony stark, i am iron man, thanos, kang, infinity stone, time heist, quantum realm, shuri, wakanda, wakanda diaries, infinity gauntlet, tony stark death, tony stark dies, captain america, steve rogers, thor, howard stark, avengers endgame time, avengers endgame explained, avengers endgame ending explained, hulk, bruce banner, quantum realm explained
Id: 8x5agKLItJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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