The Life of Thanos: A Tribute to the Mad Titan (MCU Explained/Recap)

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there have been so many villains in the MCU most of them forgettable but the two that always stick out to me were Loki and Thanos and seeing as I already made a video about Luke II it's time to focus on danos I already did a video on him but it focused more on his comic book origin rather than the MCU version and back then his story was not complete so now I'm going to go through all of the MCU films and comics and I'm going to do a sort of recap and tribute to the mad Titan the big bad that the 22 films built up to obviously they're going to be spoilers so there's a warning now let's get started Thanos was born on the planet Titan to his father of ours and was a member of the titanians a race of powerful godlike beings the planet had a lot of problems the biggest being overpopulation Thanos who unconditionally loved his people desperately sought to save his planet from imminent destruction he went to the leaders of his world and proposed his own idea to kill half of the Titanian population entirely at random to reset and not have overpopulation be the death of them all he figured half the population being killed was better than the entire population dying off his idea however was considered to be too drastic and was dismissed by his people who exiled him from Titan for his insane suggestion surely after he was banished Daniels's prediction came true Titan ended up becoming subsequently devastated due to its overpopulation and the planet was nearly uninhabitable another result of this devastation was that the Titanian species was on the verge of complete extinction had they listened to Thanos the planet would have been saved and their species would still be thriving on Titan Thanos being right might have been the worst thing for him however it put the idea in his head that if this happened to Titan then the same thing would happen to the rest of the universe as a result of Titans fall and the circumstances surrounding him Daniels came to believe that the universe is huge population was depleting all of its resources which Thanos feared would cause the end of the universe itself just as it did on Titan however that was not the case Daniels was just set in his ways and had PTSD from his home planet being destroyed he had survivor's guilt which messed with his head making him think that he was more of a God than he actually was to save the universe he became a world conqueror moving throughout the universe going from planet to planet and wiping out half of their population at random due to his ideology comparing Titan to the rest of the universe he honestly thought that what he was doing was the right thing and thought that his actions were helping save and balance the universe while doing this Thanos earned himself a fearful reputation as a galactic warlord he was known for having immense power and he even ruled over a region of space known as sanctuary or Chitauri space his immense power led him to gaining control over three deadly armies the Chitauri thus occurrence and the outriders with the three armies at his disposal his fearful reputation and his insanely high body count he was considered among many to be one of if not the most powerful being in the universe he also had a personal servant named the other who was extremely loyal to him as Thanos went from planet to planet on his conquest to save the universe he would sometimes collect orphans from the planets where he caught their population in half his oldest children were a Bini mom Corvus glaive coal obsidian and Proxima midnight he turned the four of them into warriors and they were all extremely devoted to Thanos his command and the floor would eventually be known as the black order one day when Thanos was conquering a planet he did as he always did wiping out half their population but while he was there his attention was instead focused on a young native of the planet named Kimora he was bravely fighting back against one of Thanos his Chitauri soldiers when Danice went up to her asking what was wrong she demanded to know where her mother was looking Thanos dead in the eyes with no fear whatsoever after asking what her name was Thanos said that she was quite the fighter come let me help you as his army killed half the population of gamora's planet he made sure that she did not watch instead focusing her attention on a switchblade that he had he told her that it was perfectly balanced as all things should be referring to his conquest of balancing the universe Thanos had killed gamora's family Wood offered her a new one by his side along with his other children Gamora quickly became his favorite and most promising child training her to become the deadliest woman in the Gow see as a result of this he genuinely cared about it and for the first time it wasn't just unconditional love or an attachment because they served him but this was real love he often called her little one a nickname that he gave to her that had a lot of meaning for him Danice hoped that one day she would inherit his throne but over time she slowly started to hate him but he never lost hope that she would become loyal to him again around that same time Thanos adopted another child named nebula and she too was trained to be a deadly assassin then was never cared for her the way that he cared for Gamora however he always pitted the two girls against each other and every time nebula lost he removed one of her body parts and replaced it with the piece of machinery claiming that he wanted her to be the equal of Gamora but nebula was never able to win nebula was desperate to please her father but always seemed to fall short in his eyes due to the fact that in his eyes Gamora was the only perfect child after spending years wiping out half the population on planet after planet Thanos realized that there were far too many life forms in the universe for him to balance it by himself he decided to change his goal and he stopped wiping out planets populations and instead dedicated the rest of his life to finding the Infinity stones his ultimate goal to use them to fully wipe out half the universe and one quick snap he later told his daughter that once he found and used the stones to fulfill that task he would go to his farm and live out a peaceful life sure that the universe would be grateful for his actions clearly showing how deranged and sick he was Danno scoured the universe looking for the soul stone the reality stone the space stone the time stone the mind stone in the Power Stone the first stone he found was the mind stone wanting to harness its power to help him find the other stones he put it in a scepter making it be able to control and manipulate other people's minds many years later Thanos got a lead on the power stone which was encased in what was known as the order he sent them now addo nebula and Gamora to the cloud tunes of proxy s where he had heard the orb loss when they got there nebula once again desperate to please her father went ahead wanting to be the one to get the orb for him but she ended up getting caught in a trap Kimura wants a help free air but then was forbid here to do so saying that nebula and was therefore undeserving of help this forced nebula to amputate her own arm in order to escape and though Thanos replaced it as soon as she returned this further pushed a shaking Gamora to question danos in the path that he had laid out for her this was key as Thanos sent Gamora to find the soul stone because when she found a map that let it right to it she reported back to him saying that the search was unsuccessful she then burned the map and did not tell anyone about it welcome Mora thought she got away with this she was very wrong Thanos could see through her lies but allowed her to believe that she had fooled him for the time being while Thanos continued his mission he gained yet another powerful ally Ronan the accuser Thanos assisted Ronan in several massacres including one where Drax the destroyer x' and tired family was killed by Ronan one day Thanos his personal servant the other informed him that the tesseract the thing that encase the space stone was on earth around the same time loki traveled through a wormhole after falling from the Bifrost bridge and ended up in Tatari spaceport Thanos his throne was when Thanos met Loki he offered him a deal that he could not refuse Thanos taking advantage of Loki's greatest weakness his desire to rule as a king he told him that he could rule over earth that he can bring him the tesseract and he went you're a success he gave Loki's Chitauri army along with the scepter with the mine stone in hand before the mission Thanos personally trained Loki in mind control and the best way to use the power of the scepter he also had a servant the other threatened Loki if he did not succeed if a Tesla there will be no realm new baron no despite all that Thanos gave them Loki Stowe failed the mission after being stopped by the Avengers and more specifically Iron Man who destroyed the Chitauri command center and not only did he fail to get the tesseract and weakened Thanos his Chitauri army but he also lost the scepter with the mine stone in it Thanos now had none of the stones and was informed by the other that the inhabitants of earth were not as weak as they had thought but this did not face Thanos who stood from his throne and smiled for what was to come he began researching the adventures and regarded them as unruly wretches though he did gain respect for Tony Stark aka Iron Man who he viewed as a kindred spirit who was like him cursed with knowledge two years after Loki lost the stones Thanos made a deal with his ally Ronan promising to lend some of his forces and Ronan's attack on Xander and exchange for Ronan's help in locating the orb while Ronan was off doing dad Thanos and his daughters nebula and Gamora went to slaughter an alien race after their victory Thanos informed his daughters that Ronan had tracked down the Power Stone and that he would be sending them to Ronan to oversee its retrieval Kimura noted that Ronan would not be happy about them observing him but Thanos said that the alternative for him was death and went on to say that Romans obsession with the attack on sand are clouded his judgments nebula bow down to her father welcomed or rolled her eyes at her sister something that Thanos saw and wish it had been the other way around desperate for Gamora his favorite child to respect him the way that his other children did before Ronan could get the stone star-lord got it first to ensure its retrieval Ronan sent Gamora and nebula after the orb Gamora found at first and unknown to Thanos at the time she cut all ties with their father after the many years of abuse that she and her siblings had gone through she instead planned on giving the orb to the collector who also sought the Infinity stones for his own purposes when Ronan to a daniels of Kimora's betrayal they cut deep so deep in fact that he was unable to take the situation seriously as he was too shocked and hurt when Ronan accused him of this Thanos his servant the other spoke up and said the showed a knows respect leading to Ronan taking his life danos whoever was unfazed by his servants death and Ronan's complaints and simply instructed ronan to return to his task and correct Kimora's betrayal which he regretted more than anything but he acted as though it just slightly hurt him Thanos then instructed nebula to take amorous place something that Thanos new nebula always wanted to hear ruining and nebula both eventually stole the orb from the guardians of the galaxy a team that Gamora now fought on against her father and her siblings when Thanos was contacted by Ronan Thanos was furious to discover that after experiencing the power of the orb Ronan intended on keeping the Infinity stone for himself and said that he was personally coming to kill thanos after he destroyed sand are seeing a chance to rid herself of her abusive father nebula joined Ronan thinking that he was powerful enough to kill thanos Ronan however not only didn't get a chance to confront danos but also lost his life to the guardians of the galaxy before he could even destroys and are making nebula at great risk from Thanos after her betrayal the Power Stone was then given to the Nova corpse making not the third stone that slipped through Thanos his fingers with his daughter's Loki and now Ronan failing to bring him the stones each also take matters into his own hand he went to needle of ear and forced each tree one of the dwarves there to forge the Infinity Gauntlet something capable of harnessing all six of the Infinity stones he thought atria that if he did this he would spare his people but as soon as Eitri finished Thanos broke that promise and wiped out all of the dwarves except for each tree he then damaged eatery's hands so that he could not make anything similar to his gauntlet or make anything else powerful enough to stop it Thanos then took the gauntlet it took matters into his own hands a little while after that nebula attempted to kill thanos aboard his own ship sanctuary - only to be stopped and captured then Austin held her there to be tortured and used to his advantage Thanos eventually started thoroughly investigating the whereabouts of each infinity stone including their current keepers having amassed all the knowledge that he could dennis launched the infinity war so we could finally bring balance to the universe he tracked down the power stone does and on where it was being protected by the Nova corpse he infiltrated their headquarters and after retrieving the orb he destroyed it to reveal the Power Stone and placed the stone in his gauntlet he then wiped out half of their planet killing millions of xandarians with the ship sanctuary to Thanos managed to track down the starship carrying the only remaining as Guardians after Ragnarok as his Black Order killed half of the Asgardians aboard Thanos beat Thor half to death his former ally Loki was on board as well and he had the tesseract which he cased the space stone the very thing that Loki failed to bring Thanos six years earlier Thanos bargain Thor's life with the tesseract forcing Loki to hand it over and free his brother but before Thanos could take in the hope jumped in from behind vandals beat the crap out of the Hulk even drawing blood and defeated him I'm Dillon sent hook to earth to warn the nine realms the threat that was coming leading to Thanos taking han Dells life [Music] danos took the tesseract and destroyed it to reveal the space stone now giving him two of the six stones he said this black water to earth in order to locate both the mind and time stones and return them to him however he was interrupted by Loki who attempted to kill her but then was called him before he could and took Loki's life Thanos then used the stones that he had to destroy the ship and transported himself and his children away Thanos moved on to get the reality stone from the collector on nowhere he figured out a way to solidify the ether a liquid like substance into the form of a stone and put it into his gauntlet now harnessing the power of half of the Infinity stones he then destroyed nowhere sending it up in flames Thanos then remembered a while back when Kimora lied to him saying that her search for the soul stone was a failure and while she thought she got away with it Thanos knew that she was lying knowing that he needed Gamora to locate the soul stone he devised the plan anticipating the Guardians coming and made nowhere look as though it wasn't engulfed in flames it made it look like he was torturing the collector for the stone Gamora falling for this went to attack her father and killed him stabbing him with the very knife that he gave her on the day-to-day man Gamora fell to the ground crying clearly conflicted by her feelings for the man that raised and trained her from a young age then Austin revealed the illusion and was pleased that she had shown so much emotion at his death saying that in his heart he knew that she still cared denistoun watched as Gamora begged her boyfriend Peter Quayle to kill her and he told his daughter that she expected too much from him he EXPEED her on and brought her closer to him and when he finally pulled the trigger Thanos replaced the shot with bubbles he was impressed with close determination and love for his daughter and as he left with Gamora he told quill that he liked him while keeping her locked up Thanos broke a more food wood she threw against the throne saying that she hated the chair making Dano sadly respond gamora then continued saying that she hated everything about her childhood and life when she was with him something that hurt Thanos deeply she told Danos that the people on her planet were happy before he came but he questioned this mentioning that she would often go to bed hungry he then told her that her planet was now a paradise because of what he had done because you murdered half the planet small price to pay for salvation you're insane but su argued Gamora yelling that he was wrong and Danno saying that he was the savior of the universe clearly too caught up in his quest to see reason Thanos then heard the thing that hurt more than any punch he had received any insult that he had heard or any pain that he had gone through when his favorite child the one person in the universe that he loved said I'm not your daughter everything about myself he told me Thanos then revealed that he knew that she was lying about the soul stone to get the information out of her he tortured nebula in front of Gamora but Kimura continued to say that she did not know fanless then pulled up a hologram from nebulas memory of Kimura revealing that she did in fact have the information danos continued to torture nebula and Gamora finally gave in telling him that the stone was on four meter Thanos took a mérida form here and there they were told by red skull that in order to get the stone you must lose that what you loved a soul for a soul this made Gamora laugh out loud saying that he failed as he loved nothing and no one she thought that it was impossible for him to get the stone because of this but she was very wrong Thanos turned around with tears in his eyes something that had never happened before in his entire life not for his own race or his people not for any of his other children but this this was different a new kind of pain that he had never felt before when Gamora saw the tears in his eyes she said tears but red scolded told her they're not for him gomorrah got a terrified look on her face as it dawned on her that Danis loved her danos was conflicted all his life it had been about the mission and he never thought that he would be stopped especially not by something as weakest loved Kimura was his greatest weakness it was the hardest decision that he ever had to make but in the end he decided that the mission was more important I hadn't Nordmann 'tony once I cannot do that again even for you he ensured that Kimura did not kill herself and said mom danos cried as he dragged the only thing he loved in the galaxy he ignored her cries and pleas for help which was torture for Thanos as he neared the cliff he was daring himself not to do it but when he let Kimura go he looked down upon her with tears rushing down his face in shock of what he had just done he closed his eyes in shame and grief he could not stand the sight of her broken dead body below Thanos then heard a voice say your will is strong the Thanos the soul stone accepts your sacrifice and the next thing he knew Danice awoke in the soul world the soul stone in his hand he looked at it wondering if what he had just done was worth it he knew he had to move on though and he cooked the soul stone in his gauntlet now only having two more stones to retrieve Thanos then went to Titan to retrieve the time stone only to be ambushed and nearly defeated mantis held his mind at bay while the others tried to retrieve the gauntlet and mantis felt the turmoil as mine was going through mourning the loss of Gamora they nearly got the gauntlet but when Peter quill discovered that he had killed Kimura he punched him repeatedly making Thanos fight off mantis he fought back furiously against the group defeating them all and then throwing one of Titans moons down upon that Iron Man was the last one standing and he fought back hard even drawing blood from the mad Titan the analyst then got the upper hand and used Tony's own blade against him stabbing him in the stomach Daniels told Tony that he was an admirable opponent that game is respect Dennis raised the gauntlet to Tony's head but before he killed him dr. strange said that if he spared his life and he would give him the time stone Dennis agreed took the stone and once he get the last stone from Earth the last stone was the very first stone that he had acquired but lost the mine stone he made his way to fish in you had the mine stone in his head defeating the other half of the Avengers to get there before he got the vision however Scarlet Witch destroyed the stone at killing vision he told Wanda that he understood her pain of losing someone that she loved and when she responded saying that he could never the pain of losing Kimora was etched upon his face more clearly than ever today lost more than you can know when it looked like his mission was lost Thanos reversed time with the time stone brought mission back to life only to kill him again and he took the stone when he put the final stone in he had finally achieved his goal of harnessing all of the stones but right before he was about to snap his fingers Thor came in and chucked his new hammer Stormbreaker into phantos his chest as he forced it in deeper Thanos told him that he should have gone for the head he snapped his fingers fulfilling his lifelong dream to wipe out half the universe in order to balance the galaxy trillions of people disappeared into dust because of him and through it all danos thought he was doing the right thing and thought he was the savior of the universe to a surprise Dallas awoke in the soul world without the wound in his chest or the Infinity Gauntlet the void was empty except for an archway similar to the one where he first met Gamora donor as the young girl turned around he realized that it was the favorite of his children she asked him if he had done it and when he said yes she asked him the cost then who said with a lot of struggle in his voice he truly had lost everything referring mostly to the young girl that stood in front of him the only person or thing that he ever loved she was everything to him but he chose the mission over her regaining normal consciousness Danice returned to his body back in Wakanda both anos and door looked at the scores Infinity Gauntlet and Thor demanded to know what he did but Denis offered no answers and instead used the opening to escape using the space stone as half of all life across the universe began to disintegrate as a result of his actions Thanos went to the planet zero two six nine - ass also known as Titan - or the garden a garden like planet where Thanos was finally able to settle down on his farm his mission was complete he sat overlooking the alien countryside unable to hear the screams of sadness and pain that were going on across the universe as trillions died in front of their loved ones Dano sat there thinking that he had done well he smiled and satisfaction content with his victory Thanos still had one more thing to do however he utilized the Infinity stones one more time using their power to destroy themselves reducing them to nothing and eliminating any possibility of reversing the damage that he had done this came at a price however as it hurt him badly leaving horrible wounds and scars on his body and nearly killed him severely wounded Thanos continued to tend to his farm on Titan - unaware of the fate that awaited him two days after Thanos destroyed the stones the surviving Avengers - Tony were able to track him down on Titan - when they arrived Captain Marvel war machine and Bruce Banner in the Hulkbuster suit held him down while a furious Thor stormed in and cut his left arm off freeing the gauntlet however when they discovered that the stones were not in the gauntlet they demanded to know where they were Thanos told them that after they served their purpose all they had left was temptation and he told them that he used the stones to destroy the stones he then told the group that the work was done and that it always will be and he finished saying that he was inevitable when war machine said that he was lying if a knows his daughter nebula said that her father was many things but a liar was not one of them a broken and injured Thanos looked up at nebula and said thank you daughter he looked into her eyes and began to try and make amends saying that perhaps he treated her too harshly where's the Danice new nebula was desperate to hear before he could finish however a furious Thor sliced a noses head off ending the mad Titans life the rest of the Avengers looked down upon his severed head all in shock but it affected no one more than nebula who reached out a hand and closed her father's eyes her last deed to the man that treated her like dirt every day of her life for five years what Thanos had done stuck but when the remaining Avengers and the newly resurfaced ant-man figured out a way to time-travel they came up with the plan to go to different points in time to collect the stones and undo what they knows had done when messing with time at weifare they did not take into account that if Thanos from the past could resurface and figure out their plan there planted a huge bump when war machine and nebula traveled back to 2014 the nebula from the future and the nebula from 2014 both overloaded as their cybernetics network connection were shared making their minds merge but in two different bodies this alerted the 2014 Dennis to the Avengers plan and after asking ebony mall to analyze nebula he realized there were now two nebulas in 2014 one loyal to him from the present and one against him from the future vandals and so a memory of himself being killed which took him up a bit but he kept his composure evany mob began to strangle the nebula from 2014 but Thanos released her saying that she had a chance to prove her loyalty till then outside the 2014 nebula take the place of the future nebula and she went to 2023 posing us our future south Thanos then had M&E Maw uses sorcery to reverse engineer the Pym particles the thing that they used to time-travel so that there would be enough for his entire fleet to be sent to the future by the time the past nebula arrived on earth in 2023 a new Infinity Gauntlet had been made and the Avengers used it to bring back all those trillions of life-forms that Daniels had erased five years earlier however past nebula used the time machine to transport Thanos and his fleet from 2014 to present day with the ship sanctuary to Santos obliterated the Avengers facility burying many of its members danos came down to earth and told the past nebula to go find the stones meanwhile Daniels was met by Iron Man Captain America and Thor Thanos greeted them saying you could not live with your own failure where did that bring you back to me he then explained it that that he had originally thought that by destroying half of the population the other half would thrive but now he realized that as long as there are those who remembered what was there are always those that are unable to accept what can be he told them that he planned to shred the universe down to its last atom and then with the stone straight a new one with life that will not know what it had lost but only what it has been given what Thanos did not know was that after the nebula from the past had retrieved the gauntlet his favorite daughter killed her realizing how wrong what they were doing was meanwhile the Fallen Avengers that died five years earlier returned and the Avengers assembled Dan'l's fought one-on-one against Thor and Captain America and beat both of them but when he fought one-on-one with Scarlet Witch she was able to overpower him and realizing that he and his fleet were losing Dennis ordered an airstrike which kept his enemies at bay but it came at a price killing much of his own army as a bewildered anos watched Captain Marvel put a stop to the airstrike and destroyed sanctuary to which Captain Marvel attempted to take the stones back in time where they belong Thanos destroyed the time machine before she could Thanos tried to get the gauntlet and successfully fought Thor and Captain America off at the same time he got the gauntlet and put it on but before he could use it Captain Marvel held his arm down and was powerful enough to stop them until Thanos took out the power stone and clobbered her with it he put the power stone back in an easily knocked Ironman out of the way as he said that he was inevitable he snapped his fingers however nothing happened he turned the gauntlet around only to realize the stones were not there and then he looked over at Iron Man who successfully taking the stones from him when Thanos pushed him away when Tony snapped his fingers Danis watched as his entire fleet floated away into dust and as he sat down ready to face his fate he too floated away into nothingness Thanos did not consider himself a bad man in fact it was quite the contrary he believed that he was the greatest hero the universe had ever known he was obsessed with his mission and lost sight of right and wrong if you look deeper at his character he's actually quite tragic banished from his own planet when in his mind he was only trying to help his people having to kill the one and only person that he ever loved for a mission that led to his pathetic death twice he was thinking that he had done right by the world something that is very messed up had led him to believe Venice will forever be remembered as the most relentless and most powerful villain the Avengers have ever faced thanks so much for watching guys you can follow me on social media links for that will be in the description and I want to give a huge shout out so all my patrons listed below if you want to be listed on my next video plus a bunch of other awards check out my patreon which is linked down below if you enjoyed this video make sure you press that subscribe button to help grow the channel again thank you so much for watching and look out for more great videos on the way you
Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 1,924,742
Rating: 4.8727789 out of 5
Keywords: Movie Review, TV Show review, Harry Potter, Superhero, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney, Hunger Games, a'lars, titan, titanian, avengers, marvel cinematic universe, gamora, nebula, star lord, peter quill, breakdown, comics, comic book
Id: pUrhr1fOkiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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