The MOD every ARK Player needs!!! How to set up AUTOMATED ARK and AUTO FARM in Ark Survival Ascended

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[Music] what's up guys today I'm going to show you how to set up the automated Arc system um it's a little tricky and there's not too much information out there about how to set everything up uh hopefully this guide will help you if you got any questions about it just leave a comment um I'm pretty good about responding to them and uh be happy to answering questions that you got okay so what is the automated Arc system the automated automated Arc system is put here to sort of help you craft things faster and help you keep things more organized now the now one of the downsides of the automated Arc system is um it helps if if you can build a lot of vaults and uh so these are the automated Arc vaults um these little OCD vaults they help keep everything organized and instead of pulling Stone from this Vault taking it over here to my workbench to craft stuff um I can just come to my workbench and then I can craft however many I want and I'll get get into that as I uh get further into uh the automated art system all right so the first thing that you're going to want to do is you can craft this on your person all right so go to crafting and uh if you already have the mod downloaded and everything um this is what the AA workbench looks like all right you can craft this on your person it doesn't cost very much um and whenever you get ready to place it it's going to look like this okay so I already have mine set up right here so I'm not going to craft another one uh second thing all right you have to do this if you want the automated system to work uh next is going to be your control console okay your control console controls everything okay everything that you bring into your base stone wood metal all of it um once you have everything set up correctly your control console is going to um it's it's going to bring everything into it and then it's going to disperse it out to the correct place that it needs to go all right so you're going to craft one of these I have mine crafted and placed up here all right so we're going to go through a couple things on the control console all right so a lot of the things you see in here if I was to turn off all my vaults it would bring everything into my control console and it would be it would be extremely full uh but it holds a ridiculous amount of space um so uh so that's good but you don't want to keep everything in your TR control console you want to keep it where you know uh you easily know where it's at so I'm not slowly scrolling down uh trying to find something all right so once you have your control console set up um I would say that the next thing that you want to craft are going to be uh at least a few of your OCD vaults okay now notice my my vaults have the the little AA symbol down at the bottom left corner of it okay that means that it works along with the automated art control system uh also my workbench has the AA symbol on it okay so all this stuff even my uh my fabricator has the AA symbol on it okay so all the things that you are used to creating in Arc you can also create the AA version of it uh plus a lot more okay so some things uh for the AA system can be crafted at the uh the AA workbench others can be crafted at the AA Smithy uh and some can be crafted did on your person Tye in AA okay the workbench the remote which I don't I don't ever really use uh you can craft your OCD vaults which um as you'll see here in a little bit become extremely helpful uh and your wood pile okay so everything that you have that is AA your control your control console this right here can pull and replace and move things around for you all automatically okay so uh quick tip if you're someone who wants to build a huge Stone base you're going to need a lot of stone um I take out my DED if I can find him where is stoner oh there he is okay so I take out my deed I just carry him with an Argy uh I take him I bust up a bunch of stone when I bring him back his inventory is going to be SLA full of stone okay this red ring right here shows the um shows the border of my control console okay when I bring him in the control cons console sees that I have a dinosaur that has a bunch of uh has a bunch in his inventory now what I did with my control console come over here now it's X to access the inventory it's Y and to hold for more options all right so I hit I press y hold for more options disable pulling from dinos now I want to keep that enabled so as my dinosaurs come within that red ring out there the control console automatically pulls everything from my dinosaurs so I don't have to do I don't have to do anything all I have to do is just drop my DED off as soon as he's done collecting Stone and when he hits the ring all that stone is going to automatically go into the control console and then the control console is going to sort it over here to my my stone vaults which I need to do a stone Run Okay so let's talk about the OCD vaults real quick all right so to set up your Vault this fault I have only four stone specifically four stone because I can let my deed I can put him on wonder and he'll walk around bust rocks and collect Stone automatically uh as he walks back in into that red perimeter the control center will pull out all that stone automatically put it in this Vault for me now to set this Vault to only picking up Stone I must place at least one stone in it I go to show OCD menu there's my stone and I want to make sure that it is checked um if I put if I put another item in here me show you real quick get some wood oh already had some on me all right if I bring wood into this Vault and I go to show OCD menu uh now you can see that there that there's um that there's wood that can be selected but this isn't my wood Vault all right this is my stone Vault I have my wood Vault from the other Vault that you just saw so uh so I'm going to leave it unselected confirm all right and you'll see that the wood disappeared out and it has gone back to a wood Vault so my control center pulled it out of the incorrect Vault brought it to the control center and then placed it in the correct Vault that I have for this one set up so this is my wood vault as you can see Wood's the only item that I have selected as you bring more items in close let's move all that over Whatever item you have in the vault is going to be an item that shows up on on the menu okay so that's how you get get it to show up on your menu you just have to bring at least one of whatever it is that you want in the vault so you can check it now there is oh well there's a timer set on it that's why it's automatically moved move that stuff for me all right so looking at the Vault um obviously it's X to access the inventory uh it's y to hold for more options if you hold down y there's a uh lock icon here now let's see oh hold unlock unlock it yes okay so that lock and unlock icon will allow or prevent vent you from pulling material automatically into your workbench so instead of grabbing a bunch of stone which my weight is pretty low so I'd only be able to carry you know three or four stacks of stone over here but if I'm wanting to make a lot of something um then I don't want to keep running Stone back and forth but with everything set up correctly which means I have my OCD Vault unlocked also I need to come up here hold why I need to have this unlocked as well now since I know that I have wood and stone uh let's say I want to pull resources all right so when I hover over something it's not selected it's not selected until I hit a and make it selected all right that took this took me forever to figure out is that I wasn't selecting things correctly so make sure you hit a to select it now I can push the right stick to pull the resources before I pull them I want to set my set pool multiplier okay that's this down here and it sucks at the very beginning when you forget to set this because um you end up with a lot of extra material in your or Smithy or whatever you're working in and uh and then I was running all those resources back to the Vault but I'm going to show you a faster way to reset all that all right so let's say I just want to make two all right have it set to two confirm now my set pool multiplier has turned to two let's go back up here I want to craft two Spears all right so I'm going to just make this spere all right so I select it I pushing a pull resources there we go and see now it has pulled all the resources I need and I can craft two of them it automatically pulls my resources from my OCD vaults into here everything I need to make two spheres all right but to do this you're going to have to make sure that you have the AA Smithy not the regular Smithy okay okay um now see this is the chaos Smithy it's not AA notice it does not give me the opportunity to select and pull my resources and there's no AA mark on it okay so let's say that you are getting ready to craft and I'm over here at my my AA water and pedestal and pestl um all right I want to craft some cementing paste cuz my gosh you have to have a lot of it confirm click on it all resources boom there we go uh well obviously I need to do a stone run all right so so here's another issue that I wanted to address now I have these resources in here I do not want to pull these resources out put them on my person and then run them back to the correct Vault all right so instead of doing that I come over here I hit manual sort bam they're all gone they go back to my control center then to the OCD Vault that they're assigned to um I would recommend um having a wall like this but about four times the size each Vault containing its own individual uh resource um this this will help you get started uh I guess becoming familiar with the uh with the automated Arc system um oh actually I forgot super important part all right so as you're getting more vaults you want to make sure that you set your control center up correctly all right so I go into my Control Center and you will see this exclude structure section right here okay now as you can see I have OCD vaults all over the place and they all hold different things all right but I have some things that are not automated Arc uh my preserving bin I have this Mort mortar and pestl um I have these large storage boxes that I keep things in now your control center if you do not have an OCD Vault designated to let's say my clothes right here all right I just throw clothes in here I don't have an OCD Vault designated and I want my clothes to stay in this large storage box right here I'm going to go into my control center I'm going to click on exclude structures and where are my large okay here we are a large storage box all right I'm going to check them and this means those are excluded okay so my CC my control center is not or my control console is not going to pull from my large storage boxes so the things that I have in here are going to stay in there especially when I hit manual sort so um the manual sort button uh can help speed up the process when I take my deette out for stone or if I take my my anky out for metal um sometimes whenever I drop them off when I drop them off within the perimeter for the resources to be pulled sometimes it can take uh like a a couple of minutes before my automated Arc system recognizes that one of my dinosaurs has um has something in its inventory and pulls it out if I want to speed up that process I just drop the dinosaur I come in here and then I just go straight to manual sort and will instantly right then and there pull everything out of my dinosaur uh so yeah um some things that you can set up uh that also help once you get your plants going uh like usually I use this for the carrot use this for potatoes um and I have this Vault out here set up to where it automatically pulls my food from um from the crop plots uh so as they grow and they're ready um you know the the food is ready to be picked off or whatever it is uh instead of coming out here and manually picking the food out and putting it in the vault I have this Vault specifically set up to automatically pull the carrots uh cinel um all these plants that that I'm growing uh this helps with uh making kibble a lot faster so um yeah if uh if you want more info I'll just I'll show you a little bit more of how I set up my automated I guess planting system Gardening System um one is the AA compost bin all right got uh all my Dino waste in here um for it to create fertilizer you just need the uh dino crap and Dino what's the other thing and thatch all right so if I take my uh my their zonosaurus out is that how you say it the zonosaurus I can't remember but I take my Theo out and I do uh I do runs for wood yeah this one right here oh theovon I'll take him out and I'll do thatch runs wood runs and fiber runs because he's really good at collecting it fast [Music] um but once I drop my Theo off into uh back into the perimeter I can set this to where it automatically pulls the thatch show pull range enable thatch pulling okay so once I place my Theo back into the perimeter my control console will automatically pull the thatch out of him and bring it to here if I enable it but I use thatch for other things and this will pull all the thatch that you have um so I tend to leave it off unless I'm getting off for a day or two and uh and then it'll just make fertilizer for me so but to use this AA compost spin correctly you want to set up uh the fertilizer manager which is this right here now I had this one but this one is not AA so it doesn't it doesn't automatically do everything correctly for me uh this one will automatically pull it from the compost bin which I don't think I have any but you don't even have to click on this it'll do it automatically but if you want it done right now it'll it will pull the fertilizer and then you can click on fill crops which you don't have to click on fill crops either because it automatically does it but um my fertilizer will be created um the fertilizer manager will pull it in automatically once it's fertilizer and then distribute it all evenly to all my crop plots so um they did good uh I think the the devs did really good with how everything set up I can create a lot of kibble really fast I can do I can create just a lot of things really fast um but it was hard for me to figure out how to set everything up correctly I had I had things locked that weren't supposed to be locked like my vaults and um it made things difficult but as you can see um at the original AA workbench uh there's there's so much that you're able to set up and and and do automatically so there's no more running around making multiple trips trying to carry metal from one place to another if you have all your metal going to one Vault all your metal go into one Vault then uh as long as you have your AA system set up uh you don't have to move make multiple trips carrying metal around you can just uh look at what you want to create highlight it pull resources and then create it so that is how to set up the automated Arc system uh also before I jump off I want to show you a little bit of my cousin's setup we all play on uh the same server together uh this is my cousin's base uh as you can see um he has a an excellent setup and he's already started upgrading all his stuff to metal um and and it it takes time but it doesn't take him too much time and this is why here's his control center Center here's his vaults all right see for each Vault he has literally just one resource uh pretty much for each one when he's ready to fabricate something all right multiplier set to one I don't have to go and pull any resources I just uh pull the resources automatically using the system and boom there I go all right I only made you know one I guess it makes it in stacks of two but I made one bullet or two bullets and uh because I have the set pool multiplier set to just one all right yeah uh he has a a pretty solid setup I can go anywhere to any AA station chemistry bench set to one all right pull resources and craft all right when this uh instead of move manually moving this back all I got to do to the my um control console manual sort and pulls those resources back puts them back where they're supposed to go keeps everything nice and tidy and really clean so yeah uh yeah he's got an excellent setup also uh whenever you're ready to start breeding dinosaurs um there is a AA egg crate as your dinosaurs um because obviously you're going to need like Alpha egg beta egg or um you know regular eggs uh depending on what kind of kibble you're making um the AA egg crate as your dinosaurs mate and drop eggs or as they're just dropping as the females are dropping eggs just on their own the AA egg crate if they're within the correct distance from it it will automatically pick the eggs up and store them in here uh making it a lot easier and more readily available to make the kibble that you need um so yeah hope uh hope this guy I hope this guide kind of makes it a little bit easier to set up the AA system um and like I said earlier if uh there's anything that that you might have questions about um just leave a comment and uh make sure you subscribe for more art content all right later [Music]
Channel: Toothless Zombie
Views: 11,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark, survival, ascended, ark survival, ark survival ascended, dino, dinosaurs, guide, tame, set, up, setup, set up, how, howto, how to, mod, mods, new, newest, lets play, lets, play, tames, t-rex, trex, crops, farm, vault, auto, automatic, automated, automated ark, ocd vault, ocd, workbench, forge, plant, plants, crop, egg, eggs, control, control console, console, survive, raptor, volcanic, volcanic raptor, stone, metal, anky, collect, gather, wood, thatch, fertilizer, a.a., aa
Id: CVcztbzqMgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 38sec (1598 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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