AUTODESK INVENTOR EVERY BUTTON EXPLAINED! Part - 3D Model - Sketch & Create panels

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[Music] so this is part of a new playlist which eventually I'll finish hopefully and it's gonna cover every single button in inventor and what it does just to give you an idea of what each button does my starting in part mode and the create panel it's definitely not a full tutorial per button it's just this is what the button does with a quick demo per button kind of a playlist and we're gonna start with the create panel this pump the buttons here you can imagine if I was to do the entire ribbon in one video it would take ages so I'm gonna break it up per panel and then per environment and it'll take me a while to finish because it's not worth doing a video just for sketch I'll start with that right so on this sketch panel you've got two buttons right you click this little part of the button here and it drops down and you've got start 2d sketch and start 3d sketch so what you do is you select this button here and it throws a few it throws a few shapes that you made like a 70s disco throwing shapes of your face and then you select one of the planes and that's this start of your 3d model you can then sketch up something eventually I'll do a playlist with all of these in as well but then you draw a shape you put some dimensions on it like so and you say I want it to be so big finish the sketch and then off your trot with doing your 3d commands alright the other button is start a 3d sketch now a 3d sketch allows you to draw shapes and lines arcs and circles that aren't restricted to just a flat face right you remember it threw some shapes at us it's restricting you to draw on just a flat face 3d sketch lets you draw all over the shot mate you can go up down left right and all over the place so we can say give me a spline splines poolman and then you can start at the black dot which is the center of the model and you can say reach I want to go up on the blue axis right so that's sort of head and open to outer space and the easiest way to do - is to click that square there and I'm gonna go up and then we can go that way and then I want to about turn and go that way and then I want to about turn and go that way and then click the green tick and then your there's your 3d sketch so that could be a wire at pipe or tube or something I don't know to be whatever you want but it's a 3d sketch made cuz that's the difference between a standard sketch and a 3d sketch all right so now that we've got those out of the way we can now look at all the buttons on the create panel so we're gonna start with extrude extrude is a common feature in pretty much every single 3d modeling application regardless of who makes it it takes a closed profile doesn't have to be closed or made you can extrude lines in little turn them into surfaces but normally you would exclude a closed profile so we'll we'll firm this up with some proper sizes let's make that 30 by 20 and then what you do is you select extrude if there's only one profile in your model the command will automatically pick it up and use it and then you can say I want to extrude this by I don't know 30 mil in both directions and then click OK and there's your exclude alright revolve revolve takes a profile and spins it round and axis may this one's pretty nifty it's good for creating anything that you can sweep around the line to make a solid that makes no sense but let's let's start a new model and I'll show you what I mean so we can start with the all extrude Sandra Valls have to start with a sketch you kind of do diddly without a sketch so it can say alright let's draw a line down here by 50 and then we'll go across here and we'll go up there and then we'll sort of Bend an arc around there there and then we'll go oh and then there and then what we can do is finish the sketch and then we can say I want to revolve it automatically picks it up don't forget is only one thing and then you can select your axis pick the center line right so you want to revolve it around that line so it's spinning it it's spinning this profile around that line and then there's your revolve and you can imagine you can do all kinds of funky shapes with that so that's kind of good read sweep sweep is like an extrude but whereas extrude takes a flat profile in just up or down or midplane it's kind of normal to the sketch it just goes up or down from the sketch plane and then gives you a solid sweep we'll take a profile whether it be closed or a line let's not get into that and it will sweep it along a path so for example I mean everything's pretty much circular here so it's not very exciting sweep works quite well with 3d sketches so let's do that man let's do that let's not let's not keep it simple here because you might want to see might want to see some funky stuff so will that we'll do a 3d sketch and we'll spline up here and then along there and then we'll spline across here we'll go down a bit and then we'll go along there and then along all right so that's that's a cards carry three - so what we want to sweep at an object along this this will be the center line of a 3d solid and we could do that with sweep so I'll finish the sketch and we're gonna do is create a work plane attach the work plane on at the end of our 3d sketch and then click the line and it'll give us a little bit of paper to sketch on at the end of the line so we can start a 2d sketch now you know what you'll find is for pretty much every button that I cover there is a bit of prep work before you have to get to the button so and that's what we're doing here so let's just do a 5 mil circle finish that right now we can start the sweep so what you do is you select sweep pick up your profile and then your path is that and it'll it'll sweep that circle along that path and then there you go you click OK and then there's your swept solid and it's all adaptive you can go back to the original 3d sketch and sort of move it like this and then when you finish it it will update the solid and your sweep is adaptive to the 3d sketch and if you wonder in how it made how are you all like how is it like floating around in space like this and like a tapeworm in the belly of of a poor deprived human well I've done a video and I just searched my channel for how do you 3d orbit and you'll find out right loft loft is laughs there's another tricky one loft what's not tricky but it's just it's it's quite creative I've done a video just on lofty it's called get creative with loft something like that Cartman the exact name of it it was one of my first ever videos so excuse the cheesiness and the over-enthusiasm displayed in that video but loft will take two profiles and blend a shape between them so let's do a square 100 by 100 all right you don't have to follow this all I'm doing is just showing you other commands where that's why I'm intentionally not like it's not meant to be a tutorial so we'll go up will do a work playing up by 75 and then sketch on here so we'll do a squared around so we're gonna blend a square into a circle and we'll do 40 here so loft will take this closed shape and then not sweep but it blends a solid between that Square and that circle and then I'll show you how it's probably best just to show you right so we'll go loft select the square select the circle and then that's what we're going to get and there's different functions inside of loft you can you can pick a centerline and you can morph and blend the shape between different scent lines and rails and stuff as it goes between the two but then there's you there's you squared around type of a thing coil is for creating Springs and and Springs so I can't think of anything else you use a coil for but um it's quite easy to do you would just draw your end of the coil sure there's a name for it but it's it's 10 past midnight now and I ain't thinking of names for things specifically that I can't recall off the top of my head that's not my forte at this time of night right so we'll we'll put a dimension in here at sake let's call it hundred mater's call it hundred finish that and coil works in the same in a similar way to the likes of revolve you pick coil you need a sketch it'll just bomb me out if it doesn't find a sketch with the profile in it and then you pick your axis so it's gonna weave that circle around the center line so you need to find the appropriate sent line which would be this one here and then you can define your coil by the coil size tab and you can specify it in terms of pitch and revolution revolution and height so on and so on so we can say I wanted to find the coil height in total to be 500 millimeters and I want 10 revolutions and then you'll get something like that and you can put a taper in as well if you want to save taper out by 10 or not at all click OK and then there's your coil mate so that's a pretty easy way of creating like I say a spring a suspension spring any kind of spring that you want it's not gonna move there are ways of getting it to adapt and compress and decompress but that requires a bit jiggery-pokery that's a much more advanced but guess what me I've already done a video on that as well man I've got back I logged 300 videos man and check them out if you want resets coil and boss and bosses Kumar this is for like stamping or engraving text interfaces not necessarily just that but that's typically what it's used for so like for example if you want to see if you see this face here right it's a kind of curved face you can't sketch on that mate because it's not flat right invent it's not gonna let you sketch on it so if you want to put some text engraved into that face and then ain't gonna let you do it's it's not a flat face so you'd use emboss or something like that so we'll there will float the plane will flow to work plane kind of 65 off of the sender will put a sketch on here and we'll draw some text and will engrave some text into the face and we'll do it properly so we'll go the Fi and we'll justify that into the sender terms of size no idea might not a clue how quick this is going to turn out in vendors text I know that's not part actually invent this text editor is not best there is room for improvement with it but they'll get there eventually with that one it's it's fine does the job it's just it hey it's not word processor is it right so there's our text the font couldn't give a monkey's uncle and we're gonna activate emboss so what you do is you pick your profile which is the text and then you tell it where you want to engrave it into you know you can engrave it into the face or you can emboss from the face or you can have the text touch in the face and then coming out by set distance or being engraved into the face so look and say right we want to engrave it by depth of one mil and you've got these three options here so and go engrave from the face click that arrow there to cool that way and then click OK and then they go it's engraved it into the face by one millimeters now if you want to double click that emboss you can do and you can say emboss from the face going that way you think nope no we have to go that way it must have to where point towards the face it's gonna emboss from bidet core now it's embossed off from the face and yeah that's emboss now it doesn't have to be text you can emboss any any profile there's enough to be text but it's typically used with emboss right now we've got two rive drives funny one me it is it's a funny one it's got many uses but a lot of those users have been superseded by new features and inventor over the years but just reading the tooltip it says it creates a part using another Autodesk Inventor part or assembly as the base component or inserts a pre-existing component into a power file it's a bit of a riddle mate if you're an X AutoCAD user it's like an xref are you taking a model like you've already modeled and you're putting it into this new file as a starting point or a reference so it's almost like skeletal modeling that's one use for derive component will probably let's just stick with that one for this one so say you're a company that makes graphics cards write all of your graphics cards that they wouldn't be but just human me all of your graphics cards start out from the same PCB board right so what I've got is a PCB board which I've previously designed which is here somewhere there it is as our PCB board now what you'd rather avoid doing is a save as every single time you design a new product that needs this PCB board because you have a hundred two hundred assemblies or two hundred parts with a duplicate copy of this same PCB board in what if you wanted to change the revision on this PCB board and cut a hole through it you'd have to then do the same thing on two hundred parts that you've put this into so to avoid that you derive it into the parts and you'd get that live link you make a change to this and anywhere it's been derived into those will update so let's let's see happening so go back to this part file will select derive and then you browse to the PCB and it's importing it's placing this PCB into a new part file and then you can pick and choose what entities come along with it because inside this part there are work planes their sketches there's parameters you can tell it to look at all the the length widths Heights all the dimensions that make up that PCB you can import those into this model and then share those dimensions with your new model so you can do all that kind of stuff may it's you can't get quite in depth with it but that's not what this is for so you click OK and that PC is the picture gone that's it so Qian and I might but yeah you'd bring the PCB in and then you'd say right let's start a new sketch and then now you can start designing you know all the heat sinks and VRMs and chips and whatnot that built off of that PCB so that original PCB is being derived in you can then start a new model to do the same derive start of the model do the same derive and you've got the same PCB imported as an xref in the kind of way into all of these different models so then if you were to go back to this and then change the size of it let's just this is this possibly could break something but we'll give it a shot let's increase the length yeah it's going to it's going to break the image but then if we go over to this where it's been drive into you can see it's now got a flash of lightning to say the originals been updated this needs updating so we can select that Update button there you know updated in every part that that PCB board was derived into so it's kind of like a part behaving as an assembly using an xref that that's probably where we should probably end arrive but that's that's a use case for derive rib is for creating strengthening beams wondering if I've got something I can use here probably not No so we'll have to model up something new for this one as well right so I want German when you model and we're gonna start by modeling a box which I know that's very exciting but it's a good example for for a rib so let's extrude this up by hundreds 100 by hundred by 100 and then we'll shell this out by five now okay so there's our box right so I'm gonna do a sketch in between there so it's going through the center and then we're gonna do a line it's just gonna be the center line of our strengthening bracket and we'll go somewhere like that okay so you would you would put dimensions on that in the real world if this was something you would do in in production but I ain't I ain't just giving you an example of how the command works so it's select rib you pick yeah you got automatically picked the lineup but then you can define things like the direction of the rib the shape of the rib where it's going so at the moment it's sort of extruding this rib line towards the side of the box but you can sort of flip it around if you want to all kinds of sense and you or you can pick this one here which is parallel to sketch playing the first one that we have selected is called normal to the sketch but that's why it was called side words but if you select this one here it goes down so this is typically what you'd use rib for and then you can expand the size of it like that so it's a bit more of a strengthening bracket and I'm gonna say 10 mil and go in either that way that way or that way you can even have it as a single sort of thin line finite as they call it or two next so that's extruding down or by a set distance which would be saw like five mil like that so it's quite flexible you can be quite flexible with this but I'll stick with it too next it would be nice if you had the option of making this into a new solid Buttered it doesn't appear to be an option it will join the box and this will all become one solid body but there you go that's rib that's what rib does it creates sort of a strengthening bracket based off of a sketch line right I've got decal made decals really cool love decal my let's create nice fancy pictures everyone loves a nice fancy picture so what we do is let's delete our emboss and we'll just reuse this plane that we are here so we can go through the sketch on that face and then insert image may so we need to find an image usually decals work best with PNG files which have got transparent background of a high quality something that's not pixelated something that's not blocky blurry and distorted so PNG files are the best so you can mask out the background so here we've got a McLaren lohit don't ask me why got a McLaren oh god don't know why it was just an image I had and click open and then drop the image and Holy Mother of mercy oh that's canny big it's down I don't need to be that big but what we do need is it to be straight so it looks neat and tidy and that constrain hello constrain that to there right now I'm going at the property is the image not know we can use a mask and then set the chroma key to be black mate and that's where it masks the background off alright finish the sketch and then decal is where you pick your image and then you tell it to stamp the image against a face like that boom Boosh smacks it against the face that now appears in prints in drawing views in renders and it's got the background masked off as well cover this hideous Wirthlin we don't want that but yeah that's a decal it stamps an image onto a face you don't have to sketch directly onto the face it can be floating off of her face so or decal it onto a curved face like that has done and it works works quite well and the final button on the create panel of a good locker today is import import will it's it's like derive but it's for other card files so it'll import various CAD files from different cut systems into your 3d model so I can select import this thing here is SolidWorks pot SL d PRT but it will search for files of while that's one off the screen isn't it but it'll search for files of CATIA nature of pro/engineer step files SolidWorks Solid Edge loads of different file types but then you browse to that file bring it in and then inventor activates its any card system which is something that's relatively new to inventor any card allows you to import files from another CAD package having to convert them into inventor models so we can just say reference the model rather than convert the model and it will import that SolidWorks model and keep it in as in any card reference basically the point of that is if you're working with other people who use other CAD systems then if they edit the original model your model that you've imported here will update if they update that in SolidWorks rather than having a complete disconnect via a conversion so that's that's nice that's indirectness any CAD system it's I've never come across a use case for it yet but I can see where it would be used if you've got suppliers or sending you over parts from their card system rather than you having to redo conversions you can just drop the new version of the file into the folder you have the originals in and it'll just update it straight away so it's quite nice that's invent as any card using import they go mate there's the sketch panel and the create panel as part of our covering all buttons guide in or desk inventor I hope I can do this in one year because if they add new buttons that's gonna throw it off weight off quite considerably I'm not sure how long these videos will remain valid for before the panel's start changing but what you're gonna do you just you just can't can you all right then I'll do for this one mate thank you very much for watching I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Tech3D
Views: 13,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Inventor, tutorial, tips, training, guide, modelling, part, 3d model, sketch, create, panel, ribbon bar, tabs, buttons, features, explained, demo, what do the buttons do, extrude, revolve, sweep, loft, coil, emboss, derive, rib, decal, import
Id: WmftZR1aowg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2018
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