How to create iParts | Autodesk Inventor

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hello and welcome to the saw desk invented tips and tricks tutorial covering ipod creation what as an iPod if you're wondering what an iPod is an iPod is a master part which has derivatives which are essentially the same part but with various different sizes changes so let's say for example you're a company that manufactures this little dude our thing here you might do the same part but variation too might have a different number of holes variation three might have a different width variation for might have a different hole diameter and instead of going save as and having to then edit the part change the features to change the dimensions save us again and change another one blah blah blah you create a master part you converted when I part and the master part drives the various different variations of that part and you might know it as a factory member factory table you know a factory part depending what package you've come from in fact the calls them I parts right how do we get going I'm going to keep this as simple as possible and I'm just gonna model up a tube just keep it very simple they tube with went with length height and thickness and we'll change those values in the iPod so let's just start by sketching a very simple square profile the first tip I can give you when working with an iPod is to name your parameters whatever it is that it's going to change in your iPod give them a name so as we're sketching I know this one's gonna change so I'm going to call it width and I'm going to say that's going to be 50 mm and this one's going to be the length and that's gonna be 50mm this is just a master pot so these are kind of our starting values so width and length has finished that sketch and then we will do an extrusion and we'll say this is going to be at height equals 100 mm height equals 100 mil okay it's a bit of tube so we need hollow it out so let's do a shell and let's remove the top and bottom faces so it looks more tubular and we will call the thickness parameter thk so the initial thickness will be 2 mil all right then that's pretty much that's pretty much the part designed if we go to the parameters we should see we've now got width length height and thickness and there's the values so these are the values that will change in the different variations of our ipod it's not an eye part yet obviously it's just a standard part first thing we've got to do is save it so let's just call it generic loop or tube Java suits okay how to create an ipod once you've saved it go to the manage tab on your ribbon bar at the top then on the author tab you want to select create iPod and it gives you this rather spooky scary intimidating little table it ain't that bad it isn't that bad right because we've named our parameters invent it's kind of put two and two together and gone hang bow it you've named your parameters and you've now selected create iPod I'm going to have a stab in the dark that the parameters you give a name to you're going to want to change them in the eye part correct indeed bingo so down below here alright this area down below this is really what we're interested in this is where the action happens where we've got Row 1 this is going to be variation 1 of the iPod and by default inventor will give the values whatever it's set to in a must part but you're free it changes the variation one's going to be different you can change this but I'm going to keep variation one the same as the master iPod fight the first two columns member and part number when invent creates an iPod and variations of an iPod those variations inventor will create physical files to represent those variations so those physical files need a file name so I'm going to say physical file variation number one is going to be called t1 for tube 1 - variation 1 once you press return you'll get a message to say it's going to alter the file name I know I've just I've just done that I know it's going to change the file name and the part number it can become to be different if you want it to be you can put your own company's part number in here but I'm just going to say the part number is also going to be t1 ok that's pretty much it for variation 1 I need to create two more variations though you can have some many variations as you want really but I'm going to keep it simple I'm going to create three variations so to create a new one you're right click on the row and you say insert roll so this is Row 2 so for the file name of variation 2 I'm going to call this T 2 press tab part number th480 the width of the tube is going to be 75 milk let's keep the format in the same for length I can say it's going to be 60 ml the height is going to be 120 ml and the thickness will be 3 mil that's variation to the variation 3 right click insert another row and just rinse and repeat exactly the same process file name will be t3 pardonable BT 3 and for the width let's say width is going to be 100 mil length is going to be out of 40 mil height 150 mil thickness five man there's are three variations created if you're happy with that if that's all you need then just hit okay once that's done this part is now an iPod to verify that and your browser you'll see that you've now got this sort of excel row and column look and icon here and you should see table a node called table underneath the top-level browser with t1 t2 and t3 just to just to validate that this is worked you can double click t2 and inventor should remodel the component and show you what variation t2 looks like c43 yeah I'm happy with that that looks about what I said t2 in t1 okay let's just give that a safe all right at the moment we've only got the master part although we've created three variations that inventor hasn't yet created the physical files for t1 t2 and t3 so what we can do to create those variations is to select them in the browser right click and select generate the files once you do that if we just hit open in the same folder where the master part is it'll create a subfolder called the same as the master part and there's t1 t2 and t3 physical files generated we're not quite done yet couple more tips if we go back to the eye part table once you finish the table you're not committed to it you can right-click on it and say edit the table at any point in time what I would highly recommend that you do is to set one of these columns as a key column and what that means is when you place your iPod into an assembly when inventor says alright then you're placing your iPod which variation do you want to place how do you tell in vendor which variation you want to place well in it depends in my scenario here I want to tell in vendor which variation to place based on the part number so I want to say place t2 or place t3 so I'm going to right-click on a part number column header go to key and make that key number one and click OK and then save and then we'll close this down so what happens next okay well I'm going to create an assembly just a blank assembly and then I'm going to place a component and then select the master iPod don't place one of the derivatives they're just there they're just that because they need to be there but don't place those always place the master iPod double-click this you'll then be presented with the place I part dialog box and invent is saying okay well you select a part number is the key column which one would you like to place let's place t2 and then left click and there's t2 place in you assembly if that's all you want to do fine you can place another one select all values t1 and st one repeat t3 place that there now you go there's your three I parts placed what next well that's pretty much it really that's an iPod created the derivatives created and that's how you place it in assembly but just as a couple of further enhancements on what our iPod okay over love if we reopen the master iPod just say there's a further design change to this iPod let's just say for example we're going to place a sham fur on the outside on the outside edges so let's come into the master eye part place a chamfer on the outside edges and let's confirm that not to first of all the sizes but we've made a physical change to the file what happens to the eye parts that you've placed in your assemblies well I save the master let's go back to the assembly and invent a will light up the Update button on your quick access toolbar at the top knows that something's changed if we hit update now you can see its and I'll place the chamfer and all the iPod members which is pretty handy if we go back to the master let's go back to the master iPod and out of the table again let's just say for example in one of the variations we don't want the shanty to be on the part what we can do is right-click on the Sham for feature and that well we don't right-click I just select it and then select this button here and that will add the feature into me it adds the feature into the the iPod table first off we can change the size of our kind of done that's the wrong way around but if you select the feature it adds this sizes and so it knows it's a two mil shampoo so we can change the size of the shampoo per variation to actually turn it on and off what we got to do is go to the suppression tab select the shampoo add that in and then it says okay well in variation one two and three it's actually going to compute that chamfer but let's just say in variation three we want to turn off what you have to do is type in suppress and variation three the shampoo will be suppressed let's click OK let's save this and let's go back to the assembly hit update and what you'll see is that in variation three the shampoo is suppressed but in variation one and two the shampoo is computed so yeah that's again I've got gone a little bit beyond the basics there but just to show what iPods can do he can do that and just to give you a taste of what you can do if you do spend a little bit more time on it go back to edit table you can change things like properties you can change them the physical material if you have a different material sign to each variation of the iPod you can change descriptions and in any I property really across the variations just by adding those in and then changing the values in the table below okay with respect to drawings there's something really quite clever you can do with iPods ion drawings it's something which a lot of people kind of manually create at the moment but you can do if you create a view of your iPod so don't create a view of the derivatives great view of the master and let's just space an isometric view you can pick and choose which member it will show in the view doesn't really make a difference really it's still a view of the iPod but you can't pick t1 t2 or t3 or the active member whichever on that way B let's just pick t1 place a view of this okay what about its a high pot it doesn't have a single dimension does it it doesn't have a single length it has three different lengths what people tend to do is create a table showing the different lengths that are possible for this part do you really want to manually create that table no of course you don't know but can do this automatically if you go to the annotate tab and then go to the general table option select that view it detects that it's an iPod select column chooser and then let's just let's get rid of a member and let's add height length thickness and width and then hit OK what you'll then be able to do is place a table showing all the various different variations the sizes the names of the parameters and the part number now you're free to write at this table you're free to change the column headers you're free to change the appearance of that table and then you're also free to place the dimensions to say okay well this one here is length and this one here is you know thickness in width and height okay all right then I think that's probably about enough for iPods that should hopefully be enough to get you guys started if you are trying to get yourselves into iPods understand how they work and apply it to a part that you guys design a manufacturer if you found that video useful I really hope you did please press the like on the video if you didn't if there was something missing that you don't quite understand please put some comments down below and hopefully I'll get to be able to get back to you and put put some explanations in there if possible but thanks very much for checking this video out please do subscribe the channel for future video announcements and updates and until next time see you
Channel: Tech3D
Views: 108,827
Rating: 4.9756718 out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Inventor, iPart, iParts, Part, 3D, Modelling, Model, IPT, IAM, Drawing, 2D, iPart guide, factory table, factory members, factory part, training, tutorial, AutoCAD, 2015
Id: kLbQh-5KXXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 10 2014
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