Inventor Modeling for Facility Layouts | Autodesk Virtual Academy

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and good morning everyone welcome to Autodesk virtual academy brought to you by qatif Technologies I'm Nigel owned by customer success manager here at qatif as well as your AV a host today I'm joined by Javier Chavez how's it going off good so how's been with the team for 15 years 15 years which means Javier knows a little bit about better so today how I was gonna be going over something really important modeling for facility layouts kind of creating those factory assets and we'll kind of go over what factory is a little bit to give some background on that we're good as well so if anyone has any questions during the session I know how I was gonna kind of highlight it here in a couple of seconds if you have any questions type those into the chat panels or questions panels at any time based on which I guess streaming service you're using to watch us and you know let's go ahead and get started all right so let's talk about what we're gonna cover today right and in today's ABS session we're going to talk about the overview and you know creating a facility layout obviously not everybody needs to do this but there's a lot of you out there that either manage your own facilities right I say facilities plural because you know there's a lot of times where you have a facility outside of the state or sometimes outside the country and you're actually doing managing the machinery that that gets employed there right some of you guys offer services to take your products and introduce them to maybe a customers site and you want to manage that existing facility add your portion of the machinery that you're introducing there to their site so this is really a really good sales tool in a lot of cases and you have to do it anyway so you have to create a proposal or a bid and even internally when you're doing this in your own facility sometimes you have to sell it right you have to show people why it is you're trying to move around machinery why it's gonna be more efficient and you want a quick way to do that so if you're not aware the tool comes these facility design tools factory design utilities right that's how you're going to look for on your account right are part of the the manufacturing collections so look for those I'll talk a little bit about what it adds to your workflow in your existing inventor AutoCAD Navisworks there's quite a few things it adds alright so we'll talk about that we'll also talk about using these assets that's the most important part of this workflow is creating and using these assets and regardless of whether you're working in 2 or 3 D you'll want to go ahead and get familiar with that that's probably the the key point to all this all right and there's a very specific way to create these assets so we're gonna go through that and give you an introduction to that in addition right we have an upcoming productivity training session that goes into more detail about facility layout and space planning right we'll show you how to create and work with these layouts right and you can start a number of ways you can start in 2d you can start in 3d either way is is viable right we'll go into more detail about creating the assets including you know incorporating things like parameters and maybe even smile ah jerk as well there's some things if you want to create your own library of assets you want to make sure they behave a certain way so we'll talk about creating and classifying connectors okay and that's a big deal if you want them to behave in the way that I'm going to show you here in just a moment yep and real quick before we we continue your hop it looks like some people are having audio issues if you aren't having audio issues can you tell us you can hear us type that in anybody awesome so if you can't hear let me go ahead and pause this real quick looks like yeah like instantly get 50 people who can hear I'm just gonna send this to all attendees if at all you cannot hear which I guess you wouldn't hear this in the future if you can't hear there is a zooms zoom webinar toolbar at the bottom and in that toolbar you can select what your audio output is so as long as you have that audio output set to something you're good to go so I'm gonna go ahead and reply to a couple of people it was like 5 or 6 it couldn't hear so I just wanted to make sure that we were good um cool well edit that out of the recording so with that said you know we're gonna go into a lot more detail the productivity training session if we go into a little bit more depth in terms of describing it right it's it's more than a 40-minute ABA session obviously right it's a four-hour training session on more advanced workflows and obviously if you are if you currently own any Autodesk software it's one of the best ways to get up and running with some of these tools because you're getting getting a bit more detailed training on using some of these tools in some cases it's just to get you up and running with AutoCAD or inventor in this case we're gonna go a little bit deeper and talk about this particular workflow yep so other upcoming topics inventor content Center so if you're looking to manage your content Center and you're not sure how you know all these little content center parts came about you want to take a look at that we're also going to talk about working with large assemblies and we're constantly learning about large assemblies and how to work with them and new workflows depending on what you guys do and how you how you consume these large assemblies what you plan to do with them so if any of you out there currently don't have streamline we're giving you an opportunity right now to attend a free session ok so we'll send out the link down below and if you guys want to attend that four-hour training session normally it's a streamline benefit and if you don't have streamlined currently ask us about that ok it's a subscription benefit through Qatif and you'll want to ask us about that this is partly this is one of the benefits we offer these monthly four-hour training sessions on these advanced workflows yep and just to add a little bit on top of that right and streamline in addition to that I'll just kind of highlight the other couple of things that people get through streamline is one Khateeb here we maintain and manage your vault setup so that includes you know checking every couple of months to make sure that all the wheels are turning all of the the vitals are you know intact in addition to a yearly upgrade of your vault version that's something that people used to buy kind of all the cart before that's kind of included with the streamline productivity training or streamline services now the productivity training i'll just went over that as well as our full lifeline package as well so you've got full support package you can call myself have any of the other people here the support team more than happy to go ahead and answer your questions kind of get you through some workflow hardships so on and so forth but if you want more information there is info in that link what I'm gonna do right now is I'm going to go ahead and paste that so you guys don't have to try to copy that or screenshot this so with that go ahead and sure sure so let's go to get into it right let's start working in AutoCAD and I've got you know a couple things we can take a look at first right so in a situation like this you'll typically get a floor plan from somebody whether it's a customer or maybe you guys maintain one internally I'm gonna go and rotate this this AutoCAD file it's it's nothing special it's not 3d anything like that but it typically starts off with something like this and this is something that's not new you'll put in blocks like this that represent machinery and what's different is when you do install these factory design utilities you'll get a new tab that shows up at the top added into your AutoCAD write whatever version you're using in addition to you know having these factory utilities available to you guys you also have other products right you you probably have seen the list of products one of them that you can download is AutoCAD architecture so I'm actually using architecture as opposed to just regular AutoCAD or AutoCAD mechanical just because there's some you Niq functionality there that I want to show you yeah so I just showed how this is basically a 2d drawing and you're gonna sort of play paper dolls and move this around one of the benefits you'll have or one of the things you'll you'll want to do is just kind of decide well if I've got material going through here to make a product it might go from you know this station here right to the next right and it might go to maybe a another station here and it might go over here and you're gonna decide what the best way to move all that material back and forth in order to create this product so one of the things you'll be able to do is run an analysis this tool gives you the opportunity to basically create work stations create a product or multiple products and run them through these workstations assigning them times and output that they're capable of doing so let's just say this assembly an inspection area is capable of assembling you know 10 20 30 office desks that's what we manufacture in this particular line and so we can with this adds these tools and we can go ahead and bring these out over here some pallets here for material flow right and you can see some of the different stations that have been defined and you could see how some of this material goes through here so different objects there's a desktop panel there's a left-hand panel these are the things we intend to manufacture okay and it'll typically start off like this where we just want to get an idea loosely how's this material going to flow and then from there we can go ahead and run a couple different types of analysis one is a machine analysis to see if maybe we're burdening one of these machines more than the other right according to their capacity and you can input those capacities over here on the left hand side there's a number of things we can do in regards to that so we could also run a different type of analysis or transportation analysis and in terms of cost and maybe energy we can decide okay what's the best way to get some of these objects you know back and forth - there you know respective stations because we've got multiple objects some need to go to the machining station some don't and we can get that type of analysis okay so what I'm gonna do in just a moment you can see some numbers here and it's a total travel time so in this case I want to go ahead maybe make the best use I could see a lot of crossover with paths here and I can basically use regular AutoCAD commands to start doing sort of a what if scenario so I'm gonna start moving this particular station and you see the numbers update and I can decide well you know might be more efficient to move this particular station here instead alright and this seems like it's gonna be one of the last stations it gets touched so maybe I move this here and again numbers will update we can rerun the transportation analysis right and I'm basically just using good old you know AutoCAD move commands so that's part of the workflow in doing all this and you can see I've reduced that from an hour and whatever it was a moment ago to 59 minutes in addition I can decide you know how this is gonna all move and again analyze it so that's one of the first things you'll you'll do people are already doing this with spreadsheets and things like that here we have some real-time updates so that's part of it right so I'm gonna go ahead and switch over to another layout that's maybe a little bit further along and I'll show you how we might you know further you know enhance our layouts right so in this particular layout I've already got some 2d AutoCAD blocks they're not very intelligent okay and the fact that I'm using you know AutoCAD architectural you know none of us are architects I don't believe that's the case anyways and so it's kind of obtained for us to draw buildings we're not that familiar with them we just kind of receive them but if you do want them in more detail this is where this tool shines okay we can go ahead and bring in tools like wall tools and add additional geometry or you know even trace on top of our 2d geometry to create you know moon new walls here so you can see here I'm just picking and drawing almost like line work here that's what it feels like I'm doing is drawing line work and so I just added a wall if I want to add a doorway I've got tools specifically designed to you know help me draw openings or doorways here okay so now if I kind of you know move back or step back for a little for a moment you know we can we can see that a lot of this is done in 3d okay so you know I may have started in 2d but I can easily trace over you know 2d geometry and very quickly make this a 3d building now it's probably it's optional it adds a little bit more you know a realistic feel to your layout but you can see here again when I rotate what I'm most concerned about is still 2d okay so I'm gonna work with something called assets this is the key part of all this and I'm gonna incorporate it into our workflow here now and so I'll go and close some of these other palettes that I don't need at the moment and bring more of these factory asset or factory palettes here so I'm gonna go back to the factory tab and I'll bring in my asset browser so this is a way for me to look for and find assets the number of ways to use this the nice thing is here you know it's kind of easy to work in 2d you can see there's a column there I need to avoid I can still work with my layers all that good stuff it's just good old AutoCAD but this part is different here I have an asset library here some of these just come with the software I've got system assets here I've got some that I've customized myself right I've got another library here of other assets and so I can you know organize these into folders I can share them with other users okay and so I'm just going to look for a some conveyor systems right and I'm gonna choose here some of the ones that come with with the so as I look here over to the left there are some that are available right from the software itself there's some other ones that I may have to download so if you notice here there's some with a bubble those exist in the cloud and so there's a ton of these here that people are populating in the cloud and adding to every day to this library again so lots of conveyance components I'm gonna go ahead and add a conveyor here just manually just one by one I'm gonna go and add a straight conveyor here so let's go ahead and maybe I'm gonna put in the word straight okay okay so let's add a belt conveyor okay and right now it seems to behave just like a block and so I can just go ahead and use it like these like a block but it's a little bit different for every 2d asset that I drag in there's a 3d equivalent ready and waiting for me to use in Inventor okay so I can start off in 2d go to inventor and what you'll notice here is as I drag this here it just connects like Legos right like magnets and so now I need a curved conveyor so maybe I'll do a search here for a curved conveyor and so the behavior you're seeing is what we want to go ahead and customize okay so here's a curved conveyor and let's do a curved belt conveyor the book there's might be a right and left hub I think they are yeah so maybe I'll take out that [Music] no feeling their right and left so over here I have I have a horizontal turn and you know I'm choosing the wrong one here let's go and bring this one in here there we go and that one also just simply connect so I can go ahead and kind of make a you know connect to this other end if we need to and you can see it kind of automatically aligns itself again so I'm starting to add these conveyors the other way I can do this I can simply draw P lines or polylines and do this so there is a way to add you know I'm going to add some roller conveyors here and in this case when I go ahead and drag this one in it wants me to draw a line work okay and so I'm gonna go ahead and make this turn right and right now it just looks like a polyline doesn't have a lot of detail like this does and it's still just 2d so if I go and rotate it as long as I'm in AutoCAD its 2d but later on you'll see it'll you know basically translate that into 3d here in just a moment so the stuff here that i just put in intelligent this other stuff not so intelligent right these are not assets they're just 2d blocks and you'll see how you know even in inventor i'll be able to work with these so let's go ahead and send this to inventor and find out what inventor thinks of all this i can sync all this to inventor there is a button here and there's obviously some setup that needs to happen it wants to close the file and to be able to synchronize all this and i'll go and save it as well it's currently in the process of opening this up in inventor and it's gonna populate my inventor model with some of that 3d geometry that is defined as assets the 2d geometry or 2d information will remain 2d and the process works backwards to so if you wanted to go from a veteran autocad for some reason or if that's just how your workflow is you can totally do that as well and it'll anything that's factory asset right will convert that 3d into like a 2d bird's-eye of that asset is so wait for this to load let me see if there's any questions we can cover while we're waiting for this yeah and you can see populating some of the stuff I just created in the background there which is pretty cool it's just drawing it for you yep how do I install factory so Factory is another product in the collection it's the only way you can get it now is in the product design manufacturing collection or if you had factory design suite from before you just go into your Autodesk account you install it it's kind of like an add-in on top of inventor and AutoCAD and AutoCAD specifically it's gonna be mechanical architecture that's it yeah so with that said you know I now and in my 3d version of this right it inserted the asset portion of it and you know to be honest with you I want to go ahead and update this to be a little bit more modern in terms of functionality I want to replace my good old you know 2d AutoCAD blocks with 3d assets so I have the same asset browser here except when I utilize it here it inserts the 3d version of what we saw just a moment ago so again I'm gonna do a search for assets like conveyors yeah and don't think that this is just like limited to Factory things because called factory yeah or factory design utilities I've seen people like you know space play in their office with this right that's got all their desks and cubicles around so they can fit as many people into their space comfortably as possible so on and so forth so yeah and by the way before I go too much further you'll notice in this particular type of asset where I you know created the poly line it's called a chain asset it used standard assets along the way so standard 96 inch or 102 inch whatever that is and then standard a curve but the ones that are not standard are here highlighted in red just so that you can see yeah we're using a non-standard custom conveyor and you can create these assets to behave the same way okay so in this case here I want to go ahead and do something similar and you can see again I have you know access to the cloud assets that I had just a moment ago so I'm going to find some here that are sitting here low in fact sometimes it's a little bit easier instead of just searching I'm gonna go ahead and browse and you know you can see the ones that are loaded here locally okay so they're organized into these folders so it might be easier to look at these this way and there's my chain asset this is all stuff that's here local I'm gonna go ahead and drag it over okay so right here it wants to connect to these same ones okay and in this case here I want to basically just kind of overlay these on top right and I can you know snap to you know a lot of this geometry there are snap tools so I can snap to the floor snap to you know vertex or edges or the DWG file that's under laid underneath this so I don't know if you realize that but there is an AutoCAD file on this floor and it recognizes hey where's app floor it's right here so we can certainly place it or snap it right here and then I get tools that'll allow me to adjust the the location or the angle so I'll right-click and choose done I got a sort of a merge type conveyor here that I I need to add in so I'm gonna go ahead and bring in a merge conveyor and from here it's just gonna sort of snap together and so what we're looking for right and I can go ahead it is to build basically this whole facility out and you know utilize it with assets and it I don't know if you noticed but I didn't have to made it to the floor it simply behaves that way because of an asset publishing process that we're gonna go through in a minute your regular assemblies and stuff if you just use the assemble tool and places here you're gonna have to use regular make constraints you drag and drop it from the asset browser it's gonna be a lot easier again so if for some reason this this is most beneficial when you have something that's repeatable that's usable over and over again so I know I'm going to use these conveyors in the next project in the next project maybe that's what I build and I do this as a service for my customers is sort of lay out the location for our conveyors and our machinery then you're gonna have one-off machines so here's an example something and this is something you'll be able to do without publishing to anything we can go to our factory tab right and we can insert these components a little bit differently so let me go to they move the tool here just a so let's see if I can go ahead and find it there we go so insert model right we can go ahead just bring in a model as opposed to an asset maybe it's a one-time-use deal and I can go ahead and insert this model and when you use this command as opposed to the you know place component command it'll behave differently right you got options to to also insert it from fall to its fault enabled it's fault aware but here I'm going to go ahead and find this blower assembly here and as I bring it in it's a 3d model and it has been published as an asset but it still lands on the floor and as I go ahead and you know maybe place it here it's this this object here that we see here as I go ahead and place it it doesn't necessarily know what's supposed to land on the floor so you get options here to basically you know have the XYZ planes sort of represent how it sits or lays on the floor right and so with that said this is the right orientation I can go in places and then use this tool to start orienting it correctly right so it's going to be something like this and then I can go ahead there's also some other tools to sort of control where this is gonna snap to you on the floor okay so you could still do this even without assets the main thing we want to do though is show you how to create these assets okay so it all starts off with a model and obviously you know this conveyor system has got a motor it's got multiple legs and lots of material right you don't want to bring in a assembly with all of its you know baggage nd in here so what you're going to do instead is you're going to build a simplified version of the model and so in this case here I have a straight conveyor alright this is a single part model and it might have multiple bodies possibly but it represents a conveyor it doesn't have all the internals or again all that extra weight it's very lightweight but it gives me an idea as to how much space this takes up okay so in addition we've got some work points here and we're going to go ahead and turn those into ways to connect to other conveyor systems and so the way that happens right we go through an authoring process and on the if you've got factory assigned you'll have this create asset tab and this is the tool that's going to help you publish this as as that okay so we'll go through this process of creating an asset you can go through this from left to right you can see there's parameters here that control the length the height and the width the motor whether it's gonna be on or off okay and these are just parameters you are already used to modeling right so if you want to be able to control it and create different lengths of this conveyor right add that parameter if you want to control or be able to have different heights for this conveyor again add that parameter add everything that may or may not change this is going to end up being kind of like an eye part okay that's configurable and you can create rules for that so I'll show you another example in just a moment so okay first things first we're going to go ahead and create a landing surface it may or may not know what the bottom of this is and so you basically you know pick a surface so you can basically pick any surface you want if I want to go ahead and pick you know this this particular face here that could be the landing surface in this case here we've already selected one of the bottom feet they're all at the same level and that's our landing surface okay in addition right we want to define connectors so when we click the find connectors we can snap to these work points we do have to tell it which way is up and which way is out so as we go ahead and create this connector here that we're going to utilize at some point to connect to something else the red arrow needs to point away from the geometry laterally so I can click the red arrow I just picked the face and that told it to go you know away from the from the conveyor it also needs to know which way is up so this blue arrow represents the up direction right and we can pick a face or an edge and tell it which way is up okay the green sorter doesn't matter the red and the blue are the most important ones okay so that one's defined and there's a little green dot there to show that you could do the same thing on the other side wherever it's going to connect to something else so in this case it connects at both ends we've got those okay so landing surface define a connector you can embed properties in here so when I click here we can sort of you know create a part number that's maybe a little bit more intelligent we can create following the formulas that maybe include the length height so that we get a part number description that's a little bit smarter so in this case here you can see here we've got a formula that says conveyor write equals conveyor take the length parameter and the width parameter at the moment and make a unique description for us you can do something similar with the part number right so we get to control all of this information here and even control how it's going to show up in AutoCAD so right now this will go into whatever layer you're in in AutoCAD but if you want to create a lair and say you know call this a conveyor layer and put it on a blue layer you can you can say look let's specify a layer for the asset when it's an AutoCAD you can give this layer name conveyor all right and make it a specific color this will also really take place in 3d as well so this will be something new for you you'll also have 3d layers then so I'm not gonna do that in this case there's you know more properties you can add here to the file and if we continue here you can create a unique 2d sketch for this so that when it gets used in 2d you don't necessarily maybe get the top view maybe you get just a very simple rectangle I like the more detailed view that we're gonna get so I'm gonna leave that out for right now okay so more things we need to do we need to classify this as a conveyor so there's some classification that occurs here that tells it to behave a certain way when it connects to other connectors if you have something outside of this list a special type of geometry you might need to customize this a little bit but it tells it how to behave and there's already a pretty good list here of fairly standardized stuff I got a couple double entries here electrical and electrical and that's just because I have both 2018 factory design utilities and 2019 so that's why I'm seeing that there so this has already been classified as a conveyor and even within the classification let's go back to that I need to tell it is it a normal conveyor is it an inclined conveyor or spiral because that changes the behavior so I probably need to take care of that here and and there's lots of options here to customize behavior so for right now you know I just want to publish it and I'll go through this again I'll get I'll show you another example one of the best things you can do though is go through a guide here okay there is a guide that talks about every one of these steps some of these are optional and they can walk you through this process so I'll go and get rid of that and really the last part of this is publishing this again so yeah it says it needs to be saved so yes I'll go ahead and save it again and I've got a couple options I can put it in this folder here or my user asset folder I can also maybe put this in a another folder subfolder inside of it I'm free to create those I can publish this to the cloud or I can also publish it the vault if I'm using vault and when I do this I'm gonna go and put it in my user assets folder here I'm gonna go and call this my JC conveyor straight it's gonna create a 3d version of this okay it can also generate an avisaurus model and it's going to create a 2d version of this this is the the part where it's just going to take a snapshot of the top view and show me the line work that exists with that top view yeah so I'll go and click OK I will let that publish and I'll show you just another couple examples that are gonna be maybe I think a little bit smarter a little bit more sophisticated than this one is so any questions coming up so far there's a couple of them for sure let's see here okay in the meanwhile I'll do the same thing here for this curve one so what were some of the questions that have come up no worries while you chug away on that I'll go ahead and start addressing some of these questions um let's see here can you do something similar in Revit as opposed to AutoCAD architecture in other words can you utilize the assets you create and Revit in a similar way so the workflow between inventor and Revit it's a little bit different if you need to use Revit because you need to get that like architectural file back to you know the architect there's a completely different workflow for that let us know and we can kind of talk you through or and walk you through what that looks like they'll be really interesting to see what your needs are specifically and then we can you know figure it out that way you're gonna use the bim content probably as opposed to something like this so I've done you know two of these now I have a straight version and a curved version and I'm also gonna do one more here so I wanted to highlight this one because it's it's a I think it's a little more interesting there's some I logic here and let's see is this the right model actually not the right model so let me go to open up the right one so I'll use this one as a starting point yeah and I meant to get all of this out here so with that said okay so this one's a little bit more interesting this one has some eye logic built into it so I can show you what this does in a forum and basically you don't really get to decide what the height the length of the depth is it's all predicated on the number of bins you want in this storage cabinet so if you want you know five bins right the height changes so this is here as just an indicator it used to be 72 inches now it's 60 inches and obviously if I change it to four it's just here to show you what the current size is if I go three bins wide it's it's certainly 36 inches i they called it the length I would have called it the width and if I make it six it's obviously going to get wider so the the parameters here the important ones are the height and the width okay and that'll be part of the way we incorporate this into an asset so it's just one of these things that we buy we put on the floor we provide to our customers or maybe to our facility right so same process we go through the asset builder and we go through and publish it some of these parameters already have checks next to them so if you want to see them if you want to be able to adjust them you'll put checks next to them but we already know with this one the length and the height and stuff don't really get adjusted it's the bin that we're going to work with okay in addition we can change the material and the material will change the color of this and the bin color okay so again we're going to tell it where the landing surface is alright and that's going to be down at the bottom there we could also additionally you know tell it a few other things as well like you know how to insert this in this case I think I'm good and I'm gonna define the connectors okay so you don't necessarily need a work point it will find the center of a surface and so again the red is already pointing away right and I can go ahead and tell it that up is in this direction and I've got a connector okay so I'll click okay connector on one side connector on side number two okay it will snap to the vertexes as well as that middle face okay so red arrow beautiful it's already in the right direction the blue arrow not so much I need to tell it to go point in this up direction then and so you know I can continue filling out some of the asset properties things like that I can go ahead and classify it as a very specific type of of object I had to create this one myself okay a storage bin classification so that when I connect it to other storage bins I want them to all be the same height or the the same type I want them to work a certain way and you'll see that here in just a moment so again I'll go ahead and and publish it one more time okay and I'm gonna use this as the Qatif storage rack I've already published it once so just to save a little bit of time I'll go and cancel out of this okay so let's go back to our layout and let's go there we go so I'm not I'm now ready to use this and start laying out some of this stuff you can see I very quickly snapped this together right on top of the existing geometry later on when I go back to AutoCAD I can get rid of the blocks that are gonna lie underneath this but now it's time to test out my my assets alright so I'm gonna go ahead and just kind of browse around here go up a few levels here and I'm gonna go to my user assets okay here's the one I previously published so I'm gonna go and drag that one here damn okay and because I you know publish certain bits of information about it I have access to that so I'm gonna hit escape for just a sec and just drop it in as is not position it but I can go ahead and select it and those properties again that we were going to publish along with this the bin size the height the width all that stuff it shows up keep in mind this one is really controlled by the bins the number of bins so how many bins hi do I want this I can go to and tell it to make this one four and make the bins maybe a different color let's go to make these blue okay now at the end of this I have an update button and that's how it knows to update those couple parameters here to work that way and now when I go ahead and grab let's go and change maybe one more thing let's go ahead and change the width let's go to make this six wide and tell this out date yeah so the next one I drop in you know it can be a different one if it's not connected it could just kind of live out here and be completely separate no relationship to the other one at all okay or I can go ahead and drag this over okay and if I connect it right the classification for the connector tells it that you know we need to relate the height one to another maybe not the bin color but we're gonna relate the height so that they stay the same right we don't want this different level and the same is true for these conveyor systems that are already built into the software right these are the ones that come with this if I change the height of this from 30 inches and this is infinitely variable I don't think they put any limits on this one but I'm gonna go ahead and make this 45 which is kind of an odd number but I'm gonna go ahead and update that one there and if we want this type of behavior with this then we've got it right so it's thinking it'll come back here in just a second and there it is it actually made a different size and it knows that you can't connect conveyors one to another and have this drop off it updated all the other connected conveyors okay same thing applies for the width right I'll go and make this maybe 36 inches wide right and you cannot connect a 36 inch wide conveyor to a 24 inch or whatever it was before and so it'll there an update for just a second and then it'll come back and you can see all of them have been updated as long as they're connected okay so it's kind of like playing Legos here and it gives you a good way to quickly create this layout the last thing I'll do just to kind of show you know how this goes back and forth between AutoCAD and inventor right is sync it the other way yeah so let's go send this back and obviously if I would have deleted some of these we get the the AutoCAD updating update to happen and delete some of the components that we got rid of in 3d but all of is doing this will answer some questions are there any downsides for using factory only an inventor or only in AutoCAD yeah so so honestly it depends on there's no downsides really I mean if you only do it in AutoCAD you're never gonna get a 3d model you're never really gonna be able to walk through it and it's done now I'm gonna have it open it in AutoCAD but you'll never be able to walk through it and that's one of the other things you'll want to do is is that at some point if you're trying to sell it or trying to you know have people have people look at this and buy off on it and you can see my updated geometry this one in particular had some notes here that that's adding but anyways the main reason right you want to do it in 3d is for that to be able to then do a walk through later and there's there's workflows for that and especially in a presentation environment now what you can do is stick the 3d only and never even start with AutoCAD but there's so many people that have to work with architects and stuff and get a uz legacy data and there's one more situation where okay if you have to work with a municipality and you literally have to turn in an AutoCAD drawing there then because they don't have inventor but they do have AutoCAD then it makes sense to sync it back to you q yep so it helps a ton yeah I think the majority of the cases where I have people working on this workflow or similar workflows where they need no CAD file isn't like an underlay in their inventor files as if they have like some kind of legacy file right so someone modeled the inside of my building before and so I know where all of the all the columns are where all the walls doors etc are they bring that file in to inventor and then they model the 3d around that so yeah so just a quick recap here guys we wanted to give you a quick overview of the workflow and I can get a bit deeper into the workflow because there's other things you can do including you know go to Navisworks and walk through it and create a video of it and to send it out to somebody we can go a bit deeper into that but we did go over you know how we you can you know use those assets in 2d or 3d sync them back and forth and then creating or publishing those assets those assets that I just created are now available in AutoCAD and I could use my conveyor or I can use those bins now in 2d and do something very quick because we all know that you know one of the benefits of AutoCAD is it's fairly lightweight it's quick to do and when you're actually ready that's when you can sync back to AutoCAD and make this a little bit more more interesting okay so just quick reminder again we've got that upcoming productivity training on this topics specifically we're gonna go into more details on creating these layouts especially once you get into large layouts you're gonna sort of want to divide and conquer and create what are called sub layouts things like that we'll go into more detail about creating these assets and incorporating those parameters including maybe creating some from scratch and we'll also take a quick peek at okay now I've got a layout I need to propose this to management or sell it to a customer I want to send them a video or walk them through it live in a collaboration tool what do I do so we can do that via Navisworks and of course you know the other way you collaborate is just working with other contractors so you can do things like interference checking and find out hey mr. structural engineer why is this column here and see if that interferes with what you've done in your assemblies yeah if you have questions about the productivity training obviously there's some information on it we do monthly four-hour training sessions on more advanced workflows in the product design manufacturing collection as well as well Pro if you need more information on that go ahead and give us a call if you want to enter a free session which is you know kind of Awesome it's a four-hour free training let us know you can go ahead and click the link that I post it in the chat earlier to go ahead and take a look or just reach out to us send us an email and we can figure out everything from there yeah and so people have I know I'm looking at a question right now I didn't want to confuse anybody by using AutoCAD architecture those assets are available in any version of AutoCAD that's installed as you install the utilities except for electrical and maybe plant P&ID and even then electrical I think so adds it in the AutoCAD just if you ever launched it as basic on it if you launched the vanilla profile you'll get oh yeah so so the difference would be that you know you just won't get to create those walls and things like that in 3d that we did a little bit earlier but you may not need them right and so in some cases there are customers that have AutoCAD users and they do all the work in AutoCAD they don't even know inventor and they hand it off to somebody else to do the final 3d model and as long as they access the same file they also have factory then that 3d user then starts to do the syncing to inventor and starts to do some extra manipulation there yep yeah so yes it's not inventor alone somebody asked so we need factory design yes it's an add-on on top of this and it'll add into Navisworks and it'll create some unique tools there as well tip Navisworks inventor and autocad are the three tools that factory sits on top of tool do all this if you have the collection already I think it's the only way to get it that's the only way to get now yeah yeah if you have a collection you have it already a lot of people don't know that it's just one of those things that is like the 15 things that you've got most people are like I only need the inventor and then they find out about this and get really surprised so that's just a couple of things as we were monitoring through questions we're gonna kind of knock these out pretty quickly here Val's asking that wants to create some ass or layouts with assets and bring them into 3ds max is there a way to use these assets and have labels come across the max with labels or a way to use 3d assets to align with the layout created an inventor so the max and inventor workflow is a little bit different reach out to us specifically and we can talk you through that based on you know what exactly you're trying to do well so just reach out to us via email and we can go ahead and address that differently as well this questions coming up a lot and I'm getting it from like direct chats and questions and in the zoom chat is inventor and Revit functionality so the way that inventor Revit works and off correct me if I you know if I can get out of line here sure is in inventor you can certainly send stuff over to Revit but you use what's called like the BIM content or the bim exchange to be able to move that stuff from a vendor to Revit so you don't use this factory workflow to do that you create bim content and inventor and then you send it over we've got a couple of webcasts on the Revit - inventor and inventor to Revit workflow if you need that information let me know and I can help find that for you or you can look on our YouTube channel those exist as well but if you have questions about Revit inventor let us know we work with a lot of customers who build building products so do you see anything there how specifically I did I thought I saw somebody add in another question there yep let's see just taking a quick peek okay so I think it was Eric and it was a sort of the Revit thing away in a way just to answer your question Eric you know the question was you know does it if I can use Revit in the same way with links and specified offsets and those little connectors and the the quick answer is no you don't you typically will do this in here and then export to whatever it is you want - yeah - an RFA file or get this into one of the other tools the that layout functionality is is limited to it being inside of AutoCAD Navisworks and inventor you can certainly bring in a Revit model and you know work with that building as a base and start to place your machinery around there because there's loads - which is a huge one yeah that's another interesting workflow right is okay let's do it I don't know I have drawings of this building but they're not accurate let's do a scan and you can bring in that point cloud and do the same thing we just did but within a point cloud of the building and now you know where those wires are hanging down from the ceiling and that you're going to interfere with or the duct tape yeah that's I did a webcast on that probably a year ago so find one of those and you can listen to my voice for an hour let's see here how flexible is the material flow long answer or I guess short answer is the material flow in Inventor or start in the factory is pretty flexible you can edit a couple of things in terms of time energy usage etc yeah I'd have to look at it specifically to answer some of those questions though Claudia yeah yeah and so you know how so it's it's kind of a broad question but it's it's not meant to replace you know some of the other tools that do tack times and stuff for individual workstations it doesn't they get that granular it gets it it does it from a more of a larger overview to give you an idea as to where you want to place machines or what machines you maybe want to replace with something more automated like it CNC machine it's it's a it's a bit higher level and doesn't get as granular as getting into the individual workstation yeah if you want to do like process analysis and stuff that's completely different and we can get into that in another webcast I don't know how probably won't do that one they'll probably Nathan but let's continue going through questions um like I said if you have any go ahead and type those in we'll go ahead and answer those just a couple more here that I want to address or can I find information on the upcoming factory training and fees for that so his M there are a couple of links that we've posted in the chat and go and click through there or email one of us back from like the emails that you get from the invites to all of this and then we can figure out how to get you in and what that cost is and how you can get the streamline membership so on and so forth you import at a P&ID file in a factory and start building your factory from that file that pinpoints your equipment at all that's different it really depends on what you're trying to do with this P&ID file generally I would do that workflow in plant and I wouldn't do it any better and if you have to bring over models from a vendor I would send this to plant correct Jeff did a plant webinar literally for this purpose last week so go ahead and check our YouTube channel for that greg and if you have any more questions about that greg let us know and we can kind of clarify anything else if we didn't answer your question completely do assets configured to different sizes create new file names for each configuration yes I didn't show that but absolutely and it puts it in a very specific folder that's one of the things we'll talk about in the productivity training because you'll want to be aware of that and how to manage that and you know there's certain parts of that you can control and there's certain parts of it you can't so if you just want to be aware and you can vault all this stuff too if you use vault in factory there is some setup to be had because you have to put your asset library somewhere yeah you just want to make vault aware that you're using factory and this is where my factory assets are gonna go pretty simple but just make sure that you do it or else you'll run into a lot of this will be in the help file specifically for the utilities and there is a separate pull down for Alton fact Factory yep alright I think I've gone through just about all of them I'll give everyone another 30 seconds or so to ask any more questions that you guys do have like I said if you have any further questions or you think that you know you're gonna write some sort of novel as a question have a few to answer send those via to us via email and we'll go ahead and address those either via phone call or we'll just reply to that particular email it looks like we're pretty good here I just want to reiterate again today we did a you know we got through it in about an hour of going through some of the factory design workflow half went through a lot of the modeling you went through a little bit of the process the process as well to figure out how long it's gonna take to move things around your factory so on and so forth just remember that this is only an hour and there's like three more hours of stuff I don't even know if I was gonna be able to get everything he would like to get done ya know normally like a full class would be like a good solid two days but I think we can get people really jump started on the basics which is doing that layout manipulation and finding out where things fit where they don't fit in the productivity training exactly exactly and then Ken's asking can you let us know ahead of time for each week's subject we certainly can those emails reminders go out via email the day before the webcast does if you want to look you can also like google Khatib a VA and then get us to your landing page where we have they know the next couple of sessions laid out for a VA specifically but we right now I want to pull the schedule on my screen for the ones coming up here in the future and I'll give you the next three so if you want to write these down you guys can write these down first one next Thursday edit the custom content center in inventor Cameron went in one of our veteran structures inventor instructors is going to be going over that the week after that is going to be general design we're gonna go going over some general generative design infusion through 60 a cool new way to model stuff uses some simulation to be able to you know make your design look super super organic and I'm gonna go and bring this on the screen if you go to the the you know if you google Khateeb ABA and go to the the part of our website that specifically looks at that you can see the next session is going to be editing content content center and this gets updated every week so yeah and then the one after that which is at the end of March the last session in March is going to be going over ipart's specifically in Inventor so for those of you who want to use I parts most commonly used for things like contact center yeah at end of March so again I'd like to thank Bob for being here today going over some of this like I said where I have a full-blown productivity training session going over an extension of what hobb went over today in two weeks if you want to go ahead and join that session let us know and we can get you a special one session pass I know some people have used there's already four other sessions but uh let me know and I'll see if I can pull some strings for you BAM thanks again everybody we'll talk to y'all soon and have a great Thursday
Channel: KETIV Technologies
Views: 4,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autodesk, akn_include, autodesk inventor, factory design utilities, pdmc, product design & manufacturing, manufacturing, facilities, layouts, design, 2d, 3d, 2d modeling, 3d modeling, ketiv ava, ketiv academy, ketiv autodesk academy, autodesk academy, ava academy, autocad, Autodesk Software, Manufacturing, CAD, CAM, Engineering, pdm, 3d layout, 3d facilities, equipment layout
Id: lhm9pFyGn8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 3sec (3483 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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