Model a Wine Glass From Scratch! Autodesk Inventor Beginners

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[Music] greetings buddy boy and was throwing another bone for the inventor beginners out there the ones that I've just never used invented before no idea what I do but they just want to follow someone doing something and at the end of it be like I've got a model I was pretty cool me I was cool as poss let's do another one and the more you do the more you learn me so I'm not gonna explain why I'm doing stuff as we go I'm just gonna do it slowly and then you can click where I click do what I do and then follow me along and you'll get a model at the end of it would do in a wineglass mate now I know crockery and tableware is not invented speciality but it'll introduce you to a few of the defaults hats or standard basic modeling tools as well as dipping my toes in and flirting with a little bit of advanced stuff as well so before get crackin make sure you've got the same setup as me I'm using invent it 2019 so some things might be did all different buttons might be in different places absolutely now I can do both at maid we're gonna go fire at the top go to options go to the file tab and then click configure default template and make sure you're on millimeters in ISO and then go into projects this button here and then doesn't matter which one you've got ticked but go to the panel below expand appearance libraries right click on Autodesk appearance library and then activate that so that's black and bold and then go to material libraries and then make sure that one there or that's material library is activated if they're not there me I don't know what to tell you you and your installations not get the files or test material library in appearance lie but should be at that path there further than that I don't know what to tell you mate they're not that I should be though all right click done and then we're gonna go to new and we're gonna go to this one here standard dot IPT which is a single part file mate right let's get cracking so like I said I'm not gonna explain why I'm doing stuff it's gonna do it mate so click sketch expand the origin folder and we're gonna go with the X is that plain here or this one here so we're gonna give that a click and then that should drop us down a sketch swing the camera around so we're looking face down so I'm gonna click this that Lauro here on the viewcube and that's just gonna spin it around so Zed's pointing up and then we're gonna start sketching some stuff our mate now with inventor I'm using the pad mouse which has got a middle wheel as most Mouse's the mimosa's mice these days have press the middle wielding pan around a scroll middle wheel you zoom in and out and then I'm gonna run it when it comes to orbiting so 3d orbits and stuff I'm gonna be pressing f4 right that's f4 in the keyboard and then hold down the left mouse button and then that sort of orbits around like this right let's get backed up just on the camera angle off well done Neill right I'm gonna select the top face here on the cube that shows these let's do that way right click this arrow again right we'll we'll get eventually made right let's get crackin right and we're good to rumble select the line out here on these create panel so line should be blue and then we're gonna select this button here which is center line click the yellow dot in the middle that yellow dot should be there unless you've been tinkering with settings make that yellow dot should be there give that a click when the circle goes green when the circle goes green that means you have snapped onto it it should be pretty obvious cuz you can almost feel it jump onto it like that's like a know what cut object snap move the mouse up until it snaps to the the vertical again you should be able to sense that it snaps to the vertical and then when it's there let go of the mouse keep it snapped vertically and then type in 1 5 5 and press enter on the keyboard and you should I be self ascent aligned 155 long me well done right spam escape a couple of times to clear the line command and then we're just gonna grab the text on that dimension with the left mouse button and just pull it away and then let go so it's out of the way all right then we're gonna uncheck the center line box there a box button so that's not blue anymore activate line again and we're gonna so we're gonna conceptually sketch out the outline of the wineglass mate with inventor it's not like AutoCAD you don't use Cartesian coordinates and polar coordinates and start drawing things accurate right off the bat you can do but you don't have to the easiest way to sketch in inventor is to just roughly conceptually sketch out a shape and then you put your dimensions on afterwards like this so let's click the endpoint of the center line move to the to the left on the horizontal till it the lines roughly you can see the dimension there going up and down till it's roughly like 40-ish doesn't matter how lucky could do this hundred and something but you get it roughly where the size is that you got it you know you're gonna put on later and we're doing this is an ISO standard wineglass made who knew who knew there was an ISO standard for wine glasses right whilst the lines still activate it should let you continuously draw a line here so we're gonna come up on an angle to about here if you roughly want to get where I'm at just look at the dimensions on screen now we're not click the left mouse button and just get it roughly roughly about the same point then we're gonna go to about here left click move up on the vertical to about here give it a click and then we're gonna come across here click read press escape activate line again and then we're gonna click the endpoint of the sent line move to the left click escape and then we're gonna go into the create panel and we're gonna activate three-point arc so I'm gonna drop the arrow down underneath our can select three-point arc and your three points are gonna be there there and then roughly yeah make make sure it doesn't snap for the for the arc but roughly about and there you go make you got yourself a rough sketch of a wine glass now when you put some dimensions on press escape press dimension and then this is where we're going to start dimensioning points to lines and lines two lines and whatnot so the first the first dimension is going to be this point here to the center line and what invent it does is it goes ah me yet dimension into a centerline I'm assuming with my infinite wisdom but this is some sort of circular feature you're going for so it puts a diameter dimension for your delectation and delight and we're gonna make that seventy and I'm like yeah maybe you were right about that the second one's gonna be up here so we're gonna click that point to this center line click we're gonna make that 46 then we're gonna select this line to the center line so these are that's two full lines not a dotter to a line pull that up to about there the placement really doesn't matter like genuinely doesn't matter because these don't appear anywhere these aren't dimensions that appear on draw runs properties this is like sayin I'm gonna make that centerline 155 long its length property is 155 and it just displays that via what looks like a traditional dimension right then the next dimension is gonna be click that line there and click that line there pull away and then we'll make that 20 and I will go that line there that line there we'll make that 100 and 10 press return we'll go this point here to the center line and we'll make that 65 65 and then we'll go that point no we'll go to that point there to the top I will click that intersection there and we'll make that 100 and then finally I think the last dimension is the radius of the arc so to click the arc pull away and we'll make this 9 0 and then press return and may may look at that everything's gone dark everything's gone dark that means it's all fully constrained what that makes I don't know what I'm doing it's fully constrained mean all right spam escape right so nothing's activated fully constrained means when you grab the lines and left-click and pull on objects they're not going to move anywhere so there's dimensions everywhere everything is at a size and fixed distance from something else there's no movement in the sketch all right we're gonna click finish sketch right in fact it does this thing that infuriates even me to this day which it zooms in way too far so we're going to use the middle wheel to scroll out then press revolve on the create panel at the top what this does is it goes right revolve looks for a closed profile which if you've come from an AutoCAD background is like a hatch boundary it's a closed region and that's exactly what we've got here this profile of a wineglass is created like a closed boundary so it looks for that and then at the same time it also looks for a centerline to spin it round so you click revolve it finds the two of them it goes May you've only got those two things in the whole model I assume you gonna you want to use them together which we do and they just click OK and there you've got your first solid mate well done well done we're not quite finished yet but we're over halfway there right hold on f4 left mouse button and then we can spin this around and make the wine glass orb right and then middle wheel just to pan and zoom so you can fit it into the window roughly about there okay right so the next thing we're gonna do maze I'm gonna put the fill it's on to get rid of those sharp edges so let's go in to fill it here on the modify panel give a like click we're gonna change the radius of the the first line here to be a 0.8 and then we're gonna select this bottom edge here give him a click and then zoom in orbit and pan up to the top give the top edge click so those two edges there are gonna be 0.8 click the ad here we're gonna add another Filat this one's gonna be 10 millimeters and then zoom in click that stalk there stalk there's the edge of the stalk at the bottom and now I just never good that does look good and then click out on that make sure you don't accidentally click edges that are kind on there and then we're gonna go click to add change this radius to 22 and then we're gonna click that there now one there and there nah that's not good right change the type here to a G to change that one there to a g2 and then change that one there to G do click apply I know oh my god doesn't that look good yes that does look good right next thing is we are going to we're gonna shell this out mate we're gonna shut it out so we're gonna select the shell command here on the modify panel you should see it's a very small button give that a click and remove faces we're gonna zoom in to this face here give that a click the zoom out if if your if that didn't work for you make sure this button here is unchecked automatic face chain or else I'll pick up everything because all the faces are joined together with the Philips so don't have that ticked and then orbit around at the bottom give that a face there a click this one yep and I think that's it I think we're good without my own click ok and that's now shelled the glass out at a 0.8 mill wall thickness and what it's done though is there's a there's a gaping hole the wine glass because it's also shelled the stalk out so we need to sort that out so this is where we're starting to flirt with some advanced stuff maybe we're gonna select patch and then we're going to orbit around so we can see inside of the glass now you should if you don't see these edges right click view and then change your visual style to shaded with edges because if you've just got shaded selected you're not going to see those black edges so yeah make sure that's shaded with edges so if a boundary patch we're gonna select this edge here all right and then we're gonna just orbit around and look side on well that's gonna do it's gonna create like like a lid it creates like a little face in that circular region there which is laced like a cap over the hole but it's flat so it won't it be domed because like a wine glass the bottom of the wine glasses off domed isn't it so we're gonna change this option here to tangent and then the weight will just we'll just leave it at 0.5 that should be enough should it be enough or should we change this to no point to yes inside no point to right click apply zoom out opt round click that bottom edge there again make sure you don't pick anything behind it make sure you go for the right edge because this sometimes it can it can get you you think you're clicking on an edge but you're clicking on one actually behind this thing see there's just one there that one there that's the that's the rogue and you want to go further and then change the weight of this one to tangent and we'll leave that at 0.5 click apply should look a little something like that light click done Emma Gold mate so the next thing to do is click back onto the 3d model tab select sculpt we're gonna select boundary patch 2 boundary patch 1 and that's like pouring water into the stalk and then the water gets caught by the faces that we've just made and then it crypt yeah I wasn't expecting that to happen me that's that's not the end desired result that I was going for so we need to fix this let's right click on fill it one in the browser and we're gonna go to edit feature and I think what's happened here is as we've created this stalk the filled feature for the stalk the Phillips have failed and it's removed the rest of the wineglass so this is this is standard me it's part of the modeling process things break and you have to just go back and figure out what they were and I think it's probably this fill it's here so we're gonna change the middle fill at the ten mill one to be a tangent fill it click OK yeah and that's Blatter ploy back so we're now good yeah that was a bit of a scare but we're good neseber wineglass me that's it actually finished so we need to make it made make it to be made of glass I think that's what I'm trying to say so we're gonna go into the materials select this little drop down here at the top and then you can change this to be glass frosted or just glass and then you can see it's gone see-through if you want to make your own just so you can play around with it your own kind of colored glass we can select this little button here which is called appearance and then we can go to make sure this doesn't draw within the screen select this button down here which just creates a new appearance slash texture select solid glass and then we can start changing around with this give this a name call this wine and glass and then for the information again just change the name or most of these fields here don't actually mean anything they don't do anything you can't search for them they don't appear anywhere else they're just inherited from another part of Autodesk's ecosystem solid glass it's gonna be the color well you can go to you can either make it green or grey or blue I can go to a custom select the the middle bit here and then you can give it a like a custom maybe like a rose gold sort of tint to the glass click OK and then apply cancel that shut that down and then now when you drop this list down here you should see at the very bottom there's loads and loads and loads of textures because this is the Autodesk appearance library remember we said that at the start and then we can go to wine glass which should be Christ as so many then there is wine glass and it's just made a pinky made now yeah I love that screen it so the next thing to do is we're gonna select the front face of the cube alright so that you should see says the word in it's upside down right click on the face menus gonna shoot off-screen but you want to select set current of you as front and what that does is it makes the front of the cube and look like that press f4 orbit around go to the View tab here at the top change the visual style to realistic change the shadows I'm gonna drop down there click all shadows and then we're gonna go to this button here orthographic change that the perspective drop this one down here and I'm gonna change this the grid light look at that there you have your wine glass made and it looks absolutely beeston right the next thing I would have normally done is enabled ray tracing I'm gonna do that at the end of the video because what I'm doing screen recordings ray tracing just all the cause on my computer just get dedicated to ray tracing so my screen capture software just completely you just gets eviscerated and everything goes our sink so I'm not going to do that I'll do that at the end but um yeah there's your wine glass mate you've done it it's made of glass if you want to check the weight of it for example you can right click on the part here the pot I can go to I properties got it physical a click update and because we've said you're made of glass there's an accurate mass representation and volume surface area and well done mate you've now but you might have been thinking to yourself all along have no idea what I'm doing I did say that at the start but you've got yourself a wine glass and if you're thinking yourself but I want to put some liquid in it inventors not invent it doesn't do liquid it's not its speciality you can create at some point in the future I'm not going to do it in this video but you can create a solid to represent water but that's not what invent it does inventors not supposed to be you know fluid dynamics kind of thing it's just no it's thing there you go mate there's your wine glass it looks absolutely killer you it's also full fully adaptive you can go on at the original revolution yeah and change the sketch and you can change any of these dimensions and the whole thing and I'll update the suit so like for this arc here we can change that to be 200 just to make the wine glasses a bit fatter click finish sketch and you should see it poof updates just suit but there you go mate thank you very much that's that's your wine glass once you've done that if you want to if you want to save it out just click file save that I'll create yourself an IP T and call this wine glass and if if you've got a 3d printer and you want a 3d printer you can go to file export card format and then change that to STL and then drop that out as an STL file 3 to 3d printer so thanks very much that's that's the wineglass done and dusted may hope you enjoyed it if you're a beginner in vendor hopefully that is giving you a little taste of how to model and if you if you not need to invent it when you watch this well I don't know I don't know what's wrong with me well the well done for sitting through something as basic and entry-level as this thanks to everyone for all the support on TFI I do get asked quite a lot of people like to add if people want to donate to the channel links are all in the description as per patreon is and I'll see you in the next video made thank you very much [Music]
Channel: Tech3D
Views: 18,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Inventor, tutorial, tips, training, guide, modelling, 3D, CAD, beginners, wine glass, revolve, intro
Id: 7HWYFPc8x_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 14 2018
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