Who wants to learn how to model this? Full Inventor video tutorial

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[Music] do you want to know how it's made than made are you just can quizzically curious either way let's get cracking I'm not modeling anything real here this isn't a there's no end goal it's not a real structure or a real item or a product it's just a process that we're gonna go through to show you and you it's not even you it's just a unique different way of modeling something which is quite robust and quite creative just something to have in the bank but you think that's something I can use maybe later on I might never use it but it looks probably cool it actually does once you get going with it and you'll see why in a second um if you don't follow me along in projects I'm just using default project nothing special no works place set up for appearance libraries I'm using your desk appearance library and the Autodesk material I'll be that said in tools application options you know I mean if you want to go all the way through the end you'll need to have the content Center working so this folder here this path mine's a bit different I've redirected it off the D you also be see programmed data but you need to go to this folder here and make sure it's got a bunch of ID CL files in it if it doesn't you have to reinstall the content center off your invented media and then let's get cracking so gonna go to new standard IP T that's gonna create a spar file mate a blank canvas part hundred and said I've not done this 160 times it's got that from but it gives us a blank canvas to get crackin so we're gonna go with this top but Nia right start 2d sketch and it's gonna throw some work planes at us and then I'm gonna pick the XY pin you can pick another one if you want to be rebellious and edgy but I'm gonna go for the XY plane because I'm just vanilla like that XY plane and then we're gonna drop a polygon down if your button here right the fourth one in on the create panel if that says rectangle you want to drop down the arrow and anything over polygons and then I'm gonna go for a six-sided polygon mate that's a hexagon I was there that day and math since school if you want to go for more sides you can do but you will regret your life choices later on trust me on that and you'll see why in a bit so I'm just going to stick with six and then for the center of the polygon we're gonna pick this dot in the middle right left click that pull away she says size doesn't matter just drop it anywhere down here click and then don't write and the next thing I'm gonna do which is it just drives me absolutely nuts what I want to be able to do is sort of grab the corners of the hexagon and pull it around in these stupid awful he-hello dots stop me doing it so press f9 on the keyboard I'll get rid of those yellow dots and then you can pull your hexagons around and it just verifies that it's it's free to rotate it's free to change in size so when you sort that out so we're gonna go into the constraint panel here then we're gonna select the vertical constraint and then pick any corner of the hexagon there's one left click and then left click the middle dot and then that'll line up with that corner vertically with the middle right click and then okay and this is now fixed can't spin anymore but it's free to change in size right in terms of the size size it's not a thing it's not a real product so there is no size so I'm just going to make this up as I go along so I'm gonna select dimension and I'm gonna pick two opposing corners of the hexagons drop that down and then I'm gonna make this it's just do 4,000 right make it four meters and double click there the middle wheel does a zoom extents it should turn blue or whatever your color scheme is it'll it'll change color to show you that it's fully constrained you can hold left mouse button down and then it'll sort of it'll stay put ain't gonna move cuz it's fully constrained hit finish sketch in inventor is gonna do that really annoying thing that it does is assume Xin and nothing it wouldn't do that still many things with this product that drive me bat crap crazy double-click the middle wheel to zoom back out and we can now do our next sketch so we're gonna go to start 2d sketch again and then it's gonna throw us the work planes what we're gonna do here is we're gonna hold the left mouse button down again on the XY plane but this time hold it down and then drag off right this right and that's gonna float us a sketch off of the XY plane so we're gonna be sketching above the XY plane is gonna make us a plane this distance off of the XY plane and I want it to be in terms of a distance I want it to be half of that mostly what you would do here is you would just click this and it will put it into there and then you can go divided by two but for some reason why me why do I keep hitting these issues it doesn't work you click that it doesn't link it into the textbox it's like bye so what you've got to do is delete that out right and then you click that and then go / - you've got a it's like the contexts all over the place so click in there until they go you get the hand over the dimension click that then what you've got to do is click after it and then press the before word / / - what a carry on I know hit the tick button and they go right that gives us a sketch this is now floating 2 meters above where the hexagon is located and we're going to draw ourselves another hexagon a right it's gonna go to polygon select the middle again same process just float it off and then we're gonna go for a horizontal constraint and click done if you want it wouldn't have mattered a horizontal constraint pick any one of the corners and then pick the middle all right there we go right click and ok and then for the size same again mate we're just going to do a dimension from the corner to corner drag that up and then click that there and it should link the two hexagons together so if the bottom hexagon changes size the top one should always be the same size that parameters are linked together whole point of parametric model inmate it's what it's all about saves you work later on if you want to change one thing and it affects something else so you're building your design intent is Americans would say and then click finish sketch and then there will go right we're good to now crack on so I'm gonna be using a 3d mouse here if you see it sort of orbit and turn buttery smooth like this I'm using a 3d mouse but if you don't have one you can hold down f4 and the left mouse button to spin or you can hold down the left mouse button on a cube that'll do that either way it's you get the same desired end result but I'm am using a 3d mouse again again I've done a video on that as well I'll link it up in the top how do I have sir how do you orbit so smoothly is that video anyway next we're gonna do a bit of prep work so this plane here you should have one plane up here called work plane one just do two slow left clicks and it should jump into a rename the plane thing and I'm gonna call this top face and then press return and then what I'm gonna do is something a bit unusual but you'll have to bear with me right this is just a follow me along and hopefully it'll make sense go through we're gonna click plane right the top button I none of these shenanigans right now we're gonna go hardcore and click the top button and then we're gonna select any three corners on the bottom hexagon so click click and then click right there you go that gives us a bottom plane and we're gonna call at the bottom face right so same again rename that and then call it bottom face so many jokes so little time and then we're going to turn those both off so using the ctrl key right click that hold down control click that one right click on them and then just uncheck visibility you know turn those two off and get them out of the way cuz they're that they're a bit intense and in your face we're going to invoke on the drop-down shenanigans area we're going to invoke three points work plane and what I'm gonna do is create a around about a dozen work planes around all corners of the hexagon intersecting other corners of the hexagon polynomial on we're going to go click on the top corner of the well a corner on the top hexagon and then two opposing corners directly below it so we'll click and then click that intersect us a work plane if we just look at it there and then what we're going to do is we're going to go around the bottom hexagon and do the same thing with the top so we did that point that one and that one now we're gonna call that one that one and that one then we go that one that one then that one all the way around I know but the end result is incredible once you get into the end it's worth it and there's not really a better there might be a better way doing it but this is a really robust way of doing it so we're gonna press spacebar right good ideas to javea your left hand over the spacebar just press spacebar to reinforce command and then go bottom corner to on the top top corner up doing press spacebar table gonna do on the bomb right spacebar bottom corner to on the table is is really boring but you'll get there in the end there will come a point where you you started a struggle to actually pick the corner so you have to use rotate remember the cornea stop that so I'm going for this one yet alright spacebar that one and then this one and then this one you absolute utmost concentration here because I swear on baby Jesus if you forget where you're at it's it is really difficult to see where the where the work planes are and where they're not because they start to overlap so much that I'm alright I can't see the corners I'm not gonna write that one in that one that one yeah they start to overlap each other so much that it's difficult to see where one work plane starts and when another one ends but I think we're nearly there I think we might have one more would do that one that one and then that one and I think that might be it there is one there that one there okay so there's all our work plane sort of evenly spaced around we've got our top and bottom face as well which is that one in that one so what's the point in doing all this right if you thought that was the heart bit oh it's not alright next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna invoke sculpt alright and then we're gonna go around and select every single work plane click one and it's going to give us this little sphere with two arrows pointing either side and you want to click the arrow pointing inside the the cluster cluster mess of work planes so you want to pick that one there right which can be difficult to pick you need to make sure that when you click the green arrow it doesn't give you much visual feedback believe it or not the arrow actually does change color very very very suddenly and it's easy to miss so you just need to make sure you don't accidentally click another work plane when you go for the green arrow so click the work plane and then click the green arrow and that should change to look like that and you need to go around every single one of them okay I know I'm sorry it is it really is worth it though it really is worth it so we're gonna click that one there and then I'm on there and then we're gonna go for that one there and then inside what a great way to spend your time say does this really happening yes this is really happening and if you thinking is how how the hell did you how the hell Neil did you come up with whatever it is you're doing right now I'm following you but I've no idea what I'm doing and have no idea how this came about what possibly happened in your mind for this for this to have been something that you came up with well the story is about ten years ago possibly not that long ago maybe not dad oh no it was a long time ago there was an old invent a world cup challenge on the inventor forums and one of the challenges was very similar shape and this was the technique that I came up with this or solve the puzzle and since then it's just been one of those things that I've remembered since and it's a pretty interesting way of doing so I think I've got everything there right every arrow should be pointing inside right and you should now get this or a spike well that's because we haven't picked the top and the bottom faces because they're turned off so you want to select any brows at the top face and then go down all right and that should cap off the top and there we are and then you want to pick the bottom face if you click the arrow going up that's right and we'll finally done it click OK and then there you go look at me is that not worthy it's just a bunch of triangles oh no but it really it really is cool right the next thing we're going to do is we need to put a peak at the point on top and again this is a little bit a bit funky but it works right so you're gonna select plain you know actually let's go for three points okay and keep it keep it consistent and the two the three points that we're gonna pick on the top of the shape you want to scroll along just move along until you get the midpoint there right you're going to click that point and then on the up posing side you want to pick that point and then that corner point there all right and then you wanna press spacebar dude again on the exact opposite side almost like it's a mirror so that one that one and then that point there and then that gives us this wait ahead are you going with this new up bear with me my bear with me right and then we're gonna go for an axis then we're gonna select the plane that we've just made and then there's its expand your origin folder and then select the z axis and that intersects an axis between the Zed line and that plane and we're gonna do the same thing on this one access between that and Z and when these two axes like that goes Buster's crossing the streams so they're going infinitely in length from up to down but they cross over and touch here and that's where we want to define a point so you're gonna select point between here and here and it gives us this work point this work point is but over after so these two planes and these two axes will for the purposes of defining that point so now that we've got that point what can like just expand the browser and call down control and just turn off all of that we don't need them right click and visibility off where's the axes oh that's ten ones that right-click and turn the visibility that off there we go so we've got where we've got a point and then reduce some more planes I know honestly it's worth it right select three points again I'm gonna select two corners of the hexagon to join corners and then the dot right spacebar again click in the dot space this is where like having a 3d mouse who really helps it speeds things up massively space click click and click in fact I think because even yeah there's a space bar mapped on the space Mouse Enterprise so if you're an absolute baller then you've got a space Mouse Enterprise you can you don't even need to take your hand off the 3d mouse you can just use the base bar shortcut key on the 3d models if you want to do kick sculpt again right and then we're just gonna select you can do it you can click them in here you can either click the work planes wouldn't you click all the work planes up we've just made you can either click them in the graphics window I'll click them in the browser so click that 20 21 22 and then you should see this green preview appear if you don't see the green preview appear you screwed up somewhere along the lines me and I can't help you I haven't seen what you did click ok and then there we are man there we go but the good thing about this right because someone's somebody's bound to be sitting there going ah I know where you're going with this narrow or now where you're going you're going to put frames onto these end points which you could have done with a 3d sketch well yes you we could have done this with the 3d sketch and that that would work if you render sneezing and watching all your work disintegrate like Germany's World Cup hopes you by all means do a 3d sketch but this is much more robust because right now we can just go into one of these dimensions change this to I don't know 6,000 press the Update button here and then boom look at everything updates because it's all parametrically linked together it is delightful is so robust it's it's just unbelievable Jeff it's really it's right we're gonna save what we've done just cuz it's an assist sore desk you know it has to save it drop this into the working folder and I'm gonna call this skeletal model something like that's right and then we're gonna go into an assembly right standard tot I am click place browse to your your model where have you saved it double-click it in right click place grounded origin if you don't have place grounded or origin because you've got an old version of invent it doesn't matter drop it in wherever you want to doesn't matter and then right clicking ok so we've dropped that part into an assembly and we're now gonna use it as the basis for making some frames so hits say when you're assembly as well and we'll just call this frame I don't know you know could be a marquee could be structure could be whatever it is he making hit save and then go to the design tab and then insert frame and providing that your content centers work in invent it should think for a couple of seconds and then flash up the insert frame box if you don't see this you can't and centers not set up and then you need to maybe just dial back a bit and make sure everything's saved check my videos and how to set the content center up and then and then do that so we've got multiple standards here you can put whatever frames you want down I'm gonna go for a circular hollow section because the angles on this is so often so all over the place trying to put sort of square a rectangular section on here the angles are all but it's organist it was circular hollow section will have a cracked voice mmm and then for the size and whatever whatever it is you do and it doesn't matter I'm not going to do that when it counts a lot out I'm gonna double clicking at the part file I'm just going to turn off the sketches because I don't want it putting frames on the sketch lines and the model edges at the same time it'll put two frames on top of each other so we're gonna turn off those sketches save that and then bounce back over to the assembly right let's repeat that insert frame and we'll put the circular hollow section down 40 to 40 feet of random size or whatever 42 by 2.5 myths material mild steel and then windows select everything and then look at that man look at that so I think the frames are a little bit too small because I've increased the size to 6 meters let's drop that up to 60 I'll do click OK in production in a real production environment I would be naming these a proper part numbers or some kind of unique reference but I'm not interested at this point this is just for demos demonstration purposes but in reality in the real world you'd be naming these something unique and identifiable same with that there as well click OK and then just start dropping frames down man look at that it looks absolutely amazing we've got frames now across every crossmember on our structure whatever that structure may be and then if you want to make it see through this is where stuff starts to get even cooler we can go into the the skelton model and we're gonna do a shell so on your modify panel here click shell and this is gonna be glass not the most ideal way of doing glass because you know in again in the real world each one of these would be a separate pane of glass but this is just for visual representation purposes let's just pretend it's like three milk glazing and then remove the bottom face because that wouldn't be classed on the bottom click OK and then that hollows that out so have now got each one of these triangles is offset by 3 mil and yeah right so it's not see-through so for the material we could change this to glass clear glazing if you're happy enough with the texture that it's given us happy days or you can use one of the one of the Autodesk appearance colors if you want to change that you can do you can go to it's got loads and them is absolutely tonnes and that's why I changed the appearance library the very start this video to the Autodesk appearance library because there's much more colors to go with but there's glass that's clear there's glazing there's all kinds of different colors whatever suits you well that's not very oak that's glazed glazing and that's glazing there and hit save again shut that down mate mate are you not proud of what you've just achieved look at that look at that right that's just let's start making it look even better so go to the View tab right turn on all shadows and what you'll find is that you should your ground shadow is like that that's no good that's non boy I know so what you want to do is just line it up so you're looking at it sort of side on and then click one of the faces of the cube right click on that face mind sort of jumped off the screen here but go set current view as front and then that should put your ground shadow on the ground change the visual style to realistic change the what what's that called again the environments yeah the environment style to grid light there you go there's that's a unique way of modeling so that's the it doesn't even have a name I don't even know what you call it it's just something that I came up with ages and ages and ages ago when trying to finish a challenge for something and it stuck with his ever since and yeah you can do these kind of structures with it and that's why I said if you wanted to go for a eight sided polygon instead of a six sided polygon you'd have much more work planes to create that's when you start regretting your life choices but I suppose the more sides to the polygon you've got the more cross members you'll get and you know it look more detailed it'll look more you know impressive I suppose with more cross members on it but yeah me know that's that's how you did that and you just did that pat yourself on the back if it didn't work just follow it again start again follow it again it will work it's it's guaranteed to work as long as you follow it exactly to the letter how I did it and yeah like I said it's not manufacturable you know the glasses one piece that's not true there should be separate panes I'm not going to get into that the end treatments are the frames aren't true you would need to go into the frame you know the frame tools and start trimming and maybe cutting them back to put in some kind of holding piece in the middle to weld them all together some kind of joint but uh yeah that's but that's for that's for you that's not for me anyway there you go that's how you do that hope you enjoyed it that went on for I could have robably done that a bit quicker but you know I just thought it did it a bit slower than normal just so everyone can keep up hope you enjoyed it if you did do subscribe I like doing these kinds of videos I do quite a few that was few in the bank if you want to go back through my old videos and check them out by all means do that and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Tech3D
Views: 15,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Inventor, tutorial, tips, training, guide, modelling, 3D, CAD, frames, video tutorial, audio, sketch, frame generator, work planes, sculpt, wigwam, marquee, structure, design, engineering, product
Id: aq8rRc9H_TI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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