Inventor Advanced Assembly Techniques

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Oh you to talk about inventor advanced assembly techniques so the three topics I guess we'll be covering are related to modifying large assemblies quite quickly I will discuss what the three traditional methods of designer that being bottom-up mid low and top-down so my name is Niall Smith I'm a senior technical consultant with a2k technologies my background is mechanical engineering and design from interested in simulation EFI a CFD and I also work on the data management side of things so things like Falls and so on so today's agenda we're just going to give a brief introduction to people first of all that I'm aren't familiar with a2k technologies about what we do and before I keep talking I just do a very quick sound check so if someone could perhaps type into the message box or the question box if the audio is working okay and they'd want to be talking on and the audio not working directly relent Thank You Steven cool so ever said we'll just do a brief introduction there to care technologies then we'll move on and we start talking briefly about the different techniques that are available to you in modeling with inventor and we jump into the software will do a demo another summary of what we've covered and at the very end we'll leave time for questions and answers so if you have any questions along the way if you'd like to just type in the questions into the question box and what I will do is we go through them one by one at the end of the webcast okay so a to K technologies in summary or very large organization or discs largest reseller in Australia New Zealand Platinum Partner which is the highest tier you can get with Autodesk and we have a large staff of people who have come from industry mainly or everyone has experienced or not just trained and how to use the software put experience in using the software for commercial purposes we don't just offer all the best technology so we also offer Adobe Microsoft there's very good globally training which is a online training solution which is excellent if people can't make training or can't get time off work to go training so it's a step-by-step training program for inventor Revis an idiotic software in terms of the areas that a 2k cover we obviously sell software we also do a lot of consulting work training and supporting products we sell as well as the harbor so we also supply things like computers CAD machines workstations and we have a very large technical knowledge base as well and that that's based around our blog different events we host webinars like this white papers and tips and tricks the quote in our monkey newsletter so our general mission statements of value proposition is to work as hard as we can to provide a win for everyone so win-win scenario that is the ability to deliver more deliver better and hopefully exceed expectations so moving on towards the technical side of the presentation let's give a look at design methodologies what the traditional inventor design approach was so when everyone learns inventor they learn how to create a parrot they learn how to create a motor parts and then they've join all these parrots together in an assembly and you define constraints between all these parts so that's the that's the kind of the basic starting point the issue is when you start working with larger assemblies when you want to up there things if you update one part that means you potentially have to update a second or a third part change geometry - modifiers and there's a lot of Navy constraints that have to be changed so it can be a little bit slow especially if you want quick design changes and anyone who's involved in design will know design is an iterative approach so in start with something in three weeks later you might end up with a completely different design so the ability to make changes quickly are critical because it's not that hard to do the initial model it's when you go through each different review if you have it set up in a way where you have to change ten different parts each time something changes and you have to redefine 20 different constraints each time something changes then that's going to slow you down and that's where your your time towards the end of the project gets longer so a second approach is again most people have learned visited attended inventor training is middle out to join so this is where you you start putting your parts together and then you start modifying or creating parts at the assembly level so this means you'll have adaptive parts so one part will be dependent on another part so the position of a whole might depend on the position of a shoulder in another part so to use this you have to use it activity and adaptive prior to parts of up days when another pair changes and yet active symbol is shown just between those two little first IPT symbols on the left hand side so it's a little blue and red arrows so that's a sign that it's adaptive and adaptive activity is good to use especially when you're designing things and finalizing your design but it can be a bit slow especially if you update parts from the wrong order and you can get them confusing also if you have lots and lots of that of adaptivity in an assembly it can cause issues that can slow down it can cause crashes so while it's a good addition it's it's still not the fastest way of changing assembly and modifying assemblies so that brings us to a third approach which is top-down design so in this top-down design scenario what we do is we start with a parrot float and we basically design our entire assembly within that parrot file our reference to a part file and from that single part for them we create an assembly ok so it will seem clear once we get into inventor and once you get started on us but what you'd see is that the master part is basically the part in the middle it's the purchased under the assembly icon now what we do is that part gets derived into other parts and deriving apart is something that all of these top-down design techniques have in common and I'll explain that is this about that in a second so when using a top-down design technique a key thing is the stop at the start of your design and give a think and build your design intent into that part so you actually map out so you're gonna create your part you map on what parameters would potentially change and then that'll allow you use things like the skeletal modeling which is just another name from master sketching and you can also use multi body modeling which create multiple bodies inside in a single part and then we derive an assembly from that or you can use layout design so there's three top-down design techniques that are commonly used layout design is for designing mechanisms so it's where you want to get the kinematics or the dynamics of a mechanism correct or the dimensions at the sketch level so you can design a big assembly design how it's going to work at the sketch level and then create an assembly farmers so we enter them slide I mentioned derived parts and all the design techniques have derived parts in them that we mentioned above so what a derived part does is it actually creates a link to another part so that when changes are made in the original file the derived part updates based on those changes so for example if you're building a car and you've got a left-handed wing mirror assembly you won't see the right-handed mirror assembly well then you only need to create the left-handed assembly and you can derive a part based on that left-hand assembly such that if I make any changes to my left hand assembly the derived part updates so it create a left-hand side and I can derive a right-hand side part so that's quite useful for multiple things with use in designing castings and machined parts as well where we've got different operations at different stages for example if you're machining something you might want to have a block and then derive a part where your initial machining is done and then drive another part for your holes or drill them and so on so as I mentioned design intent is key for top-down design methods and we look at this what I'm going to get into the demo parameters are very important as well I'm not very important but they allow greater efficiencies in design so if you use parameters and you use them carefully you can make changes very quickly when we get into the demo and that's just going to be in a second so we're going to look at naming parameters and for people who haven't worked with parameters before if you try naming parameters there's a couple of rules to follow so basically you cannot start with a number you cannot have a space in the name for the parameter an inventor has reserved certain names such as capital H lower H capital v capital T when doing top-down design techniques and to be honest in general doing assembly work you should use the origin work plan much as possible the reason is the origin walk-ins they never change their their door locked in space you can move them so if you base your geometry in your positioning on parts of your origin were cleanse and your spacing off of origin were cleanse then your model is going to be a lot more solid it reduces the chance of you actually deleting a sketch plane or a face and then causing further downstream features to crash another useful tip is naming sketches and more claims for reference so we do that as well going to get into the inventor environment so master sketching is the first one we look us which is also refer to skeletal modeling second one we look at is solid body modeling and you look noticed if you use inventor you haven't used solid bodies a lot that's a lot of the features like extrude whole pattern chamfer so on you can apply these solids there's a little button in the dialog box for solids so which and if the final one then we'll be layout design and this is similar to using sketch blocks in AutoCAD then our sketch level will create blocks and those blocks will then create parts for us okay so let's jump into inventor and we'll swap across here I want to do for the faster sketching example is that start from scratch and we'll discuss some of the principles of top-down design techniques so I'm going to start is I'm going to start on my origin walk plan and I'm going to build an assembly that's going to look like a issues all right kind of a funnel for maybe materials processing or whatever so I'm going to start with by creating a rectangle and you notice that you've got I've got direct input switched on okay so I could type in my dimensions as I go but just explain exactly what I'm doing and go right click and their general dimension and as I'm putting in my dimension what I'm going to do is I'm going to give it a name so I'm going to call this outlet width equals and maybe make it just 500 mil and I'm going to my next dimension that will be my out less depth equals maybe 750 okay and I'll just constrain that sketch very quickly and easily my sketch is fully constrained so finishing that sketch what I could do here is rename my sketch I guess better practice to say we should name our sketches and name or planes so I can call this Inlet dimensions or in Inlet sketch sorry outlet excuse me outlet sketch and by naming my parameters what that actually does is it allows me use my parameter editor you can see here that the two parameters when I go to my parameter editor which is the quick FX button open the quick access toolbar you can see that I've got outlet with no TechNet so as I name my parameters they go into my parameter table which allows me make changes later on very quickly if I'm not sure what dimension I've called what parameter name I can right click and I can say a dimension display and I can say show me instead of the name or so instead of the value let's show the name and it tells us exactly what each dimension has been named so I'll right-click again dimension display I go back to value and finish that sketch so next thing what I'm going to do is create a plane and I'm going to base it off my origin more candles we discussed already so I'm going to offset it from there and I'm going to name this parameter as well and it's going to be my outlet - and I'm going to put that equal to 800 and we'll create a sketch on top of that plane and project the geometry from my first sketch and what I could do is I go along is rename my work plane and call this out less height so if I do want to change things I know what work features are dictating certain things so last one just to finish off the geometry is I'll project it again from the XY plane so they can drive up and this is going to be my shoes height and going to make up maybe 1500 and again I can name a work plan as I go along what's and call this shoe height then I'll just put a sketch on this last one plan and do the same thing as what I did earlier put on a rectangle and I'll name the dimensions as I go and this time I'm going to call us my inlet width equals maybe thousand and my inlets that equals 800 ok so again I'll just constrain that sketch very quickly and again I'm working off the center points some planes and so on as you see there so finishing that sketch what I'm going to do is just turn off the planes visibility so we can see the three sketches that I'm working with so from here what I'm going to do is create a loft and I'm going to use the surface loft so going to create a first first of all the surface left for the unless beat out that I should say click okay and I'm going to make my sketch to visible again so I can continue and make another loft from the top sketch again it's going to be a surface soft top sketch and I'm just going to join up try to join the dots but I picked up the loop there nicely and click OK but what I've got now is the surface again this surface will allow me position sketches nice day when I start deriving this part into other parts to create my assembly so I'm going to hit save and ruin modeling and designing and drafting is save early and save awesome and I'm going to call this master sketch shoot and before I move on to the next part what I'm going to do as well is going to go into my parameter table editor and I'm going to create some user parameters so by going up to my quick access toolbar I can click on a little FX symbol again and that'll open up my parameter table for me so I can add numeric and what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a parameter that's a user parameter and call us flange length and I don't need to open walls at the moment and I can make my flange length let's say 250 mm I guess less parameter doesn't control anything else and I'm going to do the same thing is that another numeric parameter and I'm going to call us assembly thickness and you'll notice I'm not putting any spaces in my parameters and I could just use an underscore if I wanted to spread the words I was little and making bits here and I want to make my my assembly thickness because it's going to be a sheetmetal assembly I'm gonna make it ten mil let's make it five months start with and say it done but before I actually chose the parameter table what I'm going to do is I'm going to take both of these user parameters for export so under column X for parameter I can put it take beside these two and that means those parameters will be married when I start creating derived parts as parameters to export so it's like done and what I'm going to do now is start creating the individual parents for my assembly so previously to drive apart well you would have to do is open a new part and then finish the sketch go to the manage tab and say derive part but there's a nice little productivity enhancer in 2014 I think I didn't in 2012 actually so if we go to the manage tab you've got the option here on the layout panel to make apart okay and this will actually derive apart from the part I'm working on so it's pairs a bit of time so I'm going to call this first part and run just college left section I can pick templates that I want to use which is going to be a sheet metal template I'm going to not gonna place the part into a target assembly just want to work on one part and going to tenant enter that I want include surface one stick over okay - - and surface two as well as my user parameters which have been marked here for export you can see the symbol beside them I'm going to bring in my flange length to my assembly thickness I'm going to click OK and that should open up a new part which it does and we go to our home view so you can see it's derived in the two surfaces that we want to work with so this is going to be my left section so this right here what I'm going to do is I'm going to click on create 2d sketch and I'm going to create a sketch on the first phase and you'll notice that I have auto project pages during sketch creation turned on so the edges are projected if that's not turned on what you can do is you can go to the manage tab what sorry tools tab application options go to the sketch tab and there's an option here to turn on auto project edges for sketch creation and edges so you can toggle that on and off if you want your edge is projected normally have it turned off but if you do want to turn it on in this is when it suits you you can turn it on so repeat the last command create a sketch again and pick the top phase let's create 2d sketch on top of that face such that the edges are projected again okay so now we've got two projected faces let's finish our sketch and create a face and I'm just going to make sure by zooming around that it's offset in the right direction so outwards which is good apply and a lap service again in the correct direction and okay so you'll notice who uses the default thickness which is what I want to use so I'm going to go to my sheetmetal default from tell us not to use thickness from room and instead show me the parameters that are available to us and you can see the very first parameter in there is assembly thickness so that's the primary exporters from my master part and you need to take out the numbers that are in the thickness option box first otherwise you get a big red indication and red means and ventricles and acceptors so it click OK and our thickness has changed if you want do a quick check we go to measure and our techno smell 5mm so just change my view as well to show shaded with edges so you can get clear def mission okay so we've created one part now let's put a flange on there and go back to our sheet mountain with a flange put it onto the end part here and what we're going to do is instead of accepting the defaults we're going to again list parameters and you can see flange length appears there and it calls up - flange length from our very first master part so that's the in essence that's the procedure for creating parts derived off another part so what I'm going to do is I'm going to save that and I'm going to repeat the same process just for the other remaining sides and that way then we'll actually see exactly how it's being creative and give people a chance to cannot really understand what's going on with the master sketching side of things so again make part put on surface one surface - this time I'm going to call it the bottom side I'm going to use my sheet metal part again not placed in assembly and bring the same two parameters over with me again this creates the bottom section let's give it a tower home view and what I do very quickly is create my sketches here finish sketch I'm pressing spacebar on my keyboard repeat the last command which will just speed things up in the creation and again sheet metal leaf falls take off your thickness from row and let's make it assembly thickness and let's put a flange on there and when I drop down with a flange length is already in there so very quickly we can create more parts so going back to my master I've done the left has done the bottom so let's rotate around and do the right so again make parts right section I don't need to place my target assembly sheet metal part bring the surface bodies that I want to bring across I could bring sketches if I wanted as well so doesn't necessarily need to be a surface could be a solid as well and let's bring these to user parameters across as well and let's go to our home view let's do the right section create phase right click finish sketch spacebar to repeat the last command put on the face change your sheet metal defaults treat the parameter that we want to read and put on a flange again which is distance flange length okay so I can save that and complete the last section back for master sketch and last section is the top so I will make apart from this call us top section pick the surface as I want again sheet metal part and don't need a target assembly so target assembly was if you're updating an existing part okay so let's look at our parameters and bring our flange length and assembly thickness in there and I've just noticed someone has asked the quite a question and if I see a question that I can answer quite quickly I will do that otherwise I'll leave it to the end so someone has asked the question why change flan flange length and material thickness using parameters and not the options available in sheet metal so the reasons that I want to bring in the parameters for flange length and assembly thickness is that when I want to change my thickness of my flange length instead of going through all the individual sheet metal parts I can just go to my master part make one change there in the parameter table and then it looked at all for sex so you'd see this in a second so let's let's continue on and our top section okay keep a look at our home view and again let's give a look at the top side and we just repeat the same procedure so creativity sketch finish new sketch finish phase make sure it's going in the right direction and just check the direction again and okay sheetmetal defaults and other thing I don't use one in each individual part I want to use the one that's controlled from a master part simply take those and put on a flange and our flange is going to be flange length so saving - we can now create an assembly file so let's go to our new and create an assembly file standard assembly I'm going to right click and say face component and I'm going to bring in my master sketch part and I'm going to bring in my top section right section bottom section left section so these are all the parts that I've worked with click open just sumos and as you'll see there each part has got the surfaces turned on so to make things tidy what I'm going to do is going to go back and this is the best practices as well in each individual parts you'll see that when I expand the item in the browser tree called master sketch shoot that I PT and this is my derived part so remember in the presentation I said these techniques use derived parts so what happened was we create a derived parrot or master sketch into the parrot left section and we derived in our surfaces and our parameters so I'm just going to turn off the surfaces here in each one save them as I go along so to make it a little bit tidier when I get to the Assembly level and that's a good idea keeping tidy makes it easier to work okay and the top section let's turn off our surfaces so let me go back into assembly one we've got a nice clean workspace or we've got our master part which is the surface model here we've got one two three four different sections so best practices when you're working with top-down design techniques bring in your master parts always into the assembly and be sure and turn it into a reference part and we do that by going for billow materials because we don't want to have our master part turning up in our bill of materials or parts lists so master sketch we change that to reference so we want feeds in our parts lists and our drawings the next step in this procedure is we go to a Productivity panel which is on a resemble tab productivity panel here and we want to use ground and roofs component so each of these parts I'm going to tell them venture to ground us and routes us to at XYZ okay because all these parts share the same XYZ and they'll all be orientated in the same position so pressing spacebar on the keyboard I can repeat the last command and each of those sections are grounded and rooted to the XYZ so what I'll do is I'll just turn off my visibility of my master sketch and again best practice is always leave your master parts over the top of the browser tree the reason for that is if someone opens up the assembly then I'll straight away that this part hasn't been created in the traditional bottom-up design technique and then they may think white as is ever everything grounded by putting in your master part to your master sketch onto the top of the browser tree it indicates that this part was created using a top-down design technique and it's been controlled using a master sketch so okay so I've built my shoot assembly now I realize that hold on a second my flange length it looks a little bit too long so to make a change all I need to do is go back to my master sketch part go to my parameter table change the flange thickness and top flange length and make us 100 clicked on can update the back master part go to my assembly hit update open the top left-hand side and all four parts change so that's the reason why I didn't use the flange length and the material thickness within the sheet metal parts because I can make changes to multiple parts in one go or using the master sketch technique so for example we go back to our master sketch and let's say design changes have come in so design changes cause up we want to change our Inlet with 1500 or Inlet stepped maybe to 600 shoot ice 1200 outlet highs 900 outlet pets outside width we can change those as well if we like 500 make it 350 let's probably look a funny proportion and another change your assembly thickness 6 landing so don't update and you can see the shape of my surface model push may be that for the client ones so let's go to our shoot assembly and update us and you can see our model has flexed and changed and updated so you can see I drastically change the shape and the dimensions that I use and all the parameters so that's why I mentioned at the start that the key thing is having a think about how you're going to model your design and defining two key parameters doesn't change and then using an intelligent design techniques like master sketching and creating user parameters to design your part so you can see that make changes thus if I were to do individually I'd have to go back and change single cards and we'll take a lot longer so you can have ask yourself is it worth putting in a little bit of extra time at the start to create a top-down design technique which will save you time later on when you need to make changes okay so that's master sketching the next technique that I want to show everyone is solid body modeling for this one rather than repeating things we've done already I'm going to open up this solid body modeling part and it's got a sketch created on us so in this case I'm going to try and create or create a pressure vessel and we have just got three concentric circles put onto this sketch and what I've done is as I put in the dimensions I named the parameter so this dimension is called ID that's 120ml ID for inner diameter this one here is a dimension that's based on the ID and the OD so when you're using parameters you can work it a little bit like Excel and you can put prod you can put equations in there so you'd see my dimension here which is called PCD for pitch circle diameter my bolt circle it's equal to my inner diameter plus my outer diameter - my net inner diameter / - so if I change my inner diameter let's change it to 60 my OD comes in and my pitch circle diameter for my bolt holes comes in as well I can change that back out and everything is related to each other so if I go to my outer diameter I've told inventor that my outer diameter is equal to my inner diameter of 30 mm so if I right click and I go dimension display and value job sorry to mention this day and in it changes and shows us the names of each of those dimensions and we click on them we can see what formulas have been used in them and that's the same then with our parameter table will appear and you can see that the equations are just popped in here okay so with solid body modelling I've created my sketch that I want to create my geometry with then I go to extrude and I'm going to create a part here so a base I'm going to say okay make a 10 min and then I'm going to go to my sketch I'm going to turn on the visibility and I'm going to create a new sketch up on the top then I'll project my geometry for my wall thickness onto that sketch finishes extrude and what I can do here is I can select join which will join the part or join my two extrusions and I can give this a name as well so you can also name features so height equals let's just make it two equal to the OD so if I want to think of a parameter I just type in the name of the parameter and it's going to be able to be OD okay so all we've got is we've just got a simple extrusion like it create a normal part so the next step we'll do is going to create a second part we create a 2d sketch and again of my project edges turned on and this is the gasket I'm going to create so finish sketch and we'll create an extrusion I'm going to make it just ten mil instead of clicking unjoin as I did previously what I'm going to click on at the bottom that's below here and it's called new solid so I click on new solid and then click OK so what that does is again let's need to change my view you can see that we've got two solids created in our prior to environment so if we go over to the left hand side we've got solid bodies folder and got solid four I'm Solid five and I can name these solids as I go why can't a solid four is going to be the base solid five is going to be my gasket and if I want to even further differentiate them I can go to the properties and I can change the color okay so very clear and easy to see different solids I'm working with so repeat the last step again from finishing the sketch for the cap extrude when I press my solid option here and it's gonna be new solids I'm going to pick up on both profiles and again I leave a 10 mil cap click OK and you can see that the solid body has been added over on the left hand side I'll just call this top okay so go and put some features on here for example let's create another sketch and project the surface hold PCD onto that sketch and I'm going to put on a point to put in some bolt holes so if we're putting in features like holes we can say centers yes we can click on the columns button over here and we can tell inventor we want to hold to go through the solids so you have to pick the solids you want to hold to go through so you got one two three solids selected and then I can put in the geometry for my hole so brats I want the countersunk old man loose just they can drag approximately and increase the depth of us whoops you might right wrong wrong side there okay so we'll take give a look at the hole so counterbore is dragging on the wrong now counterbore should be tap that and click ok now try that once more and slow and let's drag down the debt oh okay I just punch in the numbers rather than trying to graphically be easier so let's put on a threaded hole and let's put a metric and ten should be right and yeah let's see the counterbore 5.5 which wouldn't be right for than 10 now let's make that 13 and let's go right into preview is coming in which makes sense so the numbers I had in previously were not central and let's make that's fully thread it down so 30 is and we click ok so get we've put in a whole feature in there into our solid-body keating rows when we're putting in features we have to click the hole or the fraud adoption and pick the solid on the feature to go through so if you want to pattern that hole we can use the circular pattern we can pick up on the whole feature tell inventor the rotation axis we want to go around and you'd see all we've got appears with the option to pattern solids or features this time i'm patterning a feature because the hold of the feature I can tell them venture the rotation axis click OK and you can see we've got holes put in to our top solid so the thing to watch out for here is when we're using patterns with solids we actually need to do is freeze solid okay so you see the pattern and then I need to tell inventor ok I'm putting the whole show the gasket this time and click OK and repeat it again just once more for the base same rotation axis and just telling inventor that the solid is different each time and that way the pattern go through each of those three solids because it doesn't let me multi select solids okay so that's my assembly creators what I could do next is one put in another whole let's just make it look a bit so sensible and put it in concentric and the surface this axis and yeah we can accept the same depth okay so that's our assembly created in our master part so now what we do is we go to our manage tab and we click on make components and we tell inventor that we want to make components in the base the gasket at the top we can pick the assembly template we want we can pick its location here put into the same folder next and we can pick the parts template as well if you want those we could change it if we like it's going to accept the defaults and what we've got then is we've got an assembly created here in the assembly environment with each of our three parts and each the Paras are grounded automatically so it's like it in a way it's similar to master sketching which is you don't have to 0 you've each part individually so if we go back to our make changes to our solid body part which in this case is our master part we just need to go back to our initial sketch we can use our parameters or we can use our parameter table if you want to let's say our ID is going to change we're going to make it 200 mil say it on that updates our sketch finish our sketch which updates our parent when we get out of the parent we can go back to our assembly hit the Update button on the top left hand side and our assembly updates so again very quick way of changing an assembly so there's a lot of time and I look at best practices let's place a non master part which is our solid body modeling part and we'll place that into our assembly a right-click we'll okay we've ground and Rufus so does it just doesn't get in the way and we'll turn off its visibility and again don't forget to go to your below materials and tell invention is your solid body modeling part is only a reference part that way it doesn't show up in your parts list okay so that's solid body modeling in a nutshell let's give a look at the last technique which is layout design and as I said earlier on this is for training mechanisms mainly so what I've done is I've created a part already and I've sketched in some shapes I put dimensions on those sketch sketches and that's about it so just sketch in the shapes nothing fancy about it and that's we're looking at at the moment so what I do is I select the shape that I want to make a block out of I go to my layout panel and I click on create lock and I give it a name I can call this link 1 and click apply and I can do that for all the different shapes that I've created so I'm in my mount click apply and as I'm doing this you see up on the left hand side here we've got a folder called blocks being created when I expand - you've got a link one amount and they're being created and I'm just going to create a simple slider mechanism that's going to be a slider and this last one up here is going to be linked to very creative names ok so let's use our constraints panel up here to position our sketch block and you'll notice that our sketch blocks the dimensions disappear once I create a block if I want to edit the blockage is double thickeners and then into the sketch mode again if I want to add different components I can go over to the left hand side of the screen click on the block that I want and click and drag it in so makes it very easy for recreating certain shapes I don't does so I'm just going to delete them and I can start positioning the components of my sketch block using constraints so I'm going to put a coincident constraint again I'm working up the center points and using the coincident constraint I'm going to join these sketch blocks together okay I'm going to use a horizontal constraint tell inventor at this point has to be horizontal at this point and this line also needs to be horizontal so what I can do then is I can click on my sketch block and I can design my mechanism do I need to and dimensional creators and modifies exactly to anything without having to create an assembly so I design everything in the sketch level once I'm happy with us I go to my manage tab again when I say to inventor this time make components and we work with link 1 mount slider and link to by clicking in the blocks over the left hand side I'll use again the standard template it's going into my folder that I'm working on click Next use my standard template so I could change them if I like click OK and again we're in our assembly environments with parts created out of each block so convert these blocks into parts what I do is with double-click on the part click on extrude and I can start extruding thicknesses 3 yards so let's extrude that again go the opposite direction 10 mil return and extruded sectionals return back again and finally the block and the quick access toolbar you see there when I click on a line that comes up with the extrude option which is really handy so whoops setting of extruded at in the wrong direction so let's go back and I think is a little bit of interference in directions so I need to go back and modify that if I have started extruding in the wrong direction but I think you get the idea of what I was trying to do and you can see you can actually extrude the parts that we're working with so that's layout design in a nutshell again I'd probably have to modify this slider block it just accommodate this link here but the same idea applies if you derived parts in this layout part and we've created a mechanism from initially working with 2d geometry which is quite useful we can do that quite quickly design our angles design our lens design our clearances and then we know everything is going to work so we don't have to spend a lot of time creating an assembly and then changing constraints modifying constraints and changing angles and so on and so forth so there are three very useful advanced design techniques for inventor so let's jump back into our PowerPoint and quickly review the three different techniques that we covered so master sketching which is commonly referred to skeletal modeling is very useful for large structures and people often use it for pressure vessel design large sheet metal structures layouts design typically is used for mechanisms moving components solid body modeling at scene solid body modeling used pretty much for everything and some guys will tell you it's better for consumer goods plastics which it can be used for but I've also seen guys create very very large assemblies using solid body modeling so the question you ask yourself is what are the changes you want to make your assembly and that will dictate which technique that you need to use so in my opinion ones I see used most is solid body modeling and master sketching they're typically used over and over again by lots and lots of people so what I lose I leave from time just for guys that punch in more questions and if you wanted to go back and see what the step-by-step techniques that are covered in this webinar you can go onto our website and there's an archive for all the webinars we also have a YouTube channel which is quite good so you can get on there you can log on and no you don't you don't even need to log on I think it's open to everyone and you can view the webinar again you can have the gold master sketching have a gold solid body modeling and layout design and see how it fits into your design process see if it's going to be something that's going to increase your time and make designing and changing things a lot easier so some questions come in there and ellipses ask how do you obsessed apart from your master sketch once extruded in an assembly so do you offset the part from your master sketch once extruded in an assembly so you want offset the parts at the master sketch level I guess so the only way you do that is by offsetting your planes so changing your planes and changing where your sketches are so I think that's what you're asking this is if I go back to my master sketch here and if you want to change and offset here what you actually have to do is change the position of where that surface is so in here if you want to upset - differently so the options you have here from the way I've created this are modifying your dimensions which in turn modify the assembly but if you wanted to offset the part of your master sketch once extruded in assembly so okay if you wanted to change that without having to go back and change your master sketch what I could do is I can just right-click on any part and take off the ground reduction and then I can reposition that so let's get rid of these constraints and I can reposition and move move that part if I wanted so if you wanted to do quickly and easy you could just change it that parent is still referencing my master sketch put all that down and said look at the assembly level you don't need to reference the master sketch because the only way it's referencing the master sketch the assembly level is it isn't really it's just grounding and rooting the component so both systems are both parts of the same XYZ so two options you have one is going back to your master sketch offsetting the plane or changing the dimension of the plane or the parameter of the plane or creating a new sketch and then creating new performers or you can go to the assembly and just change the constraints so I hope that answers that question and I'll give another minute or so for people if they want to think of any other questions and hopefully I'll try and answer them okay so to say people are happy enough with what they've seen and there's no more questions coming through okay so thanks very much for your time guys okay so one more question can you create that sheetmetal shoes as one part and Ripa's yeah so if I want to the creators as a parrot and ripest I could for sure was perhaps who want to better be just one very very large piece of sheet metal so for example if we go back here and my dimensions start getting pretty big so we'll go back and we look at our outset sketch and let's say let's change maybe our outlet so we'd go to roadless make it quite big outlet width or Inlet I should say it's not Inlet that maybe make that 1500 as well come up this go back to our shoot assembly hope this and you'd see that as our shoot is getting quite big so you could create it as a single part and create code so it will be a pretty weird flat pattern for that I guess you the question is can you find a sheet big enough as well so I'm yeah for sure you could create as a as one sheath but I'm not too sure how the flat pattern would look and create a rip so that's that's an option for loft of shapes and so on so yeah that's that's definitely an option but the case is can you get someone to cut that flat pattern and can you get a sheet big enough forest so so the example I looked at was creating for individual parts so if you can create a flat pattern from one piece and I guess that's that would be the way to go okay so that's that's okay so Anthony has asked often do we do webinars so at the moment we're pretty much doing one or two a month so if you've got any special requests just send through an email and I'll give a look at us for what I do as people are asking that question I'll very quickly give out my email address oops - so if you've got any specific suggestions or you'd like to contact us find out more about things just increase this funds to make it bigger so you can confuse that's my email address so if people want to contact me and that enables short provide suggestions for different webinar topics more than happy to take on any advice or constructive criticisms as well if you want to make any suggested suggestions on how we could do this better feedback is very important or if you want to collect our sales guys or anything you've got the general telephone number which is down here on the bottom of our screen eighteen hundred to two three five six to get in contact with us and let us know yeah our webinars are hazards pretty much every month or even twice a month depending on what's happening so thanks very much for your time guys I appreciate this and appreciate taking time with your busy day to watch this and we'll see you next time hopefully okay right
Channel: A2KTechnologies
Views: 33,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk Inventor (Software), Manufacturing (Industry)
Id: nI2Vl8vbm00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 43sec (3643 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2014
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