Authentik: How to Install with Docker and Why You Should

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finish you are and welcome back to another  ipro corp video thank you guys for coming   in and checking out today's video it's an absolute  pleasure to have you here as usual today we've got   an exciting one for you we're going to be showing  you authentic something that's been requested   quite a bit by our members and today we're going  to hopefully deliver that for you longtime members   of vibricorp will know that we love orthelia we've  done so many videos of it we were the first to get   a video out on it giving you a guide on how it  works and how to set it up and that was on unraid   we've also given you docker compost but we've  exhausted that pretty well up until this point   now authentic came up quite a while back and we  did look into it but at the time it was still very   early in development and we just didn't have the  time project wise to take a look thankfully though   one of our members has actually put the  container up on the community app store   so thank you sternber for getting the containers  up there for everyone to use that makes it a lot   easier for us to cover of course because we don't  have to also get the container template up there   as well now today i'm going to be showing  you this on unrate so we're going to be   showing some love to our unraid fans and we're  going to be showing you how to get it installed   get it running sign in and then get started on  your own we'll show you that initial part usually   it's very complicated if you don't know how to  do it the first time it can be very confusing   but we're going to do all that for you so  all you get to see is the working magic so   authentic is an open source identity provider  focused on flexibility and versatility if this   sounds like something you're interested in  and you want to set it up for your server   and protect your infrastructure then  without further ado let's get stuck into it thanks for coming in guys like i said  it's going to be an exciting video today   if you're interested in supporting the channel  please remember you can like and subscribe   at the bare minimum you can also donate to  us or subscribe to our website as a member   all of our contributions are going back to  developers back to the community and helping us   increase the content quality that we can put out  for you so like i said we're going to be looking   at authentic let's scroll through the main website  here and we can see first of all i will note that   they have very decent documentation this video  today we don't have our own documentation for it   we might spin one up just showing you the install  process and we'd be happy to do that but in terms   of the full length documentation on what fenty can  offer you and how to use it we really recommend   you check out their official docs there again you  can also support the project go over to github and   join their discord as well if you like too going  through the website we can see a couple of notes   it's easy to use it's made easy authentic makes  single sign-on user enrolment and access control   simple now if you know from our previous videos  when we did ldap which is quite a common backend   for user authentication that we also had pwm  running and a bunch of other things to give us   sort of portals and workflows and things like that  so we had to mishmash a few things now authentic   can offer that built into one package and once you  get your head around it it makes a lot of sense   that allows you to have that workflow like we just  said it's powered by python and if they summarize   that what is authentic is an open source identity  provider focused on flexibility and versatility   you can use it in an existing environment  to add support for new protocols implement   sign up recovery etc in your application so you  don't have to deal with it and many other things   and so if you're a developer this is where  this can really come in handy and allow you to   integrate this to applications that you're  building as well so as you can see do you   need an active directory sso provider do you  want to implement custom enrollment well yeah   are you developing an application and want  to deal with user verification and recovery   no authentic can do all of that and more so that's  what they say here and of course it's got a dark   theme which is a big plus here on the apricorp  channel as you know also on the website they   have a nice breakdown of why choose authentic now  we love orthelia and we still highly recommend it   but as you can see ophthalia is one part of what  authentic does so yes necessarily it can tick a   lot of these boxes as you can see down here but  the purpose of authentic covers a lot more and   looking at this graph it's pretty impressive when  you think about it so that's pretty much the intro   to authentic i know it doesn't sound like much  at the moment but once we get it spinning we can   have a quick look around before we end the video  so we'll show you how to do that now and uh feel   free to join along if you're using docker compos  guys it's even easier you you have they have the   docker compost here on the docs page so if we  go to installation docker compost you've got the   compost file all here ready to go you just build  it um for everyone else you also have kubernetes   we have beta versions if you want them i have to  set them up with the reverse proxies so from here   i'm going to show you a couple of things first of  all npm is a extra here this was just for my own   testing so you don't need to have npm running for  this unless you're ready to reverse proxy it the   other two things that we need as prerequisite is  postgres and redis depending where you are in the   world i also like to call it redis so i don't  know whatever you want to call it drop it in   the comments below maybe we'll we'll say it right  one day so here we go we've got postgres first so   make sure you've got postgres running if you don't  easy enough go over to the app store and grab one   and now the container we're using here today is  by flight triple seven and unraid template that   just works he's not wrong thank you very much for  that mate you have done a great job the container   launches perfectly fine and real easy so for the  purpose of today's video the placeholders i've   used for use names and passwords are highly  insecure putting a disclaimer here right now   anywhere we use a password make sure you're  using a very secure password and different   passwords for different things first things first  postgres password we've just put postgre again   postgres down here the postgres database name  i've changed it to authentic the storage path   so that's going to our cache app data dsm rdb  data doesn't matter that's where the default is   if you want to change that go ahead and change it  the web interface port is five four three two also   the default have not changed that our custom  docker network we're making sure we're on our   custom docker network if you don't know how to do  that we've done a video update container name now   by default it wasn't called postgres i have a  habit of changing the names to something very   simple and lowercase that's personal preference  and that's going to be really important when we're   using host names to connect containers to each  other this makes it a lot easier to manage that   way now if you wanted multiple postgres containers  then i would recommend maybe you put postgres   underscore authentic and you know that that  particular container is just for authentic   however you want to do it alternatively  you can have multiple databases inside   the postgres server so we're going to leave it as  this this is our postgres server we start it up   and sure enough it runs perfectly fine don't have  to do anything special with it after that the next   thing we install is redis now if you're already  using ophelia you're probably using redis as well   i'll show you the redis template as well so as  usual i usually use the bitnami redis container   on the app store the default port 6379 allow empty  password is set to no and then we've set a redis   password in our case it's redis don't use it the  app data is the default redis bitnami that's fine   i'm happy with that click apply and that will just  fire up and will be running for you now with those   two things done you're left with essentially  authentic to do now we have those two things   in place now in my scenario doing this i started  with the worker and then i installed authentic   i don't know whether there's a particular order  because we have not tested it the other way around   but since i know that it works i'm going to  show you that method so first of all go to   the app store you'll see authentic here if not  search for it currently it's up by sternbear's   repository so thank you for that you also click  show more since it's so recent you'll also see   our crowd sec containers here and here we have the  documentation written up for you on our website on   docs the ibracorpta io for unraid we haven't done  a video on it but that will be coming very soon   so first of all start with the worker go ahead and  install that and this is what our template looks   like now that we've completed it we have the name  of the container authentic hyphen worker we have   a version tag appended to the end here so keep  in mind that if you want to change that version   later you'll have to set a different tag now this  is recommended for a few reasons guys i personally   always use auto updates i'd take that risk but  there are benefits to using a tagged release   and the benefit is you never know what the new  version might bring and what it might break   so it's better off to set a particular version  that you know works and you're happy with   until you're ready to upgrade it yourself so here  we start setting up our redis and our postgresql   information so the first one is our host now the  container name because we're on the same custom   docker network as you can see here we can use our  container names to refer to them instead of using   an ip address and port so the container name  for me is redis and the container name for this   is postgres as i explained the database user  that we configured is postgres the db name   authentic and the db password postgres  error reporting is set to true and then   it wants us to create a secret key now in their  docs there is a particular command you can run   to get the key personally all i did was go to  passwords as it's linked here   on here we go to 32 really strong i just like to  remove symbols sometimes that can cause issues   and now we've got this long encryption key we  can use so basically just copy that and go back   so sure enough we paste that here i know this one  works already i've used it so we've leave that one   as is now to be honest with these parts i haven't  looked into how important it is where we put them   at this stage and that's something that we can  review later but for now i've put it under the app   data location for authentic so we set up a backups  one we just created that media and certs and then   we've also linked to our docker socket okay pretty  much the same path that it's got custom templates   again the same as above i created a template  section for that just to map it and then it asks   for our redis password which in our case was redis  and with all that set you go ahead and click apply   and then once you apply it you'll see that there's  quite a bit of logs happening in the initial   startup from here you can see that it starts  to try to connect to our database and once it   eventually connects it just works so it starts  building up a bunch of stuff for us and so you   might be wondering what is the authentic worker  so the worker executes background tasks everything   that you can see on the systems tasks page in the  front end so basically it does all the turning of   information and once you have that running we  can then install authentic so go back to the   app store again and we want the actual authentic  container here now and we want to install that   and here we are on the authentic template and we  follow through the same thing so with our network   type we've got the custom docker network again  we have that tag release remember that's here as   well as for the ports that we want to run it on so  9000 and 9443 are the default in this template set   it to whatever you prefer our redis host is redis  again for postgres as well then our postgres user   db name and password very similar to the other  container if you come down a little lower we   have our error reporting and then we have max  mine now if you use max mine before you'll know   what it is it basically gives you access to geo  information uh based on ip addresses and see where   hits are coming from and where they're going to  it gives you a location now you have to sign up   for that you can get the free license etc you sign  in you get the license key you paste that key here   your account id here and you can also download  the database so that it doesn't have to load it   so you download the geolite database and you  put it into this location now where's this   location it's the one right here so as you can  see on our host we've mapped that to authentic   geoip inside the container it just sees it as  grip so then in the container we're saying goip   geolite2 mmdb then we have that key again now  make sure this is the same key that you have   in your worker and vice versa put the same key  in both containers then our red is password as   usual the templates location docker socket and the  media folder once you do that go ahead and click   apply now something you may come across is that  it actually doesn't end up loading and it might   just start and then eventually crash on you it's  not actually crashing i don't believe i think it's   trying to migrate stuff to the database once the  container stops all i had to do was start it again   and then it immediately just connected fine after  that so it's been up since then so now we have   both containers running we should be able to get  to the initial logon page so standby has written   it out for us in the container description it's  basically this path and then we add your server ip   in here obviously the port is 9000 unless you've  changed that then change it to whatever you're   running it on in order to be able to access it  but this path on the end here is important so make   sure you take that whole path and voila we put  that path in and it takes us to the sign-in page   so on the sign-in page it will allow us to set up  our admin user also called the ak admin so set it   up with all the information you want there's my  user put the email and password we click continue   and congratulations you've signed into authentic  we now have an authentic server running for us   and it's working fine so maybe the next thing  you want to do is head to the admin interface   and as soon as you get in there you're greeted  with the admin panel and you can see a whole   bunch of information across the top as well as our  system status version and the workers that we have   running it also gives you a log of previous logins  in the last 24 hours under users we can create   users we can see any failed logins any sort of  issues like that we can monitor what's happening   all the system tasks and when they're expected to  run and then you get under applications so guys i   hope you enjoy that that's the installation and  initial login of authentic we hope it answers a   couple of questions and at least getting you  up and running at that point you can follow   the documentation that they offer to try and  understand a bit more about how it works we'll   cover again in future if you're interested be sure  to let us know in the comments and we hope we can   work with the authentic dev again to try and get  this up and running for you we hope you have a   fantastic easter break please stay safe out there  and don't forget to like and subscribe it really   helps the channel we really want to grow and  find more people like yourself who are interested   in what we have to say thank you very much  and we'll see you in the next hyprecorp video you
Views: 46,081
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Keywords: authentik docker, ibracorp, ibraco, ibra corp, authentik, open-source, open-source identity, oidc, sso, ldap, azure, SAML, oAuth, provider, outposts, auth server, authentik unraid, authentik install, authentik guide, authentik review, how to install authentik, authentik auth, authentik setup, authelia unraid, authentik trailer, oauth2 explained, oauth vs saml, saml vs oauth2 vs openid, ibracorp authelia, ldap linux, open-source software, authelia docker, azure active directory
Id: g-pbzAaYMq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2022
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