Unmanic - Library Optimizer - Save Petabytes of Space & More

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hi guys and welcome back to another apricor  video thanks for coming back and checking out the   channel today absolute pleasure to have you here  with us and this week we're going to be looking at   a different kind of application it's categorized  as a library optimizer and it's called unmanic   now you may have seen some videos about it our  friends over at the captain chas youtube channel   have covered the topic pretty well over the past  few iterations and i would highly recommend you   check out his channel for some more videos on  this particular application the team over there   at unmanic have approached us and asked us to have  a look at the application and get it out to you   guys to see what you think about it and hopefully  provide you guys with a new application you might   want to try but also sending some people over to  them to give them some feedback on what you really   like or what you might want improved and that's  what we're all about here we love to help out our   community and so we are more than happy to give  it a look and i've been playing with it this week   along with hawks our community leader we've given  it a good try and i gotta say it's a very very   powerful application now you may or may not have  seen other videos about other alternative tools   which are similar in terms of library optimization  for example tdar and if you have you're probably   thinking wow well that's a pretty cool tool i'm  here to tell you though that unmanic is a lot   easier it's a lot simpler however it can be as  complex as you like in terms of its functionality   but the ease of use is by far the simplest  i've ever seen in terms of library optimization   so unmanic is a very big encompassing tool so it  covers a lot of things but if you're looking to   optimize your library whether it be for your media  for example plex or for your movie tv files or   you just wanted to optimize certain streams or  certain content that you've got saved on your   libraries this is going to be the application  for you so if it sounds interesting you want to   check it out you want to download it be sure  to stick around and let's get stuck into it okay guys so we're here on the github for unmanic  now manic is unmanic slash and manic on github   and the developer is josh 5 or josh sonic so  thank you josh for contributing to this project   for putting it together and for bringing it to our  attention so let's look at the description here so   unmanic is a simple tool for optimizing your file  library you can use it to convert existing files   into single uniform formats manage their movements  based on timestamps or execute custom commands   against a file based on its file size so an  important note that i'm going to make here from my   personal experience is yes it does optimize your  library but there's a lot of tools that it can do   in terms of its functionality by also using what  they call plugins they have got plugins that do   all sorts of things for example one to notify plex  to begin a scan so after you've converted the file   you've changed something in the stream you wanted  to change the audio stream there is a plugin that   will then say go tell plex to scan the library  again and pick up the new file of the updated   audio stream which is really really cool and we'll  get to that when we get to the installation now   the list here is pretty expensive here's some main  functions so scheduler built in to scan your whole   library but do not conform to configured presets  a folder watchdog so when a video file is modified   or a new file is added to the library you'll be  able to check that video against your configured   video presets and like the first function  if this video is not formatted correctly   it is added to a queue for conversion a handler  to manage running multiple file manipulation   tasks and a web ui to easily configure manage  and monitor the progress of your optimization   you get to choose how you want your library to  be so animated can be used to transcode video   and audio move files from one location to another  execute filebot against the files in your library   run any custom commands against files matching  a certain extension or above a configured file   size so you can say for example all right all the  movies in my library that are over 40 gig i want   you to go and shrink them down and let me tell  you it's able to shrink down sizes significantly   so one of the biggest selling points i would say  especially with the price of hard disks these days   is space as much as we think space  is infinite it definitely is not   and your wallet pays the price most of the time so  if you can save as much space as you can without   losing on quality for example h.265 video format  then this tool is going to be able to do that   now on top of that you know me i'm a cycle for  graphs and once it does optimize a file it will   actually give you a graphical output of how much  space you saved before and after the conversion   so here we go here's some screenshots i'll  show you real quick so for example here   is the conversion screen with the graphs and it's  telling us how much we've saved in terms of space   from the original and to the converted so  how much has changed so in this terms 53   decrease in total file size and just to give you  an example here's some of those plugins we're   talking about so you've got your audio encoders  you can convert you know dts to dolby digital   do you want to ignore files over size do you  want to engage a mover the notify plex option   path ignore so what unmanic really gives us is  a solid framework which by itself is completely   ready to use straight out of the box and very  simple to understand and apply but then you   have the options to use these plugins to fill in  gaps that you think you might need so instead of   overloading you with one application with  heaps of stuff that you know really just   overwhelming at that point what it gives you is a  perfectly run application straight out of the box   and then you have the choice to then put in  certain plugins that work for you and that   way you can ensure that you're working within your  capabilities and what you actually want to achieve   so guys let's get to the install now i will say  that captainchaz has actually done a very very   good first initial install on unraid and also the  initial sort of walk around and what things do   so if you're interested in seeing that i'm going  to refer you on to captain chaz's video i'll   put it down in the description below check it out  he's done a really good job he deserves a bit more   recognition and by all means why not we can all  help each other out in the community now if you   follow the video you've got it set up we're going  to pick it up from here we've also completed a   documentation for this on our docs page docs.ibrik  so here's our docs page it's going to be published   with the video but i highly recommend you come  and check it out and just make sure that there's   some things in here that you may not be aware of  we've got captain chase's video embedded ready for   you to follow along we've also got a just a quick  10-step guide on getting it installed and running   okay so enough fluffing around we've read  up on everything we need to we want to get   it started we want to get installed so once  you follow the video or followed our written   guide there on getting the initial container  installed you should have it running now i'm   going to click on the container and i'll  show you what we've got in our container   so you know that there's really not much you have  to change so just to give you a quick rundown   we went to the app store and we clicked unmanic on  our network type we always pick our custom docker   network if you don't know how to do that we have  a video on that one minute video the web ui by   default is quadruple eight the updater location  is the usual location of course we then have   our media movies and tv this is what's in here  by default that's not actually where my movies   live especially if you followed our hard linking  and atomic moves video which is based on trash's   guide fantastic work by trash as usual then your  location is probably going to be a little bit   different so just make sure it matches where your  actual data is in our case we've got a data share   and then under there we've got media and then  we've got movies same goes for tv so we'll go back   data media and tv that's our location we know it's  in the right spot now the encoding cache directory   if you want you can use ram now captain  chas has explained how to use ram for that   and there is a little bit of an update here in  terms of ram allocation and things like that   if you wanted to limit that for yourself in my  case i'm just writing it to the app data share   underneath unmanny and the reason for that is  simple it's just for the purpose of this video   for you i would probably recommend that you have  a dedicated share created just for that caching   of the unmanic files it is a temporary location  of course but you don't want it chewing up you   know your updater location or folders so i highly  recommend you probably make a share just for that   purpose underneath here we have the nvidia gpu id  now if you are using an nvidia card in your server   and you want to use that for the transcoding  or encoding in unmanic then you would set this   to either all or if you go to the nvidia plugin  which shows you your uuid for the device itself   you can put the uuid in here instead if you're not  using nvidia device leave it as false or change it   to false if it's not now reading this top section  is very important it's got the advanced settings   there and it says if you're using an nvidia gpu  use these settings and it tells you exactly what   to do how to get it etc intel gpu is here and  to limit cpu use is written out as well with   an example we've also added it to our docs just so  you're clear as well limit ram allocation which is   optional if you feel like it might start chewing  up a lot of ram then you can do that if required   for us we're using an intel gpu so if i click to  advanced view first thing i'll do is copy this   and as it says here install the intel gpu top  plugin which i've already done then toggle this   to advanced so we'll go to advanced and then right  here under extra parameters i've already added   it but as you can see it's there once you're  happy with all that go ahead and click apply   and start it up click done head back to your  docker tab and we can see unmanic is now running   so we'll left click and go to web ui so here  we are we're inside of unmanic straight away   it started up looking at this interface it's  not overly complicated all right we have three   distinct areas of the screen the first section  you'll see is the workers now as the name suggests   that's the part that's doing all the work that's  the nodes if you will and how many you can have   is up to you one thing i will add that stood out  to me as a difference between unmanic and teta   is that you don't have to mess around with any  sort of weird file mappings or network shares   to get two different workers to talk to each other  pretty impressive so instead it actually uses api   calls and it talks to it on the one address so  that's what we're going to show you so here we're   on the main screen pending tasks anything that's  obviously outstanding and complete is completed   under the workers will click on options and  then you've got pause all or resume all workers   so currently there's nothing happening we've got  no workers actually doing anything at the moment   we'll bring that down in the top left we'll go to  the settings and here we can start having a look   at the settings now we don't need to mess with the  library files that should already be mapped for us   so we want to enable periodic scans run off a  one-off library scan on startup follow simlinks   do you want to monitor the library files so we'll  go ahead and check that pending tasks so if you   have any pending tasks waiting on startup  you can purge them now this would be to do   with your workers so let's say how many workers  do we want all right we're going to say we want   two workers this is how simple it is guys to link  to another installation i'll call it osiris-2   knowing that it's on the same server of course and  the second install then under remote installation   all you have to do is click add type in the  address just like the pre-fill shows you here   so let's say it was one nine two one six eight  one two and eight eight nine click add that's not   gonna work because i don't have one installed so  why don't we go do that let's go to the app store   so i'm going to call that unmanic 2 i'm going to  change the port to triple h 9 and then we're going   to launch it so now i've got a second container  sitting there waiting if i come back to here we   click on there that should then work click add  and there you go we've just connected another node   so how easy was that we don't have to mess  around for half an hour trying to figure out   all these network shares on top of it we also can  apply this methodology to something like a nat   network we can bypass all those sort of issues  that you have when you're trying to open ports or   close ports or whatever the case might be the api  talks to the other installation perfectly fine and   then it is there and set going into the settings  for the application you then got all these other   options as well so you can say receive tasks  from this installation when workers are available   perhaps we want to send tasks to the installation  and do we want to enable a distributed work   account for this link so if the target worker  target is for example four it will try and   maintain four between the two installations  doesn't necessarily mean it's always going to be   four but it will at least try to have four running  between the two there's many reasons someone might   want to do that maybe you've got multiple servers  maybe you've got one container that strictly does   movies and a separate container that strictly does  tv and in each container then you have their own   plugins and set up you know perfectly for that in  particular use case so with the linking explained   let's go to the workers so under the workers  here we've got work account one the event   schedule will click on add and we're going to  say daily every day at midnight i want you to   resume all workers at event okay and then you've  obviously can add more you know other ones as well   so if we want to pause them at seven o'clock in  the morning i want to say you know seven o'clock   in the morning i don't want to doing any more work  at event so then i know overnight it can do what   it has to do and in the morning you stop cache  path we've mapped all that in our docker container   settings so we don't need to mess with that the  next section we're going to check out is the   plugins this is by far one of the most impressive  parts of it because you can really customize the   ability of unmanic by using the plugins so  under plugins we can then first configure   and add a new plugin so go ahead and click add  and here's the list of currently available plugins   again i'll note that if you are a you know very  experienced with python uh you might want to help   by creating some plugins for unmanic and for josh  and help push them to the official repo or you can   host your own repo as well um so he said that  you know he's very open to that sort of stuff   if you guys want to help contribute that way go  for it so let's say this one here for example skip   commercials in a tv show also known as comskip  i'm sure some of you might have a piece of media   that has an advertisement burned into it well  this could be something that could help you get   rid of it we'll go ahead and click to install the  plugin that's now installed we'll click back and   there it is do we want to enable it disable  it or update it you can do all that as well   so now that we've installed the plugin we can  then and scan our library so under pending   tasks here if we just click on the arrow then  we go to options and go rescan library now you   see it's going to start going through our library  files and it's going to start picking up anything   that's changed and what plugins we have installed  and compare them so if it goes through and it says   well i found a file and it's got commercials in it  then it will process it or if we've got the plugin   that says you know anything over for 40 gig i want  you to shrink it down to 265 it'll do that let's   type in 265 because that's probably going to be  the most popular option i would say and we've got   three options here at the moment at this point in  time which is h265 he vc you've then got the same   with the nvidia gpu and then you've got vapi with  intel amd if i go ahead and click that for example   and you can see that both of them are currently  disabled by default so we'll check that   go to options and go to enable plugins so now  both of those are enabled straight away it'll   say that it's detected a change in the plugins  config so when we're ready we have to resume   the workers from the dashboard so if we go back to  the dashboard here you see that it's red it's been   stopped we'll just go to option resume all workers  all right and it's just more of a just the thing   just in case you've selected the wrong plugin or  anything like that so now with those two plugins   on we can now rescan the library so what i might  actually do is go to settings go to plugins and i   might actually disable this one for the moment um  on your end that's something you can run on mine   i don't want to actually use it just yet so i'm  going to disable that one we'll go back home again   make sure we unpause all the workers or resume  them we can close this little notification now   go to pending tasks options and rescan the  library now you can see that it's starting   to fill up all of our pending tasks so all we've  had to do is install a plugin that we want to do   a specific job and get it to scan the library  now it's gone and done so and it's going to   be looking for anything with commercials in it  and it's going to process through it once it's   done it's completed it'll move over to the right  hand side so it'll tell us the current runner is   skip commercials in tv show comm skip pretty  easy now if i added another plugin that said   also you know i want you to change it from 264  to 265 then it will run both of those it will say   i want you to do this and then i want you to do  this as well now while we've only got one worker   running we've allocated that particular resource  but you can then again go back to settings and we   can add more workers if we want we can say well  i want three workers to run click submit go home   now it'll start up those workers and they'll  start doing something as well and keep in mind   by doing that of course you'll be using up more  resources so just be wary of that and what your   system is capable of but already i think that's  a much easier method to do what you need to do   without any convoluted steps as seen in some  other alternative applications like there are   plugins for us to move files from one location to  another for example after a certain amount of time   um we can execute filebot against files in the  library so if anyone's used filebot before it's   used for you know renaming or or changing certain  particular formats of the video you can trigger   filebot using this as well i think if you're  one of our you know community members who uses   a media server for example flex or mb jellyfin etc  probably one of the most appealing things of this   for you is like i said h.265 you know if you want  to save space but also things like reordering the   audio stream so let's say you want english ones  to be at the top instead of french or whatever   it might be on the original file perhaps you want  to generate a second copy of the video files in a   much smaller format so 720 at two megabits per  second so then you can have those as you know   mobile friendly versions of your content that  you can do all in all guys right out of the box   it's very easy to use i highly suggest  you guys check it out i'm already running   three workers now and it's doing its thing  without having to worry about it too much   if we look at completed tasks here we'll open that  up because we haven't had a look at that just yet   we can see we're getting failed now why is it  failed well let's check the details so let's   have a look command is checking and there's no  particular reason now do you want me to tell   you why it failed i'm going to say because there  actually isn't any commercials in there at all   so if i was to keep going through you're barely  going to find any because none of my content   really has commercials into it as you can see  it still found some that did so then it ended up   actually making a change as you can see it said  i've picked it up from 12 seconds it removed the   content that we were missing now guys i realized  that you know someone can spend uh 10 videos   making this about all the different things that  this application do it's very very powerful but i   think even just at its basic level you guys really  enjoy using it because it doesn't necessarily mean   mean you need to spend heaps of time someone just  might want to open it up and say i want everything   to be 265 i don't want to mess around i just want  to do that someone else might be like i want that   but i also want these audio stream perfect this  gives you that architecture that framework to do   it now if you like the application you like seeing  the video on it you want to see more about it like   i said please check out captain chad's channel  but also let us know if you want us to cover   it a little bit more as well would be more than  happy to uh if you know a developer if you know   anyone in the community that wants to share some  more ideas if you have a request for future videos   please let us know we are working really hard  on our next cloud video so please hang in there   we just want to make sure we get everything right  because that's what sets us apart from the rest so   if there's anything we missed be sure to let us  know now just in case as well you need any more   information be sure to check out their document  official documentation page for unmanic which is   docs.unmanic.app there's a little bit more spelled  out in there and it's constantly being updated by   the developer so it's always a good idea to check  in there as well versions change all the time so   thank you very much guys for tuning in i hope you  enjoyed that like i said there's so much to cover   and we'd love to cover more of it if you guys want  to see it so be sure to let us know we listen to   our community and we care thank you all those  who have been supporting us on our website with   memberships we also really appreciate you you have  been able to keep us going through this crazy time   thanks for watching today's video and  we'll see you in the next apricorp video you
Views: 4,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ibracorp, ibraco, ibra corp, unmanic, unmanic unraid, unmanic docker, unmanic vs tdarr, ibracorp unraid, unraid, spaceinvader one unraid, tdarr, tdarr unraid, save disk space, tdarr docker, convert h264 to h265, h265 plex, h265 jellyfin, h265 emby, compress media, h265 to h264, spaceinvader one, h265 to h264 converter, save disk space unraid, tdarr h265, tdarr nvidia, tdarr server, unmanic install guide, unmanic h265, unmanic plugins, unmanic windows, unmanic tdarr, plex
Id: 3sYu-VkXic4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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