Additional Self-Hosted Security with Authelia on NGINX Proxy Manager

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hey guys how's it going hope everybody's doing well today in this video we're going to take a look at something that's been requested for for more than a year um but i'm finally at a point where i feel like i am i'm comfortable in making this video and in this video we're going to take a look at setting up ophelia with nginx proxy manager so without any further ado let's just jump into setting epithelia with nginx proxy manager using docker and portainer just a quick side note actually before we get started here so we're not going to jump right into this i suppose is that in order for this to work um you'll need a docker server uh you'll need a domain name you'll need nginx proxy manager set up um and i'm going to use cloudflare to manage my dns and ssls uh so those are what we're going into this with a basic understanding of already uh if you're not familiar with those things i will try to remember to put links to everything in the description down below uh where you can where you can get caught up to the up to speed uh with regards to those things so uh with that ado out of the way let's jump in okay guys so here we are on my desktop and we're actually on uh athelia's official github page we're actually scroll about a third of the way down the page so that we can see kind of what othelia does like it says it's an open source authentication an authorization server providing two-factor authentication and single sign-on for your applications via a web portal so basically what we're going to do in fact this is a good explanation uh simplified in this little image right here so we've got our our end user out away from our server and then we've got the internet and then we've got ophelia here in the middle uh here it's showing it working with nginx and traffic um this is enginex the server.nginx proxy manager and then i honestly i'm not sure what this icon is but um but it shows it working in conjunction with those things like those are between the internet and your server and this is kind of saying hey we're gonna we're gonna attach of those with authelia for authentication and of course then we've got our server side applications here we've got a couple of those uh in fact during this process we're going to set up well we've got a couple of applications set up if we jump over here to pertainer you can see that we've got um nginx proxy manager we've got our flame dashboard we've also got snippet box we've done videos on both of those we've taken a look at how to install those so i thought those would be good applications to look at adding an extra layer of security to so so basically we come back over here uh we can we can see that there is this is basically what your sign on page will look like uh right here and then if you were to add a a basically a multi-factor authentication whether it's through text messages or an authenticator or like an authenticator app or a software a hardware key um like it says here through like ubi key or something like that those are all additional layers of security that you can add to ophelia however for the sake of this initial video we're not gonna do that we're just going to do a very basic uh sign-on screen here uh so that it just adds at least one more layer of protection against or for your applications against anybody trying to access them so this is going to be kind of a multi-part thing i don't know if i'm going to put chapters in this video because you kind of need to follow along instead of jumping around um i'll decide that later but basically the the first thing that we need to do uh if we actually come up here we can take a look uh at their examples under here under example slash compose there are a couple of options whether it's light or local uh if you come in here and take a look at their docker compose you can see that by default they want you to use traffic for this and traffic is great for for a lot of things but if you've got a setup like i do and probably like a lot of you guys do out there as well you've probably got multiple servers running whether it's physical hardware uh you know bare metal or you've got multiple virtual machines things like that um traffic isn't a great way to or a great thing to implement in those cases uh my understanding of traffic is that basically all of your stuff has to be on one server because it requires labels to activate and it's just a whole thing so i like to use nginx proxy manager for my reverse proxy uh so what we're going to do is actually install uh ethelia to work with nginx proxy manager okay so here we are on my desktop we're logged into portainer and here we can see that we've got snippet box up and running we've got flame dashboard up and running we've got internet's proxy manager and of course portainer those are where we're going to start with this because we've talked about basically all of these containers before so uh you know if we take a look over here i open up port 5000 there is a snippet box if i go here to 5005 uh there is a flame dashboard of course there's a new version available don't care about that for the moment what we do want to do though uh is come back over here to uh to portainer and we're gonna go over here to stacks we're gonna add a new stack here and then i'm looking down because i've got another screen open down here for all of this stuff that i'm gonna need to deploy this you'll have access to this uh once the video goes live um let me do this and go to here so the first thing we're gonna do we're going to deploy our container here uh now i do want to change this volume i'm going to mount this in home slash authelia of course you can mount that wherever you need to on your system depending on how your shares or how your your system is set up make that volume relevant to your system but above that we can see that we've got a version 3.3 uh docker compose our service will be ophelia we're using the official ophthalia uh image there got a container name we've got our volume that we just talked about we've got port 9091 uh on both sides of that for the internal and the external if you need to change uh 9091 let's say you're already using it for something uh change the first half that i've got highlighted there do not change the second half now the other thing you got to keep in mind if you're going to change that port is there will be several things throughout the rest of this setup process that relies on that port so if you change that 9091 here you will need to remember to change that in other places later or you will run in to issues so just something to keep in mind there that i wanted to bring up so i don't forget to bring it up later and of course below that we've got our time zone for america slash denver for me of course you'll want to change that to uh to your locale i'm going to put in a name there for the stack and i'm going to scroll down and click on deploy the stack a few moments later okay so there we go we've got adelia all up and running and if i click that the container is stopped um and that's not typical of what we see when we're dealing with deploying containers is to deploy something and have it immediately fail so let's take a look at why it failed so let's go and click here configuration did not exist so a default one has been generated as slash fit config slash configuration dot yml you will need to configure this so it actually stopped the container on purpose so that you'll have to go in and configure that file so so what we're going to do is actually come over here to our our terminal and i'm going to close that one and then holy cow this is way too big let's let's bring this down and we will see even holy cow even there all right come on there we go okay so it says that our configuration uh has been generated at this location so what we're going to do we're going to do a cd slash home uh let's do this and then do ls and right there we can see that we've got ophthalia in there so we're going to do a cd uh into our theory and then ls and right there is our configuration file now if we go in here and we do nano or vi whatever your editor preference is i'm gonna do configuration.yml oops this thing is this thing is has got a lot of information in it that um that we're not going to use so what i want to do is i'm actually just going to exit out of there and i'm going to do a cp configuration like so basically what i'm going to do is i'm just going to make a backup file of uh or a backup of this file rather i'm going to do that and if i do an ls we can see that we've got configuration and configuration.bk so i'm going to do um an rm configuration like so and then we'll do uh nano uh configuration like so now here we have a blank slate with which to start so uh what i've got uh down here again you'll have access to this configuration file as well everything will be linked uh in the description what i'm gonna do is just paste that in there and then now now we're gonna go here and we're gonna talk about uh this setup process so we're gonna go back up to the top and so basically first things first we're gonna decide do we wanna light them or dark theme for our little login prompt um you can decide that right there your your secret uh this is just an encryption secret so uh be sure to change this with with a relevant uh jwt token just a string of characters doesn't really matter what it is so i forgot to mention this when i was recording the video that uh this default redirection url that's here that says https basically that is where you want to redirect people who are trying to access something that doesn't exist on your server so i wouldn't make this you know your your personal self-hosted home page that's i think just a bad idea i like to redirect to something innocuous like google or facebook or twitter or something else that won't give any identifiers as to uh who this server belongs to below that we've got our server our host if you want to bind this specifically to an ip address you absolutely can leaving it a is fine however for additional security you probably should bind it up below that we've got port 9091 with that that was actually decided in our docker compose our stack that we already deployed if you change it in your docker compose or your stack you'll need to change it here as well i believe then we're going to keep just scrolling down all of this other stuff is fine uh our totp basically are our top level domain we're going to change this i really i will try to have this changed before this video goes live but basically what we're going to do is this is going to be our top level domain for the sake of this tutorial you'll want to change this to whatever your top level domain is for the domain that you'll be securing so below this um we've got an authentication back in now this is where you're going to store your your users so uh and we'll get to this we'll actually need to generate or create this file later and we'll get to that but this is this is where your your users will be uh will be stored this is the file that that authelia will uh authenticate against uh with your uh usernames and passwords and that and the credentials that you give each of your individual users basically we just leave all of this we'll come back to that when we actually start generating users and that sort of thing uh below down here we've got access control there we go so our default policy will be deny um and with the way permissions work in this kind of a situation um it goes kind of in order of operations so if you were to put allow there um and then you were to say deny on everything else it's just kind of a you have to explicitly deny everything in that case what we want to do is explicitly allow certain domains it probably doesn't make a lot of sense but we want to deny everything but only explicitly allow the domains that we want access to uh via othelia so uh what you're gonna do here is you're going to set up [Music] like it shows here uh what i'm going to do is actually delete this and i'm going to say i actually bought this domain recently specifically for this tutorial um and for the policy we're actually just going to bypass authentication uh or bypass ophthalia on this because we're going to use this for ophelia uh this is where your your urls be redirected to in order to authenticate have the the the server drop a domain cookie on your uh on your browser so that you'll then be able to gain access to the other domains that you're given permission to access so below that we're going to have uh additional domains that we want to uh that we want to give access to uh so in this particular case uh again we're gonna come back over here to to portainer for just a moment uh we're gonna take a look at our containers and we've got um we've got snippet box and we've got flame those are the two that we're going to give access to for the sake of this tutorial so what i'm going to do is i'm going to come down to here i'm going to change this to be we'll say snippet dot db tech dot tips and then um below that we've got a policy just a one where it says policy one factor now if you had uh let's say you set up you know an email authentication system or you set up uh you know with an application to get a generator a code generated for that or you've got a yubikey or something like that you would change this policy to match that however we're not going to do that for the sake of this video we're going to keep it very very simple just to give kind of an entry-level access to ophelia uh for the sake of this setup so just one factor is fine that's just going to be a username and a password that will have to be authenticated before they'll get access to the application itself and that'll make more sense later if it doesn't already uh next we've got another sub domain here uh for this one we're going to call this flame.dbtech.tip dot tips like so again one factor authentication just an additional username and password to authenticate here and these others are in here as an example um where you can add as many sub domains as you'd like um and then below that there's actually a wild card with this asterisk right here um i don't recommend doing that um it's it's a security issue again because you're kind of overriding this deny that's up here by saying any subdomain under my primary domain is okay we don't really want to do that but i wanted to show that you could and and bring that up because i'm sure somebody will say well can't i just allow anything you absolutely can but for security reasons i don't advise it i i honestly advise explicitly allowing specific sub-domains on an as-needed basis versus just allowing everything and so what we're going to do is i'm just going to come up here and i'm just going to delete all of those lines like so so now we've got we've got and we've got so let's just pause this for a second and let's go ahead and actually set up these domains uh over here uh in uh cloudflare so we've got our as our our primary domain and you can see that i've got this blurred but that's my home ip address so what we're going to do is we're going to set up those three subdomains we're going to click add record we're going to come down here to cname we're going to say auth because we've got that as a domain name that we want um and we're just gonna say at so off.db text is an alias of this so basically if i ever change this ip address on my my a record here all of my cname records will automatically update to that ip address because we've already got our ssls installed in nginx proxy manager we can leave this proxy status as proxied if you don't have ssl installed in nginx proxy manager you'll want to set this as uh as dns only and then set up your your ssls once there are once they're set up you can come back and switch this to proxy but i don't advise doing it that way anymore now that i've learned this other way of installing ssls into our nginx proxy manager so i'm going to click save um so i've got off set up there i'm going to also do another cname for flame at like just like we did a second ago and we'll do the same thing again for snippet and at and save and this way we've got all of our all of our subdomains set up and ready to go when we get uh ready to go into nginx proxy manager and set up all of our security so there we go now we're back where we want to be okay so our sessions we can actually decide how long uh we want our sessions to last um you can set this you know for an hour or for for eight hours 10 hours 12 hours whatever just set this uh in seconds i hate that it's in seconds but it's in seconds uh pretty standard really um and then inactivity like if if somebody's sitting there doing nothing let's expire that cookie after five minutes that's probably a reasonable thing to do there also this this will also be your top level domain um so we're going to do so it's important to understand something else here that ophelia will only work with one domain that is to say that if you've got multiple domain top level domains that you want to secure with othelia you'll need to set up separate instances of authelia for each of those different domains because it generates a cookie based on the top level domain so if i were to have you know db tech tips as my top level here i couldn't then with this setup also uh secure with other like i can only secure and all of its subdomains with this ophelia setup so for each domain you want to secure you'll need another instance of ophthalia uh it's just because of the way the cookies are generated for the for the urls it's it's just the way it's built so um below that we've got regulations uh how many retries how many basically you can if somebody tries more than three times they get banned for 12 hours um so you can kind of adjust how how tight or loose you want those settings to be your storage here now this is where all of your database entries are going to be stored um this is fine if it's just going to be you and a couple of people accessing your stuff however if you're going to be deploying this for for a larger environment with lots and lots of users i would absolutely consider uh replacing this with a with a my sequel database versus just using uh a a db uh sqlite 3 flat file just something to keep in mind in in in a larger environment a mysql database will be beneficial for for speed and that sort of thing um disable so basically got some notifiers down here um so basically what you'll want to do uh is is come into here like so and make sure that you fill in uh all of this information uh for your username your password i would just set up a gmail account uh specifically for uh for your hosting your self-hosting which is what i've done but basically you'll need to fill in your username password uh all of this information um before you actually save and deploy uh ophelia in this case it it needs ideally it needs a notifier set up and uh gmail in my opinion just for a very basic setup uh is just kind of the go-to uh you could absolutely set this up with any number of other authentication or or notifier services but again for a simple setup we're just gonna use gmail so once you've got all of this taken care of you can do it go ahead and press control o and enter in control x and that will save and exit that file the other thing we need to do is create a user database we're going to copy this so basically again if i do just an ls in here you can see that we've got our configuration.yml and the backup we made of the original we also need to uh make a user's underscore database dot yml file like so we're just going to paste this in here this is kind of the default uh setup here this kind of just shows a couple of users and what that would look like we're going to kind of run through this real quick and then then we'll actually go and set this up so uh our users here is declared at the top this is the the section that we would be in and you can see we've got user one and user two user one and user two would actually be their user names so if we come up to here like so i might make my my username dbtech um and then the display name again you know might be um you know just db tag like so uh we're gonna skip the password for just a moment we're gonna come back to that because there's a bit more involved in generating that password so what we're going to do for the email address we're going to delete this and we're going to set this as uh david dbtech like so and then below that we've got some groups uh groups will make sense later but basically um you can you can put people into groups and then in your configuration file when you're setting up your domains you can restrict access to certain domains by group so if you had a group of admins who only needed access to administrative containers or or features on your network you could add that to the authentication and then only only admins would be able to access that um again we're not getting into that level of authentication just yet but it's there and this is what it would look like uh for that setup process for a user um and then below that of course this is just to demonstrate that you can set up multiple users doing this process over and over and over again make sure that your uh your spacing is consistent um otherwise it'll throw errors and it won't be happy so for the sake of this i'm just gonna go ahead and delete all of those so now let's talk about this password uh situation here um where we've got this you know dollar sign argon 2i dollar sign v equals 19 whatever right so what we're going to do is actually generate that that ur or that that that password we're going to go over here we're going to go to argon and then it's going to bring you here and basically what we're going to do is generate a password um now in the uh in the document or in in the tutorial here it'll actually it shows what all your settings need to be and i've got it written out as well um you'll have access to that again in the description so our salt what we're going to do is we're just going to push the gear right there and let it generate something our parallelism factor should be eight uh memory cost is it 102.4 iterations is one and hashtag or hash length rather is 32. and we want this to be an argon to id like so and then we'll type in just whatever our password should be of course don't use password this is just for dem uh just for me to demonstrate what's going on here once we've got all of these uh blocks filled out we just click on generate hash and right here is said hash so we're just gonna we can click copy right there then we can come back over to here oops and then let's let's just delete all of this like so and then we're just going to paste that in like so and then once we're ready to do that or once we're once we're happy with this we can do is do ctrl o enter control x so now we've set up our configuration as well as our users for this setup so the next thing we want to do is actually go back to pertainer and redeploy our uh ophelia container so if we come back over to here we can still see that authelia has stopped so we're going to go ahead and just uh check the box and click start uh hopefully when this starts we shouldn't have any issues let's go ahead and jump into here it says that's listening so that's good that means that all of our our settings we're good to go uh so what we can do uh if we jump over to here right there is our sign in screen so that's good that means everything is working the way we want it to work so now comes the setting up the authentication for each of our sub domains so here's what we're going to do we're going to come back over to index proxy manager we're going to go to host we're going to go to our proxy hosts uh here we can see we've got set up that's just so that the website doesn't go down while i'm doing this tutorial so uh if we come over to ssl certificates we can see that i've got that db tech and i've got dbt for db tech tips so um both of those are set up and running so i'm gonna go to hosts go to proxy host i'm going to add a proxy host so this is going to be off dot db tech dot tips uh we're gonna do and then our port will be 9091 we're going to go ahead and check all of those boxes and then for our ssl we're going to come over to here uh we're going to grab our dbt or whatever your ssl is then we're just going to uh check all these boxes and click save and we'll go and click this and again that's good that means everything is working the way we want it to authelia is up and running in this instance so let's go back and let's set up our other uh domains so we're going to have uh flame oops flame.db tech dot tips again and then let's see what port i had flame running on that was 5005 so again five zero zero five and we'll check all these boxes go to ssl again we're gonna select our our certificate like so and click save and then we're going to make sure that this one works same thing all right there's our flame dashboard again that's good we want to make sure that all of these work before we start uh actually adding the security to them so we're going to go ahead and come back and we're going to add one more which we called a snippet uh snippet dot db tech dot tips and this was on 5005. i believe uh for snippet nope that was flame so 5000 i i'm glad i double checked that that would have been an issue so we're going to come back over to nginx proxy manager i'm going to call that port 5000 oops and again we're going to check all the boxes we're going to select our ssl looks like so and click save and then we're going to go ahead and check that as well there is snippet box there's nothing in there but there's snippet box the other thing that i do want to make a note of is once you've got your ssls installed in nginx proxy manager like i've done here you will want to come over to um to cloudflare and go over to your ssl tls and make sure that your ssl tls over here is set to strict full whatever make sure that this is your your setting uh just to make sure that you got full encryption all the way through so just a quick little side note there so now we've got all of our um proxy hosts set up all of our domain names work we've shown that we've got snippet box we've got flame and we've got othelia set up there so the next thing we want to do is actually start implementing our actual security or additional layer of authentication so in order to set up our additional layer of authentication here what we're going to do is we're going to go over here we're going to start with because this is going to be different than all of our other subdomains so we're going to come into here we're going to click edit we went to those three little dots over here we're going to click that we're going to click edit and then we're going to come over here across the top click on advanced and this is where things can go a little wonky if you're not careful so i'm going to come back over to here and in fact what i want to do just because it'll be easier to to take a look at is we're going to put this in so this is uh what we're going to put into this advanced tab on uh the on the ophelia subdomain in nginx proxy manager so what we want to do is take a look uh at this upstream authelia what we want to do is make sure that this ip address actually matches the ip address of our server of our ophelia server so i'm going to change this to 69.106 and we're going to make sure that we leave that port as 9091. again if you changed it in your initial setup change it here as well and then basically all of this other stuff really you can more or less leave the same until you get down to here into this area right here this is for reverse proxies uh specifically dealing with cloudflare what you're going to want to do is make sure that this set real ip from matches your network configurations so my typical network configuration i've got this server that we're working on a separate vlan but my typical network configuration is this so i'm just going to leave it as that but if you've got you know if you've got you know or whatever make sure to fill this in appropriately right here uh so just using as an example it would be 10.0 0.0 24. uh that's what you would use for that setup again i'm not using that so that's not going to be what i use um but basically everything else in here is is good to go um so we can copy this and then just paste this in here and click save and then nothing here should have changed because uh that was just a configuration to make other things work in the background so in order to set up our other domains what we're going to do is we're going to use a different uh configuration in there and it's going to be i'm going to paste it into here as well again because this one's a little longer and a little more in depth as far as what's going on here and you'll really need to make sure that you pay attention to each of these different settings that i'm going to change uh otherwise it just won't work you'll get errors things won't work it'll be a nightmare so first thing we want to do again is change this to whatever your upstream ophthalia is so again i'm going to do 69.106. again i'm pulling that from up here below that we're going to scroll down a little bit like all of this is still all the same until we get to our location here so this is one of those cases of you're going to need to pay attention to this set up stream and then underscore and then that next little spot right here which says in this case uptime kuma um that is going to be the container name uh that you're that you're trying to um you're trying to secure um so in this case um let's do uh flame first uh our our flame dot db tech dot tips so in this case it'll be flame like so and the re where i'm actually pulling that from is this name right here in in portainer uh that's the the the container name that we're going to use there so if i come back over to here i'll i want to make sure that it's upstream underscore flame and then what we're going to do is do the same thing right here like that there are some notes in here that we can take out that will kind of help this make more sense or maybe not make more sense but we'll make it easier to read so we want to make sure that we we give this a different name for each of our different containers just so that it can differentiate what you're trying to do there the other thing that you could do realistically if you wanted to if you didn't want to mess with it you could just manually type in your ip address and port of that container you could do that and in fact i've done that to give access to things on other hardware that wasn't running in docker uh for instance i wanted to give access to my mb server so i put in my mb server ip address as well as the port right here and then then it worked um so you can authenticate things that are not in docker if you have their ip address and required ports you can actually put those in right there um the other thing that we want to do is take a look a little further down all of this down here is fine but we do want to make sure that we change this uh this will be whatever your uh whatever your thelia url is so if for me it'll be auth.db tech dot tips like so uh and then we can scroll down and just make sure that there's nothing else here again we want to make sure uh down here at the bottom uh that we get this real ip uh whatever your network setup is like we did in the authelia configuration you'll want to match that here as well um so really all we've done is we've kind of added some stuff here in the middle that is uh sub domain specific uh for the domain that we're trying to set up um so once we've got uh this set up we should be able to come over to here copy all of this then we're going to come back over to nginx proxy manager we're going to go to flame we're going to click the three dots we'll click edit we're going to go to advanced and we're going to paste that in there we're going to click save so if we click this right here and everything works correctly we should actually get our other login screen just like so i'm going to type in db tech oops i'm going to type it correctly though and i'm going to type in my password of course i just set this as password and there we go now we've got this additional level of security so now we've set up a thelia to help protect so let's do that again this time we're going to do it over here for snippet box um so we're going to come back over here um we're going to grab right here we're going to edit this oops we're going to click edit like i mentioned like i mean too we're going to go to advanced and then what we're going to is is really all we have to do once we've done this once really all we need to do at this point is come back over here uh to where we've got this uh upstream underscore flame and just come over to here and find our our container name like so and then change it uh right here so we're gonna replace flame like so all of this other stuff in here should be fine so we're gonna grab this and we're going to um come back over here to internet's proxy manager we're going to paste that in and click save now if everything works as it should because we've already authenticated on the server when i click snippet it should just take me to that homepage just like that very very smooth now let's let's do this again except this time let's open it in an incognito window so this time if i do that now i have to log in again so i'm going to do db tech password and then it logged in and redirected me now again i'm logged in on the server i've authenticated that it's okay for me to be on this server so what i can do then is uh flame.db tech dot tips and then it's gonna immediately log me in because i've already authenticated with the server so basically at this point what you can do is i set up all of your sub domains the way i showed uh in this video and then kind of go through that process of setting up all of those sub domains the same way using um that that um like the pr in in in the on the website that you'll have access to uh for this tutorial it'll be the protected domain conf file once you've got that set up once it's just a matter of kind of editing that one line uh that is specific to the container that you're trying to access uh again this is this is something that's been asked for uh honestly for more than a year getting othelia set up and the reality is i wasn't comfortable setting it up because i don't like using traffic again for my setup because i've got containers all over different hardware vms all kinds of stuff and traffic doesn't play nice with that because of their labeling system in order to work so i wanted to make sure that i had a good solid setup for using athelia with nginx proxy manager i recently got it figured out after watching honestly i watched videos in like four different languages and took all the information i could and put it together and here we are so uh so hopefully you'll find this video helpful if you did it would really mean a lot to me if you give the video a thumbs up uh just to let me know that uh the video was helpful uh as i mentioned uh throughout this video all of the resources that you'll need will be available in the description down below so that you can kind of copy and paste some of this not have to type it out or follow along with what was on the screen and try to try to retype all of that everything will be available in the description so definitely check that out uh while you're down there if you found this video exceptionally helpful there are some different ways that you can support the channel whether it's through paypal or coffee or patreon or whatever the case is of course you don't have to it's just one of those things you could do if you felt the desire to do that so oh man uh long long video i i only kind of apologize for that we had a lot to cover uh with that being said though i am going to go ahead and wrap this up so as always thanks for your time i always appreciate your support and i'll talk in the next video
Channel: DB Tech
Views: 6,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: authelia, authelia docker, authelia nginx proxy manager, how to install authelia, how to setup authelia with nginx proxy manager, secure domain with authelia
Id: 4UKOh3ssQSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 18sec (2178 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 30 2021
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