Authelia | The Ultimate Guide To Install and Configure (2022)

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i.t security a cornerstone of the i.t  industry that seems to be for most of the time   is a small subject until things go awfully  wrong and self-hosting is no exception when   we are hosting our own applications we tend to  sometimes maybe overthink or not think hard enough   about the security implementation that we have  to protect our infrastructure two years ago   we ventured into ophelia and we were the first  to generate a easy to follow and fully in-depth   guide on ophthalia and how to use it since then  plenty of other videos have come out from other   content creators and we still think it's a topic  that changes very often and so naturally we need   to update our work as well for those who  know our docs page has been one of the most   important resources and we've constantly been  updating the ophelia guide over the years with   everything that we continue to learn from  ourselves and from our community members   however this time we did a complete overhaul  there's so many things that we learned in the   process that the whole documentation really  needed a clean up and to be brought up to date   with all the changes that orthelia themselves  have implemented since our original video   so we hope today we can cross everything off  and show you from start to finish how to get   orthelia running on your server we're also  going to be putting up our docker compost   files here on our docks as well so for those who  are using docker or docker compost feel free to   follow through with the video because all the  configuration steps and setting up of other   is the same across docker compost or on  unraid it's only the initial install step   where we're going to be showing on unrate but  feel free to follow along so that you understand   what's happening but like i said our docker  compost is there so you can use that as well   orthelia is an open source authentication  and authorization server in short guys if   you have applications that you're self-hosting  you're reverse proxying them out and you want   to apply a layer of security whether it's single  factor or two-factor authentication orthelia is   the app for you and it lays right over the top  and easily integrates with your reverse proxy   so from our previous guides you'll see that  we've shown it working with nginx proxy manager   and then we also showed you in our traffic guide a  few weeks ago how to apply ophthalia using labels   keep in mind that once you implement orthelia you  can also disable your built-in auth on most apps   so that you only have to sign into orthealia  and then get straight into your application   if this sounds interesting and you want to lock  down your apps and get started then stick around   i think this is going to be the video for you  without further ado let's get stuck into it salaam ibrahim and welcome back to this  week's video thank you for coming back   and checking out the channel as usual really  appreciate having you here if you like our work   you like what we're doing please don't forget to  like and subscribe join our discord and be part   of the discussion we'd love to have you there you  can find all of our links in the description below   but first things first guys we're going to start  with our docs so as you can see guys we've really   overhauled orthelia we've done a lot of work  getting it up to speed and getting it to where it   is now and the changes that we've made have made  a lot easier to follow for one but also include a   lot of tidbits that we didn't know about until we  learned these things as time progressed so i think   you guys will really enjoy this for the purpose  of this video i'm going to be having the guide   off screen as usual and i'll be doing the video  for you guys so that you can basically just watch   the video if you so choose but keep in mind that  all the configuration files as you can see here   and any other configuration that we've created  templates for are on the docs page i'm not going   to link them here on youtube we have them  here so that we can update one single source   so don't forget to read the sidebar when you're  following the guide up above we've also tried   to hyperlink them where possible so that you can  just click and it'll take you straight to the file   that we are referring to so while we do that what  we're going to do is jump into unraid and we're   going to get into the install real quick once we  get to the install guys those who are following   docker please use the compost file and if you're  using docker run then you'll see the commands   that we're using in the compost file as well  after that you can basically just follow along   no matter what system you're running in terms  of configuring orthelia because it's going to   be the same across the board so let's move that  over and let's just get stuck into the install   okay so here we are on our unraid server and uh as  you can see i've taken out orthelia i've removed   all of its dependencies so that we can go through  it together and you guys can see everything   that happens from start to finish in one easy to  follow video so first thing we're going to do is   head over to the app store and before we actually  install orthelia we have to get some dependencies   sorted out so i'm going to talk you through  what those dependencies are first and foremost   having something like code server is going to  be immensely helpful for you when it comes to us   configuring and setting up our configuration files  it also allows us to validate the files and make   sure they're correctly formatted i think about  80 of the problems that we get from people coming   into our discord and asking for help with orthelia  is usually the yaml formatting is completely wrong   or one extra space can basically break the file  so if you haven't watched our code server video   please go and do that install it get it set  up it's going to make your life a lot easier   it is optional but i highly recommend it what  isn't optional though is readers so let's go   into the app store and we'll just search for  readers here now in our guide we follow the one   from a75 g's repository the reason why is because  it uses the bitnami image which we just like to   use it seems to be very stable and does the job  that we need it to so from here we'll go ahead   and click install and on the template installation  screen we're going to see a couple of options so   here's what we need to do first let's set  our custom docker network to ibra proxy or   whatever your proxy network is we have a video on  custom docker networks for you to follow as well   make sure we've got that selected then come  down to the readers port 6379 is the default and   we're happy with that with allow empty password  what we want to do is actually set that to no   and then in the password we're going to put a  password in here so put in the password that   you think is secure and relevant and then we'll  go from there as you can see i've just put in   a simple password and that's going to allow us to  demonstrate where we're using configuration later   so make sure you take a note of this because we're  going to need it for orthelia in the following   steps once you've got that your app data location  now this by default is actually not here okay but   we have it in our guide and we instruct you to  add it and the reason why we do that is quite   simple basically if you don't add this bitnami  readers will not actually save any configuration   or caching files so what that means is when  you go to ophelia and you click on remember   me for example without this path it actually won't  remember you at all and you'll be finding yourself   constantly signing in and out and we've got to  give credit to a user over on the unread forums   on our thread for ibracorp who has suggested that  that was over a year ago so thank you to them   for giving us that suggestion with that all done  we're pretty much ready to go so we can go ahead   and click apply now while that's loading you guys  might be wondering what is redis so redus is an   in-memory data structure store and it's used  to store keys memory key values database cache   and a message broker with optional durability  so it really allows us to get transactional   data in and out nice and quick where it can  be an instant cache rather than writing to   a full database like mariadb for example so we'll  click done and you can see we've got radius there   it's running let's check the logs and make  sure and that looks all good we got ready to   accept connections so successfully started  that the next thing we're going to install   is maria db now i already have maria db here and  guys we already did a video on setting up mariadb   and creating a database and also using addminer  which i'll get to shortly so if you don't have   marie db please follow that video it's going to  help you understand how it all works and get it   set up but in our case it's already set up and  ready to go so i'm not going to go over that here   so what we all we need to do here is now actually  create a database on this database server   for orthelia and the easiest way that we like to  do it is using something like addminer you don't   have to use it you can use anything else you think  is relevant you can use the terminal as well which   we've included the instructions in the terminal  but i want to show you guys adminer because it   is pretty useful we've opened up adminer we've got  our login credentials we go ahead and click login   now in here you can see all these databases that  we've already created we need to create a new one   for orthelia so go ahead and click create database  in here pretty straightforward we're just going to   call it orthelia leave the correlation as is and  click save okay so now we've created a database we   need to create a user so let's go ahead and go to  privileges and you can see i've already had this   database before so the user actually already  exists but if you didn't have it you would go   to create user now again for the purpose of this  video i've just set the password to password maria   db and that will just allow us to see it in the  config file but please obviously generate a strong   password and make sure you note it down because  again we're going to need it in the configuration   for a feeling so once you've got the password  we click on all privileges we scroll down and   we click save like i said i already had the user  there so i'm not going to need to create it again   and as you can see we can you know do everything  here from our visual point of view we don't need   to use the terminal if we don't want to we can  look into other databases as well that already   exists so then you can check out we know what  sort of data is in there maybe you want to drop   a table for whatever reason you've got all the  functions that you would normally have of course   if you're experienced with databases  you may not want to use adminer   but i think for the general public you're not  really used to databases and using the terminal to   control them i think adminer is a very useful tool  and there are other similar tools that exist as   well to allow you to do the same thing so there's  no discrimination just depends what works for you   so guys checking off the list we now have radius  and we now have mariadb we have a database set   up for orthelia in mariadb we're ready to go so  guys as you probably guessed the next step now   is actually installing orthelia we've got the  dependencies done which was redus and mariadb   and now we can install orthelia so in the  app store again if we just look up authelia   you will see our template here from  psychotics repository which is us   go ahead and click install on the template screen  we're going to be setting some very similar stuff   as before so we want our custom docker network  set again guys on the mario db that was also a   custom docker network too so we're all on the same  custom docker network for everything here okay   the web ui by default 1991 if that suits you just  leave it as is i highly suggest you just leave it   as is the app data config path again leave it  as is these following labels you see here are   for getting traffic to pick it up now if you don't  use traffic using nginx proxy manager for example   you do not need to add these labels okay you  do not need these here they're not here by   default in our template so you won't  even see them if you do use traffic   please follow our guide on traffic because we've  talked about that a little bit more and also   the reading guide is there for you to follow as  well uh specifically setting ophelia in traffic   okay so assuming you understand how that  works already because you watched our video   two weeks ago those are the labels for traffic  and we're using traffic here now so we're just   going to leave those as is nothing needs to  change here once you're happy go ahead and click   apply now as we've noted in our documentation the  other container isn't going to start it's going   to exit straight away okay and if we go here  and we click on the logs you're going to get   an indication of why the configuration did  not exist so a default one has been generated   at that location so we need to configure this now  here's where code server is going to come in handy   if you are not using code server you just want  to use you know your notepad plus plus editor   on your desktop whatever the case might  be you need to open up the file to edit it   so just to demonstrate for you guys not using  code server you would need to navigate to the   location where that file is you may come across  permissions issues doing this as well so just   keep that in mind if you do have permissions  issues you can create the file on your desktop   and then copy it in here that's the easiest  way to get around it otherwise you can change   the permissions if you know what you're doing so  here we have a configuration that's created for us   okay but we're gonna go into code server and  edit that now okay so here we are in code server   i can see our app data location again guys code  server we have a video for so you'll understand   all this if you followed that we have a  configuration file let's click on that   and here's our default config that gets generated  by ophelia now if you have a look at this giant   configuration file you can see why people feel a  little intimidated sometimes and look rightfully   so the comments need to be there because they  explain exactly what's going on especially as   the version of orthelia continues to change more  features keep getting added so then they have to   explain what's going on so in our case what we're  going to do is actually go to our documentation   that we've written and we have a configuration  file for you to just simply copy and paste   so let's highlight everything in here we'll  remove it and we'll paste in our template   as you can see with our template a lot smaller  and we'll start working our way through it now   so most of the work that we're going to be  doing is done in this configuration file   this file is what tells other how to work what  it needs to do where it needs to send stuff   you know basically we are configuring it and its  behavior all from this file so most of the time   you're going to spend it in here troubleshooting  stuff if you do need to troubleshoot something   and it's really important that you understand  what each thing is doing so we're going to   walk through it together guys so bear with me  it's really important you stick with me here   otherwise you'll find yourself stuck and you won't  know why so let's start right at the very top   theme we've set dark as the default there are  light theme as well and i think a grey theme   you can set that to whatever you prefer when  it comes to creating secrets if you look under   the orthelia tab here and under placeholders you  can see our link that we've put for secrets now   this is just to help you generate them you've  got 128 bit options so if you just click that   click on 128 bit and it'll help you generate  them it's going to be a lot easier okay now   it's really important that as we go through the  different areas require different secrets so you   just generate them but don't make them the same  it's for your own security so with that key done   so we can just copy that for example and then we  come into the jwt secret and we just paste that in   okay so we have a secret there that's fine the  default redirection url now what that says is if   you hit orthelia and ophelia doesn't have a rule  to tell it where you want to be bounced onto later   once you've authenticated you can set a default  address where it'll say okay i'll just send it   there anyway typically that's going to be your  main domain so let's say in our case   for example let's say that's the case we just  put but perhaps maybe you have a   different address you want it to forward onto for  all these details here we do not need to make any   changes from our template this is verified to be  working so we're just going to leave that alone   log we can leave that alone you can change it if  you want a little bit more info you can set this   to debug for example useful for troubleshooting  and this is your one-time pin so with the one-time   pin we also want to set our issuer to our domain  so we'll set that to our domain one important note   i'll add is that you can only have one domain  at this point in time configured in orthelia so   it's really important that you try and maintain  consistency as you're going through the file the   period is 30 and the sku is one we can leave that  as is then you get to the authentication backend   now there are two different ways that  you can authenticate a person in orthelia   you've got two options option one is using  a simple yaml file with the user's encrypted   credentials that ophelia can read and option  two is allowing ophelia to read from an ldap   database such as free ipa or active directory  now there is also open id option i don't know   if that's been implemented by ophelia yet  but i personally wouldn't suggest it just   yet if especially if you're self-hosting  you probably want to keep that all in-house   and so we give you both options in our guide in  our written section you'll see on the side that   we provide you with your ldap config or free ipa  and active directory and we also provide you the   user's database file template as well if that's  what you so choose so by default in our template   we've got the file as the option being selected  as you can see here under authentication it says   we want to use a file this is where the file  lives and these are the details we use in the file   alrighty this doesn't mean much to you i'm  sure unless you know what it is okay but this   is the encryption method and strength that  we're going to be applying to the passwords   in the file let me explain that a little  further what we'll do under other let's   create a new file here okay and we'll call it  users underscore database dot yml okay we're   making sure that we spell it exactly like that  purely because that's what it's looking for here   in this file we have our template i'm going  to copy that from our docs page and there's   our template okay so users we want to change the  username they will say psychotics and display name   so maybe the username you want to have different  display name when their name comes up in orthelia   i'll say psychotics guy under the password is  where we need to put in this encrypted password   how do we do that you might ask all right  pretty straightforward so jump into your   favorite ssh tool whatever that case  might be or jump into unraid directly   same applies for those using docker of course if  you're on ubuntu already in the terminal i'm sure   you will be running a command so open up the  terminal so to generate the password now while   we're in the terminal it's pretty straightforward  we've got the code written in our documentation   all you need to do is paste that and then we'll  backspace between the two apostrophes here   and set the password that you want to set for  that user so for psychotics's password we're   just going to put in password user obviously  in your case make sure you put something secure   once you're done hit enter now what that's  going to do is it's going to spin up an   orthelia container allow us to generate a hash  password and then it's going to remove it again   so copy this so by just highlighting it of course  with our mouse and letting go at the end it should   copy that for us if not use whatever shortcuts  you need and then come back to our users database   file and paste it in so overriding this template  password we've got here now the email is pretty   important especially when you want to do your  password resets for example so in this case we can   just go let's say for example psychotics at hebrew  called the io it's not a real email address but   you would put a real one there and then you've got  groups so you can create groups and tell orthelia   where that user lives so in this scenario we  know that psychotics is part of the admins group   and also part of a dev group if you wanted it you  don't even need the second one if you don't want   it you can just put that for example if that's  what you so choose if you wanted another user   in here you follow the exact same steps and you  paste it from this level again so then we can say   hawks and we'll say hawke's guy exactly as  we did before and go through the same steps   updating it like that so now we have two users  for example they're allowed to access orthelia   that's pretty much it once you've done that you've  got the password there that's all fine go back to   configuration and we can now move on with the  list the next thing you have is access control   access control is like the name suggests  what it's going to be doing now the default   policy we've set is one factor okay so what this  means is when we apply ophthalia to let's say a   container or to a sub domain in nginx whatever  however you decide to deploy it these are the   rules that we are going to be setting up now to  keep it simple for you guys we've taken out all   these extra rules that we used to have for the  template and that just helps cut down on the   extra work that it takes to troubleshoot issues  and what we didn't want is to give people a whole   list of rules when it may not really apply  to them but what we did do is take the rules   that we had and we've got a specific section  in our docs now called rules under ophelia   and we explain a little more and give you more  examples so i'll show you that here for example   and you can see all the different rules that you  could have at the moment all we've literally got   is access control default policy and that's it  now what this policy would do here instead is   says the default policy is actually to deny so we  are allowing explicit stuff to pass through other   rather than implicit what that means is by default  policy being denied everything that passes through   orthelia will be denied if you want something to  then bypass authelia then you will need to tell it   specifically that you want it to bypass or if you  want to set it to one factor or if you want it set   two factor you can set them up for different rules  for different domains whatever the case might be   so here we have this first rule let's look at  one rule here just to make it easier for us okay   so here we have a bypass rule and we're saying  that this is the rule we use for things like   apis if you're someone that uses sonar or radar as  i've explained up here somewhere usually you want   your api to be bypassed and the reason is that's  not going to be able to authenticate with orthelia   so then they won't be able to actually communicate  via the api i feel they will end up blocking it so   having something like this particular rule in fact  if i scroll down that's what the condensed rule   looks like that will allow anything on this path  to be bypassed by ophelia but i would not do this   unless you fully understood how it works and make  sure you don't bypass something that you really   want secured and probably the most important tip i  can give you about rules is the following they are   read from top to bottom and in that order so it's  actually in your best interest to put the most   restrictive rule down at the very end and if you  do that then you'll know that everything is being   protected at least unless you have a specific  rule so we'll put our most permissive ones at   the top and we'll say auth.domain so the address  where orthelia is actually living we don't want to   then authenticate with orthelia so what we want  to do is bypass that so let's bypass that right   at the top then we have another bypass here then  under that we have some one-factor authentication   then it goes into two-factor authentication and  then we have some separate rules so you can even   say you know i want only this group to be able  to access this domain or these groups to access   this dome the strength that we want to apply to  those groups at the very end as you can see here   is what we call a catch all so with that  wildcard we'll pretty much we won't have   to set a specific rule for every single  domain we'll just say anything on our domain   i want you to automatically apply one factor  authentication okay no matter what it is but then   the rules are read from top to bottom so the rules  up here say well orth.domain should be bypassed   it will process this rule first which means  auth.domain is then bypassed so i know it's a   whole lot of words guys i'm sorry if it's still  confusing but that's really in essence the most   easiest way we can explain it if you just keep  it simple look this is a huge list and that's why   we took it out but if you keep it simple this is  what one simple rule could look like it could be   all you need in any case back to the configuration  file so right now we only have this one rule right   i'll show you how we can modify that real quick so  that there could be an example if you wanted to we   could we're saying that orthelia's domain  that we've set up i want you to bypass it   or anything on our domain that has this uh file  path we want you to bypass it for everything else   apply one factor authentication simple as that  done default policies deny so that anything   outside of the scope of these rules will be  denied from access the next section you have is   the session so with this we don't have to change  too much we just simply change our domain again   you report the io again we need another  secret so let's generate a secret for that   how long do you want to be remembered by other  once you sign in so this says two months at this   point inactivity of five minutes will kick it off  if it's lower than this rate and the expiration of   the token is one hour you can leave that all  as is then you've got your reader's password   so as you remember we set up redis so we actually  have to set this password here now regulation so   how do we want to regulate the activity that we're  seeing so maximum retries for someone to sign in   is currently set to three it's got a 10 minute  find time and then they'll be banned for 12 hours   if they fail that again you can configure this so  we can say you know maybe they can try 10 times   before they're banned how long do we want  to ban them for maybe six hours up to you   now in version 4.33 of orthelia is the storage  encryption key so what we need to do is generate   a key with a minimum of 20 characters uh in our  case we chose to go with 64 in our guide so we put   a 64 character encryption key just like that one  and then it goes to connect to the sql database   so we've got maria db as the host then we've  got the port and we've got the database name   and the username we've already configured all  that before keep in mind that if you are not   on a custom docker network then you would  typically have to put the ip address of the   server here but we're using the container name  because they're all on the same custom docker   network with encryption key just use something  like a password generator i usually try to remove   any special characters from the password  so something like   is pretty useful for that and then we need our  mariadb password that we created and then finally   is our notifier so we want to get smtp working  and the reason you want that working is so that   if a user goes to reset their password it's going  to send an email out to allow them to manage their   account themselves this also works with ldap so  actually will work with ldap if you have an ldap   setup then when the user resets their password  authelia will actually communicate that back to   the ldap database and reset it there as well just  an extra bit of info for you now smtp is pretty   subjective so you know it's really up to you what  you put here depending what your smtp provider   gives you but typically as you can see you've got  your user email you use a password for the account   then you got the address that you want to be to  be sent from so maybe ophelia the   identifier so localhost that's fine we don't need  to change that the subject of the email you can   change it to whatever you like uh the test address  is there as well we don't need to worry about that   and you can leave everything else the same  now if you followed everything we've done   that should be looking pretty good that should  be enough for us to actually get it started   and i would say that's the hardest part done for  ophelia so let's test it out we've got our philly   container here if you're on docker whatever the  case might be go ahead and start the container up   and then we will follow the logs and reading  the logs is really important especially when   it comes to asking for help so if you guys decide  to join our discord you want some help the logs   are pivotal to being able to assist you so  let's have a look at the logs we can see a   couple of issues here okay now i'm doing this to  show you guys typical troubleshooting steps to   help you navigate through it because it can be  a little confusing but you got to give ophelia   credit their errors are actually pretty clear  most of the time so if we scroll to the top we   can say error pinging database access denied  okay so clearly we've got the password wrong   and that's because our database was already  existing in there with the user that already   existed so pretty straightforward to fix that  let's go back to addminer we're going to scroll   down to where we set the mysql database for  our user and we'll say that's our user there   and because we want that password to match we'll  keep it the same so go to other go to privileges   go to the user which is this one here and  untick the hashed box this one will throw   you off if you don't untick it and then basically  paste the password that we do want come back down   and click save so now that password should  match what we have in our configuration file   continuing the troubleshooting so if we scroll  down a little bit further it then tells us that   it has a problem running the notification provider  startup check okay easy peasy let's go back to   that config file once more and if we scroll down  you can see the startup check address which is   here test and we'll try restarting  the container now and we'll see what comes up   when we launch it so looking at the errors again  we can see that it actually has progressed so the   storage schema migration so it's actually done  the migration for us that looks good but it's   still getting held up on our smtp settings no  such host okay that's fair enough because there   is no such host called your smtp host so let's  fill it out with some proper information now   so as you can see we've got some proper  information obviously it's not the correct   password or anything like that but we've tried  to make it as if you've got this set up already   so once you're happy with that let's try  again and see what ophelia thinks of that   okay so now we can see that we're actually  getting a rejected message from gmail because   it's not a legitimate password um it's going  to be rejected by gmail for us okay so now i've   actually put my legitimate smtp information  in and we're going to start orthilia up and we'll check the logs and now we can see it's all good to go so once you  see this message listening for non-tls connections   on 1991 orthelia is actually up and running  so let's left click that now go to web ui   and there you go we're confronted with the login  screen so let's test our user we created a user   called psychotics in the user's database  file now if you are using ldap like i said   you have the ldap config there it would be the  information that you've stored in your ldap server   but we're using the user's database file so we've  got psychotics and then i'm created the password   and there you go so we've signed  in it's now authenticated us   it's now authenticated us and it's bounced us onto  our default redirection url because we got to the   point where it said okay or you've authenticated  but you're not actually trying to get anywhere so   it just sent us over to our main url now if we  go back to our reverse proxied address now you   can actually see that it's pulling uh ophelia  fine it's coming through thanks to traffic   and it's applying the rules that we need and  guess what guys there you go you have ophelia   set up start to finish in the most efficient way  possible we've learned so much more it's so much   easier to do now and it's so much more flexible  we found in the way we can deploy it as well   so you've got the options there i mean if you  want ldap we've got the config files for you   there if you want nginx as your reverse proxy  we've given you the config files there as well   so in here for example we've got your  free ipa ldap so if you wanted to use ldap   copy this you would scroll up and you would  either replace or comment out this file section   and paste in the ldap section and customize it to  your setup so it needs to be your ip address and   you know anything like that your password  your admin user password goes down here okay   so then in that case we could just comment this  out with a control forward slash encode server   and now we'll read from ldap instead let's say  you're using uh for example instead of traffic you   are using nginx proxy manager let's go into nginx  we've got the nginx config for othelia so for your   other proxy you put this in the advanced config  contrary to our previous guides you don't actually   need to update any container names anymore it's  all through variables so the only thing i'll   probably update here is your server ip so i'll  put your server ip there and then you've got your   endpoint so you would put this on your endpoint  you only need to edit it once and then you can   just paste it everywhere so you can put the server  ip or the container name if you like if they're   on the same custom docker network and you just put  that on whatever and it will protect what you need   uh if you are using traffic we have already set  up traffic so if we go over to the traffic guide   i've linked it right here takes  you straight to enabling authelia   and uh getting that going for you so thanks for  watching guys i hope you really enjoyed that   it's been a pleasure to put another orthelia  guide out for you we've had so many people   come to us thanking us for our work on it we  really appreciate it we don't get paid from   othelio or anything like that this uh this whole  channel basically started because of ophthalia so   um a lot of work has gone into it over the years  and we really appreciate you guys coming to check   out our work if you'd like to help support the  channel please check the descriptions below   you can donate to every corp you can donate  to our projects you can sign up as a member   whatever works for you our new website will be  coming soon as well which we're really looking   forward to sharing with you and it will have  full discord integration that we can keep it all   under the one roof now something we didn't  get to in the guide was installing open ldap   and using that as an ldap database and if that's  something you guys want to want to see if you're   interested in us doing that be sure to drop it  in the comments below let us know so that we can   work on it and we'll actually put that in the  written guide for you and then we'll create an   additional video at a later point in time so that  you guys can use open ldap in a docker environment   as opposed to free ipa which we've shown  you before which runs in a vm thank you for   watching guys we hope you enjoyed it and we can't  wait to see you in the next hybrid corp video you
Views: 78,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: authelia guide, Authelia, how to install authelia, authelia setup, install authelia, authelia tutorial, traefik authelia, authelia traefik, authelia docker, secure domain with authelia, authelia nginx proxy manager, authelia nginx, ibracorp, ibraco, ibra corp, nginx proxy manager, docker, traefik, unraid, reverse proxy, techno tim, identity provider, user authentication, ibracorp unraid, docker compose, nginx, homelab, jwt authentication, 2FA, self-hosted, traefik docker, Pomerium
Id: IWNypK2WxB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 20sec (2120 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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