Aussie Coin Pusher EP 20

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[Music] g'day jason from aussie coin pusher here so i've had a bit of a glance at this one um didn't actually think i was going to make it down here today work is getting hectic it's a christmas thing i think anyway i did make it down here so i am behind schedule and i don't have you know too long to play so um stock standard 250 bucks here um i have made a couple of alterations now i'm going to test it out in this video secretly what i've done in my bag i always have another shirt this is the bag with my camera gear i always have another shirt and a rag so basically what i've done is i've put one shirt on one speaker this this machine has two speakers on it so i've got one shirt on one speaker and my rag on the other speaker and uh yeah we're going to start pushing let's see how loud this is i mean unfortunately there's really nothing i can do about it um i've had suggestions in the uh comments asking to cut the wires to the speakers well yeah i'm not gonna ask him that he's likely just to throw me out so this one doesn't look like it's got a lot on it but after my loss um i'm just looking for a profit and that's it [Music] i honestly don't care if my profits 10 bucks or 200 bucks it really doesn't bother me the slightest i just need a profit so that was a real kick in the guts that last one [Music] nice and i've definitely sounded a little bit quieter this is the quiet side now i notice when i play the other side it's quite loud [Music] oh we got alright [Music] where did that coin go there you go it is stuck in the in the coin slot so now i've got to get another coin to push it through that's how tight these coin slots are so in the comments i've been i've been getting some people you know they think that it's boring that's fine um i have no control at all on what what's in there i basically just rock up to the place have a look um if it hasn't been smashed too bad then i'll play it uh that's it i mean i've got no say on what's in there so for that i do apologize uh that's just the way it is i mean i can't i'm not gonna ask him to put in towers uh you know of coins or anything like that because at the end of the day it's a business and they want to earn money so that's what this machine's here for [Music] last coin going in [Music] all right let's tally it up see what we got [Music] oh take a look at that i did not hear that many queens drop down um i'll tell you what though when i put my first lot of coins in there and i heard queens go drop down from here but it sounded like they landed on other coins i was gonna i was gonna actually stop and have a look little bloody beauty come on keep falling um i wonder if there was actually coins already in the slot i'm already in the you know in the grab tray because the grab tray is inserted into the actual face of it so you put your hand in there and you grab the coins out you can't literally see in there unless you're know unless you open up the flap and have a look i wonder i'm not complaining come on i need a big win after that loss my wife was not happy that coin just literally jumped to the next game and landed on the top tray oh yeah this is what it's all about isn't it just that sound isn't that why you play [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh come on keep coming [Music] so somebody left also in the comments um that try using your left hand rather than using your right hand um as everybody knows i'm very right-handed um i suck at everything with my left hand it's pretty funny to watch me try to sign my name left-handed i did break my right wrist once um and got a pin put it and i couldn't use it for like six months and uh yeah i was trying to sign my name left-handed or it was a mess there's no way the banks would accept it but um come on um so they said try using your left hand now i instantly thought okay well i'll be dropping coins left right and center using my left hand um because the spin will be different oops drop that one the wrong time uh because the spin will be different if you can just re-comment exactly what do you mean by this it'll be different uh i don't put any spin on the coins whatsoever the coin slots way too small is that what i'm doing wrong maybe you're going to be spinning them i mean i'll give it a try i'll try on this one here i'll try spinning to the left i wait for it to be dead center you go okay so i gave that a really hard spin to the left and it still went right okay two coins left [Music] come on all right let's tell you it up see what we got okay 40 bucks new beauty 210 left to go [Music] take a look at this [Music] wow um 150 160 coins um i don't know where they're coming from to be honest with you i did not i mean i know i heard some really good drops but uh wow i mean why couldn't this happen to me uh yesterday when i lost that 500 bucks mind you when i see silver for some reason i turn into i just turn stupid i actually play a lot better when there's no silver on here [Music] wow that one went next door what's the deal with that that i care i've got plenty of coins but still i mean that's three bucks go over [Music] there [Music] come on babies [Music] no way [Music] it is too holy take a look at that see the 100 chip have a look right behind it right behind the hundred chip i think that's a silver coin [Music] it bloody is oh no um oh no oh you beauty uh yeah i did have a quick look but uh nothing special that is definitely a silver coin it is way bigger than the other coins oh no all right well you know what that means [Music] nature [Music] so since i've been um i mean i never thought of it before but uh since i won that first lot of silver coins um i've now literally been following the price of silver um i also follow the price of gold that was a silly one because of the nugget um but uh the other day i ordered i haven't got it yet i ordered um 30 ounces of silver like a silver bar um a little over a thousand dollars i can't wait for that to come in when it does i'll show you guys [Music] come on another one for the dealer so yeah so now my mind's racing um thinking of all different things so uh you know can i use the winnings on this to buy more silver like silver bars um how much can i get away with giving my wife all these things are going through my mind another one that got stuck there it is [Music] just because dave's putting in um you know hit these silver coins in here my eyes [Music] where is he now there he is i can see him right there right near that 100 still so hopefully i'll drop the 100 and then drop the silver coin [Music] so and you guys are so lucky over in the us um i watch a few coin roll hunting i'm subscribed to a few of them um another coin just got stuck there he is hello welcome to the party um you guys are so lucky i mean oh would be doing that so much buying a bunch of half dollars and just sitting down there i would love to do that [Music] i mean you just can't go wrong so you know if you find two or three silvers the rest of the coins go back to the bank where have you lost your money you lost a dollar but you've gained on two silvers so lucky to have that we don't have anything like that these coins are absolutely uncirculated you will not ever find one you can still buy them for like 18 for like a you know a raggedy looking one [Music] um [Music] ah where's he going oh there he is i can still see him [Music] so my eyes are literally darting all over this side i'm trying to see if there's any more in there i can't see if there is mind you my eyesight's getting worse and worse [Music] come on big bushes [Music] hey what do you think of the noise of the machine i reckon it's it's quite dry down i mean this is the quiet side uh i can't do anything about the noise of the machine behind me last coin going into it come on little beauty oh i gotta keep my noise down i don't want people looking at me all right let's um tell you that up see what we got 200 bucks oh you beauty that's not the fun thing let me just set them up with these mates these guys can go straight to my pocket [Music] that's not the uh the thing i'm i've got a big smile on my face where are they coming from it doesn't look like there's that many coins across the front there but look at this um 200 maybe 200 coins in here holy i've got to be careful my trusty cup's going to fall apart on me uh i put him in my bag he stays in my bag and gets all squashed up and [Music] all right let's keep going let's get some of these green ones out of there and the silver one of course [Music] he's getting closer [Music] i'll never get those ones off the top tray i'm not even trying for them [Music] it's just not worth it [Music] and for everybody that's subscribing leaving likes um all that well thank you so much i honestly thought when i started doing this that nobody would give two shits what i was doing um yeah that was my honest opinion and uh pleasantly surprised by you guys and i just want to thank you again um you know people that are leaving comments um you know the regulars that are constantly leaving the sacramento comments every video um love you guys and i really really appreciate it i mean that puts a big smile on my face when i go to work and i you know before i go to work i read them and um yeah look i really appreciate it thank you so much makes me want to keep going [Music] that was a green there was a green year went down over that side i think 20 note on the other side [Music] that means i'm in the profit i mean just with the coins alone i reckon i'm really in the profit [Music] come on [Music] where is he now there he is right behind that tent oh i'll just tap the glass you'll be so careful these things are so sensitive [Music] i really don't want to get my first warning because the sign on this thing goes off that'll be a disaster there goes for 10. [Music] come on whoa that one went next door i didn't hear anything drop it would have gone straight over there and got it out ah come on thank you timing [Music] so yeah that coin roll hunting i tell ya oh that's all i'd be doing i'd wake up do some rolls go to work come back do some rules you guys are so lucky [Music] come on [Music] you guys see that guy sitting there so he's about half an inch uh to the left of the hundred right there he's got a coin sitting on top of him i still haven't seen if there's anything else in here yet i am watching [Music] even if there's not i really don't care i am more than happy with one i'm going to take a look at it geez i think beautiful [Music] oh i've got coins coming out of my ears [Music] yeah i got stuck at work today i did not think i was going to make it down here but i've got a cut-off time i'm not allowed to be here at 2 30 filming uh my cameras need to be packed away i'm allowed to be here i can still play but i can't film and i'm watching the time watching the time and i'm thinking i know what i'm not going to be able to make it because christmas is just getting crazy crazy busy i think that was a green one i just caught just caught it just as i was going over where's my coin oh there he is getting close [Music] come on oh nice nice it is getting closer oh that was a stupid drop that's me looking around for another screen that's my last coin too by the way ah i'll tell you silver makes me go stupid i don't know why all right let's tell you it up see what we got all right take a look at that 450 bucks i'm in the money all right the chips i'll stick with these mates at the top there the cash goes in my pocket and these guys here and i reckon i've lost half i've got no idea how i was playing very careful so that's fine still got more than enough profit i am so happy with the profit this guy here he's about to fall another hundred there's about to fall [Music] [Music] there goes the hundred i mean i would have been happy just to walk away with 10 bucks profit yeah i'm not a big fan of losing it leaves a sour taste in your mouth it really does but it's part of winning oh did that coin just fall oh okay i'm not putting them in um that's how i hold them too by the way um i'm not going to put them in i'm going to go and get that coin out first because i don't want those guys or any of these guys landing on it that guy flash take a look at that that to me is in mint condition um obviously i haven't got my glasses on but i mean it is as shiny as buggery i'd say that is uncirculated uncirculated around 50 cent piece all right let me just pop him up there nice and carefully and keep pushing oh this day just can't get any better i better check the time shortly just to make sure i've got enough time to keep going [Music] i mean you guys are probably thinking well why does you know why are you worried so much about it all it would take for me for me to piss these guys off enough for them to tell me to stop filming there goes my youtube channel gone so i mean i do play at another place um i'm not allowed to film there and i wouldn't want to because it's so noisy anyway so yeah so i am very very concerned on what they think when i'm here i always try to do you know the right thing [Music] i do like it when i give money to the tim too [Music] and i'm absolutely more than happy to do that on a win [Music] i sort of really want to stop i mean as i said before i'm happy with what i've got but i just don't know about this pile here i mean if there's a silver queen there and i just can't see it and i'll walk away and i'll find out about it i'll be devastated so i'm gonna keep going until all that clumps gone [Music] if it cost me chips i mean sorry if it cost me coins then it cost me coins i've already got a profit so anything i get is a bonus oh that one's next door oh come on these are three dollars a coin here [Music] that's nice that sounded heavy actually [Music] oh oh oh is it is it let me come out this side yes it is yes it is look right there right under the 20 right beside the uh the green one there that's another coin oh yeah that's another coin [Music] so i'm basically just going to play the [Laughter] i right believe it um that was my last coin come on big pushes all right i'm going to tell you that see what i got [Music] okay another 100 bucks all profit maybe 80 maybe 80 coins there um that'd be enough i'll make sure it's enough if not if i'll go spend some of my chips and get some more get some more coins [Music] i leave in the comments if silver affects you guys like that affects me interesting to see if it's not me just just being a weirdo before it is actually a proper thing [Music] come on play the right side [Music] oh that's a silly drop oh i got away with it so [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh come on big push oh hey i only put in two coins what are three coins coming out [Music] come on [Music] what the hell is going on here [Music] [Music] oh did that just slide back i have noticed that the heavier the heavier objects along the front just keeps sliding yep that one got stuck in there last coin okay oh he's on the edge too let's tell it up see what we got another 120 bucks pop him up there with his mates um i don't know probably 60 70 coins i don't think we lost any or many at this stage of the game i just want to make sure i've got enough coins to get that 50 off all right i'm trying the skill stop i don't use this very often because it's so annoying it's very hard to do [Music] come on [Music] oh you're just hanging in there aren't you just staying there a lot quieter i don't know if i'll say anything but i can't see why they would better than cutting the cables i can guarantee they would have told me to go piss off if i had asked oh can you cut the cables to the speaker that's too loud too noisy oh i mean i would have just somebody had to ask me that [Music] yeah that's way quieter oh look at that right here on the edge come on [Music] last coin all right big push here come on nope didn't move all right let's go tally it up okay that's about all i got at the moment so uh 50 60 coins thing is right on the edge i still feel confident that i'm going to get it oh come on you're teasing me here i think it's a stinking hot dog oh this is it this is it it's a stinking hot day outside and uh when i walk in into this place i've got the air conditioning on of course absolutely beautiful oh my god it's so good right now i am sweating what if you could if you could see how much i'm sweating right now come on right now i nearly swore i'm so sorry um i'm gonna go get that out holy crap look at that um that's i mean it's still got sheen on it i don't think it's as nice as the first one that i got but oh wow and that is beautiful take oh i'll take a look at the sheen on this side wow that's like a mirror um i'm gonna have to go ahead and say these are definitely uncirculated i'll ever look for scratches when i get home then you can go up there now what am i gonna do am i gonna keep going am i gonna stop let's just see if i can get some of these off just for fun uh i'm more than happy i mean if i lose a handful of these things so what i don't really care right now um i've got a profit very happy two silver coins [Music] [Music] all right all right i'm gonna put five coins in i'm gonna pop them back in back in there simply because uh i mean i can go ahead and throw my queens in here and walk away with no coins and be happy with the cash but why wouldn't i cash the coins in and donate all the money from the coins to the tin isn't that a smart thing to do all right so i've got five coins here i'm gonna try to get that off with my five coins [Music] i've just got to be patient i'm gonna wait for it to come back come on come on oh last coin all right more coins there is a big clump of coins there so what have i got i got about seven more coins whatever i've got in there in the machine itself like down the bottom where i can grab it um i'll donate that guaranteed uh to the tin i mean there has to be a few of my name nice come on everyone makes a difference last point come on [Music] that helps that was like nine bucks all right i'm gonna tally it all up and uh yep count it all up okay look at these two they'll be guilty so i've actually got these on my shirt um but i don't want to touch these things with my fingers it's not ideal so but i will clean them with warm soapy water when i get home okay and oh yeah oh yeah okay so the telly stands i've got 42 coins 42 coins so that's 126 bucks that's what i'm going to give to the uh give to the tin so i mean i said i'm going to do it i didn't realize there was 42 of them but anyway i said it i'm going to do it so it's 126 for the tin i've got 310 dollars in notes and i've got 600 bucks in chips so the grand total is 910 dollars minus 126 i'm taking um taken off for the tim uh also i've got a minus off to 250 that'll cost obviously they'll pay to play it so let's quickly work that one out 910. it's that 660 dollars profit [Applause] i'll rework that out because i'm not 100 sure if that's right but um i mean i'm still over the moon on those two coins wow and i got a profit you beauty all right i'll be back in a minute [Music] okay look at that 660 bucks um so yeah my math was right so um basically 126 dollars into the tin i actually went and got a a new tin so the tin that was on the bar that was quite full so it's what about the same size as a paint tin like a four liter paint tin so um when rose picked it up it was quite heavy she goes oh oh there's some weight in that anyway she went got another tin sat on the bar 126 dollars of wine went into it absolutely more than happy to do that if it puts a smile on any child's face then yeah if you like what you see give us a thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe i'm still thinking about those 250 cent pieces um and i love you guys and thank you very much for subscribing leaving comments liking the video um once again you know you guys blow my mind i didn't think anybody would give a so um yeah thank you again can't thank you guys enough see you in the next video you
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 1,720
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: UVdmld4W8v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 48sec (2328 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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