Attempting to WIN Progressive on today High Risk Coin Pusher... Live Stream | Joshua Bartley

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we are live live live everybody boy it feels weird being up here on monday we're not going to get as many people today as normal but i think i found out how to fix the autofocus fantastic news so hopefully it's looking good so far the autofocus is not cutting in and out so hopefully that makes for so much better of a live stream hey everybody just to give you all heads up i did forget my glasses they're still in the camper hey phil hey mikey hey guys hello hello bill jenny hey everybody boy i have some stories to tell you all what an interesting arkansas trip it was hey guys there we go becky g michael ryan regal lorenz jones florida michael calvin cirrus there we go getting everybody coming in now tracy amy peggy hey everybody sorry this is so weird we are actually is another race jackpot uh uh mikey it it is uh it's a little bit different they started some new rules now and the reason why i think is because of me they're starting to add a lot of time limits and you can still do buy-ins and you can still uh yeah i'm gonna tell you all about the breakdown and all that stuff but you can still do the time of the buy-ins and stuff but like today we got 45-minute time limit period no matter what uh i didn't really want to do the race one but the other coin pusher now just has quarters in it i'm not sure exactly what happened so i'm just gonna go ahead and do the race so before we get into it i'll go ahead and tell you how this is so today there's two cop cars in here there's one on the left and one on the right the suv uh junior the number eight car that's the uh progressive for now one on these they have or not all of them but today they have hey guys hey ed so i'm sorry i'm trying to get caught up uh with you all so uh wendy hey everybody so um every time it's like a progressive on a slot machine every time that you don't win the progressive goes up now granted i haven't been up here playing and i played most out of everybody so the number eight progressive is only at 350 right now but if i win another one of these cars first it's 200 so the junior car is 350. the other ones are 200 except about these two police cars on the left and right if i win those i win nothing outside of that they got the 50s in here now which is new uh was just a stack of them so i'm guessing that's a hundred and then you got uh the little things you know i see some new uh coins in here hey guys all right hey mikey paula so guys i got a whole crapload of stuff to fill you in my trip went from long it took me two and a half days to make darkness off broke down on the way back the uh power steering line got see i i anyway that's car suave might understand this a little bit better but uh i have a power boost system on my rv so the power steering and the brakes are controlled by the same system so i got a hole in my power steering which took my brakes out as i was coming down a mountain so i pulled off called good sam they got rid of assistance to me uh at the motel he couldn't come to the next day so we crashed out um about uh let's see like six seven hundred dollars later after that he worked on it all day had to come back work on again haha thank you so much one good money back thank you so much i greatly appreciate the super chat um so made it all drove all the way last night drove 12 and a half hours straight my back was out terrible as soon as soon as i was backing into the garage or in the driveway my power steering blew again so that's that's how my trip went i'm not sure uh where i know actually i uh see weaver we've i i contacted them they told me that it's essentially uh any day that's what they're but they're they're same thing they thought for sure it's gonna be seven days but they said they have no control over it when they the android decides to make it go live but it's any day now hey guys all right so let's go ahead and get started so today's a 500 buy-in um i carried this out because it looked kind of low to me and i was thinking the other one just has quarters in it but if you count it out they got the new 50s in here which i think that's 100 stacks there's 100 200 300 just right there then you got the 40s then uh 400 500 uh and uh you know all the 40 stacks plus if you win one of these cards so the opportunity is there they're just trying to it's getting a little bit realistic i guess as far as trying to win money you have winner winner on android but can't cash out what i want really david i sure can and hey you all for those of you all that joined my discord and was getting kind of frustrated woke best of luck to you man thank you so much for the five dollar super chat you are amazing greatly appreciate it i'm still doing the same thing tomorrow i'm going to see my cousin john i'm reading the whole experience we'll get into that i had a good friend of mine joe kind of told me some story while i was going really made me extremely mad about somebody that watches the live streams and or whatever and then whatever thank you joe yes joe so i downloaded the discord my uh on my phone i just got to get it set up so i'm going to uh i'm going to be able to answer all those questions a little bit quicker if that makes any sense so uh joe's getting me set up with that that way i can go on there and because right now i can only get to my editing computer which i'm not always at and uh respond so now that i'm gonna have that on my phone i can go straight to you all all right so let's get into one more time now that everybody's coming in then we'll go ahead and get started today's not going to be a little big day mondays are terrible but i promise i don't want to miss a live stream so we're going to do it monday that's all right small family we're going to have fun so any of these cars right here and including that 99 or 200 there's two police cars in here today which is kind of a bummer and then there is uh there is uh the number eight that's a progressive cars it's up to 350 because i haven't been playing a lot and i play this the most so if i can get that before the cop course is 350 if i win any of these it's 200 first thing comes off you win your money you got 45 minutes in total so give me uh give me one second let me get you 500 buy-in and we'll go ahead and get started guys 500 [Music] so guys i'm mentally exhausted i have been on the uh i have been driving literally i left nashville tennessee at about 4 30 and i got home at 8 o'clock this morning after i dropped the car shot off i have been on the road it was a long night luckily bray was able to go back into the uh to the bed and was able to uh get some sleep so i'll tell you a story about my back uh misty asked how my back was feeling thank you so much i'm really mikey thank you all of you all again i don't have my glasses and my eyes are kind of i'm so still out of it so my we went to creator of diamonds i was going to livestream the whole thing couldn't get any service there whatsoever uh head wi-fi but the wi-fi was gonna connect out the field but we just ended up digging a big hole while i was digging i'll show you a picture of it um while i was digging it was so hot and i had all the canopy and everything set up i decided just to go ahead and stay at that one spot so i kept digging deeper and deeper and got down about four feet and i went to looked at me and she said josh you're gonna pay for this and i kept saying i know but i just want to go ahead and see if we can get down in here and find the spot that most people don't go to so i made it through the next day okay well on the trip back when we broke down i got up to go out to see what was going on and my back went just completely went out and uh then i had something that's never happened to me and couldn't find out it apparently is a nerve but my right calf started getting like 10 out of 10 excruciating pain like a charlie horse that wouldn't go away and i couldn't figure out what was going on and for hours i laid there couldn't sleep couldn't do anything and then finally the next day uh when the uh the very time assistance came back i went to walk out there and then my leg was completely numb and ever since then i haven't it's like i mean it's not completely you know like a walk on it but it's like it's asleep so apparently my sciatic nerve got all swollen up and obviously that's what happened when you spent four or five days driving straight in the all right let's see did i find any diamonds so if this ring there and i got a bunch of clay so when i was trying to uh clean it out it was so clunky so i brought the whole bucket back with me nothing was very obvious i did see a lot it did get uh some crystals which to me look just like a diamond but i guess diamonds don't have sharp edges on them but uh i brought it back here and i'm gonna clean it out hopefully i can find something hey guys sorry you all i'm trying to read sciatic nerve yep that's exactly what was going on and it's just right now as i'm standing here i'm having growing pain my back's hurting my right well it's just terrible joy's a little in fact came and not taken care of like i didn't do with this trip yeah it's just oh there we go look number eight coming around it's like the daytona race i don't know what race that was right after the dad passed away that uh 500.81 hey john oh man so i was told that they got a whole collection of these uh whatever these things are they're golden banknotes i guess you can't really see it too well there they're all certified and a lot of stuff that's certified i don't see much in here except i see that coin over there so we should have some cool things coming up my husband took muscle relaxer and eating head misty that's it number eight on the back stretch i uh glinda was taking because we were in the motel when it happened we were taking a uh horsepower from getting wet putting the microwave for a little bit and uh on a 40 phil shoot i completely missed it oh that was gonna fall on top look at it it's gonna fall on top of the thing right there finally got winner winner awesome so winner winner is up oh i'm sorry geek i hang out yes i uh i didn't know that so winner winner is on android john sage will let me know uh geek out hang out i'm i'm getting ready joe talk me oh man joe talked me through how to download winner winner on um my phone because that's the biggest or not where i'm sorry guys i my head i took a little bit of the map but taught me how to download discord on my phone so i can get better with communicating with you all so i just got to get with joe when i'm done tonight and get him to link my account up and then i'll start posting regularly on there hey everybody i'm reading everybody saying hi and try taking tart cherry for arthritis really heart cherry is it is it glitchy so uh try to switch your settings over to uh 1080p if you possibly can i i did turn the autofocus off so hopefully the autofocus is not done it's not messing with it guys check that out look outside of that car right there but look that car is getting blocked by that 40 stack it's getting blocked all you know what should be a time check it is 9 13 now so we're just going to say 9 9 10. but i think we're going to be fine now thank you everybody did you take uh last video to the hieroglyphic regarding a golden bar oh you mean about getting robbed i don't even have to they got a hold of me when they uh watched the video and they said they swore they had no idea that they put it back that far and you can clearly see on the video the gold bar was up here and then when they cleaned it out the gold bar had moved back about six seven inches so this next video i have coming out is all free i got a free buy-in because of that all right sorry i appreciate you're gonna hang out as long as you can but i understand i'm on here late on a monday thank you all for coming in to visit with me though but yeah so i didn't even have to they uh they watched it and seen okay we're another 40. let's get this eight car off here i don't want to get that cop car off there though all right so guys i'm gonna throw this a little bit more on plane um i'm gonna try to uh read as i can i just want to get you all caught up on everything got some pictures to show you here shortly all right we gotta get this oh no that was a bad fall that's 350 bucks we can win that thank you all for the good luck wishes look that's the third 40 seconds though look they're uh look they're drafting that uh nba 99 cars drafting off the number 12. one cop car is stuck saint louis i got to drive through st louis and it's beautiful so i got some videos coming out guys i think you all are really going to enjoy i apologize about that last video put out i just had so much stuff going on i normally wouldn't put that video out because it was not a good video and i sounded like i was on my deathbed but uh i didn't have really a choice because i'm trying to do everything ready for the trip so i got some really good videos going to come out on the channel okay so push the copper down and let the copper push dale genius all right oh winner winner's glitchy oh well you might have to bear with them a little bit on that um just because now that they're on android they probably got like triple the amount of people that are coming there but for those of you all been waiting the length of winter winter is down in the comm uh the description download it use my code bartley15 um i have winners from last week that i didn't get a chance to uh email john about but holy moly but i'll pick a winner tonight to give you some credit on your account [Music] guys we did excellent on a return wow this is one of the biggest returns on the first one i've had in a long time so i'm going in tomorrow to see my cousin little john i'm giving him the money from everybody i spoke to uh his mom today and apparently it was perfect timing because they could really use it so i'm gonna record that and i'll put that in the next video all right guys so look for those of you all that keep track of everything we got uh was that 120 plus 50. i think yeah 120. so 170 500 buy-in but the best part look how much is in there oh no rick i'm sorry to hear that false and prayers hey guys we're doing good with hitting that like button all right let's get this top fire down and help push the number eight let's get that card out uh crucifer i sat there and jabbed the dolls didn't pay attention that number eight moved up quick i wish junior was into his career like that i'm sorry you all how cool is this to win a progressive that easy oh on top officer down oh ems you done rolled it oh come on wow guys there is a big pile getting started over there but so i'm looking at the screen and i think that autofocus i turned off worked i finally figured out how to do it that's right katie i know you're exactly right we got a good start though so i got some videos i'm trying to hammer out this week unfortunately me breaking down uh took a lot of money out of my pocket but that's all right i keep the youtube money separate number eight's getting there guys come on junior i like that race on junior one that pepsi 500 or whatever it was and they said using lessons learned by his father that was an awesome race don't forget hey arkansas i was just there seeing your whole state arkansas people are the nicest people in the planet they're the most helpful that mufflers burr nerfers girl that i was at this lady bray loves diamonds and stuff like that and this lady took her time for two days straight and explained different crystals and what to look for and gave very good prices and stuff she was the nicest lady in the plant [Music] a news rv that breaks down frequently dave yeah i got one i got one you can have mary hey mary the huge darby that breaks down all the time boy i got me one that's right joe guys i got to tell you something about joe he's joe's a great friend man i was talking to him when i first got down in there and he's just a good he's got my back and it means so much to have people like him to be friends with boogity boo boo let's go racing daryl was that daryl watching things to say that i think so oh no it's not recorded this is live guys number eights technically he's done past the finish line he's just got to fall off that's 360 right now oh really joe got gotta love the hater accounts guys come on you're gonna have to kick it sideways southern ohio oh you're right the number 12 sort of uh what's that called when you uh oh oh no it's going straight ahead guys if that number 12 gets any closer i'm gonna say something see if they can count as a winner because that's that would be wrong i wonder how i can turn it let me see if i do no i don't want to do too much on the left side you're right dc for sure is that kurt bush yes oh yes it is 97 right there what am i saying drifting that's the word i was thinking i'm starting drifting drift into the past hey exactly wendy that's exactly what i was thinking of drifting so i was talking to wendy and wendy collects uh oh no that's that's wrong man wendy collects those bells that you see in truck stops like got the states on it and i said i've stopped at like 20 truck stops just get fuel and whatever else and i couldn't find one stinking bell so i seen one that was a spoon and i looked at bray and i was like what do you think you think she'll like this and he's like i don't know what they have anything to do with each other but yeah so i end up getting wendy a spoon from tennessee or arkansas so wendy i know i already told you that but hopefully uh guys i'm gonna have to go get them real quick this is my last little bit i'll see you and it came back earlier it was against the wall i've been perfect time to understand do you understand that maybe in language a whole bunch of no i'll figure it out though i also got some dirt for some of y'all too that they seller they sell dirt that hasn't been picked through yet so you can uh all right give me one second let me go get them guys because i think i think i'm gonna lose 150 bucks if i don't give me one second yeah all right cool so this was up at the top he came up and it pushed against it and then it actually was going backwards again but these two are going sideways but since that's progressive i didn't know you know with it being long that could count as a win or if uh i gotta it actually has to fall off okay okay so the eight he came up front first um it came up and it pushed against the end of it and it's pushing it back now so i didn't know if that's gonna count because what's gonna happen is these one of these two cars are gonna come off um unless that works its way you know sideways oh yeah yeah all right okay all right sounds good i'll let you know all right thanks hey guys so i don't know if anybody has uh anybody catch that so they were saying because this one was smaller that they to win it has to come off so it looks like we're going to win one of these i don't know maybe if i push this to the right i'd get that to switch over i don't know all right let me uh whatever it is what it is i miss mike sometimes a lot of times oh that's all right guys holy crap i don't think oh i'm falling all right so another 120 220 added to it so yes i'm telling you mike mike's just laid back out man he he knows that the company's got to make money but he's not trying to rip you off i just don't if you're going to do that make those rules and make those chips where everything's the same size and fair [Music] yeah that's true that's true well maybe i can get this uh card to go sideways i agree with you john i do agree with you use my wizardly magic all right hey cody i just seen you buddy hey that's why i need to use my use get that thing to turn we're doing good on time so the card basically this one up here that's upside down it's a police car and then this one over here is a police car you can get one of the other cars to come first it's a mineral 200 if the police car comes off first then you win nothing which happens easy um but that one with the flag that's 350 bucks yeah nice ninja push that's right i'll braise here hey buddy hey bray i miss you bub i was just telling about our our adventure to arkansas breaking down and everything that happened i don't know man [Music] there you go becky i like it yeah you're here with us yeah nice good push sideways well look i'm not to complain the 12 parts 200 bucks it'd just be nice to uh i agree doug breaking even not to go short [Music] hey guys you should play the left some quarter step okay i'll play left well congratulations john oh man north east arkansas i was just uh and um i guess southwest texas border nice to keep on playing oh there's another 40 sec guys it was so stinking hot martha oh no i didn't pay attention if somebody said that all right well we got to get this number 12 car off have that copper upside down get sticking closer unthinking real luckily it's hidden in the same direction watching from england all right thank you so much all right we got to get that 12 car off there we're going to win nothing see i'm telling you these hot bars man they sneak right up on you look number eight's starting to move backwards or sideways now too click these things to talk about magnets or something if it keeps getting any worse i'm gonna go over here and see if i get kurt push the ball off little john is doing okay he's got to go back to ruby like i said keep an eye out next video because uh i'm happy he's gonna tell everybody once everybody thinks but uh he's doing okay he's getting by okay all right guys that was my last quarter staying on the 97. all right i agree with you on that because once things get over to the right side they sort of disappear [Music] wow we're doing good with the return though 99 cars stuck in the dealer slot oh man my back's killing me all right so we got that and then uh 80 and a 50. so i know i think we're we're ahead now you know that's a good question if they fall at the same time i'm not even sure how i could even like remotely say one fell first all right come on if i can get this thing that but i'm pretty sure that we got he's doing good brady's doing really good he had a good birthday trip um he made the best of the situation we were stuck in the book help three days and it's funny at 10 years old they can uh entertain themselves hey you all see that video i'll put up about brady's birthday wasn't that crazy how that balloon came down and landed right on the balloon for the candles and blew up like that i'm so glad uh because it's on the roof josh um let's see 9 36 i think 950 was but they got to take into consideration how long thinking different things [Music] you ought to see somebody left me comment on that video i took it down immediately and apparently he must hate me because he said i finally got you i reported you to youtube you have a minor appearing on the video and if you put it for kid if you registered videos kid friendly kid uh whatever meant for kids you can have whatever that was the dumbest thing ever people are just the interesting man i finally got ya [Music] need to find a new hobby oh that was not good a rethinking birthday would need more candles right he sent it to me josh i'll be really yes it's working sorry if i miss it i don't have uh i don't have my glasses on so i'm having a hard time reading [Music] that world car is getting close let me clean the left side oh those uh roadside assistance guys that came to help me were super nice okay all right come on that's terrible because of number eight's going sideways now so it's going to push that car uh top fire off there first oh thanks so much tara all right you can make it too guys i'll check them paypal here in a second too for those of you that have donated towards my little john just give me a second i'll go in there and i'll give you all a shout out i seriously uh i have a nice card that i wrote from all of us to him like i said i'll have him open it up on the on the stream [Music] you know stack fall that's good come on [Music] 12. just going to stay on the left side that's right all right so we're down to a dollar come on lead ah it's not pushing that 12's super close though but man that cop are close to it yeah erica i know i everyone says you could end this by showing your surroundings how many times have i done it i got at least three or four videos where i show the slot machines and everything but i'm i'm over i'm seriously over it people love conspiracy theories and remember i'm in my neighbor's shed i thought we talked about this already my mom kicked me out i'm filming i'm in the shed oh nice nice yeah bro you do don't you i was telling about how nice that lady was so look i think that's 100 bucks right there and then we got an 80. so guys we're doing good with money oh thank you so much erica and my dog died like a country singer so somebody and this is serious for a second i was told by somebody because i don't watch other people's uh channel that badly but that somebody said that i have a scammer saying by the cover same thing that i did about jeff and guys you know how disrespectful it is to say something like that i mean seriously do you really think in a million years one my best friend and there's a lot of people on the channel that were friends with jackman spoke to him i would use his desk [Music] something i didn't even have any parts of it was literally all the money went to him second thing is use my cousin's tragedy to try to take money from people i don't know what kind of people that can come up with stuff like that in their head that's sick oh wow yes yes thank you jeff i just there we go put that in your pipe and smoke it that's jeff right there helping me out awesome all right guys give me one second i'm gonna go get them that was freaking awesome that was jeff there helping me be right back stinking awesome guys yep 12 bar awesome thank you all right thanks all right guys 200 bucks just like that stinking awesome jeff definitely helped me out on that one still had this left 200 bucks amazing now it doesn't matter about the cars anymore oh thank you cody yeah thank you christine i mean and there are people i get it i get that there are people out there that do scam i do i trust me i don't know how in the world you could do something like that because you want to put bad karma on yourself do things like that go in there and create these stories up because what will happen is whatever you're saying is happening that's alive it will happen to you asking you shall receive kind of thing but just so there's no questions for those because i know you all only know me through this i'm still going to go ahead and film it and plus i want you to you know see how long it takes that top part come on we got those uh 50s right there just keep working right here so we can get it oh thank you michelle i'll tell you what i'm missing i'm missing his celebration of life uh party is august and one daughter bought a new farm actually and they're having it there and that's thanks to your all support being able to get a nice little green bad thing and thank you all so much that you all that have been donating to the paypal for john guys i don't want to didn't want to talk about too much tonight because i feel like i don't want to do that that was a cop it's not like i was always checking for money but jeff did kick joshua right yeah i miss jeff too i'd say you all were friends with jeff jeff loved it man he loved you all so much his kids said that was his highlight on thursday live streams so keep your head up high just less a little bit of time on earth he was extremely happy thanks to every one of you all [Music] you'll be down there this weekend really you come up the panhandle get a hold of me do the panhandle i agree nicole i agree 100 kind of i mean i know they obviously want every advantage they can get but i really had a lot of last quarter guys yes geek out hang out happy almost birthday to you this is gonna need great here to sing for you oh yeah all right i'm gonna load this thing up because we're getting close on time oh guys i just can't move quick slow this thing down oh i don't think the burgers hole dropped i didn't hear it normally it's pretty loud bud maybe there's something in there that's uh worth the value we're definitely heading out though right yes you do sing you sing good don't be hard on yourself you just gotta stay away from those balloons and birthday cakes guys you also could see the look on bray's face because it flew up and smacked him in the eyes that's right nicole yeah little man's got a got a good voice actually he's got a real nice soft uh it's a really good voice i love only catching singing yeah rubber and plastic on the cake right i know it was an ice cream cake too the oreo one blend us out there and hand kick all the stuff off though come on baby all right let's get stuck on that wet yeah the cars don't matter anymore unfortunately but i mean i still won the i didn't get the progressive but i got 200 and i'll take it [Music] yeah it is i love it yeah then making these time limits because normally i like taking my time and i feel like i'm just but i guess they think if you can sit there and take your time and play strategically you win i don't want to complain too much though because it is theirs and if they decide to get from israel hey i'm actually wants to hear me sing with the uh my accent speaking action tennessee guys and ladies man they got an accent i was trying to order from a sonic and nobody we couldn't understand each other i couldn't understand them and they couldn't understand me hey rachelle we gotta try to get these 50s off here but you can tell they raised that lift right all right i'm gonna hurry up and collect real quick oh i need to pay somebody to come here oh raised in nashville i'll tell you we we ended up spending like three days in nashville i loved it we were right across the street from a love's truck stop and bray love loves truck stop we broke down in happy tennessee happy tennessee there's this funny word talking to each other they couldn't understand me and i couldn't understand them with some of the things they were saying an accent one big accent mess up from arizona thank you arizona all right so technically i won't play until they don't get me because i had to stop twice again i feel like that should count [Music] when i was at maine this guy was telling me a story about him metal detecting on the beach and it was so funny with his accent and he'll tell me about finding a light bulb got the biggest kick out of that sword i was a kid get over that stinking lip uh my family is from scotland we're scottish yeah actually my great-granddad apparently didn't came to richmond there were new newer i'm exactly everybody's new to the states but and then singh has my other family they're german my mom's side i know i'm telling you it's gotta fall quick they'll be coming in here any second unless they give me a little extra time man that was a quick live stream jeez and he was gonna be bad on the monday but i just didn't want to miss the livestream arkansas you're right argus all really well no i don't know i guess arkansas really didn't have that i don't know bray can tell you a story about the sonic we were at man this girl she might not been for morgan ball but her accent was thick whatever she had going on but then the people at the stores didn't have an accent oh thank you so much chicago bears fan hello kentucky that's right joe mom i need five more minutes all my friends are here january he's joking about the plate he knows how rough my mom is she's serious man oh really geek out hang out yeah they said there's a whole bunch of crystal mines oh somewhere in i can call maybe for next time we'll go check them out but we were able to get crystals though that was pretty cool to me crystals look just like stinking diamonds we seen something shiny on the floor and uh or in the dirt we're all happy and kind of find out it's a crystal but they said diamonds don't have jagged jacketed that's awesome had a lot of fun now we really did outside of me breaking down and hurting my back and all that stuff [Music] yeah you're right these are some tenacious tips chips they're not going anywhere like everything stopped [Music] i'm playing until they come again maybe they'll forget about me oh really new mexico oh look that's one state i haven't been to i'd love to come to mexico colorado arizona it's funny i was the same way up until i went in the military i think i told you all story a bunch of times but i thought i'd just fix normal oh that shit's getting fall under junior gotta get it come on baby there we go that's going to get it oh it's stuck on his wheel what come on how was that still sitting there oh come on last quarter my luck they're going to walk in right now that's possible oh sorry i've gotten quarters wow i want to go to new mexico i'll tell you what i fell in love with utah while there i love those red rocks same thing like scottsdale arizona and sedona and all that beautiful how was that 50 not falling off ah thank you so oh it's much right on that's literally a cliffhanger second wave you gotta be kidding me [Music] how is that not falling seriously do i believe in aliens mike i believe this universe is a lot bigger than we even can imagine and to think that we are the center of the universe and we're the only life form that has been created so do i think it's possible absolutely this is crazy man seriously the devil i'm real how's this happening it's just sitting there floating in midair oh we got that 50 all right they're not here yet all right so we got a 50. sorry i'm dropping quarters all right come on get back to it all right let's do that oh there we go awesome stinking awesome that was extra 100 bucks i was able to make awesome and got me sweating that's right joey hopefully they did normally that's one thing i will say they're pretty good if i come and get them a few times i hate from them come in and say no this counts now you wouldn't pass your 45 minutes look at junior cars still hanging on he's right there i'm on bonus hole zuma ninja ninja all right so when i get done because we're on a time crunch i'll give away the winter winter stuff and then also uh i'll show you some things i want to show you all all right so we got another 50. i know one thing i'm gonna sleep good night yeah right so okay so here's the deal with my wife somebody asked could i include my wife in the channel i would love to i would absolutely love to um in some of the earlier videos she used to be one of them at one point but she sent me to take it down she's just not a public person at all she's very uh she stands beside me and uh supports the channel but she just doesn't want to be on the channel i wish y'all could meet her though joey knows her i'm gonna read that joke more 4807 feel like it does how's that junior car i want to win it outside oh finally came off yeah mike she would uh she would kill me she would definitely kill me bray's still in here he'll tell you same way with 13 years of walk really all that 40 seconds now hey yeah awesome okay [Music] awesome all right guys we're gonna finish this out let's feel and then we are done there's that all right so this is what's left yeah just not a fan of being on the channel oh thank you becky yeah she completely supports the channel that's one thing she does but she just does not want to be on camera but i wish you all could see you know my whole family though that's the only kind of part about it that's kind of bad trying to get that 40 sack to fall down but all right so we got a dollar left [Music] last quarter second wave all right let's go ahead and uh count off and yeah that 40 is mine they'll definitely give me that 40. all right so let's let's count up here and then i'll give away the uh a couple of things two three four top six wow seven eight nine nine forty stacks let me get this out here get my brain going calculator right there 460. 560. 660 760 960 off 500 buy-in wow stinking wow 960 dollars unstinking believable it's a 460 profit in 45 minutes that was absolutely amazing wow i knew i was above but i didn't know i was that involved oh wait a minute you're right in that 40 stack 500 got 500 yeah john i can do that buddy all right it's a 500 win today guys all right so let me get this let me check take out real quick and i'll give away a 500 win that's absolutely amazing hey i'll take it it wasn't a long day but i'll take it believe me after all the money that i've lost uh i uh i can definitely oh man douglas thank you so much audrey wilson thank you michelle off where's going eric peters as always he donated towards my cousin a while back eric you're amazing thank you so much you're just over the top amazing such a amazing guy um everybody's name is going into uh everybody's name was sent into the card that's gonna be on the next video gordon reynolds larry taylor karen lisa caro and david thank you all so much i greatly greatly appreciate it all right so let's uh let me show you some of this then we'll give this way it's uh there's breakdown to diamond mine look at that here oh i got the autofocus turned off that's uh the entrance to crater of diamond state park there's a parade down in the hole i'm in the back there sweating the butt off you like my little my hat it was hot and that was the campsite that we stayed at it was pretty nice sorry guys so we got that taken care of got that all right so remember winner winner is now available on android so use my link down in the description to download winner winner also use code bartley 15 b-a-r-t-l-e-y-15 and get 15 off all right so how old am i does anybody know how old i am oh thank you thomas all right uh mr john gear you got it all right so the first couple ones do you all have down a winner winner downloaded let's see got mr john greer77 and you got susan kushlin and you've got sarah and wendy so do you all have winter winter downloaded if so i gotta get caught from last week too because i left i am 38 years old i might be 37. you know what i think i'm 37. i think i'm 37 i'll be 38. you know i'm serious i think i'm 37 years old hold on for a minute i gotta call glenda because i literally forgot how old i am oh sam call my wife that's crazy how can i forget i think i'm turning 38 this year wow hey real quick i got you on speakerphone how old am i yesterday i'm 30 i am 38 yeah okay all right i thought i was 37. so i'll be 39 this year yeah all right all right i just want to make sure i i'll be home here after i get done i love you i love you bye bye okay guys now i am 38. i don't know how old i am oh my gosh oh damn i don't look a day over 55. all right if you got it downloaded uh send me an email and i will get some credits on your account now keep guys these videos that are coming out the next couple days watch them all the way through here's my email i'll get both you all caught up from last weekend this week i got the week before that already i can't believe i forgot how old it was i'm telling you it's not that i don't know what's going on uh sarah that jdm bartlett 30 i just put up in there daniel barnes thank you so much uh dude uh duder because it's the way this chat works i think i see the things first i think that's how it works and there's a delay so i'm pretty sure that uh it's just there's a delay on some people's chats awesome thing uh google play store winner winner isn't there oh really 38 is not old for a tree all right well let me figure out let me figure out the deal with that because apparently some people have it downloaded i know right well keep in mind i have been up uh i got i mean i did lay down for a couple hours but i've been up uh we left tennessee around 3 30 and i drove straight through and i didn't get home till 8 o'clock in the morning uh you are awesome guys thank you all so much for the support i'm sorry tonight was a short one but i just wanted to make sure that i got a live stream put out there um i will have two videos before the weekend and make sure you watch them all the way through because uh all the ten thousand dollar giveaway how did i forget about that that was postponed for unforeseen reasons that's what was told to me uh i actually had someone that was gonna go up and take my place but they don't have a rescheduled date but they're not accepting any more entries into it so it hasn't been said yet but it's uh it will happen hopefully i'll know here soon when that's going to be done all right guys thank you all so much i had fun tonight it was always good to get caught up with you all i knew today wasn't going to have a whole bunch of people but that's i'm thank you all those that did come over and watch thank you all to the ones that donated the super chats thank you all to have downloaded winner winner i'll try to find out the reason why some of you are having problems finding it uh still says coming soon well i wonder how some of y'all got that didn't uh yes i will get to get them to get the 40 machines i got to go up they come in and they take the stuff for me and they give me money that's how they do it they write it down but guys yes thank you all so much uh definitely i hope you all enjoy the new videos coming out there hopefully you all will really enjoy them i kind of went through because the vacations i went through like a little down period there for a little bit but i'm coming right back at it and hitting it hard guys have a fantastic evening fantastic work week i hope you're not too hot where you're at and hope everyone's staying healthy and uh thank you all so much and good night thanks for stopping by see you guys
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 21,823
Rating: 4.7924914 out of 5
Keywords: joshua bartley, josh bartley, coin pusher, coin machine, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin machine jackpot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 0sec (4740 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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