Attempting to Learn 3D Game Development in One Week

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Wdym? I does not even look like it is copied. Even the 3D ragroll model looks different.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/GokulUser500 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

I think he came out and said he was more inspired by titanfall and CoD than karlson

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/therealdovakin42 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

No he just want to play karlson

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/cukipele 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Slasher6776 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

He's not copying

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/KarczoszeQ_128 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Na, I don't think hes copying, I think he's just inspired

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MichaelEpicA 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey I'm Stephen and I make games or I tried to at least however looking back I've come to realize that pretty much all of the games I've made so far have been 2d platformers which doesn't exactly make for a very diverse portfolio so this week I decided to change that this week I wanted to learn how to make 3d games and then being a fan of doing dumb things I thought it would be a fun idea to charge myself to do it all in 7 days yeah it went about as well as you'd expect let's get into it we'll start at day zero not because I'm zero indexing but because I'm straight-up not counting it because nothing really happened that's because day zero was spent researching because quite frankly I had no idea would even start there were just so many options and ways I could have approached this ranging from creating my own game engine to using tools like unity however after a bit of googling I quickly decided that I would do the game engine instead of writing my own because what even is this so eventually I managed to narrow my choices down to three different game engines Unreal Engine Godot and unity these are all very capable game engines but ultimately I decided on unity for the following reasons it's powerful and can do a lot of things its scripting languages C sharp which I already know and most importantly it has a massive community which means there's a lot of tutorials and a lot of code I can copy from Stack Overflow and so what's that out of the way I got to it pretty much all of day one was spent learning the basics I did some research on how unity worked and followed the tutorial from brackets on how to make a basic unity game we play as a cube sliding down a long cube and avoiding wide cubes and a couple hours later I had my first functioning unity game pretty exciting stuff well the fact that I had just made my first game was exciting at least the game itself not so much and so I did my best to fix that by replacing all the obstacles with some guy named Erica downloaded off the internet personally I think it was a massive success and I'm waiting on my game of the Year award who is that I feel satisfied with my progress for the day so I decided to hit the stack and get some sleep Daten was filled with just as much excitement as day one in fact it was probably even better as that was the day I managed to get ragdolls working now personally I'm of the belief that ragdolls are one of the best things to happen to video games ever since I was an infant I would play games like Grand Theft Auto and dreamed of the day that I too could create my very own vehicular manslaughter simulator so obviously making a rag doll was very high in the priority list of what to learn and on day two I did exactly that first I started off simple and tried to get just a basic rag doll working I downloaded some random model off the internet and put it through the built-in unity ragdoll generator and it was a massive success I now had a ragdoll character that would Bend and flop in a very entertaining manner I then spent the next hour throwing various objects at it but after a while that got a little boring so I started looking online for more things to mercilessly beat with primitive shapes when I came to the shocking realization that there just weren't very many good for unity models on the Internet and so I decided that in order to fully master unity I also had to master making models for unity and for that I had to learn 3d modeling so after a bit more googling I decided that the best way for me to make models for unity was his blender which is a powerful widely used and most importantly free 3d modeling tool and so I hopped back onto Google and started learning how to use it and a couple hours later I had successfully modelled my very own ragdoll man and also a Glock and by then I was getting pretty late so I wrapped things up for the day day three was pretty epic I messed around with fractals a bit more and managed to set up a player controlled active ragdoll Singh which is basically a ragdoll that can be controlled by animations and stuff took a bit of time to implement but eventually I got a really jank but entertaining act of ragdoll working and then of course spending our jumping on things however it is cold after a while so I decided to try making an actual game using what I had learned so far I decided on making a first-person shooter because my creativity knows no bounds so I created a new project set up a player added some enemies and oh wait there's no animations now this was obviously a big problem because as funny as this is it just is a very immersive so I said off to fix and tried to learn how to animate so I hopped back into blender fired up some tutorials and got to it it was a little tricky at first but eventually I was able to animate the model I had created earlier and maybe stick reload animation and even sick the reload animation and also this and after creating that monstrosity I lost all faith in myself and decided to call it quits for the day eventually day 4 rolled around and a semi managed to force myself to keep working on the challenge day 4 was actually pretty productive and I managed to complete the basic gameplay for the FPS game I had started the day before I modeled some new hands for the player made some animation set up an active ragdoll system for the enemies because ragdolls said for shooting Systema learned how to use particles and line renders and stuff and implemented some basic gameplay it looks kind of bad and with a little jank but it still exceeded my expectations so I was pretty happy with it and a couple hours later day 5 rolls around on day 5 I pretty much just worked on the FPS game some more I did some reading up on post-processing and pretty much grabbed every single effect because on this channel we only accept the best of graphics I also went in replaced the bullet line saying was a lightning particle system which I initially thought would look cool but ended up kind of bad however I was too lazy to remove it so it's here now then I added a couple new mechanics like sliding which functions some low is just sliding in games like titanfall and warframe except they in my version you speed up a ton when sliding because um I don't really know why actually then I added punching which basically well punches things I made this to a ton a knock-back on enemies and also made it temporarily disable the joint to put them back into pure ragdoll mode which allowed for some pretty epic combos and so that was pretty cool but things got a bit boring after a while because while these ragdoll guys are entertaining they don't make for very good conversation so I decided to make the game multiplayer I did some research watch some tutorial and after a few hours was able to convert the game to multiplayer I then forced my friend to play and absolutely destroyed him because I'm just that good at video games the next day I was feeling pretty good about things the FPS game I had made it turned out far better than I thought I would and I really wanted to keep working on it however it was day 6 already which meant I only had around 2 days left so I decided to try learning something new so I started a new project and messed around with unity terrain editor and then made a nice relaxing forest walking simulator except I didn't find out all that immersive as the player was just a cylinder Singh which is not what actual people look like ELISA that I know of so I decided to give the player an actual body to really emulate the walking experience so I took the human model from earlier and I made it and slapped it onto the player and everything seemed to be going well until I noticed this yeah the player animations are made for flat ground and this terrain is dummy thick so it doesn't match up very well so I began thinking of ways to fix this and after a while came up with two feasible solutions one way was to use the active ragdoll system I'd implemented earlier that way the length would be affected by physics and would be moved by the terrain except the ragdolls while fun aren't the most reliable and can produce some pretty silly results which while good for sillier games didn't fit the serious emotional story driven walking game that I was going for so that leaves us with the second option inverse kinematics basically inverse kinematics as a way to calculate how to get the endpoint of a limb to a certain position by rotating the bones in the limb using some math and programming and this turned out to be exactly what we needed for our legs by doing something like a ray cast downwards and finding the position of the ground relative to the light we can then use inverse kinematics to set the leg to move there and so I got to it I did some research and after some time was able to set up a basic robot arm saying that I could control basically it takes this ball here the target and tries to move the end of the arm to it and that worked pretty well so I started implementing it onto a moving body I first took a basic cube attached to legs to it and added some code to balance the Kievan to put the feet on the ground this worked pretty well while the key was standing but while moving well he is a very immersive so I got to work on fixing that I first made some modifications to the inverse kinematics system where the loom would stick to the ground instead of follow the body then I made a check so that if the current limb position is too far from the body it steps towards the body and sticks again after a whole lot of time I got it working pretty well and I'm quite happy with it however a walking heel was the little boring for my tastes so I made a robot body attached to the cube and made a couple improvements so yeah I made well a mistake this was a mistake anyways after creating that thing I decided to finally apply inverse kinematics to the player this actually turned to be a lot simpler than the walking Cuban the thing we don't talk about as the animations were already in place all I had to do without a check to see if the lugs were underground and then using force kinematics to move them upwards I think it turned out fairly well however there is a slight bit of clipping on larger slopes but it's pretty minor and not very noticeable so I just left it and then just for fun I added a couple more creatures like this one-legged boy this pink tentacle sing a tall boy in the Boston Dynamics robot dog oh yeah I also had two kicking in with science day 6 and finally day 7 came around now by day 7 I felt like I had a pretty solid grasp on unity so I decided that like at the end of any learning experience I should make a CSIS project you know my magnum opus my Monalisa the result of me putting everything I've learned so far to use however I got a little sidetracked and um didn't it was going well at first right and I was setting up a new project when suddenly I had a brilliant idea that I just couldn't ignore I would make a vr game I mean just imagine the Jenk ragdolls and um shenanigans possible in virtual reality and it just so happened that I had recently gone my hands on an oculus rift test so I got right to it did a bit of googling in a while later I managed to set up my first VR game I then took the creatures from the forest game and the gun from the shooter improved them a little and bam VR game baby I then added a few extra things like allowing enemies to be grabbed because I mean just look at this India that's been my experience with the unity so far it's been interesting but I had fun and I'm excited to make more dumplings and unity in the future but now the big question did I succeed in the challenge personally I think I did the goal after all was to make a 3d game not a good one and I did make a game idea I think I'm going to end it here but before I do make sure to hit like and sub so you don't miss my next video creating the world's first sentient artificial intelligence in one week until then thanks for watching I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Steven
Views: 1,076,923
Rating: 4.9291883 out of 5
Keywords: 3d games, unity, unity3d, devlog, devblog, steven, game development, how to make 3d games, learning how to make games, fps game, ragdolls, unity ragdolls, active ragdolls, inverse kinematics, minecraft
Id: 1mwNrMD0Lm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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