Best Python Game Wins $1000 - Game Making Challenge

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wait are you actually down to about a thousand dollars on this a thousand yeah a thousand i don't know about that it's a lot okay 500. all right no fun a thousand we'll do a thousand so i recently got into a twitter argument with fellow game developer bargy and what better way to settle these things than with violence [Music] okay maybe there's a better solution hey are you busy today uh no not really why okay good click this link oh god okay one bullet what what does this mean okay that's our theme best python game wins a thousand dollars we have 10 hours wait go one bullet the first thing that comes to my mind are the late game levels from astro barrier on club penguin you have a very limited number of bullets that you need to use both cleverly and precisely so i think i'm going to expand on that idea and make a puzzle shooter game you get one bullet per level with the objective of taking out all the enemies and i'll probably have things like walls that bounce your bullet back to you kind of a big undertaking for 10 hours but i think i can pull it off if i just focus on a few basic mechanics that i can make a handful of levels with so here's a bullet it's actually just a square that moves up let's put the bullet in its own class now we can make a shooter that creates new bullets at its position when a key is pressed and then let's make the shooter move left and right with the arrow keys let's see the game all right basically you can move with the arrow keys and then when you press space you shoot bullets and then like the bullets are going to bounce back and then you can collect them you know what it reminds me of what uh look in the look in the discord all right all right wait dude where's your game anyway my game dude i'm in the car right now you said corn snakes right oh i get it nice one dude like corn snakes because python can also mean a snake oh yeah yeah no i was i was joking yeah uh yeah okay so how's your game doing um you know what i just i realized um yeah i i have to go what well guess i won't be needing this anymore all right so as it turns out apparently python is a programming language i loaded up the pie game darks which i must say are the ugliest docks i've ever seen but after putting on my green light filter glasses i managed to get a window rendering on the screen nothing in the window though so my idea is to have a character who can only move using recoil they have a shotgun that propels them in the opposite direction to the directions they shoot easy enough right well they'll only have a single bullet so each time they shoot they'll have to aim towards a bullet pick up else they will die making it a whole lot harder this wouldn't be difficult enough on its own though so i'm going to add falling obstacles from the sky that you'll have to dodge i got to work on rendering sprites of the screen i made a placeholder in illustrator it may not look like much but with the back and stuff this square is pretty much ready to be moved scaled and rotated at will such as this gravity i implemented so it's probably time to move on to the game so i made some art for the shooter which is now a slingshot and the bullet which is now a rock here's how it looks in game but i'm pretty sure our theme is one bullet not 267 billion 258 million 243 459 bullets so now we just have one rock and if it goes off screen the game resets i think it's time for some enemies so let's kill two birds with one stone and make a level loading system that adds new enemies to a list based on the current level and then a win state that loads the next level once all the enemies have been removed from the list which happens on collision with the projectile and there we go now we can kill two birds with one stone i got to work on a shotgun sprite in illustrator inspired by kurzgazak i was super proud of this until i imported into the engine and um why why is it so ugly realizing i was making very slow progress i decided to leave it for the time being and deem it good enough next i got to work on the player in illustrator imported into my game and gave it these creepy eyes that follow the cursor i experimented with a couple colors until i found the combination that looked the best after a couple of hours rest i got back and started to work on the player movement it basically works by finding the vector between the player's current position and the cursor position and then multiplying the entire thing by negative one it then zeros the player's velocity and adds the vector from before to it this gave a super nice feeling result so i moved on next i got to work on creating a system for rendering lots of sprites of the screen at once i intended to use this for the falling obstacle spawning so i shelved it for later as there was still a couple of things left to do have you ever been to a situation where you're doing a 1 000 game dev competition with your friend you send you an ip logger then ddos is your web connection which prevents you from accessing stack overflow probably right well worry no more you can protect yourself from internet criminals with surfsharkvpn or maybe you've googled a bunch of python coding questions only to get an ad for a baby vault python on sale for 99. kinda creepy but with surfshark you can stop websites from tracking your info and selling targeted ads to you did someone break into your email and change your twitter profile picture to the young version of mr o'hare from the lorax to mock your questionable curtin hairstyle well not anymore with surfshark's alert id protection you'll get an alert when someone tries to log into your email but best of all how many times does your weird british friend flex on you with his uk exclusive netflix sitcoms well xero if you're using surf shark it allows you to watch region lock content not available in your area so if you want both protection and freedom online click the link in the description and use code polymars for both 83 off and 3 months of completely free service surfshark offers a 30 day money back guarantee so there's no risk to try it out for yourself thanks so much to surf shark because if i don't win this competition this video will probably be very expensive time to add a new mechanic to our bird murdering simulator the box i modeled it after this electricity box thing i don't really know what it does though oh anyway it reflects the rock back towards you letting you pick it up again with your slingshot which i think will make for some interesting puzzles the last thing i want to do is cure these paralytic birds by giving them the ability to move so i made left facing and right facing sprites which are kinda cursed anyways when creating a bird you can now set it to be moving and specify its speed starting direction and distance oh also i made them look more like actual birds using real life for reference it's just over the halfway mark now and i was getting more confident i'd be able to finish in time i started to work on the bullet power up which would replace the player's shotgun shell this was pretty easy to implement once a player shoots negate a bullet and when they hit a power up add a bullet and regenerate the power up i then added some ui to tell you how many bullets you had left and that's kind of the finished game of course we still had the falling obstacles to add but just to be safe i decided to add a game loop first so i added a main menu and a restart sequence if you go below the screen soon after though i added in the falling enemies and all that was left to do was polish so i tried to start coming up with levels got distracted and added some grass and now i'm thinking i still don't have enough mechanics to actually make good levels so i'm going to add one more obstacle an electric shock that travels along the power cables and destroys your rock on collision just gotta steal some movement code from the bird write an if statement and there we go now let's make some levels [Music] bro nobody wants to watch your time lapse can we just please move on the final thing left to do to my game was add polish so i started by creating a particle system and rendering an explosion effect at the end of the gun when they shoot then i added the high score which is just stored in the csv file in the game directory probably not the most secure of things but oh well it was literally 2am finally i added in sound effects and music and the game was done all right i'm actually in a pretty good position with 10 finished levels and an hour to spare so i'm going to add some ui to show how many shots you've taken and what level you're on here it is in action and to finish things up i added a title and end screen and a splash screen wait why doesn't it say poly mars on the splash screen well surprise mrs is our special guest expert special guest expert game developer judge is going to be raiding our games he won't know whose game is whose and he also won't know about our tiny little bet that seems like it would be a pretty heavy burden to place on his decision check out his channel he makes awesome videos and has a challenge series that you'll probably like if you enjoy this video anyway we're done with the game with 10 minutes left wait sound effects okay i think we're actually done now do you want to see my game oh yeah send it in the chat okay i'll send it over now okay dude what the hell okay thank god this is your actual game bro who is cutie girl gamer dude no no that's that that's that's so the bullets you can collect bring your trash at this you're literally trying to defend the bullet should be pretty spot on with the boxes but hey what happened to your game wait it just crashed wait all right i'm going to send you my paypal dude i'm so good at this game it's unbelievable dude you're popping off right now bro oh my god how am i so good at this [Music] oh my god you got this oh my god bro what what type of game are you having me play all right enough of our shenanigans i think it's time for our special guest expert special to game developer judge hey what's up on mrs i make horror games and youtube videos and now i'm going to be playing these games by polymars and who else bargy this is two birds one stone [Music] okay line up and hit [Music] okay do i have one shocker level okay oh okay i like how i don't even need like tutorials uh and then i have to hit these two okay now i have to start over okay that's kind of annoying i kind of wish everything moved faster except the birds all right and uh okay now i get to start over again okay there we go [Music] uh what so i don't hit that okay i don't understand the logic behind these graphics to be honest okay oh okay that was cool i liked that that was fun [Music] oh [Music] oh this is good oh come on okay so they have giant boxes [Music] government destroyed shots for you okay i like the mechanics there's definitely a lot of jank in the the movement and the hip box sizing should always err on the side of making hitboxes extremely forgiving for the player i think but i like the i like the puzzle designs and the bass mechanics a lot okay so i fall okay and when i shoot i move and i'm limited oh and i can't clip off screen wish everything went full screen oh now i'm dead okay and i can't hit any of the objects oh oh i do go off screen though and every time okay come on all right now yeah i can't click off screen here so it's very easy to get stuck oh yep just hit it again is it is this a pie game thing where it's like hard to make hit boxes work okay um i i like i think the mechanics go i don't think it really works as a like endless survival mode i think this would be funner if it was more like a platformer where you had specific pre-built levels and like define obstacles to um overcome i like the movement or the yeah the movement system with the gun and collecting bullets to get through obstacles but it doesn't really work on a small screen like this because it's so easy to click off and like if i get to the side here i can't really do anything i'm like kind of stuck if i end up over here and then again the hitboxes were an issue but i mean i like the base mechanic system of shooting the move that's pretty fun after mrs sent over his gameplay i asked him to tell us his favorite and when he sent his response i waited to open it with bargy all right [Music] okay bargy told me he sent the money i just want to quickly verify it oh shoot a thousand dollars in my balance let's go wait rematch wait what do you mean by rematch i'm just proposing you know a little rematch but this time instead of using the puny python programming language you're doing c plus you think you could beat me if you used c plus plus are you joking or something you're terrible all of your games have memory leaks you
Channel: PolyMars
Views: 766,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: polymars, game dev challenge, $1000, best game wins $1000, pygame, pygame jam, $1000 game dev challenge, gmtk, game jam, gmtk game jam, game dev, indie dev, 24 hours, i made a game, two birds one stone, buckshot, barji, miziziziz, learning pygame, pygame game, indie game devlog, winner gets $1000, $1000 game jam, 2 game devs vs $1000, game making challenge, $1000 game making challenge, $1000 gamedev challenge, gamedev, best c++ game wins $1000 - game making challenge
Id: PC_pAgJopIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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