I Made the Easiest Game Ever

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i have 48 hours to create a game but i can only use this free art kit what could possibly go wrong ok let me give you some backstory mrs is a game development youtuber has a series where he challenges different game developers to make a game using the same art kit following the idea of this series he hosted a game jam where everybody had 48 hours to make a game using the same art kit this was the art kit i decided to enter let's begin as soon as i saw this i had an idea okay i didn't actually have an idea but after staring at this tile set for six hours i think i i have an idea i'm pretty sure this is yoda so after spending the first eight hours of the game jam figuring out what to do for the next 40 hours of the game jam i actually had an idea finally i wanted to create a survival game where you try and survive on a deserted island but there are waves of monsters that come out and try to kill you so basically you collect resources try and build a shelter and then when the waves roll around you try to survive using the sprite sheet i designed a little island i like how it turned out visually so this was the style i decided to roll with i say like i had a choice now that we had a very simple engine running it was time to add a weapon i know what you're thinking deserted island you'll probably have some cool craftable weapons like wooden swords bows and arrows throwable rocks nah i just i just went with this gun i added in an axe as well which will be the first tool that the player can use i added in a shooting mechanic and now it was time to add the first enemy zombies my plan at this stage was just to make a zombie survival game if i ran out of time so that's why i went with zombies first the ai for the zombies is pretty simple they're given a random speed within a set range so some zombies may be faster than others and all they do is move towards the player whilst avoiding obstacles i added in a health bar heart bar health health system health i added in health we weren't doing too bad for time considering it took me three years to come up with an idea so i decided to start adding some survival elements with your racks you can chop down trees to get wood and use this wood to build a base this was the first survival element i added this was fun to play with you could basically build a base and hide from the zombies or so you think zombies can actually eat through the wood since this was the most basic survival element i didn't want to make it to op but it can help early game also if you're wondering about the zombie blood splatter i couldn't find any blood splatter in the art kit so i just went with whatever this is and colored it red trees now drop saplings which can be used to replant trees since your wooden bases won't last forever a constant supply of wood is required now the game had an attack element a building element and a farming element pretty cool i added in some chickens if you lose health you can get some food from these guys an important thing to add to the game was a more solidified wave system originally i thought about making this game endless so the scoring would be based off how many waves you could survive however since in this game if you wanted to you could just camp i just decided to make it a total of seven waves you need to survive to win the game to get a higher score you must be actively killing enemies which gives players less incentive to just camp the wave system was pretty simple if a wave was active the game would spawn enemies if a wave was not active the game would not spawn enemies i know many beginner programmers and game developers may not understand the complexity of this system but that's okay you can always subscribe to my channel to learn more about game development and advanced systems like this one it was time to create more monsters i didn't just want zombies to be the only enemy in the game so i added some new enemies including little zombies basically these guys are like normal zombies but smaller and faster so they're harder to hit but also take less time to kill than normal zombies giant zombies basically these guys are like normal zombies but bigger and slower they also do more damage and take longer to kill than normal zombies i also added in a skeleton enemy who is very similar to the normal zombie he's just a little faster does a little more damage and takes a little longer to kill than a normal zombie here are some enemies that i never used this ghost enemy was going to be able to fly through obstacles and this lava enemy was going to be able to shoot projectiles these are two enemies that would have been cool after the third wave you get a pickaxe you can use the pickaxe to mine stone get cobblestone and then use the cobblestone to build a more solid base the game was basically finished so i decided to take the next 10 hours off big mistake the game was nowhere near finished and we only had under 5 hours to submit first things first i wanted a hotbar this way at least the player knew what item they were using and what items are available to use after adding in some sound effects and finalizing everything the game was complete and it was not the best game i've ever made it was the second best game i've ever made no in all honesty game jams are about having fun and learning and that's what happened i enjoyed making this game and i enjoyed participating in my second ever game jam if you want to check out the game for yourself there is a link in the description but before we end the video i'm gonna play the game you probably won't survive so um will i survive let's find out so as you can see the main menu has a variety of different options all right let's begin let's play and here we go so obviously to start we need to chop down some trees you you've been watching this video you know how to play this so i'm really happy that i went through with putting a putting a hot bar system in even though it isn't the best hot bar system in the world it's the second best hot bar system in the world it just helps with the game so we're going to start by building a base and i'm not sure if i want to camp this game or if i want to uh actually fight some zombies but we'll see okay wave starting the issue with wood is it's so easy to be broken um all right let's do that that that overall there's a lot more things that i want to add to the game it was literally only for a 48-hour game jam so of course it's not going to be the most insane game in the world but uh there are a lot of things that i do want to add so would you guys be interested in seeing me uh work on this game a bit more wave complete easy i could work on this game a bit more maybe uh make it a proper full game let me know if you're interested yeah this game is super easy if you if you just want to um camp but i think it's more fun to try to go for the high score and try to get some kills uh nice wave complete i'm looking forward to the end of the next wave so we can finally get our pickaxe you know i'm going to start planting some trees because i've got 22 saplings to use build up our defense yo i i just realized the trees actually grow pretty quick my bad so what we're going to try to do is we're going to try creating some pathways to actually shoot the enemies so we can get our score up like for this guy he's going to be able to come straight through once he gets that wood but oh god this is a bad idea this is a bad idea i'm cornering myself i'm pretty sure the wave's almost over anyway there we go and now we've got a pickaxe so uh we can really get this game going so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna use this wave to get all as much cobblestone as i can and then i'm gonna make a sick fortress in the middle of the map so that's our that's our game plan all right i didn't get a chance to mine as much cobblestone as i wanted to but that's fine what we can do is we can just uh take this round off yeah enemies can't get through cobblestone so a bit of an op trick i don't know what you think you're going to try and do but you won't you're not going to be able to do it look at him he's trying to figure out a way in but he's not going to be able to figure it out all right we've got quite a lot of cobblestone now we should probably uh start thinking about building a base we will do it uh after this wave though you know i'm talking about building a base but i've got a pretty good uh pretty decent setup going on right here to be honest in the midst of all this stone it's a nice little setup look you got all your enemies that come here all you have to do is a little trick like this so if i put a cobblestone there and the cobblestone there and the cobblestone may be there and then i chop this cobblestone up look at this look at this oh well that would have been cool but yeah i'm pretty happy staying here to be honest i got a chicken uh stuck in the wall this is uh looking nice oh god okay nice you know what we're actually going to make a uh another enemy pathway here so something like oh god we're wasting precious scoring time here so what we'll do is we'll get that there and then maybe one more yeah that that should work i can't reach i can't reach so never mind here you guys will just have to come through here then should i should i do a hole oh no bad idea bad idea bad idea this is actually quite terrifying nice wave complete and they were all just gone my base is looking like a bit of a mess but that's cool that's cool you know what we're going to uh we're going to give him a door if they can figure out to get through this wooden door here they deserve to come attack me that's all i'm saying so i'm just going to chill at the back here and uh i'm going to plant a nice tree oh there he is there he is you see him the big dude there oh god i think i think one of them has actually figured out how to get through the door if you can get through this door now i'm gonna be impressed i've just realized i have 308 cobblestone oh god and i'm dying oh no no no no no no no no no no no so that happened so that is uh you probably won't survive anyway guys that's gonna do it thank you for watching peace you
Channel: BadGameDev
Views: 951,852
Rating: 4.9513602 out of 5
Keywords: BadGameDev, I Made A Game, Game Development, Game Dev, Game Making, Game Maker Studio 2, Unity, Godot, Making A Game, I Made a Zombie Survival Game, Game Jam, Miz Game Jam, Miziziziz, Four Game Developers, Four Game Developers Jam Off the Same Art Kit, Zombie survival game, Making a game in 48 hours, I made a game in 48 hours, How to Make a Game, I Made the Easiest Game Ever, I Made the Hardest Game Ever, World's Hardest Game, World's Easiest Game, GameMaker Studio 2
Id: tKcKL1QJMuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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