I couldn't afford Superhot VR, so I made it myself

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recently I've been playing a lot of VR games however one VR game I haven't been playing is superhot VR you know the games the red guys in the coleslaw motion and there's a very simple reason for that I can't afford it and saw was just sitting there one day you know not playing super hot when I realized wait a minute I can sorta make games why don't I just make super hot myself and so I did [Music] Oh yell let's get into it so the first thing I did was open up unity and create a new project because I'm using unity for this then I installed the steamvr plugin Singh for VR support and set up a little scene this is a little scene I then made the scene a bit bigger and got to work on adding some basic shooting mechanics because super has this so I opened up blender and loosely followed the shape of the superhot pistol because modeling is hard a short while later I had a nice chunky pistol sangwich I then imported into unity or subscripts for picking it up and yes looking pretty good you can pick up the gun throw the gun juggle guns and that's pretty cool except that well it doesn't really function as a gun so I got to work on adding some basic shooting I model the simple bullying in blender and then added a trail to it to create the superhot bullet scene then I programmed a pretty simple script to fire and hissing the stuff added some particle effects and bam murder that is it would be murder if these cube scenes were alive so let's have some enemies this part was actually pretty quick as I happened to have a low poly human model from my last video and well meet Jeffrey he's a Red Boy enjoys long walks on the beach and is paralyzed from the forehead down obviously he's not very exciting currently so let's make him move so back to blender it is I spent a couple minutes animating a mansion show together some pretty nice animations then I exported them into unity and set up a very basic enemy controller script to make two enemies shoot out the player very very basic the enemies just kind of rotate while the bullets make seemingly impossible maneuvers towards the player because that's how aiming works but hey it works and I was too lazy to set up a proper solution so yeah it's good enough then to get it to run around I just use a unity navmesh system to pass fine to the player while playing the running animation which surprisingly worked pretty well and finally I added some code to handle getting Shaw and made the enemy ragdoll and death and drop its weapon pretty cool except if you've played superhot before you've probably noticed one big difference between this game and superhot besides the fact that this game is dooty that's right it's a shattering in superhot whenever syncs Collider enemies died they shattered but in my game they don't and the reason why is actually very simple it's because I find ragdolls to be very funny and you can't have a rag doll if everything you touch get smashed to bits and also now that the enemies are rag dolling I decided to run within allowed the player to grab enemies because tell me this isn't the most entertaining gameplay you've ever seen but I also didn't want the game to be completely devoid of shattering so just for fun I added some shattering windows because [ __ ] you Jeffrey and now pretty much every mechanic of the game is implemented and mostly working that is excessive the main defining feature of the game the slow-motion so I implemented that but first I should probably explain what it is in case you haven't played superhot before basically in superhot the main concept of the game is that time stops when you stop moving so to implement this what I did was just track the location of the hands and head and checked if their velocity crossed a certain threshold using some spooky mass then when they do I smoothly interpolate the time scale down to get that nice smooth slow-mo effect I also added some post-processing effects to get a bit more visual feedback that the player is in slow motion and it looks pretty nice but it's a tad jank as slowing the time scale also messes with some physics and object velocities and if you for example throw something in slow-motion and then go back to normal speed this happens but I thought this is pretty hilarious so I kept it in as a feature and now the gameplay is complete with that out of the way I started working on level design and designed a level I also added one or two melee weapons because I wanted to by this point the game is nearly finished now I just have to add the level of progression system and I'll be done now the way super how it works is that in each level you start off in a certain location and can't move until we've brewed early murdered all the red boys at that location then this thing appears and when you grab the you teleport to the next part of the level where you beat up more red boys I implemented this with what I think is a pretty decent solution basically I first set up the teleportation points with each stage of the level which managed teleporting the player around then I had to add enemies which seemed pretty simple at first and I thought I could just drag them into the level or something except that that means that they would all instantly start attacking the player the second the level started instead of at their designated stage so I set up a little system where the enemies only spawned when they're needed at the designated spawn locations which is triggered by the player teleporting then it was just a matter of counting how many enemies are still alive and adding the teleport block to move on one all did and last of all I added dying for the player and set up a system to reset the level back to the beginning if the player gets hit and yeah it all worked pretty well it's not very pretty but Beauty takes effort and I'm not a fan of effort but yeah that's pretty much it here is the entirety of knockoff superhot VR in Aulis Genki broken glory [Music] and we said the project was finished I had successfully created really jank superhot but I think it turned out pretty well or at least better than I thought it would it doesn't look too hot but personally I think the gameplay more than makes up for that but maybe I'm just weird but what's that I'm gonna end the video because I've run out of things to talk about so smash like smash sub accidentally smash your computer monitor while ez VR I'm out see you in the next one
Channel: Steven
Views: 2,588,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game dev, indie game, superhot vr, i made superhot vr, how to make a game, how to make vr games, unity, unity3d, game development, devlog, steven, recreating superhot vr, superhot game, making games, i made a game, i learned how to make 3d games in one week, java, c#, game programming, game design, steamvr unity, minecraft, unity slow motion, how to make superhot vr, how to make a game in vr, unreal engine, godot, unity programming, make a 3d game, i made a game in 48 hours
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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