Making Of: "Handies Man" - Brackeys GameJam 2021.1

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Hey, I am Jelle, And Last week, I joined the legendary Brackeys GameJam! With over 10.000 people joining and only 7 days time, I knew I had to make something special to stand out! So I did what I did best and started writing down a bunch of ideas! I was writing so hard I dropped my pen! It was at that exact moment I knew what I was going to make my game about! Let’s make a game about Fingers working together! Alright, I knew I had great idea and plenty of time, so I… euh… I’ll start soon! I have time, time, time! I have plenty of… Ohoh.. Yeah, so hmmmm, it’s Friday evening and I haven’t done anything yet, and the game has to be done by Sunday at noon! Not that I’m worried of course, I am an expert at last minute extreme speed game-making! I started writing down a plan of attack, listing all the things I wanted to do and went right into the main attraction: the 3D hand model. First I was going to make like an actual hand, but then I would have had to rig it up and spent all this time on weight painting, and I got no time for that! So a robot hand it is! This also means I can just parent the different parts to each other so I don’t even have to rig it up! Okey so I’ve got this cool hand model, but what is the game going to be about? Well, let me explain! The robots have taken over the world! But there is all this human technologies left and it’s your task to learn how to control these ancient technologies, like buttons! You do this by moving each finger separately and hitting a button to get some points! It’s like the Turing test. Be careful! You only want to use the correct ones to push the button, because you never know what might happen if you press the wrong button! Also, I promise it will be easier to lift your ring finger in the game than in real life, I mean, I can’t get it up for the life of me! As the sun went down, I knew I had to lock in the controls tonight! So I got to work and added the fingers into Unity, gave each segment a collider and a rigid body to apply some physics to it! Well, now it’s just a floppy finger, no one is going to hit anything with that… But luckily, I can use our trusty configurable joints to help me here, I set the target rotations to 0 and now The finger tries his very best to stay up right! The next step was making it controllable, I was planning to use a key on the keyboard for every finger, and since there is just pressed and not-pressed on the keyboard, I made 2 finger states: Straight and curled, you would start out curled up and when you press you finger on the correct key, the finger would straighten out! Then, I added all the other fingers and connected them to the hand! finally I added a way to push the hands forward to go push stuff! all you have to to is press space and swoosh, hands go forward! Time for the first demo! Yes, great, hmm, wonderful! I can get the hang of this in no time! Alright, that was a productive evening, hand controls done!, see you tomorrow hand! Day 2! Let’s go! The first things I made were the buttons, to… you know press, pretty important! I added a push trigger and lined them up, one for each finger, I left the thumbs out because I quickly realised it’s impossible to press the thumb keys and space at the same time, also there’s a limit to how many keys you can press at the same time apparently, who would have known that?? I added a scoring system where you would get 5 seconds to push a button and get more points per push the faster you are, and when you’re to late, you would loose a whopping 500 points! It’s feeling pretty good right now, but I’ve gotten so good at the game, that it has become a little to simple for my taste, and you can also just stay forward and press the buttons like that, hmmmmm… Perfect! Let’s add a lever you need to pull, so instead of just clicking, now you can go forwards with your fingers, let go above the levers and go back! And tadaaa, you pulled a lever! But this only works if you have both fingers in place, because you know, “stronger together”. and with that the inputs were also done! Looking at my list, there was still a lot to do, so I couldn’t hesitate! Everything was working, but the background looked kind of boring…. I went into blender, destroyed the default cube, added another one and started shaping the control panel! I tried all kinds of things, but the panels kept looking too busy, I wanted something cool, but not something that would distract the players. In the end I went with something like this: nice and simple, a little gradient texture, a couple of buttons and a nice score display! I ran the game again and noticed a giant gamebreaking problem, you had to go forwards with your fingers to go and grab a lever, but that also meant you would push the buttons above! did this mean I had to rework the entire system, with less then 24hrs to go?? No of course not, my giant master brain came up with a great idea! Right now you get points from pulling levers just like the buttons, but what if I added a little retractable part behind the buttons that would randomly retract! Then you would have to use the levers to pull them back! Amazing! This brings the game to a whole new level of awesomeness! I played this version for ever! Well, hmmm, that’s a problem actually… there is no way to loose right now… you can get negative points, but that’s it… I added a life system represented by these bright bulbs. Every time you press a wrong button, or wait too long, you would lose a life! ooof… well, it suddenly became a lot harder… Perfect! All this pressing and pulling was pretty fun, but I needed some tunes and sound effects to spice it up! I got my iPad and started jamming, making something that resembles a fun tune with some autoplay loops, easy win! For the sound effects I went to my library and found the perfect sounds, well after a little bit of tweaking of course! It was already so late in the evening, well, technically it was Sunday already, so I went to bed, leaving the last do do’s and the finishing touches for Sunday morning! As the sun rose up, and looked at the beautiful sunrise, I realised my game really ended a lighting makeover, I added an hdri and some lights, together with some color correction, the game looked much better! I made a start screen and drew a control scheme image in 30 seconds, wow, such art…. Threw it in and built the game, took some screenshots, made an epic cover image and submitted the game right on time! That’s the end of the checklist, woohooow!! Now, let’s take a look what it has become! Thanks for watching everyone, be sure to like and subscribe if you liked what you saw and want to see more in the future You can play the game now on, through the link below. Some people say it’s pretty hard and I have one thing to say to them, get good! And I’ll see you guys next time, where I’ve really got to clean the mess I made this time…. Bye!
Channel: Jelle Vermandere
Views: 137,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jelle, Vermandere, how, to, make, unity3D, blender, gamedev, indiegame, game, 3D
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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