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it's the first really cold day in a long time look at the amount of ice on the side of this [Music] [Music] [Music] tent [Laughter] I'd really H that this machine would be better in the extreme cold I don't know if it's because it was like - 35 - 36 overnight this isn't good I'm going to give it another try okay it's not happening I don't know if that's going to work but uh I think if I just leave it plugged in here for maybe like a half hour sit in this warm truck it's so cold out there that uh this might do the trick we are experiencing the first cold snap uh this winter which I'm really thankful for but this is what happens right you start to run into [Music] [Music] problems [Music] [Applause] there's a lot of tracks going straight up to the tent very cold outside right now and uh I can really feel it I can really feel the cold today it's the first really cold day in a long time and uh it feels great great man it feels amazing to finally have this I've waited for so long I'm just so thankful that it's this darn cold outside I got to get this wood stove going right away wow he doesn't want to do it there we go okay that's going to be a nice tool for starting fires in the winter and in the the extreme [Music] cold there's a crazy amount of steam in this tent right now it's nuts there's some snow coming down from the opening in in the tent and uh it's landing on the stove creating an insane amount of steam and the colder it is outside the more pronounced something like this is right like if it was only 0° or at the melting point or at the freezing point I should say it wouldn't be nearly the steamy but because it's so cold this is the effect that you get you can see it's just steaming all around me like crazy all of my stuff is freezing now all of my food is turning to Rock cuz it's -30 in here it does not take long for things to freeze so I really want to get the temperature up nice and fast because I don't want to be dealing with a bunch of Frozen things like frozen PFF and Frozen mayonnaise and Frozen potatoes there's a lot of snow on top of the roof right now and I'm going to leave it there it's going to provide all kinds of great insulation but at the end of the trip when I go back home I'm going to beat all the snow off so that way I'm not putting my tent at risk of getting ripped cuz snow is heavy man it's heavy stuff let's see if this propane is Flowing nope there's quite a bit of propane left in this canister so I'm just going to put it near the wood stove let it get up to temperature get [Music] okay that made a [Music] difference [Applause] [Laughter] amazing it's about 20° C inside the tent like right around 70° F that to me is perfect right that's a perfect temperature let's see what the temperature is on the [Music] floor currently - 31 cels outside that's like minus 23 or 24 [Music] Fahrenheit [Music] a go [Applause] oh come on baby the outside of the tent is just covered in this ice now cuz it's so warm inside and it's so darn cold outside you can see all the ice building right across the tent right here [Applause] [Applause] I've learned that cooking french fries over really high heat over the propane stove is way more effective than trying to cook fries on the wood stove the wood stove needs to be so hot to cook fries and uh you just cook yourself out of the [Music] tent [Music] nice late night steak supper get some pepper on those fries get some salt little bit on the steak oh baby medium rare for sure maybe more on the rare side oh my gosh that is sweet look at the amount of ice on the side of this tent holy smokes it's crazy I like to pull the cot and sleeping bag close to the stove when it's so darn cold outside I just have to do it I need to be close to the heat it's okay over here but it can get really really cold next to this wall so I'm going to bring the Cod over and that will mean I'll have a nice comfortable sleep another reason why I like being so close to the stove is that I don't have to get all the way out of bed when I'm loading it at like 4: in the morning so I'm kind of close I just kind of pop out throw some more wood in shut it down a bit and I'm good to go one of the most important things to do when loading the stove when it's so cold outside is making sure that you have a really nice solid bed of coals that's what you need a nice bed of coals Lay All Your wood on top of the bed of coals shut down your stove and you'll have a nice simmer throughout the [Music] night [Music] stove did an amazing job last night nice Slow Burn it does a really good job I have to say it does a really good job no problems and uh I uh I think I had maybe like a 6h hour burn and then I reloaded it this morning before the sun came up and then I cranked it a bit and the temperature and the tent went way up like to 30° C up high it was 30° right here oh the warmth was right up against my back it was amazing it was amazing just like the stove just kind of like hugged me back to sleep oh what a great feeling it was I think there's a 0% chance this thing is starting [Music] nope not a chance does anyone know the science behind this this is something that I've noticed recently when I'm melting pots of snow on the stove the pot just goes crazy man just go and it'll do it pretty much until it's just [Music] water [Music] okay this is like inches of ice it's I left myself in a situation here I decided I would leave the snow on for extra insulation because it's so cold and in the end it resulted in a mountain of ice all along the side of the tent it's really really thick like that's like 2 to 3 Ines thick right there okay it's been about 20 minutes let's [Music] see well that's not good I'm on a huge cheese whiz kick right now can't get enough it's been years since I've had cheese whz and now that I bought a bottle I just want to eat it all up amazing I think the battery is junk and I think the battery needs to be replaced I've had this plugged in for almost 2 hours now and I'm getting an indication that the engine block is up to temperature this light right here was yellow then it started flashing green and now it's completely green this is not good it's getting dark out already I got to get back into town and I'm sitting here with a [Music] dud I don't want to melt anything down here but hopefully those coals will be warm enough to heat everything up in here if I don't get her started soon I'm [Applause] walking come on baby let's go let's go let's go oh fingers crossed that did the trick it's worked for me before I don't know I have another trick if that one doesn't work but here it goes oh he wanted to start [Laughter] yes boil water on a battery works every time works every time wow all right that's it for this video I'm going going home it's late enough that was a great little Adventure at the end there I love testing myself and that was a good little test that battery has got to go it is no good anyway I hope you guys like this video I had a great time thanks so much for watching I'll be back really soon am
Channel: jay legere
Views: 690,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Extreme cold, ice tent, severe cold, dangerous camping, jay legere, snowmobile, skidoo, tent, wall tent, canvas tent, hot tent, extreme hot tent
Id: 7LrXpN50MKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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