Rain, Storms and Snow - Forced to Seek Shelter - Storm Camping Adventure

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this is what the warning says everyone at 2 51 PM Eastern Standard Time expect damage to roofs siding and trees where right here [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign welcome to this episode of the outdoor gear review this is going to be a very interesting trip for this week's Adventure we're out here at Lone Wolf Mountain and here in a few minutes I will be setting up the dod eshi one pole tent this is going to be somewhat of a testing grounds episode let me explain to you all what's going on to make a long story short there is an episode that I recommend that you watch it involves the dod Outdoors ishi one pole tent and the response that I received from the company after I waterproof tested their product and it failed this is a TP tent it's a good sized tent it's fairly inexpensive initially I was very impressed with it but once I brought it out here to Lone Wolf Mountain to waterproof test it in a test Night episode the tent failed miserably it leaked from at least two locations when I can figure out when I can't one is a mystery in the episode where I go over the dod Outdoors response in a nutshell they said this they believed that the version of the tent that I had was a counterfeit or possibly like a factor three second it had some sort of quality control issue they thought that the seller who sold it to me on eBay was basically selling a malicious product they knew that it had some sort of problem and that's why it failed and because of this they sent me a brand new tint to waterproof test that's what this episode is all about do I believe that the initial version was a counterfeit do I believe that it had some sort of like Factory second issue or maybe someone used it and abused it and then sold it to me I do not and I'll go into as why I don't think that here in just a little bit for now let's get the tent out let's go ahead and set it up this is the brand new version straight from the factory according to DOD Outdoors as it stands right now I do not have much time there is rain on the way in fact the weather for this trip is going to be very very interesting take a look at what is coming our way we are that blue dot we have lots of rain maybe some storms and potentially by tomorrow morning snow all right let's get this set up real quick everyone luckily setting up this tent is very easy foreign foreign pole tent has been set up it's ready to go it's been fully guide out it's ready for the weather I set this up to the best of my memory the same way that the previous version was set up foreign [Music] because of the previous issues that I had with this tent I'm not going to set up my bedding I'm not going to inflate my sleeping pad get out the sleeping bag nothing like that and that's because this tent is going to have to prove itself to be waterproof before I go through that much effort if I find that this tent leaks we are heading to the cabin tonight let's take a second here and let's talk about the leaking that I had with the previous version of this tent again one area I could not pinpoint the other area I knew exactly what had happened so the area that I could tell where it was leaking from was from the zipper there is a storm flap that goes over the zipper and it's about one inch wide that is not enough protection for that zipper it was obvious that rain was making it behind that storm flap through the zipper Down the Walls into the tent unfortunately DOD Outdoors did not address this aspect in my discussions with them concerning the leaking of the previous version of this tint their main claims was that this was some sort of malicious cell I have compared this tint to the previous version the version it leaked the ishi tint that I purchased was not a counterfeit in fact it came from the exact same lot as this one all of the production code codes match every aspect is exactly the same all the way down to the way that the seam tape has been applied when it comes to the secondary source of leaking I'm not entirely sure where that came from with the rain event that I was testing the tint out in it was not windy really wasn't even Breezy so it's not like the rain went through the vent or anything like that it made its way through a seam somewhere somewhere over here I believe after that test Night episode went up where the tent failed one of my viewers was in contact with DOD Outdoors through Facebook and they asked them about this tent whether or not it's waterproof the company says it is as long as you close that vent as you can see here the vent is closed and also with the testing that I did it was closed as well closed just as much as this one here anyways folks I'm not going to talk about this anymore let's see what happens again if you have any questions make sure to check out the comparison video more than likely your questions will be answered in that episode now my friends I need to begin thinking about what I want to do here hmm or maybe I want to do it this way I might do that actually I'll think about this for a second what I need to do is set up a tarp here maybe this side of the truck or the other side of the truck that way I can have a dry place to chill because rain is supposed to begin fairly soon let's check the weather real quick it is currently 50 degrees it's pretty warm everyone showers likely then showers and possibly a thunderstorm after 4 a.m chance of rain 100 percent half an inch possible tonight showers possibly a thunderstorm before 9 pm showers likely afterwards chance 100 again half an inch is possible tomorrow rain and snow showers before two then snow showers as far as accumulation goes maybe up to three inches that's about it foreign foreign as you all can see I have the tarp set up I have the long side basically blocking the wind I have this side open so I can get some good airflow if I need to I can seal up this side and even the front if I want I have a number of tarps with me so I could do just about any sort of setup that I want a few years ago everyone there was an episode I think it was an overnight Adventure where I took the tent stakes and I threw them into the ground just like I did a little bit earlier after that episode I received like the nastiest email from this woman she said that her kids were watching this and now they're throwing stuff like all over the house instead of explaining to her kids that there's a right time a right place to do things she writes me an email interesting parenting what do you all think [Applause] thank you since the weather's been so nice recently we've begun working on some spring projects at the house I have a ton of little scraps that are going to be perfect for burning what I have inside of this bag is a combination of Cedar and white pine winter weather advisory was just issued for the area starting tomorrow talking about my house I'm not sure if I mentioned this before but it was built in the 1940s by my great grandfather my father was raised by his grandparents and he grew up in that house which is very special to me not only did my dad grow up there but my kids did as well it's amazing to me as I'm working on this house with my father just how incredibly well built it was my grandfather he went out into the woods and he got what he needed to build that house some of the beams in the basement are locust posts and they've been there since 1940. how about that anyways everyone let's take a quick look at the radar it's on its way it is on its way [Applause] foreign foreign laughs foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign foreign everyone this is what's taking place a severe thunderstorm warning has been issued for this area winds at 60 miles an hour are coming I was over there on top of that Hill filming got the alert and just took off I'm hearing Thunder it's beginning to rain and I have to decide what I'm going to do real fast real fast there's nothing I could do about the tent it is what it is it's there but I have to decide about this tarp I don't have much time this is what the warning says everyone at 2 51 PM Eastern Standard Time severe thunderstorms located along a line moving at 60 miles an hour expect damage to roofs siding and trees where right here the winds are definitely picking up [Applause] you can hear it everyone there's a rush to the air It's a combination of wind and heavy rain I've got my rain pants on rain jacket on let's see what happens that is a white wall of heavy rain and it's coming in right now folks [Applause] foreign foreign as it stands my friends the storms are here it's raining it's windy but so far so good nothing close to 60 miles an hour thank God I'd say the strongest wind gusts so far maybe 25 30. you might be able to see it here but this wall is really coming in this material is taking a ton of force this entire thing is like a sail basically and it's catching all of that wind and so far so good in here I'm very well protected I am dying to know whether or not this tent is leaking all in all the rain hasn't been that heavy but it's been coming down here in a little bit we'll check the radar and see when it's going to stop we'll see if there's going to be a break in the weather and then we'll check on the tent if at all possible foreign foreign as you can likely hear it's raining rather hard at the moment it's coming down this is what I wanted as far as the test goes for this tent my plan was not to bring it out in a severe thunderstorm but in a way that does prove a good point if you're going to take a tent out into the wild it needs to be able to protect you it's super important the same goes for even a campground really you set up your tent you go to bed a storm comes in during the night there's not much you can do that's why you need a good tent and that's why I do these tests it's all about supplying information so you can make the best decision for yourself based on what I'm seeing here on the radar the severe thunderstorm basically was squashed by the mountains as it approached that is a phenomenon that takes place from time to time if you have these strong storms they come up against the mountains and they just ring themselves out like a towel so by the time they cross the mountains there's not much left so we're getting rain we're getting some Thunder but this is not a severe thunderstorm foreign [Applause] everyone it is now 408 the temperature is 48 degrees and dropping the thunderstorms have moved on but it's continued to rain strong wind gusts come and go but so far nothing too bad I have to be honest my curiosity is definitely getting to me I want to go out there open up that tent and take a look on the inside but I'm going to hold off until the rain stops that is a problem when it comes to a tent of that design there's no way to get in and out of the tent when it's raining without the inside getting soaked maybe you all can hear me I could just barely hear myself think this rain is so heavy at the moment foreign [Applause] [Applause] foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] this is nice the only bad thing is the winds are really really picking up they're getting quite strong now wind gusts around 30 miles an hour maybe a little bit higher you can now see my breath that's a good indicator that the temperature is dropping it is absolutely coming down right now quite a bit of thunder I'm seeing some flashes thank you this evening I figured I would share some of my experiences in storms namely some of the craziest lightning I've ever seen as it is right now it's raining so hard I can't even hear myself think so I'm going to eat dinner I'll shut the camera off and I'll bring you all back in just a little bit foreign thank you foreign as you all can see I'm now inside of the truck I decided to basically come in here because it's a little bit quieter it's raining so hard out there that I really can't talk to you all this is a little bit better but not a whole lot anyways still raining out there I'm seeing flashes of lightning as far as the wind goes it's pretty much calmed down which is a good thing it's really not that late so I might as well finish up my coffee it's only about 5 45 right now foreign foreign after four hours of rain it has finally ceased there's another line of showers and storms coming in while we have this break let's go ahead and check on this tent did it leak let's find out thank you okay the tent did leak the tent leaked in the exact same locations so we have moisture right here and we have moisture over here maybe you can see it better that way [Applause] and again over here let me summarize the situation here after four hours of rain the tent has leaked again in two locations one is at the door and again this goes back to that storm flap it's too small to keep the rain out and just as with the previous tent there's an issue on the other side of the tent there's something wrong here there's some sort of defect I'm not exactly sure what it is and I'm not sure where the rain's coming in at no matter what everyone this is two DOD tents one pole tents they leak plain and simple they are not waterproof for the rest of the night I am done it's going to continue raining in the morning we'll take a closer look at this tent we'll look at the leaking and we'll try to figure out what exactly has happened here one issue we know of the other issue somewhat of a mystery foreign I knew the tent was going to leak right I knew it was going to leak through that storm flap but I did not expect it to leak on the other side that was a little bit surprising I figured that was just some sort of fluke with like the initial tint that I purchased but obviously there's some sort of issue there I had high hopes for that tent but everyone that's how it goes it simply did not work out that's why we do the testing that we do and here we are in the in the cabin of Shame we had to do the Walk of Shame all the way up to the cabin the dod tent failed that's okay I'm in for a good night a comfortable night this is why we have the cabin here at Lone Wolf Mountain it's so that I can test out these tents and I don't have to be like super super uncomfortable the tent failed I can come up here to the cabin get some good sleep and then wrap it up it's now time for me to relax uh that feels good foreign foreign good morning everyone cheers let's see it is nine o'clock I've been up for a couple of hours more than anything just kind of warming up it's not all that cold but it's around I don't know 38 degrees something like that supposedly the temperature today is going to drop steadily and then it's going to snow later on tonight sounds good to me oh yeah coffee time as for last night I slept but I didn't sleep all that great that tint was on my mind for most of the night and I was thinking about like where is it leaking from and I have two theories with one being more likely than the other Theory number one is that it's leaking from two points from the zipper flap and from the vent Theory number two is that it's leaking only from the zipper flap the storm flap when I go back out there I'm going to pay close attention to that storm flap and see if there's any sort of seam tape on the inside if there's not that could be the source of leaking that would explain why we have water basically all the way around that tent as far as my testing goes with that tint I am done I'm not going to do any more two rain tests multiple setups multiple trips out I I can't test this thing out anymore it has a problem don't buy it I'm going to contact DOD outdoors and see if they would like it returned if they would like to take those samples and maybe try to figure out what's going on so they can improve the design of these tents it's going to be my recommendation to DOD Outdoors that they pull this product from the market it's simply not safe it's not waterproof a tent that's not waterproof makes no sense no sense at all I don't know if they'll pull it from the market I have no idea maybe it's a bad batch when I compared the new version to the old version it had the same lot numbers so maybe it's an issue with that lot I really don't know I have no idea it's now up to the company to figure out what's going on and to solve this issue with DOD Outdoors moving into the North American Market are they going to do what's right and pull this product for the market or are they going to continue to sell it I have no idea you never know they could always pull a palmoli and say that I'm full of and then attack me but then later apologize and then pull the product from the market what a mess do you all remember that with the stove Hut 70 let's get out there let's go take a look at that tent and let's wrap up this adventure foreign foreign [Music] has changed here the floor is wet and it's wet all over this is what I wanted to look at so we have this storm flap right here we have the stitching right here when you flip this over take a look there's no seam tape on this there's nothing to stop water from coming through those stitches it is possible that water is making its way through the vent maybe it's not seam taped either I kind of doubt that though because it's not leaking on the other side with the vent that's why I'm thinking the issues with the storm flap the stitching and the lack of seam tape in the end that's only an educated guess from this point on it's up to DOD Outdoors to figure out what the issue is I am going to recommend to the company that they pull this product from the market there is an issue here two different tints it's possible that the issues were with a specific manufacturing run or it could be a larger scale defect nonetheless this product needs to be pulled from the market as it simply cannot keep the users safe inside a tent that's not waterproof is dangerous and I have to admit it's going to be interesting to see how the company responds to this ultimately it's in their hands this has been an interesting test a second test of the dod Outdoors ishi one pole tent from this point forward I am done with this tent unless the company does something to change it make sure to comment down below so share your thoughts what do you all think about this tent what do you all think about the failures again this tent failed in the exact same locations the exact same places as the version that I purchased a special thank you goes out to DOD Outdoors for sending me this tent unfortunately it failed just as the other did the sun's out it's snowing it's sleeting and it is so incredibly muddy folks this is a mess I tell you what I'm going to begin packing up the truck breaking everything down I am done I'm not gonna mess with this you could hardly walk on it it's as slick as ice and it's just pure mud I appreciate you all joining me for this trip it has been fun talk about interesting right hopefully this episode will do some good hopefully the company will take this off of the market redesign it we'll take a look at it together in the future everyone thank you so much for joining me for this trip I appreciate you all I want to say strength and honor be good be safe I will see you all around again soon bye folks [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: TheOutdoorGearReview
Views: 611,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, camper, camp, cooking, survival, surviving, survived, wild, wilderness, woods, mountain, offgrid, off the grid, adventure, winter, Ice, cold, weather, Backpacking, winter camping, off grid, forest, winter camp, truck camp, truck camping, thunderstorm, Truck camping in a rain storm, truck camp thunderstorm, rain camping in truck, toyota tundra camping, rain truck camp, big tent, truck tent, DOD Outdoors, DODOutdoors, DOD Outdoors Ichi One Pole Tent, Ichi One Pole Tent, Off Grid cabin
Id: SGnO56QjJ_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 37sec (2677 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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