Thunderstorm Camping in a HUGE Motorcycle Tent - Lone Rider Overnight Adventure

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[Applause] thank you foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] foreign foreign foreign foreign this my friends is pretty sweet this is a motorcycle tent made by lone Rider many of my viewers are motorcycle riders and I've received over the years tons and tons of requests to test out this tent so here we are for a car camping tent that's how I'm going to use it I'm pretty impressed I like this quite a bit it's a double wall tint you have these two huge awnings there's two ways to enter the tent you can go in from the side or the back side as far as the conditions go it is now raining it's been kind of just spitting just a little bit all day by the way everyone my name is Luke this is the Outdoor Riverview and this is going to be a very wet adventurer good now this is pretty sweet my friends I took this awning here and I attached it to the Land Cruiser I used some DOD tarp hooks I'm not really sure exactly what they're called I had to import these from Japan they attach perfectly to the Land Cruiser and they allowed me to easily attach the awning to the truck with the awning being attached to the vehicle I can get all the contents out of the vehicle and into my tent and everything will stay dry foreign foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] I'm going to take a pull here and just lift this awning just a little bit angle it so the water will dissipate [Applause] foreign foreign as far as the time goes it's almost three o'clock in the afternoon the temperature it's fairly chilly it's around 40 degrees this is a cold rain the low tonight is around 33 degrees almost to freezing [Applause] cheers my friends cheers hopefully you all can hear me it's uh coming down pretty good with this campsite here I am a little bit conflicted like it's really nice it's a beautiful spot but there is garbage everywhere I thought about not showing it I thought about not talking about it but it is what it is when you go out in the middle of nowhere oftentimes unfortunately this is what you're going to find pretty disgusting I will clean all of it up before I leave though I'll leave this spot in better shape than I found it it's what you have to do sometimes the good people have to make up for the bad that's how life is that's how life goes cheers to the good people [Applause] while I was making coffee I went ahead and I set up the Wii boost and it's doing exactly as it should it's giving me just a little bit of cell phone service the radar is slowly loading here but we are that blue dot and all of that moisture is coming this way later on tonight one two inches of rain is going to fall already a good half an inch Has Fallen this is like I mentioned before going to be a wet trip and I tell you what I'm having a blast already anytime that you go out for a trip and it doesn't matter if it's a car camping trip backpacking trip there's going to be aspects that you simply do not know you don't know how things are going to go there's always aspects that you can't plan for you do the best you can but nothing's ever going to be perfect for an example with this trip like the location is nice but the slope of the terrain here is not that great not for a camp setup like this but it's one of those things where this was my option or the best option that I could find in a reasonable amount of time maybe it'll storm later tonight maybe it won't maybe it's going to rain really hard maybe it won't will this tent leak there are so many variables that you can't see and also there's so many variables that you can't control that's one thing that I find so enticing about the outdoors I just want to see what's going to happen you know what I mean [Applause] taking a second to talk about the Land Cruiser just in case you didn't see the previous episode this is a 1992 Japanese Land Cruiser straight from Japan in the previous episode I took this thing out for its maiden voyage and I went over all of the features of this truck for the most part some I'm still learning actually it has 129 000 miles on it and everyone I love it it is so much fun to drive it's a great truck I really like it in the previous episode I spoke of the engine that this has and I had some questions about why they call it the monster motor why do they call it the tractor motor and that's because this vehicle has an inline V6 engine 4.5 liters the thing is massive it's massive as far as power goes I'm not sure what the horsepower rating is but it's not very fast it has a little bit of torque but not a whole lot [Applause] from a distance it looks like it's in incredible shape and it is but there are some defects here and there for an example the fender mirror was missing a cap I was able to locate one of those from Japan and brought it in the engine idle lock switch was broken I fixed that I discovered what a mystery switch does on the dashboard and that turns on the fog lights I didn't even know this thing had fog lights very bright yellow fog lights and they actually work pretty good they were integrated right into the front of the vehicle I didn't even know they were there I feel like there's something I'm forgetting but it's not coming to me anyways there's some scratches some small dents here and there but nothing too bad virtually no rust the rubber that goes around the fenders it has begun to crack some of the rubber that goes around the windows has begun to crack for the most part just minor stuff [Applause] I saw numerous people asking about where I got this so I picked this up from an American company called Japanese Classics they're based in Virginia not far from here roughly six hours they have a ton of Japanese import cars and the company has an incredible reputation basically they bring these vehicles in they make sure they're sound for the road they're in good shape to drive you can get all sorts of interesting Japanese Vehicles including the Hilux you can find the trucks the SUVs and they're fairly inexpensive I mean the Hilux SUVs very much like a forerunner and you can find those in incredible shape gas engines diesel engines and the price is fair in my opinion for those vehicles I need to say this everyone I purchased this vehicle with my own money they don't even know that I have a YouTube channel so there's no sponsorships nothing like that I don't do that garbage you all know that [Applause] since the last video went up I heard from a number of you all who says that I have inspired another YouTube channel to get a Japanese vehicle I don't remember the name or who it was it was somebody I haven't heard of before but hey that's cool cheers to them [Applause] foreign foreign [Applause] [Applause] foreign so far folks I like this lone Rider tent quite a bit there is one big problem with it though well two actually size and weight the pack size on this thing is just massive in the weight it's like 12 pounds maybe the weight doesn't matter on a motorcycle but the size definitely does but as far as this being waterproof so far so good this is a really big tent you can stand up underneath this it's about seven feet wide you can fit your motorcycle inside of this to keep it dry yeah I'm impressed foreign it'll be dark out we might as well go ahead make dinner dinner tonight is going to be awesome foreign [Applause] foreign foreign what we have here is garlic and butter rice chicken with garlic grape it smells incredible about to get dark [Applause] we got dinner done in the nick of time right before it got dark tell you what I'm starving my plan was to come out here and have lunch but setting up this tent filming with the rain it took all of my time so I didn't have any hmm basically everyone it has been raining all afternoon he started coming down around two I would say three quarters of an inch has fallen already it's been quite hard while we're having dinner I want to talk with you all about a previous Adventure so I believe it was two Adventures back I was out for a freezing rain trip and in that episode I was talking about advertisements in YouTube videos not the ones that you see before you watch a video but the ones that you see in the video where you have like the YouTuber they're pawning different products and whatnot I've mentioned before that this is something that I will never do over the last couple of months on some YouTube channels they had a sponsor called established titles so in a couple of episodes back I was talking about this and how low that was obviously it was a scam if you haven't heard of this established titles thing before check this out so the company claims to have had land in Scotland and they were selling like a square foot here and a square foot there so when you bought this land you would get a title you would become a lord or a lady that sort of thing right off the bat I could tell that that was the biggest bunch of BS that I've ever seen and I was shocked to see some of these well-known YouTube channels pawning this crap anyways in the adventure where I was talking about this basically I said something along the lines of like how disgusting this was because obviously this was a scam well I received an email from a guy he felt that I was being super negative about the channels that was selling this I want to read to you all what I said to him this was my response concerning lowball advertisements on other channels I'm a bit shocked that you disagree on this point as most seem to see eye to eye with me here anytime a channel is asking someone to waste money on garbage so that they can make money I'm going to stand up against it take the title Scotland topic which I was talking about in that episode that turned out to be a complete scam the story broke the other day that the whole thing is complete garbage a complete scam it took people for millions of dollars I go on to say here that that sort of thing is discussing and I'm fully against it as it's wrong is this being judgmental no it's standing up for what's right and I don't understand how or why anyone would disagree with that as far as the established titles you can look all of this up online it's complete garbage I knew this you likely knew this but lots of people did not and they wasted millions of dollars the way I see it is this folks I refuse to do sponsorships on my channel I respect you all way too much than to waste your time I'm not going to pawn garbage I'm not going to do product placement you already watch the ads in the video that are on YouTube naturally that's enough I really do think that's something that people need to focus on these days and they need to ask themselves what is enough and you can apply that to just about everything foreign [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] every so often someone asked me what strength an honor means talking about what we're talking about here strengthened on our means not selling garbage to you all I personally don't see how anyone could see this matter differently if they do we're not the same caliber of individuals and I'm I mean that in the most respectful way possible we all know the difference between right and wrong and pawning garbage is wrong selling crap is wrong asking someone to waste their money so you can make money is wrong it has nothing to do with any sort of religious beliefs or anything like that it's just about being a good person [Applause] [Applause] foreign it's not all that late but I decided to go ahead and hop inside of the tent just chill the temperature right now is about 36 degrees and it's a very cold rain that's falling out there looking at the radar here oh boy that is what's on its way so right now this is light what's coming in later tonight that is going to be very very heavy so far I have to say that I'm very impressed with this tint but we'll see how it does with some heavy heavy rain I mentioned before that you have two access points you have a door here and you also have a door on this side it's interesting you might be able to see this but I went ahead and turned on the heater just to warm up a little bit to dry off a little bit that little covia heater is perfect inside of this tent I have the door open here it's open over here as well so I have some nice good air coming in we don't have to worry about anything folks I guess I'm going to kick back and relax I might go to bed actually foreign good morning everyone good morning let's see it is 7 48. in the morning and it was a good night all in all it rained heavily All Night Long at one point in time I opened up the tent and I looked out and it was just like a river of water there was just water everywhere I was able to pull up the radar and it looks like for the most part the rain is done we may have like a passing shower here and there but for the most part it's going to be dry nice and warm in here I just fired up the heater outside it's rather cool it's about 33 degrees I slept really good on the dod Outdoors sleeping pad the tent kept me dry it's blocking the wind it is a Brisk morning everyone a few degrees above freezing all of that moisture in the air it just goes like right into your bones right into your joints that's where I feel it I mentioned in previous episodes that I used to like to box that does a number on your joints it does a number on your hands I mean I don't want to make it sound like I'm some professional or something like that that's definitely not the case but I always like boxing it was a lot of fun it's a great workout but there's a reason why most Fighters stop by the time they're 40 because they're done it's the same thing with like being in the outdoors a great deal you're gonna feel it in your knees eventually anytime that you have wet weather like this you definitely feel it in your knees in my case I feel it in my hands my elbows and my knees I find it very interesting watching other Fighters and their stances everyone has a different sort of stance a way that they carry themselves they'll position themselves in a certain way this one wakes up this one puts you back you really can't see it here but this leg is back so when I throw this one it's all of the weight of my shoulder bam just like that tap then punch at roughly five o'clock this morning I looked out it was just coming down there was a torrent of water just going through Camp here where I set up my tent completely dry all the water went around it foreign I think that coffee has gone bad it is too hard cheers everyone cheers coffee time last night I received a phone call from an old friend of mine I haven't seen him in about 15 years I haven't talked to him in about 10 years and there's an unusual trait to this guy that I completely forgot about and like it just hit me like a sack of bricks when I was talking to him he has this way of like when you're talking to him like when he makes a statement about something it sounds like a question it's like the way that he like Words things and like his pauses it's extremely confusing it is extremely confusing having a conversation requires a great deal of like focus on like what he's saying otherwise you just get lost it's really really unusual we went down to Myrtle Beach one time that was fun he actually quit his job to go to the beach with me and I remember him like calling up his boss he's like yeah so and so I'm not coming in tonight because I quit and then we just hit the road oh yeah that's funny did you guys hear that that is the Morganton train you can actually hear the cars as far as breakfast goes I think I'm going to skip it I mentioned in previous episodes that I'm not the biggest breakfast eater sometimes I'll make something but most of the time I won't I like to fast in the morning good lunch and a big dinner and of course snack along the way usually because I'm so active I consume about 35 to 4 000 calories per day that provides me with energy throughout the day and also lets me stay at the size that I am in the winter time I usually bulk up so I'm about 170 right now and it's raining just like that laughs I thought it was over but uh apparently I was wrong this has been an excellent trip it was another good test for the Land Cruiser which I love I'm getting accustomed to driving on the right side of the vehicle it's still a little bit strange as far as this tent goes the lone Rider this is really really nice I stayed dry last night I stayed warm it's massive that's the problem with it though it's massive again it goes back to what I was saying I don't know if having such a large tent that weighs so much if that makes sense on a motorcycle you all will have to tell me for a over Landing tent car camping tent truck camping tent I like it I like it a lot this is an expensive tent though I bought this on the Black Friday sale so I got it for a pretty good deal but normally I want to say this is like 600 maybe so far so good if you have any questions about this tent drop them in the comment section shoot me an email I will try to address those in the future I am going to test this out for a long period of time you all know how I do with this tint I purchase it with my own money with the Land Cruiser my own money I get no discounts none of that crap I don't do sponsorships I'm not going to do advertisements instead of my videos I refuse like I said yesterday you all already watch the ads on YouTube I'm not going to subject you to anything else it just doesn't seem right it doesn't feel right talking about things not feeling right inside of each of us there's something that tells you whether or not something is right or wrong and for me pawning crap onto you all seems wrong I'm not going to do it and I don't like seeing it in other channels that's just how I am you may see things differently that's how the world works it is now 9 30. and that means it's time for me to pack up and go home breaking down Camp because I have so much wet stuff everything's so muddy this is going to take a while speaking of that I'll set a timer and we'll see how long it takes for me to break everything down and get it put up yeah I'll turn the camera off get that done I'll bring you all back in just a minute when I'm in the Land Cruiser foreign [Applause] my friends were off thank you so much for joining me for this adventure it was a lot of fun let's see it took 45 minutes to break down camp and to clean up all of that garbage I want to wish you all a fantastic day everyone be well take care strength and honor think about those words think about what they mean I will see you on Sunday and Tuesday with the next reviews and next Thursday with the next adventurer be well my friends bye for now [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: TheOutdoorGearReview
Views: 498,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, camper, camp, cooking, survival, surviving, survived, wild, wilderness, woods, mountain, offgrid, off the grid, adventure, winter, Ice, cold, weather, Freezing, Backpacking, winter camping, off grid, forest, Stealth adventure, winter camp, truck camp, thunderstorm, Truck camping in a rain storm, van life in rain, truck camp thunderstorm, toyota Land Cruiser camping, rain truck camp, land cruiser camping, Japanese Import, Import Land Cruiser, lone rider tent, lone rider mototent
Id: AWNX-vkRkAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 4sec (2764 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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