Attack Force Z | Full Movie | Classic Action War Adventure | Mel Gibson | Sam Neill

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a f for for [Music] for [Music] [Music] there [Applause] get my gun my gun St [Music] speech speech [Applause] spee looks like a 24-hour roster seems pretty clear from up top I think it's just a watching post how's it tell you I'm all right it's just my leg that's had it he stand on his kneecap smashed not going to be much good to you on this job mate ask kinger his kneecap he can't walk want me to take care of him no I will you tidy up back there I'll join you in a second you're how are you oh not so bad Dan I'll look after you see you later champ [Music] [Music] you're embarrassing Ted yeah anyway uh you black won't be gone so long 48 Hours not much of a waited right 48 hours is no time at all bastard all right being knocked out right at the start they'll replace those Japs at nightfall you can handle them all right can't you no worries me mate can hand them with both hands TI be [Music] [Applause] [Music] up [Music] must be a farmer yeah I don't feel right about that blood what attachment I don't feel right it's I priced oh so features a specialist SP maybe you can have a look at my tonsils wait the plane went in over those mountains between those two peaks did anyone hear an explosion no but they're all sure at crash it'll be there all right what did you do with the body right thing right let's go can't get a bloody word in agways here they must be running a Tokyo cup or something is it Go 8 hours to the top six I'd like to see that you'll see it you want a bet listen mate you could have declined this Mission you didn't have to serve under me right I've got my reasons well don't let him get in the way get through yes sir rainbow sir good yeah what's so special about this plane then sir I get it spah you know I can't tell you that if he does and we're captured you know the score [Music] there it is again sun on glass signal another one we're being watched through binoculars is that Japanese music Chinese cantony SE very good professor what's all that red staff it's decorations for Chinese New Year it's a Chinese house built on the ground facing south that's got to be the house the Jabs came from let's go [Music] for [Music] for where you from you speak English are you Americans who else is here why were you watching us we watching the Japanese go away what were they doing here asking questions why are you here your sister my uncle cousin's granddaughter what questions did the Japanese ask they ask questions are you Americans we're Australian Army where did the Japanese come from in they have their headquarter near there just hold it right there China just STI down [Music] what' they say we're trying to decide if we came off the plane or we've come looking for it you're not from the plane found hisc at the back boss don't shoot him he's my father get to feel like an Undertaker part I've never really liked can't leave him lying around no I suppose not something wrong no [Music] we know is this fell anyway some sort of local resistance leader he doesn't like the Jacks and that's for sure so what so he's on our side and he knows where the plane winning and we're bloody lucky to escor him fore [Music] [Music] foree we were supposed to make better time with him to guide us he's talking to his wife po you other one I's talking to a spirit Chinese believe the dead can always help the [Music] living [Music] blood not a mountain goat I don't fancy up in this lot up there hey V asked the chinan to carry something would you like him to carry your machine gun and your ammunition Captain not my staff his staff and no weapons hey Lynn okay what's he saying he thinks you're indecisive Captain just translate don't interpret huh it yes foree [Music] fore that down it's all right he's just telling me why there's nobody here the nips executed everybody the monks nothing sacred Jabs Jabs [Music] fore for speee [Music] [Music] a for [Music] Fore [Music] go [Applause] hey [Music] M Got Away boss be just gone after it hey okay we're moving we're not waiting for V can't afford to you'll have to catch up L it's yours hold ch ch ch ch [Music] [Applause] [Music] goe spee spee foreign speech [Applause] [Music] speech you from Aeroplane very important you must come to farm of our leader say ly he reckons we got another two hours to go provided the Japs haven't picked up our tail you think they're on to us then they'll soon know we're here if they don't already been leaving enough of a trail listen k sorry about starting out we s in F hope he turns out we're going to need him don't count on it I wouldn't either you think I'm making a mess with this no I don't in and out never let them know you're there and there's dead [ __ ] scattered all over the island [Music] fore spee yese fore foreign fore [Laughter] say [Music] [Music] foree [Music] oh [Applause] tell him full marks we couldn't have found it without [Music] him it's not be it [Music] mate now we're after a man who was on that plane Roosevelt son no just a man now it's very important that we get him out and if we can get him out make sure he's dead he's not dead already well if he survived the crash jeps have probably got him well in that case we'll just have to get him back we're going to attack him are we all of us hang on there are people moving about down there how were these [Music] Chinese [ __ ] that was clever how'd you do that why would they blow it up make any sense they may have destroyed it to hide something from the Japanese there's only one way to find out he says there's a village on the way to the plane do you want him to go and ask around we'll all go the children shouldn't know the answers to his questions there are two survivors are they being bought here yes to this far come we must hide you this is where we used to hide the [Music] Dutch foreign foreign speech foree I do not speak Mandarin I speak English so do you you taught at the American Mission School in bintang what are you looking for Excellency I am looking for American survivors from the arrow pane your father is bringing them here my father's in the South with my uncle understand me I am a soldier I am a kindly man but if you make me fight against women I will I cannot help you Excellency for are you aware that your father has become a traitor that he is an enemy of our emperor no Excellency you will tell me when your father will bring the Americans to this Farm my father's in the south it's [Music] [Music] hot you know about these American survivors are you going to tell me where are they now you must [Music] know they are mad men they have done terrible things to my soldiers I'm sorry where are they I know nothing of this [Music] exany when will the Americans arrive at this far [Music] [Music] fore foreign fore speech speech for you are foolish to persist withe foree [Music] fore [Music] foree [Music] fore fore speech [Music] go [Music] foree fore fore for foree Fore [Music] a bit all the time sir we still going to that re the orders got to check it out anyway well how'd you go he says they know nothing if they haven't been to the plane so he's lying had American cigarettes there was a pilot's headset then tell him he's got 5 Seconds to come [Music] [Applause] clean he asked if you know who was on the plane you tell him I know only me tell him that tazzy [Music] dog [Music] don't tell him that only he and I know what we're talking about and that no one else must know tell him that things aren't always what they seem but he must trust me I promise I'll tell him when the time comes should wa foreign foreign speech fore TR [Music] [Music] I we have to go I you sp [ __ ] shiau told them it doesn't matter that the men are being taken to Alex Heaven it doesn't matter we can but they're not we s a message that they should go to Bing 10 sure you did the right thing we should send the other children away you find a safe place I can get to pinang no thank you I only did what I had to do [Music] my father will look there it is our m s place I told him to go to [Music] Ping you he says there's no point in carrying on why not where's I he says there's no one there the help people rescue two men from the plane what they asked the plane be destroyed well where are they now they're being taken to his F Well what are we waiting for let's get back down the [Music] mountain [Music] foreign speech speech [Music] speech what's your name cha let me have a look at your hand cha it's all right you're strange men [ __ ] strange you're all strange I guess we are it's the price price what do you mean the price on our heads take Spar for example the one with a radio these worth 10,000 gilders for his head yep I don't understand we're zedman Chen we've given the Japanese a hard time and they've gotten the no high the price the more damage you've done who's done the most damage Kelly n this is his time out what's your price vitch 25,000 were you born on this island yes you no I haven't been here for at least you've been to sealon before sure my father was a Trader in the island I had an uncle Peter Van Kon here Kon you doing he helped hide the Dutch soldiers in the mountains and a Japanese call him and put nails in him you know crucify yeah I heard about it there she here got you fore spee foreign spee fore hey who are you who are you Ed SS American government who's he oshiko iguchi Japanese government the hell are you doing with him we're on our way to Port morby we were shot down yeah I know we were sent in to get you nobody say anything about a nip who is he I've already told you who he is Soldier now who are you I'm Lieutenant Yan V you got here pretty quick Lieutenant I ran very funny you are on your own Lieutenant most of the time what's that there a note from his daughter the survivors have been taken to bentang on the coast she's gone there with [Music] F Kelly and the others haven't arrived yet don't worry they know how to take care of themselves you go back to sleep [Music] don't [Music] go tell me something what does your name mean young vitch nothing much really just that my father was Dutch names don't always have to mean something Chinese name do I know Chen Vivid bright suits you are you a married man [ __ ] I [Music] was where's your family up the hill with your father your real family dead Japanese my mother also I like you hair like that what will happen tomorrow [ __ ] we'll take those men and go what about you I don't [Music] know [Music] how' he know you were here do you like me he's only a child you didn't waste any time did you I would say not on another one of those thanks Mother [Music] oh you've been doing all right for yourself L [Music] sir what that [Music] [Music] let's get back on the job good job do any of you know who we've been after his name is IM maguchi Japanese war Ministry used to be a military atache in London was a deserter it more like a Defector I knew he was a big funny I didn't have orders to shoot you if we bought trouble I did hell I wouldn't be in this outfit if I don't was a stinking chap Mr a Paul Kelly Captain Kelly Australian Army will'll be taking you on the morby huh now we have a rendevu with a sub you know Captain the first lesson for a young officer is never make promises in Wartime we'll be taking you out tonight how Bly is he hurt mainly his leg what about you something wrong in here well it's going to be a bit of a job getting you out how many men do you have four and who's in command I am it's vital that we get him out of here he's a very valuable commodity you're going on to Washington you know that I'm to deliver him to Port morby cahan intelligence it's not going to be easy we've only got Cano ah [Music] for fore seem are trying to decide where the we winning the war the Jets are trying to work out which sign to back go ahead go ahead foreign speee how will you leave without the canoes I don't know you you know what your father said about war not changing anything he's wrong changes everything h that is that a good [Music] [Music] thing what's the situation I don't think they'll give us away to the Jeffs Sumer with us this and some AR they're taking a vote [ __ ] this isn't the time for democracy that's a prize Quake considering what we're supposed to be fighting for here by the way Jabs found our canoes [Music] sounds like they'll stay with us good why is it good what have we ever done for them aren't they supposed to be on our side but are we on theirs now look it's all right for us we arrive we wreak havoc we leave but they stay they're left to face the music well we could always just what what your orders were to get him out of here or make sure he's dead right knock him off boss shoot him grab a fishing boat and go and who'll do it I will so much for promises young Captain I'm taking him out understand no I do not now look if we kill him that's one death but if we don't it's a massacre now you get hold of yourself Danny I came here to do a bloody job and we're all going to do [Music] it excuse me for interrupting but there's something I have to say to all of you now you know that we have a Japanese with us and that we need your help to get him away from here but he is not a fighting man he's trying to bring peace he could help end the war I will not tell you that we are are your friends or that the Japanese are your enemies but I will tell you that the war has come to this island that you must choose a side I don't know what sort of World our Victory will make for you but you do know yourselves what kind of a life you've had under the Japanese the choice is yours a nice one boss doesn't matter what you tell him right that right then except I meant what I told him but I would have done it the other way because I did not come here to lose they wish to talk to you [Applause] [Music] look [Music] come K boat is Straight Ahead let's go back [Music] [Applause] you to come spee fore [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for [Music] [Music] look get foree spe do get get out listen up get that radio off spar I can get it back so she ain't just a radio that's get that radio [Music] off a for you look go [Applause] h Bar B it yeah over there I'll hang on to the radio I'm staying here you think she's with yeah [Music] it's not on you're coming with us Rob I'm staying here leave me the MMO along with the radio I'll cover your back I need every round I got here be around [Applause] Beach [ __ ] what happened haven't they got to the boat yet not yet but they will but why aren't you with them a I'll take the [Music] C [Music] a [Music] fore [Music] foreign k looke s s i a [Music] you [Applause] [Applause] so [Music] what wait do that let's go [Music] a SC [Music] [Music] help [Music] [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] get oh [ __ ] you should have gone with [Music] them Vivid [Music] bright he [Music] I think we made [Music] it [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] a [Music]
Channel: Retro Central
Views: 760,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Classic Action Movies, Classic Hollywood Movies, Classic Movies 1080, Classic Movies Full HD, Classic TV Shows, Classic Western movies, Full Bonanza Episodes, Full Free Movies, Full YouTube Movies Free, John Wayne Movies, Latest Hollywood Movies, Movie Central, Neo Cinema, classic movies, retro movies, retro tv, the fugitive tv series, Attack Force Z, mel gibson
Id: wBQAIcdmghY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 49sec (5389 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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