♦War Classic♦ 'Okinawa' (1952) Pat O'Brien, Cameron Mitchell

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[Music] thank you [Music] anyway thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] Okinawa Oklahoma from here Okinawa and we're giving us plenty two years loading these vouchers and ain't never seen what we hit just once I'd like to see where these things go hang on to the next Shell very funny They're Gonna Keep Us trapped in this revolving cheese box they ought to give us white cane they do better than that they give us Robert to seeing eye dog ceasefire standby to resume firing my hair got clogged up again I've got delicate ears next time leave them in your foot locker I don't mind the noise the intensity of the heat combined with the humidity makes this Inferno oppressive what do you say what'd he say it's hot down here and why don't he say it the heat from the shells penetrates right through these gloves I used to know a girl in San Ysidro and her name was Lolita yeah she used to have real cold hands she would make one good hot Shellman a grandpa come on down take a load off your feet a man your age has got to take it easy grip don't call Grandpa so old unless you think it is as high forward in the wrinkles and the false teeth that make him look so old you kidding he's old enough to remember when we had a Republican president agent proves a man just like it does wine surface action Port drain out and match up [Music] I'm firing resume firing [Music] [Music] [Music] McKinley this is delegate cease fiery cease firing Army acknowledge over that's it it's inspiring secure from General quarters sees firing secure from General borders well sir looks like we did a nice clean job you think so Mr Phillips at the division offices assembled in the ward room 10 minutes [Music] thank you hey Amigos I hate to bring this to your attention but that island is still floating that's the island behind the one we just sent a cigarette are you kidding my mouth's so dry till fire hazard Emerson if you got a cold beer in your pocket I'll take it rip if you're going to start yapping about beer again look cram Boyd your age you've already had your quota me I'm young yet to have a little liquid to put Steam in my boiler ever try water the Navy can make me live on it fight on it swim in it washing it but it can't make me drink it why don't you run up and have some tequila with the skipper if he had any heart if he had any hearty break breaks and he'd issue a couple of cases of that beer we got stashed below you know something tend to one we never get to drink that beer ten dollars to one dollar yeah and I ain't never lost a bet on this ship it's a bet Shake oh boy if you were in the bull ring you wouldn't need a sword to kill the bull you'd strangle him to death very funny very funny hey coffee yeah champagne sparkling burgundy more likely yesterday's dishwater oh no you drunk that last night that was the soup of course poor man's beer look you can't even pour it you gotta push it push it how come we get room service like this you are my favorite Grand crew and besides you look like the easiest ones to do business with oh why the one he wants some no Ben I think you're right it's going to cost us yes but not very much you know I am an expert on this gun I have read everything about them I know them inside out I would like to be part of this group theoretically that isn't feasible Felix what do you say nothing yet well Felix we have a full gun crew besides you've got a steward trade but I can do both jobs don't be a sucker Felix you stick with a child that's an important job yes it's important but not for Felix the Japanese move in my house on Mindanao I want to do everything I can to change that Felix we'll squeeze you into the mount somehow someday thank you all right man let's stack up that empty brass hey Mr Phillips how are they making out on the beach how'd we do they've established a strong beachhead and already pushed in seven miles you man did a good job yeah well we can let the Army move in and we can go home now California here I go uh this isn't over yet I think we better stick around a little longer you know there is an officer for you you know for my dog Phillips was doing okay he's acting Captain until old metal happy hail relieved him but it so happens when Admiral Nimitz and not you as one of this Fleet yeah well if Phillips was still I skip I bet we'd be headed for home by now what makes use assured Phillips was with us for two years doing the Marshalls Iowa Jim I said pan Guam he knows we need Charlie what is hell no nothing he's been on Skipper three days perhaps Hale wants to go home too but him want to go home no that Skipper's gonna hang in these Waters till he's got so many medals hanging from his chest he trips over him then he's gonna tie a rocket to this can and invade Moss I can't conceive of our not going home psychologically we're not fit for combat we are on the verge of battle fatigue I think we'll go home hail or no hail five will get you ten we don't ah you're a pessimist what did you call me relax grip that's not a dirty word oh okay but I'm gonna check it join the Navy there ain't no damage on ships one that's very little I used to hear these settles talk about her all the time I didn't know they meant the ship this is Isabel oh what do you think brother if I were that kind of Destroyer I wouldn't care when I got home the ship has been so plenty before I took over and it shows him number three gunmount is hunting in elevation we're working on it sir about one misfired twice during the bombardment Mr Caleb what happened I'm not sure yet Captain what Navy do you think you're in get in touch with the emperor and tell the way you're ready the fall will be corrected immediately sir Captain hail without meaning any disrespect sir during the last two years we may have developed a few weak spots but I know we're as good as any ship in the fleet can you say that for the morale of the men well that'll pick up once we hit Stateside soon and if we don't but sir there must be other destroyers yes Mr Phillips there are and many of them are the bottom of this ocean yes sir all right now the second phase of this operation calls for Picket Duty further out now all these ships equipped with radar forming a circle around Okinawa it was a first line of defense to protect us against the enemy who might be attacking our convoys and Supply ships I have reason to believe we'll be assigned to such Duty I didn't think the Japanese had much left to attack us with Okinawa is one of the Japanese home Islands do you realize we're only 800 miles from Tokyo 400 from Formosa and 500 from occupied China which means they can toss more planes at us than you've ever seen you've heard of the kamikazes of course yes sir planes piloted by half-trained kids who don't have to know how to land because they never return special suicide Corps they don't care about anything they want to die they live to die the most effective weapon the Japs have kamikaze Kamikaze Divine win if it comes to that sir I think our Gunners can handle a few if it comes to that Mr Phillips we'll have to be prepared for hundreds hundreds of men committing mass suicide is that possible Captain you'll know it's possible when they come at you [Music] know sir steam line broken carried it away is this hey fellas didn't you hear the explosion yeah I thought it was a skipper blowing his top again hey Emerson what's this book of yours about evaporator blew up and took a steam line with it yeah I'm so scared I think I'll jump overboard where's the pictures don't you see this means we'll have to pull into karamerato for repairs and by the time they complete the job this assault on Okinawa all be finished ah we'll be heading for home yeah five will still get you 15 we don't well I don't want to seem dogmatic but I strongly believe we'll be home before the first of the month yeah put your money where your mouth is take them up on the kid okay it's a bet Shake um [Music] nothing that a good chiropractor can't straighten out sit down man how long will it take to make those repairs three days sir of course with a special equipment at karamaretto it might go faster how long will it take without a special equipment at Grand Marina I don't know offhand sir I hadn't counted on that well Mr Sanders I think you better start counting on it we just got our orders you join the picket line and fall into our Slide Away Hunter tomorrow think you can make it I'm afraid not sir the way our Fleet is deploying at Okinawa it's like one big chain and every ship is a lake if we pull out now it means breaking that chain well I've estimated it will take three days to repair the damage and that's chopping one day off the time it would take ordinarily we have to install a whole new steam system well it's very good Mr Sanders you save one day maybe we can figure out a way to save two more days if you look at this diagram sir you'll see what the job entails I remember I bought one of those Cracker Box Essex one time there was a book came with a told you what to do in case of motor fan or any other kind of trouble I was driving through Montana it was one of those Indian reservations the radiator sprung a leak so I got the book out went through it from cover to cover did everything it suggested nothing do you know how I fixed the radiator leak with the water chewing gum and believe me when I sold the car five years later it was still all right there was never another leak pardon me sir you're not suggesting we repair a broken steam line that way I am suggesting we start chewing maybe if we combine our gum we'll come up with a wad big enough to turn the trick I had an idea of taking a part of the fire main from that rear compartment that might be an idea look at this those lines after three inch the same size as a steam Inlet now if we remove just this section we can save a welding job in that steam line well what will we do for pipe Ave we could tie these lines together with a length of fire hose and bypass the section we take out what about it she's got no pictures ain't that something nothing to read you know something when I go home I'm gonna buy a big Ranch and settle down with Maria Isabel yeah maybe it's better I settle down with Isabel but you know though it takes a lot of hands to run a big Ranch hey Grandpa you think they allowed Navy veterans to have two wives not for me a guy could lose a lot of sleep that way [Music] maybe I'll take it easy and live in the Mojave I have six cousins who live in the desert they have nothing to do there so they don't do anything how do they get money to live long who needs money my cousin Gustavo says that only in the city people expect something for nothing in the desert people expect nothing for nothing works out very nice what's that your plan love song but it has no words I'm going to write the words for Maria don't forget Isabel if I get home in may we can be married by June Maria Isabel [Music] Lolita carmencita she's the rich one of course I wouldn't marry it for a money but how else can I get it [Music] I gave you a report to delegates sir that we're in our slot position they want to know if we're repaired and ready for action and I'm already we're ready used to be a game I played when I was a kid Ready or Not Here I Come Oh my Captain maybe some action up the line dummy we'll repeat on point 306 will repeat Army must have been a walkie-talkie I don't like it the Army hasn't won any trouble ashore let me go in the Army's got enough trouble without looking for more fourth day and hardly any casualties maybe the Japanese have pulled out oh no no that Island's too important they'll fight like maniacs and a lot and they'll send the kamikazes over here and it'll be a real picnic we'll all be in the soup get the Army Inland cut off the supply resistance position 306. that sounds like action this is the beginning this is the real beginning the placement's online 306 replacement urgent blank gone now our final start we're not ready get me the answer where is that we're ready we're all set to go that's the end when you try another one maybe your luck will change oh man I ain't held such bad hands since that last blind date I was on well that means you owe me your next six months reactions of beer yeah but if I lose once Morty I'll have to vote dry hey anybody else for poker huh how about a little honest labor before you get the deck happy attention man to the captain speaking we have just received orders from the fleet commander at oh 800 we're going on pick a duty to protect our Landing forces from possible kamikaze we're not going home yeah you owe me five bucks Grandpa that's one bet I hate to win kamikazes we're not growing home well I didn't want kamasita's money anyway what's the matter with that fouled up skipper how can he take this old ship and put her into action broken evaps busted steam line Well we'd be sitting bucks on a pond for them camera catches the kamikazes are the only weapon the Japanese have left that means they'll go all out with them yeah I heard them kamikazis was a bunch of hopped up kids they gulp a couple of gulps of Saki they tie a red sash around their bellies and they take off kids that's all they are just kids I I don't think there's any veracity to those stories about the kamikazes what'd he say just kids huh skip it with your vaps out what are we gonna use for drinking water well boiler water beer yeah yeah and you can't use beer boiler why not they convert water into beer and the Navy's figure out a way to convert beer back into water Over My Dead Body waste all that beer look half a bowl of beer in this ship belongs to me I wanted fan square at poker and Benton nobody's turning my beard back into water nobody relaxed grip I was only kidding yeah well don't kid about the beer chicken is the one why didn't I think of her before what Chiquita she's the best cook Delgado when you listen to me I listen to you fellas once over two years ago since then you've been saying the same thing so over and over again it is very important for me that I devote all my time to making a decision besides it'd be a change from Navy Chow isn't that right Emerson what don't think so much of the kamikazes I was asking what you think of our Navy Chow oh yeah it's palatable yeah I see you haven't given the matter as much thought as I have you see I've already graded the child according to types there's a one child good Chow passable ciao eat it to stay alive ciao and eat it and drop dead child I like it better when you talk about the girls grip don't you ever think about anything but girls and beer I think about other things like what huh well like like old metal happy delgado's got the child figured out and I got the skipper figured out he's just like that Captain we saw last week in a movie what movie you know that story about the uh uh there's something under something oh the Mutiny on the Bounty yeah well our Skipper you see he's one of those split the personality guys one day he pops in in a very business-like type mood and in a very business-like type way he will say what Navy do you think you're in then of course on another day he's in a very deep and thought type mood and in a very deep and thoughtful way he will say what Navy do you think you're in and then of course sometimes he gets in a very angry mood and he will say what Navy do you think you're in go right ahead sounds very instructive well sir I sir the men of the gun mod are always shooting off about something sir if it isn't the gun it's they're a big monster don't misunderstand I'm not offended seems to me your judgment's a little hasty you haven't known me long enough to form any opinion wait you know me better five to one I get a court marshall [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] looks like another false alarm [Music] Emma catches come and get it over with you don't have to beg for them they'll come I don't mind the fighting I just hate wait I tell you [Music] foreign [Music] picked up a couple of seagulls all right condition three watch one that's at the same I haven't been in and out of this sack so many times since my old lady carried me where I wanted to go [Music] thank you [Music] why don't you stop pacing up and down and hit the sack I don't want to hit the sack why should I hit the sack as soon as I hit it they'll be Color Me top side again you look like a nervous father okay okay I'm nervous you know Pat it's always the same way when I was a kid waiting for the other guy to throw the first punch don't worry after that I take care of myself [Music] hello ground s [Music] hey love lettuce what was that you were singing what does it mean shall I tell you in English yeah find me the man who has the power and skill to stem the Tyrant of a woman's will but if she will she will you may depend on it and if she won't she won't so there's an end on it understand what'd he say I knew there was something wrong with this operation look great eat ships in a position called a slot right and we're number eight here right too bad we ain't got a bathtub then you could have a real ball to play with your boat listen roberg see if this doesn't make sense our picket line is deployed around the island and now we're supposed to send up a screen of fire to keep the kamikazes from flying in and attacking the rest of the fleet and Supply ships yeah that makes sense it's what the captain told us yes but the captain and the whole Naval command have been woefully neglectful and failing to take one pertinent fact into consideration looks spectacular say it's simple well they've made a blunder that's frightening they've overlooked the fact that the kamikazes can fly clear over us Out Of Reach of our fire and attack The Landing forces that means absolutely useless always useless we ain't useless look at all the ships we got in the picket line and not a sign of one Kamikaze plane it's ridiculous our intelligence is badly misinformed well if we do run into the camera cast he's now passed by us just like we're not here I doubt it it's all gone let's go on Naval 201 mccama catches come at us how can you refute the logic of my argument total won the camera catches come at us Emerson I guess he's refuting your logic but I'm right put on one okay it's a bet but no handshake anybody else want to bet anybody want to bet they love lettuce how about you no I don't like to bet but you should have met Ramona Ramona she used to like Tibet Ramona she's a new one huh yeah want to see a picture yeah how do you like that [Music] brother has she got a built I used to truck grapefruit from Arizona Nevada to California knew everything and every beer joint and bar along the way that's the way you meet the real homie kind the ones you take home to Mother the only thing I ever took home to my old lady was a bottle of beer oh you inherited The Thirst huh yeah I had me a real system you see every time I stopped off for a beer I went out you see and gotten ate a half a grapefruit you see that way I got a Jag on and alkaline is my system all at the same time gold sober and toysty by the time I got to the next bar I'd give a lot for a cold beer right now that's why they made you a sailor they figured any man who soaked up as much liquid as you have couldn't possibly drown in a dinky little ocean and you know something grandpa right under us here right under this very deck we're stacking cases of beer just a little hunk of sheet metal separate me from Heaven you're a little mixed up in your directions Heavens the other way ah not 3.2 having roebreak real brick tell me something How could a smart guy like you put up with a navy for 20 years having them tell you what you got to do and what you gotta not do it just doesn't bother me I don't let myself get fouled up emotionally or mentally huh look a man starts out in life with a fresh brain a clear conscience and no problems now by the time he's 25 he's confused mixed up and bitter now if he's lucky by the time he's 60 he can just about get back to where he started as a kid me I just avoid being 25. you understand nah I still can't figure how a guy like you can put 20 years in the Navy it's like this I'm loaded with brains but just haven't got any Talent 20 years didn't you ever want to settle down have a home and a wife I got a home and a wife with four kids yeah I'm closer to my family right here than a lot of guys I know who live at home are theirs I hate this week psychological warfare they call it the kamikazes are playing on our nerves I told you there won't be any dead guy's worst for my nerves to the camera catches restrain yourself if the kamikazes do come they'll fly right over but personally as I said before I don't think they're coming at all [Music] elegant reports an air attack on its way Oakley's closing in from Northwest 50 miles north of Point Polo go to General quarters go to General quarters [Music] [Music] don't come this time I'm going up to find them myself I told you there won't be anything shut up [Music] tomorrow [Music] nothing yet this was the third false alarm the whole Fleet doesn't get an air raid warning without a reason I still say we'll never see a Khan Academy what a confused operation I hope my grandchildren never asked if I Fought the Battle Okinawa [Music] we're picking up skisig's Captain one of the shifts in line ahead of us delegate this is skisigs we've just been hitting folks who'll buy a suicide plane suffering heavily from fires and explosions has to ship a number three slide [Music] All Ships in the North End are getting it the way things are going we'll be up there ourselves alone have taken seven hits by Suicide planes both engine rooms hit fires out of control forward little after this is delicate little Abner this is delicate standby on the open give him a World Cup delegate this is Blondie Wilco moving to Roger Peter number six out [Music] [Music] what a waste of time waiting for the camera pad sure not coming waiting for these kamikazes reminds me of Christmas when I was little Christmas time the parents used to tie races on a big tree outside I used to fill the vases with candy sometimes with nothing sometimes for a joke with rocks or water then they would blindfold the little kids and give them a big stick swing the stick around trying to knock the pinatas out of the trees how's that like this the gun mount I like those little kids who are blindfolded we cannot see anything Gunners are big stick with fire we don't know if we're going to hit anything sometimes we knock something out of the big tree up there like pinatas it comes falling down only there's no rocks or water or even candy it's human beings now that I think better it's nothing like Christmas at home you ain't in the pool we're vetting five bucks a man closest one to guess Roblox age wins all adults age it's a closer Garden secret than radar oh you know what bracelet he wears yeah he's got his whole history printed right in the back of it always got it on someday when he's snoring I'm gonna sneak a look you want in yeah I say he's uh 45 45 for you what did you guess 41. oh boy what a Dopey guess I put my five on 47. and ain't never lost a bet on this ship I'm dick watch one that's us boys be up and down the ladder Brigade they're moving us up to a new position yeah I wonder why there's your reason we're probably going to replace her that looks like the Harrison taxis no no no they've been hit by Shore batteries Martinez is on that ship he has a ranch near our place along the Rio Grande at Fiesta time we sing together [Music] understand [Music] Hoagie's closing it foreign [Music] [Music] a control will the target come within range Wilson yet Captain but it looks like he's coming right at us there's one coming at us Captain he's broken off he's heading further east and out of range hero boys he passed right over close but too far for these guns they don't want anything to do with this I told you they'd fly right over didn't I [Music] okay the regular Navy's here you Army fugitives can go below and pawn the sack now look [Music] thank you [Music] hey Admiral the Japanese are crossing you up again there's a thing coming at us and I don't think it's a Shore better thank you [Music] that's firing that's firing I'm inspiring [Music] 30 degrees [Music] cure for General Gordon secure and general quarters foreign [Music] bankrupt forget the bear you man clean up this mess don't use your mouth in the operation until you lose your action what's the matter with you hurt just sick sir here's my period one grip oh no you don't I want my beer in a bottle I didn't say nothing about bottles this is my beard I'm paying off nowhere even [Music] foreign [Music] shall I get you some hot food this is cold no no thank you guess we'll save our appetite and after the war every man happy is to be fighting the war I don't follow you sir I've been trained to man a five-inch gun ah Felix let's not go into that again the only time you'll do that is when there's a casualty let's hope you never have to leave the galley Center did you want me for anything else sir you know Phillips if my kids could see me playing with these I think I was playing a game with toys a game of toys well I guess maybe that's what war is take all these little ships that represent the big ones and move them around one side goes bang bang the other side goes bang bang they destroy one of our ships we Splash one of their planes kids have the best of it though they play the same game and nobody gets hurt maybe kids ought to run the world what do you think you have two girls haven't you sir yeah that's right thank you yes I was I was kind of disappointed Phillips I wanted boys want them to play football I see with the army I wouldn't want that to get out Phillips oh no sir you follow football not much I'm a hockey man play cards a little pinochle cribbage any children they'll see oh they make life worth living if I haven't seen any children I'm not married that's a pretty logical reason well it's beyond me what's that say I'm a man with no wife no family no interest in football can't play peanut could get to be my executive officer in the Navy [Music] range 140. [Music] range one three oh not alone commence firing commence firing [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a live bomb [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] hate to have to break in a new skipper [Music] [Music] French this is combat radar contact 40 miles north closing drain up match up [Music] that's hiring foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm sorry I was only kidding no hard feelings okay why don't you keep those big plus yourself I didn't even touch him Grandpa I just took his hand on us Harrison son let me see those hands they're like hamburger okay they get [Music] replies were burned in sick Bay I lost most of our plasma I was still in business I put in the car for help sending over the garbage to take off the wounded I better do it in the next few hours [Music] sure you got everything straight in our village well yes I only hope that I can do as good a job as you we'll just don't lose your glass thank you very much howdy hi oh just briefing your new club member how do you feel son oh fine amigo I'm very envious of you all you have to do is laugh and think of the girls Emerson we hope that your complete recovery is intimate and that your wounds prove to be completely infinites a meal what do you say I got it right out of your book I'm very happy to share with you sir you don't have to call Grandpa here sir unless you think he's so old he wrote special respect now why don't you leave him alone that's the closest I'll ever come to being an officer you see Felix it's this way we just let Grandpa think he's the boss of the gun mount we shove him up outside where he won't get in the way I'm really the top brass your top brass why you muscle-bound truck driver I've gargled more salt water than you ever sailed on Felix don't listen to either of them they're both shipping water I'm The Man Who salute and gun mount tool I've got connections in the galley I can get extra sandwiches late at night well Hail to the new chief of gun mount 2 [Music] what are we waiting for what kind of fight is this relax grip I don't want to relax what do you suppose is holding up the Garvey we gotta get those wounded off she's on the way well Mr Phillips I guess the whole war is one big weight waiting for the Kamikaze waiting for the Garvey waiting for orders well I suppose it's getting the boys down below too yesterday I think we all feel the same way run a movie for the crew what sure to make the waiting easier oh you haven't seen our film Library sir exciting things like care and maintenance of the five inch gun and Naval defensive tactics number three I've done a very interesting film that I've been saving we'll start away I think this is the proper time for the men to see it you're not going to ask the man to sit to a training film now it's very good for the men under media evil well but sir got a good message a lot of morale stuff immediately Phillips send the man down and relays all right run it when you're ready Phillips what is this picture the old man wishes to see it's on tropical fever I beg your pardon sir does it tell you how to get it or how to get rid of it I walked in and asked a gentleman could I please keep warm he asked me how come a baby dog has no coffee place to go back finally gentlemen [Music] to keep her worry free but where's the one for me for rich or poor I don't care who if he hasn't got a million then a half will do every baby needs a dad dad daddy could my dad daddy be you [Music] [Applause] I hope they never fight a cube sir we just intercepted this message on the main Channel does the captain know they were sent up to him Direct read this son to Lieutenant Commander Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr father passed away this afternoon [Music] he did his job to the end and see what he want you to do bless you all in love mother Dr was one of the best friends I nearly ever had was one of the best friends I had I knew him no sir but he was one of the best friends I had to see them anymore [Music] foreign foreign [Music] what are you looking for nothing I I was just stretching oh hi fellas hi Admiral how are the hands oh they'll be okay listen something important just came up and I thought you fellas might like to know yeah more scuttlebutt huh no this isn't scuttlebutt this just came over the radio we're moving out to number one slot what number one slot number one slide how do you like that sending this old tub into the hottest slot in the line [Music] here comes the Garvey we haven't passed anything but Salvage for so long I've forgotten what a complete Destroyer looks like bringing the wounded on Dexter Sigma Agave to approach our port side [Music] where they're taking us it'll be transferred the Garvey Sushi's alongside and then home you hear that Danny can you see her yet sure I can see her prettiest ship I ever saw in a few minutes you'll be heading out of this man's War destination Rhode Island assembly this is delegate Hoagies coming in burying three three seven now at five miles [Music] they're attacking the Garvey look they can't hit and they can't [Music] splash she's hip she got it she's sinking oh no come on let's get these people on come on you sacky boys we'll tickle your bottom sides me and the old man will take anything you got looks like they took your dare grip here they come loading fire [Music] [Music] all right matter of fact [Music] [Music] [Music] we've lost during control sir get a report on engine then engine room Bridge engine room reports no shaft amateur we'll have to steer by engine starboard engine stop start engine stops it we can maneuver this way we won't get any medals for ship handling [Music] sir sonar is definitely sound contact of Submarine off starboard squeeze player hit us from top and bottom all right set depth charges patterned zebra all engines ahead standard to head standard all right stop moving into torpedo range standby depth charges burn [Music] here comes another suicider servicing keep the guns out of Kamikaze keep the guns in the kamikaze hard engine stop port engine stop but sir that'll take us right into the sub stand by to Ransom stand right around [Music] [Music] come on Grandpa let's get out of here Robert you okay oh grandpa you had no business sticking your head up out of there you understand told you that's a job for Midwest like me you had no business sticking your head up Christmas is off the port side what'd you say we're going home attention on deck how's it going Emerson I'm fine now sir I understand you were a little off on your calculations on the battle of Okinawa well uh yes and now see I still think I had it figured right the Kamikaze should have flown over us and attacked the landing forces no sir I wasn't off the Japanese were off I'll say they were off Off Their Rockers sir no McCleary in my book they weren't crazy if that's what you mean they were just kids they were taught away at death instead of a way of life take away their teachings perhaps their teachers they could be the same as any of us well done McCleary thank you sir [Music] oh I'm sorry [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Rob W
Views: 302,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xSTjD_ieNQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 54sec (4014 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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