【特種兵電影】 最強女兵脫下軍裝換上短裙,開啟度假之旅,怎料竟遇恐怖分子! ⚔️ #軍旅 | #特種兵 | 神槍手 | 动作电影 Action film HD | 槍戰-歡迎訂閱

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This one is almost in front hurry up I'm here, I'm here See you soon Let's seize the time Go to the beach to enjoy the sea breeze and sunbathe Wear three points, wear three points drive slower be safe great white shark we have waited too long just for this day What are those women doing? Never mind her Anyway, we’ll start taking action tomorrow I'll kill them all i killed him Help It's Lin Guoliang he might have been killed These beasts There are gunshots in the corridor Take the window Walk The sound effect is so good left, left, left squat Do not kill me please don't kill me Let's go MP5 Where do you get such a professional gun? Things are getting serious now How did you come If I don't come, you will die I could have killed him Look at how embarrassed you are, who can you kill? imported who are these people Not a good person anyway Let's go find Skylark I don't know if they are still alive If you keep talking nonsense, we will die. Let's go. You run again Xiaolin, I asked you not to come smile smile smile, smile he died Yes, he is dead My first time seeing a dead person Here, take it what to do Aren't you good with pistols? hold People and targets are different Smile, listen, I need you now We have to go out and find our comrades You are so funny, you still want to go out That doesn't mean seeking death. You are the Chinese special forces I killed someone It's not about killing people, it's about killing enemies Let's go, let's go quickly, we have to find our comrades I killed someone Go quickly, this is not a drill, go quickly There is gunfire What did you say There is gunfire Give me a break Where is the gunshot coming from? There were real gunshots Walk Really have a gun It's over now It's really over what are you doing surrender Stupid you On your side Me, here Don't shoot, don't shoot we surrendered Surrender, surrender Don’t you say they are masters? Nothing more than that Let's go to the lobby We have to find a way to get in touch with the outside world. No one has a mobile phone Ye Cunxin definitely has it Who knows where she is I'm alive And I you are still alive Didn't we agree? With the total death Where is your mobile phone? At this Quick fight 110 Yes, I almost forgot about this battle This kind of IQ Hello, 110 What help do you need? Love Island Resort is at war What Love Island Resort is at war Sorry, I didn't understand careful There is a shootout Didn't I tell you? Love Island Resort is at war Is it Lover Island Resort? Please don't hang up, we'll send the police there right away Quick, quick keep up, keep up command center The Tiger Commandos have been dispatched Please tell me what the case is Tiger Shootout breaks out on Love Island There are automatic weapons knew quick go to airport We're going to parachute into Lover's Island Say or not I don't have what you want Love Island suffers terrorist attack For Zhao Yunming It must be for him Let's go to Love Island Notify the Coast Guard immediately go with them clear Walk hurry up Hurry up quick Quick, change me call me Thor we are at war Why are there gunshots there? where are you We are on Love Island what is that place I can't explain a sentence or two clearly. right now we Blocked in the room by the enemy All the female soldiers in our team are here There are three with me The whereabouts of the remaining four are unknown. Send me the coordinates immediately I will report to the headquarters immediately yes What's up, Thor? There's a war Notify me immediately yes We must leave here immediately He Lu Xue, come with me Walk Team concentration Walk Is everything okay? fine We can't get out now Is it here Are you waiting to be called upon? I have a way I'm going to kill him you go They are machine guns, we are submachine guns How to kill them I said I have a way You go and draw fire. I shoot accurately What do I think why i attract fire Your breasts are bigger than mine The target is conspicuous, okay? Is there anything wrong with having big breasts? I don't have time to joke with you we only have one chance Can your gun shoot that far? MP5 has high stability The first shot has a high chance of hitting You have to believe me If you believe me, you will die you two Don't act rashly I'm sure Otherwise we will be suffocated here forever. You two retreat first Skylark and I cover right Dead, dead, really dead this time you Are you ready? Already prepared am i dead or alive How's it going? Is everything okay? fine keep going I said, do you have a score? You know, kitchens usually have a back door. we can just go out But they have guards what to do It's not like what we're holding is a fire stick. Sisters, we are on an island Could it be that you want us to swim back after we go out? It’s not like we haven’t practiced armed swimming before. What will they do when we leave? no matter what We have to find a way to get out first Looking for reinforcements Let's wait until we go out to find a way out. Just bring reinforcements and then fight back. I never thought you had strategic thinking My pistachios are not called for nothing You have to solve the problem Walk Where are we going now? We must find a way to get in touch with the outside world they our comrades Are you still alive? Say less depressing words The Fire Phoenix Society is reborn from the ashes We don't die that easily don't kill me, don't kill me Get up slowly what is your job I I'm in the nightclub here Is there anyone alive now? I don't know that where is the nightclub Just upstairs Do you have your mobile phone with you? cell phone Didn't have time to bring it Is there a nightclub? there must be When someone was killed just now I saw the mobile phone Just threw it on the ground Okay, we need to find the phone Get in touch with the outside world What should she do? I don't know if what you said is true or false But we definitely don't want to kill anyone Just stay here Do not move Come on, we have to find the phone quickly I tell you Just stay here and don't move I don't move, I don't move Alcohol what are you doing give them a little kick molotov cocktail Go quickly I said what bad idea did you come up with? How did I know the back door of their kitchen? Built on the edge of a cliff I would rather die than be a prisoner Report the stray dog ​​immediately They are really not simple women Be careful wild dog, wild dog, emergency, emergency wild dog, wild dog, emergency, emergency explain Two women ran out of the back door of the kitchen. Who is guarding the back door? They're breeding dogs... they died interesting These two women are not simple, they are very skilled And they can make incendiary bombs, and our losses will be huge. Isn't the back door a cliff? Yes, they jumped off a cliff according to their skills I think they might not fall to death so easily knew Where are the other female drinkers? None found I called just now The group that went to their floor to search All lost contact Something happened to them How about I send someone up to take a look? Immediately block the entrances and exits we control. Set up defense lines police Coming soon What about those women? Have you found out their details? very strange Their ID numbers and addresses are all the same. After checking, the documents were found to be genuine. But besides the address no other information soldier soldier only soldiers I can't find the relevant information about my ID card. But it showed that it was a real ID card soldier Female special forces soldiers of the People's Liberation Army Or the special operations female soldiers of the armed police I think this is the only explanation is reasonable Then the Chinese military knew about our actions in advance they do not know If they really knew We can't get in at all Even if they want to play the long game and catch big fish He's not stupid enough to leave us here Kill tourists, kidnap hostages this consequence they can't afford it interesting We put the well-trained Chinese female soldiers into a special operations team Blocked in our defense zone Man’s calculation is not as good as God’s calculation expired Pick up his phone Pay attention to search for mobile phones that may be left behind We will contact the outside world later It depends on them receive answer the phone I am Captain Hong Feng of the SWAT Commando Team We are heading to Love Island May I ask your identity? I am the People's Liberation Army of China Langya Special War Base Instructor of the Fire Phoenix Women's Special Forces Team Major Tan Xiaolin Major Are there special forces already on the move? no We are here for vacation encountered a terrorist attack Now I'm trapped in Love Island Resort What's going on at the scene? There is a football team from overseas They are all terrorists They hold MP5 M249, M14 and other heavy weapons Well-trained, about thirty people They wear combat vests Brutal and decisive actions Many innocent people have been killed or injured We fought them But their exact location is not yet known How are your people doing? There are eight of us in total, all female soldiers. There are three with me The whereabouts of the remaining four are unknown. But I believe them Still fighting the gangsters in addition There is also a male medic in our unit May have been killed We will arrive on site as soon as possible I hope you can hold your ground before we arrive I hope you can guarantee yourselves and hostage safety in addition I will report to superior We will contact the military Give us the situation at the scene where you are trapped. Tell your superiors We have reported to the base I believe they will contact you soon OK Remember Protect yourself and the hostages good We are looking for a safe base in order to fight for a long time waiting for your arrival The call is temporarily ended We are going to find our teammates OK Major be safe good Fire Phoenix Women's Special Team female special forces decoration It doesn't look like it They have already fought with the gangsters The gangsters suffered casualties Anyway There are special forces inside Or a complete special operations team They are all a force that can cooperate internally and externally. Headquarters I am a tiger I have an emergency report We need to get in touch with the military It was their special forces who called the police. There are nine of them inside. Tiger The military has contacted us The Thunder Commando of Langya Special Operations Base Already on the way They will also take part in this operation Lei Zhan is also here Thor right Headquarters I see we can handle it Why do we need military special forces to participate? There are nine of them inside. They are definitely coming Just a few hairy people It's better now. Let's share it with both families. Not enjoyable enough Don't take it lightly terrorist Can transport heavy weapons into Love Island It won’t be a simple role everyone listen cheer Prepare for a fierce battle yes Thor This is Information about Love Island How could it be her right She is Ye Cunxin’s mother This is her industry It's all mixed together according to Information coming from the other side The gangsters are now well-equipped well trained So each of us be as careful as possible I don’t know what the situation is like over there. at present We still have four people missing. They must be fighting You believe them so much They were trained by us They must be fighting They need us very much now Thor This is the wolf's den We have contacted the police chief OK Take it for me Thor I am a tiger Tiger I didn't expect that we would have a conversation under such circumstances. How about it Is there any further information now? we are on the way Just now That female major under your command Already called me They are now Looking for four more people Prepare stronghold for reinforcements at present Police counter-terrorism emergency response plan Already started Various police types Everyone is rushing to Love Island as fast as possible our plane About ten minutes left Tiger We still need about half an hour You can reach Love Island I hope to conduct joint operations with you Tiger, do you understand? clear I have received instructions from my superiors join forces with you As long as the hostages are not fatally injured i will order Surrounding the Resort Take warning equipment waiting for your arrival Very good thank you very much Hope we can cooperate sincerely collaboration I believe them same I also believe in myself don't want don't want we are special forces Is anyone alive? My sisters are still in the locker room Do you have a mobile phone with you now? Also in the locker room Can you take us there? You are really special forces We are special forces never mind Come with me Not afraid Stop shouting, stop shouting They are special forces Do you have a mobile phone? Give me Requisition it You stay here Don't make any noise, don't move The one inside uses a cell phone Send a message to the police telling them your location. Remember? What about you? Raise an army for a thousand days Use troops for a while You really have to deal with them you forgot we are soldiers remember Can't we just have one? it works So what should we do now We only have hope now That Internet bug from Pesticide has a mobile phone. lark who came have no idea local number Answer or not catch Which one it's me You're not dead Nonsense, of course I'm alive Can you curse me a little? sorry Sorry who Barbie Give me Where are you now and what's going on? Skylark? Report We are in a nightclub now There's chaos outside What happened I don't have time to explain to you now Terrorists have already launched an operation we are involved Who else is around you? And luxurious fragrance There are three of us here Kill the enemy, destroy Linghe and Lu Xue What about pistachios and mosquito coils? I didn't see them Here There are four remaining hostages alive Just stay where you are and don't move. We're coming to meet you clear Then we build a line of defense Walk We go to the nightclub to meet them Did something happen to pistachios and mosquito coils? Fire Phoenix is ​​not that easy to die Let's go Walk The helicopter is coming Don't move what to do when coming I don’t want to go back alive Understood Lay out defense lines hurry up hurry up Come on, come on, come on Go quickly, come on hurry up go in please be quiet Wait quietly with me If you act rashly this bomb will fall I will send you to the west you will crush Become one with the air disappear Thanks How is Zhao Yunming? Haven't spoken yet Fool optimistic yes wild dog how is he He still doesn't say Mr. Zhao Hello I said I don't have what you want I I gave it all to the government I gave it all to the government I am a scientist I don't want to get involved with weapons I beg you to let me go Mr. Zhao I know you are a scientist I really don't have what you want You don't need to tell me this real unnecessary I'll show you something Know What is this thing for? Let me show you Mr. Zhao i am a sincere person you are a scientist but me i am an artist look at my hands I play the piano Now it's like this But I've been playing since I was a kid very young You know the dream, right? That's my only dream i countless times dreaming It hurts myself Wake up in pain until one day see it until this day I can never play the piano again from that day on I'll take this with me This instrument of torture that took away my fingers can let me know people The limit of enduring pain Is it right no no you can not tell me quickly password No me really do not know Let me go let me go please let me go let me go open open can not be like this I beg you, please me I beg you can you tell me I really do not know I really do not know they are inside Sniper team in place Special forces are coming send signal to them i saw them The police have sent a signal old fox we have arrived Come down with me now quick Prepare Special forces are coming what to do Shoot? Can't shoot They will follow the rules block this trying to negotiate with us Once the shot is fired They'll call right in We can't do stupid things Buy time for wild dogs Cheer up everyone Mother hold on mom Mother Come on, mom Mother Mother Mother come on Mother Who will save my mother? Mother Who will save my mother? hold on mom Mother hold on mom Mother What do you want to do she needs a doctor What does this have to do with you I...I am the doctor you are a doctor right I am a doctor military doctor I am familiar with the treatment of gunshot wounds She needs a doctor now I don't think you want it either Let her die like this At least She is a weight for you you are very brave on this occasion Admit that you are a soldier I am military doctor Are military doctors not soldiers? Are military doctors not soldiers? is a soldier is a soldier Aren't you afraid of death? I'm afraid But everyone is like that Can I not save it? If I keep pretending like this she is going to die I can't watch her die I admire people who have courage Although I now know you are a soldier But I can save you from death Go save her Be optimistic about him If he makes any rash move, he will be killed. do not be afraid May I have your name My name is Shasha salsa This is your mother, right? Uncle is a military doctor I'm here to save your mother now Don't be afraid, okay? Uncle, I heard it all I know you are a PLA right I am the People's Liberation Army Uncle PLA, save my mother save my mom I'll take your mother now Can you put it on the coffee table over here? good Help me lift it I need help I need help hold on mom I need help I come you want to die I'll help him let him go Quick, quick Come on, mom how is she Blood flows back into the lungs Gotta find a way Let the blood out of her chest You go find a tube-like object Be sharp Can be inserted into the chest quick Is this okay? OK salsa Close your eyes and turn around hold her down hold her down Breathe relaxedly Breathe relaxedly she was saved The blood is released Thor Tiger Came so fast After I received a distress call from my subordinate, Just board the plane and stand by. I'll fly here directly as soon as I get the order from above. How is the situation inside now? Now We don’t know what’s going on inside either. Can't get in Police reinforcements Should arrive soon They came by boat Our director and team leaders All on board too Prepare to establish an emergency command center Don't worry We obey orders from the command center I am sorry Got your people trapped inside. There is a complete special forces team Now trapped inside In fact, now we should turn bad things into good things Just hit him inside and outside. If in normal times But we still can't get in. Yes We can't get in now It depends on your special operations team Gave us information Not my special operations team It is an independent and complete women's special forces team you A women's special team was actually formed That's right flaming Phenix In fact, I had expected it They will have a day of actual combat But I really didn't expect This day has come so soon No, no don't want I said I tell you everything I tell you everything It surprised me that A scientist's bones are so hard I beg you Let me go I tell you everything tell you everything let him go I said I said I tell you everything tell you everything I know take it easy Then tell me You are at UBS Store genetic samples What is the password for the complete set of test data? X X A 8761 01 12 Thanks You now Have the same pain as me Do you understand how I feel? I don't want to kill anyone I don’t even want to harm you but only pain It makes me feel alive What should he do Keep him first make him suffer You can also delay it for a while If you kill him now It's false Isn’t there nothing left? Understood I have committed a crime against humanity i see you Just yourself we are all here What's wrong with your face? It's trivial Thank God you are all alive Fire Phoenix is ​​not that easy to die Is it just the two of you? We fought all the way from the room What about pistachios and mosquito coils? have no idea They seem to have gone to the gym Then there was a shootout Then we came here to fight what do we do now Get in touch with the police Fight together inside and outside I saw our helicopter Thor is here too Very good There's hope Quick, build a defense line are you ready alright Harley good receive we attract fire Prepare Are you okay? fine Walk Walk Walk Great, you are still alive You crow mouth Of course we are alive Didn't we just talk on the phone? What nonsense? Let's go Walk Are you okay? we're fine very good Walk Daniel and the King of Hell are still waiting for you Walk Go, go large cow Thor Calling Thor we have come in very good Go to the lobby immediately clear Notice Next target Lobby beast beast brother As the saying goes Keep the green hills Don’t worry about running out of firewood you do this now To no avail kill him doctor Do you have that ability? If I give you this gun, can you shoot it accurately? I can I can bite you to death Big brother He is crazy You must not be familiar with him You're all going to die sooner or later anyway. Stay and be blown up salsa Uncle, I'm sorry Uncle, I'm sorry lark We all need to calm down I know commando now Already entered through the back door Wait until they arrive outside the lobby You need to form a pincer attack from both front and back lark Your task is Always monitor for commando Provide intelligence assistance Is it clear? clear clear Notice Once the action begins Kill the one with the detonator first. clear Take control of the top floor now Armed Police Commando Preparing for landing Two slices per person Take two slices per person Eat two slices per person Two slices per person Two slices per person Eat it first What is this This is potassium iodide Potassium iodide is that useful Eat At least it has a comforting effect alright We can take action boarding lark We are now ready to break in you must remember Watch the guy with the remote control lark received Something's wrong They seem to be getting ready to come in right They will definitely come in what should we do When they rush in I'll set off the bomb follow us Go to the lobby take the shortest way quick how fear death No Just our task Still not finished That's right Our mission Doomed to fail We underestimated the risk of the mission certainly The risk this time It's also accidental who would have thought Female special forces soldiers of the People's Liberation Army Just happened to be on vacation here It’s really not as good as God’s calculations. We can't get out Dead A scam is always a scam It won't take long They will know the truth I'm going to kill Zhao Yunming No you killed him K2 How to get the password What do you mean rest assured keep him K2 will always find him password We'll still get it Then he won't hand Dongyou over, right? Won't he can survive It's because this password is still hidden If he handed it over to the relevant government His life is long gone Who would run around with this hidden danger? He won't turn it in It’s clear where is he now In the executive lounge It's safer there good Just let him hide there us We will definitely get what we want Call for Thunder War, Call for Thunder War We are in place good Tiger You can give orders now What are you waiting for? Dry Dry receive Ready to fight Hurry up Demoman we are ready to say goodbye The hostages outside are lying down. We are the Chinese Army. rush superior dispatch Get down Get down, get down Chinese Army put down the gun Go, go, go salsa Lying down Lin Guoliang I'm fine I'm alive I am a wounded person Where did your courage go? Why does it look like a different person? What more courage do I need to see you? Get down I'm not dead Your voice is so loud Probably not dead yet But you're squeezing my muscles Why didn't it explode? This should be a trigger Can you come down first and I'll tell you slowly? quick rescue hostages Lying down Lying down Walk Go, go, go Escort hostages quick move back Slower Then why did it just now Don't explode I've said it so many times it is triggered Hold on quick stand up Retreat quickly I am a wounded person I need a stretcher What a stretcher This is going to explode Go quickly You really got shot doctor doctor There's a casualty doctor here Doctor, hurry up how is he stretcher Carry away The child is also left to you. First company commander Why are you here? Can I not do this? We are special forces amazing But now please step aside I'm going to work we can help go out instructor can you hear me go out We have been irradiated I don’t care if it’s more or less Less is better than more everyone get out Only chemical defense troops can stay we won't leave that is We are also chemical defense troops You now It's my soldier go out go out This is an order Everyone, please go out Leave it to us here Take care of yourself We withdraw lark go out take them all away Walk Don't make trouble here old fox arrive take them out Walk yes withdraw Lei Zhan I'll take off your extra equipment lighten your burden Stop talking so much come quickly will we die meeting Why doesn't this watch move? take another Now we can basically conclude Now we can basically conclude Your watch is broken What do you mean They used technology to deceive us It's just a conventional bomb The police are not allowed to move Safety Safety safe, safe, safe Tiger, I found Zhao Yunming he is still alive I need emergency medical assistance sorry I can't bear it anymore I really can't bear it anymore Don't talk, keep your strength do not worry They didn't send it out
Channel: 利刃出击
Views: 34,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 利刃出擊, 特種兵, 狙擊手, 功夫, 武術, 武俠, 抗日, kung fu, 功夫大師, Chinese Kongfu, 擂台, 比武, 電影, 神枪, 空手道, action movie, kungfu movie, battle scenes, war fight scene, 武侠神剧, 武侠打斗片, 功夫片, 逆襲, 打斗, 抗日神剧, movie action, 字幕, 中国 历史, 中国功夫, 好看中国电视剧, 武侠 电影, 金庸武侠, 武侠片, 特種部隊, 戰爭, 战争, 軍旅, 特效, KungFu, martial arts fight, eight route army, Chinese television dramas, 抗日戰爭劇, 动作, 热门电影, movie, fight scene, Chinese drama, 中国电视剧, 少林功夫, 武术, best fight scene, action movies, film, kungfu film, MMA Fighter Kung Fu, martial arts, 最佳打斗场面, 武打电视剧, 特种兵之火凤凰, 徐佳, 刘晓洁, 安雅萍, 郭艳
Id: nGRUR4jOHe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 58sec (5398 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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