The Eleventh Hour (2008) | Full Movie | Matthew Reese | Jennifer Klekas | K. Danor Gerald

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foreign [Music] I love you and I am gonna be here waiting for you to get back I love you too how you doing can't complain can't or won't we'll see her again it's time [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] foreign come on foreign good morning [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] freeze up reset clear team three clear two out I'm on point s thank you now foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] you've been seeing me for over two years have I ever betrayed your trust I'm sensing a reluctance to open up what's wrong we have been making such good progress lately nothing's wrong I just don't want to talk about it Michael you know that anything you tell me stays in these four walls I was tortured for three years I took everything from me and one day they just let me go since I've been home Everything's changed I was trying to kill you know I have this instinct it's anger inside but I have no enemies are you ready to tell me what happened back there no when was the last time you spoke with your wife every time we talk it ends up in a fight I blame her and I take it out on her but I have no one else to blame whose fault is it no ones someone I think I was left to die and I thought he'd come back who Mason Chambers Mason Chambers thank you Michael same time next week I'll be here we'll see I was tortured for three years I took everything from me [Music] cool IO Rachel hey there's some detectives here to see you okay in a startling admission North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has ended years of denial by confirming North Korean spies kidnap Japanese citizens in the late 90s and that they have been returned alive yeah that's not one of them him Rachel sorry no I don't think so how about him no approximately what time did the attack happen shortly after nine to assailants yes no it it was three are you sure yes I'm sure it was three two of them grab me from behind as the other one hit me over the head and they took your cash but left your purse yes do you own a gun no I mean yes I do I just I never touch it my husband it was given to me you have a permit for it I have a permit for it look I was in front of my house this morning shortly after nine when three men came at me from behind two of them grabbed a hold of me as the other one hit me over the head with something they stole some cash and they left me on the ground bleeding my neighbor called an ambulance and and here I am 12 stitches later Miss pace detectives you're gonna have to excuse me thank you for coming look over the rest of these photos call me if you can think of anything else stings does it a little but I won't cry though you must be a very brave little girl a handbrake super Brave my going to need stitches nope I think a Band-Aid will do the job I wish I needed stitches trust me they're not that fun look I have some here are you nurse atoms in this pace I used to be nurse Adams but now I am nurse pace I used to call my cat butts but my dad said it was a very good name so I changed it what's your cat's name now you're bleeding all right we're gonna be out here all day until we get this thing right let's go back on the ball let's go yeah come on let's go on the ball s come on keep your tackles low you stop this leg stop the run high enough it's only practice Zach let's go let's go deep and 74. yeah what the hell was that Zach Zach Zach knock knock it off knock it off that's enough calm down get off me she what what huh you are playing selfish show off football or whatever it takes coach look look you're not only letting yourself down but you're letting your team down what are you talking about catch you have a drive inside you that could lead this team to Victory if you can be a real man and put your team above yourself relax dude you're off the team Zach guys let's go yeah Michael it's Rachel ah listen I need you to pick up Ben I can't right now you're the one who insisted on joint custody Rachel I would do it but right now is a really bad time Michael please if there was would I be calling you all right I'll do it the doctors told me that I shouldn't be driving and that they might have a few more tests to do what where are you yeah I was attacked outside my apartment this morning Rachel then why don't you call me I don't know you tell me Michael I gotta go Rachel hello again Dr Stone so uh you're gonna make it a habit of coming to see me I hope not wait no I didn't mean it like that I'm sorry I am you know what I mean let's take a look at your x-rays okay you look good what your x-rays they look good everything looks normal oh what about the nosebleed most likely caused by stress and overdoing it you really should lie down and take it easy for the rest of the day how embarrassing I usually turn it off and it's my mother do you mind if I take it no we'll go right ahead thanks hey Mom no it's not a bad time no no I'll still be there she's doing just fine I'm actually with her right now okay all right I'll tell you all about it later all right love you bye so you told your mother about me she just want to make sure we're feeling better okay I what did you tell her about me that's between my mother and me what happened to Dr patient privacy my mother she asked me every day if I met any single attractive woman around my age you're single right technically come on [Music] thank you [Music] right now foreign sorry so um how long ago did she pass away is this December I I can't imagine what you must be going through so what about you ever been married I my husband and I are separated right now Stephanie my wife we were having problems and we tried counseling that out believe me we've we've tried counseling I Michael just won't open up since since what well he was a Navy SEAL and I was told he was killed in action five years ago and three years later he just shows up he won't talk about where he'd been or what he was doing he isn't the same you know what excuse me hello what no I am I will figure something out please um someone will be there soon okay something wrong yeah Michael didn't pick up Ben and Michael pick up you know are you sure I can't drive you really shouldn't it's great I I'm just gonna take a cab then and get my car another time hey my shift's up shortly I could take you I am you know I don't want to inconvenience you but no no it's not a problem or what about your car I'll just have the cab come pick me up when I drop you off no thank you no I am I'm gonna have to decline thank you though okay you know what um wait a second yeah okay if if you don't mind that that would be great okay questions quiet [Music] I have waited a long time to see you hello Michael this is an x-ray of your wife we have placed an explosive device here in her head the timer has been set to 12 hours you have about eight hours to eliminate your target there's some very well Michael if you fail to eliminate your target the device will explode you must not contact the police or your wife if you fail to respect these orders we will detonated the device by remote let me demonstrate this is your target sales chamber security good maybe not good enough to handle this Peter Billings is top-notch serves as a senator's Chief advisor as well but he won't be happy to see us though [Music] [Music] Senator Chambers Robert Cochran Secret Service agent Wright nice to meet you gentlemen this is my aide Leslie Mills Chief advisor oh really hey uh let's get moving thank you why don't you wear a longer skirt next time we've been getting death threats since Mason was elected Senator what's so different about this one Leslie you have a number for Michael Adams oh yeah I don't have that kind of information but I can tell you they don't call us in unless the threat is serious any assassination threat should be taken seriously well so what's all the fuss about I don't think you appreciate the severity of this threat understood but I think the boys at Homeland Security are just overreacting with all due respect sir this one's different we believe there may be a foreign connection who's behind it we don't know yet but we're constantly getting updates from Intel and we'll immediately pass those on to you Michael it's Mason hey I'm in town until tomorrow I thought we'd get together you know grab a bite or something give me a call at this number look I didn't come here to hide in a hotel room understood but we do have some recommendations the studio broadcast for example oh geez impossible that's the main reason we're here we're just trying to keep the senator alive well and I'm trying to get him reelected look guys it's probably the safest place for me to be Why Don't We Go There take a look at it if everybody's comfortable with the location we'll just proceed as planned agreed sounds good [Music] [Music] [Music] I need my car okay car here will that do hi [Music] come on pick up hello this is principal Miller this is Michael Rachel payson's husband is Rachel there no she left for the hospital hours ago which hospital what which hospital did you go to police Lake I think foreign ready number for East Lake hospital please one moment he's like yeah I'm looking for a patient and to be under Rachel Adams or Rachel pace which one peace she is an outpatient and I'll transfer you now uh she left with Dr Stone not too long ago would you like for me to leave him a message hello [Applause] foreign no signal could I use your phone yeah you're um you're welcome to use my landline inside [Music] I don't see any cameras everywhere except the park style next week hi I'm Sharon Wilson producer here at the studio it's a pleasure to meet you Senator likewise thanks for setting this up I've been a fan of Larry's for a long time we do have everything you've asked for set up in one of our conference rooms so if you guys would just follow me will this work that's great thank you the windows are bulletproof as well and then we'll send someone for you when it's time to put you through the works very good now did you guys want to see the security room yes please okay I'll stay with the senator Okay so ones on the coffee table and if you'll excuse me I'm just I'm gonna go put him up Let's uh not forget why we're here people North Korea is a communist country a terrorist state that has no respect for human rights the only thing North Korea should be concerned about is whether or not they will be caught in the act of participating in illicit traffic this is not hostile to Any Nation that's acting in an appropriate manner but the desperation of North Koreans is evident by the number of citizens that jump over fences and penetrate Embassy compounds to get away from this oppressive regime that makes life so difficult for them so difficult not only economically but by denying them basic human rights the right that every human has to live free terrorist state no respect for human rights you did not win a lot of friends with those comments Mason you're gonna have to make up for it tonight sorry I need to get this I could go for a cheeseburger and some fries lots of ketchup everything's good on my end I'll call him ready for a pickup [Music] cam should be here shortly maybe I should look your stitches okay [Applause] look I know everybody makes mistakes but we just can't tolerate let me know when you find anything else out where's the senator he's in the bathroom alone agent right is with him Cochran to write next time call it in yeah I need to use your computer they figured out what foreign power once Chambers dead none it's a lone assassin oh I won't assassin who gives me up unidentified but we do have a voice recording here took everything from me I have no one else to blame I was left to die I have this instinct kill Mason Chambers you know what I'm sorry I I can't do this I'm no I'm sorry Rachel I thought that's what you wanted yeah excuse me Michael what are you doing make sure we need to talk now yes now it's not a good time is there a problem you're told not to contact her tell me what is going on thank you foreign are you hurt Rachel are you hurt no I don't think so why didn't the gun work there's blanks in it you gave me a gun and I can't believe you gave me a gun with blanks in it what just happened here Rachel I have a bomb in your head three years took everything from me but I have no one else to blame What's Left To Die instinct to kill Mason Chambers can't be who is it it's Michael Adams don't you know him are you sure I'm positive where'd you get this recording Homeland Security received a minute ago or they get it I don't know sir it might be a good thing to find out I'll let the FBI know who the Assassin is no I want to speak to him first Leslie yes sir excuse me Senator Chambers I have Larry on the line if you're available for just a few minutes yeah I'll be there in just a second Leslie yeah a number you gave me this morning from Michael keep trying okay I'll be right back so who is this guy just give me a minute here's his bio Michael Adams ex-navy seal thought to be killed in action during a covert hostage rescue in North Korea turns out he was alive in a pow for three years two years ago he was released so how does Mason know Michael Adams Chambers led the mission they served to seals together I gotta make some calls Mason can we get a second here huh um what are you doing we have a clear threat on your life from this guy let's just get it taken care of look I know Michael Adams believe me there's something else going on here just trust me on this all right I just I'm not willing to trust your instincts when it comes to an assassination threat who's the one being threatened you or me hmm thank you Asian right sir Jim it's Peter I've got a situation here I need to contact Michael what do you saying a small explosive device was placed inside the back of your head this morning you mean the attack yes and the bomb's gonna go off at 10 o'clock tonight or if I let go of this trigger now that guy already fell on the trigger so if I let go of this the bomb's gonna go off I don't understand Senator Chambers is in town today being interviewed on Larry Steward I'm supposed to kill the senator live on TV by 10 o'clock or the bomb's gonna go off I need you to hold this press down here okay don't let go like why I don't I don't understand who's doing this the whole thing is being run by next general from the North Korean army he was kicked out of his country so North Korea is behind this I think he's working on his own his name is General okay when those Japanese prisoners were released the North Korean government stated that those responsible would be punished they use General as their Fall Guy so this is all for Revenge could be or his way of trying to save honor and safe face he was your Handler he was supposed to sit off the bomb if I tried to contact you over the place but General has several people working for him Michael you will do this to my instructions we have the trigger why Chambers and polities about my country like problems and that's reason enough to kill him die either but you are yours is up to you to you your wife will join him we have the trigger it's over I uh yes six hours Michael Leslie any luck reaching him getting his voicemail all right well I've taken care of it so let's just focus on Mason's interview okay what do you mean taking care of it I've hired some men to go find Michael Adams and bring him in sulted me first we're gonna keep this from the senator okay no I don't think so do you have any idea what this man is capable of yeah you don't know Chambers very well do you I mean did you hear him we have the identity of his assassin and all he wants to do is talk to him you just do your job and I'll do mine yeah I'm trying to do my job good I've got things to do we're done here we clear can you just take it out it's too risky a little type of explosive it is and there's too many variables we've got to go now out the back all right watch out come on come on come on [Music] down what are we gonna do we gotta double back and get to one of our cars thank you foreign thank you [Music] look out foreign thank you this way move [Music] stay here thank you [Music] [Music] thank you Michael Michael [Music] come on hurry my sincere apologies had nothing to apologize for well you need to make it sound like you do look I'm not going to apologize for speaking the truth was it not one of our presidents who said North Korea is the axis of Evil exactly look I'm not going to sugarcoat this thing Mason you need to remember that the purpose of this broadcast is to strengthen your position not weaken it come on let's move on to Human Rights wait Leslie have you been able to get a hold of Michael uh we're we're trying sir Adrian Cochran could you put in a call to Homeland Security have him get Michael's cell phone number don't tell them why we want it yes sir you're bleeding I missed a column back there cut a blit it's not bad we gotta get you to a doctor I'm fine no you're not fine let me see it we've got to keep moving you know what lie on the table light on the table easy [Music] just beneath the surface it's wasting no vital organs no major arteries here I could eat the bullet out Rachel relax finished you did good thank you why do you live with so much pain is only temporary it passes but not for you I don't know how to let it go Michael what did they do to you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign damage was so strong at first as time went on I began to fade I tried so hard not to forget but as your memory faded so did I I have every line memorized recurve thank you cell number what are we gonna do we're going to see Senator Chambers there what are you looking for information on his staff and schedule there it is there the address to the TV studio that's where he is you can't just go to uh what is it there's a piercing pain behind my right eye and it's getting around oh it's a stop what did you do I've heard of the pain it's not gonna last forever I'm gonna get you to a hospital come on let's go ah get down stay low come on [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm gonna let them away and go to Mason can you call the police and get to the hospital can't lose you again Mason are you I'll do what it takes do you have your cell phone I'll call you when it's safe call the police and get to the hospital [Music] Michael it's Mason we need to talk he could be in danger huh give me a call at this number as soon as you can foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs foreign [Music] hi Michael you okay yes of you yeah one of them stayed behind what okay he isn't moving you okay though right yeah I called the police Michael be careful I would call me when you get to the hospital okay [Applause] strength resolve but you do have to be a little bit apologetic sir I need to speak with you of course would you excuse us Peter sir I'm concerned about Peter Billings involvement there's a good man hear me out when I spoke with Homeland about Michael's cell phone number they were already aware that it was Michael's voice on the recording wow Peter Billings told them you went behind my back no what I did what Peter I did what what needed to be done what you wouldn't do Michael Adams is no assassin sorry to interrupt they're ready for you I'll be right there do you find Leslie for me [Music] Rachel are you okay I love your wife Michael where's Rachel she's with me Michael Rachel to send it to life for your wife foreign I believe it's happening tonight I'll handle it is everything okay yeah everything's fine the last minute details Senators looking for you know timing never works out in my favor how's that you coming aboard this week me leaving next week new job yeah overseas a little something in Europe so what did you pick up Korea stay completely still and put your hands in front of you who are you someone who doesn't give a damn whether you live or die I see you have a gun so do you only yours is in your holster and mine's in my hand pointing at your head you said you Michael down on your knees Lisa he's just a little shiny on the left agent Cochran agent Cochran come in 30 seconds let's go [Music] tonight serious threat how real is it is it Senator Mason Chambers weighs in on this issue and much foreign come on [Applause] [Music] Senator your political views on North Korea are well known have they been affected by North Korea's recent effort to improve it absolutely not I stand firm in my resolve North Korea is or a state that has no respect for human rights [Music] [Applause] [Music] we have just received unconfirmed reports that Senator Mason Chambers was just shot on live TV while appearing on the popular talk show Larry Stewart live an unidentified man entered the studio and opened fire open I can't believe you shot me I barely graced you you want to tell me what's going on Michael you left me I thought you were dead it's like the rest of the team I barely made it out of that country alive myself the mission failed I failed I had to live with that for five years you want to know the hardest part having to tell Rachel you were dead and not being able to tell her how or why if I didn't shoot you then we're gonna kill her there's an explosive inside her head coonhazard so Coons behind this it's done I want confirmation I'll bring you the body Health South not interested I'll call you in 10 minutes break the glass sir give me your keys I can't do that my goal is not the Assassin they've got his wife we're going to get her back [Music] I can't let you put your life at risk just put you down Cochran do it for me I owe this to him no one can know I'm still alive not yet yes sir [Music] turn the right on 13th South [Music] [Music] we have less than 30 minutes I'll keep an eye out [Music] where is the body it's here bring it to me now [Music] [Music] disarm the ball she's dead either way disarming now yes do it Mason on your knees you have five minutes of my college prepared you for this to have disappointed me [Music] I want you to watch um oh my God [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] oh no no no foreign do you trust me laughs Senator Mason Chambers issued a press release today clarifying the details of his attempted assassination last week his apparent shooting was actually an elaborate plot by a disgraced North Korean General Kun Chung Li the suspected assassin Michael Adams purposely missed Senator Chambers and enlisted his help in rescuing Adam's wife who was being held hostage General Kuhn was killed during the rescue the North Korean government has issued a statement praising Senator Chambers bravery and for bringing an end to this wanted International terrorist foreign I don't know about you guys I'm getting a little tired of this hospital food I said we get out of here just a minute what are you doing here okay I just want to talk Mason fired you after what you did can we talk huh I just I want to apologize hold on me and Samuel hug you check out who was that I never liked you foreign he just left you can probably catch him at the elevator [Music] not at this time I understand well you'll be sorely missed I'll be sad to see you go well I sure don't want you to know something what's that what's that I know okay [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] memories of you what I hold on to visions of your face take me to another place it keeps me breathing but I'm afraid to look and find that you're not there I close my eyes to feel you near and hope that you still care I need more time to share a life with you this is the reason I Hold On and keep breathing [Music] foreign [Music] Slips Away changes the seasons fading away the thoughts of you and of your face it keeps me breathing but I'm afraid to look find that you're not there I close my eyes to feel you near and hope that you still care I need more time to share a life with you this is the reason I hold on and keep breathing breathing [Music] show me you're still there I need to know waiting for the time to feel your touch again until then it keeps me breathing but I'm afraid to look and find that you're not there I close my eyes to feel you near and hope that you still can't I need more time to share a life with you this is the reason I Hold On [Music] keep breathing [Music] [Music]
Channel: SparkTV
Views: 650,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, TV, Film, Entertainment, sparktv, full movies, free full movies, The Eleventh Hour, The Eleventh Hour 2008, The Eleventh Hour Full Movie, The Eleventh Hour Free Movie, the Eleventh Hour Movie, Full Movie, Free Movie, Full Free Movie, 2008, Action, Action Movie, Thriller Movie, Thriller, Military Movie, Military, North Korea, U.S, United States
Id: qd8l3Shy2uU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 36sec (5616 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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