HELL BOATS | Full War movie in english

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] I repeat do not turn back Yahoo give the order abandoned ships [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] straight edge [Music] oh my God Shepherd sir Lieutenant Commander Thomas Jeffords the vote shot from under him in the channel oh he's been in hospital for the last month he seems quite well now is it what's this as American English mother sir he volunteered September 39 he's been with us two and a half years it might be something in him then is he her he's outside sir Heaven Sent in uh he doesn't chew gum does he no sir Jeffers good evening sir reading about you here lost your book on the channel eh that's right sir good crap was it good scrap sir good got another foil Malta Commander Carlton here I'll give you the overall picture Rommels got the eighth Army but it's back to the wall almost to the Suez Canal if he breaks through well there's not much to prevent the biggest pincer movement in history from here in the South up through the Middle East and from the north through Russia and the Caucasus they'll have the whole Mediterranean sewn up but Malta is a dagger a Grandma's throat if Malta goes so does Egypt and if Egypt goes malters the hinge on which the war can turn and it'll be your job to see that it turns our way now you understand that Shepherds this is not just a routine probing operation it's big can you tell me anything about it sir no you might get to sell captain or Luke well I think that's all any questions just one request what is it I'd like to have my old Chief assigned to the operation who is he chief petty officer Adam Ben Yakov he's a volunteer from Palestine see what you can do Carlton all right well that's all Jeff Hoods yes sir oh no there's one other thing you'll be reporting to come on to ashhurst he's CEO of dragonfly the MTV base in Malta ashurst yes is my son yes sir I'll do that oh good luck thank you sir don't let the RAF drop you of the drink thank you we arrive in Malta in 20 minutes as you know the luftwaffe bases on Sicily are only a few minutes flying time from Malta they will be waiting to Strath the Airfield when we touch down we have a special procedure to cope with this as soon as the plane stops rolling all exit doors will be thrown open your deep Lane as fast as you can and make for the blast shelters alongside the runway remain there until we all clear one further matter the motors will not be stopped while we are on the ground try to avoid running into the propellers we will need them after you've gone [Music] I wish to hell you hadn't bothered with what on the top of you went to getting me here [Music] [Music] thank you Lieutenant Commander jeopard sir ah Jeffords nice to see you Commander I wonder what you've done to deserve this dancer Malta you know what we're like castle and The Siege nothing much can get in nothing much can get out subsistence rations constant Air Raids don't know why they bother to send more men in unless it's to share the misery I believe you have operational orders for me sir yes tell you anything about it did they no they didn't [Music] thank you well there's your objective Augusta what is it it was an Italian submarine base in Sicily and the Germans took it over now they're using the sub pens to store glider bombs new weapons they're using them against our convoys their planes drop them at a distance they Glide in radio control to the Target and they're extremely accurate only last week 50 of our ships set out three made it two of those sank in the harbor we're supposed to be hitting rommel's line of supply and we're barely holding on ourselves if we're to survive we must knock out that base that sounds more like a job for the RAF they can't do it there's a solid mountain of rock sitting on top of those pens same neither the planes or the payload to touch it it's impregnable so now they want mtbs to do the job all these orders tell me what to do where to do it they don't tell me how how is your problem approach and method to be at the discretion of the Tactical Commander we either have a very high opinion of you or you've made a damn nuisance ago sir what did you do spillable soup on an admiral well come and meet your cruise I gather you didn't volunteer for this show who volunteers no sign of Willy yet no sir who's Willie 10 o'clock Willie he's a measurement yeah sometimes comes over a bit of fun about 10 he'll come out of the Sun I have to get used to him Jerry uses us for target practice in fact we're the proverbial Sitting Duck by the way I bring regards from your father saw the old man did you quite a reputation something to live up to is it off my boat sir seems to be carrying out some sort of General inspection and inventory I don't know who the hell he is that's probably my chief I asked him to look things over give me his first impression Paula this is Lieutenant Commando Jeffords he's taking over the flotilla how'd he do how do you do sir I'm looking forward to serving under you however I trust the established chain of command will still Prevail I'm sure it will Lieutenant my Chief's always a bit over enthusiastic he was downright in subordinate sir how do you like him better in a fight Lieutenant at the ship's company standby to meet new Commander hi Isaac young father was expecting to take command of the flotilla was he yes I I recommend it all right Keith Michael hands the bus run Ponto [Music] come on come on Shake It Up buds yeah Ships Come deep Sean just enemies Ships Come Today standard hey ship's coming here Lieutenant Commander jefford is taking over the flotilla follow you already met him to Johnson how long have you been out here Lieutenant just five weeks sir before that Destroyer sir what made you switch to mtvs the chance of Commander thank you your um chief petty officer Stanhope sir well your nominal strength is nine boats two of them are in the bottom of the harbor Air Attack three others are on a major overhaul and three more are well overdue for it leaving an effective fighting force of one and that's it all right Lieutenant Barlow there'll be a meeting of all captains of boats on the quarter deck in 10 minutes to Smith ships company hi ice yes gentlemen I know some of what you've been through I know it's not easy to carry on short of supplies equipment no replacement personnel but now that we've been selected for this special operation I'm going to have to demand an even greater effort from him operation sir you'll hear all about that when you're ready to go ready in fighting ability and aggressive action are you suggesting I'm suggesting nothing Mr Barlow I'm simply telling you what to expect this operation requires performances beyond anything you've ever known what about spare parts sir carrying our supplies were sunk well the two boats at the bottom of the harbor strip those boats of everything usable you'll have all spare parts you need all right gentlemen that's all sounded to me as if you were trying to convince yourself the operation has a chance is there an alternative what is it German Convoy man your boats let's go [Music] [Music] I can't stand this much longer as long as we're trapped on this island we have to make it look as if our marriage is working marriages are made with children excuse me you can't walk out on everything I can't walk out on anything not on this island not on my job not on you it was all over with us Alice and you didn't have to come I came because I thought there was enough love between us to want each other again obviously I was wrong get me off this island Roger send me home I can't you're not eligible for evacuation [Music] Alison we're in a trap so you might as well make the best of it remember that's what my father always used to say [Music] foreign midships steady make Enemy Inside two e-boats and Convoy Brad 2-0 horse zero zero zero speed one five cut Wing engines start Wing engines [Music] baby open fire on the ball [Music] to our boats I'm attacking stern of Convoy keep closed up I repeat keep closed up part 10. midships steady foreign contact with Convoy follow here on passing Survivor sir we'll pick them up on the way back stop at 20. you're gonna follow damn him maintain the attack I repeat Barlow maintain the attack Convoy got the way sir shall we help with the survivors now Mr Barlow seems to have that well in hand hard to part Navigator give me a course back home in our ETA foreign foreign we'll discuss it later [Music] coming I'm sorry sir but Commander ashes would like to see you at his office immediately I wouldn't delay sir the commander did seem most anxious for your report I'm still waiting in German I'm still waiting for a coherent explanation as to why you didn't give me your report I told you sir I was planning to do that in the morning to Jeffords on this base in this command you'll go by the book also help me I'll slam each chat on you understood I'll try to keep that in mind sir oh a report I want Barlow replaced you told me you delayed a run in order to pick up survivors personally I don't think that a reason to replace it no I do sir men killed and wounded we let twelve thousand tons of German shipping Escape because if our boat captain and still hasn't learned the most Elementary principle of war the objective first father was right in one respect morale if you leave men swimming in the sea no one's going to be happy riding with you I don't expect her to be happy I expect them to obey orders the signal sent by Wireless in clear supposing the wireless didn't function MTB operations rule 1 never turned back cold-blooded bastard no no I'm what I've been made a boat Commander sent on a lunatic Mission with Crews who hadn't been given a chance to volunteer oh I'm stuck with him just like they're stuck with me but Barlow's out he's a good man why not give him another chance Commander nine days from now I've got a job to do Barlow isn't the kind of Officer I can do it with the men I need are going to have to hit Augusta without thought without hesitation without stopping to wonder who's going to live or who's going to die the men I want are going to know they're dead the minute we enter that Harbor all right bottles out here's one more thing I'll have to see Augusta might arrange an aerial reconnaissance no that won't do it I have to go ashore that's been tried six months ago by Naval intelligence we lost five agents and we'll just have to try it again Commander I've got a little flotilla in there at night I have to know their exact gun positions the location of the Mind channels photographs won't give me that say to yourself This was a lunatic mission it's his Madness or maybe maybe anyway I'd appreciate if you'd set this in motion through proper chance now with your permission sir I'd like to get some sleep [Music] you can tell a tenant Barlow for me as far as I'm concerned I did him a favor [Music] [Music] and that gentleman is the last time you'll be at ease for the next nine days on that you have my guarantee all right now that we've met and grown to love each other I'll lay it on to you directly sometime gentlemen in the next nine days we're all going to be taking a little cruise together where we're going and why is top secret for the moment all you need to know is the mission is of supreme importance and nothing less than complete success will be acceptable of what I saw on our last operation our chances of survival on this one are nil now since I don't like committing suicide you're going to spend every moment you're not out on a combat mission in training you'll work until this flotilla satisfies me that it is capable in every respect of carrying out the job we were selected for are there any questions [Music] good and I suggest we get started now no no leave the boat [Music] I want them all out here at o600 at the morning [Music] are they shaping up yeah good man but they don't like the training schedule more than that they hate your guts sir well that's straight to the point anyway why they think Lieutenant Bala was right and you were wrong what do you think I think if a man has something to fight for something to live for in other words the man before the mission well it depends what each man sees as his mission what's yours I fight to make way for what I want to live in peace I see no difference between us it wasn't not in the beginning there is now you see there are Travelers and the hunters if a traveler is to pass through a jungle on his way home and wild animals stands in his way he kills it and the Hunter what does he do he goes into the jungle for The Killing and he's going nowhere [Music] and I'm the hunter is at it [Music] that's a question you have to ask yourself foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I told you it was a small island hello stranger hello Commander can I freshen your drink yeah sure but not here somewhere else any place you name it any way you see London New York Rio no foreign [Music] look if it'll help you change your mind out I'll settle for just a quiet walk it's really quite impossible is it as you've met my wife please excuse me yeah Admiral's interested in your idea for a land reconnaissance it's on team assistant agent who's got hold of an Italian naval officer who wants to talk to us don't know what he wants but since he was confident of Augusta he may be able to help get into the base I suppose it's a courteous sir that this may be a trap yes but it's a chance we can't ignore or Rendezvous has been fixed yurio sealed orders you slip at 2300. [Music] well let's have a drink before you go [Music] you tell Barla about my decision I did I think you ought to know that Barlow admittedly received your order and disobeyed it well anything else before I go good wishes of us all [Music] right [Music] sir yes Barlow I want to apologize for what happened the other night if I could have another chance of coming with you again sir I need a captain for a special mission tonight are you on yes sir thank you sir all right then Mr Barlow meet me on the dock twenty three hundred hours cut Wing engines buongiorno you like Opera I like traviana me I like Don Giovanni all right that's it stay out of sight till Sunday I got a contract to deliver one English officer ashore there'll be two of us going Paulo Luigi go with them see if I've been what's all that about the Germans see a boat with three men go out they see a boat with three men come back Salvatore he's a thinking mind Bandit huh if I'm not back by 1900s you know what to do good luck sir [Applause] hey why don't you talk like an Englishman because I'm an American let's go okay Joe thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Cameron [Music] [Music] come on wake here [Music] [Music] who are you listen to talk about it not just call me Luciano all right this Italian Colonel I'm supposed to meet you know I'm I know him he's coming out of the port can he be trusted he's the only one who can get you to that base Luciana um where's the colonel he's not coming the Germans arrested him damn it's a long way to come for nothing what is it he's the old man he says if it helps you to look into that base he knows the way right now I'll take anything I can get okay Joe let's go [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] welcome back [Music] you go on I'll cover you from here [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] well this is it you can see it from here thank you [Music] foreign [Music] submarine pens bearing one zero zero [Music] match football I sent you them major gun emplacements zero five five zero five nine [Music] zero six two [Music] okay that's it [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Applause] no [Music] come on man [Music] [Music] foreign yet keep me informed the coffee will tastes better hot thank you but it wasn't really necessary Jeff I know your wife if you'll please stop being so solicitous and go to bed I'll do my best not to fall apart you may not believe it but I haven't broken down in days but of course like everything else I owe that to you you really hate me don't you no hate implies a certain passion I'm sorry Roger I thought we could have reached an agreement my mistake obviously we both made a mistake it didn't happen yesterday or last week or last month this marriage died a long time ago why because I loved you I did it because I loved you because night after night the only thing that sleep brought you was the memory of the man you'd seen killed that day you were living a nightmare tearing yourself apart I couldn't stand it so you went to my father and asked him to take me off combat and I do it again Roger because I wanted to say something of you oh save me you destroyed me no Roger you're destroying yourself trying to measure up to him tell me Roger why don't you hate your father as well to hell with my father don't give a damn about him or your opinion of me the only thing I know is that thanks to your loving intercession I'm where I am now sitting out the wall behind a desk do you know it was the best day of my entire life the day I finally realized just what you've done to me once and for all Alice and stay out of my life you leave me alone [Music] all right Roger you're alone you've always been alone Alison don't judge me not you you haven't the right yes [Music] are you sure it's Jeff's vote tell him to meet me in my office as soon as they knocked [Music] Lieutenant Commander jefford sir ah Jeffries this is Lieutenant Wallace Naval intelligence Lieutenant did everything go off all right sir yes we got all the information we needed where'd you lost your last agent on Sicily though dead and our Italian friends huh never sure what did you get for us sir fixes and Augusta's major defenses here here here here you uh did you guys look at the submarine Pence huh yes they're wide open when we saw what about a couple of torpedoes through those doors no it's a I've had it can't be done first sign of trouble Jerry Lewis is awesome and you couldn't penetrate it with a battleship we could if we got men inside those pens with explosives can't even get into the harbor and learn the pens a trojan horse Trojan Horse yes we have to capture an E-boat well not serious dead serious [Music] foreign [Music] I wasn't sure you'd come can't be sure of anything these days [Music] I felt I owed you an explanation [Music] no you don't owe me any explanation look I met you I liked you I wanted you and I found out you're my commanding officer's wife end of story I'm not a wife and I'm not what you're thinking how do you know what I'm thinking [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] Alexander different the fair Lancaster is [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] inconsequential E-boat really was not that much trouble captain now if you'll excuse me come on I uh I gather you don't think very much of the plans plan what a plan that is a scheme for disaster captured eboat stealing into enemy Harbor a flotilla of MTB is casually thrown away in a diversionary action underwater swimmers as a matter of interest just where do they come from myself the two cbo's Yark off in Stanhope we've all had the basic training I can't possibly allow you to proceed I think the whole scheme I really don't give a damn what you think Commander I didn't come here to ask your permission I don't need it Mr Jeffords I'm your commanding officer that's right sir in everything except the detailed planning for the assault on Augusta my Authority for that's the admiralty that does not justify insubordination if you persist in this attitude I shall take it up with the Admiral you take it up with who the hell you like all I want from you is authority to draw those special stores you don't get it what is it with you Commander I mean where do you get off with these obstructions I've worked on a plan which is at least feasible and it's halfway to completion halfway to hell no one's asking you to go I could have you placed under arrest what you said here today now you go ahead go ahead Commander because that's the only way you're going to stop me [Music] go out to see me sir oh yes Wellness I need your help I want you to try and send a priority radio signal supposedly coming from the E-boat so it sounds as if it's under heavy attack officers wounded vote in trouble well Jerry do you think he knows why the boat hasn't come back that way might be more sympathetic when it does show up yes I think we can do that sir all right good all right as soon as you can these are the documents from the vote right I'll let you know how we get off Allison those things I said to you about the evening they were very unfair I realized that now I came to apologize some of what you said is true now it's too late Roger [Music] I envy men like Jeffords it's a man prepared to kill prepared to die he enjoys this warm certain night [Music] perhaps he's just a man who wants to get it over with as quickly as possible you [Music] 've you've been seeing him [Music] you sent me away Roger does he mean anything to you [Music] I don't know [Music] Madison don't let's blame each other okay good night [Music] foreign Jeff and Zion understand you're holding a briefing for all CEOs at 1100 that's right I trust my presence Winston the E-boat will lead the approach to Augusta all other boats will maintain Station 200 yards of stern now we sink through radio deception and we prepared the Germans for the idea that one of their evotes was heavily engaged and damaged so we're hoping they'll pass us through the Evo's job is to get the defensive boom open and keep it open long enough for the rest of you to crash in how long do you estimate the deception will last long enough after that they'll have other things in their minds now once inside the harbor the E-boat will head to the submarine pins and drop the landing party over the side while the flotilla creates havoc in the anger exactly at what point do the boat captains make the decision to withdraw well the red flare will signal The Landing parties off the Evo from that moment we'll need five minutes so expect you to create as much Havoc as possible and get the hell out and what about the shore party now the two cpos and myself know the risk we'll get out the best way we can I repeat gentlemen once the landing party is inside the submarine Pence your part of this mission is over get into your job and get out no waiting no turning back is that understood all right synchronize watches it is 1302 now one more thing I'll need someone to lead the diversionary action command E-boat for once I have the opportunity of calling for volunteer I'll take a difference all right commanders thank you all right gentlemen that's all we slip this evening in 1800. and good luck thank you why the change of mind if you're about to destroy my entire command I most want to be there to see you now go ahead and have you along sir [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign good luck that's just one thing what's that we all get killed so yeah I told you something that's promising action stations [Music] make it look good Yakov all right Machining lightly foreign distance 200 yards we're not close up repeat order maintain distance 200 yards do not close up are they still challenging not now sir are falling for it coming close to the boom Center is [Music] okay they are opening the Boom it's working it's wide open keep bearing in on them thank you open fire [Music] [Music] [Music] hell of a strong Vancouver yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that's my Landing body [Music] bring her around [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that Bloody blood evil foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] did you make it Below in 30 seconds [Music] [Music] you waited our Boats were to leave my decision thanks what about Marlo and Johnson [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Views: 691,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rsyNKhg3HHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 39sec (5199 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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