Kiefer Sutherland | To End All Wars (Free Full Length Movie) - Director's Cut

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[Music] oh i miss scotland and the sea the sea there's nothing like it in all the earth salt in your face the wind at your back and all the world before you and you're freer than a bird in the air or a fish in the ocean to be free i reckon that's why i joined the second war to end all wars [Music] i was at the university studying to be a teacher when the call to arms occurred i was only too eager to put aside my studies for the glory of action i stopped reading history and became a part of it i joined the proud ranks of the argyle and sutherland highlanders and became captain ernest gordon my commanding officer was lieutenant colonel stuart mclean the finest commander the 93rd battalion ever had a man of deep loyalties to his country his duty and his mane a loyalty that was soon to be matched by his own second in command major ian campbell a man of passionate devotion to the colonel as well as the cause then it was our loyalties that would eventually be tested the argyles had a legacy of being the last line of defense and we were to prove that legacy once again in the face of defeat and captured by the enemy [Music] so foreign [Music] foreign [Music] come on [Music] bastards are just playing with our minds and [Music] [Music] what yeah [Music] when you surrender in war you're stripped of your dignity as a soldier all you've got left is your fellow comrades many of whom you've just met lieutenant jim reardon merchant marine one of the few americans in the area attached himself to the argyles during the allied surrender we called him yanker because he was both an american and a bit of a wanker [Music] rage stench i'll be death what's up [Music] stand easy let's go you're good what the hell does tinkle mean must be roll call today you will count off in english but to mourn forever in japanese stop counting one two three [Music] this is a shame culture you make them lose face you'll pay stand easy this is an outrage i am a senior officer and i will not tolerate there's balbaric behavior this man has rights dang attention prisoners you are now captives of his imperial majesty the emperor behold the extreme penalty for those who try to escape um [Music] this is for your own sake you will sign these papers promising not to escape i'll escape my yankee ass this is against the geneva convention they don't care about the geneva convention tomorrow you will bring these signed papers from all prisoners you are dismissed [Music] [Music] my gosh what did you just say i told him you were stupid i don't really think you kicked your ass he ain't campbell that's him would you like to speak japanese the comma you want your panel back pour them on the leaf the more hair the more loss word of advice stay close to your cobbers when it comes right down to it it's survival of the fittest every man for himself barter is the name of the game they gents the hospital the death house you don't want to end up in here relish your health now gentlemen it's the last you'll see of it there are thousands more prisoners in camps all along the river not too much skinny hair from the outside japs keep us in the dark no radios they catch one they'll kill you officers try to keep your shirt on it'll distinguish you from the grunts which is about the only thing that's keeping us from degenerating into a bloody anarchy uh [Music] ernie where you going find out about the colonel you're just asking for trouble ah [Music] doc get him down here looks like you didn't bow always bow before regard korean or [ __ ] and never look them in the eyes when they're bashing that's pure defiance always look away rules are bushido yeah they're kind of chivalry respect and obligation if you don't respect them they feel obligated to bash you nothing personally well it sure is a bloody well biggest personnel yeah it works both ways they do the same to their own that's a comfort you must understand these monsters truly believe we're an inferior race less than human now beating a prisoner to them is like beating a disobedient dog and the fiercer the beating the fierce of their dedication to the emperor you'll be all right son experience for the combo buggers for punishment you lord anything we can do for you colonel ah stop preparing preparing for what escape what else it do i did yank let's see thank you colonel i've been watching these nips there's never more than a handful of them guarding the perimeter at any given time and they're not watching very closely it just doesn't make sense to me unless this one well unless every prisoner's been caught or died in a thousand miles of hostile jungle unless the local villagers are willing to turn in a pow for ebola rice unless escape is impossible excellent anchor you find the best escape route and yes sir you just start getting survived we'll get together and just get things together we can treat the locals so and as soon as i'm well on our way yes sir okay yes sir good good get good boys that's my boys hey how about some extra for my colonel is in the death house if your colonel can't make it means he can't work if he can't work he can't eat nip rules move along come on pal i'll owe you one hey you heard him he said move along the sheep [Applause] [Applause] what are you bloody chicken [Music] what does it take for a man to lose his dignity how far can he fall to pay the price of survival dusty built a sanctuary just outside the camp called a church without walls we were allowed to visit it freely they knew we had nowhere to go i'll tell you what i'm gonna do as soon as i get back to glasgow when you visit my favorite pub i'm gonna sink 14 whiskies and seven pints and i'm gonna spend the night in the arms of my tender loving me wife you married sir no but if you got sister i'm available what about you and me probably teach always fancy teaching i thought i'd see the world first though you got that wish hi when i get out of here i'm gonna go into business for myself and get stinking rich what kind of business black market prostitution i'm telling you what mate you're not going to make much money as a prostitute i'll tell you [Laughter] what you saw what are you going to do after the start war for the next war saw in the bushido code the nation is everything the individual is nothing conformity is how they gain their sense of purpose and they expected us to fall in line as well [Music] [Music] loyalty politeness frugality soldier's duty not just dandy so [Music] about [Music] all show respect for honorable lieutenant colonel nyagatomo chief of thailand pow administration so i think she finances me it is great pleasure for me to see you at this place you are few remaining skeleton of our victory and a pitiful victim you should weep with the gratitude of his imperial majesty the emperor who pity you for being covered is he talking about killings rules of bushido they believe the losers should kill themselves you will give me great pleasure to build a layla through the jungle to the glory of his imperial majesty the emperor of japan we will build this railroad if we have to build it over the white man's body it is your purification okay um they roll to be 420 kilometer from ching kai base camp to you will build the railroad in 18 months 18 months how will my men manage that and the rations you're feeding them anymore royal engineer will oversee a building where are the signed papers gentlemen as you have violated the geneva convention the hague convention and every human right for properly supervised prisoners of war may i respectfully recommend that you and your fascist monkeys stick ahead of your ass because we will not sign your bloody paper now translate that color i am sick of this drivel gentlemen look after my boys ian come on man out of here cool [Music] hmm [Music] please [Music] [Music] okay [Music] you go there's nothing you can do there's nothing you can do verily i say unto you except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit there is suffering before glory there is a cross before the crown [Music] outward done [Music] much [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i'm not leaving what i said i'm not leaving what about our plan oh with the conor my life and i watched them die in front of my eyes and i just stood there doing nothing you think you're the only one suffering here you think you're the only no waking up there's a reason why every escape is failed and there's a reason why the japs don't give a toss about security what are filthy things even stood a chance don't get me in poland's night you are a selfish bastard come on ernie ernie fine yanker wait a minute yanker wait you'll never make it your own jungle at suicide take a look around you take a look at the eyes of these men you tell me what you see that's right ernie they're dead already you know it and i know it at least with escape it gave us one thing hope hope ernie because without that we might as well be sitting in there with our thumbs up our asses waiting for the end to come is that what you want let me tell you something about me i am not a stupid man and i am not a kamikaze if i can't escape i'll do the next best thing i will take care of myself and that's exactly what i plan on doing yanker we are all in this all of us together sure kid every single one of us [Music] the japanese were preparing to invade india the railway would be their supply line we would be the means to their end [Music] when you're living to die every minute is an eternity days are lost months blend into one another and the only reality you know is in the moment and the moment hangs over you like death it's difficult to describe what it's like to live with permanent hunger in your belly and the stench of disease and death all around you with every breath you take malaria diphtheria pellagra dysentery sucks every ounce of fluid right out of your body your muscles cramp up and your circulation collapses major she's burning up ernie i don't know anybody who could survive that lot [Music] and a good friend so this is death dark cold all alone no more reason to fight so they gave up on you in death there is no second chance so that's what you think about when you die the real value of all that you've done with your life and all that you might have done if only you'd had a second chance hmm oh bloody hell these nip bastards are eating like the prince of wales life doesn't wait for the individual especially life as a prisoner of war if you want to survive you need a bit of luck a quick wit and a mate to pick you up when you fall you've been unconscious for days i thought if i could get you out of the death house in some fresh air you'd have a better chance of surviving open up i did together i have my connections come on open up why are you doing this hey honey uh me and the coppers we've been chewing it over and uh we got thinking what's the purpose in what we've been suffering i mean where's the justice in in nips bashness and workiness to death and what's worse we're killing each other to save our own skins what exactly are you asking me you said you wanted to be a teacher yeah we thought that you might have some answers sir would you like me to take a lecture on the meaning of life that's a bloody fine idea sir please just leave me alone that's what i figured you know a man can experience an incredible amount of pain and suffering if he has hope when he loses his hope that's when he dies [Music] oh [Music] bathroom binjo come on reardon managed to make a connection to the local thai black market he wouldn't share it with the others for fear of being discovered by the nips at least that's what he told us good good janka that's stinking right there major campbell this is the scent of happiness nectar of the gauze our ticket to numbness fermented rice alcohol this one's on the house [Applause] [Laughter] he's done it of course i've done it oh nice one yankee let's have a swig whoa whoa gentlemen if you want charity go to church as for me i'm bartering my way to happiness so pony up with some cash anything you got don't be shy line starts right here two cigarettes walk turn to your bastards you're still alive hey lazarus fight for the dead my son okay now we should stay there sir but i look so good i need you alive hey come he's been able to get me extra rations he never got you extra rashes ernie he was giving you his me with his legs [Music] i learned that while dusty was taking care of me the major was preparing his own plans just what i couldn't tell so no no where did you get the food multiple anonymous donors eat i've decided to start school for the jocks a jungle university i already made my own blackboard the anchor rustled me up a textbook for no small price first is this evening i've got six students already yet i know it's small but i am and it's a start i don't want to be the skeptic here ernie how in the hell do you expect to engage in a group activity without the nip seeing you in the one place that the nips will never go near this stench is intolerable shut your cage we're doing the best we can get used to it right lads uh make yourself as comfortable as you can and let's get started eh i'd like to speak to you about plato um right what is justice [Music] excuse me sir sir is it true we're given educational classes we'd like to help teach but what's your story roger primrose trained in the fine arts lieutenant fox they used to teach shakespeare at cambridge i'm his platoon sergeant paul blight is at a loss without his books and the bard i figure if i can keep him busy long enough he won't end up killing himself i'm not joking sir well unfortunately we don't have any shakespeare to die to sleep no more and by asleep to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to does a consummation devoutly to be wished to die to sleep to sleep a chance to dream i there's the rub for in that sleep of death what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil it must give us pause there's the respect that makes calamity of so long life for who would bear the whips and scorns of time the impress is wrong the proud man's me the pangs of despised love the law's delay the insolence of office looks like we do have the whole bod after all sir look slightly different [Music] the oppressor's wrong the proud man's contumely the pangs of desprised love the laws delay the insolence of office and the spurns the patient merit of the unworthy takes when he himself might as quietus make with a bare bodkin who would fatherless bear to grunt and sweat and a weary life but that the threat of something after death the undiscovered country from who's born no traveler returns puzzles the will and makes us rather bear those ills we have and fly to others that we know not of in the second book of the republic plato says what will happen to the just man should he enter this world religious man will be scourged racked chained and after every kind of misery you will be crucified on a pole for all to see any questions i've got a question okay sure my question if the just man it's treated as you say then what's the just response roll over and let evil have its wicked way what would you recommend major i would recommend defiance justice for the characters an eye for an eye at what price mercy mercy the last bastion of traitors and cowards so you would take a man and crucify him on a pole for all to see i would seek justice sounds images blood transfusions donations gratefully accepted why are you here what do you mean you don't seem to fit why am i here that's a good question before the war i had a fight with a man in a pub it was a pretty nasty fight he was uh paralyzed when it came to the police he refused to press charges he he just forgave me i couldn't understand why and he told me he'd been forgiven a debt in his past he wanted to do the same for me he gave me my bible told me my punishment was to read it some punishment he was an army officer that's why i'm here [Music] major campbell was a natural leader amongst men he seemed to draw them from all nationalities and groups i need a way with uniting them in a common cause his common cause the gods changed being five and a half five every single day so we have to be there men sorry major are we interrupting a church service so what's the story major let's say your plan works right you've confiscated the guns captured the guards taken over the whole camp what then you have still nowhere to go and when the nips find out we have a regiment a thousand strong descending us with a vengeance you can't possibly hope to survive oh he's talking about survival so that's what this is a suicide mission okay so you're gonna do what you're gonna do you're gonna throw yourself in the mercy of bushido i know that would be suicide save us the crowd major huh wait a minute some of his best trades are with the japs well how do you think they get such good medicine another janka you are endangering the life of every man in this camp i don't think they agree with your idea of justice so what are you the voices of people in the way are you maybe just a wee bit too jab happy for your end goodness we are guiles i've got this stick together and you know that's what the camera would say greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends you have heard that it was said that you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy but i say to you love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you for what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul or what will a man give in exchange for his song [Music] [Music] american chocolate whiskey the major imagine reared in a threat to him a man without a sense of duty loyal to no one but himself is already a traitor [Music] come on okay my school major campbell struck a deal with the japs i was to be left alone in his mind this was not considered betrayal the school had delayed his plans men were changing their minds and dusty had been the catalyst this book teaches to turn the other cheek we read these books and we become better slaves for the emperor to carve [Laughter] you did ask for it ernie well maybe i should have quoted something from the song of songsie captain noguchi says the railroad progress is too slow he received orders from headquarters requiring us to finish six months earlier than it was scheduled honorable sir that's you were dismissed okay superstation she's my yankee doodle joy yankee doodle came to lunch just to ride the ponies i am that yankee doodle boy i'm still alive you jet bastard you can understand that can't you ah [Music] ah they could take away our books and classes but we were determined they couldn't take away what we had learned in our university thus they laid some of the man out of the death house to help troll water his example of what we were learning inspired us to work like never before and our captors noticed [Music] as for the major we refused to get even with him to pay him back in kind and it began to eat at him oh um [Music] ah captain noguchi says he gives you your books back for you to keep learning [Applause] captain noguchi graciously gives you these gifts for being good workers [Music] [Music] [Music] lads [Music] there's mail in here [Music] hmm um so from that day on yanker never spoke much something had changed inside him it was hard to tell whether it was for the better or the worse chip chipmuckers graduation ceremonies are coming i want a tip-top performance out of you continue gentlemen let's continue to live the fewer men the greater share of honor he that shall live and see old age then shall he strip his sleeve and show his scars and say these wounds i had on crispin's day [Music] hey so baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] yanker decided to join us a bit late in the term but eager to catch up you're a good teacher what's your name takashi nagase hello takashi i'm earnest i've actually been wondering where you learnt such excellent english i was educated at cambridge to be a good translator i thought one must understand the culture so what do you think of the british i think there's a lot to learn from them can i ask you honorable takashi what are you doing here in this camp uh i was classified low physical fitness prisoner of a war camp is not an honorable place for a japanese soldier it is more like punishment shame for his entire family well what about sergeant itoh surely he's the consummate soldier he accepted the blame for the bad decisions that hysperia made it resulted in the death of most of his squad right so that's why he's so better no in bushido it is an honor to be punished in place of your sparia according to our imperial race crypt and the emperor's army a single life but it's less than a feather no matter how good things got we were still slaves building a railway being starved to death thousands of us in a dozen other prison camps as well and as if that weren't enough the major and his dangerous plans seemed ready to explode at any moment [Music] [Music] it was a sobering thought when we realized we weren't the only slaves being used in the name of the emperor they called them comfort women spoils of japanese conquest a conquest whose original intent was to purify the spirit where the true warrior deems his sword the soul of bushido the key of heaven and hell a symbol of what he carries in his heart loyalty and honor so we finished the railroad in october of 1943 six months ahead of schedule a real cause for celebration like we were told in the very beginning they built it over the white man's body this damned yellow [ __ ] nips acting as if they built the bloody thing bloody real we have death and that's always their concerns what do you mean we built the railway don't need us anymore [Music] humboldt those of you to the right of me will be immediately transferred to another camp it seemed like the final hindrance to the major's plan half of his men were split apart that day sent away never seen again attention all prisoners there's a showboat missing from a tool shed the one who has stick in the shovel return it now if the shovel is not returned the entire camp will suffer punishment you will respect us um oh mess that was a miscount a simple bloody miscount [Music] [Music] you are dismissed what would compel a man once so selfish to sacrifice himself for others boys i can't feel my legs i can't feel my legs tonight's a graduation ceremony japs have all been invited that means a slim to zero chance of anyone being left in the guard house major you're not still planning on going through with this there's only six of us we lost six men well i thought it was near possible with 12 god never knows we haven't got a chance with six now you're privy to the mind of god in heaven well now but i will not tolerate double-mindedness i'm staying oh that leaves five buddy boys you don't worry boys peter charlie frieza language sergeant bingo johnson philosophy by no means least private wallace hamilton ethics gentlemen [Applause] the graduates from our jungle university okay we'll let the festivities begin [Music] the music we had that night was less than perfect in fact it was bloody terrible but we didn't care in our hearts we heard what it could be we heard the true spirit of the music and that was pure freedom [Music] hmm [Music] if we are marked to die we are enough to do our country loss [Music] music is bloody awful he that shall see this day and live old age shall stand a tiptoe when this day is named then shall he strip his sleeve and show his scars yet all shall be forgotten it's unmistakable slow my house allied aircraft they couldn't see us but we could sure hear them and we knew that the wall was turning oh [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] attention prisoners these men are guilty of murdering two guards who represents the imperial army and of course they have violated the mercy of the emperor [Music] honorable certainito will now dispense with the prescribed and just punishment [Music] [Music] r [Music] what [Music] good job oh ito what are you saying dusty [Music] okay [Music] peter please what the dusty say peter [Music] oh [Music] [Music] no no no no no [Music] oh [Music] [Music] superstition do it ah [Music] hmm [Music] dusty [Applause] [Music] you when dusty miller died something in the hearts and minds of every man died with him what we had somehow managed to hold on to for years of survival now seemed utterly meaningless like god himself was playing a cruel joke on us all until i remembered dusty's words so very long ago except the corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] [Music] [Music] i never found out what dusty said to ito that day but i knew i had witnessed the power of forgiveness attention soon all inferior races will bow before the majesty of the emperor and the knights of the bushido when we heard the planes again we thought our deliverance had finally arrived [Music] and then it happened i don't know our own allies thought we were the enemy so [Music] go on fine help the other man leave stay with me stay with me [Music] oh an enemy location was also hit nearby the wounded had abandoned their posts looking for help their arrival at our camp would compel us to make the most important decision of our lives a decision that would defy the bushido code of honor and shame again oh so no be honest captain gordon i forbid you to give comfort nade to the enemy matter those are wounded dying human beings they're no harm to us hell [ __ ] back to young men someone please get me some water could someone please get me some water oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] so we were left alone by our captors nowhere to go nothing to do an uncertain future with only a makeshift radio left behind hoping for any word from the outside to all allied prisoners of war the japanese forces have surrendered unconditionally and the war is over [Music] he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother [Music] be now so vile this day shall gentle his condition [Music] from this day to the ending of the world but we in it shall be remembered we few we happy few banned the brothers [Music] where are the guards they they left led into the jungle from us which direction i have no idea uh you're a man of true principle in devotion you know i want to be just like you just like mr campbell ernie you're just in time you're making a mistake i'm making justice you think i want this hey hey we all deserve to see him suffer but this is not right hmm oh [Music] what is the consequence of a single life weighing less than a feather what is the final destination of hatred [Music] when you look in the eyes of the enemy and you see yourself [Music] at what price mercy [Music] who is my neighbor how many times shall i forgive my brother what does it mean to love one's enemies what can a man give in exchange for his soul these are the questions that i faced in my prison camp the answers changed my life forever [Music] cheers [Music] yes [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so oh [Music] [Music] [Music] for foreign [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: FilmPop
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Keywords: free full movies, free movies, Filmpop, Kiefer Sutherland movies, best Kiefer sutherland movies, kiefer sutherland to end all wars, to end all wars, to end all wars movie, to end all wars free full length movie, to end all wars kiefer sutherland, kiefer sutherland to end all wars free full length movie, to end all wars free movie, free kiefer sutherland movie, free full movie to end all wars, to end all wars director's cut, to end all wars free full length movie director's cut
Id: tNnlL6Xbfss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 14sec (7274 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 22 2022
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