Sahara (1995) | Full Movie | Piece of the Action

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the latest tanks planes and artillery are loaded on board transports to be shipped to the Libyan Desert where they will disembark at the coastal Fortress of torbrook toor Brook impregnable stronghold of Allied resistance in North Africa from which Allied troops Throw Down The Gauntlet to Hitler's crack Africa core and now our boys are over there they're Keen to gain combat experience in desert conditions side by side with their British comrades against the Nazi war machine and they're looking forward to wiping the smile of General rl's [Music] face [Music] wake up let's go I got it come on This Is Us tank Detachment unit 5 repeat message us tank Detachment unit 5 repeat over to you over Serge get up come on stand them come on I don't understand do we go South all Points East West and North under enemy control get in here down come on okay okay but what's the order good luck to you y and uh get the hell out of there why didn't you say so in the first place [Music] see Cairo they said get a tan see how this baby works in the sand that's what they said hey sge we're in trouble yeah what is that a wild guess General Retreat order Points East West and North under enemy control we're boxed in we still got s jimy get down here give us a hand what are we going to do if we can't get the cement mixer rolling hey what did I tell you about that cement mixer stuff lay off that she's sensitive give me a SC put that stuff up there you got it what South nothing it can't be just nothing Rock saying nothing South is all we got that's what south is well if they keep that up they're liable to hit us she go get us out of here Joe she's a lady now now you got to treat her like a lady all right get up there and give it a try cement mixer yeah yeah I'll tell you no woman ever sounded a sweet asz this baby's going to sound when she gets wrong all right Jimmy give it a try damn it oh come on Jimmy come on Jimmy she's not feeding her right what D they never took a woman out the dinner come on wo hold on to this keep those contacts apart till I try hey she's dead Joe she got dead get out of there get out of there come on baby come on Lun Bell come on honey come on get us out of here come on get going come on lul Bell come on sweetheart you can do it Lula Bell come on don't let me down now Lula Bell come on dude for Jo wo come on let's go poo get down here he's hurt Joe you going to make it yeah going be all right what happened she beat me Joe yeah well some women don't like that kid all right let's get out of [Music] here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let see what this is about let's go Jimmy stay on that radio y [Music] Sergeant gun United States Army tank Detachment Captain holiday Royal Army Medical call where's uh the rest of your unit Sergeant now you're looking at it my Gunner got hurt anyone around here help him out yes of course I can can priv thank you sir well looks like we're not the only ones that took a beating I had 42 wounded by the time the stukas had finished with us I had 42 dead guess the Red Cross doesn't mean anything anymore huh that's an nasty cut how'd it happen little bell bit me sir lell that's the tank sir what's your problem ELO cigarette here help yourself mer oh American cigarettes I don't see for a long time pass him around afid that's the best I can do private how you doing wo be all right sge you know we can use all the water you can spare well I'm afraid you're out of luck Sergeant our entire Supply was destroyed all we have left is what's in our canteens these men under your command sir stragglers like yourself trying to rejoin that out it's too late for that there's been a general Retreat ordered haven't you got a radio had one sergeant that gunfire doesn't sound like a retreat to me those are German guns mopping up look we're cutting South we figure we can link up with another outfit until we can turn and make a stand South South is a Qatar depression Sergeant it's the worst piece of desert in Libya so how far do you reckon you're going to get in that tin can that's my tank private she's a good tank and right now she's the only ticket you got out of here go ahead and considered Retreat Sergeant see you're new to the desert we've been here for a while it's much better to dig in and wait for reinforcements reinforcements what are you crazy we just got our ass kicked I'm sorry sir but you've been cut off and South is the only way out well I say we you dig in sir it's better than Running Scared in a tin coffin good L first we ain't running we're obeying orders second she's not made out of 10 third she's no one's coffin she's an M3 air cooled Lee she can cross 200 M of desert as easy as you can take a stroll in Picadilly circus didn't sell cars before the water did you ser and uh padil is in London I'm from gandar that will do gentlemen look you can either ride with me or you can see Berlin from the inside of a prison camp me I'm going into Berlin right on top of lulabell there now South is the only way out and that's the way we're going south until we can turn and make a stand good luck Captain come on wiggle I go with you why I like your cigarettes it's transport sir we don't have any all right mine on top see right men we should go with the Americans get your gear hurried up Jimmy wind her [Music] up [Music] is he any good yes Sergeant is your sergeant any good the best Joe's a smart guy just don't say nothing bad about the tank sounds a lot like a tractor my father used to have don't call it a tractor that's my girl Kathy she got a sister the last thing she said to me was stay out of trouble Mike is Sergeant gun getting us out of trouble or into trouble Jimmy yeah what's the problem I think I cut the mixture a little thin trying to save on gas all right wle tell them they can stretch their legs Jimmy get down here on the radio fellas y'all can come down now Frenchie go up on that slope over there and keep a lookout all right we're only going to be here for a few minutes better eat something drink a third of a cup of water a piece be sure to measure that water in a cup Waco give him a mess tin oh babe starving you to death ain't I well know you need gas not as bad as we need water to Brook that's what I'd head for safety first this sand it's a death trap except we're not headed for TR Brook he's taking us into the bloody desert mind you we're not going anywhere at the minute listen to it the voice of bleeding Doom seems to me Sergeant gun knows what he's doing yeah well I grew up in the outback son and the Sergeant's the new boy in the desert Jimmy yeah get anything in that radio yet nothing but static and H Hitler oh you're not getting anything in the radio so we don't know where they're going to take a stand well to Brooks my bet it's never fallen i p will hold out well we got enough for about 160 Mi what we need is water hey I thought I told you to measure that in a cup sorry I wasn't thinking wo take their cens and bring them to me you just hang on a second sergeant we got our own officer here and we take our orders from him a complainer huh no a soldier a lousy Soldier you don't take orders well at all well you ever heard of China command he yet ranks you Sergeant gun is in command of the tank it's his job to get us through the desert safely so you'll take your orders from him I think that's only Common Sense thank you sir however I shall continue to consult with you on the progress of this Expedition Sergeant my canteen yes sir W go pick up the canteen means let's move [Music] out what you make of that sge well I think for the first time we got somebody outnumbered Frenchie send him a postcard that's a British Sudanese Soldier Sergeant with an Italian prisoner I think he's coming after us what do you guys give me something white to wave we know when we're licked get up forward sergeant major tambul fourth Sudan Battalion well tul you had a scared well is true Bashi I think I had captured an enemy tank where is the rest of your outfit sergeant major be hake a column of many machines many tanks fell upon us there all my men died in battle I escaped I captured this man to carry my pack you know the desert yes Sergeant we need water can you guide us to the nearest well yes there one Caravan Traer it's very old very hard to find it's bad for tank leads to a well in Hassan ban is there water there just possible inshah can you get us there Sergeant Major Allah is my guide I can only try excellent all right okay tombul you right up in front yes Sergeant W go wind this thing up Jimmy throw me down a can of rations Ser you I speak English speak good English sorry here no room if you leave me here I'll die look you head north and you might get lucky and you join up with a German so go on you American see my wife have cousin live in America he work in the factor for the steel wake go wind this thing up I probably make the steel for this time out of my way out of my way I got a letter from my wife I I show you the the photography my wife we have no time for your photo wife no time for your photographs Jimmy give me a half full canteen Sergeant this man is a prisoner of war we must take him with us we are moving on we are leaving Mount up sir kind of to put a bullet in him now I thought about it now look this is more than we can afford now head north Sergeant I protest you must not do this I've made my decision Captain you can't do something this cold blooded it's a man's life we're talking about we're talking about nine lives theirs then ask them see if they agree with you they're not going to agree with me now Captain but when we run out of water and they're dying of thirst you think they're going to thank me for bringing extra mouth along huh this is about survival I thought that's why you put me in charge captain now Mount up Let go please please no no I'm I'm sorry lousy way to go the sergeant is Right stupid wall wo move [Music] [Music] it [Music] wo [Music] stop come on come on Mike come on L come on come on hurry up come on come on lad your hand here we go sit down shut up he's on board Sergeant wakeo let's [Music] go and dry can't be oh well wasn't thirsty anyway mind you wouldn't say that to a cold beer right now shut a cake oh Williams suppose we dig it's no good Sergeant the water she comes she goes the desert chooses when to give life Sergeant we only got two canteens of water left Sergeant now might be a good time to consider turning back we're not done yet tambul how far is the nearest wall the ruins of veroma it's a god forsaken Place Sergeant 70 Mi South go that's 70 mi in the Sahara wow we got to try you suppose an X Wells as draw as this one don't you think this is funny no I don't think this is funny at all I was just thinking when I was a kid the biggest treat I ever got was going to the beach and playing in the sand Jimmy you got anything in that radio yet nothing but static and S crry Joe nothing here Lads we got company she not one of ours move it take cover get [Music] in bloody h she's coming back [Music] boys go on go on go on go [Music] on why aren we firing back I want him to think we're out of ammunition here he comes come on [Music] go I think he'll come in lower this [Music] time Ser at that nice shooting Sergeant yeah there's a parachute he's bailed [Music] out all right Captain tul come with me Bas you two drop it you heard me drop that gun drop the gun oh yeah the hell he saying know he saying it's I speak German Sergeant what's he saying he's offering us the opportunity to surrender Sergeant oh he is is he drop a goddamn gun L of Fallon tell him put his hand on his head put him up there ask him if he speaks English speaks to English nine I got the message D bu search him he's objecting to Sergeant Major tamul seems he considers the sergeant major to be of an inferior race well he doesn't have to worry about the sergeant Major's color it won't rub off on his nice clean uniform search him tabul thoroughly knife oh yes this thought so and this been Bashi it's an English propaganda drop for our troops no doubt raise the white flag and Surrender Your Arms your officers are incompetent fools our victoriia armies are already C what what is it it says they're celebrating the fall of T Brook yeah Isen what to Brook it's not possible is it sir Captain Captain it's Clark and sir he's being hit theall bring him along how bad is he bad well we can't stay here the Fly Boy telling the truth there's nothing stopping the German troops now they'll be coming down right over the top of us I can't feel my legs can he be moved not until we've stopped the bleeding Jimmy get on that radio come on Serge Jenny here says to Brook's Fallen go BL me if to Brook's gone we're a Long Way from Home sh cookies that's us B guy bite Ser what about the new prisoner what about him suppose you let me have a little talk with him we take a walk behind that and when you are ready to go I come back alone enjoy your work huh I have a tender hour too s but this this is a Nazi a my dog and when more M to sh what I never let my tender heart get in the way of what has to be done this kid has got an iron cross he's valuable I'm going to hang on to him but I'll tell you what I'm going to do Frenchie I'm going to make you responsible that this kid stays in one piece that was all s Jimmy you get anything on that radio it's confirmed Serge they got to Brook they're attacking City barani we're still falling back trying to reform north of alcatara along the Ala main line that's where they're going to make a stand that puts us on the wrong side of the fence something amuse you Fritz something I said maybe he says where Riff Raff Eng if I see you smile again I'm going to punch your teeth through the back of your neck and if I find out you're lying to me fly boy I'm going to give you the Frenchie there because he likes you and if you don't understand a word I'm saying then you got nothing to worry about Tabo 70 miles to the next well right way Sergeant we call it har ship St started St it up St up we lost J I get a bad feeling got to trust Tambour last keepa it's Boma sergeant baroma all right boys Sergeant Clon doesn't get water soon he won't last another day I'm afraid the rest of us won't be far behind tul yes Sergeant where's that well we must search for it but not until the storm has [Applause] [Music] passed [Music] D where somewhere Sergeant within the walls all right Sprint out look for it W go stick with [Music] me all right we go clear the rollers grease these Bogies she's got his ways to go yet right sure took a beating huh sweetheart [Music] h [Music] [Music] h B Bush the world the world the world the [Music] world [Music] [Music] that move that damn that bu want you climb on down there give me a hand m [Music] quick quick send down a bucket quick something to catch some water quick something to catch the water it's going to waste tble use this I be [Music] praed send down bucket a bucket F go go to the tank get some mtin and some rope quick okay s [Music] aqua yeah and we enough again [Music] fore fore spee yellow okay bring it up very slowly slowly I grab your easy careful now yes beautiful the real staff all right three swallows for each of us only three swallows wake go take that to the kid right [Laughter] there's a drink for you outside sir I got one here for Mac thank you private okay you'll have to support him okay hey buddy take this head that yeah okay how you doing here you go buddy just a sip sweet like a woman thank you sergeant Frenchie go and get yourself a drink you'll see cofy cofy easy boy Coffey easy I love you Kathy now you hold on to that Mike you're going to be just fine I'm scared I lose you no you ain't going to lose nothing you know what you can use a drink you see [Laughter] how about another one for luck huh there you [Music] go where you go Clarkson get his water he's dead [Music] [Music] sge come on W go take a look at lall wo just s me three swallows gra Sergent the boy is dead yeah I didn't know Mike Clarkson well I hardly knew him at all to tell the truth but he seemed a good soldier to me and a decent Chap and I should like to think he didn't die for nothing we his comrades commend him unto God's mercy the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in Green Pastures he leadth me beside the Still Waters yay all the days of my life I shall walk in righteousness thou [Music] [Music] how's it coming very nice Sergeant very good any way you can squeeze it out a little quicker it takes it so time you cannot milk it like a cow how long can we afford to stay here well long enough to get as much water as we can carry out of [Music] here all right I want you to watch for planes up here cool look at that nice breeze this is what the Arabs would call a beautiful morning yeah like a straw on a park I Cas you nightsbridge Kensington that was my patch and very nice pickings they were too pickings what did you do Casey cat burglar do it very nicely and then what happens the bleeding Blitz and who's going to leave a diamond tiara lying around in an upstairs bedroom when Jerry is raining bombs down all through the night you're kidding me yeah of course all right stay sharp Shar was a tech I like it Happ here bit of nostalgia know what I mean sge little Bell's going to need more her Bogey's greased I got a few more back where on with that engine all right I'll take a look at we leave T bu if we needs it the tank I can help you what do you know about Motors I I was mechanic in Torino a very good mechanic H you're on the wrong side of the wall be messing with my tank pan s lul she is for me to the way out very good mechanic sente Frenchie bring the Italian out here where oh why don't you let me give you a break huh no no no it's not necessary how's it coming the water drops very slowly one never knows about these Wells what's that song you're singing song for life when my father sang the song all the rain fall from the sky and food grow everywhere across the desert what were you before the war tville a former no no Soldier long time 20 years my father was a captain and his father as well was a soldier my folks always been farmers in Texas Texas oh Texas is very far sure seems like it right now you married Tambo I am me too cool good good good it's Sensational but I guess it's really good for you people I mean the fellas were telling me that y'all have as many as 300 wives the prophet tells us that four wives are sufficient for a True Believer four how come one wife one wife is Bored day and night two wives two wives argue all day long three wives they argue and they take sides but four wives ah two and two are company for each other the man has food the man has money and the man has his rest so you got four wives no I'm afraid the woman I married would not like that very much you know what mine neither she's beautiful Lulu Bella yeah she's a piece of work ain't she Sergeant when a machine is good the Pistons the the wheels everything uh working together it's uh like uh music like a song you understand yeah make it sound like poetry sergant you you can trust me to help trust you now why would I do that de B I have a wife I have a Bambina yeah a little late to be changing sides don't you think musini in the beginning he speak like a thunderstorm Now do she change how you say you're uh you're watching the right hand while they're picking your pocket with the left see see Bravo Now we learn uh the hard way doesn't get much harder than thiso I want to ride out from here on your Lulu Bella we [Music] will so Jimmy how you spell ois W oh hey s i s no Isis I forget to tell him about the Posh iot tell dying in I ain't going to upset my wife Williams corner to this I line on some green grass with some palm trees waving overhead well I have to tell you this some but I think that the local post office has been shut for some time well I promise my wife I'd write a letter every week if I weren't dead guess what I ain't dead l a week that's the least you owe them back there say where's back there for you Bates tith Yorkshire it's a fine place except for the bloody rain mind you I wouldn't say no to a bit of English drizzle right now I'll settle for Michigan a little home cooking you now you can almost gu for whole year without run a G guy then down she comes in the desert goes mad flowers green stuff springing up overnight I have a party that Reigns what farmer were you no mate I was a driver that's a cowboy to you bles best beef in the world you ain't never been to Texas my Village is the best cheese in the world my family make it a cheese maker Frenchie I'd never have picked it we have a fine cows with brown fers and and white neck the best milk ah and the cheese ah ah the cheese miss that me I wish you could have such a me hey here you have a little cheese you take your knife so M here you have some bread some wine of course to wash the throat a little cheese oh a little onion some cheese some onion some bread more leave maybe some more cheese and some white no lay off you had enough boy well enough that's your up buddy you get back there one day no no I can never go back the cows they make no more milk the Nai cut their beautiful white throats and took them for meat my family make no more cheese when was this then Frenchie 6 months ago I was in a resistance you you understand resistance I help English a men to escape the Nazi they take 12 hostages all friends the teacher with my friends they didn't talk and I I cannot betray the man I'm helping so the Nazi should a [Music] stage I come here to kill Nazi I have too much hate to be good resistance [Music] I can never go back my vill is dead for [Music] me Sergeant Sergeant I can hear a vehicle German AR track coming his way Frenchie keep an eye on that Italian and German Bates go on the well tell tul to stay there the rest of you take up defensive positions along the wall here this bloody war keeps following us [Music] about another world wo you and Jimmy find a spot on the Left Flank set up a crossfire and don't kill them all I want prisoners you understand what they say you speak English when the time comes I will tell you what to do there about six Roger that [Applause] [Music] sergeant [Music] hello [Music] Ro w b H she on ah [Applause] Captain how Sergeant tell him the surrender still help ni Jason ni Jason Drop It come on drop itop drop it drop it drop it drop it ni Jason can to English n hey Ser they've got some land mines and some grenades got any water one can empty it's like pleas Jimmy bring me some water ask them where their outfit is tell them they can put their hands down thirsty yeah I don't blame you it's a warm day pman take him out of here ask him if he's thirsty is D yeah ask him where their outfit is he says that's stragglers tell him he's Ling ask him company is ask him again ask him again they're an advanced scouting party here to check out the well part of a mechanized Battalion that's cutting Southeast across the Egyptian border they're light motorized units no tanks no artillery but about 500 men who've had no water for days here you earned it they were told they could get all the water they wanted here Sergeant G what well she's gone dry how much we got left N9 and a/ qu cans well there's 53st Germans in the way here the well is dry at Hassan barani is there any water within 100 miles of that well it's only here Sergeant now this too is dry damn I wouldn't have mind seeing the look on Jerry's face when he dips his bucket in that well what I said I wouldn't have I heard yeah tell the men I want to talk to them sure where do you think our chances are well if we get out of here as fast as we can we might run into one of our long-range Recon patrols get a warning out the Germans are trying to outflank our troops yeah we could do that oh we can stay and defend the well you can't be serious the well is dry Captain we know that but they don't know that they need water bad and they'll fight for it if they have to and while they're fighting they ain't not fanking nobody have you gone completely mad Sergeant I don't know I put you in charge of these men so you could get them through the desert to save lives not throw them away yeah that was us against the desert and now it's us against the Nazis Captain thousands of our boys are trying to regroup in L alamain and if we can buy them 24 hours just 24 hours we might make a difference that's an awfully big might Sergeant well Captain I've been a soldier since I was 17 years old and I've been waiting for this moment and you know what I'm scared and that tells me we're in the right place at the right time this is still the men's lives we're talking about these men are soldiers captain and soldiers have their Duty right tell me something are you going to order them to do this no I'll put it to him go ahead then put it to them all right I got a lot to say and not a lot of time to say it in we got 500 thirsty Germans on their way here desperate for water I'm telling their buddies to go back and tell them we got all the water they need oh I get it's a diversion while they're poking around in a dry well gives us a bit of time to you know buger off no I ain't leaving are you are you saying we should surrender Sant I'm saying we stay we take a stand and defend the well it's got no bleeding water in it don't you get it he's using the water as bait he thinks this is the bloody Alim we can okay we can defend the well and we can delay the Germans well there's one thing wrong with that little picture Sergeant we're here here are the Germans that's what happens when you put nine blocks up against 500 that's right if you can't count what the rest of us can if we don't take a stand here and defend the well and delay them the Germans are going to come right through here and outflank our boys who are trying to regroup in L alamain then the German tanks are going to roll down the streets of Cairo and Alexandria within a week I say we stay take a stand defend the well is this an order sir if Sergeant gun chooses to stay and defend the well and I should be staying with him look I ain't got no at home waiting for me but I know you guys got a lot to lose so I'm only speaking for Jimmy me and Waco you guys have an option got the German half trck back there you got a back door tell me something Sergeant reckon we've got a chance of winning I say the odds are about 101 I fancy the odds I'll stay oh God the beding wars just caught out of me all right I mean well I've never been at the back door in my life and I'm not going to start now besides I want to be around to remind you Blakes that this is a very bad idea PAB I'm a soldier sent all right we stay captain tell the sergeant we're sending them back they need water we need food fair exchange no need to fight no I do my duty I fight with honor I'm not one of those who killed your villagers open your mouth again and I gut you like a fish think they bought it they bought it playing little games trying to be a hero huh you Tred it again you'll be a dead hero did you know he spoke English see I find out not long time kept it from us huh serente Germans are coming if I betray him they shoot me when they finish with you you just jeopardize these men's lives for what for your wife for your bambin you know for your cousin in Pittsburgh that's you did it to save your pitiful ass now you got to decide which side of the wall you fall on Soldier I want to live serente to live rest of us are stand what about you I still like your C all right we got to work fast Casey I wanton you to take that half track around back demount the machine gun and put it up there on the parit yeah all right Williams there's a lot of landmines in that half track courtesy of General RL I want you and baty to lay me a field here to keep them hopping with pleasure Captain Frenchie I want you to bring all the ammunition up to this front wall Jimmy wo yep yes sir get lul Bell ready we're taking her on a [Music] date [Music] way har [Music] of and Z for get for kind of for R here's a jry SM for you in case yours jams the Splendor of Al is with us today hi they can have their bullets back we set up Sergeant thanks K all right doc you think you can handle this it's a little different from hunting grass and shrop here I'd say so all right look just feeds in like that right shut this when you start firing I want you to swing it in a slow Arc now if it jams Don't Panic just stop clear it and start firing again yes yes I understand seen much action sir none at all actually job's always been to save lives yeah well things change kill as many as you can guess I'll do my best Frenchie you got a good position what all right you keep an eye on that German we home holy all right hold your fire till the first mine detonates you were right the ODS are about 100 to one yeah but they don't know about lul [Music] Bell [Music] [Music] p go [Music] H bar be he do no down all right holding fire save your ammo Williams you okay yeah yeah I'm still here Jimmy wo we're okay Joe Captain hel right Sergeant prie we the no trouble Sergeant bat over here Casey Casey God damn [Music] it Casey [Music] need did good doc so did you Sergeant you had a victory yeah God Sergeant I'm an optimist sir but I don't think surrender is what they have in mind T seems as though they're taking your office seriously yeah maybe at least they taking not seriously huh I better get out there see what the hell they want there's any translating to be done they'll have to do it themselves if it's treachery well then you're back in command [Music] captain [Music] [Applause] [Music] Sergeant gun United States Army mayor V Falon afria cor you've come a long way sergeant you Americans must have a taste for lost causes well with all respects major I'm not the guy with a bunch of casualties lying around for the buzzards to pick are you authorized to negotiate where is your officer well our captain is British sir you know how the British are after a little action they like to wash up before tea [Music] time okay doy it's our entire Supply I'd give anything to see the look on that cr's face right now yes water for food is that your offer yeah except we got a lot of thirsty boys here we didn't count on private Bergman gave you a full account of our forces he admitted it before I shot him but it's still possible to come to an agreement Sergeant what's the deal Surrender Your Arms and you can go free with as much food and water as you can carry well I don't think so we like it here actually we have uh so much water that we can pull our belts in a couple notches offer changed water for guns one pint for one rifle one quart for one mortar water for guns that's the deal you think this a time for making jokes H I'm not joking major water for guns take it or leave it [Music] [Music] how'd you make out Joe well they think we got so much water that we're swimming in it what yeah my guess is they're worse off than we thought we must have left some men in the outer walls that's our first problem our second problem is ammunition yeah all right Jimmy go tell the guys at the fire until they come in force okay all right let's go [Music] go yeah I I know three swalls don't you ever stop complaining Williams stop I haven't even started yet s all the food and water we could carry out eh yeah that's what the major said what do you say to the major I told him we're staying because you liked it here inste it reminded you of home gunde gundo that's it yeah well we got the heat the dust the Flies and The Thirst but not the bloody Germans you know mate being an infantry soldier I've decided that riding a l bill is not such a bad thing she's a good girl you might get to burlin on the tank of yours yet you think so [Music] [Music] marches they're making their move s over there Frenchie they're coming in from the rear get upstairs help the captain give him a hand we you and watch in front Jimmy you come with me come on down here com in Jimmy get over here son of a son of a [Applause] p [Applause] a they're [Applause] coming no my comrades must learn there is no water here no I don't let you I'll have you hung as a traitor [Applause] l [Applause] Escape he you have [Applause] no where is he he's dead get him yeah I'm [Music] here [Applause] [Music] [Music] get [Applause] [Music] a they're running Sergeant they're [Applause] [Music] [Applause] running Run come on the all yes I move on you come [Applause] [Music] [Applause] on he got him Sergeant he got him yeah you got him [Music] you for a drink DC you know T bull took very little water told me he suck Pebbles I've been trying it seems to help two armies both dying of thirst fighting over an EMP well that don't sum it [Music] [Music] up broken Frenchie you were right about that jry better if he'd gone down with his kite you hated him the first minute you saw him I hate theor well it's only right a bloody shame to go about shooting your friends mind you you find yourself thinking they ain't so different we got got Sergeant gun pulling us together they've got that major of their out doing the same where would they be without him eh where would they be without the Frenchie they're bloody officers I'll get the S no I'll do it Frenchie you can't come back [Music] is a sergeant I'm they could spare the others are having tea we'll make no further attempt to take the well if you provide us with water tell that to your officer no no no no no no not acceptable water four arms one rifle one F give up your arms how many of you I wonder are left enough to what you choke maor what's the real think is doing negotiating sir I couldn't stop him damn it Frenchie hello ma what is your answer I have offered you the CES of War offered you Mercy kiss whenever The Naz ever shown Mercy what we have we keep try to take it if you want you keep you keep what your country we took that easily enough accept my terms or I will send you to Hell join me sa save it [Music] it was a good [Music] soldier okay I'm out of my ammunition here take Frenchie's gun and when it's all gone what do we fight with then BS rifle butt fists fists bad time to tell you Sergeant never been much good with my fists now just keep your left up and pray for a miracle yeah I want to ask well there's four of us against the Battalion and we're still alive you don't call that a miracle maybe all I knows we started out with nine m still here Sergeant W go wake go put him down this is crazy only time I ever got hurt little about bit me she didn't mean it press this down hard hard Sor hang in there come on come on wait go hang in there now come on okay I've got him Sergeant hang in there wake look at me you're going to be fine you hear me sergeant Bates is alone out there you get outside and you help him come on God damn it wake go hang in there that's an order Sergeant don't you die on me wo be fine sir that's right I'll be fine beine how is he you're doing well lad it's going to take more Nest to kill me that's right never [Music] [Music] no a that was a close one they got the well I wonder what it feels like what Cold Steel well my guess is is it's over pretty quick I hope someone finds this well chances are no one will ever know this happened if they don't find this tag I'm missing if they do find it I'm dead if I'm missing nobody knows if I'm dead if I am dead how will they ever know it's they never knowing C Sergeant I think about my wife never knowing so I might as well be dead here they [Music] come this is [Applause] [Music] it come on come [Applause] on come on what are you waiting for we ain't surrendering get it over with come on water water for guns oh that's rich sure take all you want drink it squ it drink it and [Music] drown God D [Music] it I'll be this shell it's opened up the well that's water it's a bloody mirle yeah yeah it's what it is go over and pick up those guns while they're wet and stupid let them drink all they want I'll cover you what are we going to do with him Sergeant Bates that is one hell of a good question oh [Music] no it ain't Fair it ain't bloody Fair sit down sit down get your asses on the [Music] ground who are those [Music] guys they're British long range desert Patrol they're ours glad about that [Music] you were right was tou and go for a while but our lad's help at elain I knew we'd done our bit when I heard that it weren't for nothing I guess [Music] so Bates what's your first name [Music] Osmond H it's all right you don't have to say nothing oh no no no it's a fine name it's a fine name [Music] how you planning the right out of here osbond I was rather counting on going out the same way I came in Sergeant on [Music] up they sure shall not grow old as we that are left grow [Music] old age shall not weary them nor the years condemned at the going down of the Sun and in the morning we will remember them L we [Music] forget [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Piece of the Action
Views: 165,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: action, piece of the action, fight scene, fight, car chase, explosions, jean-claude van damme, steven segal, vin diesel, chuck norris, wesley snipes, jason statham, michael jai white, fight scenes, martial arts, Sahara (1995) Full Movie, Sahara (1995), Sahara full movie, lan David Lee, Jim Belushi, Full Movies, Full Length Feature Film, Full Length Movie, Full Movie, Free Movie, Full Movies On Youtube, Youtube full movie, free movie, action movie, adventure in sahara
Id: uhoNmz9IWzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 16sec (6376 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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