Atlantic Ocean 11 | Brilliant Idiots with Charlamagne Tha God and Andrew Schulz

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it's so stupid positively boo yep Charlemagne the guy Andrew so we are two brilliant idiots in today's show is brought to you by McCrory take it away shows Black Friday Small Business Saturday Cyber Monday all made-up days just to get you to spin you [ __ ] money damn right Desi's cha that's right it's a dataset of stuff you don't use anymore you hear me cocaine users all your rehabilitated cocaine users still got a little left over you can sell them on sell you [ __ ] Sunday okay created by murk hari hari but that's not like a car damn right it does but it's not it's a selling app that makes it fast and easy to sell almost anything you just take a few pics add a description and boom the item is listed download Macari and sell your [ __ ] today they may be made up but the money is real that's mercury m ER CA r ight now let's thought the show you got charge announcement show ah yes Boston thank y'all so much man for coming out selling out the shells New York this Friday we'll see you there and next couple weeks we got Seattle Salt Lake City we added another show in Salt Lake City then we got Vancouver and I think we're gonna add an another little secret pop-up show in Vancouver cuz the other Vancouver show sold out and then we got Edmonton and then we're back more dates at the end results calm but I appreciate you guys selling all these shows man has been amazing thank you so much I'm um I'm having my turkey annual turkey giveaway this Saturday really Moncks Corner South Carolina at Berkeley High School you know how we do every year you know this has been going on for a long time I thank God that I'm blessed to do it another year [ __ ] y'all who think that you know giving out turkeys is wack that's y'all are saying that from a place of privilege cuz it's plenty of people out there who can't afford those butter balls or whatever the fact we you know to me criticizes giving out turkeys I mean I've seen that over the years I see a lot of people say like you know that's just something that you know people do when they get in certain positions like it's almost like a throwaway thing it's like there's no meaning behind it like you're just doing it to make yourself feel better and I'm like nobody's have a certain meaning yeah having a Thanksgiving have you ever celebrated a Christmas or Thanksgiving alone have you ever celebrated a Christmas with no gifts have you ever celebrated at Thanksgiving with no turkey nothing makes you feel [ __ ] Saturn yeah you're right it is a [ __ ] sad day I remember I'm talking about this very podcasting last Christmas I didn't meet up with my family too later that day I was looking for a place to eat by myself in a [ __ ] hotel duval told me that devolve Oh devolve said he had a baby because of that he said he wanted to have a child but he never felt alone on holidays seems like a huge investment but it's like regardless if this is what these families do with the turkey or not who knows you know maybe they could go flip the turkey somewhere else we're not exactly desde business but having people to be around for the holidays is is crucial man I don't know what it is about like it's so weird it's like during a regular any regular Thursday a regular Tuesday I don't care if I'm by myself watching Netflix but if it's Thanksgiving of course Christmas and I know everybody's with their loved ones and I'm not so [ __ ] lonely why is that why are we influenced by what other people are doing this FOMO it's really just for most it's the fear of missing out it's this it's a day where you know everybody's congregating having a good [ __ ] time and nobody invited you over nobody think your jokes slap nobody likes your company nobody wants to talk sports with you to him you gettin personal nobody was you talk about me sitting around like imma be in most corner and I'm like no we're not going over there no no Chrissy you're sedated you got all the invites and you're p.m. to 3 p.m. this Saturday at the old Berkeley High gymnasium 406 West Main Street Mona South Carolina local vendors would be on-site one turkey per household with valid ID we'll see you for the 6th annual 3rd eye awareness turkey giveaway this Saturday and most one question yes sir why do you need ID D at a turkey I don't know why can't a push then on it that's the dumbest [ __ ] in the world I really don't can't a have that on now let me know I read that just now it's really stupid he gives a [ __ ] we gotta get here here's an idea shows you I can't afford a turkey no [ __ ] you gave a turkey to a Jenkins yes by the way even if I could afford a turkey I wanna go get a free one yeah why the [ __ ] wouldn't you how much is a turkey they expensive like Finnish sheep Oh a hundred ninety nine hundred fifty for real probably you probably gotta think Thanksgiving that you know they put the prices up on them uh I think they hiked up today yeah yeah so you know listen god bless we see you on Saturday now where do we start well I think one place we can start at is and it's inspired by Turkey but a hundred something yeah turkeys 100 [ __ ] dollars amen butterball preman says a dollar forty nine Taylor cuz that's the more Ganic fresh [ __ ] that's some fake [ __ ] football man is his butterball premium all natural younger we're even 22 to 24 was a dolla 49 a pound exactly so if 24 pounds so you're getting a hundred pound turkey was twenty four times about 100 pound turkey is a raptor photos wow me 35 5:35 all right okay so um I think a good place to start is because we're talking about things that not everybody can have right and you know you know turkey on Thanksgiving is something not everybody can have hairlines or things that not everybody can have and I know that you're going through a little bit of hairline withdrawal no I know you don't want to admit it but I'm looking at the posts you know what I mean thou doth protest too much you know what I mean it's kind of leaning into a good bit it is a good but I feel deep down when this technology gets good enough that it's literally just a cream and then your hair comes back it's chia pet I feel like you're in let me say so much automated guy you think I've I've shaded on is because I've tried and it didn't work for me now let's talk about it right okay oh I did the RP okay what is that PRP platelet rich plasma plasma right yeah it's a form of regenerate regenerative medicine that can harness those abilities and amplify the natural growth factors your body uses that's what Kobe did in his knees yes so what dr. Natasha is saying realm to dr. Natasha's sandy yeah one of my one of my trusted people in my cabinet yeah she'd been telling me about PRP because I would always see all of these people in there like people go there for dermatology yeah but then like I will see all of these guys and then I'm like all these that come in for dermatology and she's like yeah but you know a lot of people nowadays are doing if y'all v-- right and I'm like what is PRP and so she just broken down fears when they draw the blood out of here your body and then they put it in like this blender and spin it up and then it crates like this yellow plasma and then they take the yellow plasma and they shoot it back into I guess whatever it is you want to grow right so for me they shot it back into my hairline right here and shot it back into a couple balls box up top Tory Lanez got it guitar lays a minute he got it got it this morning yeah and be still lying about whatever his procedure way you know but I did it the reason I stopped doing it cuz you got to do it six times yeah hurts bro really to me I I don't like needles anyway yeah you know I'm saying so to be getting needles in my [ __ ] head you gotta really sit back and think to yourself yeah why am I doing this yeah yeah this is not a life-or-death situation God blessed me with the type of head that is good for Baldy keep getting a shave bro yeah like I'm cool what am I gonna do with the hairline you got what kind of hairstyle am I gonna rock do I really want to see that I bet no yeah what would you do I see like a little throw almost the fact that I couldn't think of it think of what I would do yeah I don't want it and I would hit that's too much maintenance like a high-top thing yeah imma imma get up and go person yeah I can't be waking up in the morning with the pic and all that [ __ ] I lived that part of my life I experienced that yeah but what about that black power pick that would be all that [ __ ] would be hard yeah that was like a cool little mental health pic like massages oh I thought about your be real doped out of frou frou at no more the black power fist that [ __ ] would be so timely for this climate yeah but I'm cool on it you know what else is good for a colder climate Here I am on the pills and plus you look up in the hills do not lose my hair what Michael Rubin yes dr. Dubrow well he must have got different he got some white privilege treatment or something like that because hair looks like don't look official cuz we've seen him without hair no it doesn't look good because it doesn't look good he has two bald spots in the back of his head and now even now and then the front of his hair just kind of like slid back it was really odd you didn't see this when he was a receding joint no he got hit during every Davis told him yes Ron you make it too much money to have that kind of trapped especially in LA where you know the best Cleveland I understand it but in Los Angeles you'll have to be able to get the best you can get the best rap to play that money cannot so you're saying that if it was lights which you wanted the Nike make LeBron a real [ __ ] turn to face what shouldn't that be the next thing to say with the Nike logo the real Flyknit daddy's LeBron [ __ ] right now is me to dry feet where right now the drive fit goddamn trap to fake that's what that is dude he needs hair though he did go bald and it looks horrible people don't look good ball he shaved it once and he was in a gym yeah my little brother my little brother Julian he got a Baldy now cuz he started losing his [ __ ] yeah he way younger than me is a picture of his new baby and it was just his ball head with the mustache and I hit him back like bro you already trusting your baby with strangers my whose granddaddy I got a picture he looks crazy he look like he is mad that they building the wall at the border oh I'm gonna be firing his ass up next week anyway the so yeah so we let me see what that's your younger brother duo he's like 33 he looks like Ving Rhames bro your younger brother looks like he's about to beat the [ __ ] out of Tyrese [Laughter] that's not your younger brother I've never seen a black guy age this is astonishing - he's not no 3333 he loves you too bro I love him but you see what shirt he's wearing black please agent like ten years ago or five years ago [ __ ] happens Doug I never thought that brother bro not cuz the facial hair is your face here that gray in parts my dick of my dad got a full gray beard Charlemagne no no there's no way you got to shave all that down bro for what because he's a handsome guy no he's not a handsome guy looks too old this the old man why'd you do that to him bro that's it just sent me a picture too ya know cuz you look now there's no way someone could age that bad a ten-year [ __ ] there's no way bro you ever seen a crackhead what did mean white women age bad you think I don't date any of them when they get old I thought you gave up for Lent I did then I came back bro just like when [Laughter] Jesus showed me the way football j2 Jesus Oh are we gonna talk cap you talk cafe Antonio Brown okay it's calf out here Cap'n its cap capping um by the looks of things no I mean by the looks of things but if there was a waiver that you know that he had to sign I was gonna cause him to have to give up his rights to possibly sue in the future right um no that's not cat you know but sue in the future I believe it said for the time between the settlement and the was anything you did last night I think a lot of time right last time he sued for the two years that he was out of the league right yeah so he got a settlement for that and he could he could take him back to court again in a couple of years you know clearly right so like I guess I think what it said is you can't sue from the time between the settlement and the tryout I don't think it's a thing about after that I I heard it was a future race let's break the captain's we duck and I can tell you I went through it I went to a rollercoaster of emotion right yeah last week um you know we heard about to try out everybody was saying all tryouts don't happen on Saturdays you know why is the league doing this now this is how I looked at it yeah I looked at it as Colin Kaepernick has been blackballed out of the league for the past few years right I think that the NFL knows that the owners in the league know that yes when you have somebody like a jay-z who's now got a seat at this table and he's in there constantly pushing right not just jay-z but people on the outside the whole arm would cap campaign saying how we want cap back in the league is just a problem that won't go away and jay-z letting them know like look you can do partnerships with me all day but that's not gonna make this problem go away right until you do right by cap right so I looked at it from the Fox News perspect you know people hate when I say I watch Fox News but I watch Fox News I like to see the other perspective I like to see how people see things very smart the doofy Fox News was on TV yelling and screaming ranting and raving saying why is Colin Kaepernick getting special privileges why are they doing a workout for him on a Saturday why is that Atlanta Falcons Stadium why is he able to pick his own receivers just yelling and screaming all of these different things he was mad meanwhile the other side is looking at it suspiciously as they should from the perspective of what the [ __ ] is the NFL up to why would the NFL have this happen on a Saturday the reason all this [ __ ] happened in an unorthodox way is because it was an unorthodox method of getting it pushed through it literally was somebody who has a seat at the table telling these [ __ ] like no this [ __ ] is not gonna go away - y'all give cap a try out now anybody can you explain the Saturday thing real quick just because most workouts on Tuesday and I guess that's because that's when the team would hypothetically a coach would be able to fly out on Tuesday to watch whereas a Saturday they're probably prepping for Sunday's game but I don't think I was also told by some players that coaches don't go to work out they would never go I mean a coach is working 24/7 it depends on the player coaches and GM's might show up but it's the time no coach Jim lokay would send their staff and I guess some people believe that like you you don't want to send your staff on a Saturday because you might be doing game prep still and it could take away right and by the way NFL scouts are always out on Friday it's this thing called college football that they go watch people all the time so so the Saturday thing I think was kind of like a moot point right yes and from what I was told you know it was it was three owners that specifically agreed to do this once the three agree to do it the NFL sent out that memo letting them know that it's gonna be this practice on Saturday great they was they were they were hoping for the spectacle they wanted this big grand thing for cat you know what I'm saying because after you've been blackballed for three leagues for three years don't you think he kind of deserves that yeah and I don't think that the NFL would put together this workout and you know have all of these teams come out and not sign him they'd look even crazier than do right now you know what I mean right David did look even crazier now my perspective of it was this I wanted to have to show up I want him to work out I wanted him to get back in the league not because I necessarily want him back in the league but if that's what makes him happy because I think Colin Kaepernick is bigger than football and I think what Colin Kaepernick represents is big and in football you know what I'm saying and I think that if somebody has shown you who they are believed and I don't like this whole rhetoric of you know well Colin really loves football or Antonio Brown really loves football and there's no other place for them to go I get that I understand loving something so much that you just want to be a part of it but not at the expense of your peace of mind not at the expense of your integrity you know not at the expense of you having a kowtow to some [ __ ] that don't like you I'm gonna start believing and go you're celebrated not what you're tolerated you know what I mean like Antonio Brown literally said [ __ ] the NFL you know they're a plantation I'll never play there again a couple weeks ago yesterday he's apologizing to Robert Kraft you know I'm saying that hurt my feelings and the reason I hurt my feelings is because until one of these players says [ __ ] the NFL and means it mmm there's gonna continue to be brothers in this position now we cap cap allegedly got the waiver on Wednesday if he got the waiver on Wednesday and it had that language in it one or two things should happen your lawyer should push back that's what do we get contracts all the time like if there's something in the contract you don't like you take it to [ __ ] out right especially if you actually do plan to show up and go work out like you send the contract back they said the contract got back to Saturday 12:03 p.m. so I don't know why you would wait so long for days as a centre-back right if that if that's right if that's true right also if the NFL means three days for one Clause yes a lot if the NFL came to you and they said it's a take-it-or-leave-it deal yeah [ __ ] leave it that's it like you're Colin Kaepernick yeah I don't go like you can't even if you do love football that much you got to understand what you mean yeah the people at this point and you represent something way bigger than you you can't bow down to the league's demands cuz you don't have to you're not some poor kid you got the Nike endorsement you got book deals you got a TV show they were Duvernay like you're in a position to where you don't have to do that so if people see you you know conforming to their demands even though you know that they're doing you wrong what kind of message is destined and when if you're gonna show I wouldn't have showed up at all if that wasn't my waiver if that was actually in the waiver and they was trying to get me to sign my rights away and my lawyer pushed back and they told me no and then they said to him take her to leave it a [ __ ] I wouldn't show up at all and I'll be on the internet with this waiver showing this [ __ ] in the air letting people know these [ __ ] are still trying to collude against me look at this [ __ ] they're trying to make me sign yeah you know I mean just out of curiosity hypothetically speaking if we put ourselves in the NFL shoes right and let's assume there's no nefarious intent by the NFL let's assume jay-z goes in there he speaks to these three very influential owners gets everybody on the same page and they all agree to literally give Colin the best chance to make a team yeah matter of fact let's say we've had agreements from multiple teams let's say we've had agreements from multiple teams that they're at they're truly interested that if he plays decently they think that they'll actually sign them hmm right maybe that clauses in there because they're going we are gonna go leaps and bounds to give you the best chance to make a team something we've never done for any player in history we've never had a single player 25 team tryout happen the whole world is there watching you have we're gonna do it in the Atlanta Falcons stadium we're gonna do it on in a black city like Atlanta it was set up like a goddamn fantasy like I landed a black a city in the world you won man 25 teams are here to watch you for that do well best tape best case scenario we want you to make a team and not only do we want you to make a team we've kind of spoken to owners that said they would sign you right roll you go you he was gonna get signed so for me the language is Familia languages we're we're coming again it could be wrong this is just hypothetical speaking but one way of looking at it is we're going above and beyond to give you the best chance to make a team mm-hmm so you can't sue us after this if you don't make the team because because we're literally doing everything things we've never done for anybody else if you still sue us after that what the [ __ ] but guess what if I'm calling cabbage you see I'm saying actually what you're saying and you make a great point potentially hypothetical if I'm Colin Kaepernick I'm his team I can't trust it and have no reason to trust and this what we were talking about a flagrant there is so much distrust I believe from both sides like the NFL put that clause in there cuz they don't trust cap cap doesn't want to do it because they don't trust the NFL and you know what he should last three years absolutely and that's my whole thing right but you know you have that toxic relationship you guys are never gonna be able to work and that's why I agree with what you're saying which is if you know you're not gonna do with it [ __ ] [ __ ] em [ __ ] them and you gotta mean it you can't say [ __ ] them but I want to play and I want the owners to call me and stop it nah yeah no no after this week Colin Kaepernick's mentality and a lot of other brothers in the league mentality and a lot of likelihood I watched footballs mentality should be [ __ ] if that waiver is really that but you know why the reason nobody would ever say [ __ ] it cuz there never was a clear-cut boycott called on the NFL by Colin Kaepernick Colin is the person Colin is the person that has to lead that charge like I saw my man autumn is Gordon talking about how you know Colin you know is he's a leader whether he wants to be a not-so eventually he has to say something that's the truth you can't be a silent leader yeah where we going where are we going what do you want us to do that's it how would you like this in protest if you made the decision not to talk to the press for the last couple years last three years that's your decision but don't be surprised if your message is being confused or conflated when you're not there to control the narrative even when you talk to all this [ __ ] about controlling the narrative and how important that was to have your press or the press access to this this tryout you've never cared about press before I would like to say that's not controlling the narrative and what I mean by that is controlling the narrative is doing exactly what people thought she was going to do liked him a lot of people were betting that Colin wasn't going to show up I was hearing words like self-sabotage being thrown around like he'll find a way to mess this up people thought people thought my beautiful sister who's mad at me right now Nessa they thought that she was going while out this week you know what I mean but it's nessam at I mean we're just not seeing eye to eye on this situation but you know I don't I don't worry about things like that simply because when I love somebody and I consider somebody family I know even if we have disagreements you know we'll we'll always be family and I think man one thing that really bothered me about the situation just a side note it's so device it's so much divisive miss black people in this situation right people feel like they got to be team Colin people's like they got to be team jay-z you understand I'm saying and when you have that kind of divisive Nasseri careful of people who really really really want that device in this to continue to happen so when they know you know Colin and Nessa feel away or they know you know Jay is over here you got all these different people coming back saying certain things oh well you know Jay we know Colin them said this or Colin and you know Jay and them said this or you know oh you see this person is against you you know this person was speaking about you and it's such a lack of trust from everybody and you're already naturally paranoid and suspicious of everybody's intentions that you just be like [ __ ] everybody I just think over here with my [ __ ] and kick it with my crew you can't trust you can't trust anyone and I thought the people use this device in this to really to really bring down great movements that everybody knows people are stronger together you know I'm saying and you got to be very careful about people like that like don't come to me telling me what somebody said about me when I'm when I'm going through something he understands and again don't come to me yeah and tell me what somebody said about me when I'm going through something I may feel the way I'll give you an example if me and you had an issue right yeah you know it's happened yeah there wasn't even a real issue when all of that [ __ ] was going on and everybody was like all you need to stop doing the brilliant Indians podcast and isn't that it was people coming to me trying to tell me how toxic Andrew shows yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and in that moment yeah I'm like maybe it is toxic you said one thing to me you said one thing to me that brought me back to reality what I said you said you see this muffled I put back a little growling yeah but jokes but no [ __ ] you said it wait it's a mix what but you said it yes and that's the truth tools matter people people will take advantage they will take advantage when the emotions are high and you can't come to me you can't come to me even if I have an opinion about Colin Kaepernick yeah who I respect and love because he respects and loves somebody I consider family which is missing right if you have if I even if I have an opinion about him that may not be the general consensus or whatever whatever right you can't come to me and tell me anything bad about Nessa Michael anybody talk about you know you're not gonna come to me and tell me Nessa's anti-black anything like you know what I'm saying like I'm not gonna allow those conversations to happen those are family conversations that happen amongst people who I consider family right you know I mean that's when I when I saw Nestle and I saw captured the tilevariant I'm like well [ __ ] we posed to be family like if you got a problem with something that I said call me check me tell me we can we have that kind of relationship because I want to I want I want to have the proper information so I can go out there and defend y'all when need be it is it is a it is a very is a very tricky situation especially when these type of things happen because two things can be true we often speak about that this on a podcast you can support everything cap is done and think that he didn't hand this in the best way possible oh let's get back today I didn't it's two reasons number one before I knew about the waiver right I was just like you know this is ridiculous right like just go to Atlanta and just walk out if you want to play like why are you why did you wait until the day of that move it to a high school and like you can't possibly expect this professional organization where 25 teams showed up you're dealing with a bunch of rich [ __ ] with egos they came to Falcon Stadium and now all of a sudden you switching it at the last minute telling when it comes to some high school I was something away you gotta know they're gonna give you their ass to kiss ya you gotta know they go throw the middle finger to you now I was happy to hear that eight other teams went but if I'm an owner retro ass that this [ __ ] in this [ __ ] is real yeah I was like I don't want to Circus Circus I don't want to sir I don't want this circus like it I'm not I'm not saying that you know people talk about respectability and respectability politics and you know I saw them getting that Stephen a for what Stephen a was saying yeah a lot of some of what Stephen a was saying is true you got to remember at the end of the day you're the one trying to get a job yeah without bosses I don't I Heart Radio you are asking to be an employee you're asking to be an employee and my tip yo why would you want to continue to work out and work for these people that are continuing to oppress you now and when I say continuing just this week alone if what they say about the waiver is true and they want to calf to sign his rights away if what they say about the NFL saying take it or leave it you got two hours is true cap should be given them his dick to suck yeah [ __ ] the NFL right like there's no reason to be down there on Atlanta on Saturday playing their game yeah these people can't play you unless you allow yourself to continue to be played but speaking of football this is Charlie Brown continuing to run the football and they move loosely moving the mother that's what I see when I saw it is and I don't like my brothers being in that position that that and all that is true if the NFL did this whole thing to [ __ ] over Kaepernick which seems like a lot I don't I don't I don't I truly believed they were gonna get him a job I do too I they were calling it a try calling it a Trojan horse yeah that's right what is that so you get who's the horse the Trojan horse would be the big workout right so in the Trojan War Trojan horse they had the the Trojans were inside the horse yeah they offered as a gift a gift it goes inside and then once it's in there you got you so what would be the pros of the workout okay the word I newspaper work you go you to workout yeah but we got you that you can't see what's in the future but you got a team yeah I mean yeah if he if you got a job and balled out he didn't have no reason to but was it I wouldn't trust him if I was kappa check it out what if I sign a contract go work out get signed and then get cut in a week yo hundred percent hundred grand opening grand closing where the wonder-percent right your hundred-percent right I just don't think it's the most unreasonable thing I don't think it's Alma if I'm the NFL I would actually be open about a Buick yeah that was our deal we're gonna do everything in our power to get you on a team we've got the whole [ __ ] League to the to go see it and you in exchange for that you gotta not sue us if you believe in your talent so much and you think it is so exemplary that you're gonna wow these coaches and trust us this is the NFL we forgive [ __ ] people out here beating their wives every other day they're on teams every other year right Kareem hunt Tariq al still on Teebs right so it's like we don't care as long as you ball out and it feels very clear about that right we're gonna do everything in our power to get you on a team we've never done this before all you got to do is waive your right to sue us after we give you the best-case scenario to be on a team that's a reasonable deal can trusted if I'm captain oh man a cap absolutely not you know who would take that deal in a heartbeat Antonio Brown Antonia brush it what do you think he was apologizing for because you want to work out Brown looked at the New England Patriots on Sunday was like drunken retire yodok Patriots started with all the best receivers every time what they receive a call Brady's gonna break all these records they have no receivers not something Julian Edelman Antonio's like [ __ ] [ __ ] all that King hey robber crab I am sorry I am to come back and work on that goddamn plantation that should hurt my heart cause it was so hard man if you ghost you can't go so hard and then come back like dad you can't do it no this [ __ ] sounded crazy let me see why do you think they do it so emotionally you said it you just said it but why do you think they operate when they're so emotional do you think that a lot of these guys are just young what do we underestimate have their age what'd you just say hit the nail on the head right they are doing it emotionally they're moving off of emotion yeah and not strategy that's what I always tell people move our strategy and not emotion because when you move off motion you make a mistake that's why therapy is so good that's why your spiritual counsel is so good that's why learning your breathing exercises is so good whenever you get those those feelings of natural I'm not telling you not to bill that [ __ ] you will feel it no matter what what feel you feels yes and when you feel your feels and you feel that anger you feel that jealousy that Envy yeah that sadness just feel it breathe it out there's a story my make a decision my buddy worked for my buddy uh worked for our basketball team and there was this player that missed this wide open jump shot to win the game and he was in the locker room and they were all about to leave my buddy walks up to him he's like are you ready to go he goes the player goes no I just got to sit here and deal with this he goes what do you mean he goes I can't leave here until I've dealt with this cuz when I leave here I'm not gonna be thinking about it anymore and that was real yo I've really respected it really took the time if it was an hour those two hours whatever it was he took the time to go through all the [ __ ] feelings so when he left that that building that was in the past instead of like I'm sure you and I have done and so many people listening right now I've done just walked around the whole [ __ ] day stewing upset about something trying to distract the weak though my weak doing right now Oh a couple [ __ ] years okay I know a couple of people not getting Turkey that's right listen Antonio Brown tweeted out imagine conforming to a system giving it a hundred percent to see them treat me like this unfairly making money off my sweat and blood [ __ ] the NFL I'm never playing that [ __ ] treat black people to worse clear my name and go [ __ ] yourself now fast forward a couple weeks later I apologize mr. Kraft mr. Krabs not even Robert mr. Kraft I apologize sincerely to you and your organization all I wanted to be was an asset to the organization sorry for the bad media in the drama thank you sincerely a B this is after he had a meeting with the NFL he had a meeting with the league was it this week or last week he had a meeting about that's just sexual assault allegations I believe it was okay so don't think for one moment this was not the conversation you shoot it on us and I got to him publicly [ __ ] apologize they say go listen Wow let's just look at the initial statement elite footwork you come exactly you conform number one you say that imagine conforming to a system giving it 100% to see them treat me like this you conformed yeah right after saying they treated you unfairly making money off my sweat and blood [ __ ] the NFL and tells a brother says that it means that y'all will always be in these positions and then I'll never play in that [ __ ] treat black people to worse huh if you saw what happened with cap this week they still doing that clear my name and go [ __ ] yourself your name still hasn't been cleared tonio so what the [ __ ] I don't like seeing us in those positions Kaepernick water Kunta Kinte shirt which I have a lot of shirt I wanted to shout out the Brandes now but I forgot the name but you want a quote the kid t-shirt hmm Kunta Kinte do things with that you're not a slave you know what I'm saying we got to stop doing that we got to stop comparing you give some background to who comes from the movie roots you mean and I'm gonna get to that but just yeah overall you're not a slave right right you know what I'm saying like we got us we have to stop doing that we have to stop you know coming up with these slave analogies when it comes to these positions that were choosing the bn2 being the same thing like we call everybody a Nazi we call everybody a slave relate everything to slavery it's like any time I understand we're piggybacking on the these horrific things yes to bring attention to the thing that we're in but it's really disrespectful to slaves and people who are victims of Nazis I don't give a [ __ ] about the respectability politics we all talk about oh you shouldn't war that you should have dressed appropriately not [ __ ] the NFL yeah talk about my ancestors yes all right you're not a slave that's number one number two coat to Kent a tried to escape the plantation four times they cut his [ __ ] foot off so he couldn't run no more so if you're Colin Kapernick you shouldn't be trying to go back to the plantation unless you can't say then try to work exactly you shouldn't be trying to go back to the plantation unless you're going back to burn that [ __ ] down that's that period you can't call you so you can't go to with Iran and so do what I saw that waiver and ran go do it I saw that [ __ ] take her to leave it and ran it's you not me wouldn't even God wouldn't even wanted to come back no if you feel it's such a racist and horrible institution why are you fighting to be part of it and I felt that way for the past couple years I've had these conversations with Kappa fatties conversations with Nessa I understand the sentiment of you know him wanting to play this is something he's been wanting to do since he was a little boy you know I saw the letter that he wrote in fourth grade that was gonna be the Nike ad you know his letter from his fourth grade self you know saying how he wanted to play football you want to play for the Packers the Niners talking about his size when he was a kid and how big he was gonna be when he's gonna get older I saw all of that I I understand it I didn't like the ad cuz I'm once again I don't know why you trying to pull it the heartstrings of these NFL [ __ ] yeah you know I'm saying yeah but yo it comes to a point in time when you're not that little boy no more yeah you're not that you're not that you're not that young man no more who wanted to play football your destiny your destiny is bigger than football yeah katt right my cap had the chance right now to lead in a real way and and I said it on the radio and I say it here on the podcast I don't care about caps NFL career anymore it was a point where I wanted him wanted to because I know it would make him happy a reason I don't care anymore because I will stick to the fact that I think he's bigger than football and when it comes to activism when it comes to him taking a stand against police brutality and the injustice is that police are facing it black people are facing at the hands of the police I will stand with cap all day on that I will even stand with captain I was about to lie my heart said that's not you know you would well I just I would stand with cap if he boycotts to NFL I would definitely still be sneaking to watch my cowboy but publicly I would publicly I would say [ __ ] the NFL with Colin Kaepernick okay to boycott because guess what there's no other option at this point bum cap I don't give a [ __ ] about the league no more and he should it right they tried to play him again and as a black man you got a look at that black players in the league black players watching if everything that they're saying is true that happened this week you have to ask yourself some hard [ __ ] questions and the question is do we really need the [ __ ] NFL yes yes it's good I mean it is good like especially now if you're a black man especially now you are what we were witnessing the rise of the black quarterback four of the MVP candidates are black males obviously males right but they're black guys that are killing it in the league I mean what an amazing year for the NFL matter of fact it makes it that much harder for Kaepernick's case when the NFL is so like is so strongly promoting these four black quarterbacks that are absolutely killing it like this should happen - couple years ago if it did if a cap like captured have really been awesome [ __ ] the NFL you see how they treating me as a black man they clearly tried to blackball me you would like that's whenever you can use terms like sellout cuz you can say yo y'all are really sellouts if you are allowed is to continue to happen to our brother because all it's gonna take right now is a few players imagine them guys you just name mm-hm imagine those guys you just why didn't name any but I think we know who are all talking about with Lamar Jackson amar Russell Wilson Patrick Mahoney mahomes was his name - Shawn Watson Watson yo even dad dak Prescott Prescott like imagine I mean Cam Newton's not even play this is how great black quarterbacks have gotten in the NFL second or quarter I know mm-hmm yeah what you say you say Corner all right I thought I said quarter man and this out great black quarterbacks have gotten in in the NFL is it we're not even mentioning camp cameras been out this whole season we don't even know what's going on we're not even missing them it is the greatest time in history for black quarterbacks and Kaepernick is out here going I deserve a job they're trying to not give me a job he can't even use the narrative the narrative of they don't want black people to be quarterbacks because clearly they do they're putting all the money into the black quarterback so never happen but imagine if all five of those black quarterbacks that we're not playing this week this week this Sunday coming up if y'all did what y'all said if what happened what's true if what's in this waiver is true and y'all really did this to cap we're not playing is [ __ ] week we still don't know if what's in the waiver is wrong to do the cap that is true to sum up some people might think it's a very fair trade yeah that's true too I mean I saw I just think there's distrust between capping the NFL which is completely reasonable so you can't assume the best-case scenario in the best case scenario intent right so if your cap you have to go now to try to [ __ ] me but they might literally just being gone yo this is the deal here the thing shows even if they were trying to [ __ ] him yeah you have a lawyer Wailord told them the lawyers like listen this will remove your right to sue after the fact once you sign this yeah you can have this and you amend it I'm sure that's what the [ __ ] up I'm sorry tried to push back turned it back on a Saturday at 12:02 p.m. when you work out of that day I'll be honest with you my suspicion is cap doesn't want to play I don't think he wants to play I think if he wanted to play football there are other options for him I'm sure he could have played in Canada in a heartbeat I don't think he wants to play football and I think that that's fine because he's you know obviously doing way more for his kin unity outside of football but if he really wanted to play if he truly loved football want to play football I think that he would have take advantage of this opportunity no matter how [ __ ] up it seemed like it was I'm not gonna go so high I'm not gonna go so far I bet you if a team offered him a spot I bet you if a team offered him a roster spot and if I was Roger Goodell and if I was I would I would talk to every single team in league I beg please do me this favor please offer him a roster spot if not guarantee he won't take it I'm not gonna go so far to say cap doesn't want to play but if he doesn't want to play and that's it that's all I thought Saturday if he does it if he does want to play he's got a very strange way of showing it that's what I thought Saturday right after getting more of this information which I still don't know if the information is real could I've seen so many different [ __ ] I've seen away with that cap signed in 2011 that waiver doesn't look too much different from the one that he signed in 2017 but as I was telling people even if that language was in the contract in 2011 it's a different ballgame now cap has already sued them once right and he may have to sue them again I wouldn't give away that right if I was Cathy well if you already sued once and then you got a settlement right isn't that what a settlement is for the NFL should have made it maybe the NFL should have cut him a big enough check to where hey you good right you kind of give him back pay for the past couple years the Piton saying oh they should have cut him a check to where they made it to where we're done here I thought that's what it was nah he just got paid for the pasco he got paid back pay for the two years that he missed and because means it's wrong but it was wrongful his employment discrimination so they settled a contract they basically settled a lawsuit on employment discrimination yes right meaning he accepted an amount of money yes to no longer sue them no or on the government discrimination I don't think he ever said that he would no longer suit him I think I would you I don't want to miss I don't want to misconstrue that yeah yeah cuz I can see people that know the story better than me yelling at the podcast right now I don't know you sued for back pay and and I in okay let's say hypothetically and again neither of us know and I'm truly just trying to understand here but you sue for back pay the NFL goes listen we're not gonna admit that we didn't we kept you out the league but we're gonna pay you for back pay he accepts the money for back pay now you can no longer sue in my opinion hmm now you can no longer sue for not being allowed to play because we already handled that and if Ellen put that in the fire pretty clearly sure sure that's bad bad job by there and again we could be messing this whole thing up but it's also well you're gonna sue us again for the same thing we paid you for away hey Colin Kapernick yeah go ahead Alex so I really think this was his hold on a second we got to turn on his mic mic go so when he took the settlement he had to do the NDA so he couldn't speak about it and the fact I was suspicious at the NFL settled because they'll never settle they have so much money they could have just kept going until he was bankrupt so I think there was really something in that case and so this was his way of balling out everybody sees it and then if no team picks him up that's like proof for everyone that he's uh they colluded to keep him out I would really think this is just his way of being able to speak without speaking Alex I don't think you're wrong but my thing is this I wouldn't be signing none of that [ __ ] if there's something in the collusion case that exposes the NFL and expose the [ __ ] NFL you can't love playing football that much you can't say don't take your settlement but let's just put like this al let's say I stopped you from coming on the road with me filming the shows etc but I also stopped you from filming anybody else's shows I would admit it what I'm doing that you sue me I go listen I'm not gonna let this go to trial because I did some [ __ ] up [ __ ] but fine here's the money for all the times that you should have been able to come on the and film with me you you see you agree to take the money it's over then two months later you sue me for not taking you on the road I'm like [ __ ] we just settled this I just paid you millions of dollars why are you [ __ ] suing me yeah that's like if you said I can't go on the road because I'm not good enough to be on the road so it's like you're making a lie like Oh nobody's keeping you out the league we just don't want your talent and so if you told me hey I'm not good and then I [ __ ] make a movie after and show the world I'm amazing that's what I think he wanted to project to the world he wanted to be honest or two because the NFL could bankrupt [ __ ] listen what I'm saying is this then again it's it's I could be completely understanding this entirely wrong 100% wrong okay I feel like I've been very vocally supportive of cap on the podcast okay but if you accept the money for the lawsuit and still want to retain the rights to sue for the same thing you accept the money from that shouldn't be the thing that stops you from going to the audition or whatever the [ __ ] tryout you are if your ability to sue for the thing you already got paid for is the thing that stops you from trying out you don't want to try out why would you your ability for them right if your ability to sue yeah and again we could be wrong about this but if your ability to for the same thing that you already got paid for after suing is is what you don't like about the contract and that stops you from trying out you really want to try out dogs you already got paid for that not gonna pay you again I think that's his insurance policy like I would not I would not relinquish my right to sue the NFL if I was Colin Kaepernick under any circumstance get y'all again yeah I I don't even know if there's legal precedent I might have to get you all again he only got paid for back then you got paid back paid so if you keep me out another two years when I'm a free agent for no reason y'all see I can play y'all see I can ball y'all see me shape I want a [ __ ] play and you still keeping me out the league I let me hit y'all up again I must stay in your [ __ ] faces I'm gonna stay up under your skin but my thing is this that's corny bro it comes to point in time that's corny you said you you accepted the money bro like I'm sorry you accept the money bro the money comes with a cost a settlement comes with a cost you got to settle that's why it's called settlement it's not called here's whatever you want it's called a settlement your wife goes I want half right yeah you go you get a quarter okay we settle at a quarter that's the settlement yeah after your wife gets a quarter she comes to you and goes I want the other quarter you [ __ ] but you gotta negotiate that though he did know they negotiated back pay for Colin Kaepernick right and they clearly didn't think about what to do move it forward because they can't say look we're gonna pay him in the future we're gonna pay him in the future because we really are trying to keep them out to leave they can't say that so I can't pay you for the next 5-10 years because that shows like we really just paying you to [ __ ] go away that's a good point you know it was a hey so be no I can't pay you to say hey we really want you to go away I'm just gonna give you this back pay so the NFL is so [ __ ] stupid I cannot I kid that NFL law team could be quite possibly the stupidest group of lawyers that are connected to billionaires that I've ever seen in my entire life why the [ __ ] did you not see this as a possibility why even settle something that you know can open right back up the second he walks out of there and you know what kudos to Colin's team for getting the NFL to pay him for something they're gonna get okay again college team might be the most brilliant lawyers who outsmarted these NFL people in the NFL all team or whatever the [ __ ] is closes water brewing idiots is one of the best shows going today cuz in the span of 45 seconds Andrew went from saying [ __ ] that [ __ ] bitch-ass [ __ ] corny - oh I didn't say the n-word - oh that was brilliant alive I will react to what I understand yes yes I didn't realize that Colin's team is setting up the NFL the whole time yeah in a way yeah I just you thought the settlement was you not allowed to sue us anymore after that's right those that's why we're no no no no no why the [ __ ] would they agree that that is the stupidest agreement is three of the law because I'm paying you for back pay if I give you more money than just the back pay then I'm telling you we don't want to imagine I'll give you fifty million dollars and I say okay you gotta sign this but yeah your your no planning to leave you you know I'm saying like you relinquish your rights to play in the NFL or whatever I can the NFL can never say that they can never do that cuz that proves we don't want you in the league so only thing we can do is pay you for the back pay but you can put something in that settlement that says hey you can no longer sue us after we pay you you can no longer suits in the future for job discrimination or but it was a job for you was collusion or collusion whatever it is no longer you could put that you could put whatever you want in a contract clearly right they did not put that in there or maybe Collins lawyers were we're smart enough to say now you can't include that I mean I just cannot believe that NFL would sign us the NFL must be so monumentally [ __ ] and Colin must have such an incredibly strong case that they were willing to just do the back pay to get this get this get this court case out of here mm-hmm maybe like hey listen we'll give you the back pay just to shut this thing down there's too much positive momentum building for his side and this let's just shut this thing down here's the money we know we're gonna have to deal with it again in the future well that's my point - it got to come to a point where somebody has to say [ __ ] the NFL and mean it and I don't think that there's nobody who can say [ __ ] the NFL and really mean it more than Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid because y'all got all the information y'all know what's in that [ __ ] collusion case so what is your theory on Eric Reid still playing I don't know is there no I mean you gotta give you gotta give a bone right yeah if I'm the NFL all right at least make sure Eric Reid is in the league you know I'm saying make sure Kenya cuz a lot of people that Neal make sure Kenny steals in the lead Dwayne Browns great offensive lineman he's gonna be in the lead you know I'm saying like make sure these brothers stay in the league so it really doesn't look like we're colluding against everybody who took it me but that symbol the guy with the afro woody walking around two t-shirts on when he's on people's t-shirts in the one day trying to make a martyr you gotta make sure he stays awake oh wait what is what is your theory about those players that say that the NFL is just like racists horrible place yet still choose to make a living I don't I don't I it it literally makes my skin crawl when I see Airdrie say that and I understand everybody gotta eat everybody make their money but I can only speak from my perspective I cannot see myself working at a place talking [ __ ] about that place saying how horrible they treat my people or continuing to work there it is odd right you just I I'm talking about me Lonard like McKelvey raised on a dirt road in Montana cycle on a grill a single-wide trailer who's used to nothing and you know I'm saying even with three daughters by the way I put myself in a position where if something like that happens at one of my corporate I only got one corporate check to be honest with you that's that's high heart you know saying everything else is based off things that I've built for myself podcast the book publisher is like that's that all good debt I got real estate like all ever of your money which I I did I positioned myself like that yeah to never have to be in that position to where I'm sitting at a place talking [ __ ] about a place and have to be there you understand what I'm saying it's my dorming to the rules right arming you still taking a knee but that's my thing conforming what do you Antonia brown say imagine conforming to a system giving it 100% to see them treat me like this is unfairly I cannot sit in a situation and continue to conform now let's play devil's advocate here it is easy for me probably as a white guy to go well I wouldn't do that because maybe there's a bunch of other industries that I could operate in right that wouldn't be oppressive right that Eric Reid might be going okay maybe I don't work in the NFL is the NFL the only racist organization out there know there's organizations with racists in it chances are me getting a job at one of these places they're going to be races can I never work an environment that has any racists in it when when am I allowed to make a living it's not like there's a black-owned football but it was the word of our organization football what is it called League yes it's not there's a black on football league where he can go and he can feel you know safe working in that environment so maybe he's like no matter where I work there probably are gonna be at bare minimum some weird racial implications in the hiring right or the business practice no matter where I might as well make the most amount of money that I can possibly make and affect my community financially by working in this racist one maybe he's thinking about you can be Robin Hood you can rob from the rich and give back to the poor you know you can do that uh I'm not even mad at you know playing your position until you're in a position to not have to play that position no more if I'm Eric green and I'm sitting there I'm collecting my checks from the NFL while talking [ __ ] cool you know mica when I retired I know I done stacked up these millions and now I can really go back and affect my community you know me but I just when I see all of these brothers quoting Malcolm X you see me I keep the Honorable Elijah Muhammad around my neck I got a Malcolm X peace to suit up mister flawless great Union you know me but um and I got Nelson but when I when I when I see all of these brothers quoting Malcolm X it's like yo do for self build your own hmm that don't necessarily have to be a league it'd be great one day we did have a black you know football league you know I mean that [ __ ] would be slapping you know I mean it would struggle for the first few years but I actually we get that money you know I mean but in the meantime yeah that [ __ ] don't mean just that you know take that money that you make it and put it into other things to where you don't have to be in a position to be apologizing you know Robyn [ __ ] Kraft are flying down there Atlanta to at the last minute go do a work out some place outs like I want to see that serene look back at this like it is very clear how we've looked back at you know social justice and activism in history right you know you see Rosa Parks I'm I I want to sit in this part of the bus right want me sitting as part of bus well I'm not getting up I'm sitting as part of the bus right it would be weird if Rosa Parks was like yo the bus sucks but also worked driving the bus and now she's working driving the bus imagine if doing that 360 plus days it's a Montgomery bus boycott when you was you know protesting the bus and boycotting the bus you just saw rolls in the window riding by on the bus driving it right what if she was driving the bus you baked what the [ __ ] are we protesting out here right it'd be like she's going to get her bus license you know what I mean like she's doing everything she possibly can to be a bus driver while protesting of it would what I'm trying to understand is how will history look back at this protest compared to other ones I think it will look back unfavorably I think will look back like why the hell were these guys telling us how awful the NFL is while continuing to work at the NFL and trying out to be in the NFL it will be arguably one of the most confusing protests in history it comes back to what I said earlier eventually one of these brothers has to say [ __ ] to NFL and really mean it and until somebody says that they're gonna continue to find themselves into positions that the good brother Colin Kapernick is in and Antonio Brown is it simple is that like somebody has to say [ __ ] the NFL in meaning and there's nobody in a better position to say [ __ ] the NFL right not in care because if everything that you know is said if everything is true that they said it's true to happen this week from the wave of being into the contract you know that that made him relinquish his rights to the NFL telling him to take it or leave it you know at some point you got to tell you [ __ ] leavekat simple is that like you like these these mixed messages got to stop being sick you know I mean because cuz I go back to know what to do and yeah we don't know what to do and this is why I say for me as a man if Colin Kaepernick called me tomorrow said Charlemagne I want you to come to my doom I know your rights camp I'm there if Colin Kaepernick's wants me to stand out stand with him on the front lines of some any type of activism you know protesting against the and justice that black and brown people face in two hands and police I am there but when it comes to the NFL and his NFL aspirations I simply do not care and the reason I do not care is because what he protested for initially never had anything to do with him not having a job well he protested for initially was the police brutality that black and brown people were facing I stand with you on that Colin Kaepernick all day [ __ ] long the past couple years the protesters turned away from the police brutality and his went to cap doesn't have a job and Nash the injustice has it become selfish hmm selfish is an interesting word I don't think Colin Kaepernick is selfish I wouldn't use that word for cat but I would say I mean the most selfless right the guy's giving up million dollars yeah I say I think that when you when you're Nike campaign is believing everything even if it means sacrificing everything you have to really feel that in your heart and you have to really know that you possibly could be giving up everything and I think that a lot of times we say things like that in this generation but we don't really mean it our ancestors really gave up everything can't give up a job can't give up a job yeah you know what I'm saying and and by the way he's he's still gonna get rewarded handsomely you know he's got like I said he got the Nike deal he got the book deal you know he got the TV show at Ava he got things going on you know saying he's going to be fine so I wouldn't call him selfish what I would say is it comes a point in time where you just have to embrace that model and instead of saying everything just say I gave up my job and when I think when you do that you'll realize that this whole thing is bigger than you much bigger there I've been trying to like compare it to other things in my head right throughout history and you know we always bring up Olli when we're talking about cap and Ali had his title stripped right mm-hmm when he refused to join the army and fighting a war that he didn't think was just and after he was suspended I guess for three years it was three years three years he came back and fought cuz they gave me a license back cuz he gave me his license back and I think it was New York okay no it wasn't New York at first it was someplace else at first and in New York finally gave me the boxing license back now so he did come back and fight right he didn't go well [ __ ] boxing boxing's clearly colluding to keep me out I mean there dude it did it openly yo you can't fight he came back and he fought I conceded to me I could say the primary difference I'm just trying to compare how we gonna look at this in history when boxing took away our Lee's license yeah I leave hit rock bottom yeah you know what I'm saying like he hit rock bottom he was broke other fighters were giving her money and [ __ ] like that which is something that we have we do have to be prepared to do for our people that's a fact I'll give a [ __ ] when you see people make these kind of stands you know what I mean even though I'm not gonna have a compare you know the NFL blackballing somebody to you know him refusing to go fight in the Vietnam War so he felt like why would I go fight for this country that keeps oppressing us right but Ally for those three years stood on the front lines of racial injustice in a real way his whole [ __ ] was about how the Vietnam War was wrong how racial injustice that America is facing is wrong he was rolling with the nation in Islam he was with Malcolm X he's with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad like Muhammad Ali was really an activist like really an act like really really an activist on the front lines so when it came time for you know the boxing license to come back three years later yeah I'm gonna go back and I'm gonna go do what I love to do I put that work in as an activist and still put it in as a boxer and had just what made that that's what made his legend even bigger like I think people feel like um Muhammad Ali was doing both at the same time you know what I mean never sacrifice the activism never sacrifice to activism and and you're saying by being part of this oppressive ah Ali made them change I leave a them go hey I'm not gonna do anything different and you're gonna bend to my whim and it can be said that maybe the people that are kneeling etc but yet still taking his check from the NFL or not bending the NFL they're a matter of fact bending to the NFL that's why I wasn't tripping above the NFL agreeing to do this workout I agree in the brain cap back into the lead right because it's the same thing with the Vietnam War there was a change of heart when I when I Lee and Martin Luther King jr. and all those brothers first spoke out about the Vietnam War people thought they were being unpatriotic and he you know he was draft-dodging and all this other [ __ ] but then a few years later people realize but if you know what was [ __ ] up it's Vietnam what was was really bad Charlemont everything starting to [ __ ] make sense to me now Kap even if thank you dear even if he doesn't want to play cap has to at least pretends like he wants to play to support the collusion narrative if he says you know what I don't really want to play football anymore it wasn't name it was a thing but you know what the NFL soured my tastes on it I don't want to be in the NFL because it's a racist organization if they say if he says that that's the NFL's dream like oh he doesn't want to be here anymore done we're out of here he has to pretend like he wants to play I think he wants to play dough let's say he does let's see I'd like you I like you I like your uh he if he doesn't he doesn't he has to put it out there like he wants to because the second he doesn't want to then if L is not colluding you don't want to play that's why you're not being hired you have to say I want to play I've been ready for three years hey look at these cameras why not show up the Falcons stadium right right walk in the building yes and when they come to you and be like y'all you can't try out until you do this waiver stand there and then when the media comes over yo my lawyer tell them while we're not working out tell them why we're not working out there's a waiver right here where they're trying to get me to sign my rights away that I can never sued him and collude against them and it suited for collusion ever again therefore this whole [ __ ] is a dog and pony show you could go that's should in [ __ ] stadium he could say this this organization the NFL has been colluding for the last three years to keep me out of leak do you think for a second they won't edit the worst throws that I make yes in this entire trial put them in one video and use that as a justification why no team should pick me up fly no team will should pick me up you're out of your mind if I'm gonna sign something it takes away my one bargaining chip with the NFL my ability to sue them for keeping me out of the league that's how you do it that would be the perfect conclusion if the NFL doesn't allow you to have cameras in go live on IG baby right there right there I'm here at Falcon Stadium I showed up well we won't be doing the workout today because there's this waiver in this [ __ ] contract where they trying to get me to sign my [ __ ] rights away so I can't never sue them for collusion ever again this whole [ __ ] of the dog and pony show this whole [ __ ] was a Trojan horse to try to jam me the [ __ ] up if that's what's really in the waiver right you know what I'm saying if that's what's really in the waiver that's how you handled it period but I'll put a button on this by saying I really truly don't care if Colin Kaepernick plays in the NFL level again because I believe that that good brother is bigger than football and I believe he stands for so much more and I believe that if the NFL is colluding against that man if the NFL is treating black people bad like antoniou Brown says it comes a point in time when somebody has to say [ __ ] it and really truly mean it like that's how you help that's even how you help jay-z right cuz jay-z's in there and he's trying to help the brothers that's in the lead he's trying to help the players that's in the lead somebody gotta be Martin Luther King jr. somebody gotta be the [ __ ] Malcolm X and Sookie Carmichael and all of these guys that's on the outside raising hell yeah so you let the brothers and sisters boycott the league and shade a standard wig cap and you have some players in the league start being like man [ __ ] that the way y'all doing cap is wrong we're not playing this week meanwhile willing to be Johnson aka Roger Goodell and these owners kind of pick up the phone and say Jay what the [ __ ] is going on and Jake into exactly the Martin Luther King jr. was doing well yeah how the [ __ ] the [ __ ] used to go I got to be an inside-outside game baby yeah that's it cuz there's certain things that someone on the inside cannot say and do but those people on the outside can simple as that operators you need operate to lose that and by the way Malcolm and Martin didn't see eye to eye they didn't get along Malcolm was always calling Martin Luther Martin Luther King jr. and uncle and this and that but Martin Luther King jr. was on the inside letting em raise hell on the outside and if you go watch that King in the world in this documentary Let It Be Johnson so I always have to call Martin Luther King jr. see what the [ __ ] was going like I gave them civil rights and I gave them the Voting Rights that what more do they want we want that Chad Martin was on the [ __ ] inside getting [ __ ] done and the way if he was raising hell on the outside was making it easier for him to get those things [ __ ] done that's it so once again somebody has to say [ __ ] the NFL and mean it nobody better to do that in Colin Kaepernick but if he says it and continued to try to play and be a part of it he says that he can't get any more money out of them no they want the NFL wants him to say [ __ ] the NFL addley shirt because the second he says [ __ ] the NFL they don't got no mo collusion [ __ ] thoughts Andy what we offered this in the offered him net now cap is stuck between a rock and a hard place right not really what in a way right it's and let's move on but he's essentially stuck between huh he stuck between the know your rights campaign and and being an activist or a fleam activist right but he's he's oh that's what's incredibly important and he's a knee stuck between his situation with the NFL which he literally can't stop wanting to play for the NFL because then the NFL gets what they want so it's a writ but then by wanting to play for the NFL he has to play for the exact oppressor he's trying to fight against it's a really tricky city really not if you just say [ __ ] the league the second he says [ __ ] the league so what why would you want it why we do go back to what we said earlier that's where the money is he can make money you can sue him and make money and make money being cap at this point Colin Kaepernick can make money being cat did you think the trap to pay woman now wait they come up with that Colin Kaepernick Nike Edition that's fro you think Tory Lanez and envy and all of them out there with a fresh [ __ ] now they come out with that Colin Kaepernick Nike edition you can just scrap that afro on for a ball man and get a call roll when you want [ __ ] but Marla story is uh yeah man salute the Colin Kapernick saluting Nessa love y'all and everything that went down this week if they say that it's true yes somebody has to say [ __ ] the NFL and really truly mean it cuz I go Fran I go through mad emotions with this year I go through emotions I'll be like what the [ __ ] cap I stop that clown [ __ ] you know I mean no emotions but I'm like well if that's if that's the way ever happened in yeah it's true but my biggest thing is [ __ ] working for your oppressor right if you're going way too cool to can't a shirt run run and the only time you're going back to the plantation is the Burnett [ __ ] down yeah that's it and I gotta go pee well I'll pay some bills other than your absolute best friends who could you ask to bring you red wine at 4:00 p.m. sushi at 9:00 p.m. and a breakfast burrito at 8:00 a.m. I'll tell you who post mates post mates is your personal food delivery grocery delivery whatever you can think of delivery service all year round no more trips this store you don't even have to know where the store is poach mates will deliver anything to you you go download the app for iOS or Android it's 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deodorant cuz you know your [ __ ] is Wolfen especially you go down south well I'm trying and the reason I'm trying this and I've been telling y'all for the longest I really don't want no ham i both I don't want to have my pubes I really don't we gotta get rid of it I didn't want any Envy women with the ball Bajaj I don't want nothing I think we got to start doing this this is non-stop maybe we even look into a laser situation manscape listen you can't hurt yourself because they got this clip on it's guaranteed anyway manscape calm use our promo code make sure you go get it peace what else you want to talk about man you did you see the whole situation with a Amanda Steel's and Shawn King that was tell me over to Rodney Reed thing tell me what's going on that's why I didn't get into the Rodney Reed thing but but I didn't get into the Rodney Reed thing just because I didn't know what the [ __ ] I didn't see I didn't get into the riding Reed thing just because I didn't know what the [ __ ] was going on what happens okay this is this is what I've noticed what always happens right is with these with these stories is people care less about the person than they do about the issue at hand right and that's why the stories tug at our heartstrings everybody at least everybody Black has known a black person has probably been lied on by a white woman in regard to rape that's really specific has been treated unfairly by the justice system that has historical context for sure of course but we all know a black dude that's been pulled over for no reason [ __ ] Alex and I are on the way back home from from the shows in Boston you know ouch has got a Tesla the guy pulls us over and there's a car going faster than us in front of us that we're trailing and the guy pulls us over literally just to ask questions about the Tesla doesn't even give out a ticket but I was like what do you think that's about in USA I saw black I Drive a Tesla he just knows he saw a black guy not driving a test [ __ ] sleeping in the [ __ ] car huh driving by his goddamn self let me pull it the [ __ ] I saw the video maybe it's good thing exactly why people sleep that's right so uh so basically what happened was I think a lot of people go okay injustice right here this is the you know the court system not treating black people fairly ah this resonates with me let's take interest in this case we're not even going to look at the case at all to see if there's any kind of nefarious behavior with this guy because everything else adds up to our lives and the issues that affect boom go definitely you know me you know so anytime that there's an innocent person on death row they will attach themselves to that story in that situation just because they don't believe in the death penalty right it's a larger political agenda right yes right so so anytime you know these kind of larger political agendas get like tied into [ __ ] it's very easy to like draw up a storm of people especially angry people online did feel a certain way about it every time a baker doesn't want to bake a cake for a gay couple all of a sudden you have all like the right-wing like super religious folks going well they have freedom of expression and not bake their cakes and you have the left-wing people going well we shouldn't be discriminated against it happens every single time so I I don't get very invested in the headline cuz I know some other shits gonna come out a week later and it seems like that's what came out with the Rodney lien thing well no not even a week later I mean I didn't know anything about Rodney Reed on Saturday a few sisters I know started hitting me up and they just was asking me what I know about to write in your case and I said well I don't know anything I just know what I'm seeing and that you know he seems to be an innocent man on death row I don't really have an opinion about the definitely one way or the other but of course if there's an innocent man on death row you know right then then then he's an innocent of the crime he's accused accrues oh yeah yeah but but I didn't know that in my mind right I thought he was a brother who got accused of raping his white woman and he was in a consensual relationship with and he's been on death row all of this time for that's what I thought I didn't know anything else about Rodney Reed but then I saw getting all of these these DS DS they sent me a new they sent me a news report from I think it was a kvu II in Texas they sent me a news report that came out a week before and then they sent me stuff like you know the young woman sisters saying it was a headline I said wouldn't up with no doubt Rodney Reed murdered my sister but they just sent me uh sent me right like if you read any of these articles that he watched that news report they talked about his alleged history and I say alleged his alleged history of violence against women like he just has a lengthy criminal file full of accusations of sexual assault like it was an insult assault on and I'm only I'm reading this verbatim is from a crime including assaults on a twelve-year-old girl his disabled girlfriend a woman named Caroline Revere's and the mother of his children Lucy ever there's a lot it's a lot almost Leo which nobody looks into because they don't really care about Rodney right what they care about is the issue at hand and Rodney just fits the bill right now and whoever fits the bill we fake care about but we don't really care about these people and that's how Rodney's representatives get to manipulate the public through social media because they play on the heartstrings of these issues that are already exist inside and listeners just politics Amanda still I know I love Amanda that's that's that's family people swear I'm so biased towards Amanda I can only be objective Amanda was wrong when she said that Rodney Reed was arrested in charge for rape and murder in Wichita Falls there was no murder but he was charged with rape that's when he was in high school right when he was in high school he was charged with the rape of this young lady and he said when they went when they when they picked him up they asked him did he know the young lady he said no and then they said well your DNA is all over her and Rodney goes well we did have sex according to the court documents yeah we did have sex but she wanted it rodney was acquitted four years later of this case right yeah now the reason could get that story confused because that's exactly what you know was said in the case of what's-her-name Stacey Stacey Stites her name is yeah that's that's that's what happened in that case in that case young lady was found hey do you know this woman no I don't know this woman well your DNA is found in her vagina oh oh yeah we used to have a secret consensual relationship so it would be kind of too hard to get that those stories mixed up especially when there's like four other stories as well right got the story of the 12 year old girl and by the way I don't know if any of this stuff is true the only thing I'm doing is reading is to get to the larger point it says that read had raped his intellectually disabled girlfriend I don't even have an intellectually disabled girl I have no idea but it's a given the similarities between these crimes law enforcement inquired not a crime DPS just date intellectually disabled people be some rules inset they said they enquired if they had read DNA profile on file they did because reader raped his intellectually disabled girlfriend reads DNA profile was compared to the foreign DNA inside and on Stites body the two were consistent next was a 12 year old girl who was home alone having fallen asleep on a couch after watching TV when she woke up someone began pushing her face into the couch and blindfolded her and gagged her I'm not gonna read everything that happened but basically the foreign DNA from this young lady's rape kit was compared to Reed Reed was not excluded and only one in 5.5 million people would have had would have the same foreign DNA profile from AWS rape kit um point being I don't know there was another there was another one there was another case where and this young lady picked writing you read out of a lineup there's a bunch she said she gave Rodney Reed a ride and Rodney Reed got in the car I didn't read tried to get her to take her down a dirt road say Rodney Reed but she wouldn't go around grabbed her head slammed her head into the steering wheel she has Rodney what he wanted right he said a [ __ ] she said you gonna have to kill me right he said I guess you got to die they fought a little bit she got away went to the police ended up picking Rodney Reed out of line up some other story is this if somebody has this kind of history yeah it should be made known to the public especially if you want people to rally around person because they're on trial are about to get the death penalty for a sexual assault case in murder like because I believe that if more people would have known that he had this kind of history they would have been so quick to repost and rally around this man it wouldn't it on social media they wouldn't all I mean and and that was Amanda's larger point that's all she was saying Amanda was one of the people that post it initially she did exactly and that's why she enough that's why she said what she wish she would have known well then just Google that to my brother don't go out here and be like I wish we would have known don't wish do um which it's like so easy because here's the thing you're not really an idiot you you choose to be one of these people that's like an activist and advocating on behalf of people and go once you put that cape on once you put that cape on that's what people see you as but you know what there's a responsibility for that kid we don't have by the way we don't wear a cape you don't wear a cape we're just having to talk but we still can't be irresponsible yo that's why would I went out that's why when I talk about the Rodney Reed case I say go look at the kvu II report I say go look up articles yourself I cited an article I think was crime that I cited they did an interview with his sister I want y'all to go to see information for yourself cuz I don't know if none of this [ __ ] is true or not all I'm simply saying is you got to be the most unlucky as black man in America have six rape cases from six different white women or the luckiest to get away shut the [ __ ] final one he got away with every single one and the final one is where he's and even now after the final one you still got people going he's innocent like you two lucky was wowed is even after the so-called final one when they I think when they he was he had like six months later he was the suspect in another one yo there's some wild [ __ ] going on here here's the tricky thing also which is if he didn't murder this woman right he shouldn't get the definitely should get the death penalty now what we do is something that has been used against black people in trials all the time which is a look at your past right what is HAP look at your past so Kyle messed up his past is yeah he must have done this other thing he's accused of right which I also disagree with Amanda about because don't go out here and say hey maybe he did do it because he did all these things in the past I noticed one of those times when people wanna say I'm defending Amanda if you look at the case of Rodney Reed and the young lady the reason like they say he's not getting a definite E is because of fuck-ups on the prosecutor side the evidence is pretty much dare he found his semen in her vagina if I have a safe relationship they find his semen in her vagina her anus and on our breasts no there's another aspect to this case where like the girls husband the cop yeah he and he went to jail for 10 years with some type of sexual assault charge and something or some [ __ ] like that who things in this case there's two things in this case bro like it's a lot like first of all Roger you gotta be the most unlucky a black man on the face of the earth yeah that's number one yeah number two are Kelly and Bill Cosby got to be sitting around somewhere like so y'all not believin multiple accusers no more like they passed on me she's no more like what the [ __ ] like and this this DNA evidence linking to these people I just had hearsay she say in a tape and some songs my question is do we use people's past against them or doing not right because here's a forgotten a court of law well what we do think about it because if there's a girl accusing someone of rape right what is the first thing the defense does well this girl did some [ __ ] things over here and this girl just some slave what is the first thing we say about Kobe's accuser what is the first thing we say well you know Dave she had 400 different types of semen in her pain they said that under Caitlyn on the kvu II report which y'all should go watch one thing that stood out to me was when I guess was the prosecution to defense who's defending Rodney Reed I don't [ __ ] know but when it incensed a fan state they was like look her her boyfriend was a cop he went to jail for ten years for doing something else to another woman so Rodney read people said well y'all can't bring that [ __ ] no if people say well y'all can't bring this [ __ ] up if y'all not bringing up Rodney read [ __ ] nothing is reasonable his team say you can't bring this [ __ ] up if y'all not bringing up riding you read it this way this is just the worst case for anybody to try to take a political stance on it's a shitty case you just don't have you don't have to care about every single case okay you don't have to make your political stand of Africa so here's B's let's be honest none of you really give a [ __ ] about Rodney Reed let's really be honest you care about the bigger issue at hand cuz the political agenda exactly that's what you care about and you know what you should care about that because that could affect you you get arrested you get arrested Taylor you get arrested Alex you should care about what happens I mean we've seen it Alex go through it in [ __ ] Sweden the only the only thing we care about me and I know Andrew does too but you got to keep some formal consistency and it is very inconsistent that I hate when y'all figure out nuance when y'all want to when you hold that [ __ ] I can't think of any other time y'all are taking [ __ ] that don't got nothing to do it nothing to put together and say look yeah you grab this audio clip in that audio clip yeah like so and then you almost made it my fault yes goddamn energy that's all I'm saying how do you all understand nuance this is this situation because guess what Rodney Reed probably did not kill the woman Stacy whatever yeah but if he did all that [ __ ] he should be killed in my opinion and how can how can you not say this guy even kill rapist in my opinion that's an innocent and and in stay in in the case of when he got locked up in high school he used the same excuse right he was like yo it was consensual right but he got acquitted so respect to him or net but if years later you got all of these different accusations and you use that same excuse me somebody else he'll think I won look at you funny that's all I'm saying you are and and listen it is it's just so what was the beef between Amanda and then Sean well Sean is is is uh Sean to me led the charge for robbery you know I'm saying so I think that whole social media activation that happened was was was a lot it was a lot of Sean Kane you know Shawn King brought a lot of attention to it Shawn King is great at that he brings awareness to a lot of things and Amanda just got on Instagram and was like yeah we don't have to plan but okay we can play it and Amanda's got on there and just was basically like look if I would have known these things I don't think I would have rallied around him in that way and Amanda came out some wrong information because she said that the guy Rodney Reed had raped and killed someone right and Wichita Falls Shaun was like she wasn't killed she's very much alive and well yeah but she was raped and once again if you got all these different accusations and somebody's trying to explain it I can easily see how Amanda would get could easily get caught up in seda sometimes she gets wrong information right like she thought she was invited today after pukka Sean said that Rodney Reed has never been arrested or convicted I've never been convicted but he's interested right he's been convicted - oh I didn't know he was convicted this was prior to this but Sean said he's never been arrested or convicted for a violent crime against the woman before or after this murder Sean he's in jail right now oh yeah but he's because of this crime yes so before that he was never convicted for one I don't know the way he worded it sounded kind of kind of off to me when I heard him say it but either way the moral of the story is I mean Sean's got one agenda we know that right it's and it's a it's a gender that has a ton of importance but you can get things wrong and he he's he's blind to things that do not support the agenda so when you go when Sean is putting something out there you know exactly who he's supporting who he's fighting for and he will give you all the information on the side of who he's fighting for and none of the information on the opposite what some people are saying Sean did I didn't see it I got this information for people sending it to me I asked Sean about it Sean told me he didn't know what kind of man Rodney Reed was it is his job is to bring light to the case he feels this man is innocent in this case this man should not be executed for this case right I I have no problem with that right I don't having a problem with that but I'm not gonna sit out here and try to defend Rodney Reed I don't know no you know what it's like I don't know if he really did these things this was like you know how they like arrested El Chapo there's probably some like deal that they got him on or some [ __ ] like that right there might not be enough evidence to convict El Chapo for that single drug deal mm-hmm but you know he's done a bunch of drug deals so he's not the person that you launched some campaign about how you know Mexican Mexicans are being targeted as drug dealers when the data data right you just go all right this is the one this isn't one we fight for we're just gonna kind of look the other way with this [ __ ] and that's a situation with we all were up in arms and everybody was tweeting and [ __ ] Alex signed a petition didn't even look into the petition you know many people sign that petition is on [ __ ] you know I I don't have no information on not saying that I wouldn't have but I didn't have any information on it and I can't just go off you know cuz they come to us all the time we public figures that y'all can you repos this you repos that if I haven't done no information on it no no I'm not just taking your word for it I don't care who you are I got to know what the [ __ ] is going on and after you tell me what's going on I'm gonna go do my own individual research and guess what I still might get it wrong depending on what what sources I go to get it sounds in so I don't listen I don't have a dog in this fight all I'm simply saying is the over to me the overall point amanda was trying to make is do your research that's what she said she said issues like you'll do your research yeah you know I'm saying do you go go get further information before we just jump on these causes you know I mean I don't think it's a problem with that and my other my other aspect of this it's not a profit but it's just hilarious that like she should do it like why am I taking your advice on a thing that you didn't - you're right yeah why [ __ ] she has to that's another thing we do she had one part room literally right one part wrong she said rape and kill it's like ordering a Big Mac and fries to say the fries if I pull up to the drive-through and I asked you for a goddamn number one so I really have to say I need fries with that right you know yeah but that's second time she had one part wrong the first time around she's like yo we need a support Rodney Reed and people should be out here looking up for rowdy read this at the other and learn from your mistakes I respect a hundred percent I agree with the center 100% agree with the senator you know it is it is is important that we all do our research if we want to be in those positions right yeah man but you know I don't care to be in that position I'm not what I like to do is make jokes you know the crazy part about those positions what's happened if you put yourself out there and you're one of those you know social justice warriors activists whatever you won't get it wrong sometimes you go get a Twila Bradley bro at some point you're gonna get hurt Wanda Bradley member twanda Bradley who knows Reverend Al Sharpton and wherever now Sharpton came to the defense of the young lady who said she got this she said she got raped by lacrosse team with some [ __ ] like that does he smell a not even justice really did I guess maybe Jesse but like he Rev and I came to the defense of this woman but came to find out she was lying yeah sometimes you gonna get those you know saying and I don't think anybody's lying in this case I just think that it was some information omitted because at that point in time they didn't want to slow up the process because they knew that this man was about to get executed in a couple of weeks and they needed all hands on deck on social media so they put out the information that was pertinent to this case you know what you are right about that you are gonna get things wrong yes and we can't crucify people Amanda Shawn for getting things wrong here's the one you know that talk about if the record is right that's all I'm sayin if the record is all I'm saying yeah if the record shows that for the most part they're right and their intentions are good Sean and Amanda are always trying to be on the right side of history right you may not always agree with them you may not always think they're on the right but their intent is to be in the right side so we have to we always say this on the show judge people by then their intent not your interpretation so I will give that yeah I will I'll concede that the intent was good yeah what heavy do we do false mates yeah I did them both heavy - I did honey I did post mates now now we just got the hymns that's your that's your lane since you've been using guys the best way to prevent more hair loss is to do something about it while you still have some Charlotte Black Friday secured the best deal of all a healthier thicker hair line with four hems calm now the active ingredient in hymns is this thing called finasteride I've been using finasteride for the last ten years if you 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the greatest artist that God has ever exist created is now working for him what's the problem with that what am I missing here why are people up in arms about this yes you a question yes this is a good question what songs there are songs that were written fifty years ago that we all still know the words to in sing we did not grow up with but we know the words and we sing them write songs written a hundred years ago that we probably do that too there are songs like classical music that is existed for I don't know three hundred [ __ ] years I don't know how long ago Beethoven and Tchaikovsky all these guys are what song of Kanye is going to last for another forty years oh man it's a bunch of which I mean [ __ ] you go back I mean with album you want to go to you can go to the college dropout album and you give me a song you grab Jesus walk you can grab spaceship even play that [ __ ] now you crazy it should be slappy [Music] what's the [ __ ] with their [ __ ] when it all falls down [ __ ] you can go gold digger I love to Diamond to Sierra Leone remix with Jay Z I wasn't out that [ __ ] this morning isn't gold st. gold digger a sample so that's not even his song it's someone else the grab Jamie Foxx at that time when Jamie Foxx was playing rayon to do that sure sure sure but what I'm saying is we made you by NAS let me tell you something we can say a lot of things about Kanye West but one thing you can't say about him as knees not a talented [ __ ] no no I'm not saying he's not tired there's been plenty of talented artists and musicians throughout time who have like ruled the the music world who will be forgotten their music just won't carry on like not Kanye knock-knock I don't think Kanye's music will be I only have the Bev member in forty year Kanye has the best our lifetime we won't even think about Kanye has the best album of the decade that's fine dude Guns'n'Roses was on top of the [ __ ] world huh Metallica on top for the world is you're a [ __ ] Taylor and you have a short-term memory past decade could be going into a new decade we'll have to start having these conversations right the greatest rap album of the past ten years is Kanye West My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy people don't even remember that album because it was ten years ago I remember it because it was just that good it's the best album of the decade Kendrick was number two Kendra got the number two and three albums of the decade to me just real quick I'm not saying that it's not incredible music I'm not saying that it's not you just have amazing songs that we all enjoy we want to dance who everyone have fun with what I'm saying certain songs do not last the test of time and he's out here saying he is the greatest artist in the history of the world Michael Jackson's songs even with all these scandals will be played in 50 years right I don't think Kanye has a thriller I don't think Kanye has a I mean nobody ever Billie Jean I don't think Kanye has a bunch of of songs that Michael Jackson give me Kanye's Thriller I don't think he got it forget about O'Connor you don't have a three look as Kanye has a college dropout and Kanye has a late registration in Kanye has a graduation and Kanye has a 808 and heartbreaks and Kanye has my beautiful daughters fantasy those five albums right there reservoir does not too many rappers that can come out with five slap was back to back to back and not only that I'm not denying he's a I'm not denying his ability or his impact on music I'm not denying that I'm just asking for legacy work when you talk about yourself as one of the greatest artists of all time we have to compare you to the artists that have stood the test of time like there you can't deny okay but what makes you stand the test of time is your music existing throughout time I don't know if Kanye's music is going to exist I don't know there's people who got through college because the Kanye was now look I wasn't even a I didn't live that experience we don't even listen to Kanye's yo if your app I was at a we were at a nightclub we're in Boston two nights in a row right we're at nightclubs I didn't even hear DJ's playing any Kanye song you never had Club business but we've just wait on you in America low birth weights this week you go hear Michael Jackson got club records car you don't have club records so then if he doesn't have club records and the young life records sure sure here's have club records the youth itself right isn't gonna the next version of the youth isn't gonna resonate with Kanye because they didn't grow up with it like we did right who's gonna continue playing it well you me we we didn't grow up with the Jackson 5 but because they got club records so the club continued playing the parties continue to play they existed and they permeated the party atmosphere the party life no no good we were hearing all the slappers for real Crosby was up in that [ __ ] Kanye and I'm gonna tell you some of the Kanye's biggest I'm not gonna say his biggest legacy but I always talk about legacy based off the fruit that your tree bears you don't have no Drake without Kanye you don't have no Kid Cudi you don't have no wale you don't have no Jay Cole you don't have no chance to wrap or you don't have no big shine like these are all artists that were directly influenced by Kanye was like directly influenced like like you got thing think about when Kanye and 50 cent went head-to-head gangsta rap was the [ __ ] 50 was selling all of these records and Kanye came out with his album and they had that whole battle the labels were battling who gonna win who gonna win Kanye wash 50 yeah cuz he don't 50 so like 600,000 which is great but cutting sold like 900 something that week on the ice tonight and that changed hip-hop from that moment on late were like okay gangster rap is cool but let's go [ __ ] more artists like let's go find some more Kanye's no I'm not denying his influence in the game I'm not denying how he has changed music and pushed music into a new genre I just don't see the songs that will resonate throughout history I got a lot of I love we major with NAS I love can't tell me nothing with just Jeezy on the ad-libs I got like I love I love I can even go to the Pablo album and I can [ __ ] with like dumb waves with Chris Brown like like I don't know you got some joints to me and I I love it I love it you love it we all love it the next generation if it's not in the club they're just not gonna hear it that's not true exactly they know who Tang in the closet alone yeah you grew up with wu-tang this is different I'm not talking about that I'm talking about the generation that is not familiar how did I hear about Michael Jackson I heard about it from the club me I heard about from MTV I heard about from these things we get exposed to music through different places this what i sat with Nilo sleuthin I love my knees my Allah my man deli right he was at the house on Saturday night he was eating drinking and [ __ ] I we were on YouTube for four hours right all I was playing him was oh [ __ ] and I was shocked at the things that they knew right and I'm like the reason they know it is because of YouTube they get on YouTube you type in one it might be one Kanye West record and that should take you down a worm will be like oh [ __ ] this [ __ ] slap and that's just slap that's how they discovered music bro they literally discover music now listen a lot of Tina Turner you don't listen no Tina Turner never listened to Tina Turner Tina Turner icon and that movie slapped in the Kanye West you know who else that Kanye West biopic gone slack oh for sure and when it comes back out in 20 years your [ __ ] it forgotten they will be reminding just like the guy reminded a new edition and and Bobby Brown like bro kinda got Kanye time you're not going to wear bro there are boys semaine songs that will be sung throughout history I really believe it I believe in 40 years we'll be seeing some boys to men come on you two hey I don't know which I don't know which I don't know which I mean Google Kanye's yeah that's probably my favorite I mean I liked I liked college dropout as well and like that but that hit me early you know you have a Pablo opposed probably pop maybe maybe college dropout Kanye was great as his strong ain't going nowhere yep they stood that [ __ ] - it still plays in the club's stronger heart um and then then this ground is in Paris [ __ ] in Paris jesus walks you really think we're gonna be listen to that one more [ __ ] eighty years old going to go dig ain't going nowhere runaway is my favorite Kanye West song of all time just because I'm an [ __ ] um power definitely angle power was hard to slow James Lovelock down all in all of the lights bruh touch the sky flashing lights goddamn shoes bro [ __ ] can't tell me nothing good life oh mercy all Troy beam is fire cuz he's barely on it no songs he's barely on kind of slap I bet you almost cried listening to it you say you did cry listen in to ultra labor because he's barely on it I listen I support black women both I like about you that's what I support but for real I listen to that I love that listen there's no denying that he is an amazing artist and he's incredible at the music I just don't think his music will stand the test of time that it kinda already has dude standing the test of time is tough you only get how many artists have stood the test of time like how many Michael Jackson's do we have how many [ __ ] Beethoven's do we have like how many who's the guy I can't believe I'm forgetting his name but like let's get it on Marvin Gaye Marvin dude you how great you gotta be if you're gay and dudes are singing you're [ __ ] people like Stephanie mills who people probably don't know when you hear oh good all over you know what I'm saying you never are dead maybe a [ __ ] make you feel good all over what bro Frank Sinatra you gonna sing these songs till you're [ __ ] dead no one Frank Sinatra songs my life you don't know my way on my way in New York New York I know the greatness of Frank Sinatra but I only know two records yep its record Michael Buble bro Vanilla Ice Ice Baby whether you will eat won't admit it or not stood the test of time I think it did and you know what not even his song so what really stood no it was fun the guy just died bro these kids have no idea what's the guy's name these kids taking the pressure these kids have no I hated Bowie these kids named Rob these kids take Julia Robert Harriet Tubman Julia Roberts [ __ ] was so [ __ ] you know I wasn't stupid why they do this all the time yo you notice the same [ __ ] as Rodney Reed right tell me it's people attaching themselves to the issue not the person the issue the issue is they understand the Hollywood hires white actors to play roles that are not white and they feel a way about that yes so they tweet out something that is clearly [ __ ] the tweet was that some execs said Julia Roberts should play Harriet Tubman I really haven't yes I did the guy came from a Q&A the screenwriter of Harriet Tubman he said that as a joke no he said that when he used to be trying to get this movie made yeah back in the day no executives wanted to do it and he said the times were different he said he wouldn't hear any pitch the story one time and one executive was like that's a great story he said we should get Julia Roberts to play Harriet Tubman and he goes Julia Roberts can't play Harriet Tubman and David seems like Angele roughly Harriet Tubman cuz she's black the exact clearly didn't know the [ __ ] Harriet Tubman was the story was great so then the screenwriter explain to him why I couldn't happen and then the exact goes well because he'd know nobody wants to meet they wrong well that was a long time ago nobody will remember yes the screenwriters discreet his name is uh what the screenwriter name is name is like Greg Howard that wrote the Harriet something movie I think it was yes so but that's funny is funny and by the way it's not the first time this is happening do you know [ __ ] um I looked this up cuz I I love doing this just to have more research 25 times white actors played people of color and no one really gave a [ __ ] from the Huff folks Latino voices Angelina Jolie played Mary Ann pearl Mary Ann look at Marianne pearl weight is Marion pearl black no she's she's afro-cuban ah have naturally curly hair and a dark complexion Angelina Jolie has no African roots and played her Ben Affleck played Antonio J Mendez in what a movie it was a [ __ ] movie Argo never Margo that guy was Mexican yeah no wonder he could sneak people out of the country do you remember this who's this this is debatable what is this Josephine has played Michael Jackson you know yeah Michael cuz Michael did a lot of that work himself Mick Rooney as mister you nah she Chris is furious about this but that's but that's from Japanese landlord Pink Panther right no Breakfast at Tiffany's this right here Juliet Bonacci played Mario Maria took a vow Sagawa come on do y'all know Natalie Wood played Maria Johnny Depp as Tonto Johnny Depp looked like he could be Native Americans nah I mean that he's not a member of the First Nation tribe okay Elizabeth Taylor played Cleopatra the moral of the story is hold on Elizabeth Taylor played Cleopatra yes now doesn't it sound like vanilla ice I'm gonna tell my kids that was hammer that's what I'm gonna do realize not go exist in my world this right here I thought it was you should go wait order yeah but you you're not gonna stay no no what cuz alright stop collaborate and listen cuz i holding me tightly like that but it still wish okay yo you know what I realized I was up in Boston is so crazy is a because you know Boston is is you know one of starting places for the Revolutionary War right yes the Boston Tea Party and the whole thing so Europeans colonize the United States of America it's not the United States of America at the time but just North America right mmm-hmm we colonize North America and then Britain is taking all of our wealth away from us right so we fight back Britain because they're treating us like we're colonized that makes sense No in other words like we call a nice okay right and there to colonize Britain no no I let's say Britain right okay colonizes North America okay right and then Britain is extracting all the resources out of the land guys right and then we fight back against Britain right because we're I go why are you treating us like we're colonized we do that a few years after we just colonize that makes sense like yeah but how we get there what underground row did we take care with Julia Roberts to get to this point I just think it's kind of funny that like we colonize take everybody [ __ ] and then when Britain's taking our [ __ ] we're like that's expensive you don't want to get bullied right but you think a point in time they're like yo that was kind of cold but we didn't Americans know he's a bully I kind of would have liked to see Julia Roberts play Harriet Tubman's I think she could pull it off what you don't think that she knows that I've experienced I see them hold on you don't want to see come on let's just let no other why does not I come to the microphone moment but continue okay why would you want to play because I want to get these jokes off I wrote okay now listen Julia Roberts can play Vivian Ward and pretty woman doesn't mean she can play Harriet Tubman in pretty slave woman okay we've got another one just because Julia Roberts can play Laura Bernie and sleeping with the enemy doesn't mean she can play Harriet Tubman in a movie called sleeping with the enemy against my will because master keep raping me because Julia Roberts can play Maggie carpenter and runaway bride doesn't mean she can play Harriet Tubman in a movie come on guys Julia Roberts can play test ocean in Ocean's eleven but she can't play Harriet Tubman in a movie titled Atlantic Ocean eleven an origin story of our grandmother got here the tailor ate these for you [Music] [Music] if Julia Roberts plays Harriet Tubman can can you [ __ ] can you [ __ ] her and be staying true to black woman oh no it's a character it doesn't count I wouldn't want to see that no IDO because there's no way you know you know you should play Harriet Tubman they already got some white Americans out well the whole point ship in a little 200 crap who played Harriet Tubman a woman from Britain I heard flame played it no for real my name is sin her name is Cynthia or evil yo how you feel about all these black English people taking on the black American roles I asked to lean away for about that um I mean taking jobs from from black people whose ancestors have dealt with the black America I thought Lena wave had a great listen I think that you know when it comes to the black American experience the black American experience is very unique I think that a lot a lot of us we still deal with the trauma from the things that happened during slavery and dry segregation so you would want a black American to you know take on those roles because you feel like a black America the only person that could experience that but I mean a lot of the a lot of the sentiments that you would have to have to play these roles a lot of the energy you would have to have you have experience as a black person globally period right you know saying is racism it's it's segregation is prejudice that's really all it is at the end of the day and they're gonna good [ __ ] actors those black British yes holy [ __ ] and it's fighting back against that because Daniel was Daniel neighbor get up [ __ ] Aki Daniel [ __ ] Aki I made that up ain't no cops in Daniel black ass and saying he's British he's British in fact when they pull him over he start talking to that accident they gonna be like give me your license and I [ __ ] you thank you fool I'm saying so it don't matter that makes a cop more comfortable though that might be a good technique if you get pulled over no speck was there a problem officer I think he's trying to be funny really get out the car and do your [ __ ] ABCs a base well there's a bunch of you coppers a problem like so it's like I don't have a problem with them doing it like I don't think that I don't think the I think the black American experience is unique but when you have black skin dark skin you've experienced all of those same things ya know what I'm saying yes that's it so okay have you watched the the Underground Railroad movie no I haven't I got to catch up on movies broke yeah I haven't seen the hustlers movie with JLo I haven't seen [ __ ] The Joker I ain't seen Harry you haven't seen Joker yeah queen is slam coming yo Chadwick Boseman got a movie coming out this weekend want to see called 21 bridges what's up with that movie why there's so many bridges what's going on with that why would you actually playing a cop yeah that's going around killing people for killing cops but why what is the bridges I have no idea next week Queen and slim comes out but can we get back to the bridges here I don't know anything about the bridges why would anybody names a movie about bridges as if that's the exciting thing for Attis like Joker oh I like the Joker I'll go see it black panther love the black panther i'll go see it right pretty women woman I like pretty women because this chadwick boseman and you want to know what the [ __ ] up with you 21 bridges I don't it just sounds like traffic let me check it out it literally sounds like a commute is this a movie about commuting to work is this about how it made traffic the movie was great that was a good movie trafficking drugs anyone bridges you got to go over the bridge to what only Taylor would read for that one Taylor will reach for one that's unreachable what say what what do you have to do with your lips on the mic oh there what do you mean what do you think is in a matter of metaphor for tell what what what what energy biography invite you all to a major rally we're having in Queens New York what energy drew using a microphone you need to take a bridge to get to but I was being sarcastic I just wanted to get my jokes off if she slapped yo yo yo can you can you please can you please just come back to the microphone for a second I mean this what if Julia Roberts was such a great actress and what if she didn't do blackface she did the old-fashioned way she just tanned she went to Aruba she got very tan right what if she got tan no [ __ ] the wig and everything else you know got your real hair what's the difference listen the soundboard [ __ ] [ __ ] sound boards what's up I'm a PA area Tubman I'm playing Harriet Tubman real tuck and I'm a sneak all those fine black men above the mason-dixon line and let me tell you something you will play no professor you have to do is sneaky load dick in between your legs you got tuck that mother as always this [ __ ] podcast has gone too far we went from serious to whatever the [ __ ] I was serious come on yelling broke why Andrews medication is worn out as always if you listen to this podcast you think we're smart you think we're intelligent you think we're brilliant you absolutely right if you lose to this podcast and you think we're just a couple idiots you don't know [ __ ] you're right - it's the billion idiot podcast thank you for listening
Channel: Brilliant Idiots
Views: 184,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, brilliant idiots, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, charlamagne, charlemange, breakfast club, interviews, wax, paige, taylor, alexx, alexxmedia
Id: sCT8wLbEOaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 30sec (7890 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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