Listen To The Lisp | Brilliant Idiots with Charlamagne Tha God and Andrew Schulz

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hey guys if you want to see the full video and more clips and behind-the-scenes footage make sure you check out slash brilliant idiots pod that's slash brilliant idiots pod subscribe subscribe subscribe peace yep Charlemagne to God and Rachelle's we are the brilliant idiots and uh this week's show is brought to you by blue East sings what you know Bob Louisa show man let me tell you this first of all a little warning this product contains nicotine nicotine is an addictive chemical not for sale to minors satisfying yet simple no fuss with refilling liquids just choose from a range of flavors pop in liquid pot and my blue goes with you all day okay find my blue in a store near you or order online my blue calm websites restricted to 21 plus and for all our uh unemployed listeners I'm gonna tell you about NBA 2k 20 all right unemployed people are based on these video games all right but listen NBA 2k 20 is not just a game alright this is the place the game goes to learn I hate next-level 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hours excellent food and no love Milwaukee that's my sake is a dope city yes I'm gonna be at the minority health Film Festival discussing my favorite thing to discuss which is mental health so pull up on me Turner Hall ballroom doors open at 11:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. as an open panel discussion 1:00 p.m. as a conversation with me and it's today I have to turn the hall ballroom so hopefully we get this out in a timely manner question when you do these talks in front of in front of crowds I get anxiety yeah he's gonna ask like are you do you get nervous before salutely you know what's so crazy cause like when you write a book right yeah you just put it out to the world people read it it is what it is this a book that is about your anxiety and being a little depressing and PTSD and this is what your father whatever whatever vulnerable stuff now you got to sit in front of people yeah and talk about it yeah and every time I do it no matter where I do it at it always feels like I'm in therapy and I literally feel like I'm up there but and I could just stepping out the shower shrinkage and I don't want nobody to see me including my wife every single time and and did you feel that way when we would do idiots life no so this is completely different now that lay us the tough exterior it is we do something cutting the [ __ ] yakking around having a good time like laughing joking oh you really feel that vulnerable because I'm not comfortable talking about my anxiety and depression and going to therapy in front of large crowds okay so I need a whole situation there's a there's something that people have always asked me about like like the live performance they're like aren't you nervous like what happens if you know you bomb or these types of things and while I can get nerves in the live performance I actually prefer it because I feel like there's some semblance of control for example some guy hackles me or some chick heckles me I can react to that even if a joke doesn't go like I can react to that I find that like putting out a project like the special or the or book is way more nerve-wracking and vulnerable because even though you control all the variables variables until you put it out once it's out yeah yeah yeah that doesn't give you more nerves than then well like when you release a book and you're like that's it it's printed a million times and that's a [ __ ] the way it's gonna be I'm glad you noted I get printed in many times that's great oh can we flex yeah I mean I just think it's like it's a different level of content like when you put something like that you can look back like I think you're comfortable doing stand-up yeah so you know you control it environment you [ __ ] around but when you're talking about something that's a little bit out of your comfort zone anything are things that you've been talking about publicly fun once or four years talking about emotional [ __ ] it's a different even a political [ __ ] don't scare me no more I'm not feeling like you're well versed in it well yeah and I mean I love being on CNN and MSNBC in all these different networks cuz it's not even just about politics anymore is pop culture the political conversation a pop culture conversation yeah so everything in The Times I got on down living this week and we was talking about I saw you with your arm over its my god like y'all with Hanson's yeah did he ask you the smell like anything no amber we was all my day she fell sticks and stones oh yeah yeah nose and that came out of a conversation of me saying people don't understand nuance anymore she was talking about Trump and that came from Trump and Chrissy Teigen going at it cuz Trump was like I want some [ __ ] credit for this first step back yeah cuz y'all not giving it to me and I'm like he does deserve credit yeah he's the president yeah he passed a bill right yeah 7,000 people got released from prisons this year he enjoyed it in black yeah so why wouldn't you give Trump some credit for that like like I'm not I'm not that biased or I don't I don't hate Trump that much did not tell the truth I want right objective at all times so me Santa and same people don't understand nuance anymore letting to you know Don saying well you know if you say people understand nuance so did you see sticking stones better so that was a holding for conversation but it's all politics and saw pop culture even Dave special is opening up conversations about you know where we are as a society right so it just all made sense it's all intertwine nowadays yeah I don't even feel I don't feel off when I'm nice to see you on that show that show used to do right i right i yeah you might use in your element yeah because it was like it was a new show but it was specifically geared towards like being funny like i think they took on pop culture topics and they were asking me for a funny take i didn't have to like in foreign people yeah they had they had it was crazy they just have like that guy john bolton who was the national security guy that trumps his fired yeah used to come on all the time and he resign I saw a reason a resignation letter oh my understand was yeah I thought Trump back like he fires everything the guy who gets broken up with and I was like nah I told them said let me think about it don't get broken up with ya listen let me think about us not being together that's the only time I do feel anxieties and I'm having those uncomfortable conversations because I don't want nobody to look at me I don't want to buy it look at me as an expert when it comes to anything like I always say I'm just a human being who got some experiences and I share my experiences even on those political shows I'm just giving my opinion right you know saying like I mean of course you state some facts you know when you're dealing with certain things but I'm just giving my opinion yeah me saying you know Trump should get credit for the first step back is my opinion but I would I would hope that's a fact yeah honesty is the president right and I like going on there it's like not necessarily expert but as like a pundit when it comes to pop culture like one of the things that I had to kind of learn is it like when I go on these shows it's like I'm the comedian on this show I'm not no [ __ ] truth teller I'm not dislike expert you are oh you know but my lens to tell truth is comedy and I feel like once comics or a lot of people once they take this responsibility of being like this this moral virtue signaler type of person I think that's when you lose everybody flew especially you lose your comedy right because all of a sudden you're making judgments on people on this serious show and then you want to tell this silly joke about women they're like how could you say that joke about liver how could you say that joke about illegal immigrants over here trying to be this pious person so for me creating a little bit of separation between their like I like being the comedian I like the freedom of that you know what I mean I'm not trying to be anything different I say I was like being me don't label me with any of these social constructs right okay I'm just me yeah all right I don't have any identity of nothing I just I just want to go on here and [ __ ] perform that's it and I don't want to say perform because even performing sound like you you know pretending to do something I just like to go over and have real honest conversation like we would have anywhere else you asked me a question I'm gonna tell you how I feel about it right now panned ruins and those audience I'm not on no one side you ask me how I feel about something I'm gonna tell you yeah yeah credit for the first epic yes 100% what yeah everybody finds their tool to get there like truth out but you start looking I'm saying when you start looking stupid though it's when you use a different tool when you start using a different tool and you're not really being truthful you're not being authentic it's not you you're being truthful based off what do you think public perception is gonna be especially in this era cuz we can all go to our phones immediately yeah and get that validation I don't do that [ __ ] when I go do this CNN MSNBC knows I don't even look at that [ __ ] dude you know what I think about sometimes it's like like there's certain comics right that they'll end up like going to stump for a president right and I or like even a politician or some somebody and I see them stumping and they're effective I think even Chappelle did it like they're effective but growth um sweetie was cutting all the time yeah Ben John yeah and it's like it's it's kind of effective but it would be ten times more effective if you just wrote a hilarious bit this showed why he was great for that job not because every politician now and that's what the Democrats are [ __ ] up they need pop kocha whose baby short but it's also that's the most organic form of you that's the most authentic form of you like seeing Chappelle be very serious about something and having no punch line or whatever you're almost like uh there are certain people who that's their that's their lane as being serious and saying how it is etc and you expect that from them but like use your me messaging users ooh yeah use your [ __ ] tool and I think like I think that was a mistake I definitely made earlier on it's like I saw other people speaking on things and it was like well I must speak on them like that is like that's not how I get it done that's when people who didn't even know you was a comedian yeah they thought you were the second coming of Ben Shapiro who is this guy like Bishop arrow Tommy Lauren Andrew shows I'm like [ __ ] up with that and that's on me too because I got to do the branding like if I had all you me too like I gotta make sure I gotta be aware of my own branding which is like I should have been had clips out I should have been had things out showing that that's my sense of humor I'm taking on these hard topics in I'm trying to find a funny angle in these things and now the reaction I get now when I say something wild is that's what he's a comedian cific type like I am going for that very difficult tricky topic to make funny and there is it's high-risk high-reward it's like it's like that free solo you'd ever see that documentary free so about that guy who climbs the big-ass mountain with no ropes or nothing no I mean it's insane but the idea is like who did both it was like clearly no nah but like I mean there's a totally different thing I think he's 100% serial killer but this is where he went with it like he is the same makeup as a serial killer but he found another outlet to like to get that rush got through that thrill right and it's like but just high stakes high reward I liked the idea of the topic being so dangerous that if it's bad it's really bad but if it's good it's like holy [ __ ] and you even see where s'appelle special it's like when you take some risks [ __ ] are talking and everybody look contrary to popular belief oh no let me take that back contrary to the Internet's popular belief the world is receiving Dave Chappelle special in an amazing way the Internet this is what's talked about 10 blogs that don't care about it yes and that was the whole thing with Dunning but Baba Joe Donlon is a part of the LGBT community and Don was asking me about the special cuz he likes the special right he's like I thought it was funny yeah my other homegirl from MSNBC I'm not gonna say her name unless you want me to but older white woman when she started I was coming up on CNN to talk about the specialty senators email she's like Charlemagne please don't go in on Dave you know I'm like well how about going on a date she's like don't go in on Dave what he's doing is necessary for the culture and we got to start having these uncomfortable conversations right we're gonna get to an understanding this is all older white woman yeah that works at MSNBC oh you know did you see that clip that Comedy Central put out is maybe the first funny thing Comedy Central's put out and like I don't know years they don't but this was actually Blake Griffin was on this roast and the roast of Alec Baldwin like now the joke was Blake Griffin was tea making a joke about Caitlyn Jenner who was on the dais and they're like a great content terrible delivery okay we can play you can play the client like a delivery bro that's fair regardless of whether you like to delivery or not it's not even I thought the joke was very good for though if we don't end up lame the jokes of it jokes very silly was talking to Caitlyn Jenner he's like Caitlyn Jenner proves that uh no one in your family likes what Oh hilarious so he could he had it was that little hesitation sure sure fair enough anxiety plays tricks on you sometimes yeah so basically what happens is Caitlyn to her credit really [ __ ] laughed at the joke stood up and I thought that that was a great statement for like the trans community because it's like hey if we want to be treated like equals we got to get some Joker's kind of get this joke gotta get these jokes whoo and it look it was a safe environment nobody wanted to beat her up intention matter exactly if the joke is to hurt you please believe there are way better ways to hurt someone than a joke please believe and the trans community nay but oh they know that more than anybody taught me in middle school and I was in the guidance counselor's office one time as a young man decided he wanted to cut his wrists really because I got damn Lonard what'd you say what was the joke it him and his sister used to look like you know what I'm saying related yeah but needs to really look alike you look like a turtle yeah but I didn't look like them but they look bad all right they just look there like you know what I'm saying and like they and it wasn't even effect of the jokes it was the consistency of did you one thing about me I'm consistent right so meaning we used to catch the bus together in the morning right 12 6 o'clock a monkey Wow here we're rocking the bus were riding the bus to school together yeah I'm on you right and I'm seeing you in class and I'm seeing you between classes I'm on you eventually you'll break yeah it happens to the best of yeah I'm saying maybe maybe all this anxiety to have his karma might be bro right it might be but I'm gonna be honest with you a lot of that back in the day when I think about it it was me trying to keep people off me of course you got you exactly you got anxiety and you're the one that's really insecure JIT and you like let me get him first yeah this started with them conning the [ __ ] out of me and since Greg's I had glasses and in fact hang with all the white kids so I would get clown so I'm what I'm like [ __ ] it if I can't beat them join them there we go my [ __ ] my snaps just became better you pull the Pearl Harbor yes what explain that to me I agree with it they fire first oh yes they pull the first a preemptive strike right yeah no that's exactly what it is and then when you realize you know you can make people laugh people like to be around some of those anxious people have ever met that's the problem dosa strike first generational trauma formation hey babe yeah they also got a couple nukes think it's another Pearl Harbor somebody's fingers gonna slip anyway let me tell you I got some little dates coming up Australia mad or tour we're coming all right Perth some tickets left for Perth oh no Adelaide Adelaide we got a few tickets up for Adelaide Perth almost sold out few tickets left Brisbane first show sold out we added a second show a few tickets left for that Sydney first show sold out at a second show Melbourne first so sold out at a second show and then third show sold out so we're there a few tickets left for that and then Sydney again I think that actually the last Sydney show is sold out so go to the injured cells calm right now go get your tickets we added new shows to the site the end result calm you can get more mad or took it's a New York town hall sold-out I'm figuring out what I want to do with that do we add another show do we not add another show we're a couple months out yeah what's that oh yeah yeah we got do that and then Boston I think there might be a few tickets left for Boston but make sure you go get those right there Seattle almost sold out make sure it goes Vienna shows calm get all the tickets get them early man I hate when I come into a market and you guys like you love a lot want you to let us know I couldn't get tickets that say I'm letting you know now let's go get them tickets right now also brilliant idiots YouTube we got a YouTube page up brilliant idiots pod it's slash brilliant at his pod that's where the full episodes and the clips and everything more behind the scenes footage we're gonna be putting it up on that YouTube page so go follow that right there now let's talk oh man Tonio brown yes um I I really don't know why well let's talk let's talk from the beginning okay Antonio Brown forces himself out of Oakland right right I don't know why people are applauding that move like it's so funny to people applauding it oh yes the most selfish player I've ever seen a loud minority on social media was a so behind a be because they think that it was some master plan that he concocted to get himself out of Oakland and find himself in New England this is what you guys are and guys are essentially saying he found a way to [ __ ] up 21 million dollars because a B was getting a guaranteed 30 million dollars from Oakland right he's getting guaranteed nine from New England so he found a way to [ __ ] up 21 21 million dollars right yes he may be in a better situation he'll probably win a Super Bowl but that shouldn't be applauded I'm not gonna applaud the kind of behavior that causes you to lose that kind of money so that assumption goes along with the idea that he won't make money next year he listened 30 million guaranteed 31 years old wire receiver if NFL so let me ask you this right you got plus a million in a bank right not the asking if you do have it I'm saying like you know your pause was quite telling but you have a B I think got 20 cash in the bank right that's what he said he said he got 20 cash and he said that yeah so if you have 20 cash in the bank right where did they begin 20 million dollars room questions his first big contract he was wanting that guaranteed money 20 million from what is a be half cash in the bank he said it's somewhere in some interview maybe I'm maybe I'm mistaken maybe was 10 but he still had a significant amount just cash millions in the bank right I mean you've been doing you know what's it called advertisements for companies and less Berger because he wasn't getting that check fair right and he just he just run amok in hit in Pittsburgh and then it was done so you have 20 million in the bank do you want to what does it say net worth is around 30 million net worth is a lot [ __ ] doesn't matter so basically 20 million right let's say yes 10 doesn't matter you have 10 million of it you get a guaranteed 9 million to play for a team that could go to the Super Bowl or you get the guaranteed 21 / X amount of years it was 30 or guaranteed 30 over X amount of years for a team that won't go to the Super Bowl so I think in his mind he's going well why not just take this guaranteed 9 this year we go to the Super Bowl if I don't win it I could get another contract next year for another guaranteed night I'll make the guaranteed 30 why why would you want to basically work in the NFL on a year-to-year basis I think he's so wealthy that it doesn't matter to him if he's that wealthy I don't know I don't know the man's pockets right well I don't know something my assumption is he's so wealthy doesn't matter him and what matters to him now is he wants to get a ring imagine working for something your entire [ __ ] life and then being put in a position where you know that you're not gonna go there it would drive me crazy why not just before you got um cuz he want to go to the Patriots initially and they want to give him up yep they will go sent a first-round draft pick for a B but why not say no why not hold out until you get traded to a team you want to go you want to go to I think his whole thing was they're not gonna trade me to a competitor they're not gonna trade me to a good team because they don't want to make a good team better and eventually have to go up against them so why don't they just trade me to some [ __ ] alright fine I'll go there I'll sail accept it I'll cause a ruckus I'll get out of there it's not the first time a Drew Rosenhaus client has done this right I mean that's what territorial Owens had and Drew had him back a day same type of pre-season antics [ __ ] up you know say a B that's what I'm saying like so once again you you [ __ ] over thirty million dollars cuz you gotta get a guaranteed thirty to get nine with some incentives to I think they probably saved the contract warf warf up to fifteen ten what does incentives but we know in the NFL that means nothing no no incentives instead of us work in the NFL especially if you're an a/b yeah but you probably got to do a whole lot and by the way in New England his work loading on it's not gonna be crazy that's a fact you knows and so you know you're not gonna get all of those catches and all those others he might I doubt it though I think you comparing this to Randy Moss I think this team receiving coil is way more loaded than when the pagers every moment is absurd yeah I mean they just dropped two Marius Thomas like you got to be an amazing position to drop to marys Thomas is you know very good musica tier to wide receiver yeah and but to have that core that you have I mean Josh Gordon looked unfuckin real did you see him yes but note he played he did he did yeah I think he got two touchdowns the first one he leaps in the air great catches the ball with contact and then stops on a dime he's just looking massive for the first half but it looks too big but uh I think of this yeah no disrespect to Josh Gordon and a B but I'm just saying if I'm a franchise mm-hm do you really put all your eggs in those baskets to a black come on like that you got one guy dealing with addiction right you don't know what could happen with him right and then you got a B who's just unpredictable as [ __ ] you don't know what could happen to him do you place all your bets on those two you know what I don't but I think they're the type of organization that like they believe in them so much you don't have it money him out bugs is always playing with house money only player in the house money they believe in themselves they believe in the structure like they believe you could take a guy like Josh Gordon right and put him into that type of structure and then all of a sudden he's right in there right in there [ __ ] there the army to it yeah what does the army do you could take a guy who is on drugs you know a homeless really struggling with mental health and then you give him [ __ ] structure in the army of the Navy the Marines whatever and all the sudden he can become a respectable you know citizen yeah and it's like I think the Patriots truly believe in that they truly believe that if you give these [ __ ] enough structure and no game [ __ ] did they'll be able to you know they'll be able to produce now will they have as much fun as another team absolutely not Liz he'll be fun yo Gronk said on the shot Ron said everybody on the pagers gets treated the same even Tom Brady Tom [ __ ] Brady yeah business all the [ __ ] time so I'm saying all I have to say okay Antonio's on the Patriots I still think his foolish that he lost 21 million dollars you know what I'm saying but now you fast for it he's been accused of great he's been accused of raping like three different sexual assaults what's the same woman same woman it was a woman that was his trainer yeah on one of the instances she said he came up behind her and jacked off wall she was watching a church video yeah what do you mean pictures of what fine well him jerking off well no no that they're like we're dumb oh there are pictures that show them together again well he was if she was a trainer this the second time he said he pulled his dick out I think first time pulled it got seconds off on her back and third time you hold her down and know didn't know the first time you said he kissed her without consent okay kiss the without consent second time was a jerking off third time held it down and raped it Wow now I said this yesterday I said these allegations aren't you see right these are just like videos of them together Taylor you can't go from us talking about him jerking off to just showing us videos of him line dancing like I thought you about to show me some like really intriguing [ __ ] by the way I don't mean any like this cuz they got pictures together now that's one of the reasons I say that nobody's gonna care about this a B [ __ ] right number one Ava's hot right now mm-hmm simple minded people will say as a conspiracy you know what I'm sayin cuz the way he left Oakland died with the Patriots and if you read our allegations they're kind of easy for people to victim blame her because they're gonna say oh she was the trainer she came back three times right kissed without the state he she came back he jerked off around her it came back then he held it down I raped her then it'll be these videos that tail is showing me right now of them just together kicking it so it's gonna be it's gonna be easy for social media that loud minority yeah the victim blaming so they're not even gonna care about these allegations and it's not a criminal case either it's a civil case yeah like civil case means it's about money in any way shape or form the question is who do you think leaked this this has been coming down the pipeline I know this come down the pipeline really oh yeah yeah yeah I just been coming down the pipeline how'd you know cuz I know man people who work at all the news organization and they were like yo we're waiting for the perfect time the drop oh they said Antonio Brown had some allegations against them he'll probably be out in the next couple weeks the Raiders knew Oakland knew like yeah would like that where people knew that if you're in the media you know that she was gonna find like see it's like this right you could be in a newsroom you could be a radio you see certain stories some people want to rush and break certain things some people are just like oh okay it is wait and see what happens yeah and then once it gets to that certain point like I you put it out now she just the case is filed you know because that's how it'll start it'll start with okay I'm gonna file a case against such as such yeah okay so when she filed it it'll be news whose Church sermon do you think they were watching it would be very dope if it was kirk franklin cooker franklin had a problem with porn so it was like it was a energy that sexual energy - semester beige yeah it's possible now is that a compliment let's say late your guy wants to jerk off around you don't give a [ __ ] what you watching but we're looking at it from the perspective of that turn assuming that he jerked off on her by accident I'm assumed he was whacking off to the sermon and just it got on her no he wouldn't give a [ __ ] if she was watching sermons Marvel movies the BT did not matter we're assuming dude it could have been a really great sermon not the other thing to remember two people are called for his job hey like y'all you should be waived I'm like it's an accusation listen OJ Simpson he's an allegation I'll let you know it's an accusation not the truth so broken clocks are right twice a day once again new hunts a psychopathic murderer but he can also be right in saying accusations are just that accusations like that's the truth let things play the [ __ ] out now if it was a criminal case yeah I'll be like I let's hear it out no yeah but you might have to sit this one out all right since you're playing this out in the court of law yeah but and when if everything works out and you come back yes a civil case hey you play really why not innocent till proven guilty it's not even about guilt in a civil case oh yes it is I mean you could be considered guilty but still it like life could think about it the lawyers could settle and the lawyers could settle and say [ __ ] it let's just cheaper to pay instead of going back and forth to court that don't mean he's guilty yes yeah yeah yeah and oftentimes like I mean that's how they extort you right that is how you get extorted it is cheaper to just pay someone then go through all these lawyer fees to take the the emotional and physical toll of having this thing are malleable if the court even have any go public having go in the news like that sucks imagine how imagine how shitty it is right now let's say Antonio Brown hypothetically is innocent let's just say I mean he is until you prove but let's say he's it this is a huge emotional toll that you got to [ __ ] carry around people every week every single week going to Holt you go to away games and they're like let's go rape yes you know Xan so it's like isn't that let's and let's say you got 20 million in the van because she's asking for a million I completely understand how people go man just give it a million I don't want to deal with this [ __ ] out of you if I'm innocent I'm not finished [ __ ] I'm not that's you I'll fight it that's you I get that I'm just saying I understand the people that don't I understand the people that go okay cost 1 million I could end up losing 10 I could lose 10 mil if you're someone who's like reputation is squeaky clean like someone who relies on the reputation for their livelihood yeah you gonna settle that [ __ ] quick cuz you don't even want it out cuz it's not like back in the day where you know something could come out people would let due process play out let things go in the court of law they make that decision not guilty like okay he is really not guilty nope nowadays [ __ ] gets played out in the court of public opinion [ __ ] get ruined yeah period but I just told you all the reasons this isn't going to affect Antonio Brown and no way shape or form so you think he's a good hundred percent a hundred Patriots undefeated no what does it take a team they played at Dallas Cowboys this year baby okay sure so what is cowboy in Foxboro came the regular season baby okay so say what good my dad was Cowboys look I'm with dad dad looking like he's gonna get a lot of money they [ __ ] up not sign a debt cuz he was about to I think they agreed on like 32 million a year and after that first game that's coming up yes that's coming other deals are being done and now you can see you know what the bar is you know I mean then you've got some I like uh Leo Jones who just got sixty four million guaranteed I don't like a 67 million dollar deal and he's a [ __ ] wide receiver Julio Jones might have changed the way contracts are presented in the NFL forever why cuz it's mostly guaranteed 97% like you thought you got a quarter cousins yet 0:04 non quarterback position yeah yeah why are we see with 31 years old yeah yeah you got a 97 percent guaranteed contract yeah come on man [ __ ] you one in life never pay a wide receiver ever but yeah it's a good deal you wouldn't shoot I think I mean I've said I feel like I said there's a million times but like why receiving running backs are the most overpaid positions in football until you get Randy Moss how many rings he got I mean [ __ ] he held Brady goddamn break every [ __ ] record in the book though except oring you got to be on a team he really even a great quarterback got to have a good team or a name the last elite wide receiver to win a ring the last elite wide receiver to win a ring I don't know because they don't win them but they want to want a good team they don't win them you do not need an elite wide receiver it is a waste of money for someone who doesn't affect the game at all they don't affect the game on defense and their most effective game is if they catch the ball eight times that is not someone I'm gonna give a lot of my money to you I don't think football is a sport that you could ever uh you could ever look at individuals and say individuals change games like it's a team effort all exactly right so that you need to diversify those funds for the whole team and if you put all that money in a player like an Odell Beckham jr. who truly cannot affect the game enough he can't affect the game on that every single play you know who effects the game with every single play a defensive lineman offensive lineman every single play you know affects the game every single play a cornerback you know affects the game every single day a quarterback like I ant to be honest I wouldn't even dump too much money into quarterbacks to be honest but like running backs dime-a-dozen you can get him anywhere run quarterbacks quarterback listen not phenomenal running back zebra phenomenal running back to mediocre running back doesn't matter because if you have a good offensive line and you have a decent offense you can get yards with them but they're not gonna carry the game they're not gonna make [ __ ] completely different I just would never pay a running back or wide receiver and the reason I wouldn't is because I look at the teams that have won championships and they don't have elite running backs or wide receivers definitely not wide receiver wide receiver the most useless position though huh that was cowboy baby who try and go back in the day dude back in the day Eggman Michael Irvin I must move sure now let me ask you a question what did the Dallas Cowboys have that revolutionized the sport officer Luna now when you have a great offensive line that means you have more time to throw so who gets to all of a sudden become elite so the wide receivers your running back hey that offensive just do whatever the Patriots [ __ ] do it's like it's really not that hard blow the Dallas Cowboys are gonna do it this year God did but they not because you know they did they paid a tons of money that's fine and Patriots would never do that they paid a quart they're gonna pay a quarterback tons of money that's fine the Tom Brady always takes the line is caked to [ __ ] up and everything else is at a bargain we gonna see everything else everything else is that a bar you don't see it might not pay homie no uh how wide reciever Omari might not and to be honest Amari Cooper opened up your whole offense you got a Mari and all sudden you have that deep threat [ __ ] said nubbies they had Zeke more ripped office they had Zeke before Amari yeah and then Amari came in and all the sudden there's like oh [ __ ] I think Zeke makes it easier for them to have a passing game I think both right it's like before you had a deep threat you could just stack the box because you knew you weren't going deep and I also think that your Akash brought this up on flavor and he was like that that at Gallup is that his name who's the other wiser see how he's a second year wide receiver and people forget like you still a kid when you went to the NFL absolutely a second year is a big difference absolutely so now you wanna see him start to make strides The X Factor's that's a better back Jason Witten at Titan yeah taste one and you got Randall Cobb cool Beasley like yo listen don't get me wrong Cowboys a nice we are going to the Super Bowl come on whatever come on bro you go to super high weight that is happening this year for a deck is happening this year I'm telling you what's going down Dallas Cowboys in the Super Bowl against the New England Patriots mm-hmm we'll see Garrity is he gonna beat up somebody by accident on purpose I don't know why Antonia Brown would want to go through the pages those gonna be hard not to say crack in that locker room dude we were talking about this in flavor like he went from like a cracker GM to the cracker all the rest GM an organization in suede is the saltiest of crackers that he is now playing for so you can't really hate playing for fun and games until Donald Trump tweets how much you like the pastries and you are the dog and you are the ball of black Twitter now what you going to hit yo like you know do brown and Donald Trump go to the same hairstylist stop her Antonio's mustache you know what the fact it is what else we got going on I don't know why people are tripping off Kawhi Leonard because his sister killed somebody are allegedly is being charged with murder yeah it would all like that I don't like when somebody in your family doesn't say anything with some old BIOS mm-hmm I sure got nothing to do with me right she's not even a story it's only a story because they say Kawhi Leonard's sister yeah charged with XYZ if that were the colonists it'd just be another woman in LA who killed somebody yeah yeah they tend to do that they tend to like gravitate towards you know the things people care about like when anybody does anything in Florida they're like Florida man whoa Florida man is a celebrity think about that we live in a celebrity obsessed culture right Florida man who doesn't really even exist it's a celebrity because we can be a Florida man craziness from Florida that's it because if it was like Georgia man we might not watch if it was like new New England man we might not watch everybody trying to come up Kentucky man might I don't know google google Kentucky crazy stories Kentucky man trying to come up you got a math thing that was like the math Gators and I think it's the [ __ ] whiskey yeah mmm the whiskey is causing my buggers in Kentucky to wile the [ __ ] out a little bit more they trying to be on Florida's bumper just a little bit that's a lot for your heart meth and whiskey did I don't know what when you attach celebrity to something it just automatically becomes a story yeah and that [ __ ] is wack it's the click page what you see some stuff Kentucky I'm telling you you ain't paying attention to Kentucky bro Kentucky Kentucky gonna be the new Florida man in about a year Healy yes this time next summer huh this time [ __ ] next summer so what happens so she allegedly shoots somebody yeah yeah yeah shoot somebody oh she didn't shoot someone they her a man allegedly I believe it was an elderly woman in the bathroom of a casino okay and during the course of the robbery I think the woman fell and he hit her over to hit her over hit yeah so it was like a robbery inside a casino and I think she has a history of it I think her and I don't know if is exact same dude had done it before right right no that's the problem with this whole family [ __ ] just cuz we share the same last name right doesn't mean that we in cahoots together I mean I've spoken to you in years when you gonna do some dirt all of a sudden Kauai land and sister why is that a story like I just feel like media outlets got to do better and not making that a story right then I'm saying like that [ __ ] has nothing to do a koala de bum Kauai I'm actually upset about that even though it's the truth why is my name being used the mother [ __ ] get you click so what can we do about that I have no idea so DS gonna report that though I mean if they I mean I gotta take a while in it sister because they want you to read the article and that's wack cuz now that's the source of celebrity I mean that's the boss are getting paid 100 million dollars to play basketball oh yeah maybe much is it it might be I got a deal with that [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah you might I don't like that [ __ ] Evo fifty symbols our brother's Club and he said that he said nobody has sympathy from winners yeah and I understand where he's coming from but now just cuz I'm richest cuz I got some celebrity don't mean I got to deal with the [ __ ] [ __ ] just because like you're still human at the end of the day I feel you but what's it really worth to play basketball right what do you mean what's it really worth to play basketball to play a game of basketball like what's the actual value of it I mean value of anything nothing yes also the boys no more in trinsic ly valuable than then like lifting boxes and putting them right so what I'm saying is meaning the act of it right it's all made up like we just put the act at like the fact that you get paid millions of dollars to do radio right it's like that act is no different than picking up the boxes just more people are interested in you talking than watching some guy put Home Depot boxes on forklift oh no no but what I'm saying is basketball the salaries are it's such a astronomical level now partially because of celebrity partially because Kauai is so well-known partially because when he says what it do you have to filter this through the fact that Chris hates rich people even though he is kind of rich he is kind of rich but he hates rich people and he's got that communist DNA in him where he wants us all to be the same that's not what he said is not true and i'ma tell you why it's not true yeah being on that basketball court they not giving you $100 contractors you a [ __ ] celebrity no you become a celebrity because you're paying you because of your talent yeah yeah there are very famous people that are not getting paid to play basket a slip said the realest [ __ ] we had my breasts Club Stephen they said he has a problem with people becoming celebrities and getting all these endorsement deals just for being celebrity he's like what are you doing on the [ __ ] field I'm a football player in particular what are you doing on the field he was talking about Odell yeah gödel done yeah you knows and he's like I wonder what I'd catch against the Cowboys in his hair I'd be talking about Odell Beckham in that light so he's getting all these endorsement deals and stuff because he is a celebrity was just celebrity should be based off your [ __ ] skills on that foot yeah but he's also had like the most yards and has like I think something like the most yards and touchdowns in the first three years of a career of any wide receiver or something like that like he's clearly proving he's a young one no he hasn't won [ __ ] but then again he's a wide receiver they don't do anything none of them do well he's doing none of them will get rings because they want too much money and by getting too much money you won't be able to have the other pieces that your team actually needs to get wrinkles but it's a look dude it's a tricky [ __ ] thing man it's like it's just like anything like we put this value like like freedom I was thinking because I was in Russia last week right and like I really put in perspective how much we how arrogant we are about this idea of freedom like we've completely invented this idea of freedom like you deserve to be free you believe it you deserve to be free you believe it I deserve to be free I believe that we just invented freedom that's a that's an invented idea explain experiment someone's just like hey once you're born you deserve to be free to do whatever the [ __ ] you want and then other people like yeah I think I do you're not think of freedom I don't think of that what do you think of I think of bondage I think of being enslaved and you're free I think of being in jail right and now you're free right being free to do whatever you want to do that's anybody can do that right so there's a historically you haven't that's what Anderson historically there isn't a precedent for that I'm speaking actual bun you're talking about slavery right but there's different levels to freedom like for example in certain countries you're not free to be a right so that would be a limitation of freedom yes right and in certain places in America you're not free to be black right that be now you're free to walk around your not be black but that's all you're not in bondage but there are repercussions for sometimes being black in the wrong neighborhood being black in a row right so like there are there are effects on your freedom right and when you say to freedom that's the freedom that most people want they don't want to be oppressed marginalized systemically exactly you can't really do anything about random acts of racism of course not of course not but you're talking about systemic acts yes right but here's the crazy thing we just invented this idea of freedom you gotta explain like so it's like it's like I know you're in the best version of America that when America is held up as this shining example is because we landed freedom from Britain yeah we demanded freedom to own property to have guns if you believe that's part of it to self-determination that's always been and that was the the principle that the the nation was founded of and it's separated from Britain for and that's always in theory been our biggest accomplishment because it's true throughout world history people don't have freedom on all sorts of different levels whether it's straight-up slavery to freedom of ideas drive in Saudi Arabia so you can't really vote Twitter in China you can only yes Chinese versa fake version is so there are all these different variations of it now the other side of the coin is that's the principle America was founded on are they living up to it maybe I of course afraid to work for Native Americans no to freedom work for African Americans you know but the principle I'm not trying to imply that we all have it I'm just saying and if you want to take it back a step further they would say it's based little sinner Ares of that even in America could say like you're in school yeah right and there's cool they got rules they have regulations yeah we've all left the classroom what a day was opening like I'm free right you know saying you know you're no longer under that rule right so there's there's different levels of it right like you're not free to say whatever you want in class in school right you can't consequence but there's consequences right and and so I'm in so I'm in Russia and I was doing this festival out there and it was amazing experience it was truly cool culture of span so I'm talking to these two comics there there were did this podcast and they were talking about this idea of freedom that like is instilled in Americans and they're like here's thing you gotta understand ever since you're a kid and like forever in your country you fight for this value of freedom which is you deserve to be free right and now do you deserve to be free right other countries deserve to be free sure and if they're not free you'll go out there and you'll free them dance or something in it first and then he goes of course of course but I'm just saying like in its in its best in looking at things in the best possible way right and he goes we've never had this concept of freedom I got it what do you mean because I thought freedom was ubiquitous right I thought every human being believed in Russian is saying he's never had a concept so he goes so he so they go they go for our whole lives they've been telling us believe in Russia the state support Russia to help Russia Mother Russia we are the best Russia is the best and we will always protect Russia it's never in America it's always freedom then America right anytime America and fringes on your freedom we start to Tess colic a brick should be able to take anyone cuz he's free what a constitution says yes because the value of America is this freedom thing the individual comes first the individual comes are not American things American isn't is an expression of that freedom thing and it could totally and totally puts it in perspective for me cuz I was like holy [ __ ] I thought this was just how every human believed that they should be able to live and then some places weren't able to live that way yeah but your people that grow up without even billion in a country where they'd never had that dough so how but how why does that day like you and I you grew up with this idea that you deserve freedom even though you were being restricted your freedom in many different circumstances because the color your skin but even inside you you were like but they're wrong for restricting me because I deserve this thing realistically we all made up yeah I mean like we made it out and make it up make it up wanted freedom they just haven't had it right right but like for everyone wants to be free instinctively right well historically it just hasn't well for you oh well you're white male yeah Christian trans Asian right so speaking of which Hong Kong is an exact example of what you're talking about right there we go that's why they're going hey so [ __ ] hard because they got a taste of it yeah and they know it's about freedom and now they see it's about to go away and you got 18 19 20 year-old kids who have grown up with iPhones and coach stores I mean they Hong Kong is in a international City yep it has everything that New York has and then some and China is about this is about to shut it down are you shutting it down because it's a threat it's a threat to what their freedom is a threat to the question civilization to the threat to their way of life well certainly democracy yeah and all like like China's a way to control their population is to remove all other influences like there's a reason they don't have religion out there right and they've actually been like [ __ ] like I don't know exterminated but like putting Muslims and camps and [ __ ] out there like yes and it's because they want the government to have the only influential factor in people's lives and religion is such a potent idea and like powerful idea in their lives it could create separation the Caribbean elected you through the whole world we used to first go to Anguilla they didn't have bye come on that [ __ ] was black yep did I ever tell you about the time that we tried to watch moonlight [Laughter] moonlight it was like this program is restricted in this region yada yada yada and I was like hmm and sold me and my wife and it was van and ya know and I'm like what are the gay movies do y'all know let's just know what I could think I was Brokeback Mountain I look like Brokeback Mountain this movie is restricted yes but in Netflix Kostas you know recommended I mean yeah you got on a Netflix rabbit hole the gay movies Jesus Christ bottomless butthole so it's like it's all these movies in this game genre every single one is restricted so so it's one of those things where like were you surprised a little bit no interesting no it didn't come to your home it didn't make you go oh [ __ ] like we live in a place where you can watch any of these things I've traveled enough okay you had an expectation right enough to know America got it good son I'm not saying it's perfect I know that there's tons of fucked-up [ __ ] that's happening but in terms of raw freedom raw freedom no place is closed have you found the new park close you know and I might I might even like update Canada might be close do do Canada you get arrested for a tweet Canada a comic is was sued for forty thousand dollars for a joke he made on stage that's not freedom of speak they don't even have freedom of speech in Canada they have freedom of expression yeah because speech can be hateful and speech can be violent or whatever these nonsense think about all the time you hear about you know and that's the other thing you heard for years these different artists go to these different countries and get arrested for something needed on stage yeah a leo NWA you know back in the day was that in Sacramento some when it was that they got arrested because the police all said you can't come on this stage with this with this rhetoric it's like so it's like I always understood that concept right my biggest thing when it comes to freedom it's talking about the rules somebody may have their establishment or even for their their their town or whatever my biggest problem has always been the rules that are systemic based on my skin color Frank based on somebody's sexuality right based on somebody's gender because those are things we can't control right I can go in somebody's establishment and not [ __ ] curse easy if you don't see black that's mop yeah yes that's that's a different type of freedom liberation at hundred percent where that minorities are seeking in any and you should seek it and I'm put what I'm also saying is there are places in the world where like they don't even believe they can seek it the ideal isn't even bitter for them like the idea in in to be honest this is why in a lot of ways comedy is so potent and whites I think taking over the world that's my prediction stand-up is because the joke offers this perfect little cloak protective cloak for a real idea right and if you're from a country that really you know censors what people can say if you say something but there's a nice little joke around it you're like ah it's not too serious it's like an eight-acre joke in China you got to see how far you can go with it you got to see how far you go penis jokes fly over there if you want to well I think you look nice short jokes fly away it was just think about that we have the freedom to make fun of other people's on other countries in America think about this it's not one over there with that [ __ ] think about it was funny when I was in when I was in Russia I did a Putin joke that was the first thing that I did and I had a guy translating the joke and I said I just start the vid I was like Putin and note and I look at the translator and he looks at me he's like you want both of us but it was there was a little bit of a little pushback and I understand that but this is what [ __ ] happens man and this is what true freedom is true freedom like feel free we are you can call the president what did chrissy teigen call him a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] no now listen let's talk about Ted called a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] [ __ ] ass [ __ ] we don't know if that's going to fly because we don't oh how fatty our president is we don't know how petty of the administration is and just because they don't do something publicly and overtly don't mean that they won't do something we don't know Christy Teegan might get on the next plane and get held up at the [ __ ] airport everywhere she go we don't know what is her what is her background like what does chrissy teigen background she's Asian like what kind of Thai not a chance in the world she goes to Thailand and talks about their Emperor like that not a [ __ ] chance and in her and the Emperor time guaranteed 10 times worse you know I probably [ __ ] cut her head off or cut her head that's what Trump wants Trump wants to be an authoritarian figure in that way yes I can [ __ ] with no one yeah I mean the danger I don't have a problem people criticized Obama I didn't agree with it but like it's important that you can criticize the president the democracy is about the danger isn't the Chrissy Teigan stuff like if you want to look at what recently the dangerous went he does the the storm pattern changes it won't admit that he was wrong and then instructs the weather organization to lie on his behalf it turns out that it was going fast ISM it was joined towards Taliban right but he can't reach out to them and say this is what you have to say right but CNN came out and said it is going towards I know that's see I saw the CNN report where it was like we believe it's going to cut across Florida hit whatever Tallahassee these types of things in Alabama that's right but the point is yes exactly and that would be fascism where you have that kind of influence over the weather of the [ __ ] weather that's the dangerous duty there's no doubt there's no doubt and Fox I don't [ __ ] with y'all no more y'all better straighten the [ __ ] up he did all right what he's doing with the media I think I'll say what nothing firm in 2024 I'll still be a son you have a thing he posts on Instagram what he posted Trump 2024 understand is America's and this is the thing and this is the thing and I don't want this to be about Trump because then it just gets into an argument and let's talk about freedom that's way more interesting but the but what what Trump doesn't understand is how much America loves freedom and values freedom and Italy infringed upon that freedom and part of infringement on that freedom is the freedom to elect a new president every at most eight years no matter what and if you end up granted yes FDR had three terms or whatever sure but if you infringe upon that for him there are Americans that will be crazy enough to make sure that they not only not on the left let me [ __ ] that are crazy enough to do that or on the right um what was the guy that shot up that baseball game what was he game he's left he was on the left one out who shot up all those senators in the what was the guy who shot up the thing in Ohio question here's a scenario there's a disputed election right yeah the next election twenty twenty yeah Trump claims this all right it's disputed Trump's like I'm not gone yet another talking point I think you Americans got a little too much freedom but continue so my question is if that scenario plays out will it be Hong Kong nah no no people Hong Kong is adorable like when I look at Hong Kong they got their little masks on they got the low laser pointers it's a fun laser tag you go have you can have a certain contingent of American that are gonna produce now let me China those kids are all getting killed like a storm an area 51 that you like they know who's who this is the doesn't play this it's no other country plays this [ __ ] but how many people China got to billions you think that they can't lose a few hundred thousand you lost a few hundred thousand throughout history every 50 to 100 years they just run through a few hundred thousand just to let everybody know so magic question why isn't America afraid of China China would know their survival it's mutually assured destruction right they make [ __ ] we buy [ __ ] so everybody needs to be honest in China historically is not great militarily they tend to fall apart so you know but you don't think they would ever attack America there's no point the only way they attack America is financially is if their survival is dependent on that's what wars happen wars not happening over ideas they happen over survival and so when you stop by the Japanese what do you mean not Japanese in the Hong Kong Hong Kong so Hong Kong is this little like island off of China and it had its own it had its kind of like own rights I don't know how exactly we could relate it was a British colony so it was separate from mainland China in terms of policy it was operating under British rules which are very close to American rules democracy courts freedom of press what happened it was the most westernized place in that part of the world for a long time now it's probably Singapore but Hong Kong was super Western nice right you don't think so no freedom of Singapore man no no meaning westernized in terms of culture like you walk around Singapore you feel like you're in you know sure it's like two gone they're gonna cane you so I mean that's exaggeration singer can it's oh but this is it's a different thing comes the closest to a Western city in Asia let's say that or had been boom done right and and China's like not now you're part of China and you're gonna be part of you know all of China and now China's implementing this system where like they're ranking their citizens so like based on you t to China so that like everybody gets a a ranking you can be a 10 at it in Chinese it was sort of blackmail son yes people rely in the villa this is the world and in when you talk about like like us in America we value life like we're like oh my god you know 10 people stub their toe in Florida we need to fix this Street immediately in Russia 25 million people died in World War two just put that in perspective 25 million people died in World War two they don't care these places hmm people are people it means nothing do they don't mean anything I don't think we mean nothing here I think we mean something to each other we hated American government they don't give us but here's the thing we believe we mean something the government might be like I don't really mean anything but but we believe but when you go to these places they're very nowhere they're very aware they just a number the government thinks they're just a no dude and it's blatant it's like we when we were in Russia we went to the KGB building you know the KGB that like a Secret Service agent you don't like the KGB [ __ ] that's they had this big just this tall building in the top floor the KGB [ __ ] there's no windows you don't notice it when you watch but then you look at it in to this guy pointing me oh so you look at the top floor you see something weird about that they go no no what is it he goes you see any windows I'm like oh that's kind of weird yes yeah because that's not floor that's where they walk prisoners thousands of people have been murdered in that very building and it's still operating to today so when you talk about what we have here and what we're bitching about about gender-neutral bathrooms or if this [ __ ] penguin is gonna be they they have a new Monopoly game where it's coming around we're like women when they pass go they get $240 to make up for the wage gap this is a real thing in London right now sort of like CNN posted I like seeing and posting I'll look that up swear to God my life when they get 240 when they pass goats and I bought to it and listen today looking on Monopoly no gender wage gap monopoly and then the the in London there's a there's a gay penguin couple that adopted a little baby penguin and the baby penguin that they're raising they're raising is gender-neutral they're not saying what gender the pick a gay penguin did gay penguin couple there are two penguins that are raising a little penguin in the [ __ ] aquarium son this is true look this is what we care about in the West this is what we're fighting for penguins you know why no what you're saying is yo I'm a tell you [ __ ] are getting marked out here they just want some free speech and we're worried about gay penguins that's the problem that's the problem with American American problems of America and I think one of the reasons that we can't ever get to that true sense of freedom that true sense of liberation that so many marginalized communities want it because we focus on the most trivial aspects of every single thing meaning like we focus on the trivial aspects of racism we focus on the trivial aspects of sexism we focus on the trivial aspects of somebody being so-called homophobic instead of the systemic aspects like there's actually policies and legislation is being put in place that we could be [ __ ] you know raising hell about but we're not you know that I'm sad because you can't stop behavior okay your focus on Trump saying go back to where you came from instead of the world the law this is this a perfect example it's like it's like your girl is like your girl being like listen I'm not sucking a dick looks like her saying that thing right but if everyone wants you something a dick who gives a [ __ ] what she says do you know like we're worried about more worried about the act the set the said action than the actual action you make me sick you we still married [Music] so we still married yeah that's all get over the words these things are gonna happen in your life you're gonna have people be mean to you listen everybody that's been cut off driving has thought something racist or sexist about the person that cut them off every single person in this room who gives a [ __ ] exactly who gives a [ __ ] as long as there's not a rule that says Asians and women can't drive yeah yeah yeah yeah there was a rule that's and I don't that was a good one if it was a rule that's people can't drive you [ __ ] too much on trivial [ __ ] and words as opposed to actual systemic things that are being implemented the [ __ ] over so as long as we're focusing on the trivial [ __ ] a systemic [ __ ] of just fly that's just stack it up stack it up getting worse and getting worse getting worse getting worse nothing change it's almost like a perfect distraction hey I'll say some weird [ __ ] and then get this real long master it's a puppet thing what is it magic what was that that week when he was going at the squad he was appointing more federal judges and nobody even noticed somebody even [ __ ] notice yeah even know it you know hang on 194 federal judge did you even know this place because therapy all right guys you know there's a lot of craziness going on in the world today but one way that you can take a moment one way that you can have a meditative time for yourself where you can reflect and that's a nice White Castle hamburger okay white castles America's fast food hamburger chain as well as the slider experts nobody in the world produces a better slider hands down cannot do it fast food I dare you to try I really dare you matter of fact most places don't even track cuz they know and now you can get them same one-of-a-kind tastes when you pick up White Castle sliders from the grocery store that's right you can get them at the grocery store made with 100% beef patties on a bed of steamed grilled onions these have that same one-of-a-kind tastes that the White Castle has been serving in their restaurants for years and whether you're a vegetarian or a meat-eater White Castle sliders come in a whole bunch of tasty varieties for just about anyone to enjoy feeling a little cheesy just try the cheese sliders looking to add a little spice to your life just have a taste of their jalapeno cheese sliders one bite you understand what the crave is all about I don't play around I love me my White Castle I'm in there it's the only place where you want burgers right it's the only place where you going in order of burgers you're not getting a burger you're earning burgers because you love them that much from the castle or the grocery store you can satisfy your craving time with White Castle go to White Castle Combe slash idiots to get one dollar off the purchase of any four or six pack of White Castle sliders I agree with Antonio Brown we said he needed changes Hellmuth these numbers are absolutely ridiculous are you about to kick us out again only if you get catch me guys 10 FL season is back okay you know what we're gonna go gamble we're gonna go gamble at my bookie calm my B oh okay IV calm all sorts of amazing things they got this hundred thousand dollar handicapping tournament only cost $100 to get in and that's right you could win a hundred thousand dollars okay one we got here Stephano okay my bookie it's got live in game betting on every single NFL game okay and three fantasy nerds out there you can pet the over/under on fantasy part I really got to get a better helmet here's the reality okay they're gonna match your first deposit up to $1,000 - what that even means do you know what it means that means you put $1,000 in they match it you're gonna gamble all that money that's only in my bookie calm my be oh okay I calm you wanna like good stuff you gotta use our promo code that promo code idiots my bookie calm Tomiko idiots here's an interesting question yes sir as we wait for Charlotte to get back on Chris I wonder if you thought about this at all do you think there's a there's a guy who opens for me doesn't work with us mark Gagnon always brings up this idea where he goes how much longer do you think we'll be able to eat meat mmm I've been thinking about this a lot about this so Sharla the question is how much longer do you think we'll be able to eat meat my buddy mark has a theory that they will make it illegal to consume meat at some point once we have a reasonable replacement like that beyond Berger because that whole freedom thing but but Chris has a feeling that it will just be more efficient what is the idea alright so you know I wrote a book about veganism with Russell Simmons I spent a lot of time studying it I don't believe the veganism is the ultimate answer I don't believe that eating a lot of soy is necessarily that much processed soy specifically vegans being as I have a higher risk of stroke stand right it's all just a preference what I'm about to say but having done a ton of research hours and I was research I do not think the amount of meat that humans being consumed is that all sustainable we can't keep this if we can't keep doing it right and we can't create a substitute at what point if the substitute is more sustainable and equally as delicious and probably cheaper because listen to keep a cow alive it takes a lot [ __ ] water or you like have this pastor nice all this land sure to keep the fake paddy alive is nothing so if it becomes cheaper just as good and they can get the health components equal never happen you you say it will never happen health component will never happen yeah they got at KFC big mouth stupid dish now plant-based chicken yes wrong with other people like that why did that make sense to anybody Oh plant-based how chickens are not made out of grass yeah like so is impossible it's not some GMO [ __ ] so either way is GMO beyond burgers and possible burgers it's all GMO [ __ ] right not much [ __ ] they gotta put in effort that [ __ ] to taste like me you know much shifting out of putting everything it tastes like chicken yeah so you better off just eating the regular [ __ ] right but what if there what if we get to a point where the population density is so much that we can't supply it with chicken and meat and maybe chicken and meat and these types of things are reserved for like the super really really rich that's it is kind of why should be extremely expensive right and you should eat it on rare occasions how should be extremely expensive not chickens cuz use chicken ain't going nowhere look they can't fly and built to be eaten and really everybody should be eating more fish anyway your body has made it 3/4 of water in we know that the earth has made a few floats are not very much fish in the sea in the factory we found that on the truly the Japanese are the worst no the oceans have been wildly depopulated of fish and the factory farming which is all these salmon in these facilities mo that stuff is not good for you we lobby a tit till obviously I even a real fish sorry that broke my heart can you break down the tilapia thing what tilapia is a what they made tilapia it's like a hybrid between yeah I forgot actually salmon swim it's a fish like what it's the hot insect I mean it's a fish no not answer I thought that they were just like making the Patty and there was no head no you're not gonna go to you're not gonna go to the Caribbean and somebody pull it to lobby out those blossom my my some grouper plus tuna some grouper yeah you know it's not blue nose by the way this is why I love going to the islands when you go to the islands if they don't have it they don't have it right things aren't in season right yes season is the key we gotta start eating by season yeah but [ __ ] want avocados in yeah you should be able to walk into a supermarket there's nothing I want strawberries strawberries is this like what kind of work like how [ __ ] fortunate are we that any time of year if you want guacamole you get welcome all right like any time of year you want lettuce you get lettuce this was seasonal for the vast majority of human existence blueberries until [ __ ] October buddy if we do that obesity rates will go down absolutely America will start appreciating yes more yes you don't say anything will be luxury this street yes whatever time of year I've been looking forward to getting mangos in Taiwan all year all you have been looking for when I went on my last trip when I got there season well try to find you a Mexican on the street then it's not the same you said I think I don't think that the oceans I mean it's all the ocean but when you go to those islands they treat their oceans a little bit different I don't see them running out of lobster bruh I don't see them running out of crayfish do they eat them during season like when I was in Turks and Caicos last weekend it was lobster season every way you I mean you jump in a regular car hey you know it's love season everything had laughs the stuff on the menu last two rolls lobster risotto everything why because it was in season yeah it was like you know why you can't and since these the biggest illusion when it comes to you know like a luxury food is that lobster is expensive the lobsters are cockroaches of the sea right they produce like crazy they actually should have no real value but since we look at them as really expensive they've been able to like maintain that [ __ ] call the Red Lobster because growing up please for me growing up in the country Red Lobster was five-star dining that was five you take your girl to Red Lobster soda pop and yo that's what drug dealers did yeah pulling up through a lot I know no better you know cheese biscuits Donald delicacies so Red Lobster just made it like this ship fancy laughs I always say it bring me one of the tank never see this being a bondage we went to the type a fish market when we were over there wild wild on your recommendation get sushi incredible or not incredible but you know tanks bigger than this room filled with crabs my daughter's a vegetarian now she started crying in the middle she couldn't she couldn't handle it it was insane don't take her to the zoo animal slavery yeah if I gave a [ __ ] happy protest imagine if the fish market is genocide genocide versus genocide I don't know which is worse why cuz you eatin them cuz they you pluck the crab right out of the tank and then just you get the sushi and it's [ __ ] delicious it's unbeliev unbelievable really noticeable difference with the tuner what I stuck with I called somebody and they were like stick with the eel in the crab that's that's that everything that's their thing that's the absolute freshest out here unbelievable on the fool could've been that good if your daughter went vegan she didn't even have it she's too triggered by this yes you couldn't handle it Sachi would you do rice rice and vegetables the rest of the trip okay that's one thing Asians do better than most people who are you rice not give a [ __ ] about animals yes lady they cannot give a [ __ ] about jellyfish out there eating possums and raccoons that's easy that's a tasty delicacy there's a shoulder that bare shoulders nothing jellyfish lizard there's nothing that Chinese people won't eat nothing that nothing that's why they'll beat us all that's why the outlive us all there's nothing they won't eat with the life expectancy of a Chinese person thousand thousand years there's nothing they won't eat they will eat anything you know we have like picky eaters that doesn't exist in China yeah chicken's feet on this last trip please been doing that as a kid man great chicken feet but jellyfish you know a lizard just spread like that like on the cross you know they will eat that [ __ ] Gaeta might be the closest thing I had to eating lizard did like a it ought it just to snake eat some snake dude crocodile Oh gate is great that's a chicken yes apparently they breed like crazy cuz they're lizards like those crocodile farms or whatever like that that um that's what we should be in it's kind of rough with the Gators dough man they've been alive so long so you just feel like a piece of [ __ ] eating something that's been alive that long just cuz you're hungry I don't it's not [ __ ] I lived how many years six hundred I don't you go killing animals I don't have that thing with animals I don't have that connection maybe some dogs they're kind of cute and that kind of stuff dogs of [ __ ] up member the time I think one of my homeboys shoot a dog in the head because they used to fight pit bulls oh boy his pit bull was like off you know you didn't couldn't win no more fights no more yeah and so he just shot him in the head and I remember I met my homeboy Saint bad boy he gonna have hard luck shooting that dog in the head like that and yeah that's fighting them I don't like fighting more than a dog yeah yeah but you eat ribs every day if you care about dogs can't really pig because the pig is definitely smarter more as attractive like a pig doesn't look cute if somebody gave it to you and you ate this I've eaten horse I really could be most animals as long as they were delicious I'm just saying I don't have the same affinity for these [ __ ] animals I think it's a big crock of [ __ ] we don't need all these animals I think you have you have cows chickens Pig I'm not smart enough to speak to this but most of these animals serve a bigger purpose in this ecocide don't buy that at all don't believe it no it's the truth I don't believe it because I love cows fart what them doing that kill all the cap there what cow farts cause more roads in the earth of the ozone layer than all the cars and [ __ ] come on you know why y'all feel that way it is why y'all fit our way about cows now [ __ ] is turning vegan and cuz people are drinking almond milk they know that cow milk is better now you had a here brain by God that's God today yeah absolutely yeah it's gonna get mighty [ __ ] hot when that ozone layer gone talk to God about Holden ozone layer the cow farted into it but not remember they stopped talking about it [ __ ] fillet [ __ ] trying to save us from the jump they really might be on to it maybe chick-fil-a really does have this close connection of God because they got to see in the Popeye sandwich they really got us in chicken keyboards burgers are slapping like they used to maybe the burger - hopin you get some real beef you get some real meat like out of the country somewhere damn burger still be slapping yeah but it's not a national craze like chicken is chicken is having a wave right now what I realize about burgers and chicken and all that [ __ ] I don't like to fix things meaning like I like sandwiches is [ __ ] I don't like hamburger buns and all that I want to get right to it I don't I don't like that sandwiches are on the way up I don't like them [ __ ] I don't downy bread yeah see everyone's gonna be doing that they should I don't like the boys you eat cardboard I'm a sandwich n' you don't eat the sandwich stony none of that [ __ ] you just eat the [ __ ] meat and have some veggies that's it what about when the bread is baked properly it tastes good that should be a delicacy yes the TAS go to horrible for you right most things that taste good are horrible for you No name one thing it tastes good it's not bad for you fish yes when you go to the Caribbean they get that [ __ ] right out the ocean they'll be like you're the water got salt in it throw a little butter on it if you want yeah I'm lemon doing they fry that [ __ ] up and then it's good but they fry it naughty boiling I think what didn't we just boil after you eat that [ __ ] - it is man myself is regular bro that's rags dude lobster bye son I need some Caribbean broth I just had it in the Caribbean when s you come right out that when they take it right out that trap move [ __ ] is it just seasoned so well by that water man that's water is that seasoning anything - Oh water no dude you don't want [ __ ] Lobster it tastes like the ocean yeah the last time you took a bite and enjoy it it's the best oh yeah you ever drink saltwater by the glass yes let's go to rounding no I could do well you throw happen because it's just like what did you really leave is gonna happen when we talk about freedom Yeah right and we talk about like just rules and being taught certain things yeah you just do that when you're in the water if you don't got goggles on you just like this not me maybe I listen I don't know what made me do that [ __ ] house it's like this water is so let's go up my years years of being in these oceans and not knowing I could open my [ __ ] eyes also beside Dwayne you tell me why did you open your eyes all the time though without goggles the ocean he's Jamaican bro he's different oh yeah [Music] the waters if you're in Philly you like not [ __ ] [ __ ] but if you're in the ocean ocean you'll open them up I didn't know you could I never thought about it and my wife was like it's not like it's chlorine in the water that's gonna burn your [ __ ] uh yeah but I thought the salt water would salt gets you a little bit not at all yeah not that you have to understand like you guys have a little paranoia you still wash your chicken you still wash your chicken you're a little bit paranoid about things so you don't need to be paranoid enough clearly if something's wrong with that we should need it you might need to wash this mother's right probably why y'all not it doesn't matter it's a waste of time now you watch the wintertime and spread Salmonella you never killed nobody you got SARS all this [ __ ] we'd be running from nor hurt you salmonella spreader of e.coli yeah yeah please get over it you need a little bit at the lift yo I'm on represent with you I think we exaggerate all this [ __ ] like just get over it just get over it it's not a big deal like stop caring about so many things in the environment you only get care about that oh no about that good you really care about the environment yo you know what's so crazy but let's face it let's talk about it all right definitely other than your absolute best friends who could you ask to 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use the code idiots all right 100 dollars of free delivery credit for your first 7 days when you download post mates the app get anything you need anytime you need it download post mates and save with the code idiots and we back now I want to talk about that for a second I think that um I think if the earth rebelled against us there's nothing we can do about it so if the earth is changing I think that when you talk about we worry about things that we shouldn't worry about I think we might be giving ourselves too much credit for what the earth may naturally be doing yes everybody is saying that when they say global warming is [ __ ] the earth has been warm before and cold before way before we had straws way before we at airplanes yeah for we at Hummers it is this human arrogance that we think we can really affect and change the entire existence for the world what caused the last ice age I have no idea using plastic bottles it wasn't no recycling dinosaurs were recycling that's what cause it's like I'm not saying that we can't affect it a little bit maybe we are in fact a little bit but you want to just I can't drink out of a [ __ ] plastic straw you really think your plastic constru is gonna save the IceCaps you are out of here by a symbolic step it's making people aware it's it's getting people conditioned to start thinking about the other day I got iced coffee I went to get a straw there was no [ __ ] straw [ __ ] it I can live without the straw conditioning people to think that those papers growers are so trash take a couple sips I bless you that [ __ ] just crumbles the worst you make it through a hole but my thing is simply this man only destroy we don't know what their earth is doing and that [ __ ] may have nothing to do with well that's what I'm saying or it might I don't think I don't think what's wrong 300 years of industrialization has had an impact I'm totally honest with you I think the human beings are such a small part of what makes this earth tea like wait a problem so I believe that we are no we're so insignificant we're so it's hard for us to assume were insignificant so the people that really think we're affecting the whole world they have this human arrogance they're the most arrogant people they're like every time you smoke a cigarette giant hole opens up in the ozone layer and we're all getting cancer really dark from one cigarette because I don't really people think about the scale of human consumption I don't think people think about the scale it's the AC is in in this room right now the AC is on in every room in this [ __ ] country and in China and in India yeah when you take all that stuff together all these people running a see all these people having exhaust coming out of their cars yeah all these people you can't go anywhere in the world and not order a steak now they got you know like it's the scale that we're doing all this stuff at you know human beings may not be the cause for censorship but I do think that the earth is just rebelling and there's nothing we can do about or this is the natural life cycle of the earth and refreshes itself every couple billion years maybe it's time to get rid of the [ __ ] parasites which is us and you know what some new parasites will come about and they'll [ __ ] up and it'll get rid of them but this has been here a lot longer than us and we'll be here a lot longer after us so why don't we enjoy it while we got my bugs act like dies plastic straw I'll tell you one sacrifice I'll make what is that I'm alright with electric cars if I can only go 25 miles an hour I'm okay taking 4 hours for me to get to Philadelphia I'm not you can't live with that no you guys can't do that backwards like we they created certain things was to get that oil and gas is the only way that a car could run you don't think there's any other way to use the most efficient this is what people don't realize about oil right is it like this much oil right here you take that much oil right here that I'm holding up one litre bottle of water that much oil right here can power a 2,000 pound vehicle for 20 miles 25 miles like that is an alien like substance by the way I just can't match that power with anything else and that's why we haven't replaced it and the second we can match that power with solar or whatever we get we'll just use that thing but until we can match the power when I could do it these oil companies are in the business of profit if they could profit off of Sun energy they would they just can't yet simple set like the whole you I must electric marshes what they have no reason to be because nothing else is as efficient and once it became as efficient they'll jump into it like the Elan mush it takes just as much oil like the electric cars we use now require just as much oil to power the car what's the same amount oil because you plug your car into an electric outlet where does that electric outlet get its energy from it gets it from oil that's how the [ __ ] you create electricity right now now the preparation for the Elon Musk yet for the Tesla's is eventually maybe we could have solar panels that could power the car or turbines or turbines or whatever it is so it's basically setting us up for when we do have an oil replacement which is a more expensive version of getting rid of the straw conditioning people you're getting people to think but that's the least we can do you need to make the car dope for me to jump on board the only reason people get a Tesla so you could drive itself they don't have a Tesla because they save in the environment yeah salute to Tesla for that nice publicity stunt they did this week well they had a young man looking like he was asleep at the wheel and that Tesla save that [ __ ] come on man do it I want the one where he's whacking off on a wheel Alice of course you think he's real what was a publicity stunt for [ __ ] Tesla but he's talking about the guy that was driving the car but he was sleep he's like this and somebody recorded him think about it Alex this all of us I mean I know we live in an era of cameras yeah but just you just randomly caught that guy oh he's saying that yeah he might have been asleep or he might not have been asleep but it's it was specifically used by Tesla I think I think Tesla might have said it up drives drunk because he don't got a drive all right he gets piss drunk and then he gets in his Tesla Tesla tried that [ __ ] home and it's like oh we have a friend named little DeVoe smokes weed and left the Tesla drive all day long although he would smoke weed and just drive a regular car but no but he let he does that on purpose he'll I've seen do I'll take his hat pull it over his head and just leave it smoke it just be like this why the cars drive yeah by the way those are great commercials for Tesla oh and if you drive uber right now be ready I can drive to work in the morning you don't know a little car drive with sleep do roadhead Tesla like words how know that is I'm black men don't you marry me your wife can do it I mean I wrote in so long road hey yo so that was the next thing I was thinking what it's like roadkill right so like you know everybody's like China's gonna take over right there was a time where like Europe there's a time where you know China's gonna take there was time we're like the Middle East was in charge and then there's a time where you know Europe was in charge and now there's a time where America is in charge and maybe China's time is next right China is time is now sure sure China is buying a balla Africa damn near China's mine up the Caribbean like PTIN do it forget it y'all gotta go outside the war out if he was going on so I'm wondering if like this is a natural progression of like humanity right where it's like when it's your time to be in charge you grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind grind your ass off like when Europe was in charge they were working [ __ ] ass off they were colonized in the whole world they were all about that money how can we make more money how can we grind kind of like what America is doing right now right it's like how can we make more money how can we grind and then Europe went through this phase where it seems like right now where they've kind of fallen into socialism where where they're like you know what we grind it so hard and we forgot how important life was and we forgot how important enjoying family is and like I think what often happens when you get wealthy and maybe you could speak to this is like and I've seen the transition even with you like you've made a lot of money you've gotten a lot of success and then instead of turning into like some like monster that's like flaunting that you kinda like turned into yourself you've you've invested in your mental health you've invested in your family you like it and I think this is what happens culturally to societies to is like you reach this plateau and then you go host [ __ ] I was working all this hard and I was forgetting the most important thing which is family and friends yeah enjoy life yeah that's why I really take the opinions of uh the opinions of people who have money when they start to do certain things and they don't have to do I take it more serious you know because money rewards you money rewards you the luxury of being able to take care of those type of things like whether it's your mental health whether it's your physical health whether it's other people you know saying like you know you want to empower empower people around you you're not I'm saying are you just like you know you start getting into philanthropy more just because that is you find out well I just know you have the luxury to do that yeah you realize like how much can you [ __ ] have but that's why we look at billionaires like they out of these [ __ ] Minds not saying that my way not saying they shouldn't have that cuz they earn they earned it but Jesus Christ out of life you missed out on the most important thing of life you more you might be maybe you're doing well maybe but maybe you miss out might tell us about [ __ ] rocket ship head and you'd be like holy [ __ ] [ __ ] Road head yeah so it's like so so maybe the way I'm thinking about this is like may you know you've noticed the idea of socialism bubbling up in America right bernie comes out obviously the squad and all these people who are really embracing this idea of socialism and and maybe maybe that's the natural trajectory like maybe that's where we're supposed to go maybe America's reason reaching this point where we've had all this prosperity and we work their [ __ ] asses off Americans work really [ __ ] hard and maybe we're going through this phase where we're like oh [ __ ] as it worked it like the only way America ever had real socialism is if you know we talk about freedoms you know being prohibited and then people can't don't have the freedom to take advantage of this capitalist society the way they used to right other than that you should love a capitalist society why cuz a mother [ __ ] go out and sell t-shirts we we like my book you sell eggs like whatever I'm not talking about like get rid of capitalism I think it's always there and I think it's the driving force right but like what I'm saying is maybe there have you maybe when a society ages to a certain point they go through a transition right and then they start realizing oh [ __ ] maybe we gotta take care of each other a little bit more oh [ __ ] maybe the right thing to do is I'm not maybe we won't get there maybe we will but I'm not what I'm saying is I wouldn't be shocked if that's why these these you know these socialism things are bubbling up and that's why social exists in Europe and and maybe it's our time maybe it's our time to embrace it but i'ma tell you something that's just not gonna change until people in positions of power adopt that mentality for ours you got these capitalists that are in these positions of power yeah give a [ __ ] about money that's what America gonna give a [ __ ] up or until we overthrow them because I think that's what often often happens I think here's the thing the reason hasn't happened is because the billionaire class has been very good with giving poor people just enough right I think the billionaire class basically goes okay we need to give them just enough so they don't revolt we can't give them too much because we want to stay rich Romo's is really poor out here son they're not poor enough to revolt and they get poor enough to hold on history you know you know why what cuz they're poor but you can still feel rich exactly it's still enough that's what's gonna stop yeah exactly so what I'm saying is it once they can't feel anything once they don't have the phone or once they don't have the thing that makes them still feel rich then the revolt happens and the billionaire's manage that they basically go okay guys we got their foot on their neck a little bit too much we came up good but right now [ __ ] are dying out there they're getting pissed off and they're really talking to social [ __ ] inject some money what happened 100 years ago I mean that you talk about socialism is bubbling now socialism's most popular period in America was 100 years ago and what happened hundred years ago they had to do antitrust that broke it up but you had bombings no no but riots what I'm saying is it's a reflection of the time right it was it was there is these these crazy companies that were completely monopolistic short-barreled Hearst all those guys rockefeller all these [ __ ] and they were and they were spreading the wealth gap so much that the poor were so poor that they're like you know we're not doing this no more you keep us poor right you're not gonna keep us dead right so and I think that's where we're approaching right now and if the billionaire's don't come in and go and call up some of that bread it's gonna be taken no matter what the difference is that the thing that really drove it a hundred years ago were the unions right like if you go back and look at it the unions were literally had guns and we're fighting pitch battles against the companies I want my [ __ ] freedom please bro the users are done so what's going to be the organizations that are gonna harness this because a lot of different people feel in a certain way all right but I think that the difference between America and a lot of other places America has a system for the poor meaning like even if you have poor my you can still give something to eat it might be the worst [ __ ] yeah but you can still give something to eat you can still have a place to stay it might be a shitty ass place but there's still some peas hair different type of poor it's a different type of boy it's not like rock bottom you have homeless people in America not revolting who is yo homeless people in America aren't revolting who is like I said this to me he's like listen I've I've in my own life I've had money in terms of his families families had money and his family has been dirt poor right in debt zero and we went to India I'll never call myself poor right there's a different level of portal you feel for a spot in the housing project I mean when I say America has a system in place for its poor Hill but and - and to be honest like you were saying right there those unions they bear as bombs they had guns they're ready to go right and that's why these [ __ ] want to get on on some level I think that's why these [ __ ] want to get rid of our guns they shroud it in a we got to keep the kids safe we've got to do this all these billionaires are the same people they don't even have a political ideology they just disagree that's fair that's fair but let me just get the point out any Buffett does all these [ __ ] they got the same [ __ ] right they just want control and if they're like let's get these guns out of here they know it's easier to implement whatever policy they want when they don't have to deal with you revolting like if you really want to put your foot on someone's neck it's easy to do when they don't got a gun but if I got a gun let me tell you where your foot is not gonna go to America respects money and those two things go hand you're not gonna find money without violence you're not gonna find violence without money that's it you want to make a real change that's what it's gonna be baby and you can do it without guns no you can't name one time in history look what's happening Hong Kong that's all being done without guns what did he do nothing I've seen him swagger I've seen a massive swag surfing happening I said that's what I saw yeah multiple people stabbed at a business in Tallahassee Florida six people were taken to a hospital in Tallahassee because he's doing on a massive stabbing spree today like he's in London it happened at dike industries yep if the school shooting situation doesn't change stuff in this country Chris Andrew you've seen the worst of the worst we've seen 911 we've seen these massive school shootings like we've seen the worst of the worst bro American changing its you know change America listen god yeah mother nature yeah when one of these [ __ ] category-five touched down somewhere and stayed for you know two days and really [ __ ] some [ __ ] up massive earthquake in LA that's the other thing people ain't talking about everybody looking at the hurricane seen how strong they are weighted to the next massive hurricane earthquake happens in a lane breaks California apart from [ __ ] the United States like we got some real [ __ ] that's about to happen in America unless a trump is the first step because a lot of people have felt their foot was on their neck and Trump was like yo they got their foot on your neck I could get their foot off your neck and then all these people are like alright we'll vote for you but those might be the people in who end up revolting because that's all classes that's revoked and they could absolutely revolt against Trump but as long as he keeps feeding them they'll keep him at bay but that class right there needs to be served and once they feel oh [ __ ] the Republicans didn't serve me oh [ __ ] the Democrats isn't serving wait a minute none of y'all do anything for me by the way Oh No click-click by the way does another example of fascism act like you give a [ __ ] about the poor disenfranchised and like you give a [ __ ] about sample of government but they do that but then they really cater to the rich my book is closed yes all these [ __ ] are playing his game right that's the thing like Trump just realized who he needs to appeal to you know I mean looks like Democrats right now all of a sudden every Democrat cares about reparations where was that smoked to you a message to all white liberals y'all better start giving a [ __ ] about white liberals again you see what happen to know if you like that a special election yeah what was for a House seat something like that Republicans won and like no come on is like what 80 percent [Music] by the way this is most hilarious thing that reparation they're not talking about it as much no more they go like this they go we believe in a conversation about preparation okay in a conversation to learn about it if that ain't the most what does a condescending [ __ ] that's what HR 14 HR 40 of the study of reparations it would like to study reparation that's a see and what do you need a study I felt that black people your [ __ ] door yeah y'all need a research about the research is actually not the fact that black people have been [ __ ] over how much have they been [ __ ] over and what exactly would that number look like which could take mother [ __ ] years it's all V s at the end of the day son it's that is left service to manipulate [ __ ] artists but the reason I do like the reparations conversation is because it has to start with acknowledgement and it has to start with accountability like we talking about energy and we talking about the things that are going on in the earth and the earth rebelling like it starts with that like you have to hold yourself accountable you have to acknowledge what's going on and try to make amends for it that's all we can do even when it comes to like global warming and all that [ __ ] we know we [ __ ] the earth over so we gotta acknowledge it we gotta hold ourselves accountable and try to make amends for it in some way say before you really [ __ ] over to rich this is how you [ __ ] over to rich don't allow them to keep their money in there don't allow them to keep their money in their investments without paying tax on it and don't allow them to take loans against their their stocks and investments that are not taxed as well because that's how they keep their money they essentially keep all their money like Warren Buffett doesn't pay anything he keeps all his money and Berkshire Hathaway pays himself a dollar a year this sweet little goody two-shoes guys woulda whatever whatever his name is but Buffett keeps all his money Berkshire Hathaway when he needs some money takes a loan against that do you pay taxes on loans no you don't so he doesn't have to pay any [ __ ] taxes this guy I'm always talking about that because I do want to empower people I do want to help people that's the level playing field let's let them play ball like us listen those guys I mean the hustle burn they earned every [ __ ] P nobody's taking away your money what we're doing is making you operate on the same level as everyone else right it's if I have to pay taxes on the money I make and I make good money 5 to say pay taxes no I agree with that but they've created a separate economy billionaires have create a separate economy where they do not have to pay taxes yeah please they don't technically make money they keep all their money in their stocks and investments and you don't have to pay money I don't mind the investments thing if it's stuff like the opportunity zone legislation and they're investing back into that's different that's charity if you got all your money in Apple stock right yeah you got all your money in Apple stock right and it's making money every single year but you're not paying any taxes and that be oh I don't know that or I don't have that what if I buy five what if I got Apple stock and I buy five million iPhones a year for people and give them out give them for charity not [ __ ] food this is the Apple number way [ __ ] Adams into God so Anthony don't touch the app this is the new Apple you realize that this we can write a whole new script right about how this is the new Apple that's funny and when the world is done like I'm something when God pressure washes every [ __ ] body right and there's nothing left and then it's just to humans who got to repopulate the earth and God puts this phone up on a tree and God says don't don't touch it don't look at your middle touch that [ __ ] phone all right that phone is the devil don't touch that phone let's see if she can resist this buzzing see let's see cuz you know it's gonna be a woman and she gonna go for it champagne poppy looked at my story today poppy is not gonna be here no more by the way that's gonna happen people hmm you have to realize that you're gonna die one day but eventually this [ __ ] is getting wiped the [ __ ] out yeah it's only a matter of time I don't know when I don't know where it's only a matter of time it's the natural course of life period so so I'll deal with it that you yeah we have no choice oh well it's here man I think we need beginning stages Armageddon I'm dead serious and I do take troubles to catalyst what is Armageddon the pressure wash what does that mean just the beginning of the end I really do feel that way I feel like it's gonna start with government I don't think America I think eventually America is gonna be toppled I have to do as the world's greatest nation but just because you're toppled doesn't mean [ __ ] can't be good like it's really good in Europe America's not going for it now you think where you can test the cool yeah you think these [ __ ] [ __ ] that really run this [ __ ] I'm not gonna want to not be number one right never happening no never bow down to China we all China trillions of dollars and act like we do boss yeah [ __ ] that it's never happening but we are too boss because if I owe you if I owe you trillions of dollars right Charlemont but I got a gun and you don't then I don't owe you anything they got guns though but they don't got a missile the car reaches China yeah they don't crease I don't believe that [ __ ] they make these and they don't have a if I'm China I'll put all the bombs in these [ __ ] phone 11 we got something for them kaboom boom as soon as you log on Instagram there's a massive explosion you'd be like what the [ __ ] is going on in America yeah explosions happening everywhere no it's all type of ways they can [ __ ] us over that's true I mean just they're just screwed up like strategically like we have army bases around the world right if we need to get a pop and we could get a pop and they'll have that they're trying to get that right they're trying to have influence in these different regions and every time they try to bust in we start a [ __ ] coup and we don't let it happen I mean that's what NS wail is right we thought to us clothing line make money confused right now see I had a clothing if you gotta explain it it wasn't funny I just you know keep it moving we gonna be all right we gonna I don't know bro you know how I know we're gonna be all right Charlemagne because we got Boost Mobile all right see we relying on them goddamn phones them right you get one of the nice tasty apples out of Boost Mobile support you from today's show comes from Boost Mobile switching to boost mobile gives you more their surprising people with more at every turn because boost doesn't offer one great thing it offers many great things like super 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like when you talk to people like I was having a conversation with Mayor Pete when he was on Breakfast Club and Mayor Pete's that the same thing that Stacy ever said even though Stacey Abrams has an initiative called fair fight 2020 where she's trying to raise the way display a pizza the reason Democrats don't want to you know talk about the Russian interference they don't want to talk about voter suppression and the reason they don't wanna talk about Mitch McConnell blocking the election security bill is because they don't want to discourage people from voting in 2020 so you would rather lie to the American people and tell them that is all good when it's not when that is what's really going to discourage them what's really going to discourage them is them going out again voting [ __ ] doesn't work out and now they got to go back if you tell them now like look the truth of the matter is there was rushing in France we've seen it in everything from the [ __ ] mother report the the the last who was the guy that stepped down Komi down security adviser with Bolton oh I wasn't Bolton I don't remember the [ __ ] name he stepped out a few months ago but he stepped down because he told everybody look the Russians are interfering with our elections and after he said that he got the [ __ ] out of it do you know the thought I was in Russia I was asking them like what is your perspective on like collusion and like Putin and that kind of stuff and they think it's laughable I don't know about does not it's a collusion see that's the desta tested trick right Russian interference right I think illusion could make you fall we know maybe Trump isn't aware I highly doubt it but maybe isn't aware right when mr. McConnell does something like after getting that Intel no we could at Intel they try to pass another security bill and he blocks it that's hotel I don't raise no red flags for nobody right red flags for nobody I'm not tonight I'm just saying what the people that I spoke to there basically said they had no you know pony in the race if you will they're just like yeah we don't think that's even it's just not even like and these are not people who are like pro or anti Putin they're just acknowledges of course not I just don't like when Democrats say we don't want to talk about it we don't want to say anything about it because we don't wanna discourage people from voting they say go listen to some Breakfast Club interview that that's what when I go on CNN I say the same thing over and over for a reason it's cowardly you're actually admitting defeat man people's like what we got a win in the landslide all of them are saying that it's not happening you're not beating Donald Trump in a landslide wouldn't last one of the last presidential election has been a landslide when I said it to me repeat if he goes oh you know eight percent ten percent could be considered a landslide no that's not it's not happening in 2020 so unless they pass some type of election security here's a wrap so I got I got invited to like a kind of dinner that I don't know how I got voted but they basically brought a lot of people in politics political operatives together in people in podcasting and it was a guy who had made a lot of money in podcasting and he was trying to use his money towards working for that towards trying to figure out voter suppression yeah voting rights and everything and it was like this long open conversation a lot of smart people and basically like to take away from it was it's a difficult thing to fix and address because ultimately it's a local issue right like it's a hard thing to fix on a national level because it all has to do with the voting practices not even in the states like in in the counties or and like you have to and it's hard to even if you were able to raise the money and Stacey and Stacey Abrams were supposed to be on the board of this guys organization and maybe she's doing her own thing that she hasn't called fair fight 2020 it's just you got to start paying attention to local stuff but you got to really pay attention to like who's on your board of elections who's your city councilman who's because that's what it comes down to it's not all coming from a federal or even state level it's all on the local level I don't know I agree with you roundabouts total totally believe it's not coming from a federal level well I think some of them they don't want no paper ballots in certain places other than energies coming but the actual laws that are putting in our place are local I think that long they can control [ __ ] digitally we [ __ ] yeah I mean it's it's gonna be like a scary election there is no election Trump is here in 2000 and he dies who are obsessed with the fact that he has dementia and he's starting to fall apart and he won't make it to 2020 I don't really see it look who knows who knows but um but yeah I mean we'll we will see what happens put it that way I think we're done here guys almost two hours damn we did it baby anything else no I think it's good man okay guys as always if you listed his podcast you think we're smart you think we're intelligent you think we're brilliant you're absolutely right you're listening to the podcast you think we're just a couple of idiots you don't know [ __ ] you're right - is the brewing in his podcast now enjoys this great commercial from white castle's wouldn't it be amazing if you could make your favorite restaurant sliders at home well problem meet solution White Castle sliders are available at the grocery store they're made with 100% beef patties on a bed of steamed grilled onions and have that same one-of-a-kind taste then White Castle has been serving on their restaurants for years pick up some sliders from the grocery store and make it this latter and I go to White Castle Combe slash idiots to get one dollar off the purchase of any four or six pack of White Castle sliders thank you guys for listening peace you
Channel: Brilliant Idiots
Views: 160,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, brilliant idiots, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, charlamagne, charlemange, breakfast club, interviews, wax, paige, taylor, alexx, alexxmedia
Id: owZwA5J1mVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 30sec (7110 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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