Hyper Bowl | Brilliant Idiots with Charlamagne Tha God and Andrew Schulz

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it's so stupid we don't have no pre-rolls this week but we have a lot of mid rows and a post rolls and all ever think we felt a [ __ ] off them they never think that all right but we do have some church announcements do we we do yeah yeah yeah there look we can get into it later let's talk man we got some cool things going good I am staying done yesterday was my last day at breakfast club yeah I'm tightening up some things today cuz you know we recording podcasts right now Thursday morning 9:30 in the morning so how does that do the podcast I got one other thing to do and I am [ __ ] done January 7th now did you block off all this time to give 6 9 head to the show up baby never use that kind of hyperbole yeah if I didn't think it was a show now how long did it take you to find out how to properly pronounce hyperbole it's actually you know what it took I always knew how to pronounce it but for whatever reason I just saw it I said hyperbole you're like [ __ ] that Elon Musk you mentioned hyperbole you know saying it's the same thing as when biggie said go like this right here when big you said you look so good I'll suck on your daddy's dick Richard Pryor hyperbole always think he said I'll [ __ ] roof all before [ __ ] their mug Lee has escaped [ __ ] you got this thing right here yeah it's all hyperbole so that's what I was using to let people know there was no way in hell 6:9 was beaten in this case yeah and so you know what's so crazy but he got out you wouldn't be responsible to suck his dick if I would never that was a bit no I'm not saying that you would have done it he's exactly now you got these idiots on social media who will say things now like oh well he only got 24 months technically that beat in the case no it's [ __ ] he's not being technically he beat the case I don't give a [ __ ] if he got 24 months yeah two days he got sentenced would you remove your chains before doing it hypothetically speaking but that wouldn't that be slightly disrespectful to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad Malcolm X you just hear their chains danglers called hyperbole right buddy go Google hyperbole it's an exaggeration you know what I mean like you're a comedian you do I perfectly all the time bro I thought you said hyperbola and I was like you're really going for the sack with this blows but once again these rumors come from on the Internet but II mean like as far as like six times coming home that never came from any reliable source that never came from a reliable source uh-uh okay okay where do you think it comes from I just think people just start that [ __ ] they throw it out there and it goes now I will say last week you don't have maybe a lawyer maybe like someone's on the team thinking from the label and the label made it up I think you came from the lab I think the label was gauging the the level of interest people still had in 6:9 not even as far as like regular people as far as like the media is concerned because they hit me last week and they asked me if I would be down to doing one-on-one interview with 6:9 I said no I don't think that would be a good idea yeah um you asked what type I mean I didn't know they're trying to cash in on the bit I don't know that before my be his first flesh I don't [ __ ] know but I was just like yeah I don't think that'd be a good idea I like his best to looks at been to Breakfast Club you know maybe the Breakfast Club but I said I'll gauge interest I feel about interview one six nine because if you would have got out I would feel like there would be no accountability in the sound I'm saying like you you you wile out you know you troll people you order these hits on people people got hurt you know you do all of this [ __ ] you go to jail and you snitch on every [ __ ] body right and then you just come home what do I get supposed to be embraced with open arms like where's the accountability in that like how does a kid right how did the kid learn from that 69 situation if he just comes home reasonable on Wednesday he's been there's a situation where he's been in prison for what is it 13 months or some 13 months and you know you've been a you know big proponent of change behavior and not even 13 months that's what the next question was how long is it before you can get away from your past what about the biology has changed behavior right so right I would have to see how he comes home so if he was you know are you coming home humbled by the situation how are you coming home acknowledging that what you did was wrong in a real way are you a changed man are you still out here telling everybody suck your dick right I mean a lot of weight I have no reason to trust him because he's a young troll so he's the type of person that will say anything right to get what he wants right so you come home and you try to be nice six nine nine six nine don't work right now you got to go back to suck my dick six nine and super thug gates to six nine because you surrounded by all this security six nine and then now all of us looking stupid again and now we back where we started I never thought that the super thug thing was that compelling I thought the self deprecation was funny like when he would run in the hallways and talk about how he's the fastest guy when he's like super slow obviously and it was just hysterical like he'd just be in this hotel room when he's playing soccer and like he's the best goalie like when he was kind of making fun of himself and poking fun of himself I was really entertained him telling like thugged-out people to suck his dick was funny because it kind of exposed they're fake thuggery in a lot of ways they just never ran into each other I mean like there's certain people you can't tell them to suck your dick that's not true when I was the intimate there you got guys telling the president to suck they big ever you could tell the president to suck your dick do it in person you can do it in person with all the Secret Service and watch what happens do you I think you can say suck my [ __ ] to the president now without getting tackled you can't run up on them and actually physically make them suck your dick but that's how it sounds on the internet on the internet you know anybody can be whatever they want to be on the internet you could say whatever you want right in it but there are consequences to those actions right somebody like 69 that [ __ ] is all funny game so you look at the letters from the victims right that they sent to the judge or you look at the innocent box you don't think about [ __ ] like that the innocent bystander who got shot here it was ordering a hit on somebody here's what I always say the illusion maybe before six nine was yo you don't even say a word about these gangster rappers because if you even say a word about them you might not have felt this way but maybe someone like myself who's a little bit more removed mid the word the idea was that they were like mob bosses whereas like you knew who say work because if you say work someone's gonna see you about it and then that's fair that's fair but like he started saying a word about everybody and none of them did anything and it was kind of fascinating for gonna wait oh you are names in Chicago like he was he in all these places they showed the video this guy in Chicago surrounded by police officers around about all this time flight security yes old block he went to at like 4:30 5:00 in the morning yeah literally was there for like 40 seconds to yo he got kidnapped what do you mean he got kidnapped me right now I know you're old no you're right the easiest thing to do I know Taylor that everyday so you a kidnapper depends the price it's a hot commodity out here knees crease they're like 1 million I beg what's in doing you wouldn't sell it I wouldn't sell it for nothing I have what does that mean I forgot you're selling I was in a buyers market that's right you kidnapped so here's the question what would we pay for Taylor said say she was kidnapped by someone else and I know her it's Taylor like I nor you know her it's Taylor it's this Taylor she's not your relative yo won yes ransom I already try to get her back to save our life our dish to have her no no no you don't own her now okay we need to bring in a professional no it's a ransom it is a ransom Taylor is kidnapped there's one way to get her back it is 1 million u.s. dollars to get her back fresh ages things bro everybody let's hold hands let's all say a prayer for young Taylor you know I mean okay we're Taylor Billy's a lot of money bro a lot of money oh say what what if I have 500 I got to see what your mom what kind of collateral your mom got the house well that's true like your mom gotta put up the money first Sharla I need some collateral like a what good if I put this money up yeah makes us roi on this there's no return on investment I don't want to make sure that I get my money back at some point but you can't get your money back if you put the house up if her mom put the house in my name so you go buy her mom's house do you want Taylor back Oh Milly no 500k No okay what's the no question amount $50,000 to get Taylor back out put 50th yo that's what's up Taylor you got 50 out of me I'll put 50 up 50 up for Taylor that's no problem five ninety one hundred two hundred one hundred and fifty thousand dollars that's when it gets a little tricky we have to start thinking about other options what shape the car is in a lot you might not get your life together and then he can't get a return this might be just a lifetime of therapy and counseling for you for time we say handcuff you start shaking in a fun corner this could be bad but I'm saying all that to say takashi got kidnapped by somebody in his team that's easy to do right so it's just like he could he qicang he was avoiding a lot of potential really bad trouble I actually think jail was a good thing for him and and the police officer said that one may arrest a man he said we're arresting you because if we don't arrest you get over you're gonna get killed well they told him that so I think it was for two reasons I don't think it was really caring about his safety I also I also note I think they know that they could have flipped they knew they could flip Takashi 6:9 awaited they did yes simple as that and do you think that there's any future for him hmm it's gonna be rough though but it's definitely a future I mean I see Takashi um I see Takashi coming home sometime next year um he's gonna need 24/7 365 days how much is that it's gonna be very costly I mean I look at somebody like 50 cent I don't know if 50 cent had a round-the-clock security but I don't know at 50 cents I know I'm like oh 9 I read an article that said 50 cent security detail was 1.6 million dollars holy [ __ ] and I don't even think that's around-the-clock that's just like when he's moving around you know maybe the city or different cities are going in and out of town I don't know I don't know if that's around o'clock but it was 1.6 million for 50 cent now my question is how's Takashi gonna make that money because let's just say the label put up 10 million dollars right and so maybe a million or two that goes in his pocket the rest goes to his buddies for albums security and stuff like that but he's gonna be on supervised release five years what does that mean it's like my supervisor really so it's like probation for five years or maybe Perot I don't know the probation or parole but he's gonna be on probation or parole for five years and that means he can travel if he gets permission if he gets permission right right now oddly just in the states probably just in the states before he left before he went in none of these arenas that [ __ ] wanted to [ __ ] with yeah you think that's gonna change not everybody really wants to kill this [ __ ] so what's the monetization don't know cuz you don't make that much money off screaming we know that already we know you don't make a lot of mine I'll scream like a billion screams don't Spotify it quits to like a million two million dollars something like that so you know you don't make a lot of money off screaming you're gonna have to be on the road constantly to make this money and and and really dissipated security security build every [ __ ] yeah on top of your other bills I don't see how it I don't see how he survives huh that's just my is my personal take on it I don't see what the money's gonna come from I just don't what you think the labels believe that there's money here clearly the labels hit us up loudly to do interviews they wanted me to do it when I wanted to be I told him that we should do Breakfast Club they really thought he was coming home on Wednesday which is another thing I think probably pissed off the judge the one stuff like that gets in the news yes I it's like you'll decide and the way the judge was lining it up I thought to judge about to get at my book like yeah I said I said he would probably get a three to five with time served yeah probably like two years so I listen I thought it was I thought I'm not gonna say I thought it was a fair and just sentence because he snitched you don't say it and the cooperation is bad like but he at least got held accountable and he's gonna be held accountable for the rest of his life this is a permanent stain can we discuss this here if if you're gonna snitch and then your crew tries to take take you out I get that but if your crew tries to take you out first and then you snitch is that not understandable nah I like what the judge said yesterday the judge say you are not a victim here no but just on that one I'm just curious about snitch etiquette before we get into him specifically in other words let's say you and I are a gang we're doing all these like you know bank robberies or [ __ ] like that right let's say I'm about to go snitch on you mm-hmm you kill me I gotta get it because it's like if goes has this this don't Tommy it and song goes but I get it but here's the thing let's say you're about to kill me right and I find out that you want to kill me so you have to share any this bank money with me and I go on this [ __ ] he's trying to kill me don't you start the bad [ __ ] you can't do that you gotta kill me that's the gangster okay okay it's everything is outside of law enforcement you can't so it would be more respected on the streets not saying this is a good thing to do but it'll be more respect in the streets in other words if I handled you totally understand before you handled me totally understandable and people who would say that was dishonorable you kissed a man once you explained the situation they'd be like okay I had no other choice simple as that okay that's just what I needed clear it up about the etiquette so the whole thing about the streets and I'm sure it's is similar to mob [ __ ] or everything is just we handle things outside law enforcement absolutely once you start dealing with law enforcement you are read that's it do the same people we've been ducking ROG for years and so now you want to use them to your advantage that's why I love with the judge said to 6-9 yesterday just like you're not a victim yeah when it was convenient for you you used this goofy yeah you know you're bidding yes you called hits on trippy red and you all hits on Chief Keef like when it was when it was serving you yeah she called him selfish the judge called him selfish he said judge said you're selfish so when it was when it was self-serving to you yeah you use this game to your [ __ ] bidding so you know you know you know innocent here right oh sorry listen I don't feel sorry sick run I'm shocked he didn't get a little bit more time right but it's just gonna be rough for him when he comes home yeah who's coming in that's Karolina it's gonna be very rough for him when he comes on man I don't see you do with your mm-hmm I would do a lot of soul-searching I wouldn't I wouldn't I wouldn't worry about the character of six nine hours and stay alive is what I'm asking when he comes home what would you do to stay alive I don't know I mean listen we live in a different era so I'm not saying that he's gonna be getting shot at everywhere he goes yeah um I don't know me I guess that kind of scene when you asked me that question what would I do to stay alive that's why I say I would do a lot of soul-searching like I would I would really dismiss the character of 6:9 cuz the character of 69 is what got me in that situation and I was really leaning on the who the [ __ ] Daniel Hernandez is you know I mean I'd be trying to figure out my life you know I mean I'd be doing a lot of soul-searching and just you know holding myself accountable you know recognizing where I went wrong and trying to correct that as a man and then I would get back into the music thing that's why I said another reason I didn't want to interview him so soon because I'm like these labels don't give a [ __ ] about 6:9 didn't give a [ __ ] about 6 not before he went to jail they were funding the dysfunction right so now that he's went to jail and he snitched and he's back out on the street they just want to fund more dysfunction they want their what ROI if it's true that they invested 10 million um which I don't even know if that's true if it's true that they did do you want the [ __ ] money back all they're thinking about is product go out here make these [ __ ] songs see if we can get you on the road doing some shows and that's that yeah it's just interesting man it let's say I won't return on investment mm-hmm I guess that I would have to fund that 50 cent ask security you have no choices you have no choice if I'm Daniel Hernandez I have to take that agreement because that's the only thing that keeps me alive if I don't want to take that agreement does he move to Montana like where does he go you can go it's a different era how the [ __ ] do you have witness protection when you were saliva never seen a case like this correct me if I'm wrong Chris I Andrew I've never seen a case with a high profile celebrity right and I'm not gonna call it six nine eight list even though I hate those [ __ ] lists but he's a he's a yeah and you're a [ __ ] government informant it is so interesting because this might be the first witness protection situation of the internet world where witness protection was predicated on the whole idea that Middle America had no clue what was going on in entertainment more like on a coasts so literally the idea of witness protection was what will send him to Oklahoma they don't know what's happening over there the internet has shrunk the world those kids in Oklahoma listen the same hip-hop your kids listen to listen the same hip-hop my cousins listen to everybody they know six nine I don't think that you can send him to any place in America where the kids there will be unaware of who he is also shows he wants to be seen right if he didn't if he was like I truly just want to go uh well I don't think he's gonna be a witness protection I didn't think that no he turned it down but let's say they offered it to him will you go to witness protect them Utah they're hip yeah man Montana their hit the internet shrunk everything there's no more in the world yo there's no more witness protection bro yeah thick it's gone I really don't know and then like I said 24/7 365 security I just don't see how he I just don't see where the money's gonna come he wasn't generating that kind of paper when he was out so it's just like I don't see what that money's gonna come from like his it's screaming its not gonna be able to cover those kind of bills you know I'm saying let's do a reality show because reality show he could but it's not gonna cover those kind of bills who's gonna pick it up one of these networks will show time already show time doing a documentary on him with some [ __ ] like that complex is doing the documentary yeah like they've been announced the Showtime Showtime [ __ ] months ago like this yes [ __ ] give a [ __ ] about that content content is always King a TV network will definitely picket the [ __ ] up but I'm just talking about as far as like him making consistent money on a show basis I don't see it who's the touring company that's gonna sign six nine yeah it'd be interesting to see how it plays out I just dig the irony of six nine getting a sentence and truncating and pieced on the same [ __ ] harder bro we were we were on Twitter refreshing Twitter this guy was giving his long a speech the judge we were there for every second me you and Van Texan me and Alex we were actually together with calves calves were going through every single moment the trumpet be slapped equally sudden we didn't even discuss the Trump impeachment I had a couple of group chats going but you know what was so good about it was day and night the COS she was during the day yeah Trump was late at night Trump was like eight o'clock nine o'clock last night all the impeachment came down I think I think the difference was I knew and impeach her in the house didn't mean anything so it's not like there was a decision made about Trump stillest or ago it's his story it's historic but it doesn't do anything it's three to three were things that can happen to a president are impeachment yeah being removed for impeachment never happened yeah and actually getting assassinated right that you don't want the president yeah I just don't think impeachment matters nah Madison well I think when you're when you're a prep would what's two things right when you're a narcissist like Donald Trump who was calling for the impeachment of Barack Obama right like literally saying yo he should be impeached for gross incompetence pulling up old - to his son Sam Barack should be impeached right yeah this is the state but I will say this right I'll throw out throw out do you don't think that he's okay with stains his whole thing is being a stain no I think that you underestimate how little he cares about the people that don't like him I think he's made a career I think he's made a career on on not only a not only political career but an entertainment career on division well you either love or hate this man and he understands what is more love or hate than politics that's what any polarizing person right of course what Donald Trump has the most bruise wounded ego I've ever seen if there's one person out here that is dealing with their hurt in the child syndrome yeah it is that man and every billionaire that I know especially here in New York subtle flecks I'm just letting him none actually I dinner be honest which other dinner trumped I was last week really what the [ __ ] were denied whatever so when they call talking to me about Trump and they were saying how we never took Trump serious was a goofy he always wanted to be that he always wanted to be down yeah with that Club he thought being president was gonna finally make that club accept him now do you look at she was even pick a [ __ ] right oh but I thought I told Trump a little bit of bail right just honestly honestly though they never accepted him mm-hmm but he manifested that [ __ ] what you mean when he was earlier on in his career he would call the tabloids himself and he'd go hey I'm the publicist for Donald Trump sorry billionaire Donald Trump before he was even a billionaire I'm the published for billionaire Donald Trump he was at this restaurant last night with this person trying to get in page six always kind a call himself billionaire Donald Trump before he was ever billion he knew exactly what he was doing he was faking I don't think that's the highest level of insecurity buh-burn account [ __ ] new yo poles it paid sick the report stories on yourself I'm not denying did it's wildly and secure what I am denying is when I am saying is he is aware of these global elites these billionaires right and he's aware of who he is I don't think he I don't think it I don't think he's unaware of that I don't think he thinks he's one of them I think you definitely wouldn't be down to incra 100% watchdog 100% once we need you I think he definitely wants to be part of the in-crowd he's always wanted to be part of the in-crowd right and we're not having a political discussion Chris we're just talking about you're in the shots yeah telling me these kind of stories so I knew a character yeah I think he was on the outside of what you would call the in-crowd I think Ivanka was very much groomed to be on the inside and I think that's where it gets interesting because I think she was part of that scene I mean when I was working for her they asked me to interview her friends and her friends were all you know Rupert Murdoch's wife yeah Carlos Slim with the basically the Mexican marina kids no no them he position her to be friends with all those people that he could have maybe get access to because they thought he was too crass he wasn't grandfathered in but she was she could be born in Internet Trump as a [ __ ] well I harsh way of looking at they thought he was ghetto yeah out of her ass which was a big deal out of Burrell try some Queen do some Queens he's not a city kid he didn't go to oh dude it's yeah those circles humans have hierarchies no matter where we are we have hierarchies somebody's telling me a story about when they're in a [ __ ] what was it like Namibia or some [ __ ] like that and there was a club and I think it was Ben he was like I mean maybe he was in this club he was outside and they had a VIP section the club they just had two plastic chairs we're disgusting we needed to interrupt but it's not to look down but it's just like how can I find a way to to have some value over you without doing any work I look at it from a hip-hop perspective Queens got all the best rappers ways right Manhattan Manhattan billionaires who don't to find their worth but was the best rappers you [Music] know why because Trump had the money right playboy right and so back then all those rappers that's probably the richest person they knew and had access to today was show a mad love and and furthermore they were all faking until they made it right rappers were acting like they had this had tons of money when they didn't and Donald Trump was acting like he had tons of money when he didn't and you know what some of those rappers up getting tons of [ __ ] money and now I have my hands of money though when more than a billion so here's the thing and you know this now because you're operating with these guys you have tons of money compared to Taylor when you're with these billionaires you don't got [ __ ] no they printing money they pray in my soul he's talking about their vacations are my life savings exactly so so everything is relative right so if you're trump and you're the poorest one in the group you think you're broke yeah he don't even own Trump to house right he'd licenses that's what I learned when I was working for them and researching the organization everything is license the name put down as little as your own money as possible if you burn the [ __ ] down you just keep it moving that's it yeah like that was his whole muscle and I guess it worked for him yeah it's not the first person to not put money down I want to do I just wanted I want I can see i could play white devil's advocate with one thing right go Donald Trump no political experience whatsoever mm-hmm the highest seat in the land mm-hmm bro of course he's gonna [ __ ] it up like we're acting like this guy was some skilled politician who knows the ins and outs of politics what he should be doing what he shouldn't be doing it's easy to say hey all you got to do is listen to this person and it probably is that easy but he's not really he's like I'm not listening to you [ __ ] of course he was gonna [ __ ] up this was destined to crash and burn this is why the United States of America really needs to put some qualifications on being president bro yeah you have to have a certain educational level and you have to have a certain level political experience this is not a game to be played with really no it's interesting that you say that even the type of impeachment like the way that he [ __ ] up right abuse of power but outside of abuse of power right the way that he got caught is such a a political way to get caught right exactly it's an inexperienced move right because a politician would have known how to get that message there where they caught back-channeling yeah with enough cushion in it with enough cushion right what he what he did was a real estate move right which is hey I want to build this building in New Hampshire who's the guy going up for Congress in New Hampshire right you know what get me on the phone with that guy hey listen you want to donate your campaign but I will donate I would love to because exactly no I'm not saying that this money is for that I'm just saying wouldn't it be great if we had this building and your campaign that is classic new you well not in only New York which is a real estate hustle when you're when you're dealing at the highest level but I wish everybody who supports Trump right everybody who supports Trump I really wish they would just take a step back and just say yo because he's [ __ ] I stop he's president right but the idea that did no president that there are president said don't [ __ ] up people [ __ ] how he [ __ ] up rookie it was a rookie move smart people around him which is something I learned working with him is I mean you could put me in that category but like he the number one qualification to get hired by them and this was true in the election I'm sure it's true the administration is they want the cheapest person no matter what they have there's a blueprint they follow in every deal like versus when they were negotiating with me it was okay this let's say hypothetically it's a hundred thousand dollar job Wow right they say listen you should do this for $50,000 and we know it's under market this is exactly what they told me about if you do it you're gonna have so much shine around your name after you're connected to a Trump success he really is a rapper right that yo this exposure bro right no 16 bars but once this [ __ ] goes that was the rap that gave me and like I was literally all you know Ivanka was like calling me up at midnight you know arguing over $5,000 like they literally try to do you quit so what happened was so they say online disease right they gave me live the orange version but like let's say it's a hundred thousand dollar job yeah you do it for 50 yeah then halfway through she brought me in and she was like it's clear to me and I've been going to her apartment twice a week where hours and hours of talking it's clear to me you don't respect my family right and I was like oh I'll you know like you're not your reserved person reserved there was an incident where and this this kind of comes back to what you're talking about with the thin skin in paper thin paper mache she said I want you to come into a meeting with my father to watch how he operates so it's a meeting in Trump Tower and they're going over the hallways in a hotel resort that they're building and then at first it's just her and interior designer and architect for 45 minutes all right if we spend this much on the rug and this many units will be this much on the light fixture can you hold this story for once I'm about to piss my pants go do it but you know what I'll do a mid row we'll come back and Chris will finish the story which I was very intrigued by guitarist writes books goddamnit alright now pulse mates other than the absolute best friends who could you ask to bring you red wine at 4:00 p.m. sushi at 9:00 p.m. and a breakfast burrito at 8:00 me 8:00 a.m. post mates all right post mate is your personal food delivery grocery delivery whatever you can think of delivery service all year round no more trips to the store you 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Trump please okay so when we last left believe we were in the board calls you in she's like you don't respect my family you're like facts no no I'm back I'm going back to the meeting where the incident happened or the first thing okay so we're in the boardroom it's her it's an interior designer it's an architect they're going over the interior of the whatever hotel they're building and heckle they're doing the the rugs the lighting the door fixtures how much it's going to cost to do 300 of these 400 these were boring but okay this is how you make the hotel after about 45 minutes Trump himself comes in he immediately start revealing their stuff how come you didn't do it this way to the interior designer how come you could have saved us this amount doing this way you could have saved us a thousand dollars doing this what about this what about this and he's making his point I'm like damn this dude's really [ __ ] smart like these guys have been like fumbling over the figures and hemming and he just came in he was like razor sharp like why don't you do this why don't you do that why don't you do you could have done that what are you doing and he made his point and I was like okay I'm impressed but then he kept going at this guy and going at this guy and going at this guy and got to the point where the guy literally almost started to cry like it was it wasn't a physical beatdown but it was an emotional beatdown yeah he just kept going and finally you know I'm just supposed to be a fly on the wall yeah I finally you guys can't see this unless you're watching the video by just one like that you did the emoji I put my emotions like what the [ __ ] what are you doing yeah it's too much so they pull me out evanka pulls me out into the elevator and she's like listen I know that look really bad I knew I know how that came off but you gotta understand it's not personal that's just how we get the best margins on our deal like emotionally abuse is straw destroyed this dude what for that yeah he's my hero right okay when I bought my apartment and they told me it was gonna be six weeks to renovate and then they [ __ ] me over for six months right six months they [ __ ] lied to me right and [ __ ] me over stole my money for six months and I didn't have the balls I was too poor or yell at them I was too poor to hire another contractor right I was just at their mercy the fact that some hero okay could walk in a room right and curse out the contractor who was [ __ ] him over oh my god well the guy hadn't done anything yet they were just planning it but okay maybe you can say the guy was setting it up together better margins I don't know I thought it was one of the more outrageous things I've ever seen I did the shrug that was a problem number one problem number two was I wrote a passage where I described Trump Towers as glitzy and they didn't like that she pulled me in she said why would you describe my family's buildings glitzy I was wrong with glitzy well I was like it's literally the definition of glitzy over its like covered in gold so she was like why would you try to portray us that way is you know glitzy implies like cheap cheap garish not class Claudia yeah yeah so that was a problem and the other problem is she said I use too many colloquialisms and this is where we had Addis it's the [ __ ] that you serve maybe maybe your rapper's friends talked that way but I don't talk that way whoa and I said scuse me it's okay maybe that came off from all right whoa we got a problem here so he pulled out well I'm out would have kept doing it frankly cuz I won the money but so what they did is she came in you know she gave me this big speech I've given it a lot of consideration and I really like you but it's not working out and I was like look I just I was miserable I was talking about this with my wife the other day I was like going around hoping a car would hit me and just like break my legs so I just quit you don't want to quit it just be gone thoughts but I'll show you the Trump business model so they get rid of me yeah then they go to somebody else I think it was like a woman in Californian they said listen we got this book it's 3/4 of the way done it's a $40,000 job because it's really almost done but do it for 20 do for 20 hot so I new hire same speech so they get a hundred thousand dollar job for maybe they paid me ten or fifteen I just gave I was like I don't care about the money I hand it over all the notes I was like I just want out of [ __ ] so they get a they get $100,000 job for oh yeah she's gonna tell us a story about Donald Trump stay an eagle you just told us how you got the tariff I [Laughter] don't think smart you never heard me say even though I think the guy is he's dumb at politics that's what people like I think is zero moral Center and I think he has zero self-awareness I mean the other thing was they pulled me out for doing the shrug or maybe we shouldn't do that drug in my position but I interviewed one of Ivanka's friends same thing she got kicked off his private jet because they were watching TV and a joke came on about his hair and she laughed aft and they pulled a state ignite at they pulled her off the [ __ ] jet they're like you don't do that they landed the plane and then kicked her off I don't know exactly how it happened but she was like whatever you do she was trying to hit me she was like whatever you do don't make a joke about this guy no Trump would hate you Andrew yeah huh Trump would hate you yeah you know Trump could never be friends why would we want to be friends I'm just saying if y'all was cuz you like the joke like you would hate you all you could dish it out he can make jokes he can make or teeth are gonna fall out he loved most this is what I've learned just from being a common general most people who like dish it out cannot take it comedy that's the [ __ ] media life oh it is so disappointing bro because because when you meet these people that you know you're like oh man they're good ball busters they're fun and then you want to go back and forth make it super sensitive you're like oh it's a facade they don't they're not confrontational so it's like when you have that confrontation with a pin that competition in a bad way throw something out bro I hate it it's one of these things working with you is I can say whatever bro me and um I think the shoot is funny I laugh when Duval's [ __ ] with me but laugh when Donna Donna Darnell's Tex wild [Music] [ __ ] rolling this week as he [ __ ] with me about the whole 6-9 [ __ ] right and I'm trying to I'm explaining to him sarcasm and hyperbole alright look like look so he sent me this picture he goes I bet he sends me this picture so it's me on all fours and speedos which 69 coming out of jail and he says the bet is a bet son I said it's called sarcasm son the man ran around telling people to suck his dick all the time you a comedian you should understand a joke he said nope nope nope nope I said Chappelle Pryor biggie of all joke like that you're not a comedian son you don't wanted most powerful [ __ ] voices and our coaches Oprah Winfrey loves you and so does CNN you're not a comedian son I said be whether the comedian he's a grow up stop being homophobic so I'm just [ __ ] with ya he goes people don't take me serious we can't take you funny son I said biggie said you look so good I suck on your daddy's dick hello you still they explained biggie so he talked about his gay brother my brother Chuck he said a bet is a bet and he wants the winner he goes I won't interrupt you in six-nine stop being hoodie phobic I said explain biggie he said nope probably was a Ghost Rider son I say real [ __ ] don't give a [ __ ] about [ __ ] like that Chappelle Pryor biggie real [ __ ] he said the streets didn't know you [ __ ] a real [ __ ] son they thought watches the only one you can't dodge just one what's your big word son Don Lemon wants the truth so he first you have too much of through six nine we saw a series you worry about beat himbeat in that case tray way drop on the clues mom so I come back with the big [ __ ] I say I missed the old New York when y'all didn't care about Biggie saying you wouldn't [ __ ] RuPaul over escape don't repeat this no good eat food okay I put I put the laughing emoji and then he put mad [ __ ] with a [ __ ] RuPaul / escaped that's facts then I said oh [ __ ] let me screenshot this he goes sarcasm but I don't like to say that's how we joke yes I do not like people who did [ __ ] but can't take it yes I actually despise you and those people okey get expose men o neg expose huh yeah all the time yeah what would I tell you is we Taylor can I say do I know I'm not male or female Oh Chris people you can say Toulouse you can say the smallest thing like not even like fall apart oh no turn this into a great podcast with Peter Vesta the basketball writer the other day and he accused say what happened to Joe I forget him and Andrew fella hold nothing I can't hold girl ain't even heard from join a minute anyway he Vesey senior called out Berkeley as being one of those people who does what who will say anything about anybody yo but if you come at Berkeley even a little bit he's like the butt of every joke on NBA tonight he is literally they make fun of him non-stop he allows it yeah I think that is the biggest horseshit comment the maybe if you like call out his criticism I don't know maybe who caught his criticism of his NBA career it's different but as far as having a sense of humor about himself and being self-deprecating and like letting Shaq tackle him and beat him up and like emasculate him yeah I don't buy that maybe Berkeley just don't like Peter he's low-key the biggest troll really yeah it was like I could see why people don't like this guy remember a car loan lost the [ __ ] after Game six he just lost the finals good moves and to the Bulls and he's interviewing and what does he say he's like is it the lowest point of your career great question to ask if losing their your first NBA Finals is the low point of career by the way if you ask LeBron at LeBron will say no no no no but like LeBron would have a great answer to that question I was like I live real life no no no that that be life he says it's the low point of your career career sport of course it's the low point of your career no it's called low point yeah hey if you just got out the pool and someone goes it's just the wettest you've ever been no point a call for it no point a cause career when they tried to make him play Magic Johnson Matthey Johnson had HIV [Laughter] [Music] that's one call call absolutely was not going on that court with Magic Johnson that's when he was contemplating retirement Carl said what if you believed on me you know you say something like that ain't that what you're thinking in a book exactly a bunch of people know we were uneducated to HIV I was a kid I had no idea with a child educated think the same way you're telling me somebody got the full-blown hit yeah what but he thought he's nobody who knows if someone does back or not but now you saying someone football in here you guys are playing a pickup game my man is in the post elbows out if my foot board is if you start driving for [ __ ] balls you start bleeding I'm calling timeout if if Sun come up we're not taking these risks you know what if you start bleeding right yeah stop the game and that's because absolutely so you can't be upset with people from feeling like that MA no you can't why do we even have to like argue this dude if I get that [ __ ] I'm dead potentially I have every right to protect my son it's not prejudice you can live with the Hitmen you could live but then you can't [ __ ] nothing yeah bro if you if you were playing naked basketball and someone's like and she won't let everybody here know I got herpes you gonna play yes why would you play naked basketball have you you have why play naked basketball right post moves on it it's mad like you know it's not it's not the death sentence that it once was China you guys you gotta let you know it be aware your status I guess actually it's some cool ways they could like mark it with HIV okay go Naughty by Nature you down with HIV yeah you know me run commercials run ads so you have a community for people who all have HIV and they can date each other that could work right I actually think and I'm not hundreds in service but I think there are different strands of it and I think that they can give each other the different strands which increases the effect of the disease potential know nothing about of the virus kind of like lines kind of like cystic fibrosis good levels of lines sure bro there's lemon put a cap on is Trump's ear where does it go from here mmm cuz we notice that it's not gonna vote to impeach him right so so so Charlemagne you kind of understand this better than I do what is the political process exactly going on the House votes yeah go get them impeach so he's impeached so you need a 51% majority in the House and 66 either 57 or 67 67 you need the two-thirds majority okay that's what is so house needs 51% to impeach now that then goes to the Senate they need two-thirds to get him removed from office it's not gonna happen I mean the Senate that's controlled by the Republicans right now right so it's not gonna happen we've been saying it's like there's nobody who has not been saying so the goal this is just to disrupt and try to like tarnish the brand or joints I think the goal is checks and balances man I mean listen if you believe in country over party if you believe in you know presidents not being being lawless yeah then you should agree with Trump being a piece and by the way it might help Trump it might out drunk that's the thing is they I think these types of things just embolden his base but I think it might help him to let him know Oh operate better I [ __ ] up I'm [ __ ] up yo you know when something when stuff like this happens it's gotta be at least one person maybe maybe is Ivanka somebody's happy at least one frenzy let's do that's it pops you [ __ ] up yo Chris make the call I got it make the call say she is the one that he listens to it's clear that out of the entire family she's the one not the other she's under a bridge I would love to know what she thinks about this she's been very very quiet I would love to know what she thinks about this whole situation she supports her father 100% right I mean nah I think I think she thinks he's misunderstood I think she she's struck me as someone who was I mean you could say any child was brainwashed about their parent but also when you see your parent succeed against all odds right even if you're not the child you start to believe what they say right I'm sure early in your career Charlemagne you start to experience this know that the people around you they stop thinking you were crazy and they started thinking oh [ __ ] maybe he's right do you remember you remember your peers earlier in your career when you started to like no never once when you came to know your that level yet hold on when you came to New York and then Breakfast Club start to blow up know your peers didn't start going they still think I'm [ __ ] crazy and gay what's where's the gay part was that you that was I don't you know what I was talking about sure that was talking about sir I was talking about might be talking about I was talking about a woman now I might have been talking about the little girl I got faked her kidnapping in New York she did it for her boyfriend I thought she did because her mom wants to take her back to Honduras she didn't want to leave that little dirty Bronx dick she had and goddamn 2bx why would she have to cuz tables back to Honduras they were supposed to be much the word on the curve is yeah the family was moving back to Honduras why I don't know he from on doors one of them back to Honduras and she had a boyfriend in the Bronx who usually it's the other way right usually people are like dying to get from Honduras to America who've all been in hot doors for two weeks so here to go check out what they want to get to so dr. Savage from on door no from on door love on doors right yeah I know my man mr. G got me yes I mean I don't know I don't know I think I'd like any please everybody leaves their country loves it you ever notice that like very few people like come from their country and then go not [ __ ] that that's what I got cute right people go to Honduran like I gotta do vol there now but um she didn't want to move back and so they said she faked the kidnapping with her boyfriend in order not to move back so I could have been talking about that situation and saying that penis to do it to you because the penis I make you make bad decisions no but isn't her boyfriend super old that's what I heard I don't know if that's true and that he is oh yeah he's committing a crime yeah they gotta handle that but yeah I never got that from my peers they still think it's luck I'm crazy I don't know but you know what though I'm sure I know history will be kind yes I did that that I know that I know to all at some point maybe not your peers but what about I think people who have achieved success recognized success and they recognized the I don't know the the qualities that get you there yes so he's other people yes my peers but people who have are deities they go ah he's got it he's on he's on to something um and I think I think regular people I think people that have just you know on the outside looking in peers know compared to competing they're competing yeah so they'll always want to paint you as crazy or off did you curious a few experiences as well did you experience love from like other markets like DJs from other markets so they show you love before the ones that were like close to you these are from other markets like the west coast show you love because first like cuz there wasn't this competition it was like you know that new guys dope and I don't got to worry about him I mean bring your personality show love from other places like you know I got plenty of friends in the radio industry my man hey Kendra gee but you never you don't realize that these people are also in competition with you and tell they have a route they have an opportunity to take a shot at you you know what I'm saying so so so I've seen things like say if you know Tammy and Anjali they said me and Anjali beefing or whatever whatever yeah then I'll see other personalities and comments on on Instagram he's not even just like a dream or whatever saying little things like yeah he should have stuck up for her I just did that but right when they see me it's a whole nother story yeah take an opportunity to take a shot but you got and I said that before I said you know um when it comes to situations like that you got to be very careful because that's when people try to infiltrate and that's when you really realize how they feel about you in your situation cuz they really just tired of seeing you [ __ ] win so if they think that the Titanic could be sinking they get in there they want to be invested in goes put some weight on this [ __ ] make this a fast interesting I mean really it ain't even really about her that's more about sinking the whole boat that's it because at the end of the day if you take two guys and a woman put them in a studio yeah I'm take this guy and put him in a studio whatever it is why arnt why isn't your show doing what their shows doing right yeah so it's still a competition regardless of we're in the same market and not it's still a competition because like we talked about earlier the world is [ __ ] flat so being that the world is flat mmm YouTube videos go out [ __ ] social media follows all it is different said why they doing millions of views and we have simple yeah yeah yeah that's interesting so your peers will never really truly give it up but that's why I give it up yeah I give it up because I'm not insecure about my position you know I've always that's how I've always felt I've always just tried to support the people I thought were cool now I have really specific tastes like I don't think everybody's good I'm gonna tell you something oh yeah 2020 bro yeah it's just like you know when you know the cards that you're playing yeah you know the seeds that have been planted yeah you know what's coming sometimes you just got to talk a little [ __ ] bro 2020 man i'ma have to start talking just a little bit more should we start now okay I just could I really just a lot of just don't think it's almost awesome Roy Jones [ __ ] like maybe you just don't know maybe you just don't knows really pushing things in this culture oh you know really connecting these dots [Music] constantly fight for your rep like we are living or what have you done for me lately Society man and like and there ain't nothing wrong with that because we're out there talking people but you need to constantly show what is going on I was I'll give you a perfect example I don't like talking don't rest on your laurels I guess is what I'm trying to say I don't know who Laurel is what you mean I don't know either I was using hyperbole we had a brother you know you know I'm you know to analyze my people yes so nation of islam nation Islam's my people too we've had Minister Farrakhan the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan I first interviewed him in 2005 yeah I've interviewed him for his documentary that you can buy on the final call calm I've had my breakfast club twice you know uh brother Wesley Muhammad had him on brother Tony Muhammad had him on it's another very dynamic speaker in the Nation of Islam his name is brother knowing Muhammad been following nori for a long time a couple weeks ago I get it I get a text from my man brother Don Muhammad and he was like we need equal time and whenever the brothers in the nations say they need equal time that means that somebody has said something about them that they would like to rebuttal right so on Joe Budden podcast I guess Joe asked a question who killed Malcolm X and I'm somebody in the room with very wide hips said something to the extent of you know who did it and basically said it was the ANA wat and so the ni why I wanted to rebuttal so I connected Joe with brother Don yeah brother know he was supposed to be on Joe's actual podcast but I think it ended up being a call-in or whatever yeah I have no problem doing things like that reason I have no problem doing things like that it's because I want people who have something to say to be on every platform possible and I understand Joe has a platform that a lot of people listen to so of that kind of that kind of you know and I false narrative is out there I want to give the brothers in the NOI chance to clean it up and I'm glad that what they say III thought that was the case I didn't oh that's definitely not the case who killed him it wasn't it wasn't the noi with the FBI but i mean it's like it was the craziest thing in the world to think that anybody else would kill Malcolm X in that time where Jaggu Hoover was taking out every black organization right same people who took out Fred Hampton the only difference is it goes back to what I was talking about earlier if you can cause disruption in a team at a time when a team is having turmoil yeah Malcolm break away break away from the other one yeah but that wasn't that was because he didn't agree with Elijah Muhammad's morals moral stance when it came to fathering children with other women right so it's also so morally he felt he felt betrayed cuz right guy that he believed in you know he looked up to the guy that taught him he also I think went to Mecca and felt like he found a different version that was a part of it too but I always say that was a moment where the students should have became but he went to Mecca he's like I can [ __ ] white [ __ ] again no that's not [Laughter] listen gotta be very careful when talking about certain people because when we talk about the RAF was pulling the rap of me and I pull up with the brothers in bowties will they don't miss out today something they are scarier bro do brother moves on in the wire do you remember that character brother was home he was the guy that they hired they had they had a guy come down from New York the [ __ ] head man and he was there in the suit-and-tie amazing country yes so long story short connect Norwood connect brother Donny Joe yeah brother Louie gets on the podcast whatever and they spoke so of course I'm of course I'm gonna have a brother new Orianna Breakfast Club right you had brother so now people like yo you're just trying to do God and that was the first time I ever felt like saying you stupid [ __ ] right who the [ __ ] you think connected them like what like and that's what I be saying what I'm talking about like this isn't new no territory like we been at least I've been doing stuff like this and giving birth how many people how many people would even make that comment enough for me to notice like what like that's just me though I notice all that yeah like I feel like you might be even be given oxygen to I don't give a [ __ ] y'all [ __ ] gonna learn in 2020 by a hook about goddamn crib you sound like a give it a [ __ ] you sound like someone called your hotel let's eat no no reality of the situation let's do a reality let's stop with the falsehoods and we'll stop with the false narratives all right we'll call it credit talking about credit is just about what's true and what's not true I think I simply that is really as little Elvis what's true and what's not true so if you make a false statement and by the way all of us have the right to do that if somebody makes a false statement about you you're allowed to tell them exactly what the truth is a hundred percent and you have to control your narrative because if you don't the people will and some people don't [ __ ] with you so there's control in a way that you don't like what do they say history is written by winners but I will say this though I think that I think this week shows you can't escape reality and you can't argue against reality you can say whatever you want yeah you can you could try to paint whatever night if you want online you can say whatever you want about people online that [ __ ] will not stop the truth from being the [ __ ] truth I don't care how many people don't believe it right I don't care how many people believe a lie it's still alive I don't care how many people don't believe the truth is still the truth and at the end of the day reality will always prevail I had a big week I had a big week maybe we'll pay some bills now come back we'll talk about it sounds good alright cool um guys if you're looking for a fun way to pass the time while engaging your brain and enjoying breathtaking visuals in a gripping story your answer is best fiends okay best fiends is a casual game anyone can play I've played it great for any sort of travel on the plane best fiends you're driving you're in a Ober best fiends you're gonna live best fiends okay it's a fun game challenging it will break up whatever monotonous [ __ ] you're going through in your life in that moment okay girlfriend's driving you crazy best fiends boyfriends driving you crazy best fiends okay she giving you the silent treatment best fiends get your best fiends on okay your girl trying to talk about what type of diamond she wants when you're not even planning to propose just yet best fiends [Laughter] listen they update the game monthly with new levels and events so it never gets old right you know updates pictures of that diamond monthly it also does not require internet to play so it's great for traveling engage your brain with fun puzzles and collect tons of cute characters trust me you got over a hundred million downloads of this game it's five-star rated mobile puzzle game so it's a must play download best fiends free at the Apple App Store or Google Play that's friends without the are best beans I want to I want to talk about something real quick or cool there's been a pretty cool week for me but um that goes along with that perfectly reality will always prevail and I basically I just signed a deal for my first Network stand-up special big high sign I can't say the company that was releasing it I can say the production company that partner up with it on it and economy dynamics but I'll tell the story I told the longer version of the story on on flavor in two years you check out if you want to hear the whole thing but basically what happened is long story short is when I was releasing views from the system my last special hmm I was in LA a week before and I tell the story just because I think it's important to understand your worth right and it's like week before I'm about to release it we get a call from this production company called combi dynamics and they're like hey we want to talk to you we'd like to potentially release your special now before that nobody wants to release it all right I sit down on mic I'm about to release on YouTube and they go don't release it will make you an offer and I go okay it's got to be a million dollars right now nobody else wanted it but I put the value at a million dollars now they go I don't know I don't know about that but I think we think you're great bubble bonus at that Sun totally released on YouTube you know theaters have a lot of success everything on Instagram you got I got I got out there so I go do this [ __ ] was good I go do this festival called Just for Laughs that comeback it's good we get a call from Netflix Netflix goes hey we want to give Andrew Schultz a slot in this show called the degenerates where I do fifteen minutes with a bunch of other comics also do 15 minutes Donald did it you know and a few other people are focused on it I wouldn't do that if I was you the way I looked at was this I go I go I put myself out for free on Twitter and Instagram and YouTube like I got nothing i got nothing wrong with taking 25 grand for i think they're often 25 gram 15 minutes so we're like well i'm interested in it you know like the next day we get a call from comedy dynamics that other production company they say hey what's andrew up to you know we were jfl is really good what's Andrew up to my agent TJ shots - TJ was really smart he goes he just got an offer from Netflix you don't say what he goes we got an offer so they go don't sign anything let us make him an offer we'll hit we'll hit you up in a second we go back to Netflix trying to stall so what we basically ask them for a bunch of things we know that they're not gonna give us right Kenny H will be the first episode can have his face on the thing can they have all this kind of [ __ ] like that we know you know how that [ __ ] bureaucracy is they I got to go ask a million people we have a couple days copy dynamics comes back with a contract my agent sits me down he's so [ __ ] excited he sits me down he goes here it is check it out I look at the contract the contract is for the next special is for a million dollars for you for me okay I go this is [ __ ] unbelievable it's a shame we're gonna have to say no and he literally had a heart attack he said what do you mean like we just got it and I was like well that's how much the last special is for things have changed now my dick is bigger the dick grew they grew the dick groove is that all you this summer so I say I say we gotta say no what do you talk it what's the aegyo is principals like I don't for me it's never about the money I've been giving my stuff away for free and I'll give it away for free and a [ __ ] heart beat on youtube so you got to tell him no and he goes I can't believe I'm doing this so we go back we say no we get the call back a couple days later and you know the price went up so they would comedy dynamics to the production company and and then we know it's not it's not a network but it's a so that makes it no no that makes it and then we sold it to a network that I can't say yet but you guys will know the new in the future and I gave a hint some people might forget it I can't legally say anything right now but I gave a little bit but point is is it like for a while I gave away all my content for free and I think what happens a lot of time is like you're in this business too so it would give away so much for free but just because you give something away doesn't mean is valueless brings to give a crack away [ __ ] got that good ass dope over then when it's time to hit him over the head hit him over the head there's old boy here take a little $10 bumper oh [ __ ] yeah you come back with crackheads they spend in 340 dollars I got just two destinations yeah give out a little free product every now and then so I think they'd be in front of the market not the little samples of cakes and [ __ ] yeah so is one of those things where it was like this was pretty cool and then we just had to decide where we're gonna do the special so I want to do it in LA and I thought it'd be really cool because I see as the Hollywood you know matrix is kind of crumbling this becomes one of the first if not the first special where it's like completely people driven it's like the entertainment revolution where now you got to have your fan base and your fan base is gonna bring you on top like the people listen and watching all these podcasts and clips everything like that they literally got this deal signed and they love you in a different way because you've built this cult-like following from the ground up these [ __ ] have been for years you know I mean watching Geico look at that probably six seven years ago any like that's our guy that's bro and and when you win it's their win and I never understood this Duval would always post about he's like yo my win is your win and I didn't understand it we released the tickets for the special tapings we're taping April 11th in LA and I gave a pre-sale code and the presale code was gonna be available Tuesday Wednesday Thursday this comes out Thursday today and I just want it to be for flavor two brilliant idiots and then anybody follows me on Instagram YouTube so they would know about it the Orpheum Theatre in LA that's the theater Dolomites shot at mmm you know the one the final scene where he goes and I'm doing it for that reason because I love everything that he represented he [ __ ] went to the people what is it April 11th I'll be there I would love you to be there on the counting and the we released the tickets presale and they sold out in 12 hours both shows Wow this is a massive theater bro I could not [ __ ] believe like I was like crying on the street like a [ __ ] but like a [ __ ] outside of this restaurant you crying like a [ __ ] man you're crying like a brain it was fine like a man who put the [ __ ] work in and now that work is paying off some crazy thing about reality right yeah as I said you can't argue against reality the great thing about reality is you get back what you put the [ __ ] out you've been working yeah yeah hot so now you're getting your [ __ ] just do that's what the [ __ ] is going to happen yeah always yeah never fails yes not one person I know that have talent who not get something back out of yeah you got your just do I just felt amazing man - like it feels surreal it felt surreal to have that many people want me to win and like people want to fly there for that experience and feel so invested in my success it was overwhelming dude like cuz it could be lonely the business you know I'm like when you realize you have that many people grew it for you and like bro just yeah this is the time when you gotta really put your helmet on and really grab your [ __ ] arsenal cuz when you still used to fightin right yeah you finally got what you've been fighting for you like I'm not used to this feel yo Loki do you know shoot know what it makes me do is like for me I cannot wait to deliver the [ __ ] best performances unless you I cannot wait it's it's a different it's a different [ __ ] feeling man I'm like hungry for it because I know it's something that we all built and it's like when you put the bricks together up you know for your own house this is different you're not shooting from a place of defense you're shooting from a place this is what we're doing we dictated this [ __ ] now you got to defend what you built yes that's it and it's like I mean I'm just so excited and just to let you guys know if you we're gonna try to add another show maybe that Sunday and I'm talking production about or maybe you try to find more seats or whatever like that in it but uh so so if any of you guys are just hearing about this now we could make that happen but just to [ __ ] keep you know tabs on Instagram Twitter whatever like that I'll probably post about it but it was brought in thank you man thank you for everything bro I really appreciate you and just like giving me access to so many of your fans and like I don't know let me do it this now you do man you played a huge role in all this and it's like I am forever grateful and and and it's one of those things that like I've tried to pass down as well it's like I recognize and I see you this a lot you're like if you see some with talent you'll give them an opportunity and they got a run with the opportunity first but you will give them an opportunity and it's like that's um you know people always say you know chefs you know Scott Charlemagne this that and I'm like yes but you will have a Charlemont eat somebody well if you're good someone will recognize you and they'll give you a [ __ ] alley-oop and you got to go with it you got to run with it and it's like I feel I hope that hope you feel like I ran with it and I and I best thing you have done is pay it forward to other people yeah it's really important don't stop doing the podcast this [ __ ] but to be worth so much for son money this to me bro like to write for we've been working for a while been working for months in this but I just built out this new content you know Factory in in Brooklyn and it's got you know multiple podcast studios like a little live performance space like it's I mean it's got the green screen it's got everything that we need to keep like churning out content obviously I know it's far away to do idiots there we should have our own space radius but it's one of those things where it's like getting an opportunity like this with the special allows me to reinvest in these studios and like be able to put out all this [ __ ] and it's just it's just it's just dope to be on the forefront of creation and like especially entertainment like shifting entertainment you know I mean it's just like everything we're doing is disrupting it's rebellion and like every rebellion we're like revolution it's the same thing it's the people the people decide they're fed up with the regular [ __ ] they're being fed indeed and they rock with people who are given in the [ __ ] they want and it's just so cool to be I am so excited yeah I am so excited for 2020 to 2025 yeah 2020 to 2025 y'all [ __ ] is gonna see some [ __ ] that y'all have never ever seen before yeah and you gonna see it by all the [ __ ] that you never thought you would see it from what do you mean what do you mean the world the Andrew showed like we winnin bro is it grated we've been we've been waiting for a long [ __ ] time no but I see blue face talking to Duvall I'm like for 20-plus years before he was putting out hit records and all that [ __ ] like you've all been texting me all morning about about what Honduras no he actually asked me something I was like what the [ __ ] are you talking about oh no he asked me about Trump man then he said hey they really bring a good guys back whatever but I don't know the context is but no relax kid mama like knock it off you know I mean like you've been in the game of coke a year or so Duvall been in this game 20-something years making money people understand don't get it like you having a nice little moment that's cute all right Duvall been around for 20-plus years he didn't even understand realize that he was criticizing himself like in the blue phase one point goes yeah dude well had a nice little viral moment everybody has those it's like who's talking and you're experiencing the slow decline of your viral moment I do already go platinum game with gold son you know zany went gold that's a hard-earned bloody comedians go gold with an album he had a number one song in the [ __ ] country on the on the hip hop and R&B charts like stop it he's like comedians shouldn't that nothing blue he's a comedian shouldn't do music Jamie Foxx Eddie Murphy and he was like uh stick to your podcast you know it's a lot of rappers that are podcasters now you know what I mean Wow and he was like he's like radio radio first night well you got the clip boo-boo face Oh comedian didn't try to jump with a rattling can I give an interesting example you know who referred to herself as a comedian four years before she became the biggest female rapper in history ooh cardi B if you look at cardi's earlier posters used to do it yes used to do sketches she called herself a comedian yeah now wasn't stand-up specifically but she didn't enter the game it's like a rapper rapper yeah by the way DC young fly he's gonna blow up in the music he's a young fly reminds me of like what Jamie Foxx does like he's that he's got he's got that look like it's only a matter of time before DC gets a record and that follows that he has what comedy is gonna blow the [ __ ] up so I don't know what the [ __ ] blue face is talking about then I thought even comedians comedians can do damn near everything comedians turning the radio personalities yeah mediums turning the podcast as comedians can be active like comedians have such they have longevity that rappers like blue face usually don't have and I've got it this the blue face it's just the truth we've seen a million of those coming all right Duval man I ain't getting money for 20 blood yeah then I thought I'm putting up the celebrity networks and I'm worth four million and Duval's worth 1.5 like what the [ __ ] right I mean that's a it's not even true the celebrity net worth they said I was worth crazy [ __ ] before I was worth anything what is they use worth I'd ever say I was worth three million dollars like four years ago bro Wow yeah they say I warped in how accurate are we [Music] [Laughter] what was it feedback to the meek thing I know we got a guy here but what was it people from the meek interview interview from what I see I mean I just like having those um I just like having those conversations I loved it you know I mean I just like sitting down talk about brothers who especially somebody like me who out who I've watched from the beginning like I was doing a radio and feeling when meek was on house arrest before he had a yeah deal with Rick Ross and anybody so it's just like you know to see people like that grow and evolve and just say that once that one part before her murder part where they tried to shut him up and then he was like nah people need to know about this oh yeah he was just talking about being on he's saying was taken ten percocets a day ten percocets but the reason somebody like me gots to tell this story yeah it's because juice world's not here to tell his right bless those brothers god bless today but Joe man is people I did that learned yeah other people's mistakes and learn from the all mistakes you realize like me I'm a walking dead man if I don't yeah yeah stop this [ __ ] like he said you can't be a [ __ ] billionaire you can't be a billionaire you know they want to take more pills than they do make money and meek made a conscious decision to say I'm gonna get this [ __ ] bread and you can't you can't do both we've been telling y'all that [ __ ] for years you can't do both but that pill [ __ ] is affecting it's not just rappers bro and it's not just like he's like poor like oxy km why --tz-- like it's rich folks that's just [ __ ] up with - I was down in Salt Lake City I mean how Mormons can't have coffee they can't have alcohol they can't have any of these things but there's nothing on prescription drugs really so you got a lot of [ __ ] devout Mormon pill heads dude it's like a big problem I feel sorry for all those kid like when I see like you know trippy red oh no Trevor you rebels new distributor when I see him say things like you're not doing no more it and I respect that decision yeah but I don't think he understands the tough road that he's about to have you with that [ __ ] cold turkey yeah you gotta go to rehab you gotta go get treatment like you're gonna have withdrawals like that's really gonna affect you in a real way so I really do hope that those brothers get the help that they need but it's not gonna be easy I don't know I didn't [ __ ] it with pills though what they trying to I be wondering what they trying to escape look you gotta get to the root of [ __ ] that's why I'm so big on dealing with mental health and mental health issues cuz a lot of these kids have anxiety already they have depression already and so when they get on this [ __ ] when they start self-medicating and they that escape they've been looking for ya they don't get off their [ __ ] I think that I think when it comes to like people who have success and why they want it is because there's a lot of like pressure with success not to only succeed but to like to not not only to succeed and keep it up but to like who exists as that famous person in every interaction you have where you got to listen 202,000 over groomers I got you guys who talked about this yes because I've noticed that with with and weed or like alcohol what they do is they create this little buffer between you in the world and the people you're interacting with and you and you don't have to like make every moment special for every person you talk to you can kind of just exist in your world with it and I think that famous people crave that because on some level it can be exhausting trying to live up to the standard that all these other people have for you I'll tell you what my therapist told me you just got to feel your feels right yeah and whatever you're feeling in that moment lean into it interesting like I don't have to be everything to everybody yeah but feel like [ __ ] talking I'm not talking initially when you got famous didn't you feel a pressure before frame when you was in school right you know party right but wasn't that heightened when you become this celeb like even remember when Geico really popped off oh yeah yeah yeah and there was an expectation yeah we are me I think it's impossible to not become a caricature of yourself at some point I think the first go around with Fame you become this character I don't think the first girl I think the first the first hit of it the first hit of it is like yeah oh [ __ ] they [ __ ] on me I am a [ __ ] movie hey [ __ ] why the reason I need to do that I need to do this is more for you what's the same as a comedian like you don't have to be funny you have to be interesting right in every situation you actually gotta be I don't have to be funny but [ __ ] always want to talk to me because I'm always talking you gotta just say something dummy [ __ ] hey what do you think of Takashi there is something that's interesting because you're saying that when you're a comic there is one expectation for the interaction and that is laughter right right and with the guy code [ __ ] when it first came around I wasn't prepared for it so I felt like I had to be funny in every moment that I had with these people right and then that Fame disappeared and I got this it was the best thing that could have happened because I got an experience with it I saw it go away and then I saw how much I valued just not having an expectation in interaction yes and now when it came back up through the YouTube videos and obviously success in a podcast and everything I don't feel the pressure to satisfy any of everything because I'm not proving to myself that I'm worth it anymore back with God code it was I probably didn't feel like I deserved yes I probably so now it's like if you know me from stand-up Clips most people see me on the street they it's probably understand of Clips you know how funny you watch the clip hey nice to meet you where was a guy code it was like we're on TV for 30 seconds a day yeah you don't know if it was funny right you know if it wasn't so that it was a real thing for me it was like just getting comfortable in what I am Who I am and there's nothing that does that better than having a fanbase of folks with you instead of a network that [ __ ] at you right because the fan base the network can just pull the rug out whenever they want right the fan base is like now we got you where we going right we've got HBO we going Netflix Hulu where we going right you know and I I want to give both of you guys props for this because I've noticed both of you guys in terms of your actual one-on-one interactions and instead of just a movement like on the street you guys always have time for people I know some celebrities who don't but you know what I mean like I've seen you guys around enough people I've never seen either one of you guys like never a lot of people do but listen I'm getting a little different you know me I just know things are getting a little different I've been in spaces where I have I have seen people have to whisk me through I can't I can't stop and talk to everybody yes I gotta get to the stage right okay I gotta get out here for this flight because if I do stop you it's over it's gonna be a while sorry Stan I understand why some people do that some people are just [ __ ] right some people really got some place to [ __ ] yeah all right make sure you I got a lot of places when you want I got a lot of places to go 20 20 to 20 23 it's about this some [ __ ] is really about to change around this [ __ ] I'm excited in a real way bro yeah like a real [ __ ] way you know the one thing that won't change you know Chris is gonna have lines he's definitely have lives and I'm still not gonna be able to pronounce you help whatever struggles you are facing from depression and anxiety to trauma and grief better help you connect you with a professional counselor in a safe and private online environment it's so convenient you can schedule secure video of phone sessions as well as chat and text your therapist and anything you share is completely confidential best of all it's a truly affordable option or listeners even get 10% off your first month cold idiots so why not get started simply go to better help calm slash idiots and fill out a questionnaire to get master your love today as always if you listen to this podcast you think we're smart you think we're intelligent you think we're brilliant absolutely right if you listen to this podcast and you think we're just a couple of idiots who don't know [ __ ] you're right to is to bring in this podcast thank you for you you
Channel: Brilliant Idiots
Views: 181,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, brilliant idiots, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, charlamagne, charlemange, breakfast club, interviews, wax, paige, taylor, alexx, alexxmedia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 54sec (5754 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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