ATEM Mini Pro | How to stream to MULTIPLE destinations at once

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in this video I'm gonna be giving you a full walkthrough of how you can set up your 8m mini Pro to stream to not just one but multiple locations including Facebook Twitter YouTube twitch and many more all at the same time to begin with you're going to want to make sure that you've got the latest version of the am software control installed on your Mac or PC I'm gonna be doing this all on a Mac but I'll try and put the links on screen for you if you are a PC user of where you can find certain things so make sure that's installed because then we'll be able to locate the streaming XML file now to do that on a Mac you're going to want to go into your hard drive your Mac HD then library application support Blackmagic Design you're going to go quite the way through switches and then in there you'll find a file called streaming XML of course the other way to do that is you can just go up to go open a Finder window hit go go to folder and then input this location here and it will take it straight to that folder and you'll find the extremely XML in there if you're on PC I will put the link that you need to use or the folder location that you need to use in the video just down the bottom here now so if you're a PC user use that instead now to give you a bit of an explanation of what this streaming XML file is it's basically a file that houses the data that the ATM's software control uses to know where you want your stream to go or to sit it has a bank of streaming profiles so let's open it up because this is what we're gonna edit ah you're going to want to use a text editor I like using here on Mac one called Adam because it formats it nicely so it makes it easier to read so I'll just wait for Adam to fire up here in here you have it comes custom with Facebook twitch and YouTube here I've also added another one which I'll show you in a second already but what you have is you have the the name of the destination that you want to go to then down here you've got the URL which is the rtmp endpoint for where you're sending the day - for that destination and then you've got the various different profiles which dictate what bitrate the atemi Pro will be sending that stream out and for each location you've got three streaming profiles streaming high streaming medium and streaming low and for each of those there is two different bitrate figures depending on what you have your 8m mini Pro Set - in terms of the video standards so if you have it set to a high frame rate like 50 frames per second or 60 frames per second it's going to use this larger figure so if you'll see here it says config resolution 1080p 60fps the same applies for 50 fps and then you've got if you're looking at the streaming high profile you've got this large that be 9 megabits per second if you're streaming at 24 25 or 30 frames per second it's going to use the slightly lower one because it doesn't need that higher bitrate and as I say you've got those three streaming profiles so I tend to keep these all the same even when I'm creating new locations in this file the only reason that really you would need to change this is if you have a drastically bad or in fact the main reason you're going to want to change this if you've got a great internet connection something like a dedicated fiber line for example you could then up these bit rates and get a higher quality out using these so you know you can double this and then you can either - have a really good quality when you use the streaming high profile so that is a brief explanation of what each one of these is and I'll just select if you select from service to service that is one location profile so that is Facebook and I'm actually going to copy that and I'll tell you why in a second so I'll copy that then there's a line break and you've got your second one which is twitch there's a little bit of an addition here because they have different servers based on what location you're in so blackmagic have also given you the option to list location servers which then show up in the software control for you to click on so that's exactly the same layout for twitch and you'll see here exactly the same layout for YouTube as well now what I've already done is I've added periscope on here and to do that as you just saw I selected Facebook and then I just did a line break here and pasted Facebook in down here just before the slash streaming because that's the end of the file so I just pasted that one in and then all I changed was the name to periscope and the server was kept it on default and I just went to my periscope and found the rtmp ingest stream URL and I've pasted that in here on this on this file and I haven't changed anything else I've kept all the bit rates exactly the same as for the others and that is essentially how you add new streaming profiles to this streaming XML and then when you open up the ATM software control panel which should already have open yep now if we go to output you'll see I've got periscope as an option there I'm going to close it down for a second because we're gonna add another one in here so I've quit the software control I've already copied to my clipboard that Facebook one so I'm just gonna open up another line because we now want to add a third-party distribution service something like re-stream I like to use caster or grabby Oh everything that I do here applies to whichever one you choose I tend to go for caster because I like their plans but I know a lot of people use restream i'm gonna show caster on this video and but exactly the same applies if you want to use restream so what I'm going to do is I pasted that in I did a line break and I pasted it in I'm gonna change the name to caster and now we need to go and find what that URL is so I'm gonna go into cast o which I should already have open there and this is a brand new account I've created just for this demo so we're gonna click Add stream and new simulcast because that's what it is called and I'm using a trial here so we're just gonna do a spectral so I wanted to show you what it is like from from the beginning so if you wanted to also create a free trial forecaster this is exactly the setup that you go through so stream name we're going to call black magic ate em mini Pro and then the region I'm uk-based so I'm gonna say you UK London but you select the one that's closest to you and then hit save now we don't need any of their info now this gives us the option to find our rtmp ingest stream which is here so I'm just going to copy that and that's what I'm gonna paste into the streaming XML file so let's select that URL and replace the Facebook one I think I need to there we go take away the P and there and as I say I'm happy with all these bitrate settings so now I can just go to file save and save that file I can close it down now one important thing to mention if I just bring back here you have to save that far as the streaming XML that's the file that the 8m mini pro or the ATM control software reads when it opens now what I did when I first got my 8m Mini Pro unit and I would recommend for you to do the same is I just duplicated this streaming XML file and renamed it to streaming original dot XML the ATM and he probably won't see that it won't affect the settings at all but what it means is if I pulls up something with the file one day I've always got an original of the one that came with the unit that all I would have to do is just rename to streaming dot XML and it would work perfectly fine so yeah any changes that you make make sure it's in it's in the file called streaming XML you can have other ones there but that's the only one that the atemi Pro will see so now that we've done that we've saved the file we can open back up the Blackmagic switcher software the control service there it is open back up and one of the things that your straight away notice is if we go to the output tab go to a live streaming we now have caster as an option so again if you wanted to remove all the ones that you weren't using and just have one you could go into that streaming XML file delete all the ones that you don't need and just leave the one that you do and that would be the only one that shows up in this list so now what happens when we want to stream to caster so that we can distribute it to multiple platforms at the same time it's really simple we select caster here and the only other things that we need to do we can keep it's just the default server we only put one endpoint in quality I'm going to select for my bandwidth just for this testing is streaming medium you would select whichever one you have decided works best for you and then we need to input the streaming key that caster gives us now I'm okay to show you my key on this video because good streaming practice practice will tell you to not use persistent keys and so always regenerate your key after every time that you've used it and that's what I do I never use the same key more than once and after I've ended a broadcast I'll just delete that key and regenerate a new one ready for the next time so I can show you this one it's fine because it won't be available by the time this video is online so let me go over to castor and all I'm gonna do is where it says streaming key in castor I'm gonna click show and I'm just gonna copy this streaming key here and I'm gonna paste it in to where it says key on the ATM in E Prime and that's it it is really that simple I can now click on air and the 8mm Pro will start pushing out a stream to castor and if we go over there you know I can click display settings we can see down the bottom here we've got a good 7.2 going out and if we go over to castor well hey there I am I'm showing up so we can see that it's getting the feed nicely in castor it also gives you some stats as well about the feed so we can see it's getting about the seven-year 6.9 going in full HD and I'm actually pushing a 50 frames per second feed to castor now which is the part that you've all come here to is well you've got that feed going into restream or castor or grab yo whichever one you're using how do you then distribute it to Twitter Facebook wherever twitch mixer all simultaneously at the same time and that's where the software comes really into light mmm so now that you've got that let's just go into it we want to add published platform so I'm gonna click the Add button here in castor you've got all of these options of where you can distribute your stream to Facebook live YouTube twitch mixer there's loads and then they've also got I believe periscope as well a custom rtmp points so if you want your stream to go maybe to a client who's got their own player and their own content delivery network behind a paywall even you would use custom rtmp for this demonstration let's give I tell you what I've got our YouTube event I know that is set up in my YouTube account which I can use so I personally don't like to log into third-party sites again I'm security conscious with my login details I would much rather go and generate the stream key details on YouTube and then put them in to caster so let's say set up with stream key and now we just need the streaming server and the stream key so on my other desktop I have those details let me find them so we just go over to youtube go to YouTube studio I'm gonna click the live button here and then go to manage once it loads up because I already have a restream testing but we're using cast oh it's fine so I go into here and I want to get cancel that oh no always it's forcing me I love when YouTube does this if force me say no it's not made for kids so I'll just say say say to that and then here we've got our streaming URL so I'm gonna copy that streaming URL I'm gonna take it to castor and paste that in there then I'm gonna go back and I'm gonna copy my stream key and I'm gonna paste that into there click Save what's really interesting is apparently it's getting a feed from somewhere but I don't I think that must have been the last test I did just the rest of that but let's see so now that's it up okay and to activate that stream all I have to do is toggle the on button it will say connecting I can rename it if I want to so in case I've got loads of these now it says connected we can go over here maybe I'll give the page a refresh and here we go we've got excellent connection and if we go over to the stream health it does say the stream is healthy let's see what the delay is I'll give a little wave to the camera here I'd usually expect for YouTube somewhere between 1015 seconds of delay so I reckon we've had about five seconds so far okay not as bad as I thought around about seven to ten seconds I think I've seen you know for gaming sites down to two or three seconds of delay from what's sending out from the ATM mini Pro to the site for YouTube I see somewhere between seven and sometimes twenty but yep we can see the streaming health is good everything is going fine so now if I wanted to all I would have to do is click go live here so you can see a stream is going out to youtube that's stream number one ready to go now let's say that we wanted to also distribute this to Twitter or periscope at the same time so I'm going to click periscope here and I'm going to go over to my periscope app and you can do this on the web as well actually maybe it's probably so that I can show you how to generate keys let's do that on here so just go to periscope TV you're going to go to the three dots in the top right hand corner that's a lie or not you're going to click on your face there and you're going to go to producer and here are all your instances of where you can connect to we're just going to create a new one down at the bottom here we're gonna call it caster again guys all these stream keys will be invalid after this video goes out so you can't even I mean even if you get to connect to them you have to physically one of the reasons I like using stream keys and not logins is because you have to physically be logged in to the site to start the broadcast so even if one of you were to stream to one of these endpoints the video wouldn't go out anywhere unless pi logged into my account I press the start broadcast button so that's why I say it's good practice to do it this way let's edit the region because I don't want to do it from France let's say uke you Island save the region find the one closest to you I'm gonna copy that and go over to caster because we're using that I'll paste it in here and then we'll get the stream key for that which is there and we'll also paste that stream key in as well you can see how easy it is hit save and now all I have to do is turn on periscope and I'll bring up my periscope app here and we will find it in periscope let's go so you open up the periscope app go to settings go to periscope producer if I scroll all the way down you'll see there we go wait for it to load there I am there or I'll turn the volume down a little bit and the delay on that isn't as much as YouTube but there I am in periscope at the same time if I flip back to being in YouTube as well so you can see there we're now starting to stream to multiple locations at the same time now again we can add more places we can add a Facebook live on to this we could add a twitch on to this we could add a mixer on to this we can have as many locations as really you're willing to pay for with the platform it's why I like caster they offer a really good 7-day free trial to actually get going with this and then once you decide how many platforms you feel you need that's when you can then upgrade to the various plans and that is how you livestream using the 8m mini pro to multiple platforms at the same time now if you've got any questions from this video please do put them in the con it's below trust me I try and keep on top of the comments as much as possible and reply to as many of you as possible if you don't get a direct reply from me don't worry it could also mean that I've selected your question to feature in my next Q&A video and so look out for those because your answer to your question might be in one of those videos as well if you're new on the channel and you found this video useful please do hit the subscribe button we're growing rapidly there's a load of brand new a 10 mini and a TMNT Pro users that are wanting to find out as much as possible and it's great to find you here I have a bunch of more videos coming out as well I've got ones on macros ones on networking and hardwiring the ATM mini pro so that everything is hardwired in I've got I had so many people ask me about how you or how I did my live comments on my live stream and using graphics with the 8m mini Pro that video I'm happy to say is in the works it's taking a little longer than I would like but it is gonna be coming out hopefully within the next few days so check out that as well make sure you're subscribed turn on the notification bill so that you don't miss that when it comes out and yeah the last thing I would love for you guys to do if you did find this useful please do hit the thumbs up button it really does help and I really appreciate everyone that does that and yeah just let me know if you found this video useful and you want more of this type of stuff thanks very much for watching and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Alex Pettitt
Views: 79,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ATEM MINI PRO, Blackmagic atem mini pro, Blackmagic mini pro, ATEM live stream, atem pro, ATEM, Live Streaming, Live Stream, Live Stream Machine, Capture card, livestream, black magic, atem mini pro live, atem mini pro features, live stream gaming, atem mini pro gaming, pocket cinema camera, pocket cinema atem mini pro, atem mini pro camera, restream, castr, atem mini pro restream, atem mini pro stream multiple, multi-stream, similcasting atem
Id: iZx2tSuFjio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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